The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 10, 1893, Image 4

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10, 1893.
The Weekly Ghroniele.
orrii-UL paper or wasco county.
Cnumv Jut)..- 00. C. nikrly
Shiia'. T. A. arl
rier J B- Croearii
TnwuKf ' Mloholl
. , tJe. Iwrnittll
Couulxlonen JKnuik Muralil
AnmiT Joel W. K...11U
Himvot "n
tmivrtntendcut ot i'ublto School. . .Ttot (tilhv
lunmer. S- M. kwoud
Another casualty i reported today
Irom falling wall, this tiuio in Indiau
apolis. It is appalling to consider what
would happen in any large city of the
United State if there should bo an
earthquake. American structures, al
most without exception, are built with
no regard to this unknown quantity,
and oftentimes they tumblo with much
less provocation. It is truo that in the
history of the United States, there lias
occurred few of those convulsions of
nature, the most notable being at
Charleston ; bnt 100 or I'OO yeaia is a
trifling amount of time to base a calcu
lation upon concerning probable earth
quake shocks. The shock of 18S4, gen
eral over the estern half of the eouti
neut, though blight, would have been
snliU'ient to unsettle the foundations of
many of the towering structures of New
York city. Americans w ill yet have to
I taught the lesson by direful calamity
each as this to put more strength into
their buildingf. An occasional building
will fall from time to time, as it has
done in the past, but when desolation
and death settles over a whole region of
country, as in France over a eentury ago,
vrhen t0,000 beings were killed in Lislioii
alone, au impetus will be given to stable
architecture, demanded by public senti
ment, and shoddy building will be a
fashion of the past.
New York speculators have been try
ing to take advantage of the policy of
the government during the last fifteen
years on the money question by forcing
cold to a premium, in tho meantime
accumulating all they can get and driv
ing the residue in the U. S. treasury to
foreign shores. Thev believed that the
government, in trying to give temporary
relief, would sell bonds, which would
work to their ends by hastening the in
evitable. The Oregonian savs that the
success of these plans has been defeated
for the present by tho firm refusal of the
president to allow the sale of bonds, and
by the impossibility of forcing the ex
port of gold fast enough to exhaust the
sub-treasury. The conditions by which
the speculators hope to prosper are not
yet ripe. The effort is certain to be re
sumed, however, after the 4th of March.
Mr. Cleveland believes that it can be
defeated only by reeal of the silver law,
and be will bend all his energies to that
end. Mr. Cleveland is right. It is use
less to jail against the gold speculators
fur their elfish plots against the stabil
ity of credit and the order of business.
Success of their plots is only an effect,
of which the mistakes of our financial
policy are the cause, or at least the oc
casion. Given disordered or unstable
currency and there will be plotters to
increase its disorder; speculators to
make profit of Its instability. The only
remedy is to attack the root of the evil.
The way to abolish gold speculators is to
make and keep all money equal in ex
change value with gold. This cannot
long be Jdone under a policy which con
stantly increases the volume of cur
rency worth, in fact, one-third less than
gold, and so current outside of our bor
ders. That will star at home, while
gold goes abroad to pay foreign debts till
we have only the cheaper money left in
circulation. Then it will be the stand
ard and gold will be merchandise for
A correspondent of the Scientific
American tells about a new kind of grass
which receives come valuable recom
mendationsesparto grass. Esparto
gTas has recently been recommended
for introduction into the United States
as a fiber plant. It is a native of Spain,
Portugal, Greece, and Northern Africa,
thriving upon sand and gravel in arid
situations, and growing especially well
on limestone and gypseous toils. It Is
not cut, imt pulled, sometimes twice a
year. It can be grown either from seeds
or divisions of the roots. Ten tons of
dry esparto, worth from 20 to $'-' per
ton, can, under favorable circumstances,
be obtained from an acre. In Spain,
where now the product amounts to from
70,000 to 80,000 tons annually, it for
merly ran to waste or was need only as
fuel. Kow, such is the demand for it,
that land considered valueless a few
years ago is worth thousands of dollars.
