The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 03, 1893, Image 8

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The Weekly Chronicle-
Sutrml t the v.limv at The IWtllara. Orvjroii,
aa areoml 'laa mall umlU-r.
srnscKiiTioN uatks.
hlx Uiont i
Thrw nionUia
Ailvrrtltiir ratoa tvaaonatile. and iudo knowi
1CI.K." The liatlra. imti'ii.
John Kanorflck Fonnil Kaad.
Moro Observer.
On Thursday hist the dead IhhIv of
John Keunofick, a bachelor who muled
in the neighborhood of Kent, this
county, was found on a private road or
trail leading from deceased's honso to
the residence of Joe Elliott, another of
Kent's citiiens. The body u at once
conveyed to the hottae of deceased, and
the coroner notified of the fact. The
duty of holding nn Inquest ou the re
mains devolved on Justice Ponohue, aa
there is no acting coroner in the count y
l)r. I. M. Smith, of Moro, and Dr. Koll
lins of Grass Valley, were summoned to
make an examination of the body and
hastened to the scene of the occur
rence on Friday afternoon. An exami
nation of the body developed the fact
that the knll was badly fractured, the
wound being sufficient to cause death.
But how the wound was inflicted could
not be definitely ascertained. Various
theories are afloat, some being of the
opinion that the deceased fell from Ids
horse while riding home bareback from
a neighbor's house a couple of nights
previous and that in falling he struck
eome hard substance causing the fracture
on the skull, while others seem to think
that the wound was inflicted by some
kind of a weapon or heavy bar. We
have not seen a copy of the verdict
fouud at the inquest but learn that it is
substantially to tite effect that death
resulted from a wound on the skull in
flicted by some means unknown.
The deceased was in good circumstan
ces. He had no relatives in the county,
bis brother being a resident of California.
The latter has been notified of his
brother's untimely end.
Caacarla NatM.
from our Regular CorrrrpondenLI
Dr. Levins is confined to his bed with
a severe attack of la grippe.
The snow is fast disappearing and in a
few days will all be gone. During the
whiter there has been 12 feet of snow
fall at this place.
Messrs. Day Brothers and Lieut, Tay
lor went over the plant on Monday and,
Mr. Day says just as soon as the weather
will permit, they will begin work in
solid earnest. Tiie snow prevents them
at present from building the road bed
for a tramway to Herman creek, where
they will get most of the coarse rock for
the walls of the canal.
C. C. Hobart, portage road superin
tendent here, is fully installed, and is
filling the position tiptop. We are de
lighted that the change in the superin
tendency has been made. Mr. Hobart
is a broad-minded and genial gentleman
and withal will look out for the best in
terests of the state in the railroad port
age business.
The steamer Dalles City whistle was a
welcome sound today. Bhe came
through without encountering any ice
and reached her wharf a half hour ahead
of her old time.
Tha Aaylaaa.
Till Dalles, Or., Feb. 27, 1893.
Editor Chronicle:
Ou the 22d Hint, you referred to Mr.
Irvine's place ou Chenoweth creek as
being the proper place to locate the in
sane asylum for Eastern Oregon. Hav
ing seen most of Kastern Oregon, I
certainly agree with you as to its being
just the place to locate it, and so will
every one elae that is well acquainted
with Oregon east of the Cascade mount
ains; and as for a healthful climate,
convenience, pure water and location,
there certainly is no place in the dis
trict with all these, advantages. Then
why should we not take stei at once to
secure the location of tiie asylum at this
place? As this matter is of great im
portance, I would like to have the cx
pression of the people at large, and as
soon aa possible take the necessary steps
to complete arrangements for ;iw con
struction. Come, set your choulJer to
the wheel and give us a lift.
Easter. Obkuo.
Mulxerlption fur M'Klalay.
Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 25. The Fourth
Ward Republican Club, at a meeting
last night, adopted resolution to take
sp a popular subscription for Governor
McKinley and appointed a committee to
circulate it. No one is to contribute
over f 1. Every member present signed
it and a large majority of those ap
proached today contributed promptly.
