The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, March 03, 1893, Image 1

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    CLgje gi Kites ag fflrt mat
'irnani Bill Waul! Destroy Secrecy of
The Governor Thinks That He Alone
Has tbe Riht to Appoint a
Game Warden.
Salem, Feb. 23. Governor Tennoyer
today filed the following Tetoei:
Senate bill No. 65. Tbe purpose and
provisions of this bill are similar to t,hoee
efjhouse bill No. 154, already filed.
House bill No. 280. This is a duplicate
of senate bill No. 80, already filed.
"To the bouse of Representatives :
Jlonso Mil No. 175, amendatory of tbe
election 1 w, is herewith returned with
my diu ; roval. Tbe present election
law bus only been in operation for the
last two years. It has set ured that
which every citisnn should desire, the
f aerecy and sanctity of the ballot. The
ultisens of Oregon have become familiar
with its provisions, and objections
plausible at the time of its enactment
are fruitless now, after a successful trial.
Although doubtless not intended, V ef
fect of the chunge proposed by th; bill
would be to destroy, in a measure, the
secrecy of the ballot, and to afford an
opportunity for vote buying. The result
. It is most certain, would be desired
neither by the letfialature por the peo
ple. I therefore veto the bill."
"To the House of Representatives:
House bill No. I!00 is herewith returned
with my disapproval. It provides for
n appropriation of money raised by a
' general tax for the sinking of artesian
wells In the several counties of the stale
of Oregon containing arid lands. Such
an ezpenditnre of money Is neither for
governmental purposes nor for the gen
eral benefit. It would be an appropria
' tlou from the general fund for a local
purpose, and would, therefore, be un
just, if not unconstitutional. Besides,
under the terms of the bill, It would be
In conflict witb section 6, article 9 of the
constitution. I veto the bill."
"To the House of Representatives : I
herewith return house bill No. 110 with
my dissent. The pursue of this bill is
similar to senate bill 108, already filed.
J Both provide for the protection of game
and fish, but while the senate bill pro
j Tides for the election of a game and fish
protector by the legislative acsembly,
the house bill provides for bis selection
by a commission thus elected. The legis
' lature by the provision of the house bill
would thus be delegating to a commis
sion the right to select an officer to en
force state laws, a right which it is
doubtful If it possesses itself, but which,
' if it possessed, it has no authority to
delegate to others. This is a most un
warranted departure from the true
spirit of the constitution, which compels
the governor to make oath that 'he shall
take care that the laws be faithfully ex
ecuted,' and which therefore confers
upon him instead of upon the legislature
or upon a commission not recognised by
the constitution, the appointment of all
officers for the enforcement of state
laws. I veto the bill."
The governor also vetoed bouse bill
No. 103, which relates to foreclosure or
satisfaction of mortgages.
Tua KftBmu M addle.
Tope it a, Feb. S3. The maximum
freight-rate bill passed the populist bouse
unanimously this uiorning. It cuts the
present rates 25 to 35 tier cent, and di
Tides the state into three districts, ea h
governed by three commissioners elected
S from the respective districts by a vote of
the people of the whole state.
The house also passed a resolution
settling forth that the capital of the
, state is now located near the eastern
border of the state to the detriment of
.. the western counties, which have been
disfranchised by republican rule; that
the conduct of the people of Topt-ka dur
ing the late unpleasantness was in drfl
. ance of the wishes of the people of the
state ; that the city of Kanopolis offers
. to duplicate the present statuhouse with
out cost to the people, and declaring
that as soon as possible the capital be
moved to that cltv.
day Oaaalaf of taa Fair.
I believe the world's fair should tie
pen seven days of tbe week because it
is a world's fair. It is not a chitrvh nor
a sectarian fair, and It should be a world's
fair in every sense of tbe word, ojien to
the world at all times, to come and go
when they please, irrespective of my or
any other person's sectarian belief.- Us
so-called Christians may be in the major
ity in this country, although I doubt it,
but if we are, the minority 1ms rights
that we are bound to respect. In the
United States, we have one and a half!
million Jews, and one-half million Ad-J
yontisti that have a different day from
ours for their Sunday, and there are sev
eral millions that have no established
Sundav belief. Now, are we acting like
Christians when we say to these people
and to millions o;itide of the United
States, "We Christians don't want to go
to the fair on our Sunday, and you
sha'nt go." Does that show a child-like
sprit? No, no, a thousand times no.
