The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 10, 1893, Image 6

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Geo. ('. BU)tlT
T. A. War!
J. B. Crown
Wm. Mic hU
lJa. lmrmelle
i Kratik Kinoatd
Ator Joel W. Knoiiu
Burvevor K. V- sharp
Superintendent ol Public SebouU .Trov hhellev
Ooruuer K. M. fiaatwuul
County Judg..
In a late interview es-Presulent Har
rison briefly outlined his plans. Imme
diately upon his arrival at Indianapoli
in company with Assistant General Pas
senger Agent Boyd, of the Pennsylvania
Railroad .Company, Mr. Harrison will
go duck hunting on the Kankakee river,
After this recreation the ex-president
will remain quietly at his home in In
dianapolis, securing a much-needed rest
Mr. Harrison's engagement with the
Leland Stanford university in Califor
nia, he says, will require only about one
month of his time out of each year.
During this term he will deliver lectures
on international law and jurisprudence
Paring next winter the ex-president
will devote his time to writing a book
This book, Mr. Harrison says, will re
late specially to a number of important
matters connected with his administra
tion that the public have not fully un
derstood. They are he says, of such I
nature that notwithstanding their im
portance, they will not become a matter
of history, and it is his intention, by
this means, to make clear certain things
of which the public is now in ignorance
on account of a misapprehension of what
these subjects were. Mr. Harrison did
not at this time, care t ) indicate what
they were. At 6 o'clock the party re
tamed to their train, where they re
mained, and at 10 o'clock that night the
journey to Indianapolis was resumed.
The following message was forwarded
by cable yesterday to President Cleve
land by the Chilian executive from San
tiago : The government of Chili and the
Chilian people, recognizing your political
attitude in the past, consider that your
re-election as chief magistrate of the
United States is a pledge that your gov
' ernment will preserve the tranquility
and well being of all nations upon the
American continent. On this day, upon
which yon assume the high functions of
your office, I, as president of the repub
lic of Chili, and in the name of the
Chilian nation, as well as in my own
personal capacity, assure you of our sin
cere regard for you and your people.
Permit me to express the hope that
your aims and motives will produce the
best result for the people of the United
The "green goods" industry has not
been attended with any fatality, as far
as any records go, since HollauJ, the
little Texan, shot and killed Tom Davis,
the big crook, and alleged counterfeit
money deuler, some years ago in New
York, until the incident of Pouglikeepsie,
in which George Appo, the half-breed
Chinese cook, who attempted to swin
dle two South Carolina rustics, was shot
I by one of them. The man who did the
shooting, and who gave his name as Ira
Hogshead, is now in the Poujjhkeepsie
jail. A curious feature of these swindles
is that the would-be purchaser of alleged
counterfeit money, "which it is impos
sible to tell from genuine," come from
South and Southwest. The game is old,
very old, and the papers have teemed
with instaneeo' It for years past; yet
victims are still gathered in. The men
who come here with the idea of getting
something for nothing general Iv get in
to some disgraceful scrape, which ex
poses their names and identity to the
public, and verv frequently loses their
money and other personal property, in
their little ventures. Yet still they
come. Perhaps they come from regions
where the newspaper does not circulate,
and so are ignorant ot what a hopeless
quest they are on. The funny thing
about it is that they imagine they are
unknown, while the fact is the frequency
with which they appear has made their
type a familiar one to the police, who
can, and usually do, "spot" them very
soon after their appearance in public.
Since these poor fools never read the
papers, cannot some means be taken to
important business and in the meantime
strengthen their fences as much as pos
sible for it is evident that the adminis
tration is to be business throughout.
At the recent meeting of the school
taxpayers held in The Dalles a 3-mill
tax was levied, which conflicts with a
law just enacted by the Oregon legisla
ture, and as it stands at present there is
no money in sight with which to pay
the old liabilities or any deficiency in
the current expenses. We shall have to
wait until an assessment roll is compiled
by the county assessor, and until the
aggregate of the assessable property of
this district, as shown by that roll, is
certified to us by the county clerk.
