THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MARCH 34, 1893. WILL NOT GIVE IT ETuS Vill W Erratic Onanistici. MOKE NOMINATIONS CONFIRMED Ex-Senator Eustis Named as Minister to FranceTheodore Kunynn to German t. Washington. March 20. Republicans nl the senate nwt in caucus this morn ing to consider tlte threatened attempt i pointed by the provisional government bv the democrats to reorganise the elec- j o( Hawaii to procure an annexation live officer of the senate. There was a ' treaty with thi country, made an elo full attendance, Sherman presiding. It j quent plea lor annexation in the Puri was declared this was contrary to all ! tan church, Brooklyn, last night. In jvrecedent at a stecial session, and would I the course of hit address Mr. Castle said tnat tne innaDitani oi riawau ao nut suffer from contagious diseases. He predicted that the Sandwich islands will become the health resort of the United States within a few years. He said the deposed queen alone was responsible for the overthrow of the monarchy. the message of the late Cardinal Man ning, in which his eminence asked for a blessing and expressed the hope that the Catholic faith might soon spread all over the world. The pope was greatly affected at hearing the voice of the dead cardinal as it was brought from the grave to his ears, and then listened to a message from Cardinal Gibbons, in which he asked the bleseingof Cod upon the pope. H' holiness promised to grant the request and to send a message to the United Plate by means of the most wonderful invention of that won derful country. A LhIik ay Caatla. Saw York, March 20. William K. Castle, one of the commissioner ap- ' ! right of the Hawaiian by revolution to set aside the monarchy altogetlwr, but j protest against the right of any com-1 ' na l tee of gentlemen without the pre- . . M ,L. irU tense of consultation ith tlie Hawaiian ! Laresst Flam Kills m tne warla10,.iontoatt,ml)ttotr,U(,,t.rto.nyfor-1 FRIGHTFUL CALAMITY ! DestK-ysi eign government the nation and the flag , j that titer swore to uphold." j I The Princess kaiaulani said she SEVERAL LIVES REPORTED LOST wished to thank all those whose kind. j nee lias niade lei Ao Explosio. That Shook the Country j ."E. her Tint to America a , guardiau and party j on the Majestic f.r j for Miles An Attempt to Burn a Building. Liverpool. seriously interfere with public businees. It was unanimously agreed the chair man should wait on Gorman, chairman of the democratic caucus, and notify Lira that any attempt at reorganization would be very distasteful to republicans. There would 1 no opposition to the election of Harris as president pro tern. The committees and cierks have been changed, and the republicans say reor ganization is complete for tiiis session, li the democrats try to go further, the repul!L-ans will qaoie from the records of 1 SSI .when the democrats opposed any effort on the rt of the republicans, who finally abandoned their efforts in this direction. If this is not sufficient, anoiher caucus will be held, with the probability of a decit-ion to filibuster as the democrats did in I SSI. The repub licans say they have the ;wer to pre vent a new organization if it comes to a pinch. Waui.6Tox, March 20. The senate cocSnued the following nominations: L-aac P. Gray, of Indiana, minister to Mexico ; Joeiah Quincy, of Massachu setts, assistant secretary of state; James j B. Enstis. of Louisiana, minister tOj France ; Patrick A. Collins, of Massa-; chusetta, consul to London ; Robert A. Maxwell, of New York, fourth assistant postmaster-general ; Wade Hampton, of South Carolina commissioner of rail roads; William McAdoo, of New Jersey, assistant secretarv of the naw, and some ruilitarv nominations. ! The president sent to the senate the following nominations : James B. Eustis, of Louisiana, minis ter to France. Theodore Bunyon, of New Jersey, minister to Germany. John F Rieley, of New York, minister to Denmark. James G. Jenkins, of Wisconsin, United States circuit jodge, seventh judicial circuit. Wa ter I). Dabney, of Virginia, solic itor of the department of state. Charles B. Stuart, of Texas, judge of tie United States court for Indian ter ritory. Ernest P. Baida in, of Maryland, first anditor of the treasury; Thomas Hoi -ecuib, fifth anditor of the treasury. Wade Hampton, of South Carolina, commissioner of railroads. The Xarants litt. Buns, March 20. The British steamer Coventry arrived here today from Femandina, bringing news mak ing certain the loss of the White Star steamer Naronic, which sailed from Liv erpool fr Sew York February 11th, and was not beard from thereafter till now. The Coventry reports that on March 4, southwest of Sable island, off the coast of Newfoundland, she sighted two life boats bearing the name of the Naronic, keel upward, giving evidence of having passed through a very severe storm. Appearances indicated that neither boat liad been long adrift. There is a chance the occupants were picked up by a ase ing vessel. One of the boats was passed at 2 o'clock in the morning, the other at I 2 in the afternoon. That the Naronic is at the bottom of the sea is not doubted, bnt the cause of the disaster, of course, is still a matter of conjecture. It is thought possible, judging by the route of the Naronic, that she may have struck an iceberg, though it is rather early in the season for them to be float ing in that latitude. SHIFWBECEED PEOPLE OX BOARD. Livebpool, March 20. A Teesel which passed Deal todar signaled she bad 11 shipwrecked people on board, and White Star people think there is a strong probability they are part of the Narock's crew. St aa Hava flaielaail's Aianravai. ( Waohinctov, March 21. It I . i Litchfield, 111.. March 21.-The most i fced wt that President ClevelaL.i ha frightful calamitv in the history of this ; notified the members of his cabinet that , city occurred at an earlv hour this morn- ! they must make no appointments mull ing, and resulted in the' loss of 1 1, 000.-! the name of those selected to auu.ej 000 worth of propcrtv and a number of offir ubmitted to and approved hv live, practicallv wrecking half of the "" The !e 'J K have been ' town and damaging property for miles j d b5 the president in the most p around. Shortlv after S o'clock this ' tive terms, and it is to a i-ply even morning fire was discovered in Kohlor's J ch-rks the departments. Another in planet" steam flouring mills, the mrg- ; teresting fact also became known today, j est of the kind in the world, located in ? At the first cabinet meeting the ques the southwest part of the ciiy. The tire j tion of allowing republicans in diplo-j department had scarcely arrived ou the i mtk" n- cousular service to serve out ; scene when an explosion of Wrritie vio- j the term for which they were appointed lence shook the earth for miles around, I " discussed. The sentiment expressed , the hork being felt as far as Iecatur, j generally in favor of not removing j 50 miles distant. It broke the plate-1 n.T republican hold-overs except forj glass windows in a majority of the stores ; cause. Secretary of Sute Gresharo alone j in the city, prostrated almost every one j ' "'I t have objected to the plan, on the street, shook houses loose from j iMiu. their foundations, and jarred the ( York, March 21.