Watbtow, N. Y., Feb. 25. Ths
Lincoln League Club of this city has
received numerous letters from various
cities, from admirers of McKinley, each
enclosing a dollar to be added to the
fund started by the club to bo sent to
Mr. McKinley'i trustees.
Captain Sweeney, TJ. 8. A., Ban
Diego, Cal., says: "Shlloh's Catarrh
Bemedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any good."
Trice 60 eta. Bold by Snipes k Kinersly
Kadlaad tUtflUk Vaa-lvna Uul O.
The recent rv fatal to sanction with
the customary prompt enthusiasm sev
eral of the most radical changes in the
regime that have been made of lute years
by London swells has had a decidedly
discomfiting effect npou our Eugllah
cousin. Th-.'ir confidence of leadership
has received naturally a severe shock in
consequence. Prom all accounts the
Lomlou swell mob la rxuulng through a
period of ejporiiin'ntalL-au. As a result
men's fashions abroad have not been so
unsettled In fifty yvars.
The heavy swell eoutlnuo jrroiiing
ahuktsaly after the elusive innovation.
For their independence at this time,
therefore, Americana have cause ft self
congratulation the more particularly
so on account of the very divergent
character of some of tho foretgu ultra
speculations. Advanced copies of the
recent London fads in coats and top
coata, Lad they been tried suddenly on
the New York public, would hve creat
ed almost a riot in the street. The Eng
lish swell, be It known, can dress binr
self up as his fancy dictates and the
yeomanry makes no outcry.
Now that we have thrown off the
shackles of slavish emulation and blithe
ly accept or reject what we want, or
what does not appeal to the sense of the
fitness of things, the English fashion
framer will come down from his oractt
lar eminence and in the future pose with
ameliorated despotism in the light of
guide, philosopher and friend. I am
aware that the sentiments above set
forth would have been regarded a few
years ago as rank heresy, but they veri
fy the aphorism of Brer Rabbit that
the world do move." Clothier and
Furui&her. '
What Rat Saw While In m Inuw.
A fall rrm-lation of her experience
while iu a tnuice has been made by Mrs.
W. M. Lfcubor, of Freedom, Pa, She
chduis to have been with God and ex
pecta to receive many future revelations
aud declares she will shortly begin to
work miracles. Mrs. Barber's statement,
uiade to a reporter, was aa follows:
All that 1 saw and learned while my
body lay helpless I do not remember. It
will come hack to uioas I grow stronger,
aud I shall also racuive more light, and
in future trances, or by somo other
mcarta, I know the Lord will reveal
much moro t- me. I do not know where
I wad, but I wad uot in heaven nor in
hell. I caught a glimpse uf heaven,
thr.uh, aud saw God. 1 cannot describe
him except to say that he appeared all
li;;ht. Ail tho time of my seeming un
consciousness ho wan making things
hoaveuly known to me. It seemed a
long period of time that I held this
spirUUiil discourse, with him. Hull I did
not coo, exix-pt that it appeared oa it wore
on one of me blackness and smoke.
I saw my dead mother. She appeared
as in Life, even to bor clothing. I could
not reach her nor speak to her. The Al
mighty seemed to stand between us, bat
I know that before my death I shall
clasp handa with her in the spirit land. 1
I saw also and recognized my lit; in
brothor, who died before I was born. 1 j
did not see my father, but I expect to
learn before long whether or not he in
saved. I saw no other persona than my 1
two relative. The angels and saints
were not visible, but 1 shall grow in
faith until I see them and until I can
wulk upon the wte. bt, Louis Globe
Democrat. l p Willi lb Tlutaa.
In an Hart Ninety-first street fiat there
liven a West street bcaineas man aud hia
'It is a queer fancy, he remarked;
it's a funny superstition, but we've all
got it: every member of my family feels
toe same r'-mt it.
lt wan way. In the year 1871 we
moved tii New York. We lived in Sev
enty-first street. Next year we moved
up to Sevcnty-twx'oud street, and in an
other year we moved still one more
street np town.
