The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 10, 1893, Image 1

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    VOL, III.
r jcDBnrici Unilcr the Walls or a
Y:?ng Man Drowned la the WIHumette,
Narrow Escape of Two
T Ianapolis, March 2. A three-story
t building, st 25 West Washington
t, which bud just boeu vacated, fell
.45 this afternoon and carried a nnm
, ol workmen down. It is reported
. . .r are in the rnins.
11 There were 15 men on the roof at the
time, engagod In tearing the building
down. The Are department is digging
ortuou in the rolns. It Is believed
some, If i .t all four, are dead.
Thr-m workmen have beentaken from
the Ins all badly burt. Another is
i the ruins and has called for help.
Drown. d la tne Willamette.
iOOK Cjty, March 2. This morning
t.. V o'clock George T. Millmore was
lowned whilo coming from bis work at
the papor mill. Millmore, William
V .an and Fred Patterson were oss
I river In a skiff. When ni the
i .e of the stream, Millmore who was
i -g, slipped on the frosty seat, caus
he boat to lurch, thus throwing the
I t to one side, which upset them,
tl.eohan alone could swim, and be res
cue.! Patterson, bat Millmore, though
hol.llngvan oar, was swept away by the
vapid current and was drowned. The
o'.'.'r two were carried down stream,
c'.l. Jng to the boat, several blocks be
fore a boat from shore could roach them.
Vlin taken from the water both were
r ly exhausted, but are all right again.
I l.'more was single and bis folks live
r jwbere in Maine. .
A FrLon-Keeper'a Crneltlea.
C.ttYiNNS, Wyo., Mareh 2. Formal
cai plaint was made yesterday to the
sUte board of charities of the cruelties
practiced by Warden Briggs at the state
prL .n. The speciflc charge is that a
prisoner under discipline was strung up
ty the wrists for allowing bis chains to
c'.ank. A powerful stream of water was
turned on him for about half an hour.
During this ordeal he fainted three times.
T 9 guards who protested were die
t' ,ed at night and compelled to walk
t a miles to town in a blinding snow
( a. It is also charged that Briggs
I been severely punishing women con
' , One of the women knocked down
I rd with her fists.
Hraalllaa Troubles.
Valparaiso, March 1. A telegram
from Klo Janeiro stutes that additional
troops will start tomorrow for Rio Uraude
t'at ul. Opiza, a newspaper, says it is
I wn that the federals In ,'that state
! ' nd to hoist the imperialistic flag.
I the river Others have leen some
ingea of cannon shot, but with little
- The Eighteenth regiment of the
as gone over to the Tavares. The
anient forces advancing to the re
lanta Ana are impeded in their
i- by federals, whose forces are
CO.. tly being augmented by volun
teers The federals have taken the city
of Caci.pavs, and are now In possession
of all the small towns betw een San Ped
rito and Santa Ana. General Lopes, of
the government forces, has been killed.
The ravages of both parties have abso
lutely devested the Southern portion of
" j Grande do Bui. The Herald's corres
"unt at Buenos Ay res tolegraphs
the minister of war has given or
c hot all foreigners making plans of
" rt of the territory of Argentine
T at ierm!saioii will be arrested and
toned. A prominent Brasilia!!
ier, who Is muking a tour of Chili
rgontine, Is fomenting the revolu
1 Klo Grande. lie is supplying
the Jeruls with arms and trying to
pick a ftiBS with Brasil in hopes of ac
quiring the territory. He thinks that
Chill may ultimately be involved. The
" Nation question between Argentine
' Chili is in statu quo waiting the re
v of President Montt. He is ex
)d to arrive here tomorrow.
Manured fur Monty.
I CHARgsT, March 2. A criminal
ei)Mt.tion has developed in ordering the
arrest of Madame Diarne and her hus
band, formerly mayor of small town
rear here. The woman Is the widow of
e late Prince Mensikoff, one of the
.itest of the Boyards. He left a for
1 9 of severaUnillion francs to his four
c'. :drn, making the widow trustee,
f-ho, five years ago, married Diarne.
fJiuce then one of the children has died
rtudor suspicious circumstances, and two
'iers have disappeared. It Is lielieved
y hnvo boon foully dealt with In or-
der that the Diarnes might take their
estate. The court ordered the exhuma
tion of the body of the child known to
be dead, and a soarch for the bodies of
the other two. The remaining daughter
has been placed under the court's pro
tection. Foreign Miniature Will K.lfra.