-U was report- ! machinery in the Lichfield car and ; , ..,. . ; that ...... t , . ... j wnui rf. i irrjH.1111 .iiorgnn, who saws on ; j the Majestic tomorrow, on an iiu- portant mission for the government. It : is stated he has lieen authorized to ne gotiate a loan of 1,'0 ,000,000 in gold. I The report is apparently e!l foundttd. i Mr. Morgan was in Washington last week, and held a long conference with ! Secretary of the Treasury Carlisle. Of course, neither Mr. Morgan nor the sec- dYfW Advertisements. I. C. Niclcelsen, Tlie Dalles, - - Oregon. KSTABUSHKD ISTO. The oMet, largest, ottcl best innnngtxl Iiouete in oriool IVwlca, rui DeaUa, Musiionl Instrument. Watchea. Jevelr- una Sporting OchJ. Agt. Hamlnri.Hremeii St(tuiahlp Co'h V loWv u and from Bump I'auviT ArrtxTioK. Low Pains. Ur to thi Times. MAIER & BENTON Kir, Cord Wood Iink, Ash AND CrahApple HARDWARE STOVES RANGES 133 SECOND ST. FINE GROCERIES, CON. THIRD AND UNION. machine shops to such an extent work had to be susjeuded till the neces sary repairs can be made. It is sr.p poeed the fire originated from a spark from a parsing locomotive, and the sub sequent explosion was caused by the flames coming in contact with an ac cumnlaticn of mill dust. It looked at one time as if the entire south end of town would be consumed, but the fire a . I..! ki. ,.r hours managed to prevent the flames I ., , . . .. r for jublication ou the subject. 1 from spreading. Head Millwright John Carve, of. Tvrwtrt mt Gaiitj. Waterloo, attempted to save his tools Pasib, March 21. The jury in the ' from the burning building. He was , Panama cases todav rendered a verdict ! Tinning and Plumbing a Specialty "the dalles" or. M u HUNTINGTON. S. Commissioner. C. B. M'KINSTRY. Notary Public. stunned by the explosion, thrown against the smokestack, pinned there and burned to death, his limbs being burnt off. It is not yet known whether there are any other fatalities, though a number ot serious injuries are reported. A grain elevator adjoining the mill, ron- of guilty in the cases of Charles IV Lee-1 aUtract looks in AVaaco lounty Huntington & McKinstry. HucccMnni to J. Si. HaDUntfim A Co. Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Ag'ts Land Paper of all Kinds prepared. Ilents collect and taxes paid for non-residents. litract of litlea furnuhed at ahort notice, as we have the only aet of sepa. Baihut and Llontin ami ronirt i .i .i ! PartK-s These are : Marcus Fontane, Panama our oflcn canal director; M. Sans Leroy, ex- deputy, who was accused of changing his vote in the committee on the Panama ! having Floal Ltate fur sale or rent are ixjucaU-d Ktt 139 SECOND ST. THE DALLES- to call at OR. ' - - , .... ...,u. umiici; , TII.LII burned to the ground w ith its contents, ! accused of being bribed by IUron Rein- '. together with ten Wabash freight cars : ach ; and Ieputie Iugue de la Fu-on-! 6ne Ckaag la ih Hmry. Washibgtok, March 20. There will be a wide scattering of naval Tessels when the naval review comes to an end. The new administration intends to have a naval policy which bai not yet been outlined. Arrangements fur the review are taking up most of the time of the officials. One general conclusion has already been reached,' however, and that is that the practice of detailing vee eis to participate in celebrations in harbor along the coast will be discon tinued and the vessels assigned to their legitimate work. When there are ships convenMjntiy avauable, application to i mentt uli Mri. nave litem participate in tig ceiebra- i.oiiB win receive reepeciiui consiaera- k A Tribal From Blaise. BiLnsoKi, Mi, March 20. Howard Carter, a young son of Major P. F. Car ter, of Howard county, last November j!au(js sent Mr. ilaine tome partridges with a little note expressive of sympathy, and the hope that the sick man would find the birds appetizing. Yesterdav he re ceived a pair of handsome gold sleeve links inscribed with the came of "J. G. Blaine,' and the initials "H. C. B." The gift was accompanied by a note from Miss Harriet Elaine, saying that her father had been greatly touched at i his