About 60,000 tons are sent to Great Brit
ain annually from Spain. In the latter
country it is used in the manufacture of
ropes, baskets, sandals, catting, etc.,
while in England it is largely used in
making ropes and paper. Good writing
paper is made from it without the ad
mixture of any other material, and the
price of this paper varies from 200 to
2V) per ton. There is certainly an
opening in this country for some enter
prising individuals to grow this grass.
Does Eugland tend over little Kaialanl
to make a dramatic thow of herself, to
that Americans will weep crocodile
tears over a foolish sentiment?
Tho Boston Advertiser, speukiug uf
Gov. McKinley'e recent Iosjbs, pays a
high tribute o his personal worth,
which says : It will probably have to be
admitted that William McKinley is not
a shrewd and cautious business man so
far as his personal affairs are concerned;
at any rate that in putting at hazard,
with no hope of pecuniary reward, but
solely to help and oblige a friend, "nil
his living," making himself thus liable
for another man's debts to the extent of
$200,000, he allowed bis heart to get the
better of his head. But whatever the
error mny have been, it was such as only
a largo-hearted man would have com
mltted. lie deserves sympathy a thous
and times more than he deserves re
proach. Gov. and ex-Congressman McKinley
is one of the most estimable men in pub
lic life todav. The admiration felt for
hint by millions of American peoplo is
thoroughly well deserved. It is deserved
on both political aud personal grounds.
It has been growing for many years past,
is growing alt the time, and nothing has
occurred that tends in any degree to
diminish it. True, the economic policy
now popularly identified with his namo
has been for the time being placed in
check. The latest presidential election
resulted adversely to protective princi
ples. We do not dispute the assertion
that, judged by the only test which our
constitution provides, the test of Novein
ber ballots, "McKinleylsm" has re
ccived a set-back. How far the choice
of G rover Cleveland aud the choice, once
and again, of a national house of repre
sentatives having a majority of its mem
bers attached to Mr. Cleveland's party,
was in truth an indorsement of free
trade in distinction from protectionist
ideas, and how far thoso results were
brought to pass by other issues and in
fluences, is now an idle question. The
fact remains that this country was
never, in all its history, so prosperous,
contented and happy as it has been
under the operations of the McKinley
bill. Our firm opinion that within the
next four years the people will see their
mistake and take effectual means to
rectify it may stand for whatever it is
worth. We ore satisfied to await the
Regarding Mr. McKinley as a man, a
gentleman in the fullest meaning of the
word, there is noTouui for two opinions
on the part of thoso who know him or
really know of him. His honesty is un
disputed. Tho purity of his private life
commands the respect of all who honor
unsullied character. His abilities are
extraordinary. He is a statesman of
whom Americans, whether they agree or
disagree with him in matters of party
politics, have reason to be proud. In
his present difficulties he is the object
of that ungrudging sympathy which his
worth and his misfortunes merit.
The Indiana will be ready for service
and turned over to the government iu
about a year. She is designed especially
as a vessel to fight, not to run away at
all. She will be fitted with search
lights and torpedo netting, and will cost
13,000,000. The Indiana is known as a
roast line battleship. She is built of
steel, aud has a double bottom for the
distance of 190 feet, extending for the
length covered by the machinery and
magazine spares. All the vital portions
of the ship are thus protected. Her
length is 348 feet, breadth C9.3, dis
placement 10,288 tons, maximum speed
1C.2 .knots and has a 0,000 horse power.
She will be the watch dog of the entire
eastern coast.
President Harrison approved the car
coupler bill yesterday. The car coupler
now in general use on freight cars is a
very primitive affair and has cost more
loss of life and mained limbs than any
other device known to railroads. There
is no dearth of Letter ones, for about
2,000 patents have been granted in the
United States alone on car couplers. The
reason none of them have been adopted
furnishes a commentary on the ttupend
ous magnitude of the daily business done
in America. To replace the old coupler
for a new one would require at least a
day's stop in freight traffic all over the
United States. Of course it must be
done simultaneously. On passenger
service it it different, at each line owns
their own cars and a change could be
effected with comparative ease. Now
that the car con pier bill hat become a
law, an end will be accomplished that
will cave loss of life and limb, besides
inspiring hope in the heart of tome 2,000
inventors, one of whom will suddenly
make a collossal fortune.