London, March 2. Minister Lincoln
Is preparing to forward bis resignation
on the 4th of March, upon the inaugura
tion of President Cleveland. Dispatches
from Rome, St. Petersburg and Berlin
are to the effect that Fottcr, American
minister to Russia, and Phelps, Ameri
can minister to Germany, are sending
resignations. All of the resignations,
including that of Lincoln, are to take
effect upon the arrival of their succes
sors. Hxkir I, Better Today.
Bah Fsancisco, March 1. Mackay
passed another good night. Dr. Keeney
dressed his wound at 9 :30 this morning,
and said that It was in splendid condi
tion. His patient's pulse and tempera
ture are normal, and Mackay is doing as
well as conld be w ished under the cir
cumstances. There is no material
change In Rippey's condition this morn
ing. Hundred, of I'eo.ile Drowned.
NxwYobk, March 2. The Herald's
cable from Punama says the Coinpldan
valley, Guatemala, has been flooded.
Kli villages have been swept away, and
hundreds of people are reported drowned.
Stubborn Left-inlatora.
Helena, March 2. The last ballot for
United States senator stood: Mantle
24, Clark 32, Dixon 11, Carter 1. No
choice. Governor Rickards is to appoint
a senator.
Seattle Kews.
Seatti.c, Wash., March 2d, 1693.
Sjiecial. For several days the Bound
country has been enjoying fine weather,
and the indications are that it will con
tinue for some time.
The preliminary bearing of the Yesler
will case has been decided adversely to
Mrs. Yesler, and she has been bound
over to appear before the superior court.
It has excited a great deal of comment,
and many think she has been unjustly
bound over.
The Bruschko Manufacturing Com
pany, which Is located at Manchester,
just opposite Seattle, is now doing some
work In repairing their machinery, and
expect to be In full operation again In a
few days. The furniture factory part of
the concern, expects to turn out a great
deal of furniture In the next year.
A Girl." Hehool Burned.
Little Rock, Ark., March 2. The
Arkansas Baptist college building, es
tablished by the Baptists for the educa
tion of girls, was burned this morning.
About twenty girls slept in the building.
How any escaped from the burning
wooden tinder-box is inexplicable. All
were compelled to jump. Six were
badly injured. Florence Neify arid
Hattie Turner were seriously hurt and
will probably die. The former bid ber
back broken and the hitter sustained in
ternal injuries. The others badly hurt
Ada Harris, teacher from Oberlin,
leg broken; Mary Pratt, Little Rock,
fnternully hurt, but will recover ; Irene
Reed, Dermott, Ark., arm broken ; Mary
Kelson, cook, slightly Injured.
Nothing was saved. The loss is $8,000,
and the Insurance (4.000. The oflice of
the Arkansas Vanguard was also de
stroyed. The fire is believed to have
been of incendiary origin. Two previous
attempts bad been made to burn the
Both are American Gentlemen.
Washington, March 2. Outside of
the usual formal Interchange of personal
courtesies between an outgoing and in
coming president, General Harrison will
exceed all precedent by giving a dinner
at the White House on Friday to Mr.
and Mrs. Cleveland and a few other
guests. This dinner is strictly non-oflk-lal
and entirely personal in its character.
It is understood to be the result of cer
tain private correspondence which has
been exchanged between the president
and bis successor. Mr. Cleveland lias
been most generous and sympathetic In
his private communications to the pres
ident during bis domesticafllictlons, and
President Harrison has been naturally
Governor of South Carolina.
Columbia, 8. C, March 2. Governor
Tillman and staff, with a large party,
left for Washington yesterday to take
part in the Inaugural parade.
Governor riow.r Will Bo There.
Albany, N. Y., March 2. Governor
Flower and party loft this morning for
Washington to bo present at the inaug
uration ceremonies.
An Immense Concourse of People Tnrhs
Out in ParaflD.
A Pall of Wet Snow in the Morning
The Ceremonies and Inaugural
Washington, March 4. Special to
The Chronicle. Grover Cleveland, of
New York, thrice nominated for presi
dent of tbo United States and twice
elected, was today successfully inducted
into that high office for bis second term
with all the appropriate ceremonies and
gathering of mighty multitudes. The
last occasion was greater titan the first.