Hades Is chock full of such Christians.
Bv all means let the fair be open on
Sunday, and by that means let the world
know that we are a civilized Christian
nation; that we respect their beliefs
and opinions ; aud that we are willing to
grant them the same rights, privileges
and freedom that we claim for ourselves.
When we cannot do this, we are not tit
subjects to live In a free country, we
show ourselves to be too narrow-minded
to tonch the reins of a free government
and that we are living in a wrong age,
our time for earthly existence having
passed six hundred years ago, and the
quicker such narrow-minded, tyrannical
heathens pass off and are forgotten, the
better it a ill be for this progressive half
civilized country. Rik Rock.
Beading Affect Wanamaker.
Nxw Yobk, Feb. 23. The World this
morning snys that it was reported in
this city yesterday that John Wana
maker had lost $2,000,000 In the Read
ing crash. In regard to it Henry Clews
said :
"Mr. Wanamaker lost money, no
doubt, but no such amount as $2,000,000.
The facts of the case are these : Read
ing was largely owned by Philadelphia
people. Just how much stock Mr.
Wanamaker had cannot 1 ascertained,
but it is w ell known that he has been a
large holder. The Philadelphia people
knew that the crash was coming, and
they prepared for it as much as possible.
I doubt if there is any considerable
amount of Reading stock held in Phila
delphia today. Between the time the
stock was rated from 57 down. to 48 the
Philadelphia holders deluged the market
with their own stock in order to protect
themselves. Even disposing of the
stock at those prices, Mr. Wanamaker
has undoubtedly been a heavy loerr,
but nothing in comparison to what he
would have leen had he continued hold
ing tho stock. The persons who have
been bitten in this drop are the New
Yorkers. Mr. Wanamaker is a shrew d
business man, and you msy be assured
that he would prepare as far as possible
for the crafh by dif posing of his stock.
The future of Reading stock is of much
interest to business men now."
Russell Sage didn't think it possible
Mr. Wunamakcr could have lost $2,000,
000. "There is no doubt," he said,
"that he was a loser by the Reading
crash, for everybody knew that he was
a large holder of Readiug; but when
people talk at .out $2,000,000 in losses
they are exaggerating."
a Feaaojrer't Appulatmaata.
Salim, Feb. 24. Gov. l'ennoyer to
day made the appointment nf Oregon
world's fair commissioners as follows:
W. F. Matlock, from the state hoard of
agriculture, of Pendleton; R. I). Allen,
from the state board of horticulture,
Silverton; E. B. McElroy, from the
state board of education ; Uuo. T. My
ers, representing the fishing iutereets,
Portland; Mrs. E. W. Allen, of Port
land, from July 1 and Mrs. Dr. Peyton,
Salem, until July 1.
Will I (aura tha Courts. .
Topaka, Kan., Feb. 23. Iate last
night the iopulist majority in the senate
put through a resolution declaring the
supreme court had uo jurisdiction in the
house muddle, as the bouse, under the
constitution, was the judge of the quail
ficntion of its own meiuWs. This
actiou it Is believed, foreshadows the in
tention of the populists to ignore the
court's decision.
Btata Ailnttuut.
Portland, Or., Feb. 24. Governor
Pennoyer has appointed Hon. II art well
Hurley and M. G. Muuley as judges of
the newly created circuit courts for this
county. In so doing it is generally con
ceded that his excellency "broke the
slate" again, yet the member of the bar
of this city give expressions of perfect
satisfaction with the selectious.
"arak Althaa a Having- Maniac.
Stocxtok, Cal., Feb. 24. Suierin
tendent Clark, of the state insane
asylum, has permitted a newspaper man
to see Sarab Althea Terry in the mad
house. He found her a raving maniac
and subject to the restraint necessary In
such a case, but otherwise kindly
A Maaa Yoath.
