77 Ctararit m . . tJ 3 W -.- r THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, IBM. VOL.111. NUMBER li. HE SURPRISED THEM TUG President Wittflraws tie Hawaiian Treaty. EXPLANATION IS YET GIVEN. NO It I I'ndcrstood the Present Treaty Does Not Suit Him-First Batch of Appointment. Wahhinuton, March (.-Cleveland first executive communication to the nm thin afternoon, and proved a urprise not only to republicans, but to many democrat, in ms communi cation Cleveland withdrew the treaty with Hawaii sent to the senate few -,.-.U-ni?o bv Harrloon. The message wua fli "'. simply requesting the senate to tr:i"-nit to the executive the pro posed tr-a!y with Hawaii. The message wua received without comment on the floor of the senate. The republican sen ators reirnrd this action In a line with the course pursued by Cleveland in withdrawing the Nicaragua.!! treaty sent to the senate by Arthur In the closing days of hla administration. The dem ocratic senators look upon the a-' 'rom twofold points of view, some taL:.i the irrmiml that it shows Cleveland is against annexation or American domination of any sort in the Hawaiian islands, while others hold lie will send In another treaty more to his liking. It is understood the reason for the withdrawal is because he is opposed to the treuty in its present form, w lietner or not he will favor the making of an other treaty, and whether it will 1 an annexation treaty or not, cannot he said on authority at this time, but a gentle man ho has talked with the president on the subject said this afternoon that another treaty would be made. It is intimated the president will suggest either by message or personally to the senators that a committee be appointed to visit the Hawaiian islands this year during the Interval between the adjourn ment of the special session of the senate and the reconvening of the next con gress. Cleveland heretofore bus been quite solicitous on this Kint and made inquiries as to whether or not resolu tions providing for such a commission had gone through. He had apparently been under the impression that it had been adopted. He learned It had not been, but that the senate had authority alone to provide for such a commission, probably to consist of senators, and that the contingent fund of the senate could be drawn on for the purpose. Tna f inancial Uatlun. Wasiiinoton, March 0. Secretary Carlisle this moruiug authorised the statement that he would exercise all the power and discretion invested in him to uphold the credit of the government and maintain the parity of gold and silver. This statement was made to brush away rumors about what he contemplated doing as to maintaining the gold reserve intact, as to issuing bonds or as to lay ing United States treasury notes in sil ver when free gold is exhausted, etc. The example of the leuver banks in of fering the treasury f 1 .(KtO.lKK) in gold has been followed by the Chicago bankers, who today ottered "00,(H0. It is lo lieved that bunkers of other cities will do likewise. There is feeling of relief s to gold balances, unless the exports Saturday are unusually heavy, of which no information is yet received. The treasury will have ample to supply the demand. There is no dungerof a financlul panic. The new administration will not issue any bonds. It 1ms boon decided that the IOO,(MJO,000 reserve fund can be u'(l to meet any demands mnde uikmi the United States treasury. This is in WinJet conflict to the opinion so often ex J'resw.i Py former secretaries of the treasury and Is ruther startling. The busis of the action is a decision of Solicitor-General Aldrlch, who declares that there is nothing in existing laws to prevent the use of the (fold reserve. Kx-Attorney-lieneral Miller is understood to have concurred in this opinion. What Iiigalli Thinks. Atciusom, Kan., March 10. Ex-Senator Ingalls says he is glad to see Presi dent Cleveland exercise some sense in regard to the Hawaiian aflair by with drawing the treaty. He said: "I hope , that he will keep it In his trousers pocket. To take In a lot of valueless islands that he would have to fortify and worry about would 1. contrary to the principles and traditions of our govern ment. The Hawaiian treaty was a great blunder. Cleveland ought to send a delegation to Hawaii to ascertain the nels of the people and to s.w to what extent the sugar speculators are rcispon siolo for tho revolution." Without Sutor. Ol.YxriA, March 0. At 12 :25 today Lieutenant-Governor I.uce rapped sharply on the desk and made the stereo typed announcement: "The 101st joint ballot showed the following result, and further that no election for United States senator having occurred, this joint con vention is now dissolved." The hall was crowded almost to a point of suffocation, and during roll-call an almost breathless silence reigned. There was no change in the 100th