The military and civic display was more
imposing. In 1685 there were not more
than 20,000 in line outside of the inau
gural parade. Today at least 40,000
marched along the great National
avenue. Today also the governors of
eleven states, New Hampshire, New Jer
sey and Massachusetts in the east;
Pennsylvania and Maryland among the
middle states ; Georgia, North and South
Carolina and Louisiana in the south,
and Wisconsin in the west, participated
in the ceremonies, thereby emphasizing
complete national unity. The order of
proceedings is almost identically the
same as four years ago, with the action
of the chief participants reversed, and
differed very little except in the extent
of the demonstration from the ceremo
nies of eight years ago.
There was a round of applause as the
carriage bearing Harrison and Cleveland
came in eight, on Pennsylvania avenue,
preceded by Grand Marshal McMahon
and staff. Vice President Stevenson
was received with almost as much en
thusiasm as the chief. Arriving at the
capitol the inaugural proceedings began.
It was 12 :50 p. m. when Vice Presi
dent Stevenson appeared in the senate
chamber and took seat beside Mr.
Morton. Then followed President Har
rison, and the cabinet. Mr. Morton
administered the oath to his successor
and yielded the chair to him as presiding
officer and the special session of the 53rd
congress opened. ' The new senators
took their oath of office. The procession
then formed and proceeded to the east
portico of the capitol. They arrived
there and were seated according to cus
tom. Chief Justice Fuller administered
the oath of oflice to Cleveland, who then
delivered the inaugural address.
In his inaugural address Mr. Cleve
land said: "There is nothing more
vital to our supremacy as a nation than
a sound and stable currency. Nothing
will be left undone as far as the execu
tive branch of the government can in
tervene, to maintain our national credit,
or avert financial disaster." Other im
portant subjects touched on were the
dangers of paternalism, pensions, In
dians, trusts, civil service reform and
tariff reform.
After the Inaugural address President
Cleveland went to the reviewing stand
at the white houae where he reviewed the
immense procession, the most magnifi
cent feature of which w as the New York
contingent. Tammany turned out three
thwusand strong.
Had the weather conditions have been
favorable at least sixty thousand would
have been in the parade. This morning
opened with a fall of wet snow which
continued through the exercises.
rennoj-er Celebrates.
Salem, Or., March 4. Special to The
Ciibonicxk) Gov. Pennoyer and the
populiHts are having a celebration of
their own today. The state cannon was
wheeled In front of the capitol building
and volley after volley was fired, amid
the cheers of an excited populace.
Btevenion Hold Reception.
' Washington, March 3. The latch
string was out at the entrance to vice-President-elect
Stevenson's rooms in
the Ebbitt house this morning, and
they wereconstantly throngod with per
sonal and political friends. On , the
stand was a huge bed of lilies, the' gift
of one of bis lady admirers. General
Stevenson ruse early, and after break
fast retired to his room ou the third
floor. Soon a s toady stream of callers
began to move up the stairway, and un
til late in the afternoon squads of visi
tors poured in, including many ladies.
He met all with a hearty handdliake and
made them feel at home. The Bandana
and Wattorson clubs called in a body,
also a largo delegation from Texas. As
the afturnoou wore ou, the crowd of
callers increased.
Tammany Turn. Out In Force.
New Yokk, March 2. Eight special
trains left Jersey City this morning f jr
Washington, having on board the mem
bers of Tammany Hall, going to witnets
the inaugural. Four went over the
Baltimore 4 Ohio, and a like number
over the Pennsylvania road. A number
of independent democratic clubs accom
panied them. The total number is esti
mated at 3,400.
The I.etln(.
Washington, March 3. Special to
Tna Chronicle.) President Harrison
held his final cabinet meeting at the
White House at noon today. The full
cabinet were present. Mr. Harrison ad
dressed them, referring to the distin
guished services of the several members
of the cabinet, that part of it relating to
the personal worth and integrity of the de
ceased premier being particularly touch
ing. Regarding the incoming administra
tion Mr. Harrison was conservative about
the future policy of Mr. Cleveland, but
professing for him the warmest personal
friendship. The address closed with
good wishes for the individual members
of the cabinet, and the hope that
America would still continue to be
blessed as a nation.
