The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 24, 1893, Image 7

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rue Greatest Eacs Eicr Saen ii in-
Great SimEle Fro- SUft to
Finih-Blh Crcwa t Ex
cellent Trim.
March 22.-Today lor the
Vfieth time th. crew, of O.lurd and
ImbrMg wt In their ibeiu on m
L . i - i ... ,Im life, and Ox-
f.aluea iuu n v-
rdwon her 27th victory. TlitH-ourae u
a . lnfna afttifi
fce hiatone tretcn uemwi
Jortlake, four and and a quarter mllea.
...i. i r. ti.a riwr waa lined with
p, lmrpt, wlierrie. and all manner of
i. ....l-tltur eiulitaeer. Aahora
j .a ... rav show of bunting
Along the conn lcinia were filled
ith jraily drwl ladiea. Tbe atari
iook pltKY from Mone lUd bridg at
(pntnev. Cambridge on the tow and
L hot tbe Surrey ame. n
L with a alhflit wind.
yul l-ii6 in readineaa the official atarter
rvd a fintol. and amid tbe .nouta 01
i..,;.r and the hoothiff and acreaniiiig
f steam hi"tlea and airrna, the ercaa
,ot upstream. U ol eaciu-iuent
. i .i.nnik of emxmrai-nient to both
nMU. aUitifr the coarse a the ioaU
wrr m
Vme in aight. and aa they pasaed craft
1 every kind to be aeen on the Tliauiea
lawd in behind and crowded after. At
fcjuer'i boatboune (..arolirwlg waa
f!iDg by three fet. In the last half
the race Oiford forjred ahead. At the
rw.iurtera point Oxford a lit feet
..u.n.-H mJ led bv a Tard at Chit-
Lk Eyot, about 2S milea from the
Wi. They niaintainta tbe lead to me
L i ... I .,.n !. Irnrtlia. Tha rare
Ha, ... v .
La of aJded intereat thi year by reaaon
liie pro pertire apt,ranee 01 ineee
iiouirreira in America against liar-
LrHorYale. So a conn risen of the
fine made at borne and abroad becoiuea
matter of importance. In the four-
1 I - IT- - 1 V.(. It.n wimvmr
pur mT, iiwiwm . . . .
fcualied the time made by Oxford last
i-sr. in me instance wai covereu
Oxford ' time aa 1H:J7. The time of
r rai-e ii the bert ever made over the
iurw. The beet previoua time aa
lat of Oxford lart year, 19 niiimtea21
Tha Hll raolly.
VI' ..imw.ti.x Mnr. il ?2. The I'.laine
iiuily aill remove in Ue apring from
I- hictoric old house on LAfayette
Jure. Mm. IUaine returned here a
day ap from New York, and, al
ni;h the family givet no intimation to
1 c u-itnide world aa to the object of
tint trip, it ia (rjrmiaed to have I pen iu
nneetion with the offer recently made
Vy Mm. I". S. Grant to pnrchaee the
"v;ertr. The family will leave Wah-
iTtoii earlv in .May and go abroad for a
friir reaiilrm. Tb liar llarhnr
l'-e will bo leaaed. Mm. Waine'a plan
t' f direct to London and take a
ne in the auburlia. She w ill be ae
imnied by Miea Ilattie ISIaine, J.
Blaine, jr., and the Copplnger I
t poasible that Mra. Kmmoca Blaine
ay ioin them. The greater portion of
year'a aWnce from thia country
1 lie rpent in London.
Chirac KaaM-blaa; Oat ta Maale.
City or Mexico, March 22. Kepre-
utativea of Chicago capitaliita are
re to arrauge for an extensive packing
ae. They expect to receive concee-
ni from the government. Branch
im will be eatabliahed in the princi-
"Uetol Mexico. Thw greater tor
n of Mexioo'e eupply of live and
'ed purk cornea from Chicago and
urn! City. An effort if to be made
eaconrage the production of hoga in
r-raautaatlal Msmlaatlwaa.