friend's thoughtfulness, that she had read the letter several times to him, and only a few days before his death he said he wanted to send the lad a motnento. In conclusion. Miss Blaine wrote that it was a great pleasure for her to carry out her father' wish to one who had been so thoughtful of Lim in hi last illnee. standing alongside. The track is block aded and telegraph wires disabled. Mrs. V. Hoffman has a leg broken, Mrs. K. Bichelroth, sr., her head rut. The mill was owned by Kohler Bros., of I St. Louis, and bad a capacity of 2,000 j barrels of flonr daily, and employed 1"0 Insurance on the milt ami ele vator, I3.T0.OJ0. rT. Lorrs, March 21. Kohlor Bros, estimate their loss in the Litchfield fire ! at 1000,000. nene, Gobron and Antoine Proust, who! were accused of corruption. M. Charles Baihut, one of the defend ant found guilty in the Panama trial today, was minister of public works in Ie Freycinet's cabinet of l.Mi. He in troduced the lottery loan bill, and is now accused of having demanded 1,000, 000 franca for his service in its behalf. He was arrested on January l'.'tb. After first trying'.to throw the blame on M. Blondin, who acted as a ro-bet ween in the transaction, he broke down and t made full confession, expressing his submission in advance to whatever sen tence the court might pass. Louis Payette, Blacksmithing. Started far Hawaii. Facisco, March 20. Ex-Congressman James H. Blount, United States commissioner to Hawaii, ap pointed to investigate affair there, ar rived from Washington on the overland i barrels train this morning. Mr. Biount was Taa Koaaaah Bvawrtml 4aar. Poetlasd, Or., March 22. At 1 o'clock today a laconic dispatch was received from London, stating that the "British lrrHem.ii la Waaaiartaa. bark Beemah, from Portland, ashore on Wasmntrros, March 21. The follow- rocks near Galway. Decks covered with ing are the most prominent of the many water." applications for ofCice which have been Xo further particular were r wived retrieved from Oregon : concerning the vessel, and the fate of Will T. Webhtr, for collector of customs the officer and crew is unknown. Her at Yauuina bay ; Mary A.Brown for reap- cargo of valuable flour is probably de- pointment at the Hills boro poetoffice ; stroyed, and will prove a severe lose to Misa Robertson, for reappointment at the underwriter. The Beemah was in Independence ; A Hampton, for re- lort land harbor last fall, and came to appointment at the Newport nostoffice : this city from Santo. She was in bal- M. A. Moore, for postmaster at Prine last and consigned to the Portland flour- ville; Ben Brown, for 'receiver of the ing mill. She wa loaded with flour, United rotate Land office at Barns; J. and sailed from this port with 16.C4 F Moore, for register of the tTnitd tion, but the intention is to popularize , taj.en to the t!:e navy lrr having the ships where 1 1 they are most needed for the legitimate work of protecting American interests rather than by furnishing exhibition for some particular section. In other 1 a words, tlie vessels will be kept at sea on foreign stations, where they will be available for any emergencies that may arise. of that commoditv. valued at f-tatea land office at Tlie Dallaa Fn . ... ; . at. x . i . . . . . . i uwuiug. n. jiuunt as i It-.'), fetie Ir't dna n th ri k.. ! . i. .i j ... , . . , , , . ..... 