Sir Henry Meysey Thompson, liberal
unionist member of parliament for
Hando worth, Staffordshire, moved in
the house of commons recently that the
British government should use itt in
fluenee to bring about a reassembling of
the international monetary conference,
Mr. Gladstone replying, said that it
would place the government In a rldicu
lous position if it should assume the in
itiative in reopening the conference,
having nothing to recommend for dis
cussion. Mr. Gladstone further (aid
that England was not alone among civl
lued nations in her determination to
adhere to her present monetary system.
Seven other powers, without the slight
est reference to England, had signified
their Intention not to change their cur
rency. Half of the powers represented
at the conference had shown that they
leaned toward bimetallism, but as yet
they had not given the most shadowy
indication of what change they were pre
pared to make. In conclusion ho made
an elalxirate exposition of the benefits of
moiiometalism and the dangers of bimo
lalUm. Sir Henry Meytey Thompson's
motion was finally rejected by a vote of
220 to IDS. Tho announcement of the
vote was received with loud liberal
President Harrison will come to the
coast. He has accepted the Stanford
university offer. and will shortly be
known as Professor Harrison.
The gay plumage of the peacock and
the tweet voice of the nightingale are
seldom united. Gladstone, with all his
prominent virtues and humane motives,
Is a gold bug. ,
Mrs. Ellen M. McClure, of the Sprague
Dally Advertiser, is probably tho only
woman on the Pacific coast publishing a
daily pnper. She is editor and general
manager, as well as a competent com
positor, and can be frequently seen feed
ing the largo cylinder press whou rushed.
This is what we would term western grit
in journalism.
Vice President Morton's hobby is said
to be forestry. His views on tho sub
ject, as given by a New York reporter,
are, briefly, as follows: "I shall do all
in my power to promote the planting
and the cultivation of trees, throughout
the country. In les than twenty-five
years, tho rate of timber consumption
remaining the same as it is at present,
there would not be a tree left in the
United States."
The statistics concerning the produc
tion of tin plate lu this country show
that the industry is growing rapidly,
and that If Congress lets tho McKinley
law alone in this particular, the industry
will ultimately be established in the
United States upon a firm foundation.
But as the tin pi a to provision of the
McKinley bill has been one of the chief
points of Democratic attack, It is prob
able that the tariff on tin plate will be
reduced before the business becomes so
well established that it will not need
the protection which it now receives.
Dakota makes a residence of three
months sufficient to entitle an action for
divorce to be hied. This canst" many
who desire to unhitch tolocute there nud
claim desertion, as the knot can be un
tied in shorter order than in any other
state. The effort to increase the time to
six months disclosed the object of the
three months' law : The state bad re
ceived thousands of dollars in conse
quence of it. Illinois with six mouths'
requirement had lost its supremacy.
Dakota shrewdly secured the unhitching
business and dollars it naturally brought
with it.
lie Worked In the Hank.
Mr. Duckleg was well educated and
lived on a farm in the country bnt did
not have the proper stay-ability to con
duct a business of any kind, not even a
farm. Mr. Duckleg moved to Portland,
Or., and obtained work in the city as I
found out one day when I met him and
inquired of him what he was doing.
After the usual greeting of how-do you
do and so on, I asked, what are you do
ing now? Oh, I'm working in the bank.
Yes, says I, that is pretty nice for one
to leave a farm and go to such a place at
Portland, and to get right into a position
in a bank. Yes, he said one must have
friends to dd the like, and went on to
say that he got good wages and that hit
old hayseed friends would not now sneer
at him if they were to meet him. 1
turned the corner there and toon again
happened to pass near by the bank where
he was at work just in time to catch him
washing and cleaning a spittoon. Well,
sayt I, Mr. Duckleg, you did not tell me
what position you had in the bank. With
a low ma Hied voice lie said, I do the
janitor work.
