The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 24, 1893, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle. !
ornouL rxv. or wasro coott
EuU'nM t the UiIw at T iW, or tn.
eucutul-rlaja wail uutltrr.
BORIW THE SEWSPABEKS. plaiu citizen', clothes. Hit lanu.y con-,
jsistsof awifeandtwodaughters. Mark
I-,,., rnwut inimmicM tlie rres ; Twain and Colouel llifivraoll were
HrbeduU apIHwr
t.raet.1 tiewrwiMaal.
ky ux.t. (ros ru:rxip) i adtanc.
One yifar '
:x tn, 11! -
T:.n-v u..ulh
Alvtr?:inr nUW n-wniatlv
ixU a:-yi:!MUou.
A.t l-v. all roiumuuH-alitma hi
K'Li..' in lil. tinjpm.
-rut i-KKox-
cirTV orriniii.
Geo. C Waieley
. T. A. war
n. JlrM
liu. lBniite
- i Frank kliifMiil
Awor Joel V. k
tt.irv.-v.,r E- F. sharp
vcivnatettdent of Public Schuola TnT Shih-
Uw.rr S. M. imimwi
roc! fr Jailaw-
Co&; mwi
ol Oregon will be deluged with commun
ication, from th numerous department,
of the Oregon world", fair commission,
asking for patriotic help in the manner
of disseminating information. A these
communication are generally quite vol-
I uminous and require much valuable
time to dress op suitably for publication.
y jand even then are of slight Interest to
'' j the great majority ot readers ; we feel
and m known justiSej in declining to publish them.
A great lark of consideration is shown
in this regard- This class of news is
designed merely to inform those who
have anything to exhibit, possibly one-
half of one er cent, of the entire popu
la t ion, and is of no possible interest to
the other 199. If the newspapers pub
lish the names of those in charge of the
different departments, as they all would
and have cheerfully done, without cost,
j their duty should be amply done. The
exhibitors will then know with whom to
correspond, and from that time on
should deal with the commissioners
themselves. They are paid good sala
ries for doing just this, and it is not
right to bore a .newspaper, whose space
is worth ten cents a line, when a printed
dodger, worth a cent a piece, will an
swer just as well. It it singular bow, in
cases of this kind, newspapers are al
ways considered legitimate prey.
After a tempestuous voyage across the
aiming his listeners at a lecture which
Of all
court of
bills allowed ly the county i The following excellent paper, by Mi
the county of anco, state 01 ; ivatc i rouin, was pronounced the gem
of Hie iust.tute:
.1.. U.....K trn IS'IX there- I
ITTVU1, a. ,lir
he delivered at the residence ol t oionei , ,... ordered i To eovern a school uee.-.JuIlv a hat
Ul, V IIIHM "mi." 1 - J
David B. Sickels, New York, since his
arrival. He claims to have a fund sub-1
scribed by wealthy Orientals of f 150,- j
000 with which to build a in i
drawn, and the payment tor which is
uiut I do?
not provided for by statute. It is Haw to irame an answer to fit all
In coiiforiuitv to act approved Feb. ' occasions, a safe answer is '"do rittht."
tad in Gotham's upper tendoiu.
77 fc MOXTEkEY.
- f :! inf i a lint of thf uirintMi'Jntn
e i;:!-wnl ik-partiuoiiu of th wotkI fair
i-.:! -n. wm h anvtbini: to ex--n-iuld
rtirn-innud with tlif pnter ottievr.
ten o! i:- tlliwinir:
F. MATLik k. nrtinlit of asTM-ulliin.
f.vr-v sud fulwt frkau-b, ami Uv tbci;
i'f ...'. f'tOTl.
i . v . AVERS. d-wnmnt of aituo. mining
urt! nit'liiarjrr: A-;llld.
'.'.:. J K i At'.l K1.1- dn?tnrnt of hmi
n.Uiirv. :iieltiain U-iru-uliutv mud Tiucullure:
..Kii. T. MYms. dtrtment f flvhtii nd
Lai TtMinilu. nmimiactlirrs. cki'tru: Hud
t.t ':::;'.!-t. iDMili'iu.-.: )'rlljtnd.
r M. PATS. !iem. I until JnU 1. !-;
rd ME-. E. W. Vl.LKN. I'.wtUnd. Jailer July 1.
u e r. :. . n. hM l..u v.imuuv and pniu. i i Nonh AtlanUc from Hamburg with the
i mennd rnnsiimment of the KrutiD ex-
XrELRo . d,narrment iw eiliMt:n. i r, ,
s niufainmai extiiuiu. iiterar, i-ptriai. bibit for the world's fair, the British
K 1
'i?"iTi:uuf?r'wrtnin.t ,t rtvi! w. t steamship Loognil arrived off Sparrows'
iiH-lmlmr talc and nlitv . bak-lu.
