The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 24, 1893, Image 6

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The Weekly Chronicle, i
omcui. papeb or a a-o txrTV.
Entervd at th t.c at Tb Pa!te. Oiccna,
T ;niu rarrin) i abvascc
On yrar ... V.
Ml Mblllf ..... ...
Turn BkOtlu
Advrtii!i iwa-iuabie. awl bV fcanwB
AMrrv all mmmnntratHWn to-TUE CKBoN
KLA. In vretP-o.
cwrsTT orriniL.
Oowrrr Jmlf..
$7,500, and he wa given to understand j to .00 per bos it offered lor common to ;
j the money woald com from w atson, . enoice.
We do not believe that the rouru of , who wa said to hare a barrel of money Feed, grain and hay bar not changed
Oregon will sustain th decision of anyto tjnd, and everybody wa trying to I in qu utiona, and th upply exceed
1 local authority which may bold that the hit ahorel into the pile. F.uryard . the demand.
I failure to compel the aanie man to pay ! rari he made on hi mind, a the tang j The wool outlk for 1S i for a lar-
I tax t ice on tbe same property vitiate , w trying to rob Watson, he would ger clip, and price w ill not rary much J5 SeCOfld Street
' the w hole assessment roll. This is coo- turn in and rob the gang. He told the ' from those of lat year. Those putting j
itrarytothe constitutional requirement : man ho made the proposition that he , their wool on the market earuKt wi.l
i that all taxation murt he equal and uni-1 Jlurgard and two other men whom he probably get top prices. as the late wool
I form, and contrary to the spirit of the named would not rote at all. tbouch. of roartel seldom is satisfactory,
statute. Taken in connection with the ' ruurw. be intended to rote for Martin ! The financial condition of the market
' repeal of deduction for debt in the same hen the time came, a did the other I U aomew hat close but undoubtedly the
i law, the plain intent of the repeal of the two. They merely wanted to get hold
mortgage tax law it that mortgage ' of the money and then let the other
upon land which ha already paid f ull ! fellow w hisile. but the lobbrirt would
not trust him with the money, mw following from the Telegram made up
would he trost the man houi P.urgard froni th agricultural department re
arranged to hold th money and boll 1 port will be read with interest.
!. 1..M . .1 k. .1 .11
. MkA 01141 UUk 1 lUTV k Alt.
j Any double taxation ie unjust. Taxa
; tion of the saw person on the same
next sixty day will reveal an easy ton j
in all branches. The cereal condition I
remain stradv at a minimum. The
Blakeley & Houghton
The Dalles. Oreg0r'
A full lino of all the Standard Patent Mlioii)e,
Iru.cs, Chemicals, Etc.
Country and Mail Order. ill ri,, rron,H ,t.llUoIl.
Crta. C BlaacV1
T A. wri
m ! property w'c i outrageous. Thi is
"i jK wrm: ; tne effect ot all taxation of credit. It
.jiK i 'be plain effect when the owner of the
Surrrror v" : land covenant in a mortgage deed to
vtvo s. M. tauwii ; pay ail taxe upon the loan for
Miss anna peter & co., I
ihicb it
it seruntr. It u none the lee the ef
fect when there is no covenant. In that
case, the lender of the money simply
soon a he got
it. So th matter Ml
Cat! vie Harris, the wife murderer, is j add enough to th interest or commi
eondenwed to electrocution, and ha . si on to cover all possible taxation.
been denied a new trial. Unless Got- Great service has been done the
eroor Flower reprieve bim, hi death pie of Oregon by the law authorizing the
will terminate the most sensational j borrower of money to covenant to pay
murder case that ha been tried in New j taxes on the debt in the mortgage deed.
York city for a decade. He bad a fair ! This makes it clear to the dullest mind
trial before an impartial jury. He wa 1 that tax levied on a debt i paid by the
defended by the ablest legal talent, and j borrower. Thi principle i no more
all th testimony be wished to advance j true of the loan carrying such a cove
was allowed. All wa in vain. The ' nant than of ail loans. Th borrower in
verdict wa unanimous against bim. In j the former case merely agree in set
a multitude of way be has labored to . terms to do that which he doe in all
get a new trial. So strong tas been hi j case ; he merely pays direct to th tax- j
appeal that public sentiment became ' collector what, in other rases, the bor-
aroused in some unhealthy way, and rower pay through the lender in form
on prominent ew lore paper tias oi aujea interest, Don a or commission.
