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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1893)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1893. I rKOrVftftlOKAl CARUfc. KT 1)1 1)1 nnc i vn ihth Niv You, March 11. In a length? dispatch regarding the Hawaiian treaty, the Washington correspondent of a morning paper un that a gentleman closely connected with the administra tion is authority for the stntenient that the Hawaiian matter will be taken up immediately by Jude Greshain, and Sothera gav a dinner to F1oreooaAa I London club and invited htm tue half I an hoar later than any uf the other goesta. He aaid to his g-OfwSa, who were ; eminent men in literature and politic i and in the nobility: "When Kkirenoa , j cornea sn;poee yon all get under the ! ! table? He'll think hi lateness ha , ! caused you to kve." So when Florence j messajw transtuitUng a treaty of 1 as announced e-1 except botaern got ; nnuer ine lame, ana uuueuoui iuj them from sight. As Florence entered he saw Sothern alone and said: 1 "Has nobody come yet? "Oh, yes," said Sotbem in a iood votoa. "They've all come. And as soon as yon were announced they hid under that aorutt kind will be sent to the seuate during the present special sensiun. This gentleman, w ho is in a position to know, said further that the treaty would be on annexation line-, although radi cal!? different in its teruis from the Har rison treaty. The features that would i the table, though why the deuca they be added, he stated, would leave no j did it I cant imagine." Doakibie chance for the snear svndicate I une cy one me grata crawnea cm. to reap anv benelits, which will relieve the I'nited States from anv financial responsibility for the support of the) Oooe lawka. islands. In other words, the attitude liood looks are more than skin deep, of this administration is not unfavorable , depending upon a healthy condition of to annexation, but is opposed to the i all the vital onrans. If the liver be in 1 1 K. U. . rt it w 1) . ...(,,i.lnl tUl'rmltl j mMur I'r 1 ui ktT. bth I Hank, 1 he I'allfa, nr. lllrtn. hue i ovur rrvucli FRAZER & WYNDHAM, Propristors. 1 I mud N . K-IU I VN (lloa loriTHin mrni'Ul 1. l all aliwtrvU 'nuiilly, t Ui.v ir mirl-.i. tu'.v ort-ountr). OUue o. mhu ST 1 haplaau tl. 1. U K. O. U. ! A S a ravatciAa awd sra-1 aiori. I'Irnw. rtioiuA & ami S i tmiuitan laio hourm y t.. VI A.M., i to 4 and 7 lotf. K. IV II. It. KlI'l'Kl.l. ATToaNIT AT I.AW- Court Mml, The liu-. Oregon. is One , looking red and ashamed. Sew Son. York Harrison treaty, because it is thought to have been too ;hasti!y drawn, and not lull and definite enough in its scope to properly protect the interests of our government. Tb Kwalt Kw4. Sas Fraxcjkco, March 12. The reve nue cutter Richard Knsh is lying in the stream off the foot of Clay street with fires banked and ready at a moment's per bottle. active, too nave a bullous look, if vour stomach lie disordered yon have a dys peptic look, and if your kidneys be af fected you nave a pinched look, becure your health and you will have good looks. Electric Bitters is the great al terative and tonic acts directly on these vital orgwna. Cures pimples, blotches, boils and gives a good complexion. Sold at Snipes A Kinerslv's drugstore, 50c notice to sail for any port she may be ordered to. The Bush is nnder special orders from Washington, P-. C. What her destination is there is no war of tell ing positively, but it is more than likely that