1 r 1 . nr. pnriui.n m , J UIV1M1U ---t - ... lemoer .5, ana passea out Irom Astoria ! tlM Hon- Jeff M vers, for governor of official enographer of the state depart- October 5. j Alaska : John I-a'n f,.r roller ,.l Mills. The partv. on "Thf m rM-k,l in . J.n.n. il . r -i-u. . t...i. reaching this side of the bay, boarded ; calitv." said one of the members of the'lr.t Kt.,M a:- ... , revenue cutter Hartley and were I Portland flouring mills firm. "G.lwav I AI.k. rl P. a f.u f. cutter Richard Eash, is in the western nan r.f Irv'.A .A ;'. i . t.i ir. vr-.'t iu TUJ- i noiea lor lue numtier of veasela ht In Any and all Kinds of Irin AVork att-nrld to promptly and puarantid to give ajiUsfartioii. Shop, East End, cor. Second and Depot Streets. Chrisman & Corson, DIttik GROCERIES, Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. age to Honolu.a. It i expected that the trip will be made in eight days. farewell ISdraM froaa ILaiaalaaL Jfw Yoke, March 20. Princess Kaiaulani was the guest of Sorosis to day. That society gave a luncheon at the Hotel fcavoy. Mr. Levies said the princes and her friend will leave -" mwrtm i a. pnnccea ana iier inena wiu leave on Ctscixxatti, March 20. In perform-1 he steamer Majestic for Europe Wed ing the rare and almsst fatal Erlanger nesday morning. The princes an operation on Cl.arle Hoffman, at the , nounced thi morning that she would city hospital yesterday, the discovery j Pre out a farewell address to the public was made that in some way the lung before she sails, t-be will probably pre hod been doubled back on itself and had I P Davie said, tonight and gave it shrunken to the size of a man' hand. 1 to he press tomorrow moraine. "All ' an-j was virtually dried up. T aa lk rhvaasrapk. P.o, March 20. The poj Sunday listened to two messages through a Ponograph, and from the late Cardinal Manning, and the other from Cardinal .'iWon of Baltimore. Stephen Moriiirity brought the instrument to the po;'s presence at Borne. Moriarity entreated Li holines to speak into the i phonograph an expression of love and j blessing which might be delivered to the j Catholic of America, on the occasion of ; opening the Chicago exposition. He pointed out that if the pope granted thi ; re;aet it would be the first time in the L.story of the church that the voice of the sovereign pontiff would be heard in America. Hi holiness then listened to she want i fair play," said Davies, "and Uncle bam will give her that." it vicinity. The coat is a gloomy, rocky one, and I have seen the waves dash against the storm-beaten cliffs to the height of 100 feet. It is an inacces sible region from the land, and the sailor is to be pitied who is dashed helpless on that shore. That part of the coast re ceives the full brunt of the Sorthera Atlantic gales, and is one of the most dangerous places in the world." The neglect on the part of the dispatch to mention whether the officer and crew had escaped in whole or in part from the perils of the angry sea is re garded here as an ominous omission. at Astoria; Dr. Mullinix and Mr. Van Dusen, for collector of custom at Astoria; M. J. McICinnon, for t'nited State timber inspector ; Jf. A. Ambrose, for assistant superintendent United States railway mail service at Portland ; D. W. H. fnook, for postmaster at Woodlawn ; J. R. P.lackaby, for post master of Jordan Valley; Richard I. Hammond, for postmaster of Klamath Falls ; Louis Langenherg, for postmaster atRoseburg; Laramie Mayer, for regis ter of the United Hate land office at Orgon City ; R. A. Habersham, for United f-tates marshal of Alaska ; Zera r-now, for T. nited State 'Oregon) district and later and fuller particular of tbe'ja'lire; Henry Ehvk man, for collector of disaster are looked measure of anxiety for the best. The Beemah wa fullv insured Cor. Washington and Second Sts., The Dalle, Or. WENT WH7JlRE.yOU WEAKi? ..AYE TOO TRIED 08U6S AID FAILED TO FIID A C0BE1 r; A -' aU,7Ar.f UFU Ml a-; . k, - - -r . j?LECTRpC.BELT If -AND SUSPENSORY rOrC tftM t-J rf- it (Tttirirn'l y m' t rir ( r:d W-i Wt'V'-ltitiCf':: Tin '.ur s Our VitU nv l- mm mm. r.i I 1 d I m W WrfO APE DaLfTATFn kHD raiNC l ATT L4 a ir.jv tjct mi-i j I 1 Lf1 M- M abomi, wrf an4 aijoTtra. T V.iict l ,f lU-t ' In ,ari...raI.M