The Pispatob savs there cau be no
t the last legis'.ai
The last monthly report from th de
partment of agriculture announce that
at present prospect indicate a wheat
crop for 1893 of :,."MT,VS,035 bushel.
aouoi ou, wn.i tne ia "V- j Thi. is a. immense figure, and so many
up thing, generahy One of the most . hau
iBiMriMt art nanwd i the assessment I .. . ...
, r ' . gate, it tn estimate nnaily come
iaw, ana now tn assessor, are ..uut- .
peo- j ing what their dutie. are nnder tb new . , , '
T r - " - i which it can tell verr nearlv what each
rrr "k" ' ivr. . i rrod0l. ? thi. ubi. u.
, - calculation is made. Thn. it i. a. re-
sessment mar b mad so that it will,- . . ...
. . ,,. liable as any forecast can be. Condition
become invalid and then there would be t , ' . ,
I of ea.on mav yet cbangf thi total by
no monev to run the state, county, ...... , . " . .
. , . . . . i decreasing or increacng it materially.
school or an v other branch of ur gov- . . . " . '
, , ' " beat u the most important grain raised
ernment. The law doe not contero-! . . . ,. , . ,
, , ., . because it is the chief food staple, V hen
plate double assessment, vet it sart that I . , . .
r . , , , i. i. j j j ji 1 Popolation of the world is ronaid-
... v, : ered, thee two and
man nas a larm ana ne uorrows
Pine Millinery!
labored rigorously in his defense. Re
corder Smyth, one of th firmest, and
most impartial men that ever at upon
a bench, refused to be moved because be
saw no valid evidence to support the de
mand for a new trial. Harris was a
young man who represent a class too
common in oar cities. He wa hand
some, polished, brilliant and popular.
He made a beautiful girl think be loved
It i a fixed and universal principle that
every tax laid upon a debt i paid by the
borrower. The covenant in the mort
gage deed simply makes the operation
of this principle plain to the mind in
capable of close reasoning.
ince deduction for debt is abolished,
it is nnjust to tax any form of credit,
whether a mortgage note, a bank note,
bills receivable or a book account. In
on the property, gives his note and a
When the merits of the new tax law are
her and implored her to marry him. i every case, the tax so levied upon the better understood and compared with
She consented. Like a villain be tired i creditor is passed on to the debtor, in j th old mortgage tax law, the farmers,
of her. Kather than live like a man and form of greater charge for the loan. small property-owners, who are borrow
make a happy borne, be poisoned her This is double taxation, because the se- j era, will find that thev have made a verr
curity on which the credit wa granted. , serious mistake in the changed condi
whether land, collateral, personal J tion of affairs, and instead of relieving
propertv or a commercial business, has . them they will be called npon to pay ai
been taxed already a property. It is
alike nr. just to tax ail forms of credit,
but the injustice is made glaring and
palpable where the bond itself which
secures the loan bear evidence that the
borrower, who has already paid tax on
the property, agTee to pay
tax mav be levied on the debt.
third billion of
bushel do not seem so immeasurable in
mortgage, the partv holding the note.. , . , ,. . , , ,
. , . i m the supplr is felt is shown by the
must pav on it as well as the borrower, u . " . , ,
. . J ... , high price in wheat in 1891. The world
which make double assessment, unless' . . . , ...
.... mO"t bar it for food even if it cost a
third more than th nsual figure. Its
failure in a locality that depends upon it
ia even worse. Russia' famine illus
trate, this. A great section that raise
thi. crop alone wa left almost w:thout
a berry of the grain, and th whole world
was agonized with the awful stories of
thousands dying of starvation npon the
vast plain of that empire.
M-l . I i . . ..
" iwn me l miea Mate would again
rejoice to see its farmer, reap the bene- I
112 Second St
the assessor sees fit not to assess the
note. The fact of the matter it, the law,
if correctly interpreted, has made ex
emption of evidence of indebtedness
and virtually brought the a&sesament to
a single standard, ou real aud personal
property, carefully shielding money.
while attending a fashionable boarding
school in New York city. He planned
that death would thut come without
discovering him a it fiendish cause.
But an innocent sod had been dis
patched before it time from thi earth.
It must be avenged. A newspaper man
came to the rescue; the strange death
was investigated; startling develop
ment followed ; Harris was arrested,
proof was piled on proof, the trial came,
the evidence wa convincing, and the
verdict was natural. Thus a girl who
trusted in a man who professed to love
and promised to protect ber sieep in
death, but public sentiment and the law
demand that the destrover of ber sacred
No. C7 Washington Strkct. . The Dalles.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer and Manufacturer of
Bonding Material u. Piamka ruber, Dun WinLu Mfe Hot Tvt&kn h
Special Attention Elventoth Min.ifr - .