the revenue cutter is bound for Honolulu, and that besides dispatches she may take down a senatorial com xuittee to investigate matters at the islands. Captain Hooper has been ordered to prepare the Rash immedi ately for a 2,500-mile voyage to extend over two months, and to bold the vessel tinder waiting orders. Sax FitAScrsco, March 12. From Washington arrangements have been made with Sprectles Bros, to hold the steamer Australia, which was to have sailed for Honolulu Wednesdav. The following dispatch was received late yes terday from Superintendent of Foreign Mails .Brooks by Postmaster Backus "Please ascertain and advise me this evening what price the agent will name to hold the Australian 4S hoursr" roet master uacitis conlerred at once with preckles,;.and the terms named were evidently satisfactory, for the post office department has telegraphed Mr tpreckels agreeing to his terms and asking that the Australian be held until Fridav. I mlm a Caafca a. Tbe city of London is pat down by geographer aa the center of the landed hemisphere. In other words, a radius of about 6.000 miles on tbe curved sur face of the earth, with London aa a cen ter, would describe a circumference in closing more land than any 6,000 mile circle that could be drawn from acy outer city m ue woru. icxenange. Xothitft like it Dr. Pierce' Favorite tVcscrip. tion. It's as peculiar in it.i comjwj feition, as in its curative effects, in all the diseases and disorders that afflict womankind. It's a legitimate medicine an inrioratincr, restora tive touie, a aoothinsj and 6treneth- enuisr nervine, and a positive rem edy for female weaknesses and ailments. . All functional disturb ances, irregularities, and derange ments are" cured by it. There's nothine like it in the war it acts there's nothing like it in the way it'a sold. It guaranteed to give satisfaction in every cams or the money paid for it u promptly re funded. Read the guarantee on the wrap per. Ton lose nothing if it doesn't help yon but it wilL The syFtem is invigorated, the blood enriched, digestion improved, melancholy and Dervousness dis pelled. It's a legitimate medicine, the only on that's ffuaraUed to give satisfaction in the cure of all "female complaints. " j a a trrra. miiiMni. J l Kl'K. a MEXFKE ATToaMTi at I" LAW-Htmii'M 4J mid 4,;, ovir FMt ttt.i'v huiltlinc, Kutnure uu WafcMugtou tflrwt w H. N M.SOS invnit iT Uf - Rixwn and New Vi Uuiri. bvituid ttrwl. h baiMa, umcuu. . BKXNKTT. ATTOKNEV-AT-LAW. Of At'v in netuuiuu t buililiits, up ftUirm. Tnt .ivm, Utvkuu. . r. mat, a. aarsTiKunw. a. a waaua. VS. HTNTlSiiTON A ATToa MAYS. KEY Yft-AT-LAW ottUf. Fnent'ta's blnrk ovar Flr National bauk. - ' 1'ailaa. Unnitm. SOCIETIES. 8riEVBLY NO. A!?, K. OF L-Mwa In K. ( 1. hall ttaa Mi-ond and dmrlh K ali dajra o( each muuch at ? Ju a. m. wt 9 t-.v. - lai- y asi-' It' . r At the old stand of R. Lasher, no Front St The Dalles, Or w r. a. ASfO UtHiE. NO. 1A, A. F. A A. M.-Meeta flnrt and llilnl MuuUa; ol aach month at 7 SILK TAALUiS ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. S.- 1 llnu In MaaiHiir Hall the third Madnaadar of aaah mouth al 7 F. M. fOrERl WOOIDTES OF THE WORLD. Uifof aach week in Frah-rnitt liall. at 7 . p. m. 'OLU jf Bl A LOIHiE. NO. 6. 