ballot, or anything to distinguish It from a score of Its predecessors. John B. Allen and George Turner were answered from the various portion of the hall with a degree of vindictive stubbornes that time ha not softened. In the 101st ballot Sal lee of King, w ho circulated the caucus call last evening and wo scored by a Seattle paper this morning for so doing, rose when hi name was called and in vehement manner denounced the paper In question, and then voted for Allen. There were no other changes and the vote resulted Allen 60, Turner, 1, Shaw 15, Van Patten 9, Griggs 8, Drum 2. When the result was announced a sigh of relief, followed by a round of applause, went np, and the famous deadlock had tiecome a jrt of the history of the Ever green state. The senate filed bock to their chamber and the house resumed It duties. Hill's Humiliation and Despair. Srw Your:, March 9. Commercial Advertiser's Washington special Hill's call on Cleveland today, aud the latter's appointment of Maxwell, tells in two sentences the humiliation and despair of the senator humiliation that be i com pelled to liow to a man who ha con stantly defeated hlni in and out of his own state, and despair because his bit terest political enemy ha been placed iu a position most likely to work him the greatest harm. With Maxwell as the "headsman" of the postoflice de partment, one of the Hill machines in New York is doomed. The l'raldnt-a Visitors. Washington, March 9. Political cir cles are agog over the fact that Senator David 15. Hill spent nearly an hour in private consultation with President Clevelaud at the White House this morning. When Mr. Hill entered the president's room word was sent that Mr. Cleveland was very busy and could not sue anv visitors for some time. The in terview, of course, was strictly of a pri vate character, but from the fact it had been previously arranged and from its length, there can be little doubt that it was more than of m mere official-social character. When Mr. Hill had finished with tlie president, he lost no time in leaving the White House. Want OIB.na In Washington. Wabuinoton, March 8. The candi dates pressing for Washington' places are: Marshal, F. Thogan, Spokane; Stephen Judson, of Tacoma, and K. Ma loney, of Whatcom. - District attorney, Gilmnn and Sniveley, of Seattle. Col lector of customs, W. H. Talbots, of Seattle ; Sanders and Tibbies, of Port Townsend. Surveyor-general, Warner, of Whitman county. Free Cold on Hand. Washington, March 9. The treasury today received gold at several points. In New York a gain was made of f 100,- 000, while at New Orleans it received f JO.O(X) in exchange for a like amount of silver certificates. No intimation has yet Isjen received that any gold will lie exported Saturday from New York, and at the present rate of exchange it is not thought any will bo taken out of the country. The treasury has more than ta.000,000 in free gold, and iu the usunl conditions of trade this is likely to be increased rather than decreased. It was quite plainly intimated in the treasury department today that, as between the issue of bonds and tho use of a portion of the 1100,000,000 gold reserve, if neces sary to maintain the parity of gold and silver, Nut-rotary Carlisle will resort to the latter plan, but he does not antici pate the necessity will arise to do so. Treasury OMvlaU Kmlgn. Washington, March 10. All the prominent orliciuls of the treasury de partmeut, including the assistant sec retary, commissioner of Internal rove nue, comptroller and all the auditors, except TuUi-rson and Fisher, have verb ally tendered Secretary Carlisle their resignations. The Annie Faaoa Wrecked. Scokank, March 10. The steamer Annie Faxon, plying on the Snake river between Kiparia, Wash., and Lewiston, Idaho, was wrecked last Wednesday night, ten miles from Itipara. The Iwat struck a rock in the channel. A num ber of passenger wore aboard, but all escaped. THE SILVER CAUSE Free Silycr Men Will Control the Finance Committee. PROPOSED EXPEDITION TO CUBA Revolutionists at Key West Waiting to Embark Watched by a I'. S. Revenue Cutter. Washington, March 10. The Post publishes the following: "The work of arranging the senate committee chairmanships had so far progressed that nearly all had been se lected. The most interesting develop ment is the fact that the free-silver men propose to run the senate their own way and are recasting the finance committee so as to leave no doubt of the stand which the committee will take npon any coinage bills before it. The democrats on the committee up to the 4th of March, ere Voorhees, McPherson, Harris and Vance. Voorhees will be chairman. Harris and Vance are both outspoken free-silver men and will remain. Mc Pherson will step aside to take the chair manship of the committee cn naval af fairs. Other democrat on the finance committee will be Coke