W'akiiixotok, March 22. The preai
"t tu at-nt the following nomination :
Mio fi. Keyuiour, of Connecticut,
"miwioner of patent.
riM W r.l U' win. ii
"iniimioner of the general land office.
""am II. Sim, of Mijninippl, Jirnt
' mT tary of the Interior.
A. Bower, of Wanhington,
i aitant commiaaioner of the
'"I land ofCce.
(enry Q, fc,; mX)B& deputy om-
Lorton, of Tenneasee. United
circuit judge of the aixth judicial
rcY K. White, I'nited btatea mar-
. ebraVa.
Judd, of Mieaouri, conBul-g-u-"t
allform,.., a-1,.4,.
r' Cal.. March 22.-The water
aixut f,t during the night.
7""nnea ruling thia morning. The
i ahining briirhtlv. and ore ran
through fwn on tlie aidewalk
getting hia feet wet. There are
at many break in tl. In
fh and lU'aJv and Pu.Ir. l.l....1a
loa i rery heavy. All the atnam
fuiliai m M
"a, ana no more trouble I an
fd. Buxioeas ia roawmed, and
ythinv (a Biiwlna I. .. I
ala4 Nil Llkcrtjr.
ll aoanda like a queer anomaly to aay
that friendahip may exiat between
jailer and captive, and yet it ia often
true, and to thia very fa t la due the
rat-ape of a V. 6. priaoner from the
county Jail thia morning. John Fitxger
aid, the jailer, about 5 o'clock thia morn
ing opened the cell door and aaked the
priaoner it he wanted to etretch hia leg
and get in an armful of wood. He re
iponded with alacrity, and when the
jailer'e back waa turned, juat after let
ting hitu out, he made a break for the
door and aaoceeded In gaining hia lib
erty. Thia ia the firat eerape from onr
Jail iu three year, and though it
amounta to nothing and it perhapt bet
ter for the county for the reaaon that
the priaoner haa learned hia leneon fully
aa well aa if he had errved hia time, a
the Mine time aaving the county ex
penae, yet the Jail officials feel very
much cnt-np over the affair.
1MB l.
Thia morning at 6 o'clock Mr. Ida J.
Mann, wife of I). W. Mann, aged 27.
The family came to The lalle about
five rear ago from Canada. Mra. Mann
leaves a little boy four year old, beaide
the honband. The funeral will take
place at 1 :''& o'clock tomorrow after
noon. BORN.
To the wife of K. P. Ash. Cascade
Ixx k, on Monday night, a daughter.
hi)oh'a core, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, i for sale by ?nipe & Kin
ernly. Pocket aire contain twenty-five
doea,nly 2V. Children love it. told
by Snipe A Ktneraly.
Today will be olwerved in Chicago by
a le?al holiday, being Kaiser Wilhelm'
birthday. This motion was made by a
German alderman who aeerted that
since St. Patrick' day baa been declared
a legal holiday, equal courteey waa due
the German population. Mayor Wash
burne add leased a sarcastic note to tbe
council, telling them tliat if tbe calendar
day cannot be exhausted by foreign
saint and heroes, they might fill out
the remainder by observing tbe birth
day of a number of Americans.
Orea-oa's balra-alloa a-f Baafcara.
WAHiiisoToa, March 22. The ex
pected arrival of Dan Murphy and other
anxiou aspirant for office from Oregon,
today, created something of a flurry
among the colony in thia city. Murphy
wants to be district attorney. Kinanuel
Myers wants to succeed ' Jim Ixtan.