"This we continued to do for several
yeura. During tue tune I ran pruiper-
iug wonderfully iu my bumnoM. Our
children were bright and healthy. We
got to tiiiukiug ill nit our even fortunes
out ni,;ht at Chnxtmas time, and it sud
denly occurred to my wife that we were
literally keeping twee with the time
that we hail lived, rimre firt coming to
the city, in the street which ronwwnd-
txl to tiie year of the century. Well, we
come to grow niiifHtr.iou;i nUxit it, and
kept on luovii -4 np one street etch yeur.
W e are nearly ready now to move to
Ninety-fH ,i:d rtrwt. If anything should
Jehiy C:i we would not lie Bid to sleep
until we hud caught up with our cen
tury." New York World.
TIi Cutt Paraha Trmm. steamer Cachar. which recently
arrived fro;u Touqnin at Marseilles,
brought Iwsck M. Hvrnllaz, who went
cut two yuir uo on a uibwion from
tho French minister of poetit and td
enrnph.1 in soarch of the Isonnndra
gutta peruha tree in Malayaia, The
disappearance of this tree threatened
with great cmbarrnient, if not ex
tinction, the submarine cable manufac
ture. Lint L SeruIJaz has diecovered
large firent of tliese trees, ami has bit
upon practical ways of collecting the
gum withont di.wtnying the trees, as
tho natives inevitably do. M. Herullas
has been allowwl to transport several
hundredii of the trees from ten to fifteen
years old to Algiers, and their cultiva
tion will be attempted alo in Uniana.
M. Berullax him left for Algiers with his
cargo, which Is artificially wanned on
board the Cacbar. Philadelphia Led-
A Cat Kaaah.
Cats are in demand in Wallowaeounty.
A Prairie creek farmer went to Joseph
i ha other duv and irnthered up every cat
ho could find In the town, irrespective
of a;r, color, sex or general uativlty
He explained to the wondering specie
tnra of Ida colleotioii tlmi the suuirmli
are beginning to appear, aud that a herd
of eats on a ranch li a better luteal
meiit thau poison'jii the determined wur
that has to lie made on W allowa county
wHta. What a nltv it i. after all, tha
Jim Wardner didn't establish that cat
rauch over on Puget Sound !
Uaaraulvad Curt.
We authorise our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. King's New Diccovery for
consumption, roughs anu corns upon
i hia ron.lition. If vou are afflicted with
a cough, cold or any lung, throat or
chest trouble, aud will use this remedy aa
directed, giving It a fair trial, and ex
perience no benefit, you may return the
bottle and have your mousy refunded.
We could not make thla offer did we not
know that Dr. Klng'e New Discovery
could bo relied on. It never disappoints.
Trial bottles free at Snipes and Kin
ersly's drug store. Large aixe bOc aud
Waaamakar Laat Llttla.
Philadili-hia, Feb. 25. John Wsna
maker'a brokers sold hiin out of his en
tire holding of Reading stock last Kutur
day, and the net loss of the postmaster
general by the trade was about 900.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, tores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped handa, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perf'-ct satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipea A Kin
ersly. Mr. C. . Davis, editor of the Bloom
field, Iowa, Farmer, says: "I can re
commend Chamberlain's Cough Uumedy
to all sufferers with coids and croup. I
have used it in my family for the past two
years and have found it the best I ever
used for the purposes for which it was
intended. 60 cent bottles for sale by
Iilakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Free to everybody. For the next 15
days, Herrin will give away one en
larged picture with every dozeu cabinet
photos. Call and see sample. Gallery
over the postofiice.
Five cents a day will get you the en
cyclopedia. We see the Oregonian and
go them 60 per cent, better.
Cull and tee our $24.80 Dritunnica en-ryelodia.