Point Saturdav about noon and anchored
j in the stream, awaiting the completion
The New York Times comes out with
the startling intelligence that the Mont
erey, the new United States coast-defense
battle-ship, built at an immense
cost to the government, is serionsly de
fective. The Times says:
The result of the official trial of the '
Mouterev disclcaed the fact that the'
I'nion iron works, of San Francisco,
1 ;ist, 1S1 :
: F A Senfert, lares of grand jury
j to Hood Kiver
I M T Nolan, supplies fur officers
j Wm Michell, supplies tor
MavttA Crowe, spikes for bridge
Hood Kiver Manufacturing Co,
spikes lor bridge
K II Merrill, expense election
I Martin Wing, lumber for bridge
Wiles City Water Works Co.,
water rent
Xhoy ell Testily
M ttm a
nwdrbwaa latdaiZ
wampa and
irta as ua auu,
builder, of the vessel, would I com- j C EfUipt. meals for jurors
ttelled to forfeit to the awrernnient I Chrisman A Corin
UK) on the occasion of the trial of the for pauper
Monterey if it was an evident inability -j Chr;gIuan A ConoD
horse-joweT. This caused the contract-I '' pufwr
ors to push the tiring under the boilers. Leslie Butler, supplies for pan
Alter ttie vessel was cleareo, tlie oinciais i per ......
A L Newuian, supplies for pau
1 t'o
ir. i "
: oi
5 1:
r-x a a
- aTMaaabaV V
ti i . i
aalnnlihlna- taakaMki
smtuuadlaa lb lawai ,
iwbo dBnd satolaoa a.
pbTmlolaA-aaklU. Tbaaa at a., n!:
nullrata, Puianaa mnwanltr alMnrtMai or Z
Mull of lb dlaaaaaa rroaa wiihla all rW4 la
Snaia,biifciaapbkiadHaitla,f aUdaa
aafcaainauaa. in u ta-uuC
Dnwas J, Atlaata, Ga,
of the Union iron works made a careful
examination. The examination dis
closed the fact that two magnificent
Scotch boilers were little better than
ruined. To replace the two toilers
meant an expense of more than $30AX).
The contractors therefore decided to
pocket the loss and let the disabled
(oilers stand. In this condition the
Monterey exists today.
Later reports may prove that the diffi
culty is exaggerated, and perhaps found- i
ationless, since the Associated Tress !
delights in erecting a woof of horror on j
rKSA1 A l.r.NXKAl.hAMilSU ir
J II Cross, supplies for uper
II Herbring.suppies for panpr
A M Williams A Co, supplies
lor patir
Ben C Irwin, supplies for
treasurer .
Ben C Irwin, supplies for
clerk . . .
Blakeley A Houirhton, drng
We pabli-h in another column a letter
from Mrs. J. t.i. Blaine, relative to the
fraudu'.ent '"biographies of the late :;
statesman, published by unprincipled j
book houses. Gail Hamilton is the J
Vi- . ' tTlDV'U LA-4 4 I'll VtlVST" ' , ( .
. " f ..: f t. tnimense weight
, , . i - , ,i riskv undertaking, and when it
and statesman. ?-he is a writer of world-! , j- I .v. ,
wide fume and literary ability, and is j qualified to write the biography .
a warp of credence and destroying 1 1 C Nickelsen, supplies
later as ruthlessly as it was energetic in j iuiles Pub Co, supplies, print
constructing it. But even if the report i ing.etc
- V . 1 ' I . I . r. . .
of the preparations for docking her. "" lrue UKS r-iK II""8re ; nromcle Tub Crf, advertising.