With the exception of Kobert A. Miller,
of Jacksonville, who aspires to succeed
Minister Thompson at Constantinople,
tlie Oregon delegation is not reaching
out very much for large positions, con
fining it attention mostly to place in
Oregon and Alaska. Senator Dolph
called today on the president and intro
duced W. T. Muir. A b? fight U being
made for appraiser of Portland, as the
present Incumbent has served four years
Tony Noltner has the inside track
Samuel Adair, of Astoria, and Henry
Blackmau.of Heppner, lath filed ap
plication in the treasury dejMutment
today, one for collector of Portland, and
the other for collector of internal revenne,
( blaiaa Esrlaaloa., March 22. Secretary
Carlisle haa replied to certain inquiries,
as to whether he will enforce the pro
visions of the Chinese exclusion act, a
follows: "As the ait of May 5th, lS.r,
entitled 'an act to prohibit the coiuinj of
Chinese person into the United States,'
has not been repealed, it will be en
forred so far as lies within the jwwer of
this department. Section 14 of the act
approved May 6th, 18J2. entitled 'an
act to execute certain treaty stipulations
relating to Chinese,' provide that
'hereafter no state court of tbe United
State (hall admit Chinese to citizen- j
ship, and all law in conflict with this
act are hereby repealed.' This provis
ion of the law being in fall force, the
naturalization of Chinese is therefore
lUegal. Chinese merchants established
in business in tbe United States, who
may depart therefrom with the inten
tion of returning thereto, will be per
mitted to land upon submission to the
collector of customs at the port of first
arrival of evidence sufficient to satisfy
him of their indentlty as uch returning
merchants. Chinese person not of the
exempt class, as for instance lauudry
men, residing in the United State, and
who may depart therefrom, will not be
permitted to return."
Itloaat's Pwwara.
Washixgtok, March 22. Commis
sioner Blount haa gone to Honolulu
clothed with extraordinary authority.
Should any trouble arise on the islands
ending his investigation, the narul
rouimandtr and Minister Steven will
lie expected to follow hi advice. He
ha discretionary orders, it is said, to
decide after his arrival whether a con
tinuance of the temporary protectorate
is desirable and whether the American
sailor should be continued on shore.
Want ta F.strad Their Trad a.
CiTV or Mrxico, March 22. Preaident
Diae 1 very anxious to establish closer
trade relation between Mexico and
Central and South Ameiican countries.
To thi end he ha sent an authorized
commissioner to those countries to bring
the matter before those governments.
Jolea Bros, have early Kose seed pota
toes for aale.
J ad (a Iaa4 !(.
lion. Matthew P. Peady, judge of the
United Slate district court, ia dying.
The judge, who ha been rapidly fail
ing in health for several years, waa taken
very ill about two weeks ago, and since
then ha been confined to hi room In
The Hill. Although hi condition haa
been considered very serious, the an
nouncements were made that his indis
position was of a slight nature, and that
he would soon resume his seat on the
Dr. Curtia C. Strong, the attending
physician, who haa been almost con
stantly at Judge IVady's bedside, was
hastily summoned yesterday afternoon,
and found the patient sinking rapidly.
Dr. Holt C. Wilson in immediately
called in consultation, which lasted sev
eral hours, and both of the physician
realized the hopelessness of the rase.
All night the judge lay in a comatose
condition, bnt thia morning he rallied
sufficiently to be able to recognize his
w ife and sons, Paul H. Deady and Ed
ward X. Deady, who are constantly at
his bedside. Another consultation waa
held this morning and the sick man'
family were given to understand that no
ho for recovery can be entertained.
The judgo lie like one asleep, and
seems but tho shadow of his former self.
He appears to suffer no acute pain, and
his condition is due to a general break
ing down, induced by old age and over
taxation of the nervous system.
m Ialdadly Chilly Mara Is Orogoa,
According ta tha Trlagram.