- . , w v i iuii ana r a
Boxes and Packing Cases.
Iotory aaxxd LiumUor '
"aaa-c at Old rX. X)!!
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered te
any part of the city.
3 c& (
Hardware, Tinware, Etc.,
the taxes and money or other evidence
of indebtedness will go scot free. The
new order of things, with the very ex
travagant appropriation of late session,
will make the honest tax -payers carry a
much heavier burden than they bad un-
shatever I der the old law.
We be-:
lieve the court will sustain those aee- j A movement is on foot for the estab
ors who refuse to levy this double tax, lishment of a road department at
in violation alike of the requirement j Washington designed to improve the
that all taxation shall be equal and uni- roads of the country for the convenience
form, and of the spirit of the new law of those who use them. During the
repealing deduction for debt and the ; past four or five vear thi subject ha
life shall go before the court of another specific provision for taxation of mort- ; been attracting a good deal of attention
gages. Oregonian. and has made a degree of headway that ,
assure it a support from a strong pub-
A man ha been arrested in Portland ! lie sentiment. If the people of this
for stealing a turkey 20 years old. Tbe country expect to have better roads, for
authorities intend to send him to jaiL there is little doubt that they want
insane them, thev must turn to and anht;ni
Guns, AnimimflfiD tad Sorting Goods.
world for final punishment, and that
purity in womanhood shall not be tbe
port of adventurer, without a merited
and lasting rebuke. Telegram.
Among the freaks secured for the
world' fair is a specimen of tbe launb
ing jacka9. And with an extravagance
that seem almost wanton the manage
ment sent clear to South Australia for it.
What' the matter with an
The man who attempte to do business
without advertising has been aptly
compared to a young fellow winkinc at a
pretty girl in the dark. He may know
what be ia doing bat nobody else doee.
With four newspaper men in the cabi
net, Mr. Cleveland ought to get along
pvtty well. Mr. Carlisle once filled the
ediiorial chair. Mr. Lamont was a
aewspaper man when Cleveland discov
ered him, Hokemith runs a paper now,
and J. Sterling M-irton wa in his young
er cay connected with the Chicago
Time. What would this country do,
nyway, if it wasn't for the newspapers
action for talking. If half the energy
np to thi time expended in swearing at
the disgraceful clearing called road
nau been used in one viroroua united
we should
Hurry up the Columbia River Glass
Work. A firm of giasa bottle manufac
turer in Salem, X. J., baa accepted an j protert to highway bodies
x.ngtien oroer I or it wares, tbe first
shipment consisting of 1,000 gross of
long necked bottles ordered by Lea &
Perrin, manufacturer, of Worcestershire
hae road today approaching those laid
out in every other civiliied country.
A reaction La set ia against pugilism,
which will tend, if continued, to rid the
arena of fistic encounter. Two deaths
wiU.ia a year caused by puniahnieBt."
and the general disreputable character
of prize fights, with ail the accompany
ing license to kindred vices, a ill cause
public opinion to be directed against
English country house have fire in
only a few sitting room, tbe ball are
cold and there are no bath room.
When tbe Roman occupied tbe same
country year, ago every villa wa
heated with hot air pipe and bad boUi
Turkish and cold plunge bath. Within
one incloeure are tbe remain of a Ro
man boose built more than sixteen
year ago, perfectly fitted with beating
and bathing appliance, and a modern
bouse, six time the size of the other,
wanned with four open grate.
Another expedition for the explora
tion of Greenland and the Arctic regions
ia planned to leave in the early rummer.
At it bead is Lieutenant R. E. Peary,
of tbe United States navy, who but re
cently returned from a trip to that
frigid country. He is now making a
lecture tour of tbe states, with the pro-1 tros "
-eaj us not into temptation" doe not
I apply to tbe Oregon way of catching
prisoners for selling whisky to Indian.