-1Y . ' a J?m . B '
It Is noticeable that at the luncheon
rooms of the several woman's ex
changes, as well as at several of tlm i-m.
taoreaiU in the sborMn districts, brokun
orders are pomibhi. This is especially
true of toe menus of tho exchanges
which are managed by womeu eolol.i
for women. It is a cotictuMkm to an im-
eepted fact that women ordering and
eaung aione greatly dislike to pay fur u
mouthful more than can be oouuiimwd
One croquette, a half serving of sal'Hi.
chocolate without bread thtaw are some
of the ways a woman adjusts her bill to
fcer appetite New York Times.
LOO par Bottle.
rrnw tovBhl. rioartiMv. hitra lUroat-
Cronppr 'mipUv; n'mrr WliooplnarCousai
and ajiium V t Cinmillun It baa nn
rival; bw and ihawiinili wbcrakll oliim
fsikvl; -ill cans voo If takcu In time. Hold
by Itiug'R'iflCao'i a"rnn. Fi-r ltaie Tlaok
orCaaaUuaoMUH.'Mi'K rLAatHL Sola.
lave vou c-uirr ii ? Thla r-mtol v la ruai
teed to surs yoo. frloaiUeta. Aujaotor f r-o.
Ndiltai PiiEilii;
i MiiHAi.1. i'"TiT. ia ai"" h
II. in,ii lmu.nt toelti. Alao fcwili
-t ,u aliniiliiuui I'Ula. Koian; lu el
Im (inlili'ii Tiilh."'"il Strwt
II. U. K. .Nll'il.
orHiliuleuf inn "i lu'lilaM. to Pr. lui'Uoi. Ollloa ivr Kromln
Hriiik.Tha liolln. Or.
r x u i jiin v i (Hum EoriTHtci I'll Ynli IAN
lJnl niisxKuN. full aunwrfitl iimiiiiilly.
ilnv or iilKlit, ell v orcouuiry
S7 i hapiiimi b!'k.
Uiluu No. Annul
DK o. 1. iihank rMVieue " '
ukON. oUtes. riii 6 anil S i Impmiui
... liiU.ut: H. h. e 'fiH'r 'Url and
Fniirlh airwu, mr lid dir Imm lliu mmift.
(Mliv hiHira V l IU A. U., il t and 7 Ui V. XI.
II. UIIU'KI.I- ArroaKkv at Law- OUIok
Conn nlrvot, Tha lialU-a, Onvm.
s. a. uctu.
rsANk aNra.
1 law IImwi 1 and U, erur Font
uliev HiukIium. Kiittiuirauu Waaulusluii Htrivt
Ttir !nlU, oivxuii.
. UaiKlM, Saw Vuatlllwk.baootidittrnal.
I liv lMliaa, orxKun.
. V. See in Hctianuu bulldlua, up alalri. Tha
iwdiaa, Oraaiiu.
r. r. air. a. a HDirriNOTOM. a. a. wiuwm.
Hiii iruw -oaim, Cnrnoli bliwk nrai
"irat Natlmial Hank. ' liallaa. Ormiin.
AkWEMHI.V NO. 4KT7, K. Of U Mania In K.
ol I. hall llicaMHind and Inuilb VVaduaa
daya of aaab monlb at 7.SJ p. m.
VM,' tAIIMlK, NO. , A. K. A. II. Maala
V drat aud third Muuduy ol aaoli woullt at 7
r. a.
DAl.l-Kst KOVAL AKCII :iUrTKR NO. 6 -Maaulu
llaaonln Hall Iha third Wadncaday
ol aanb mmith at 7 f . M.
Ml. IIimxI Camp No. &o. MwlaTiiMUyTeii
lusotaacb wavk In Fratnriilty Hall, at 7:D p. m.
avary frlday ovaiilna al Ttaoo'aUmk, In k.
ol P. hall, corner Mnioiiii and Court atraota.
KoJiHimlna bmthara ara walooiue.
U. Clouuh, Sco'y. M. A. Rills.K. (I.
IKIKNDrillll UIIH.K, NO. ., K. nl P.-Maala
r avary Monday availing at 7.SU o'clock, In
Schanoo'a biilldlns, corner "I Court and Mwond
traau. bulouriilus tuauibara ara nnnllally In
vl ted W.s. Caaa.