The cargo comprises exclusivelv war fct woclJ tend ta I1- th U"uej e
material. The chief article is the big ' wbere u longs and the wrong righted. I Je.g, simonson, int. circuit
lL'4-ton rannon bnilt ernresslr for the i court
exhibit. The steamer encountered
storm t weather almost al!
the war
aeroes. The transportation of such an
It in one piece was
learned at the first of the week that the
steamer was overdue fears were ex
u rr.vT of the
Mr. K. A.' Harkett, cf
' ?-"
, assistant genera! agent of the freight and j State of Oregon, County of Wasco, ss.
' j paaer.ger departments of the Burling- I, J. B. Crosen,countT clerk of Wasco
ton route, who has been in Spokane sev- ' county. Or., do herebv certifv that the
pres-ed that the colossal cannon kai Z" 7c?-Z ZT"7 7 V . " i' . u U
.. , have defEitely and positively determined : paid, br the countr mart f tli. .Lir.
ne, aith ! named coontr at the March term. 1SU3.
Kight doing may, nay must influence
your pupils to follow your example,
$!'' SO; teach right d. inc. and set lliem to think-;
l?"0iiig, and Lw..g anglit. F.du.KtKin
should le a rv.uir iiieiit, not the re
quirement of a leai lier. above all the
teacher must 1 a t-ise, active, moral
man or womun. U lug truth and right
lir the sake ol Truth and Bight, and
, teaching them ly her exan a oh
1 iect lewoiis in liilit d..'i g are as ef-
j fectual as ay oi the subjri . taught iu
i.'hoi!. and if a tcacln-r i! -s this, lie
doea hat directly :r uti1" ioualy in- J
I'.ueuifs others to do . If only one
person is lead to do tvuer, ' ""i have not ;
i lived volir life in H. . to ilo this,
lHiyu can exerciw your c sense,,
and resjiect the rights of (lUnm and de-
7 (X" maud this of your pupils.
Another general rnie is, begin a yon j
S 75 intend to hold out. You cunuot let the j
5 00 school rule you the first few days and j
4 Oo , hojie that they ill give up without a
I struggle, or yield you peaceable poeeesa-
7 iO!ion. Let au j vice or disorder remain . . . k . ,
,, Nghl fcichange aud Jelegrapln
! unchecked ou its Crt apiarance and it Transfers sold ou Nea York. Chicago, f.
00 gains streugih and assurance by the de- Louis. San Francisco, I'ortland Oregon,
j lav, and will lie just so much harder to ' Seattle Wa.h.. and various points in t.
7 50 eradicate alien it Incomes intolerable, i nn,J Wmh,l'.cto?- ,
... ,, 1 Collection at all imints on fav.
It is easier to pull up a proul than a ; rUe terms.
7 30 1 tree. A niiisanix- has no place in a !
2 10 ! school riMim. Next, luve vour work and
j you a ill find it easier. I do not mean
SS 50 j try to love your work, but love it as the
j lest friend you ses9 ; you are no true
12 Oil lover if you must make an effort. To
change a Skakesierian quotation to fit
1 20 j the case, a forced love is good, but that
. mil uiii I'uuri IB urn. i
JO i- j Children are good judges of human i -
nature, and are believers in themselves. 0 1 """" .
and criticise with no favor, and
l-ttera ol Crtslit imued availalil in
Lantern Mates.
National Bank,
I'resid-nt -
J Cashier, - -
Sight F.xrhanges Sold on
eral days, said to aF.eview reporter that j above and foregoing is a full andcomple
i the Chicago, Earlington A Quincy petple list of the claims allowed and orden
ftl r r TtttfnA lhn n- i nuKim
c -" i i ' i , x - i broken loose in the hold of the ship, ', . . -. . ' ' .. ,.
SpeasiEg of the irands of the aforesaid , , . , . , . , , ciake it a transcontinental S:n
pciL..iuinenou9e". sue comments uius:v : - .. . , poaaur as one 01 me pnucipai .erminai l.'ie amount ol tlie comnensation
. . - i ransed her loss. As dav after lav mllinl . . . .. . i . . miiiir;ii3anuu
When at the rerv f;it of the cross. ..... " ." . . .points, "me 'O. he said, "is nn- j which is not nrovided fur lir l.r
cis , , ., , . , . iUuuuicui; iieaaeu r jioKanewara. ine
lots for . . . road w;.l be built into Butte about Julv
gar- . . . .-it-. i iTeaaiiuary surveys have been
pub- . . i . . " - , T i made from Entte to pokane, and I
tiie execntioners of our Lord parted
(Torments among them and cast
his vesture, titer at ieart Lad the
Elects to divide. Certain modern
lisbers, outrunning even the Jews and
eoldiers in enterprise, add fraud to
greed, and aonld palm off their oid
cliithee cpon the people as the true
seaciess coat.