Cleveland's Reference to Finance.
Washington, March 5. Cleveland
believes he can remedy the financial
difficulties now existing under the gen
eral welfare clause of the constitution.
His allusion in his inaugural to the ques
tion is taken to mean that he will not
allow anything to stand in his way of
preventing financial difficulties. Just
what the scheme is cannot be stated,
but those who claim to know say that
the president will act without the as
sistance of congress, if necessary, to pre
serve the credit of the country and the
business and commercial relations of the
people. '
Cleveland' Power.
Washington, March 5. An instance
of Cleveland's power is in the agreement
reached on the appropriation for the
world's fair. The senate conferrees had
about given up when an emissary trom
Cleveland informed t he house "kickers"
that the credit of the country before the
world in the Columbian exposition must
be maintained, and the house yielded.
Democrats In Chicago.
Chicago, March 2. The County
Democratic Marching Club, 450 strong,
paraded through the streets this morn
ing and then took the train for Wash
ington to participate in the Cleveland
Hoke Smith on the Road.
Atlanta, Ga., March 2. Hon. Hoke
Smith, coming secretary of the interior,
left for Washington at noon with a large
party of friends.
A Close Call.
Ed. Miller met with an accident
Wednesday night that eame near ter
minating fatally. He was working in
the planer, on the night shift, and about
10 o'clock there being a temporary stop
page, Ed put on bis overcoat.
When the machinery started again, he
went to work with his overcoat, a long
canvas one, on. The tail of the coat
caught on a set screw on the shaft of the
driving wheel, and in about three sec
onds it gathered Ed. in, tearing bis
clothes off and throwing him on the
main belt which carried him a short
distance toward the engine room, throw
ing him head foremost to the floor. He
received an ugly gash in the scalp which
bled freely. Dr. Brosius was called
and dressed the wound, and a few days
will see all damage repaired, but it was
a close call.
An elopement.
Heppuer Uaiette.
Yesterdays train took away from Hepp
ner B. F. Perkins and Winnie Lathrop.
There had doubtless been some intimacy
existing between the pair for some time,
for recently Mrs. Perkins applied for a
divorce which will be granted at the
next term of court. Perkins leaves be
hind a wife and seven children, who
made no effort to stop the eloping pair.
Mrs. Perkins, so far as the Gazette
knows, is an excellent woman and de
serves the sympathy of all in her trouble.
Her son has charge of a delivery busi
ness iu Heppner and is an honest, hard
working boy.
The World's Changes.
A gentleman residing in Pendleton
wears as a watch charm a couch shell
picked up by a herder on the top of one
of the highest but tea in the Jubn Day
mountains, far distant from any human
habitation and about 5,000 feet above
sea level. The shell's presence there is
a mystery. East Oregonian.
On the top of some of the high peaks
of the Rockies in Utah are found not one,
but millions of Impressions of fish upon
rocks, showing perfectly their entire
auatomy. The proof Is conclusive that
the ocean covered them at some time in
' tho world's history.
Some New Sanitary Reflations to Be
Five Little Children Smother in a Ten
ement House Fire in New
York City.
Washington, March 3. In accordance
with the new quarantine laws, Secretary
of tho Treasury Foster will tomorrow
issue a circular of instructions giving
the sanitary regulations to be enforced
at the port of departure, and to be ob
served on the vessel during the voyage,
and also embracing the rules governing
the national quarantine stations in the
United States. They were prepared by
a board of medical officers selected by
Surgeon-General Wyman. Every vessel,
passenger or freight, bound for the
United States, must carry a prescribed
bill of health, given either by the United
States consul, or a medical officer de
tailed by the president at the port of
1 departure. In case the vessel sails from
an infected port, an inspection must
precede the granting of the bill of health,
and an inspection Is required in the
case of every passenger vessel sailing
from any port in Europe, Asia, Africa,
Central or South America, Mexico or
the West Indies, whether the port is
infected or not. Each cabin passenger
must produce evidence as to his place of
abodo for four days previous to embark
ation, and if he has been exposed to
contagion will be detained for a term to
be fixed by the inspector, and his bag
gage disinfected. Steerage passengers
shipping from an infected port are to be
detained five days under' medical ob
servation in specially provided quarters.