, I This is our way: Select some poverty-
tiarm. The great a-d glorious nation 1 Kncken "etch, driven almost to dea
ean affjrl to lose thi feature of its ' P5 -'e want of a dollar or two :
ceea ol which be expect to pay the
expense of hi next trip. He will
finish hi lecture about May lt, and
will go to Europe, where be will lecture
in all tbe larger citie. It i expected
that tbe expedition will start on tbe
northern journey between the 15th and
th of June, reach mmp about the last
That part of the Lord prayer reading I 3aT nd bsent in all about two
year, ine party will be a ma!l one,
numbering only about ten men.
fit of bieh tirirea. vet it wnnl.l ,
to desire thi by a repetition of another COrn Br)d Charter Oak
j such experience in Russia. All good
men must wish that these 217,99,05
bushels include a fair return from that
Whxt 52 to 6oc per bo.
Bblct -Tbe market is nearlv lifeless
in barley, prices are down to H) and 85
cents per 100 lb.
Oat The oat market i stiff and of
ferings are light t f 1 25 cent per 100
lb. Rye To cent per bosbei.
Mill STrrrs Bran and short are
quoted t 18 00 per ton. mid-
diine.122 50 to 13 00 per ton. Rolled
barley, fTS 00 ; f-4 00 per ton. Shell- 1
ed corn $1 25 per 100 ft..
FLora Salem mill flour is quoted at
M 25 per barrel. Diamond brand at
t3 75 per bbl. )r ton and M 00 er bbl.
Hv Timothv hay range in price
from 12 00 to 115 00 per ton, according
to quality and condition. Wheat hay it
in full stock on a limited demand at
10 00 to 12 00 per ton. There is ro
inquiry for oat hay, and price are oT.
AUaifa hav is not much called for, and
is quoted at 10 00 to 112 00 per ton.
These quotation are for bailed hay ex
clusively. Brrrta Fresh roll butter at 40 to 50
cent per roll, in brine or dry salt we
quote 30 to 40 coot per roll.
1a. The egg market is In good
apply and gjoii freah egf. sell at 10
to 12c
PorLTay There is a fair demand for
fow 1 fur a borne market and for ship
ment to Put land. Chicken are quoted
at 2 00 to f 3 .". ) per dozen ; 'urkers s
to 10 rents per U ; geese $7 to ft per dox,
and dock )3 to 15 per dosen.
iair a aipTTow tieei eatue i in
moderate demand at 13 00 per 100
o 13 50 for extra rood
Wagons and Carriagea
Reapers and Mowers
Miiciiell, lewis Slam Cn't
(Puorewaur to L. D. Frank, oVceaawd.)
- acxiN-aDe .
A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
ftealfi ee. Retail Dealers ii Earcea, Brito, flips, Era EMets, Et
i ui uumsa n leucaii SadiUnT Rail tr stiUEpci.
send to him an Indian with a $5 bill in
J one hand and an empty bottle in the
Thi b-dat, March 23. The movement
in trade has been quiet during the past
week. Price in general Lave been firm
and ateady. Tbe greater amount of
The redaction of rrrirtraLi-m of letter . ot'J?T' pleading for him to be a go
to eight cent is gratiir ing. tot only to ! hetween between the Indian and the business baa been confined
Uar pet, .at, bet to purtofiue eierks. who J "rogore. t-.iing turn be can have what and provisions.
Lave been feuth botherd It theoU law. u wft iter buying a pint of whisky;
It is Lard to nake tuasy who reveler vn he comes out with the liquor, nab
ieaer. see that tbe extra' two cents fjr ! Dd Lricf tl Indian and tlie
jwetage wa eti3 Deeded afitrr the registry dPctT &arsbai up fjr proeecoting wit
lee wa paid- The regrirtrati-ja bu'inew T-' beautiful way to eo
wi3 probably pay the pversnei.t aore aT" intxwnt pople to engage in a
at eight eect than at the old trsre. ' e crin- i,J it that be wlo
It wi'J make rgTtry clerks wjrk a little being once branded with the tig-
Larier. bet that wUi trat tort most of , BMU l'-''t ";i-bird," i.a the moral
them. i hardihood to break away from a eowrae
v. . . - ; of WTong-daing toreed npna bim. "Lead
Mining Ct-mma.ner C. W. Ayer i, 0, icto de,iTer
Wuig emendahU aeal in prepar ' u th ed .
for tL rnng L-t at the world', to teu.ptatic-, evrae a. u evil -
fair. Hi exampU is iiiwOous, aad U
tepwte that fa ote tire Le received Bcrgar4. U tbe boose of the
t- w-rtb of ore, wich u ,,.!y C,.,. i,Utur. w g'ven a aeos.
