THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1893. The Weekly Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER or WASCO tWNTY. foontr JuJ..... . Sheritl .. Clem Treasurer ... Cominiji Burvfvor t- Mar. 8u"riiuadntoI Public School .Trov Minie Coroner N. M. Lartword ' HAkUSOS 'H S'ICTT OF Sl'ELCU There t a difference i" Uien. II any one d.tes not think to. let him take the stilted inauguration speech of I'resident Cleveland mil compare it language with that little speech delivered by ex ! President Harrison hen his friends covxtt orriciA.. T. a. art i gathered to receive hini in Indianapolis . Jy. t !Xu : on his return from Washington. There Ua. iitrui.ii.- i js not a hush-flown word io the whole of tlrai kituvul ... . . .Joel w. Kiiu it, and vet It is as graeeiui as a ueauuiui paintinc. as simply magnificent as the of "God Save the Queen. 1 hen that sets democrats have put in theirapplications for warm clothing and for fuel, wtucn Items form so large a part of the ex penses in Orecon. A Spanish American city like Huenos Ayrcs, with a population of 6:S,000, pays about 1100,000 a year for Its fire protective service, and although the largest and richeat city of South Amer ica the latest statistics obtainable give the loss bv fire in 1SSS as H23.000. air there is something about it A Washington dispatch says that not withstanding the fact that the Oregonian The subject of good roads of late years has been much discussed, and w e are glaJ that it received favorable attention at the hands of the recent legislature. There is no one thing of greater import ance than good wagon roads, and any sum is not too great to be wisely ex pended. Roads have been constructed at an expense of $25,000 per mile in some parts of the world for miles and miles and the result has been invariably of benefit. While such a sum expended in this section is bath impracticable and unnecessary, it is of the highest im portance to avail ourselves of the amount appropriated by the legislature to the West possible use. Those roads over which the most wheat and farm produce and the most supplies are hauled, are the ones to be considered, since the amount is not munificent enough to cover all. The road leading to Pnfur and Antelope to the top of Tygh hill are probub'.v the most important of any to be considered. At present travel that requires these roads is obliged to come around by Tiggs, a great inconvenience amounting to a larj-e loss. In the course oi' a year the actual loss resulting from bad rjads will amount to more than the euni that would lie required to make them good. Hawaii, the present subject of much discussion and interest, affords one of the most striking examples of the results of missionary effort. In 1819, when the first ministers of the gospel reached its shores they found a people without an alphabet and without natu ral affections. Three-fourths of the children born died by the hands of their own parents. Through vice and super stition once vigorous race was fast decaying. Not even in Africa was there a Heid so hopeless. Today there is not a native, possessing ordinary intelli gence, who cannot read and write. In its day schools are gathered a larger per one's thoughts going ; for instance, the following sentence: Not the rising and the setting of the sun, but our ex periences, gives the true seuse of dura tion." A million of men have tried to express the same thought. Not one of them has ever expressed it exactly be fore. Not one has used less than twice that number of words in trying to ex press it. The whole Bpeeeh, w hile sim ply a response to words of welcome, was complete. Through it all there is not the slightest sign of disapointment, and the tone of it gives particular emphasis to the closing words, wherein he says : "I left you with but one certainty, and I return with that certainty, that 1 had no other motive in roy heart than the honor of the flag, the sacredness of the constitution and the prosperity of all our people." In whatever else General Harrison may be weak or wrong, certain it is that he has no etjual in our country in delivering impromptu and perfectly appropriate speeches, co matter what the occasion may be. If he has estab lished oue thing more than any other in the nearly five years since ho became the most prominent figure in the United States, it is that there never was any thing so misappropriate as the idea that his head was r.ot big euonirh for his j grandfather's hat. That grandfather, so in tne tiays oi ms greatest giory, was vai a pigmy, compared to the grandson. Salt Lake Tribune. AT THE LONDON ZOO. HOW THE CHILDREN CNJOV THEM SELVES ON A SATURDAY. earlv and are standing around waiting for positions, it becomes more and more apparent that they will wait some time before they are recognued. It is well to remember that when Cleveland was president cifc'ht years