This will be sometime in the coming fall
or winter. This same question has oc
curred at Salem, Kugene and Portland,
and the law has been interpreted as
Many people wonder why a'man like
Mr. Thurber should accept a position as
private secretary of the president. He
was one of the ablest and most promt
nent lawyers of Detroit, and his income
was fully five to six times greater than
will be his salary. Recently Mr. Thur
ber was asked to explain his acceptance.
Without a moment's hesitancy he re
plied that he would rather leave a
record for his children that he was
called upon to accept this office by
President Cleveland, and that ho had
discharged his duties faithfully, than to
leave them a great fortune. This is in
deed a lofty sentiment trom one who
warn them of the folly, as well as the I occupies a position which is too often
criminality, of their attempts to get rich
by taking unfair advantage of their
neighbors? Why can't clergymen in
these benighted regions take up the sub
ject, and give a general, impersonal
warning? Of course, it is impossible
that the moral side of the question
would appeal to their natures, and
perhaps is most likely, they consider
themselves smart enough to outwit the
New York thieves, not knowing how
manv have failed. Astorian.
The young lady who was heir appar
ent to tne Hawaiian throne does not
seem to take a broad view of things.
She thinks she ought to be seated on the
Hawaiian throne because she has been
educated to expect it. She has so little
political sense that she has placed her
self in charge of a British merchant con
nected with the Hawaiian islands trade,
who is said to be a strong supporter of
British interests on the islands. The
little school girl does not seem to under
stand that the principal object of annex
ing the islands is to prevent the govern
ment from falling under British influ
ences. Ex.
Colonel Johnstone, former editor of
the Phienix, Arizona, Gazette, and Wil
liam Condon, an experienced prospector,
report the discovery of the ruins of an
old Aztec city different from any before
discovered. Among the manv heiroglyph-
ics are drawing of men, and on a novel
shaped stone is a serpent, cross and an
chor. Around these ruins is a stone
wall or fortification in a good state of
preservation. The place indicates that
it once contained at least 60,000 inhabi
tants. It is singular that these ruins
were not discovered long ago, but the
country in the vicinity is mountainous
and has been but little pros pected.
A cable message says that Gladstone
was subjected to a hostile demonstration
on the aristocracy of Brighton yesterday.
On leaving St. Paul's church in the
morning with Lord Acton, he found a
large crowd outside, including a number
of young tory "bloods" who saluted him
with vigorous shouting, hissing snd cries
of "traitor." The liberals present re
spond with cheers and the tumnlt was
heightened. Gladstone's passage was
blocked until a cab was fetched and he
drove quickly away.
The search for the treasures of Atahn-
alpa, the great Iuca, said to be hidden in
the Llangante mountains, now being
prosecuted with great energy, is more
than likely to be speedily brought to a
successful issue. Some of the more im
portant of the long lost traces of the
routs Indicated by Valverde, the cele
brated Jesuit historian and antiquarian,
have been discovered.
While at intervals a religions question
arises in one or another of the Protestant
churches which threatens to disrupt tiie
church, the Catholics are at times agi
tated as violently. A question has just
come up in New York which affects one
of the oldest customs of the church, and
which will be a great present trouble or
if not remedied, a continued annoyance.
It is in relation to celibacy of the priest
hood. In some quarters of the globe
the priests are permitted to marrv, and
with their emigration to America thev
come in conflict at once with the senti
ment of the church. With the arrival
of the first married priest in America
came trouble, and shortly afterward the
bishops within that diocese urged the
propaganda to do something that would
prevent the complication which would
inevitably arise, but without sufficient
success to induce them to take any ac
tion in the matter. The bishops will
now turn to Monf ignore Satolli and try
to induce him to sustain the custom of
the church, even to the extent of dis
missing the married priests. As their
numbers are not few in the Oriental
part of the world, who if dismissed,
could and would do a great deal of dam
age to the church, it follows that trouble
is in store for the Catholics.
not regarded of much importance. But
what is the real responsibility of a pri
vate secretary? In short, there is no
man nearer to the president than he.
There is no cabinet member that will
be so often called upon to lend advice,
and no friend that will know so much
about the motives of the president in
taking this and that step which may
concern the whole nation. By) compari
son it might be stated that the private
secretary of Chancellor Bismarck is
commonly credited with having drawn J
up the imperial German constitution.