A Telejrain reporter in yesterday'
issue, prints an interview from a "well
known gentleman in Portland who just
returned from an extended trip through
Eastern Oregon." If he is very well
known he must be known as a consum
mate liar. The entire article, nearly a
column long, is told in a vein that
shonld inspire disbelief to the most
gnllible, and a closer analysi would re
veal to a stupidly ignorant person that
the individual is possessed of Munchau
sen proclivities, minus that author's
brilliance and plausibility. Not the
following. In the first column are ex
tracts from thi interview and opposite
are the actual facts:
The hill of Was-' Plowing and sow
m; Gilliam, Morrow ing Is general all
and Crook countic? over Eastern Ore
are covered with gon. Potatoes even
snow, and the frozen are being plant-d.
ground only melts The crow havear
in the noon sun to rived, announcing
freeze again with that it is time to
nightfall. plant corn.
The outlook ia far from many inter
from encouraging'views publish: 1 in
for successful sea- tlie last two weeks
son, and from all irom sir epinen, our
indications tbe wsol readers know this
and mutton snpnly to t a untrue. Two
will be short tui's fer cent, loss is the
vear. (highest any report.
Tbe mortality a-' All have plenty of
inong laml from feed and, if not, nay
cold will this vear'can be got anywhere
!e large, and lack at from $S to flO
of feed gives rise to per ton, and plenty
hraveapprehension.of it.
At the present! We should think
time sheep are trav-;not. A roan trav
eling from three toelingat this rate of
four miles an hour, sjeed would not
and even at that have time enough
rate cannot secure to look at the scen
enonvh to eat. jerv.
With the ther- The thermometer
tnometer hovering has not been down
about zero the lamb to zero since early
eoires Xi certain in February, and
death. Heat is the since that time has
prime factor in his seldom been below
welfare, sn l unless Si degrees. If a
that can - given lamb's chances for
his chuiici for life life depended on an
are small. The average sheepherd-watcbfulsheepherd-er
gathering pra-ie
er must have at chips and k eping
hand appliances for up a bonfire, the
furnishing artificial sheep industry
heat. In some cases would nd' "d suffer,
a house and stoves Sh: jpberder are
are provided, in not usual U- that en-
others open fircergetic they are
are built. jnot built that way.
Sherar, Young, O-j When the inform
'Neil and the Kel- unt get down to
seys, of Wasco, own aames he iscouipel
htrgehandsof sheep, led to put a rosier
and they are well tint Hfj his indigo-
tirovidt d' with f; -d, hu" 1 mixture. He
ut fear tlie cold, don't like it though
and these are ex-and kill it with
ception. ("exceptions."
In cattle there is The crank would
no doubt that the alo annihilate the
estimate of loss is cattle industry, if
ncarlv accurate, and he could, aud after
will not fall short of giving hi lielief
the higher figures, that the loss wetild
Dead rattle line the reach the highest
roadside, and away jiossible figure, tin
in the fields, at the ishes with a somber
tjttoms of gulches description of a
and along water scene inspired by
courses the carcass-the sight of a dead
es are thickly placed cow In a gulcli.
The writer, furtunutely for himself,
would not give his name, but it is re
markable that the Telegram rejwrter
could be so imposed upon by a
croaker w hose lightest word i calculated
to freeze the blood and make each par
ticular hair stand on an end like quills
ujion the fretful porcupine.
Woailrrru! Skill.
Prof. J. Aloe performed yesterday in
fitting a glass to Miss D. Alloway, the
daughter of the agent of the I. P. A A.
Nav. Co., that she is able to see at a
distance and read with one lens while
the Portland occulist compiled her to
nse two kind of lenses.
The Columbus caravel, Plata and
Nina, have arrived at Havana, under es
cort of the United warship New York
and Bennington on their way to lake
part in the Columbus naval review.
ara, Toelh aad Nail.