first on the market wi'th . '.nthr,t;r Uied 8t tiDSe shot- nd tl' PjecUle
nance is the larsest ever r.ade in the
i world. The calibre cf the gnn is 191,
inches, the projectiles fired from it
j weigh StiOO pounds and are four feet
f t Knnt -n1 n 1. nf . 1
know several men who have seen the
maps, charts and profiles, so far as they
have been completed, and they al! joint
definitely to Spokane as the objective
point in eastern Washington. From
iuct!u mi nana ana seal tliie
l. s.) day of March, A. 1. 1WC.
1. B. Ckoskcss, County Clerk.
In addition to the fon-guing statement
the following exhibits the remainder of j turn kind
soon know if you are iu earnest or not.
So do not think your tinsel pase fur I SEW y.K.
pure gold, because they are young ! KA"'cinC '?
Train your pupils to know that if you j n1 oKTLANH
ia- ir-iutT' iiiui joo nave reasons
for it. and that you must have their
help, and if you succeed in having
j g'xid school, remember that you
could not have it without their consent.
You must have their good will, ahtcb
you can not compel them to give. Yoo
can only have it by giting them in re-
I Collections made on favoreble
at all a(-esilile iKniits.
First National Bank.
expense during the interim of the
Sheriff's biil
'authorised," 'money-making' Biogra-
' is burled with such terrific force that it
' J constructed for the purpose by the Tenn-
i rvlvania railwar.
r h r.f J.m r. p.:J;. ,i.- i r throngha plate of steel 20 inches
crs'Lave reached a noiui where it J k at a distance of nine miles. The
hooves me to sneak. i "rlJ the Ureet fJ,ec of trei?ht
-I mav also be rmitted to avail mv- I fver Land:J rai:roatI' anJ wC1
self cJ this onrrtnnitv to answer nn WCUUTr-v'ot ultaKJunra"ituli'.T
for all those honorable men and women
who. wishing to be azents for Mr.
Blaine's biography, have made inquiry
whether the biographies so advertised
were really 'authorized,' and if not. ;
whether Mr. Blaine's familv design to
issre his biography. To tlie first que-,
hoc tins paper is sufficient answer,
For the other,
tcit that Mr,
yet had time to adj
hie wv.hout him. I can only say that I
believe them to bold bis nieruorr aa a 1 ,
- : i
there two lines are contemplated, one to Jurors county court
Visitors to the world's fair who are
infirm, crippled or simply weary can do
their sigbt-eeeing in the various build
ings by making use of rolling chairs. !
A company was granted the right some
j pnsh them. The charges to visitors for
j making use of these chairs will be as
sacred trust, and that their on. I '' 1 " cu"lr "'"8 person.
Vj , , . . . . i o cents per hour, 40 cents per half
wi.. I bow best to preserve and present , . ...
that n.emr l, tv- i.r. hoor ' tw0 Persons, f 1 per Lour. 50 cents
'If it must be that rapacious rodents, j
insensible to the most holy sentiments
of tut human heart, regardless alike of
the feeling of the living and the right
of the dead, cannot be kent back from
the sound and the other to I'oriland,
and thence to San Francisco."
j The Tortland branch will probably
I come down the Columbia river, and a ill
thus reach an important region of coun
try now mithont railroad communica
tion. The Chicago, Burlington A
Quincy is recognized in railway and
mercantile circles as one of the strongest
of the great trunk lines. Its coming to
the Pacific coast means a great deal more
than would appear at a glance.
means tlie advent
transcontinental line
its own propertv all the wav. with
ghoutthe mid
important fig
ure in establishing rates from Missouri
river and Mississippi river point.
Jurors circuit court Feb. term
Jnrors circuit court Nov. term
Witnesses circuit court Febru
ary term .
Witnesses circuit coart Novem
ber term
K M-hutz. J P .. .
Witness in justice court
; t .Menetee, J I
j A Keaton, J P
) I Maioney, constable
I F N Wallace, constable
j M Iichtenmiiler, constable .
Witness in justice court . .