A Fortune In III Hand.
Pendleton Tilbmie.
The water of the famous Bingham
spring that gurgles from the mountain
side thirty miles above Pendleton on the
banks of the Umatilla river that has
gone to waste for ages, notwithstanding
Its wonderful mineral qualities, will soon
be utilized. It lias been until recently
controlled by a non-progressive indi
vidual who made no attempt to econo
mize it, and recently the property has
changed hands and the exclusive right
to bottle and handle this wonderful
water is now controlled by Arthur Ham
mond, the proprietor of the Golden Rule
hotol of this place, who will have upon
the market within thirtyidays an ample
supply. Old residents of this county
who for more than a decade have used
the water from this wonderful spring are
a unit in speaking Its praise. Many an
inebriate whose stomach was worn
threadbare by king alcohol has been
speedily healed by this beverage. It it
a fact that for stomach troubles and ner
vous debility, thit water cannot be ex
celled. Mr. Hammond hat a fortune in
his hands, for so soon at his goods are
placed upon the market and a fair trial
given them, the demand is bound to be
fihlloh's cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is for sale by Snipes A Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five
doses, only 2oc. Children love it.
Am Important Or4lnaae.
"No person shall permit to accumulate
In any yard any stagnant water, refuse,
vegetables, decaying substance, gnrlxiKe,
filth of any kind, nor suffursnrh yard or
ot to remain in such a condition as to
cause an offensive odor, or thereby to
become a public nuisance. Any one
shall lie fined, upon conviction, not less
than f 10 nor more than flOO, or impris
onment in the county jail not less than
flvo nor more than thirty days."
Tho above Is the skeleton of an ordi
nance which, If enforced, might save the
lives of several hundred of our cltUuns
in the event of theappearance of cholera
this summer. It is probable that the
council will tonight appoint a board of
health, as the discussion at last night's
session led up to that end, tho lateness
of the hour preventing further discus
sion. If thiB is done, the city should lie
turned over to them in as good condition
as possible. The marshal is authorised
to enforce the ordinance, upon the
proper complaint of any noraon ; but
there has been manifest a reluctance or
carelessness on the part ot citizens,
which is wrong. There would lie little
sickness in Tho Dalles If there was no
pollution to favor it.
IV In tar at ralrtlrw.
Faib Vittw, Or., March 4th, 180.1.
Editor Ciikonici.k : Wo people living
in this upland country have had some
experience with a good-sized winter
And at present writing we have a good
chunk left. The tunw Is all the way
frum one to two ftfot deep, will average
about sixteen inches. Our first snow
fell hero on November sixth, and up to
tho present It has snowed thirty-three
days and rained four, with a total fall of
snow of ten feot, three inches. At pre
vent it has all the appearance ot spring
and the snow is going slowlv. Wo have
not had any w ind to spoak of, or the
snow would havo been gone some time
ago. But It is all for the liest, as the
ground is not frozen and is getting the
full benefit of all the nmistum, and as It more or less every night if the
snow was all off it would lio a great
damage to the winter wheat. It we do
havo a good crop this coming season it
will not be for the want of moisture. I
havo lived up hero eleven years aud I
have never teen a failure of crops. Vege
tables and fruit of all kinds do well on
this high land; in fact better thnu the
most ot places on the loner lands aud
creek bottoms, although the temiiera-
tare has beou as low as ten degrees be
low. There is no fruit hurt, not so much
as a bud. The attention ot those look
ing for homes is called to take a look up
here, as there is a chance for a few more
settlers who are not afraid to work aud
make a home, and there are also a few
places for sale, cheap, with moderate
improvements on them. As our major
domos have returned to their respective
homes, after their reign of forty days,
quite a nliower, not a sufficient flood
to mar the commerce of the Inland em
pire, but quite a flood ot bills to lay on
tho table for two years hence. We will
give them duo notice that they need not
lose anytime iu figuring on the prob
able coat of an open river, but advise
them to figure on the column of loss,
as they have lost the support of the
people of Eastern Oregon. We will at
tend to this matter ourselves the next
time. B. F. Wiekuam.