and Vest, both avowedly on the free-coinage platform. It will be seen that no matter what Cleveland desire the personnel of the finance committee is such as to make it almost impossible for him to dominate the financial policy to be followed by the senate. All the anti-silver men, such as Vilas, McPherson and others, have been purposely kept off the committee. Morgan will be chairman of the com mittee on foreign relations, Cockrel of appropriations, Harris of the District of Columbia, Gorman of printing. Mills of library, Palmer of military affairs." An Expedition to Cuba. Kit Wxst, Flo., March 10. The revenue steamer McLane, Captain Lit tlefield commanding, arrived here on Wednesday to replenish her coal supply and to communicate with the authori ties. The McLane has been cruising actively between Key West and Cape Florida for the past week to intercept the pirate steamer which it is expected will sail with the filibustering expedi tion from this port or from some of the islands between here and Biscayne bay. The proposed expedition i said to be under the direction of a prominent Cu ban leader, General Manuel Marti. It is reported that at least 250 men are on the island of Key West, who will go on the expedition, and it I expected that at least 100 others from Tampa, Florida, will join at some remote place known only to the leaders. These men are all well drilled and disciplined, and armed with repeating rifle. No people in the western world are more patriotic than ttie Cubans of Key West. They have set aside a day which they have called Patriotic day. The earnings of every Cuban for one day are donated at Pa triotic day to the cause of Cuba. It goes without saying that 99 per cent, of the Americans of this island are in sympa thy with the Cubans in their struggle forindejiendence. None of the vigilance on the part of the United States author ities at this place ha been relaxed. The cruiser Atlanta' men are still on picket duty, forming a perfect cordon around tho island. The reveuue cutter McLane will resume her cruising be tween Key West and Cape Florida to intercept the filibustering steamer as soon as eh takes on a supply of fuel. The Kearsarge sailed today, but for what point is unknown. Itussell Haga's Opinion. Nkw York, March 10. Kussell VV. Sage said today : "The decision appar ently arrived at by treasury officials to use the 100,000,000 reserve is an expedi ent that will prove a temporary pallia tive, but will not tend to allay fears in the monetary question. The cause of the trouble will not be removed till the Sherman bill is repealed, and Europe will not buy our stock and bonds with any confidence till this measure is en tirely out of the way. "I think the election of 8. II. H. Clark to the presidency of the Missouri Pacific will be gratifying to everybody concerned. Hi resignation from the Union Paciflo doe not mean anything, because he will still remain a director in that company, and the relations be tween the companies will continue friendly." A Canadian Sensation. Monthkal, March 9. A pamphlet entitled "Clerical Ruin," which prom ises to create a great sensation in the religious world, has been made public It contains a terribly scathing arraign ment of the Human Catholic clergy of the Dominion. The work is from the pons of a number of well-known French Canadian riters, among vhom is San valle, formerly of l a Patrie, and Filia tramt, of the Canada Review. One of the articles Is devoted to tho Jesuits; another, and very sensational one, to "Mysticism and Chastity," in which due reference is made to the lato cler ical scandals. A Carious lilunder. Washington, March 9. The board of lady managers of the world' fair has had straightened out a curious blunder in the sundry civil bill by which all the money Intended for the payment of awards was appropriated for the oso of the woman' board instead of the execu tive committee on awards. The ladies have agreed to pay this money to the proper authorities without regard to the term of the bill. The mistake was due to an error of the engrossing clerk. The l'anama Trial. Pabis, March 9. Interest in the Pana ma trial is inci easing, and the greatest curiosity is shown as to coming develop ments. It is reported that the frankness with which Charles De Lesseps told his story has cause1! surprise. There is some consternation in certain high cir cles, and considerable anxiety is felt in the same quarters as to the subsequent testimony. The approaches to the Palais de Juetice as well as the court room were thronged this morning. The general opinion is that the defendant all wore a more confident air than on the previous day, and that they seemed to feel that their unreserved acknowledge ment bad made a favorable impression on the community. Presiding Judge Defjardins proceeded to interrogate Marius Fontaine. The latter stated he