It ; t. sctiutz. jury list
17 .V),
of an indejKmdent ! ". jury list
.. . , '.. J H Jackson, pjrv list
- that has a title to i V Shackelford. MU
,, , ." ," ;"" time igo of operating snch vehicles, and , Pr,"-T 11
.they wul not fail to ad- i . , . branches extend ngthrout
Tf i -i , . ; by Ma v 1st will Lave 1,600 yonng men, ., . ""'" '"fo"
B.ainea family Lave not I .. - ' .. .. , d e wert, and w 1 cut an i
. .a- .v i . i chiefly college students, in its employ to ' " "'"'n
to adjust themselvea to " , ' ore in establishing rates f
The proposed earners' trust has been
j broken, through a disaffection at their
his consecrated grave, but
the:r rancorous chant:
'B- he aliv r b bo dead,
persist in
per haif hour; one person, when chair!
j is taken lor a period of not leea than 10
j hours. (6 for the first 10 hours and 40
' cents an boor for the time over 10 boars ;
i carrying two persons, for the first 10
, hours and .o cents an hour after that, i
j meeting in Portland. There will be no
vulgar display of grief, no crepe on hats,
or anything of tlie kind on the part of the
general public. The king of fishes
may, as of old, grace the table of the
lowliest, for the eood the rods 'nrovide
The fact of having college young men to m, i a , ., . ' P
push these adult rnTufators i, con-! fW;U "de U bot t rich in
I i; 9111 hta rarrf.a Ix. mar m. ' aMnvatuf rv Ka m, Mau M u .t la , "
- t '- " -ma. . EU.lbw H ITU m Ul ' B . SBt U- XL iSBBBafaBliaiTaTMaaTaaTaTaafB
Tue one consoiation of all who love is not from the crippled, the infirm or
him must be in the full amarance that the simply weary that the
The national senate shows a dispoei-
greatest tion ta t&k aa riini'V, . : I :
the diatren and horror are theirs, not revenne is to nwriMl tint Imm v. 1 r. : . .
j ; 1 j an.uimiu8 uuminations ana ttie sessions
, entimentai young jj wuo wnl enjoy j are very ehort, yerterday's bei
J t, liarnett. assessor
W II Wilson, district attorney
John Trana, constable .
Troy Sheiiey, school supplies.
C L Gilbert, assisting in ex
amination Tuition for OeoUuston, county
Tuition for Geo Huston, county
charge '.
D MiHiiart, work on bridge . ,
J M Patterson, GAB relief .
Road viewers
E F Sharp, enrvevor
Lucas Henry, relief K B Hunt,
G A I: .
liO 15: ever had in school, I can be good for
t2 4) : ber, she makes you like "You bet,
1- iul .
"tiffy said the other. I began to feel
rrr,tid tjf knoaini? Mikh mra!f i. h,tt
12 20 1 he could make friends of such boys as
14 IV Sliffy Itoe, and treat him with a much
Ja oo cor-,'Ii,y M t,,e rt boj in
w) j room. The mission of a teacher is not
1 (10 j to drill F'.nglish, arithmetic and geo
5 00 j grapny, but to make citizens of aboin
'5 ! ' wor' cn 't'f' rroud. They must
15 00 ' taught morals and manners as well.
17 V") I A boy, man or woman with a good moral
sense does not need to be governed with
1 J 00 , ,1,. anttk m 'n IhMU, Ku,nM U
4 00'
WiiEtEAs, in the dispensation of His
providence it has pleased the Divine
Kuler to remove from our midst our be-
i hare not this sense or w ho can not be '
taught it. That is the reason jails and
15 00 ! penitentiaries are a necessity tor some, j
jjj J for others not. That is also the reason j
j2 j that the rod is sometimes a crying ; in
8 00 more than one sense1 necessity in some
4 00 t casea. Children are not ail angels, nor
20 00 . are teachers. Sin still Las hold on the
30 00 wor'c'' though irhapa not so strong a
j one as it had when Eve ate the apple.
Teachers must strive to do right that the
pupil may.
L not if you want to n;le quietly, rise
too much "hoeeism." Children rebel
when thev imagine they are being
sucred in keeping)
. 1 loved uroiLer Max Meyer, therefore be it nA if ... .
' tlie amall a.'.lr with an atM-; nnt. .ti . . 'ft lifuilnln (n rlik T...l. i. .. ..