ago he did not make any effort to turn out the republi cans in any portion of the United Mates, unless they were convicted of "perni cious activity" or were pronounced and bitter against the democratic party. It is also well to remember that nearly all ; the democrats in Oregon remained in j oflie until their terms were altout to Booing In Animal In IjmJm'l Ureal Oanlwa Taka TUlr lalt Ml l Weakly Attraction la hn Ills Clly. Vlatralng tha Crvalnrra rial. No day in more itnimiitcd at the Lou don Zoological garden than Saturday, when the children apir iu full forco, marshaled by puM and mamnuis, who are doubtless glad enough to visit the scene of their own early '"larks," but who try to look as if they came only as guides and guardians. The little peo ple begin to appear early in the forenoon, some of them brimriu a lunch linskct. whoirun may be fonnd not only their own broad and butter bnt biscuit and bun for fending the animals. Those who are to take their uounday meal ia the refreshment mom, how ever, need not be destitute of provender for their four flatted acquaintance; a bun nmy always be bought for a penny, and biscuit are abundant on many a convenient counter. First conn the, preliminary ramble, and then a skurry Uwk to the honpe. where at 13 o'clock the diving binls are fed. A largo glass tank of clear water occupies one end of the room, and into this ttrecbklv at noon an attendant president, it is not at an prouanie mat : throws a Cleveland will break through the rule I them still expire, when President Harrison ap pointed their successors, and in many instances these did not occur until j n earlv a veur after Harrison became , A MATTER OF COMPLEXION. Bland Whhr Rnltl l Itn fi rowing rwwr, UlTtaft I'lac lu llrntiatlaa. "Ilhtnd women nm Un'oniing scarcer rviTy year," soil n;i eminent anthrojMl ogt. "Yon Leve ti n lived long enough to remark tho fact, but women with blue- oyt and light hair are gradually pjoiing nwuy u a type. In etudi sncrc--ilive gvn-rntiou there are fewer of them Hum iu tho hk'.t. Already such a thing an a real blond, pnrely such, is so rarely seen In this country as to excite remark. Goldnu tresta are so very infrequent that real onea are usually UHiectod of being dyed. In short, it Wis become evident that beforo very l.tug there will In) no Uoiid women any inure. Tim same thing is true of men, Aiwmg their sex light hair and bine eye are f:uit disiippi'itruig. You may judge how rapidly they are going when yoa cou sidcr the fact that wherever a brnn mnn mum blond woman or vice versa 60 per cent, of tltn childnm born liavo dark hiiir and ryis. At that rate not very many centuries v.-ill It reiuird to wipe out the blond typo altogether. You wtmder how this matter has been deter niimid with such m'curncy? Simply by including such statistical olnervation in the cenmts of tintionn. In Germany and Frunce the very hi-In ml children are ex- ajniiifd and have their cliar:u-ter re cordeil from an r.iithropological stand point. "irongesi rrcommenuution that any article can have is tha ondorsemeilt of the mothers of the town. When tha mothers recommend it you 'may know that that article has more than ordinary merit, llore is what the Cenlervill, Sauth Dakota, Ottiaon mrs editorially of an article sold in their tow n : "From personal experience we can sav that Chamberlain' Cough IComedy hu broken up bad colds for our children. We are ai-quninted with many luothori in Cunterville who would not be without it In the house for g-xnl many times it) cost, and are recommending it every day." M) cent bottles lor sale by Blaks. ley & Houghton, druggists. Taaliag; Taallmnnjr. Messrs. M. Mackenxie and M. Ilohan of Grant, were In the city yesterday for the purpose of testifying in the rase of I. M. Osborne and Co. vs. MacKenzin A Koitiers, w hich it now tending. Attor- neys Story and Klddell were busied all lust evening in reducing their testimony to writing, to be used before the cirrnii court, at Its next session at Morn. which he has established of allowing ; adjoining cugo is removed, and down officers to serve their terms of four vears. ! plnng tla? penguins to s.'izo their prey, i He will therefore allow the Oregon I It nrnst be conf.iwed that their table! democrats to knock at the door as soon ! U1 f 1 litraiiy , iV .,, . . , golihlj ush after fish, and then hurl as.they choose, and then will appoint ., i.i,lr "OlMTvations made ill this wav so as hundful of tinv tbh. a few of to cover millions of persons of Ixtth living. Tlieu the si!!! of un scxia have resulted iu the discovery whenever be is j alighted with their bath. cent, of the native nonulatlnn than the sair.e schools in onr own state ,-.,n -how. i an opportunity for the Sixty per cent, of the people can be fonnd in church on the Lord's dav, and many of the sons and daughters of Ha waiiaus have gone forth as missionaries. This