The president has not half the time to
personally consider most important
phases of different grave issues, and to
a large degree this is left to his private
secretary. Mr. Thurber, though the
name of his position may not be high
sounding, occupies a place equal to any
other in personal responsibility to his
chief under the new administration.
Fustian! This girl has no throne.
"Pretty Kaiaulanl" has no more right
to talk about "my" throne and "my"
nation and "my" flag than pretty Sally
Walker or pretty Polly-wants-a-cracker.
The day has gone by on this hemisphere
when thrones and nations were the per
sonal property of any human being.
Louisville Courior-Journa!, dem.
The advantages of possession of the
Hawaiian islands by the United States,
in the event of a war with any foreign
power, is set forth at length by Captain
A. T. Mahan in his article in the March
Forum. Summing up, he says: "Upon
one particular, however, too much stress
cannot be laid, one to which naval
officers cannot bat be more sensitive
than the general public, and that is the
immense disadvantage to us of any mar
itime enemy having a coaling station
well within 2,500 miles, as this is, of
every point of our coast line from Puget
sound to Mexico. Were there many
others available, we might fiud it diffi
cult to exclude from all. There is, how
ever, but the one. Shut out from the
Sandwich islands as a coal base, an
enemy is thrown back for supplies of
fuel to distances of 3,500 or 4,000 mile
or between 7,000 and 8,000, going and
coming an Impediment to sustained
maritime operations well-nigh prohi
Seattle marine men say that there
are not now in commission near the
number of steamers .and towing crafts
that there were two and three years
ago. bince the advent of the railroads.
winch have cut into the business, down
Sound steamboating has Inot paid as it
uia at one time. There was a time
when probably seventy-five or eighty
steamers and tow boats and sailing ves
sels radiated from Seattle to variu
Gresham'eappointmenthas precedent.
History is always repeating itself.
When Lincoln formed his cabinet he
took into it Stanton as secretary of war,
who had been in Buchanan's cabinet.
Furthermore, he also had as members of
his council two democrats, Montgomery
Blair and Gideon Wells. And, what is
more, Greshsm voted for Cleveland, but
none of these men are known to hare
voted for Lincoln.
Secretory of the Treasury Carlisle has
taken possession of his office after court
esies between him and ex-Secretary Fos
ter. S hen he assumed charge the
treasury had on hand $1,250,000 free
gold, and a net balance of $23,500,000, of
which $11,5000,000 is iu national bank
depositories, and $11, 000,000 in subsid
iary coin, and $500,IXX in minor coins.
Apportionment by CuantUl.
lhe total amount of revenue to be
raised being $1,006,897 99, the resulting
rate of taxation on each dollar of the
taxable property is 6 23.35 mills, and is
apportioned among the several counties
as follows :
Mr. Cleveland does not propose to be
Hurried in the matter of making appoint
ments, and whatever significance may
be gathered from other utterances, it is
shown that he is at least decided on this
proposition. The office-seekers now at
Washington ar in fear and trembling,
and the majority dare not approach his
democratic highness. The creat armv
of them, with their importunities, can
not, help but be a great bore, hit Jt
...... l.i t ,i .
numu new wen ior. '"e leser ones to
wail a little while, and irive Mr. f:ip.
land a chance to dispose of other more
Benton. . . .
Clatsop . . .
Columbia .
Crook .
Curry .
lAHiglas. . .
Gilliam .. .
Harney . . .
Jackson .. .
Josephine .
Klamath . .
Malheur .
Marion.. .
Morrow .
Multnomah 395,493
Polk 29,861
Sherman-. . 7,312
Tillamook. 7,475
Umatilla . . 46,9 4
Union 27,253
Wallowa . . 5,659
Wasco 21,718
Washington 35,887
Yamhill... 35,359
Total. ..$1,066,897
The T Low.