1. O. O. F. Marts V1 Trr tTtamr avenlna at 7 .Wa i ivk In A of P. hall, omier tiaruud and Court MranA iHijoamiii Drothen ara walnima. a. (.LOUGH. BVC V. H. A. BILXA.V. O THE DALLES MERCANTILE C( SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES, BRAINAM) & ARMSTRONG'S I SPOOL FINE LINE OF HI No. 390 to 394, 2d 1 LIE IS street. The Dai; FKIKKlttfUF LOIX.E. NO. S., K. of P. Mecto evtfTT kondav evaulna at ? .ttk . .1.w.l t Schanno s bu:Ulma. wmw of Court and iMmmii uTvia. sotourutus member are onrdtalir In r. a. tui. Tiled. it. H'.Virn, K. of R, and 8. C. C. rropoaala for Bid a. Sealed bids will be received at the of fice ol iTanuail .burcet until noon March IDth, l!t93, for the superstructure ot a proposed dwelling to be built for . i i-radshaw on toe northeast cor ner of Washington and Fourth streets, Tbe Ihilles, Or., according to the plans and specifications prepared bv C. J. Crandail. Uiiie will also be received at the same time and place for tbe mason work of the above mentioned buildinc. Plans and specifications can be seen at the of- fii'-e of Crandail 4 Burcet. The right is reserved to reject anv and ail mas. Seed "Wheat, " Oats, " Corn, " live, " Potatoes, Garden Seeds, Grass Seeds in Bulk. ll"OXEV CHR1HTIAN TRMPERENCE ' I NIOX will mM am Vn,la ltrn.,n at t o'clock at the raadiac room. AUare Invluol I I larmon Lodre No. S)1, 1. o. . T.-Rtnular I M. OTMKIV niMMftnM Uixi.w "I -. 1 . I rimicniiijr ,iaiL AUareinvited. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at itsf.J leads on to fortune. ' The poet unquestionably had reference to the -TEMFl-E LOIK.E NO. a A O n X in Fralermtv HalL over Kellera. W.-MeeU "s i ourauaj Tauuura at 7 Ai. aI'l Kacrr. MTKaa, rinaiK-ler. SI. W. TAH. NFMIT!1 T, No.S2.ti. A R.-Mt " varr natunla at 7 aj r a . in rh. a- .j v i-flitSilnlp Hall. T or L. E Li, the k of p. lialL MeetaererT Hauday afternoon in -AT- lct Baa kera Wut TrMamrj Sm V ashiugto.x, March 10. Secretary Carlisle has received offers from Chicago bankers to exchange $3,000,000 of gold for a like amount of small treasurv notes, with intimations that probablv $10,000,000 will be wanted on the same terms. Carlisle will forward the small notes at once. The treasury has no ad nces of intended gold shipments Satur day. United States Treasurer Nebecker has tendered Lis resignation. Cleveland notified him it would be accepted as snon as possible. KsiawlmaJ la WaabJwctew. tVasbisotox, March 10. The Prin cess Kaiaulani and party, nnder the guidance of Mr. Davies, left the Arling ton hotel at 11 o'clock. The first visit was to Corcoran gallery. The princess came downstairs and passed through the hall of the hotel, where she was re garded with considerable curiositv bv the crowd assembled. Mfo'. Ctothca. '3 an- Lecotiing aa bad as women l'.:e udopti.iu tif strange and uncoin- ortaoH Litooiuua ia clothing." said a Fi.:n ktenar castotu tailor, "and thev iwi areas reform preacocsl to them al most aa macU as the feiniuine sex. Take the high collars that are in vogne. and wLich are worn higher than ever this fall. They almost strangle one and chafe toe ssin nil til it is gore. .LVtw-e-j Lit heavy, hot braver tat and the tLrLt col lar, baldness is becoming rampant in oar cities. The high, tigbt cuilar ha as mncn to do with causing LaMiM u anv other one thing. Then the tnodern style ui ntting tne ciotnee lorcea us to mum them tight and snug all around, and this prevents one from reallv enioving life. i igat patent leather shoes sweat and pinch the f"-t until walking la a painful exercise. Every time I see a dude with all of the latest style of modern clothea I pity him, and wonder that he submits "uiuuiarj KHTure. i can assnrs you tnat if his clothes fit him he