A member of the laLe lamented Wi .T .. . . i xu ""ura Kn- greater calami- . - - - "f" t Irom ttiem the Idea II.,
w 1
to Cash Buyers.
Hifta Cash Prices for lm ni
pther Mm.
The Dalles
Gigar : factory
n . . 1 . .
.will be sure to pour into her willins nnlw efTw-t . . i men, has
ear. Oregonian.
latere writes that Tlie Journal should 1
let up on its disrespectful criticisms of
the legislature. As there is no provision
of the constitution that prohibits calling j The following ia the will left by a
thiE2 by their right names, we presume drunkard of Oswego, New York: "I
there is no sanctity that surrounds even i leave to society a ruined character and a
lezidiature. The number of iust such ' wretched exam Die. I leave to mr rwr-
j t
----- 1- j irotn mem ina luea yoo are going
i Aifcc, aucicui vrucr ui i. niiea orx-
lrt an 4 J I " . t t 1
ment, a trifle light as air which it yet ! brotl'er- ,n1 'mily a loving husband
not "confirmation." ' ,nd ''th'nl fatiicr. and,
j Btiultfd. that the sincere and heart -Caacd
l-xka. leit sympathy of the lodge be extended
to tne lamny in this, their cad bereave-
Tiu r ; , : r . i v . . . .
uu.w w.iuiuiaiiuu iiu wra nceitw b..i .i , . .... , , .
per;.cs as tirtt writer of the above in the enta as mnch .rrow thM n in I here that the enndrr civil bill rf ! ... ."" m,g wmethtKis for the same study.
- , . , . i. . J - . . , " ,. ' uiwihm in mourning lor 30 davs.
last Kvislature made It what it was. a f eliU state hear. I Inn in n l.-tl.. I congress, carrrine the ful' antironriatinn r, .
body of men. a majority of whom held ' era and sisters as much shame and mor- toT tb completion of the Cascade locks. ! in,Ja ' . ' ,tl?r ?, ,f, nd how tb"y ore 10 day after the demand for the horn manufactured
them-elves responsible to no one. If the ' tification aa I eonld brin on thm. I With theUlance of the old antironria-! 71 7, " . ' . . - i d"-v- 1 uw tl,re essentials for a rxxl . rtJLi "'creasing every day
to command, though of course that is
your intentions, you will find your tank !
easier. If you can keep Land of steel ! "
in a velvet glove you will succeed in'OTrj. t "G of tilt K Brands
having a firm bnt gentle ruler. Then j tuanufa:turel, and
keep your pupils busy. To make your tTe 5SS ffce
wora aiiraciive neeas a varietv al ,
A class I ti, tii f Mirra fl.
looses interest when it knows just what GAR haa become firmly established, and
their legislature, what power can hold ! of shame. 1 leave to each of my child- i ten toT th lo, k. e now in sight, j these resolutions be spread' upon tie
that branch of our government in check. I ren poverty, ignorance, a low character, j eady to spend, or rather to earn, U,- minutes of the ludire
In 1 rrrtlin anna ill nnlr Kmlu II.. ' .nJ Ik. .1 .... JifJl tttS 1m ka .ln..:n J ue-
-.. j ,i.uii, m wi mo iciucuiuiiuii ui meir lamer 1 -w . n,..-.. . iuii- f;r, i: i . ,
led a dnjnkard'i grave." tingent exjienses, which will notamomt ! Ha.ssos, '
- to much. They will have to hustle to, A. A. Urquiiakt,
America nas a convert to tne old Is- earn all this money before the end nf
lam faith in the person of man rejoic- 1894, and will probably toon beirln to
" '" " " scboo . act ve Inve a. ti. lnl-. -..I
conautution. But those limits can only
be declared by the supreme court, and
the ordinary citizen baa no redress. A
legifiiatore is properly subject to disctuv
cion and we propose to discuss it when
there is any occasion. The people have
Alrlad Letter.
, active minds.