Affairs at the lock are not in a very
promising state at present. Lieut. Tay
lor, who unfortunately haa charge of tbe
government machinery at the plant, is
doing everything within hi power to
retard the work, displaying an auto
cratic assumption and self-sufficiency
that is not only aggravating but discour
aging. A few day ago the Day Bro.
had occasion to move the large derrick
to their field of operation, when their
use wa peremptorily forbidden, with
out even the oor satisfaction of assign
ing a reason for such action. "No tool
or rolling stock belonging to the gov
ernment (ball be taken out of this
yard," wa the order, and Day Bro.
were compelled for the time to submit.
A coon aa they fully realized what w as
to be the policy, Mr. Day, sr., left at
once for Washington where he will
plead his cause and lay tbe facta before
tbe administration in such way as, it
ia hoped, will result in ridding the
locks of the human obstruction. He
will have to do this before he can hope
to accomplish the completion of his
contract, as it is within the power of
the enemies of the open river to delay
work so long that when high water
comes it will fill the canal, and then
nothing can be done nntil it recedes
The Day brothers, on the other hand
are doing everything they can to accel
erate work. It i learned they will work
the men ten hour a day, and not eight,
a many suppose, construing the gov
ernment legislation as not applying to
those who take contracts from govern
ment. Another new rule (for the locks)
is that the men shall be at the ground
at 7 o'clock, instead of leaving home at
that hour.
A skilled-labor applicant for work
was told Monday by tbe superintendent:
"We don't want skilled workmen ; we
want rustlers." The inference is plain
that work at tbe lock will be pushed
when there is clear sailing. A number
of men are at present working ia the
timber, on the tramway and in
the quarry, and some few Bro at
work on the buildings in the ground
but just at present no new men
are being employed and the main part
of the work will be held in abeyance un
til Mr. Diy adjusts matters at Washing
ton, if he should be so successful.
Tha Allen Fare Will lojara the Urn
liabllcans Taaler Will Case.
Seattle, Wash., March 17, 1893.
(Special to Tux Chboniclb.) It Is the
universal opinion of all thinking men
that the proceedings of the late legisla
ture of Washington have conduced to
lower the republican party, and to con
firm the issues in the next campaign be
tween the democrats and the people's
party. General satis'iction on the part
of the republican is expressed bv virtue
of the governor appointing Mr. Allen
United States senator, but much doubt
is expressed as to the probabilities of
the senate confirming Mr. Allen's ap
pointment. In case the cnate doe not
confirm this appointment, and seat Mr.
Allen, the state of Washington will be
obliged to be represented by only one
United States senator for the next two
years. This, of courst, to all well
thinking people, is not at all desirable,
owing to the fact that Washington is a
young state, and should, of necessity,
have a full representation.
The famous Y'esler will case has come
to an unsuccessful termination. A mo
tion to dismiss has been filed after the
time haa elapsed in which the pros eat
ing attorney thould file the information.
Tlie motion has not yet been heard, and
yesterday the information waa filed,
but, under our statutes, the probabili
ties are that the information will be
dismissed, and the motion will be
granted. In case this is tho termina
tion, it will appear rather farcical to
have occupied nearly three week in the
preliminary examination, and then al
low it to go by default. In case the
court rule adversely to the state, Mrs.
Ycler will receive her proportion of Mr.
Yeeler's wealth, which is one-half of the
estate, after the debt and liabilities are
Latter from Mr. and Mra. Coram.
We have received a letter from Mr. H.
J. and Mrs. C. E. Coruin, Waplnitia,
announcing the death of their little girl,
May, nearly four years old, mention of
which was made in yesterday' Chko.
icLr. The letter shows that while the
parents are heart-broken, they are re
signed to the Divine will.
From the standpoint of poor human
ity, w ho can calculate only upon things
material, death seems tn be a sad calam
ity, and when it hikes a little one In the
springtime of life, standing just nion
its threshold; a wee prattler, uncon
scious alike of the joys and sorrows of
earthly existence, It seem unnatural.