mission, which from its inception to its close cost less than $1.2)0,000, in single year buys from American mer- One of the important bills that failed to pass the late congress was that for the segregation of the northeast corner of Yellowstone Park, in order toailow a railroad to be built to the rich mining regions arouud Cook City. There has been before nearly every session of con gress a proposition looking to the grant- j ing of a right of way from the Northern Pacific road to the Cook county district, bat so far every bilf has failed. It is possible that something ought to be done, and now it seems that there is Cook City dis trict to be reached by some road coming in from Wyoming. In that event it will not be necessary te segregate any portion of the Yellowstone Park. It has always been believed that there was more or less jobbery connected with the right of way privilege across the park, and w hoever be desires and It is Uitlicult to say j Another bird a ulender. graceful who will be the democratic boss. Those cr-aturo, f.uniliurly cull! a iLirtcr" men who are endorsed by Governor I if a.lniitted uhmu to the t:ink. ami his Pennnver will tir..ruh!v not he con- motions in eating h!s fish dinner ere sidered. It is curious to note that the A . . f . .. 1 . 1. i , ... , . i c.-u-h hsh i:n his bill hits his head. motions in eating I wouderfill to se. fla swit'ii through nouneed anti-silver men. They all agree, without regard to their past con victions, that Cleveland's idea of finance, whatever that idea may be, is j iit what this country needs. Some fun has been poked at the democrats now in Wash ington by telling them that, inasmuch as Lotan was appointed collector of the port of Portland only a little while ago, that Cleveland will not take into ac count the fact that a republican served several years before Lotan's time, but that Lotan will be allowed to remain in office four vears from the time he was om mysterious and lightuing- like mannar catches the victim ami swallows it. Til 2 IUU3 OS Ttili ELElMI.XT-. Later iu the afternoon tho pelican:-, are fed in the little yard where they scrut solemnly all day long. A s-unll p-:n-,! occupies its center, and into t'.ihi bits of Csh are thrown, in search of which the birds rush pell uiell. covering the water with a coufusiou of gigantic waving wings. An tho attendant approaches ;j c.irry out this ple;ii:ig ceretiiony, the binls awaken from their drowsy calm, aii-1 it is a sight not soon to Ut forgotten if one can watch a st.itelv old iK-licuu 11 Ilia mil"! lui.ri, a . ., n.l. wit appointed, and the men who are hungry ; cnrV!tjli:r in t,,k(... ., iov In the Usar pit, a d"p and well lighted chants and ports over 6,00O,0CO worth ! S""? luuse w u e in- siue useu every euon io ueieat any pro of merchandise, and exports twice that much, riurely such a harvest, though in another field, may well be an inspira tion to our own missionary labors, and incite to more generous giving for the carrying of the blessings of the gospel to those who "git iu darkness and the shadow of death." for his place will be obliged to wait un til the fouryearsare np. The democrats, in reply to this, say that they can very eai)y convict I-otan of "pernicion? ac tivity" and rank partisanship, and for that reason they have no hesitancy in saying that they can turn him out. He law tha I'rasidont. The question of the suppression of in decent literature is one which should interest, and demand the active co-operation of every right-minded citizen in the land. The corporal and mental well-being of the generations yet to come, and those growing up, is imperilled by the noxious scourze, and the sooner prompt and effective measures are taken to utterly eradicate it, the sooner will the great nation to which we belong take its place in the front rank of sturdy, moral, progressive peoples. Chicago, not often the pioneer in works of this character, is at present waging a war of extermination against the publishers and venders of immoral works and prints. The crusade in the Lake city is not led by cranks or enthusiasts, but by the press and the thoughtful fathers and mothers of the city, by the mayor and moei of the distinguished scholars of the western metropolis. Indecent literature is doing more to sap the character of the rising generation and fit it for vile tastes and vile practices, sensuality, grossness and corruption, than all other evil in fluences combined. Holman, chairman of the honse com mittee, in the remarks which he is pre paring for publication in the Congres sional Record, concerning the appropri ations of the ol'd congress, shows the The the be do- position unless they were taken in. opening op of that portion of Yellowstone park proposed to thrown back into the pubiic niain would result in giving to speculators a great opportunity iu way of mineral finds, as the