D. W.VAOss. K. ol R. and S. C. C.
II UNION will nuwt avary Friday altaruiMin
At I o'clock al tha readme mom. A 11 air luvlinl.
Harmon Nn. Ml, I. O. it, T.-Hairular
wtvkly n..tlnr M.mrt iy at 7 UO r. al., at
Fraternity flail. All are Invited.
'fMCMFI.K UllHIK NO. S, A. O, I!. W. Maala
X Iu Fraternity Hall, over Kellere, all broouil
auaat, Thuratlay evaiiliiR al7:ai.
I'ai'l Kaarr,
W.H lIVBBa, Flnaneiar. M. W.
TAM. NKMMITII PfT. No. m. li. A. K -M.rt.
avary Saturday al 7 3U r. H., Iu the K. ol I'.
OK L K.Mt-taavery Sunday alteruoon III
the K. ol I. Hall.
nK.MAMl VKKK1S Meet avary Muuda
1 1 even Inn In the K. o I'. Hall.
15 V. Mall the Aral and third Madura
day ul each month, at 7 i r. a.
ST. fKTEKM CIR'RCII -Kav. Father HaoKe
aiairr I'aator. Liw Mao avary Humlay al
7 a. M. Ulsb Maaa at a. m. Vaapera al
7r. u.
ST. F.fl Cltt'Hfll Union Htraat, 0ip.-IW
Filth. Kev.KllP.SlllritSeKeetiir. Servtora
arery Sunday at II a. h. and 7 at r. u. minday
ehuol u A. a. avvniuf rrayvr ou rnoaT ai
P loi I'aator. Morning aarvtra a avery Halt-
bath at tha academy at 11 a. a. HablMth
Mehonl ImmediaUlT altar morning eervlrwa.
I'ravtv mratlng Friday evening al I'aator a real
danv. Lnl ni aervlraa Iu Iha court houaa at 7
F. M.
CUti, l"attir. hervlcee every Sunday at 11
a. M. and 7 r. M. aurniav arn.ait war monnua
arrvlra. Htrangere cordially inviini. seaia ireat
ME. CIIC ttOIt Kav. J. WaiaLSa, paalor.
a ttervlr- every Hnuday min-niugat II a. m.
Sunday erhinl al U.'JI o ciooa r. m. F..worth
la-irue at 1 11 r. a. Frayer taeetlng every
Thuraday evening at 7:W o'click. A cordial In
vluuou ia ailauurd by both paator aud people
C1IIRI-T1AM CHrpCII-KSV. J. w. jgugiaa,
Faator. Fraachlng In Uie CongregaUinial
Cbun-h each l-onla imy at . M. All are
cordially Invited
la the Una to tak
It la tha IWnlag Cat Rotile. It rana Through
Veatltraled 1 ralua every day la the year to
pt. paul and Chicago
Comnoa-I of Dlnlne Cava nnenrnaaeait. Foil-
sun Idawluf Room Slaeperaol lalaateinlpment.
Beat that ran be corntrncUvl, and In which
arewmmxaU'ma are both Free and Fartilhrd
lor boderaolFlratad aecoad-aUee'liekele.aud
A enntlnwnaa line, eonaaatlna with all 11 n
affording direct sod anlnlarrupled aarvles.
Patlmaa Ilea per laaia i atlona aan be eawarad
in advajte through any agent of Iha road.
THROUGH TICKETS polnla In America,
Hngland and Ruropa can be parohaaed at any
Hem avaee vi wawifmpany.
Full lnlormatton rvmeemlng rate, lima of
train a, nan aua oiAer oelaila parniaawti en
appiteabXHi in
Agent D. P. A. Nav. Co., Kagnlator offlrs, Tha
Liallaa, Or.,ar
Aaa't. Ueiieral Faaaaugwr Agt., For Hand, Ogn.
Undertakog Establkhment!