Nothing can be said to assuagii tho pres
ent grief of the parents; like Itachcl,
weeping for her children and would not
be comforted Ik cause they were not, the
Image of their llittle one will recur i
them throughout the years to come;
but when finally, wearied with the sor
row of earth, they themselves approach
the bank of the silent river, may they
be welcomed by a little bark from the
other ide, driven by their child, now
the deathles spirit little May.
Kev. Mr. Ireland, of Mosier, is In the
Mr. W. C. McClure of Viento, is in
the city today.
Supt. Baxter's car went east today,
having ou board Master Mechanic
Gibhs, of Albina.
Columbia A McLeod, Klngslry; (j
Rider and wife, G L Oarrist, Oregon
City; Mrs Burrell, Des Chutes; OK
Goerresev, W C Dawson and wife,
Samuel Alstour, Martin Mortimer, Port
land; J W Dogles, 8 S Hill, A J Brown,
Dufur; W Wenglow, Vancouver; 1)
Grosham, O Grosham, C F Holt, Clack
amas; John F Goruiek, John Days;
John Grant, Pendleton.
Skibbe Edward Burke. Portland ; W
D Munger, Kingsley; K Parmer and
wife, Dufur; Chas Brown, Umatilla; It
F Wickham, Lono Well ; Mrs M Hanry
and four children.
J. N. Burgess, Bakeoven, is in t wii.
Mr. E. G. Sylvester went to Portland
C. L. Morris, Wapinitia, is register: d
at the Umatilla.
C. Caldwell, Portland, came up yes
terday on tbe noon train.
Missc3 Maie Williams and Laura Bur
gess came up from Portland on the mid
night passenger train last night.
D. C. McAtee, Fitzpatrick and
Lee Morris arrived from Tygh in a buck
board yesterday and returned today.
Mr. E. Littlcfleld, brother-in-law of
Judge Bradshaw, leaves on the Regula
tor touiorrow morning for McMinnville.
Col. Goo. H. Knaggs, the veteran, is
in the city visiting old friends. Tho
colonel is nn old-timer, and recollects
when the Columbia was only navigable
for bateaux and small boats.
Win. Buskirk, of Hood River, came
up on today's train and called on Thk
Ciikoniclk. Hood River has now 125
scholar of school age, and when he ar
rived there five year ago it only had 2-3.
Five times 25 is 123 that's right.
G. D. Wood worth, of Sherman county,
arrived today. This gentleman is one
of the foremost farmers of that country,
having about 800 acres in wheat alone.
He says that the cool weather and frosty
nights have injured the fall-sown grain
more or less. Tho later sown grain is in
fine condition. No loss of stock to
speak of so far this winter. Grass grow
ing slowly.
Mr. Chas. Fraley, of Kingsley, is in
the city.
Mr. Chas. Deitzel return"d from
Prineviile last evening.
Mr. Jas. K. McClure, of Wapinitia, is
in the city on land business.
Mr. W. J. Davidson of Endersby, is
on the streets of The Dalles today.
F. G. Connolly went down on the Reg
ulator yesterday morning to pay A. H.
Jewett the amount of his insurance,
400, insured with tho State Insurance
Rev.J. C. Orchard returned from a
winter's stay in the Willamette a few
days ago. He reports the winter in that
portion of Oregon as being stormy, hav
ing experienced more snowfall than
usual and this season of the year as late
and backward.
Columbia W T Wooden, Clyde
Wash; A Buckeye and son, Win War
ren, A O Olsson, G'orge Egbert, W
Smith, Portland ; C D Hartman, Silver
ton; J L Burns, Prineviile; J W Pres
bo, Columbus; James Hogle, Omaha,
Neb; Harry Panroy, If Morris, Wallula;
H Holliman, Hoou River; J Whealdon,
Oaksdule; Wm Lyth, Harrishurg; 8J
Dryden, Wyeth ; M McRav, Umatilla;
8 L Carson, Valentine, Neb.v
Skiblw Hotel. James Rogle, Hugh
McGuire, C North, Wm Burns, Port
land; Roads Fish, Highland Kansas;
Jno McMullen, Seattle, Wash. ; Frank
Brown, Bake Oven; Chas Brown, Uma
tilla; Miss E Crabtrce, Wapinita.