T" Ud"4 J... exrier-ceincon-
ttjftmndidHmt-mrjtouiiifiOi, i., wi.h attempt .t bribrrr ia tl
d tLi. i ai r. A. tnat a le:.-ti U faiud State, a-nat, ia
aua. wewt p .n C- f iki, ratlins V. IJ sar, the pm:u ww
f mnvw'l' r-t mm coal, and will .de U, him to stay a.av from the
br"X n 1 ' i-U. aW to grt t s o o-irf-r. to do U
Mutton is quoted at $3 50 and
per bead. Pork offering, are
and prires are nominal
weight and cent dressed.
rrarLB cam xaiaa.
4 50
Tbe dry goods dealers complain of dull
time, and that trade in their line, 1
very alack and unsatisfactory.
Tbe produce market i getting hort
of supply, and with the increasing de
mand for all kind of garden product,
price are higher. Cabbage may be quoted
at 2-eent per lb. and tbe parsnip and
tnnup supply ia nearly exhausted and are
oearer. Potatoes and onion are in good
stock and maintain their usual quota
tion. In seed potatoes, such a Early
Rose, Goodrich and all the early varie
U, there i aaid to be a scarcity, and
price for them are aaid to be at a aharp
advance over ordinary grade.
Eggf are (career and selieri are offered
15 to 16 cent per doaen in trade.
RutPr is more plentiful and fresh roll
is qiotd at 35 to 50 cent per roll.
Poultry i s. acre and buyer offer 14
U t- j-r A,n.fn.
(trt-n . tery ln, an(
CorrccCc su Rica, i quoted at S4c
per io., py the sack, halvadore. Tit
Arbockles, 25'c.
Krcaa Golden C. ia bbl or sack
5 00; Extra C, f 5 10 ; Dry granulated
00; In boxes, D. G., in 30 lb boxe.
t- w. x.x il bo. 1 75.
Stai r 2 002 75 pr keg.
Kica Japan rice, 6',(7e; Island,
tax, i cia.
Ei.aa Snia'l wbitea'rV; Pink,
i T' c per ion ius.
salt Liverpool, 501b ak, 65e; lOOIb
s, ii jo; ajoib ak, 2 00. Stock salt,
fw w irr ion.
tieo rat rra Julian prunes, 12c per
b, by box. Evaporated apples. l(e wrr
grjj, ww iuc per pooni.
viGrrACLas axo rarira.
rcTaTOE fwriess, Buffalo whites,
6nowflake and Bnrbank aeedling. auoted
wfwiwiw. .xtra g-joa lJ2o
ysioKs ihe market quotation for
a i onions I i M t I 40 per 100 lb.
.,2. I"l,T Good apj.le sell (r
i ,9 per box. fail and early
rOTaic uuiea mi woc per
bipx ako rias.
Hn.ts Are quoted as follows:
6'fc lb; gren, i 1, ; culls 4c lb
Snr Pxlts-75. 100 ea. Deerskins,
?c lb for winter and 30e fir summer.
Dressed, light 1 l, l,avv Tic lb. Bar
skmr, J5ar:2 ta; uH,Ter, 13 60 lb
otter 5; f .i,er, 5 ;5 50: ii,er irmr'
W'".';r; - rrey fox'
oOrfe.wc; coon, 3; cwrte, .Wn 75,-
Udger, SOt; polecat. 2V'i4V; cJn
mou hotiae cat, t-..i s'tr
Wl The market is reported 1 J to 15
Tnis Popular House
Has lately been thoroughly renovated aad newl;
furnisid throughout, and i now better tbaa
ever prepared to furnish the beet Hotel
aoconui.odations of any house in the
cf'y, and at the very low rate of
$1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c
Offi.e of the fa.t and cointuodiom oppoaition r-f
to Dufur, Ki..g.ley. Tygh Valley, Waplnitia,
W ann Springs and Priiwville i ia the Hotel
and person rJing to Prineviile can aav
00 br ging on thi Stage line.
All trains stop here.
New - Umatilla- House,
Ticket and Baggage Office of th.
e I". P. R. R. C,iii r. an r. and r,ffr. ..I W
Union Tekyraph OflM are in th Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safely of all Valuables.'
LARCKsT : AS I) FIN'EST uriTrr . iv . nnvrin.
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
General Merchandise.
Dry Goods, Clothine, Gents' Furnirhing Goods, Txt,
Mux, Ilatn, Ca., Gnxcries, Hanlware,
Crfxikery, Hay, Grain, Feed, Ktc.
390 to 394 Second St.,
The Dalles, Or.