was a member of the lioard of manage ment of the Panama Canal Company when the transactions with Baihut oc curred. Acting under the direction of Charles de Lesseps, he visited Blondin. He found Baihut there. Baihut said: "The money in question will be need in promoting the interests of the company." Charles de Lesseps thereupon proceeded to discuss with Blondin the question of the 1,000,000 franks claimed by Baihut. The matter was eventually settled at Fontaine's residence. In reply to the presiding judge, Fontaine continued; "Some of the draft payable to bearer were issued to pay for advertising, other to satisfy the robber who way laid us like footpads." This closed the interrogation of Fon taine for the time being. Next followed the great sensation of the day. Baihut was called. He showed a disposition at first to throw the blame upon Blondin, who acted as a go-between in the nego tiations. Baihut said ; "I acted at the instigation of Blondin, to whom I gave 7,500,000 francs. 1 have wished to res tore the money I received, but I feared thereby to accuse myself." Up to this moment Baihut bad spoken clearly, and with apparent self-control. He broke down, and with a pitiful expres sion of sorrow and despair exclaimed in a broken voice : "I acknowledge having been led astray. I am guilty. My words express the grief and repen tance I feel. I do not yet under stand how I could have fallen so low. I ask the pardon of my country, whose good name I have perhaps sul lied." There was a decided stir in the court-room when Baihut began his piti ful avowal of guilt, and this was in creased to a sensation as he closed. Sunday Opening Fight. Chicago, March 9. The endeavor to secure the opening of the world' fair Sunday will be transferred from the state courts to those of the United States. An attempt will be made to have the United States supreme court issue an injunction against restraining the open ing of the gates. To do this the suit will have to be brought on behalf of the state and Attorney Maloney has given his consent. The grounds of complaint will be that the corporation is an Illinois one, and congress has no power to make the obnoxious restriction. No Second Term for Offlce-Hcekars. Washington, March 10. Callers on Cleveland this morning were informed the statement that he does not intend to give offices to those favored under his former administration is correct as a general rule. The cabinet meeting to day curtailed the time usually given to callers. Among those receivedwas Sen ator Palmer, iu company with Brinton, applicant tor United Stales marshalshlp of the southern district of Illinois, and Shutt, who wants to be district attorney in the same district. i-oit nALK. One lot, with a good dwelling and out buildings situated west of the Academy grounds, and fronting Liberty street on the east. L for sale at a bargain. Terms easy. Apply at this office for Informa tlon. Title perfect. THE FIREJN BOSTON Not So Many Lives Lost as at First Snpscl. THE VACILLATIONS OF A BAR0.N He Is First Expelled by the Socialists and Then by the Anarchists Minor Mention. Boston, Mass., March 11. The threo greatest fires in Boston's history, those of 1872, 1889 and 1893, were all rung from the same box, 52. No change is war ranted in the estimates of the loss and insurance sent out last night. Of the property loss of f 4,550,000, a little over $1,000,000 is on the buildings and the re mainder on the stock. This is covered by an insurance close to $4,000,000. Firemen searched the ruins all day for the dead. One additional bodv was found, that of Henry Turner, aged 18, who was one of the employes of the Jaquith Rubbercompany. Lewis Buck, aged 19, of the same company, is miss ing. They worked on the fifth floor. It is also believed that the body of Chas. O'Diorne, traveling salesman for Red- path Brothers, is in the ruins. A thor ough search has been made in tho hos pital and morgues, but no trace of him can be found. The persons employed by Horace, Partridge & Co., in the building where the fire started, are all accounted for. It was generally be lieved the bodies of 12 or 15 of them had been burled in the ruins. SOME INDIVIDUAL LOSSES. T. B. Fitz, a member of the firm of Brown, Durell 5c Co., says the stock which was not burned is of such a nature as to be easily injured by water and smoke, so that they have nothing left but the insurance. He thinks it will take $1,200,000 to make them whole. The damage to the United States hotel ia placed by the management at $50,000. A Vacillating Baron. Nkw York, March 12. Great was the joy of the enemies of Johann Most today when it was learned that a real live baron, who had become an anarchist of the goriest type and was Moat's right bower for months, had been expelled from Most's organization. The expelled nobleman was the Baron von Barnekon, who came to this