ia mis. erable. The old adage that if a man's clotbjea don t fit him he Is uncomfort able' has been reversed." New York Almes. J. Jri. CROSS'! Hay, Grain and Feed Store. LOOK. OUTT roa Fresh Paint I EhANG VEREINMwt. erarr VI venluc In llit- m. ol K tin rlnuda Fnrnitnre & Car BOF L, F. PIVISIUN. No. IHT-Mwwln K. of P. liall the Mntl mA thit u .. day of each mouth, at ;n r. m. THE t UI KCHtt. ST. fETERM CHTRCH -Rev. Father Rao... aBSKT l anu.r. Low Mmm arerr huihI.t .i 7r.i. 1(1' a at CRANDALL &. BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced raid MICHELEACH LKICK, - . UNION ST. Vaapaira at J w. c. (iiLicrr hereby iend Hi riin.ti.imMiu to every friend And enemy if he ha- am Be they few or be they many. The time for painting now baa come. And every one dealrea home That freah and elean and new, A none but a f xal painter can dk Palntin. panerinr and lajin, too, W ill make your old imuw iiioa quite new. He will take y.ior work either way. By the job or by the day. If yon have work iv him it enll. lie 11 take your ordera, larjrv or amall Reartfully. V. C. GILBERT j P. O. Boi No. S, THL DALLES OR. &&M&tfxr5z- Z7r? PA UL KRE FT &. C O -very rtnnday at II a. u. and 7 r. a. kuim1t I f -very minaay at II a. a. and , mi r. m. kuimI.t h.Ki. to A. a. tvenlna Fraver on Fndar at 7:a -DEALERS IX- F1R!4T BAPTlrtT (-Ht'RCH kev. O. D. Tav Lo. Haab. alumina- aerruiea aerr Hah. HaMialh bath at the ar-arterny at 11 -k-i. ininiraiawiy afier momins arrvinai Prayer meetiiic Kndav evenlna at r-Mi. Mi leii. t'niou aerricva In Uia court hou,i r t F. Jl. PAINTS, OILS AND-GLASS And the Most Complete and the Utert Patterns and Designs U CON(rkEOATINAL lit Rl ll-Rer W. : crma, f'asttir. Hervtreaerery hunday at 11 . a. and 7 r. a. Sunday Hrt,i after ni.m.ln. oraiiaeravorujaiiy lnrilau- IMsala fr M. L. YOUNG, E. t IK KCH-ker J. Wriklc. rawtor. nerruM every Sunday monilneai 11am nuuday m-h..l mi u ju o nock r. a. Epworth lraarue at A At p. a. Fravar meeUna everv rhurwlay eyeinns at 7 :) o cl.n-k a eordial in- riuiion ia axteuded br both uaator aud pvie I CHKI-TIAS CHrRf'H Rsv. j. w. Jkkkihk. Faator. FrenrhiMff In the (:oTiemri,ri..,al I eordiaiiy invited Prarlical I'ainter and I'aiKr Hinmn Vna Ui .- i. i..i. pnerwin- una mi and j. w . ilasury's TainU n-ed in ail jur work, and none the most skilled workmen employed. Agents lor Mastiry Liquid 1'ainU. chemical combination or soap miitare. A first rlass artid, in aij color,, ordera promptly attended to. Paint Shoo comer Thirdaod WMuinfton Eta- Tit Dallei. M at s r. a. Ail are I.wckr Etowawerata. "VVAsntxoTOK, March 9. Tbe president has sent the following nominations to the senate : Josiah Quincy, of Massachusetts, as sistant secretary of state. Kobert A. Maxwell, of 5ew York, fourth assistant postmaster-general. Isaac P. Gray, of Indiana, minister to Mexico. Patrick A. Collins, of Massachusetts, consnl-genera! to London. F . P. Gale, of Sew Mexico, receiver of public moneys at Roswell, N". M. Three days is a very short time in which to cure a bad case of rheumatism ; but it can be done, if the proper treat ment is adopted, as will be seen bv the Jollowing from James Lambert, of Sew .Brunswick, Ills. : "I was badly afflicted with rheumatism in the hips and legs, when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's rain Calm. It cured me in three days. I am all right today ; and would insist on every one who is afllicted with that terrible disease to use Cba iiberlain's Pain Balm and get well at once." 60 cent bottles for sale by Biakeley & Houghton, druggists. Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, III., was troubled with rheumatism and tried number of different remedies, but says none ol them seemed to do him any good ; but finally he fot hold of one that speedily cured him. He was much pleased with it, and telt sure that others tiuilarly afflicted would like to know what the remedy was that cured him. He states for the benefit of the public that it is called Chamberlain's Pain Balm. For aale by Biakeley & Hough ton, Druggists. All Frew. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunitv to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist and get a trial bottle, free, fend your name and address to II . E. Bncklen 4 Co., Chicago, and get a sanitoe Lot nf vr. King s ew Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Houb hold Instructor, free. All of which guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing, bold by 8niies & Kinerlvs Tfc bailor1 FriawaU Mr. Samuel Plimsoll std kwra tr. n. house in Park lane, and is far from well, but he has sufficiently recovered hima.lf to be able to write a letter claiming one result or rather the want of result of the recent storm to legislation. Has there ever been remembered- ha aaW. gale of equal suddermeaa, violence and uuxauou wuica was not the cause of ery, very much greater loss of life than that recorded of the gale which has re cently passed away? A year and eight months ago, when be was fervently urtriag the governmimt t assist in passing the load line UU, it was euuwii sum me upioraljle loss of life at sea irom overloading was entirely pre ventable, and that the passing of the bid would immediately check It, while, when the act was steadily and uniformly administered, this head of loss would disappear. He points triumphantly to the recent gale for wmfirmation. Liver pool (Eng.) Mercury. : JEWELER trail Lutheran eharrh. Ninth nwt. Kr a Horn, patr twnrlo- at 11 JU a. m. hniul.i 'hial at ::::) p. tu. A cordial welcome to every one. the Dalles AND Prineville Watcbec and Jewelry n-waired to rmW , maun noucc and utinfactlun ruaranteed AT TRk Star of I. C. Nlrkelaea. td at. The Dalle From TEKJEIHflJi or IflTEHIOS Points TUF -A. 1TEW MerMi EstaHbhiucnt! Stage Line J.D. PARISH. Prop. . M. Hcasara, FnaldeDL H (auA First Rational Bank. THE DALLES. - - - ORECOt A General Banking Businees trans Jrpoait received, subject to riftt Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promri remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange toMal M" lork, han rrancisoo and Portland. riLZ & nitsciiki: KflrtliEm Paciiic -DEALtRg IN- RHILROAD U the line to lake TO ALL RIMS EAST AND SOETB. II 1 th- rtn.Kr f ar Rrmo ti n.r.. tk-, s. ! Furniture and Carpets We have added to nnr litminiMia a j Kiin).lci rndertading KtaMiNhnint, and as we are in no wav rxmneited wlfh the I ndertakers' Trust; our prices; will be low accordingly. FHENCH & CO BANKERS. TRANSACT A uEXERALBANKIu rt BtalUoa for Sale Cam. A fine thoroughbr-d. 6 rear old stal lion for sale cheap. For further particu lars apply at this office. Back law 'a Ara Ira Sain. The best salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sore-, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all akin eruptions, and powi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price Zi cents per box. For sale by Pnipee A Kin ersly. Some orchard ists on Hnake river esti mate that while