Stonier (lleanlnga., March 4, 1803.
EniToa CiuoNici-a We are having
lovely weather down here among the
mountains. The wild flowers are pop
ping their little heads up making obei
sance to the beautiful spring.
The snow is most all gone, and people
are thinking of making garden, planting
peas, aetting hens, etc.
Messrs. Jas. Brown and James Lb is
are in The Dalles on jury.
The people here are generally com
fortably well, as far as we know.
Those who were anticipating a crop of
peaches will be disappointed, and will
have to lay their anticipations by for
another year, for they are mostly killed
for this year. S. A. B.
A Heroic Engineer.
An article in the Buffalo Evening
News describes a terrible wreck caused
by a collision recently on the Buffalo,
Rochester A Pittsburg road, in which
Herman Reck, a freight engineer, was
frightfully scalded and pinioned so fast
to the debris that it was necessary to
chop his arm off to release him. "He
could have saved himself by jumping,"
save the News, "but like a hero stood by
his post, and in consequence received
such injuries that ho will probably die."
The wounded engineer is a brother of
Harry C Reck, of Pendleton.
Drive WhUt f'artjr.
A very pleasant drive whist party was
given last evening, at the residence ot
Mr. and Mrs J. B. Crossen. An excellent
lunch was served and the evening passed
off pleasantly. A very pretty event of
the evening was a sorenadu by a party
of young men, whllo the game was in
progress, which was enjoyed by those
present, for which the host and hostess
and those present wish to return thanks.
The first prize was won by W, H. Wll
son. Those present were Mr and Mrs
Judge Bradshaw.Mrand Mrs Dr Rhine
hart, Mr and Mrs II M Beall, Mr and
Mrs W II Wilson, Mr and Mrs J B
Crossen and Master Will Crossen.
Mr. Ilerbrlnf Will Kudeavor Make
I'p III l.OM.
Tho new advertisement of H. Her
bring on the second page will repay a
careful perusal. He first quotes the
reports of The Dalles papers concerning
his recent suit In court, drawing there
from the deduction that lie must sell
niore goods than ever to recoup his lots,
and to arconiplihh this proposes to lower
prices to attract trade. There is good
business strategy in this maneuver in
dicative ot the Yunkee, though one who
knows Mr. Ilerbing would assign to him,
last of all, a strain of that kind ot blood
As regards his suit before the circuit
court, he has the sympathy of all who
know She facta In the case. He was not
only defeated oat ot money, justly due
him for goods sold, but is out damages
and costs besides. This result Is accom
pUshed through some evolution of the
Intricate machinery of American (Eng
lish) law, termed, for short, a technical
Ity, wheraby the most ridiculous abor
tion will Issue from the female with the
scales and the handkerchief over her
eyes. The dot ot an i or tho cross of a
t on some irrelevant bit of pax.r has
more to do In determining a case nowa
days than a host of crodiblo witnesses.
Mr. Ilorbring w ill recover bis loss iu
the natural course of business, but he
may never again have tho same resjvect
for justice, whet: entrusted to tho tender
mercies of skilled lawyers,
Tba llufur Institute.
The following is the programme of the
local institute to bo held at Dufur, Fri
day and Saturday, March 10th and llth:
11:00 a. m. Opening address, Supt.
Troy Shelley.
ReSionse, Aaron Frazier.
Organization, appointment of com
mitters, etc.
1 ::0 p. m. Orthography, L. B.
Fractions, Mies Edith Peabody.
Physiology, Waldo Ilrlghaiu.
The noun, Miss Anua HelHler.
Neumwiity of early training In the Eng
lish language, E. h. liinman.
ATI' Hi) AY.
0:00 a. m. The relation ot geography
and history, John A. Haylock.
The clomonts ot a sentence, Miss Min
nie Heisler.
Penmanship, Miss Emma F. Ward.
Percentage, Mrs. Esther Mcnefoe.
Practical hints on physiology, Aaron
1 :'.i0 p. in. Neatness in the school
room. Miss Suiannu Ward.