country from Germany about 18 manths ago with recommenda tions from Neidringhup. The socialists received him with open arms and he be came a writer for the socialist organ, the Volkszeitung, attacking the anarch ists and proclaiming socialism an ideal destiny of humanity. When the baron had been writing for several months, Mr. GronBieg, one of the editors, found several items charged against himself for dinners and beer in saloons and res taurants, which he said he could not ac count for. A little investigation showed, he says, that the baron had represented himself as Gronseig and had been feed ing himself under that name. There were explanations, recriminations and oratorical blue fire at this dis covery, and after a very stormy meeting the baron was expelled from the social ist labor party. He went over to Most and became a wrirer to Freiheit. I ie outdid Most him self in his diatribes against socialism, which he described as a concentration of the worst evils of capitalism. About a week ago Most went out to collect some money for advertisements procured by the baron. He found, ho says, that the baron had Wen there before him and collected the money witoont the formal ity of accounting for it. This was re DECISIVE Baking Powder Tests The United States Official Investigation of Baking Powders, made by, authority cf Congress, in the Department of Agriculture Washing ton, D. C, furnishes the highest authoritative informa tion as to which powder is the best. The Official Report Shows the ROYAL to be a cream of tartar baking pow der, superior to all others in leavening power tlu'- ported to Most's anarchists organization. Its meeting was the stormiest ever known In its history. Men capublo of swearing in four or fivo different languages exhausted their powers, and by acclamation it was voted that the baron would have to get out, which he did. It is reported that tho I'eukert group of atomists, who do their dyna miting as their Individual consciences move them, want the baron now, uud will try to show that the whole thing was a conspiracy to get rid of the baron. Before Barnecoup went on the Freiheit he had been trying bis hand at report ing for the German dailies. To one of them he sold a story of the arrest of Most in Newark. It was well written and devoid of foundation. The baron now say he was captain of a regiment of drawgnards in Germany, and lostjin a single night at gambling 300,000 marks, which he was unable to pay, so he had to resign. Mlaa Ida Bachtold Found Dead In Her ISed. Portland, Or., March 10. Ida Bach told, the 20-year-old daughter of John Bach told, proprietor of the William Tell house, 249 Fifth street, was found dead in her bed shortly after 1 o'c'oek this afternoon, having expired very uddenly and under circumstances surrounded with the veil of mystery. Mis9 Bachtold cooked dinner for the hotel last evening, and retired about 10 o'clock, sleeping with her younger siHter, Lena. During the night she gave no evidence of illness, but this morning she said she felt too ill to get up. At 7 o'clock she was asleep, and each time a visit was paid to her room she was calmly sleeping. About 1 o'clock this afternoon Mrs. Bachtold went to Ida's room and fonnd her in con vulsions. Her limbs were drawn rigidly and her face was almost black. Dr. Meyer was sent for at once, but before lie arrived the vital Epark had been dissipated. The matter was at once reported to Coroner Holmau, who removed tho body to the morgue. The corpBe began to show signs of mortifica tion before it was cold. It is believed that death was produced by an overdose of some powerful drug. Hon ton Again Flre-Strlcken. Boston, March 10. One of the most destructive fires in the history of Boston broke out soon after 4 o'clock this after noon, and before it was placed under control, three hours later, it Jiitd burned over more than a block, reducing to ashes several mognillcent buildings re cently completed. The sauie territory was burned over 3Sj years ago. The Ure was attended by scenes of panic and distress never before equalled here, des troyed several, perhaps tunny, human lives, and mangled or maimed at least 30 persons, some of whom will die of of their injuries. CURES SCROFULA Mrs. E. J. ttowell, Medford, Mass., says bci mother has been cured of Scrofula by ths ass of four bottle of JTvTSrl after having had much other treat- gaaaafl ment, and being reduced to quite a low oonditioa of health, as it tu thought ibe could not lire. Cured my little boy of heredi tary scrofula whlchap- pearvil all over his face. For a year I had given up all hope of his I was recovery, wheu finally Induced to use I A few bo ttloscnredblm,andno j ymptoms of the disease remain. Mas. T. L. MAnium, Mathervillp, Miss. Out book M Blood tail Skin I)ieaie mailed freft. SwufT Sracwic Co., Aumta, C. i r, if I:,' fat ' 1. i I'i IP, I:!