there will be a ft;!! yield of plums, cherries, annlw and pears, there will not be more than half! crop of peaches. I SaUcri' f.,r Thi Dah. CiiBu.Mcxr. ISO CHANGE OF t ARS.J Omnneed of Idnln ar nnnunHuard. Fnll man ir.wiii kootn aieerwraof lakatequipuieui. TOURIST SLED'KG CARS f Jh"',7n be e.mtrnrtl, .rt In whlrh nThoil2" V'i" J""' tnr Fnn-i-t-ed lor uoideraof Finn and oecoudlajai TrckeWi.and ELEGANT BAY COACHES A rontinnona ltn . . . .. .. afr.din direct and nniiiierruuual aurri Fn'lman Slerper rwrvalinnii In advance liirougb an; aarent of THROUGH TICKETS r.ficiaird and lurn t uraet oniee of the eompaiif en I aerrired Ue naul. TLis old. tamular and v,.. has len eritirtily refuminiie.1, and ev-rv riajm has btn reiana.rvd a,.,l o.;. .Ji and newly carjted throughout. Tbe initiae comau,, lnt ruomsaud is snpplied with every moern ronv.niiiui I-....- rmaonable. A trl miminni l to the house. Frvr !m to .n.l f.. .n trains. "" C. W. KNOWLES. Prop. OIHItCTOKS. 1 Fk P T. ....... T c c The Illee at f a m errrr d.T and r- ! l-' , Wm iV. J. I A TaT 1". at I nnevlile In thlrtr-an Lmira. Inin " IU.IAWS, UtO. A- W- I'rinerllle at ft a m erenf rr and armra at . H. M. Bt ALL. The iiallea ill tliirtr-aix houra. ' Carries the U. S. Mail, Passmjitni ted Expres -Cunwcli at Fr1o-lile with 8tagei from Eastern and Boothern Or egon, northern California and all Interior Points. Aln maka rl.w eonnartl'ia at The ballea with trailm from Fortland and all eaaUirn poliila. ." Coanecai t:nn. : Gocd iccoEaciLiiicDi alcsz us rrad. . rir-:ua tsa:la am ic:j ivi. j . EUTe8 Wriff laii!i w:: nt All neraont wlrhlnr dmmv. m,i.t v. ti tl"rr. Ulil" fare; othera will n-rt he rlved. yx,t,-m. r.u.i U wayl.illed at i.fl,re it the htare i. wlU be ft-i-maiMr. The m, i; tk. m.ri.k ,m nj traiiamlt wl. Fartiel.r attention rireo to d-iir-rtns exia n.alt.-r at I riN-rl'.e and all am.theni poiiiu In Unvm. and i-hnrirw alii be imm dx me conipanr. Letters of Credit issued available Eastern Hates. STAGE OFFKFft . 1 .! "tor- I'anatllla Hnaaa. 1 ha lallaa. The Snug. THE DALLES National Bonk, Of DALLES CITY, OR. To and from all i rwlllUi In Amri.. ! he pureraaed al any Fnll Inf.irmatlon nmmlnf rem. time ,4 f. C. ALLAWAY. '. .o.. kSTtn.KUir oihce, The W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second fireet. The Dalles, Or. An( fi. p. a a. lntllea. Or . of . ., , ' "WAKI.TO.V. Ai L Oetieral 1 aL.,.r '0r.UaJi This well known stand, kept by the wel known W. H. Bntu., long t d.ut of a-o county, has an eitraordi nary fine stock of L'erler'j Mirit jjd rlh Mtukin In fact , all the lending brand of line Wines, Li..ti.M-s and Cigars. o,Ve the oij man a tail and you will come aain. President -Vice-President, Cashier, . Z. F. Mooor Cbari.ks - M. A. Mouut General Baokinj Basiness Transacted1. Kight Exchanges Hold on NEW YORK. pAS J'KAXClSfW), CHICAGO and 1-OKTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at ail accessible points. Wght Exchange and Te)egfP Transfers sold on New York,Chirjr ' Ixiuis, ran Francisco, Portland Off Seattle Waxh., and various points to'' egon and Washington. Collections uiade at all points orable teruia. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTOR Campbell Bros. Propi (JactMtn to r. I. Crai.) Manufacturer of th flnatt Frtncto' Hum Mad Caat of Fortland. DEALKRf. IX Tropica! Fruits, Nuts, Cigari vA lj Can famish an of thaa foods at mi or Hatell I VTr"t3ir, T WA-' Ja Erary etlw. Ice Cream andjoda Water. 104 fcecond Street, The Dalles, Ol-