II. 8. Department of Agriculture Wea
ther Bureau.
Pobtlasd, March 20, 1803.
The chief of the Weather Bureau di
rects tbe publication of the following
data, compiled from the record of ob
servation for the month of April, taken
at this station for a period of 21 years.
Minii or normal U,niw,rHtnn M:Zf.
Ilia wiimu April auntliutot IHMi, x Ith an
avT(TP of 'k'jA
Tlie n.M.-t April wm thnt of IM, with an
BVerHireiif KUJ.
The hiht KMnptrature flu rind any April waa
KSou the th, lw.J.
Tim limpet tempi'Hitiire during any April whs
2h ou the 7th. lv.'i.
A venue dnte on which lnt "killings front or
curred (iti sprlnif), ou the llth.
ritKi'i imtatioN (rain atitl invited miow).
Average for the Month, ;l.'l llif hen.
Average number of daya Willi .01 of an Inch or
uiore, 1".
The Kreati'at monthly precipitation waa 7.SS
Inches in 1: :.
The leaat monthly pr f Ipltition was I I ! In
die In 1".
1 lie grcHttut amount of pr '-'f pltutlon rcconliil
In any 1 consecutive houra waa 1.: I inch on
the -i, 1-a'I.
rit na A n wiatiiek.
Average ntimlierof coutllci dava, rt.
Avertmu initnlHT of kirtly clouuy ilnya, U.
Avvrtrrv uuiiilier of cmtnly Uaya, 14.
TheTirevHllitiirwInilihaveheen from theaottth.
1 lie lilulii-l velocity of the wlml fliirlnir any
April wna from tho eolith" nt, 40 nilleaoiithe
.'nil, ivjj. ii. r. rAUl a, wia rvcr.
I 50 i im O'jt If WILL NOT con t,
..l.l liutivaaurt NKHV h lllMU.
Solil hjr lruKaT"or sent hy mall, ttc.,600 ,
and $1.00 per package. Hani plea frne
Tba Favorite T00TI rowce
for tbe Teeth and ItreaiU. auo.
For tale by Sol pea at Klaeraly.
W50fOn ACA'-it I r Will NOT COHil,
To hcrtcllvcml aller 'healing, for anv Infor
mation ilenlred, apply l
rlhentr'a iliiilge I', 0., Or.
Or (1. V. WKI.I.H.
IJ llth Ht., Portland, Or.
Tho Imported llvlgUn
Stallion, OOOO.
Will tind for the ki anon of 1MKI,
At KIchmonit'aHt.ihle In The llulli nn Krlilaya
anil hntmihiya; at Ike Youuf'a on Monday
and Tin ilny.; at K. HniKljiraw', mile writ
of tto)d t'. O., oil Wcdncadava.
C.CCC " Importi-d In 1MM by l. P. Htubbw
A Hon.. of Ka rtlelrt, Iowa. He la a
l:irl liny. Willi lilnck I'oluta, ami ia revlntvr 1
at III ilk eld an No. ,7 , and in Aiueriro n, No. !.
CtX'O la one of the Hneat bred I raft Hiinaa
In Americ.i, jj coining H yearn old, and welgha
lbOO pound.
TKRMH Hlngle aervli e III): for the neaaon IIS:
i lunuru a foal M: hi clulm of five or morn
mr- i one man, flu for the .ram, or lf
Injure a foul. I'.y tlie aejia nayahle )c -her
to lnurv, due and puvnhie as rood mm
the mare la known to 1 1 iu ion!. Mar 1 not
brought regularly will be charged for by thn
11- m.