Thev are to be bathed at the beginning
of the five-day term and provided with
disinfected clothing. If cholera should
break out among them while under ob
servation, none of them will be allowed
to embark for the United States until at
least seven days have elapsed since the
conclusion of the last case. The vessel
arriving at any United. States port with
cases of contagion aboard shall be de
tained for a period ranging from five to
20 days; the latter only where typhus
fever prevails.
Smothered bjr Bmoke.
New Yobk, March 3. Mrs. Bernstein
and Mrs. Rosen occupy apartments on
the top floor of the tenement house, 104
Henry street. They both went out this
morning, locking their children in. The
former had four offspring, ranging in
age from 11 to 6 years. The latter had
one daughter, aged 7. After their de
parture a kerosene stove in the apart
ments of Mrs. Membert, on the lower
floor, exploded, setting fire to Mrs.
Membert'a clothes. She managed to
extinguish the flames, and with her two
children, made her escape. There 12
families in the tenement, and all rushed
for the fire escapes. The fire swept out
into the hallway and up the stairway
like a flash, and the upper story was
soon a mass of flames. The fire de
partment soon had the flumes under
control, however, and were congratulat
ing themselves upon the escape of all
the inmates and the light fire loss when
the wild shriek of a woman came from
the throng in the street. It was Mrs.
Bernstein, who knew nothing of her
children's peril until, turning the cor
. PoVdef"
Where the best food is required, the
Royal Baking Powder only can be used."
,1 have found the Royal Baking Powder superior
tO all Others. C. Gtrju, Utt Cktf, DlmtnUU, N. V.
ner she saw the crowd and the evi
dences of fire. With the utmost diffi
culty she was restrained from rushing
into the building. As soon as possible
the firemen made their way to the top
story and found the live little ones suf
focated in their beds. The fire had not
reached them, but the smoke had en
tered and asphyxiated them in their
February Weather Review.
U. 8. Department or Aobiculti'BE,)
Weather Bureau,
Portland, Or., March 1, 1803.)
The snow which began the latter part
of January continued during the fore
part of February. It was heaviest in the
northern portion of the Willamette,
Oregon, and from Fairhaven, Washing
ton, southward. The total amount of
snow varied from 12 to 40 Inches.
The temperature over Washington
and Oregon during the month was from
one to four degrees below the February
normal. The coldest period of the month,
was the first five days, which ranged
from 8 to 18 degrees below zero east, and
from 5 to 10 degrees above sero west of
the Cascades.
The precipitation for the month baa
been about the normal. At Portland it
was 1.45 inches below the normal, whilo
at Roseburg it was 2.28 inches abovo
the normal. There was an excess in
Western and Northern Washington, and
a slight deficiency about Walla Walla
and Baker City.
The total amount of snowfall, un
melted, that fell during the month was
20 inches at Portland, 2 inches at Ash
land, 21 inches at Spokane and 8 inches
at Walla Walla. At the close of the
month there was no snow on the ground
west of the Cascades nor in the Colum
bia river valley ; at Spokane there was
two inches on the ground and at Baker
City one inch.
crops, etc.
The weather has been favorable to
crops, and the ground is thoroughly
soaked. The low mean temperature
has retarded the development of fruit
buds; it has checked their growth, which
tends to protect the buds from late frosts.
There has been no special loss of stock
reported. The feed has been fairly
plentiful and as a rule stock wintered
well. B. S. Fagce,
Local Forecast Official.
A Coaling Station In Ecuador.
Washington, March 3. A cablegram
from Guayquil states that the United
States has, through Minister Mahoney,
succeedod in securing a treaty with the
republic of Ecuador for the establish
ment of a coaling station on one of the
Galapagos islands, which belong to that
A Winter Li tor.
Arthur DiBbrow, while out hunting
near Sandy Flat last week, followed a
cougar's tracks in the enow until they
led him to C, L. Morse's cabin. A
broken window showed where the big
cat had gone to, and a further examina
tion located it on top of Mr. Morse's
bed. A well directed shot settled the
trespasser. Mr. Morse was not occupy
ing tle house at the time, in fact told ua
confidentially that had he been at homo
when the cougar came he would have
gone out the way the cougar came in,
if the door hail not been more conven
ient. .
Karl's Clover Root, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
25c, 50c. and fl.00. Sold by Snipes &
Kinersly, druggists.