The state has made a levy of 7 mills
for public buildings and public works,
the university of Oregon and the Oregon
National guards. Secretary McBride
says this levy is just 1 mill largor than
the tax levy of January 6, 1890, although
it carries about one-half the appropria
tions for the jute mill, the Eastern Ore
gon insane asylnm and all the other new
buildings and improvements authorized
by the recent legislature. This also car
ries the $l2o,000 appropriations for the
purchase of the Northwestern foundry
plant and the exhibit at the world's fair.
and the further sum of about $130,000
for the debts and deficiencies of 1801
and 1892. He says that considering
these unusual Items the levy for current
expenses shows that the appropriation
bill for the maintainance of our public
insuiuuons was quite economical.
Nolle to T payors.
All taxes not paid by the first Monday
in April, which are now due, will be
Tiu'KrtiMY, March 9th. The clearing
weather h is been the means of stimulat
ing business in all lines of traffic. Our
dealers are iu better spirits with the
opening spring. Their stocks are re
plenished and trade is more active than
a week ago. Prices have undergone
some change. All grades of cotton have
advanced iu price from 15 to 20 percent.
Woolens have a downward tendency,
and consequently are weak on the
In hardware, there is a decided weaker
tone. Nails, iron, etc., have but one
base to quote from. All kinds of canned
goods are firmer, especially as to corn
and tomatoes, which are held at an ad
Stock salt is hold at old rales, but ad
vices from below report a decline iu all
grades. Coffee is up to 25 cunts, and
firm at that. Sugars remain steady on
last week's quotations. Svrups have
turned dearer, and are quoted 2 to 3
cents above last week's report. Dried
fruits are steady, with a stiffening in
The meat market continues steady
with a good snpply on hand. Hogs, both
alive and dressed are in better demand,
Although prices have not changed since
our last week's quotations there seems to
be a slight scarcity and offerings have
fallen off. There is no change in the
markets for cereals.
Country produce Eggs are coming in
freely and prices have dropped to 14
cents per dozen; a further decline is
looked for in a few davs.
Fresh roll butter is in fair supply at
old rates, 40 to 50 cents per roll
Potatoes are reported at former quota
tions. Shipments are coming in from
down the river daily, and indications
point to a weakening market at reduced
Other products are in good supply and
former quotations are maintained with
a steady market.
Wheat 62 to 56c per bu.
Babley The market is nearly lifeless
in barley, prices are down to 80 and 85
cents per 1U0 lbs.
Oats The oat market is stiff and of
ferings are light at $1 25 cents per 100
ids. Kye io cents per bushel.
T 1 ...
miLLUTurm isran anu shorts are
quoted at $18 00 per ton. mid
dlings $22 60 to $23 00 per ton. Rolled
barley, $23 00 to $24 00 per ton. Shell
ed corn $1 Zj per 100 n,s.
Flour Salem mills flour is quoted at
$4 25 per barrel. Diamond brand at
i.i io per bbl. per ton and $4 00 per bbl
II... n .i t
hay xiniouiy nay ranges in price
irom i-' uo to i io uu per ton, according
iu fiinuiv anu cunuuion. y neat nay is
in inn siocc on a limited demand at
$10 00 to $12 00 per ton. There is no
inquiry for oat hay, and prices are off.
Alfalfa hay is not much called for, and
is quoted at $10 00 to $12 00 per ton.
ihese quotations are for bailed hay ex
Ei-tteh Fresh roll butter at 40 to 60
cents per roll, in brine or dry salt we
quote 30 to 40 cents per roll.
LisGs The egg market is In good
supply and good lresh eggs soli at 18c.
Poi-LTBY There is a fair demand for
fowls for a home market and for ship
ment to Portland. Chickens are quoted
at $2 00 to $3 60 per dozen ; turkeys 8
to iu cents per B ; geese $7 to $8 per doz,
anu micas to io i4 per dozen.
Bssr a Mi-rroy Beef cattle is in
moderate demand at $3 00 per 100
weight gross to $3 oO for extra good.
Mutton is quoted at $3 50 and $4 60
per head. Pork offerings are light
anu prices are nominal
weight and 7 cents dressed.
Blakeley & 'Houghto
175 becond Street, - The Dalles, Ore
full lino
of all the Standard Patent
Drugs, Chemicals, Ktc.
Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
Kine Millineryl
112 Second St.
rso. bt Washington Street. . . The Dall
Wholesale and Retail Doalcrs and Manufacturers of
Building Maltrul and Dimtosion Timber, Doors, Windows, Shillings, Doom Fornix
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit snrii
Boxes and Packing Cases
S"otory and Immber Vrct nt Old Xt. t-
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Deliver?
any part of the city,
Hardware, Tinware, Etc.,
Aeorn and Charter Oak
Cuds, Ammunition and Sporting Goods,
bewer nrE,
wagons and Carria(
Reapers and Mow
Mitchell, lewis I Stayer t
(Successors to L. D. Frank, deceMtd.)
A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
WMesalc and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Wnips, none EMs&i
Fnll Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Rain or Stamped.
LorrsE Costa Rica, is quoted at 24c
per lb., by the sack, Salvador, 22c.
Ar buckles, l'.)lac.
Kl'nm ".rMn C In - BnnL
fJ 00; Extra C, fo 10 ; Dry granulated
f 6 00; In boxes, I). G., in 30 lb boxes.
Ait tJ T .fl A a ar mi- a. h
4 uu. r.x j, i do. iii; l Io.
Svbci $2 002 75 pr keg.
Rice Japan rios, GGlo; Island,
rice, cis.
Beahs Small whites.SiaC'e; Pink,
7BS',c per iuu ius.
Salt Liverpool, 501b sk, 6.'; 1001b
sic, II IU; ZUOIb sk, li 00. Stock salt.
io uu per ion.
Dribd Fbuits Italian prunes, 12c per
lb, by box. Evaporated apples, It per
iu. iTieu grapes, U'g;iuc jer poUDU.
' Potatoes Peerless. Bufluln wlui
Snowflake and Barbank seedlings qnoted
fcsi to per iuu lbs. i.xtra gooU fl.Hd,
Unions The market nnotatlons for
A l onions is $1 30 1 40 per 100 lbs.
Ukxen FhL'ITS Good annlea Mil l,.r
si zxafl 7o per box. Fall and early
wmicr iwareare quoteu at ouoc per
New - Umatilla- Hous
ncket and Baggage Office ol the U. P. 11. R. Company, and office of tk
Union Telegraph Office are iu the Hotel. I
Fire-Proof Safe for lhe Safety of all Valuaft
.uruj over io me county court.
, T. A. Ward,
Sheriff of Wasco County.
Early Rose potatoes at J. II. Cross'.
Ihbss Are Quoted as follow Tin.
m u. . . .. "
.T!i 'u, Itrcwu, a,i, ; CUIIS SC 10.
hiiEEP F-E1.TS 75100 ea. IWr.kin.
Oft IU i 1 -. , n.i . '
iu im wiuiw hiiu owe ior summer.
Dressed. lisht tl lb. Iiaavv 7.V 11, lu..
skins, 0a12 ea; beaver. 13 fid ih-
yvw.;,,T.., iinimr, fuf no: silver gray
fox, 10rrf$L'5; red fox. tl 25: orv
Z" uinrun, !(! zo ; mink,
6Uc5oc; coon, 35c; coyote, 60c(rf 75c:
badger, 25c; polecat, 25c(t45c; com' I
iiiou noue cat, iuc(az.c ea.
Wool The market is reported 13 to 15 !
The Otdt Iihi,
Wm. Gardner, of Portland, died yes
terday in Portland. D. Solis Cohen,
uianier oi me A. jr. and A. M. there. r.
ceived word in the morning that an aged
mason was dying in the southern por
tion of the city, and desired to muV
himself known to his brethren before his
death, bat before he arrived, Gardner
had died. He proved to be the oldest
Mason in the United States, having been
made a Mason in Scotland in 181fi. hn
just 21 years of age, beina 97 at the tim.
of his death. He was also a Roval Arch
Mason of over 70 years' standing.
Qolumbia joi
Best Dollar a Day House on the Co(
First-Class Meals, 25 Cents.
First Class Hotel in Every Kespect.
XNone but the Uest of white Help Emm
T. T. Nicholas. Prop
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
General Merchandis
Dry Goods, Clothinc, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Y
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Hardware,
Crockery, Hay, Grain, Feed, Etc.
!as r
390 to 394 Second St.,
The Dalles,
11 r