M. W. a W. L. FREEMAN, Owners,
lloyd, Wa. Co Co., Or.
eje-'r You want title to floirerninent or
Mtate Lauda call on
1-ate Kec. U. ti. I-and OHlce. Notary Public
0. S. Land Attorneys.
Over Sixteen Years Experience.
600,000 AC RES
DfliproYBi FARM Property
Bend for a Pamphlet describing thl land.
Ttonpn's Aflflltlon to Tie Dalles.
Thia addition ia laid off into one-acre lota, and
fadeatlned to be the principal residence part of
the city. Only twenty mliiutuea walk from the
court hoime.
Do not be afraid to cnnault or write us, we give
advice or information in all branches of our bus
lnesa free of charge.
Settlers Located on Government Land.
Office In U. 8. Laud Office Building.
A. H. CURTIS, Prop.
Flour of the BestQual
ity Always on Hand.
We have an unlimited amount
of money to loan on ap
proved farm security.
Thorxpury & Hudson,
The Dalles, Or.
sr anfl EmDaimer.
Orders bjr dlpatrh, mall or In nerwra tilled any
hour of the da or niKht,
EMcttires framed in all atylea and sixes.
1'Ui'e of biminens cor. Third and
Waftliington Streets.
Land Ornrt, Tho Dulles. Or., Mch. 1ft. IK";).
Notice i hi'ichy given that tie followiiia;-niiK-d
ik'UIit has II lt d no, Ice of rur luti'mloil to
mti.e rlual proof In BUiiiHirt of iu r claim, and attlil proof will he made hcioit the rt-lHtcr
and ivccivcr nt Tliu lial'un, Or., 011 Wednesday,
May :l, Ixi.l, viz:
Jane Kerauaoa,
llnmca'cail App"catlon No. a-", for the N W1
of Hi-clio-i 111, i.SM., i:. IJ K. VY. .M.
hi t iiHim the 'nlloiiiKHitiiii'ics tonrove her
eoiu'nuouR ivMdcncu uihiii and cultivation of
ta d I rid. vlx;
(.Hiiiiicl I,, piitti'i.on, Charles L. Fiver, Ollle
Wclier- mid r!. K. Kerr1", h'I of Wa ihiiila, nr.
a jut .- John w. lkw ih, Ucgiitur.
By virtue of an execution l-micd out of thn
Circuit Court ol tho stale of Oregon for Wnnoo
i iinnl v, In 1111 action thcii lu (lendine;. In which
T. I . r'nra-lier is plalntlll' and A. J. Wall ia de
fendant, iluled the. ilBt day of February, 1I.
nntiinliiiir me to soil thn renl proju rly therein
iI.'itHkiI, lo-wil: the ert hill of No tion IT,
Tmninhip i Mouth, Uiiiuta II Kant, W. M., which
siild iroK-rty had Iheretofom licen attached In
said action, ami out of the procecda of aaid real
property to satisfy the JndKUient reiuleml and
autcrrd In lhnalnve action on tlie llth
duv of I'ehiunr), Ivil. In fnvor of tho plaintiff
anil luiiiiimt the del hint for I lie sum oi lu.i.-."l
drnwliia liilenut at leu HTcent. 'r annum frmn
said leliniarv llth, lvi;l, aud the further auin of
7.7 i, ilrnwlliir Intereal from aafd dato at th
rate of eluht per cent, per auiiiiin, mid iin) at
tomeys fifs, and the further sum of .'J.ii costs
and disbursements therein, and accriilnn costs,
I will ou tlie :sl day of April, Iwtl, at the com t
house door In Dalles City, iu said county and
stiile, at tha hour of 'J clock p. ni. of sold day,
sell all of slil alsive ilescrltad real prorly !
the hiKhPst bidder, for cash In hand, to anllsly
said JudR-meiit, iiiUirosI, ciU, attorneys tuea,
anaaearutPBCuita. T. A. WARP,
1-3.3-sl Iherlffot W9 County, Oregou.
I 1
i; '