Methods: your method, my method,
tho best method, P. 1'. Uiidorwood.
Assimilation, Miss Eva Vamlrrpoo!.
Help in primary teaching, Miss Cor
delia ltmwn.
Home things lacking iu our public
schools, Aaron Frazier.
7:00 p. m. IecIamalion, Roy Butler.
Select Heading, Miss Vira Whipple.
The Adjective, Miss Ina Thomas.
Declamation, John Me.Ytec.
Summary of tho war of 1S12,
Anna Kramer.
Declamation, Mix I.ittio Quiun.
Select Reading, Mi Daisy Dufur.
Essay, Miss Anna White.
Coordination in the sentence, Miss
Omah Smith.
Summary of the Revolutionary war,
Miss Leva Vanderpool.
Essay, Miss Blanche Dufur.
I)eclamation, Parke Bolton.
sati-uday KVKKINa.
7:00n. m. Address: Notes and sug
gestions on the schools ot tho country,
Superintendent Iroy Shelley.
Five minute sjieeches by ten leading
The exercises will be interspersed with
good music furnished by the Dufur pub
lic school and the Dufur choir. Every
body cordially Invited to attend and take
part in discussions.
Stork I.oeees.
Mr. C. W. Haight, of the Dea Chutes
country, came In town today. Mr.
Haight has been riding over the range
himself considerably during the past
two months, and Is as well posted as
anybody regarding the loss ot stock.
He says that the lost ot cattle will roach
ten per cent., all reports to the con
trary notwithstanding. Sheep have
tared well and there has lieon no loss to
speak ot. Everybody is well supplied
with feed and will feed yet (or several
weeks. On the north hill sides the
snow Is still solid, but tho south sides
are bnro.
Itanee at Kllndt'e.
A large number of people met at the
farm house of Henry KUndt last night
and danced to Ithe music of violin and
pianb until far past midnight. There
wore fully one hundred people present,
many coming from the country.
fUX) per Dottle.
Oir Cotijjhe, llmr , hurn 'Jliront,
Croup nromiitly; rellnvrs WhooplnaCouali
Bnd AAlJinin, Knr toneiinipllon it hfis no
rtvali basenred lliouanmle where Ml other
JhIIin); will ciiks vou If token in time. Hold
by lirussItU on aimnittt-o. For Mmtrllaiik
or Ckest. use KUI l.oira ri.AHlJUi. Kou.
jin you i.uuii'111 1 i nwrftnmr la riinnia.
teed to dure fun. l'rioa&uou. lujeutor trow
mm a w m av
Leading Jeweiei i
All Watch Work Warranted,
Jewelry Made to Orde
1 Beeond St., Tae Pallet, Or ''
Campbell Bros. Proj
(Succour, to 1. 1. era.) :
Uauufaoturara ot the flnoai rrtiMli
liouie Mule C
O .A. ItST ID X B S,
East ol I'OItUnd.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars aiii Tib
Cu ftirnUU enr of tbta f 'to.Lt at Wk
or Ketall
Id Kverjr Ntrle.
; p
Ice Cream and Soda Water I
104 Beeond Htreet, The Dalles, Or.
4 :
It called to the fact that
Hugh Glenn-
Ikui.or In GlusM, Lime, IMtifltor, Ctmm
and Building Material of all klo.k f
-Carrie tu rineat I. In
16 Itfll
To p found iu the City. 1
72 UJashington Strert ,
NDY t i
Candies and Nuts jaaa?'
,MkSSpecialtki; i
finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalle '
At mm
m. ue
A. A. Brown,
Keeps a lull assortment ot
Staple and Fancy Groom
and Provisions.
wbtob heoffuraat Low risnrei. ''
to Cash Buyers.
Hiist Cash Prices for 13 d
other PiAce.
The Dalles
Gigar : Factory
yrxxzarr bteebt.
manufactured, ,
ordors from alt parts of the country niw
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DAIS
GAK has become firmly tauhM."
the demand for the home maniila'-l"""
article is inoreonng erery day.