Furniture and Carpets
We have added to onr Imsiness a
soinplete UndertadinK ublishinnt,
and as we are in nn way oonnerted with
the Undrrtakers' Trust, our prices win
lie low acconliniriy.
The St. diaries Hotel,
This old, pottuler and reliable house
has ben entirely refurnished, and every
room has hewn reparmml and reiintd
and newly carpotexl throughout. The
house contains 170 rooms and is supplied
with evrry modern convenience. Hat
reasonable). A good restaurant attachel
to the house. Krer bus to and from all
C. W. KNOWLE8. Prop.
The Snug.
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
lo. 90 Second Sreet, Tke Dg.Het, Or.
This well known stand, kept by the
wen known n. ii. liatts, lonir a resi
dent of Wasco connty, has an eitraordi
nary fine stock of
9i(ff Herder's Ddirhl uA Irish Dirfvbaoee.
In fact, all the leading brands of fine
Wines, Liquors and Ciitars. Oive the
old maa sail and yon will eome efeia.
FRAZER & WYNDIIAM, Proprietors.
11 k.
w o
'ii a
I ' v U ' ' Hi
At thciild aland of K. Lusher,
no Front St.. The Dallrm, oftt
No. 390 to 394, 2d street. The t
"There is a tide in tfu affairs 0 men which, taint ai iti
leads on to fortune."
Tha poet unquestionably had reference to the '
i-Oit Sale il m
Who are selling these goods out at crcatly-reduoed a
And the Moat Compile and the Latest Patterns and Ieeira is '
Prartiral l'alntera and I'arwr Msnircrs. None Intt the lt hr
Hherwm-Wlllianis and J. W. Maaury's Taints used in all our work, and
the inixit skllh-d workmen iniUved. Apunts for Masury liquid i'ti-
chetiiiral combination or siuip mixture. A first elaas article in all cu
ordure promptly atlemtcJ to.
Paiat Sbeo oorosr Tbirdaod Wasbinetoo Ets., Tbt Dt!ls
IUust rated
Tho fall Aft is t; ! :ady for delivery.
It is u ivjd-ir.t, iu Lirpo y of the
ktsUMh) iiaiUli (ilition, !Vf-r L'O.500
pages, including moro than 10,000 illus
trations an;l (K) iiuij'S.
Tha SM vnt'im aia rinm:ly lioiiprt In 1 v. lnnwx. :loih: prlraj'
Ux-'l. S'iO.OO. 1 f Mil. LHt.iKl I" tiulf liH"Hll. t'J 1.80. Iu
vkIhiiv. if raira, i-l.rtU. l.lrtl, l.alf Kua-i. r I . , .
Hu nt vnliuuaa, r by 10 It. bra, hf Hi lu-jtwaOuck; aeiAjlit, alaj
Sis pouudaaauti.
5 Cents a Day
Membership in tho Enovlopnlia
liritiinnica Coi)iKrativo Club cents
onlv $L.(K) t.tra, and secures the en
cycloHjdia on inyments of only Dccntfl
a day or i CO ',ery twenty days.
Anicrh::-. . Supplement.
Magnifif y ;-,ii;.plemenliurr the Eng
lish w 1 ilk n (c-o: n plot' , in i tw.l t s f c u m)
of the Brit:iuui.:. rt .cially treating
Ara;ri?:in topu.n n:il living biograpny.
we publish as t'Jilov.s:
Am-rlrHin Stippl.-n-nt, !!ll .y H -v -.rl rrw!. Il P.. IJ. V-"
MUra, A vulii'iim, I1.-H.I iK" lt"t" "ui"' TSfl.
Uh vu!. U.uu-I In .1 vcj!., iiilli, iK- VH. till; luilf lluaaia, 7."
Sample f tho Encyclopedia can bj
Been at tho oftirM ol t hiKparer,anJ
you can Bvive ft little in trouble ano
cost by joining r.t oikv uith the editor -and
some of vour neighbors in ord
in wt Cull and tee it, anyway,
which costs nothing.
JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, 57 Roao St., New York,