t,t m 11 m , r.w " A eaixlU f tf'kiiM-rl ..f ,- ,? f.M-rm . ! vil.f t.wl'' rii iiat. .T. I'-tim. b ai.U 9Mi v.. i lot 4 oticau.d in t a ly,ra . In t . uVAalTM 4 irtM' n.itt, tv. t mmtmtimm m rum or ni' rfuttrlal. ioMi Ucr Uta' lv.tii.ul.r lw l. --- m wim U( MUm, J ' !trr lirlt mt no loOTifMiit- mm mm haiv rmmtsirmA thmnr l.unO wl f.f m (..macknt ttK X ,.ta ik would adlr tMClfr. mt,4 IrvB tutw la a. aaa r. . i-. maiv.m ,111 r Mil. for with no small However, all hope w Frlnccas Kalaalanl. Vobk, March 21. Theophilu Davies, the British guardian of Princes ! """ Crop ntatlatiea. Washikctox, March 21-Professor J. R. Dodge, the statistician of the depart ment of agriculture, include in his monthly report tlie dates and official statistic of the principal crons of fur. eign countries. The present conditions are very favorable for a world wheat crop for 18P2 of 2,37 ,608,10; bushel. In Great Britain there ha been a great reduction in stork. Live Log have de- V,C"J neaa. iM sLort- bad no jurtifi.jation. He said age In Ireland is ertimmted at 1,200,000 -Revolution 1 the extreme riht of head. The abnormally high price of ; every self -contained nation, and ome bacon and pork," contrasted with other j time, the only recourse for misgovern- aneala art!! U a 1,.V ! . ,., w,, ireUj umu- ment; and I am not here to internal revenue. An attempt was made early yesterday morning to wreca and burn the Great blot k, a large four-story brick building on Main street, Niagara Falls. Dr. John H'xlge discovered in the hallway of the second floor a small nitro glycerine cartridge with r WE WAVf CUBED THESE WE CAN CURE YOIM -.. T.Saaon. lrmr biior I u.rt , .'-,r iii - . . rt4 ll wnNnw".!- 1P rt Of VIL.1 . .1 " T K(WIf i. I irn l . ra of Ml M ' f of o-r. n-.d. .:kl " "' .1 too, I rutn ,ntlr I row J iro-ili ' . " 1 n ;d tm up late hog-breeding. Kaiaulani, Usned a farewell address last i K'.vcerin cartridge with a half burned night concerning the Hawaiian question attached. The bomb was placed on and his charge. He thinks it must have ! ca" coal oil. It wa some throe become clear that, whatever may have inc,'e" ,on. with a cap on one end and been their provocation, the attitude as- 1 e IUM ,n " other. The fuse, In all! sumed by the Hawaiian commissioners 1 P""''ili7, hl hen lighted, but had gone out. Louis frtapler, who wa caught by a rapidly revolving shaft at th Oregon City mill last Saturday and terribly mangled, died yesterday. Hi remain I r- t ii ,v.r l.rim , .... " l"" ' r l--li ll I 1- a ma Ira.r I-r.. II. A. rljM m aoa ai T I'Jk w """"; ' ' V anal. IWMtaiiia" RnaUMIATiaM AJO LaMtNEt CUSVtO. a..o i.M.r wit a,il, 4 I I, w !.....( a flaafaj kZ.Tr.i .JTTi: V ";"' " 1 '0'a-rma.ll,.anal.i I U-alaaHalalk a.ia cuaaoa i law I fkm m (is ttiian cfMfH i I a-vm u . a- - . -.-.--.i Btail-ITV-LO CF VICOW, ttr. i T. t.r .,rn I' .Ixorua O'Mx M. W ! k.11 I kaa, haaa .aaiia l.uA. lll.iaMa- protest against the right of revolution, nor the will be embalmed and taken to Missouri t.v i v 1 1 au it f!ip'. i n. m mrmmti Xwu.m mm v mrwa m bfrtr. iVin M mum mmmr-w Mrftirt. aad tea-k f mi h,,w fpwrv iiu nm wrmwmm. 1 i i wumam. mt r VAM. LIT ! KA.tMUiM (MM, IWIUI, I kmm wMsafMr lour S'Mf r la ll tl Tt. A ,.rir liar aanaral arauaa dabtalf , aaa u-fl U ' -"'naaiB,.ir IWfan. J kaaa all, ta4 am am,, ,n nn lrt. I araiaialLf , THE DR. 8AN0EN. ELECTRIC BELT - - iiiiiiaaa wraia aattarr. raafla into a aK ao as to ha aaaiia an. a.xava ... U't' 1 ttAaa h.- a7i Jl . """"T ian mrmiiriHiat an anal pa a-l.www. II baa aa Iaar,a4 rle Kataaaiarv. tft.awi -17. HflaaaTV tkJL"!!'!.'? I:'" "aknaaaaa. a..a toat.laria anrankara hraha. or I aa Tar I' 1 aafa taa wont ,rta. or aa f.l'" n. an. ana par, rr Maaaf U8 tme I ie Of Ifllaa -- Aillaaa Ina f nil i 'AN DEN ELECTRIC CO. 172 FlritSt., PCSTUX3, CSE6CI.