part of park to be opened is said to be very rich in minerals. Whether anything will be done at the next session ot congress re mains to be &een, but it is probable that the usual lobby will be retained and be at work trying to have this corner of the park cut off Washington will have to worry along with only one senator, owing to the fool ishness oi their legislature. The state could have accomplished little enough for itself with a full quota, but now it is reduced to a political cipher in the national congress. How will it look to Senator Squire, who has remained in Washington working like a beaver, while John B. Alien, who should have been there also, and who has been draw ing pay for being there, has been at Oiympia engaged in a senatorial fight, the most disgraceful and persistent in Washington history? The governor of Washington today ap pointed John B. Allen U. 8. Senator. Another page is thus added to the chap ter of indecency on the recent senatorial tqnabble at Olympia. Allen will now preseut the pitiiul spectacle of whining at the doors of the senate where once he entered as a sovereign. There is little doubt that his credentials will be re fused, but if they are not his tenure will cease in two years and that will end his Mr. C. G. Koberts, w ho spent the full and winter in the far Fast, has again re turned to Oregon. While in Washington city recently, he had tiie pleasure of a half hour s chat with the great Grover and Secretary Whitney. He is more of the a Cleveland man than ever since his the I visit, and smiles every time he is asked the about his calling on the president. It seems he was oue of many who were waiting to see the president, and as the crowd was very large, Mr. Iloherts be gan to consider his chances for an inter view as very slim ; finally a bright idea struck hiin, and pencilling on a card his name, followed by the legend, "Presi dent of the Hood P.iver Tariff Keform club," he tent it in and followed it a moment later. It was the "open se same." The president was much in terested in Oregon, speaking particu larly of its wool industry. Secretary Whitney was present and also showed keen interest in all matters pertaining to this part of the union. Glacier. uiol'Kmrt!, dwell two hears, who are un wieldy with tiie fatuoss produced by many buns. Tin y have la-en so per sistently fed by visitors that when one look.4 over the railing his U nrship calm ly ruies, holds out two entreating fore that the dark people bring more chil dren into the world than do tho light people. Furthermore, they have greater muscular vigin- and they livo longer. Thus tn every point which has to do with the perpetuation of a Sitiob they are superior. The rule in nature m ems to 1 that pigment which produces the color of tho hair and eyes is an indica tion of force. Albinos among animuls and palTid plants are always weak. j "After all, there in comparatively I few light Jieople. iu the world. All the j straight haired races are dark. All the j alwriginal Americans are dark, from j tho arctic circle to Cnpe Horn. All the Asiatics urn ilarfc. All the Oceanic peo ple are dark. All the Africans are durli, except a few blond trilxs iu the liar liary atutea. Likewise all the aouthern Euroju-ans are dark. The dark people have the great adv&ntagn of being able to stand any climate, while the light comjilexiomxl races cannot endure the heat of tho tnpicn. "An apparent contradiction to all this is afforded by the fact that wherever the light hni"vd ami blue eyed eople have come into conflict with races of dark complexion the hitter havo always Ihhju ilefeaU-u. The light jeople govern tho world today. Q:i'H.-n Victoria has blue ryea, and the tuu never seta on her dominion. IeM-"iidautii of Anglo-Saxon dominate tint .New World. Even boutb America. Africa and the civilized j j.-ttr itiin nrv lainy run ny me i,ng j lish end Germany lend nil I the nations of t:e earth in science und Had liottalnB Authar or a Marry baa. Ono who once set typo in a greut Eng. hsh establishment remeruoort the tuna when that most fascinating of nonsuni books, "Alice in Wonderland," waa put into metal frutn young Dodgeson's manu script. "As you saw the writor, a grave almost sad looking young man, going in and out of Worcnitor college, or at the office about the proofs, yon scarcely think such nifdancholy looking author ship could produce so merry a look." Writer. UJ. H. Young, General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Ttird Street eppesite tte old Licte Stanl appropriations of the session just closed carecT forever, to far as figuring as a amount to t"'19,l,SCl. From Ibis I Washington senator is concerned, point of view, the appropriations of the j rePW'ean party of the state has re al st congress aggregated l,03o,6.S0,!)21, ceived 'ow which will take many and those of the 52d congress amount to ye8r 01 g" behavior to makt whole tl,C2.