I not think that no responsibility j
rests on the patrons of the school. A
. parent who does control the acts of a '
child, who does not exact obed ience, is !
making trouble not only for home, for t
) the schools, but for the state and
wnrM. ,
ing in the name of Muhammad Alexan- j make the dirt fly. This is a much larger ' -' ' 1 The r-arcnt who does not patronise the j
derEnesen Webb, formerly a reporter! sum tlian was ever available for the' '"'lowing is the list of letters remain-! chool, because he did not hire th trh-'
lo other protecUon against the arrogance !,ortLe St Loui Bepublic. A desire j work at any one time. Usually appro- I! th I'!to",n 'The Iliee nn- j er, and who doe not uphold the achool '
- . - - . - av. t ltm IT a .11 MTU II I 1 in I f : f a . . '
pnauons were luo.uuo, but lately there ' Persons calling for same will give date l ',1'JOn, tl,e M 'nd
was one of 1300,000. Oregonian. ' n which they were advertised : : '''"J institutions, for those who are
I aonla I , . I . .1 It. ... . .
SOLE lurxi U TH at
and extravagance of this body of law- j to tn"y Oriental languages a few years
makers. Capital Journal. led him to secure the position of
- ! consul at Manila, in the Philipine isl-
Lctiis F. Post, one of the brightest ! ands, and while there be became a be
newspaper men of the country, albeit , liever in Mahomet and his religion.
not so well known aa many other lees
brilliant than Le, is about to visit the
coat and deliver some lecture. He
Bjaimged "Troth," a paper which bad
short bnt useful career in Sew York
city, which suspended on account of
funds. Mr. Post is a strong advocate of
tarifend tax reform.
kidney trouble. It
a sort ,,f mt..;,tr,. .-,l v. . ! you sausiacilon.
Shiloh'i Viulizer is what you need for ! Cobrinoer V S
dyspejia, torpid liver, yellow skin or j Congdon Mrs Josa
inviuion t.irl
ne nasretarnea to Uie L mted States on I : " ,"' . . I Iientnn Mrs Mr,
is guaranteed to
Price .4c. Sold ' :.; i.
aerie, of lectures be hopes to induce his ' "nwjwnMa. j Hadley E 11
countrymen to adopt Li. faith. He bas j You will never be aatisfied with your Kort JohnV
. wuiieu, aasonmeni oi monametan eye glasaee unless you consult the ey. ' Colonel
. . " wv JU east, ana j specialist, Professor Aloes, at the I ma
will again put on when Le goe. upon the tilla houe parlor.. Don't miss this
platform. At present Le appear, in j opportunity.
Schaefer Cha. V
Smith C J
Zitler I) Z
Bolton Mrs Dani.-l ; not for us are acainst as
Cond. Agency of III
Cummins Mr. fl A! Hiwaholdara- Metla(.
Ialey KJ ' Tiir, Or., -March 3, 1893.
i. iT 1 " hereby given that there will
i .'. . A i ' '-kholders'' meeting of The Dalles,
Howell .M iss Bessie ; I'ortiand A Astoria Navigation Co. at
Johnson Mrs J ;Tn Cnaoxici.a hall on lues-lav, April
I, I Mr.,John ; 18!3, at 2 o'clock p. m. for the pur-
transacting such other business aa may
properly come Uf're said meeting.
By order of the President.
tu B. L. Brooks, Sec'y.
Morthennsln Anna
Walker F J .
M. T. Noiaw, P. M.
Per E. L. P.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
Ill at.. T Dallaa. r.
Z. F. Moon
Chaklcs Hiitos
M. A. Moom
a. x. m.u
trusting love, i ;-ra! Eankine Busiuess transacted
Suspicion kills trust. If von want the! IVnomts received. imhi-ct to siht
county court... ending March 1st, 18:)3. children to hate j ou, watch thcrjsus- Irraft or Che' k.
Clerk's bill 10C2 M I t.Ieionlv. Mak thni knuw 11. at thev f' .mA- mmA . i .i-
t'-kf fit I "v- f yritiupvij
ti is!' " fr'vn1 ?on' 1 overheard a re- j remitted on day of collection.
jj,, mark the other day which made me feel j sight and Telegraphic Kxchange sold oa
4 40 ! thi. keenly. Two pupils were waiting I N York, fan franciaoo and Port-
to sec their teacher who was sick and land.
134 '0 'one said. "I am aiu.otit sorry I uiu pro- dimkctoks
I ....l 1. t: i .. . i , . ... t' .
moieu, lor Minm cr is isi irieun 1 T ! T.i.ii.i J mn K u-n
F.o. M. Wiu iaxs. Ciao. A Liz
11. M. Bxaix.
17 00;
10 15!
A. A. Brown,
.ai a full aaaurtOMiit nf
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
tilcb tMuHtiaal Uw fUniiwa-