-,822,029, or 8,8G2,S70 less Jthan those of the 51st congress. Holman will present BtatemenU of the appropriations made by the 52d congress as charged a'aint it nnder permanent appropria tions in accordance with the require ments of laws enacted by the Slat con gress. These include sums aggregating in all i:4,172,040. Judge Holman states if these appropriation had not been made as required the total appro priations of the 52d congress would show a reduction of more than 1CC,000,000 tnan .the appropriation of the Cist congress. As much sport as Oregon has over the eccentricities of her governor, Pennoyer can give McGraw pointers on common sense. The secretary of state has estimates showing that the appropriation for the state institutions are lower, per capita, for the estimated number of in mate during the next two years than the lowest per capita expense ever reached in Oregon. That this is low enough it proved by the fact that Ore gon 't per capita expense, hitherto, has been lower than the average of the other etatet of the union, and lower than that of any other ctate of the Pacific tlope. At to insane asylums, Oregon't per capita expense of subsistence wot last year, out of eighty Institutions recently reported, the lowest, tave three, all of which are located in the touthern ttatet. The ex tenses there are lest than in Oregon, as they require a small outlay Xrukc Trail. Mrs. Hattie Jones arrived from the Malheur country Saturday, -her exper ience being quite adventurous. It was K0 miles from where she started to Vail, a journey which the was compelled to take on horseback. She was accom panied to this point by her ton, a mere boy. While crossing the mountains deep snow was encountered and the two were compelled to tramp down the snow which was about six feet deep, be fore they could proceed with the horses. They finally reached Vail, where the boy returned, Mrs. Jones proceeding by stage to the railroad and arrived at The Dalles without further event. Tha Squirrel Crop. Condon Globe. The supposition entertained by many that the ground squirrels were killed by the cold, proves untrue. The miserable little scamps are out again. A great many of them can be seen icanipcring about in all directions, and the present indicationi are that they will be very numerous. Now it the time to begin on them while feed it yet scarce, and before they bring forth their numerous progeny to work destruction on the growing cropt. Our farmers can not afford to economize in the way of "dosing" the little var mint with poison. By expending si for poison now, it will tave the farmer grain to the amount of tevcral hundred dollart. It will prove an excellent in vestment rf attended to promptly. Jolee Pros, have early liose teed tota- toes for tale. paws and sits iu pleased anticipation of ! learning, and thn-w-fourlhs rf her po;tu- a teotit. Ho catchea bits of bun in his moutb with tho unerring skill given by long practice, and will even climb tho polo in the center of tho pit. if cms will but hold a bun over it sn.'-; nded from a stick. "lint hovr will he know 1 want him, to clhnbr suid a little girl, who had just lieon provided with this plummy bribe. "Ju'it hold it m-ar tho ji whore ho can get it." said ail attcudant, "and hell do the rest. Hu knows us mm n as we do." bo, heavily and with much punting, the awkward creature mounts his pole, seizes the bun. und descends to munch it in content. The crowning joy of all irhajts for little visitors i tiiat of riding the ele phants, which, provided with great sad dles, large enough for a dozen people, take their load of hhrieking, laughing children and go lumbering off down the walks, waving their trunks this side and tiiat iu the hoito of receiving a stray tit bit fnun the neighboring crowd rr.eriiNt; tub monk. Lutt.T tn the day comes one great event, to which even tho most serious grown person lo intwnsMted. At half i,a-';t tiie li.i:,s are fixl! Long before tho time visitors legiu to pour into the builJiug vhere, in large cage the wall, li r.t.1, tigers and leop ards are pacing r-Mter.vdy up and down. Tho cr.atiin-.i Iheiiisu'vos need no watches to tell tii-rn dinner tinio is near. At the nn-toiiited uiuun at a man en ter, pushing a barr.t-.r of bleeding meat, and whwla it iast the cages to tiie Very end of tiie room. At the smell and sight pandtfluoniiuu breaks loose. One terrible roar, madu by many viiicea in awful concord, fills tho placo. At the last cago the barrow stops, a bar ia thrown back, and t wo largo piece ef meat are thrown in. The liou seizes thorn in his paws and li.-s contentedly down, to gnaw and lick them with the delib eration of a well fed animaL Bo the programme goes on, until one voico nft;r another is sileni.-ed ond the barrow is empty. Ono very interesting fact is always to Ik observed. The animals do not, on receiving thoir first piece of meat, retire to dovour it; they wait for the second and then t:irn away with both held securely in their paws. They liave evidently learned how much to expect ami can count up to that numlsjr. Indeed tho delights of tho Zoo are almost inexaust.blo to animal loving childrun. There is tho monkey house, where those grave, wrinkled, half hu man creatures sit picking fleas from each other with an air of funny aljsorn. n- inure in me. ciumiianzea "fMil v " Sixty cents a toll for w.m,'. v...,,.. tJolet. who will count five for her keet:r bv pjwwing him the requisito numW of straws, and who, ut request, will cat with her fingers, as sho "UMrd to do," and then with a fork, as she does now that she is civilizil. "yrieerold Sally," as ono little boy said, and huppy children who can see herl- Youth's Companion. Fish swallow their food whole because tbey aro obliged to keep continually opening and cloning tho mouth for the purpose of respiration. hit ion ere blue eved. The vellow haired Swedes, D.ithm uud Sorwvgiun fund Ji the sailors nf the world. ri:v:lUh is the. language nf the glol. Frwich baa oft'-n Iteen called the 'universal lan guage,' Irut it is in fact merely a court language outHide of Franco. Tho Chi nese have a 'pidgin' L:u:lisU, but not a piJgiu' Trench. All lh mud -ru jar gons of tho world, for in Jo pi-.rposos, ar mitdilieatiuns of linglish. "The bhi" eyinl and light haired peo ple aro by far the uimt bravu of the m-.nlerns. IJv their miiierior inU'Uiirence and bravery they have cou;uircd the worid, but their task in accomplishing this baa implied nn cuonuous strain upon their powers. So greut a strain has not been conducive to the prolonga tion nf their existence and to the perjstt uation of thoir kind. Kaces of people ore like bretds i f homes und cattlu, or like stocks in plants. They last fur awliile, but not forever, disappearing toouer or later. If a severe strain is put upon them in one way or another, they will pans ftway so much the more quick ly. The high culture we are giving our! children, stimulating their mentul activ ities to the ntinoHt, has the effect of re ducing the r.uiiiU-raiid physical strength of their offspring, thus shortening the Ufo of their race. "So, owing to such causes us these, we find that the blua ryed and light haired oj)o are dimiuisbiug in numbers at a very rapid rate. We take notice of it in the women particularly. Boon must we say, "Farewell, ye golden tresses and violet orbsr During centuries to come the dark peirple are destined to achieve ! and hold domination in the world, until, as is very likely, the cycle of complex ion has gone around and tho blond shull rule again." Washington Star. When frtrl.t Was flora. Speculative and philonophical writers have long since established tho fact that we have no proof that Dec. 20 is the duto of the birth of the Messiah. At ono time the beginning of tho Christian era was supposed to conform with tho great event abovo mentioned, but it has been pretty clearly established . that Christ was not Iturn on the day wo cele brate as Christmas or at any ether time during a winter niotitU. The dato now ununiiuouuly agreed upon Try scholars is April 5, not April 5 of the "year of ono," but April 5, 4 13. C. Ihis error iu our imslo ,f n-ckouing time is Bupitosed to have arisen from the fact that the dating of timo "A 1)." wan not introduced until about tho ycur 527 of tho Christian era. SL Louis Republic. YOUR ATTENTION It called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, fValer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and P.uildiiiK Material of all kinds. -t rrl Ilia rinmat l.lna nf- Picture PlOilillQu 72 To ins found in tlw City. LUashington Street. "EARTIC CANDY FACTORY SODA WATTE AND ICE CEEAM. Candies and Nuts tiMESpeeialties Finest Punut Roaatar In The Dalles etJ.F0LC(H At rlrht aidr litem mtaunni. Ilmlurliijt Weight. "I don't believe jou are unite so heavy as you wert;," said th-j barber to during the process of shaving. "Jio, that wuh reuily a big slice you took out of my chin Just then." replied Cuniso. New York l.p,ch. I'apnr Flour Thai Will Knt nam. Paper properly treated with chemicals and then subjected to great pressure is being nsed for flooring material and for general use in building us a fire resisting ubstanco. New York Journal A. A. Brown, Ke(M full aHnrtmenl of Staple sA Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. ablrh be uBcn at I F yrurt. SPECIfili :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. EiEliGst Cash Prices for Ems and otter PrOuiice. 170 SECOND STREET. The Dalles GigaF : Factory FIB3T BTXimnrr. FACTORY NO. 105. pin A TC of the Kent Brand VylVTiLIVO manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI QAK ha become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article it increasing every day. A. ULR1CH & SON.