8 a mm, Feb. 25. In the circuit court
today George H. Newcoiue was sen
teuced to prison for six years for burning
his brother's granary. John II. Shire
was given three years for forgery.
The Califamia Millionaire Wo-nic.
by a Grant
His Assailant Then Shot Himself
Mackaye Will Recover, But tbe
Crank Will Die.
8an Frascihco, Feb. 24. John W.
Mackay, the famous capitalist, was
shot In the back, while standing in an
alley in the rear of the Lick house, at
12 :25 this afternoon. His assailant was
an old man, whose identity is not yet
disclosed. After shooting Mackay, he
turned the weapon on himself. It is
not thought that Mackay's wound is
Mackay's assailant was a white-haired
man named Dunn, fully 70 years of age.
Mackay was standing in the alley in the
rear of the Lick house. Dunn fired
point blank at Mackay, the bullet enter
ing thelatter's back. Dunn then turned
the pistol to his own breast and fired,
the ball passing just aborelhe heart.
Dunn, it is now stated, bad a griev
ance against Macksy, fancied or other
wise, dating back to mining days, and
sought in this manner to kill him. He
was removed to the receiving hospital,
where it was stated he was dying at 1
The name of the man who shot John
W. Mac-key was given at the receiving
hospital as W. C. Rippey.
The attempt on the life of Mackay was
deliberate and premeditated. It was
known that he usually appeared on the
street in that vicinity soon after the
noon hour w hen in San Francisco, and
the old man was there awaiting him.
After shooting himself, Rippey ex
claimed: "My God, I am satisfied!"
and fell on the paved court. When
driven to the receiving hospital he was
conscious, but could not articulate.
From letters found on his person, It was
shown that the crime was premeditated,
and that he is demented.
He shot himself through the left!
breast. Tbe bullet went clear through
his "body and there Is no hope of his
recovery. In bis pocket was found a
letter addressed to tbe Examiner. It
was headed :
"fooo fob kkklection."
"Paid $150,000 for one sapphire to
place on the jaded person of his wife, a
sum sufficient to have saved at least 500
of his paupers from a suicidal grave.
Just think of It. Inscribe it en his
tomb. W. C. Rippey"
Wanamakar's Lohm.
Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 24. John
Wanamaker's reported loss of $2,000,000
with the Reading collapse caused a con
siderable amount of gossip and discus
sion in this town today. It was known
that he held a large block of Reading
stock. Mr. Wanamaker himself has de
clared that all the Reading stock he ever
owned is in his strong box today, but it
can be said on the best authority that
this is not true. Mr. Wanamaker's
skirts sre clear oi the Reading collapse.
His stock has been sold and his actual
cash loss is inconsiderable. A year ago
he purchased at a very favorable price
a large block of stock, perhaps 30,000
shares. He held it, and when the coal
trust was formed and the money was
being wrung from the pockets of the
lople by the successive advances in the
price of coal the superintendent of the
Bethany Sunday school saw his Reading
holdings rapidly appreciating in value.
Every additional 2i cents in the" price of
a ton of coal made him so much richer.
But last December the conviction forced
itself on Mr. Wanamaker that President
McLeod was trying to make too big a
deal on too small a capital. He rauie
here from Washington aud consulted
with bis brokers. McLeod made a per'
sonal argument in which he showed
that unless hard luck overtook him from
two or three sources at once the Reading
scheme was bound to go through. Mr,
Wanamaker was led to believe that
things were coming out all right, and
that the stock was going higher, instead
of lower. He decided not to close out,
and returned to Washington with his
Reading securities still in his strong
box. Last Saturday Mr. Wanamaker
came to Philadelphia in a great hurry,
He was not to be deceived about Read
ing any more. He saw disaster had
come upon the ambitious coal monopo
lists, and iu a very quiet way unloaded
every share of his Reading stock.
Whether he lost or not is not definitely
known. He bought when shares were
way down, and he closed before the ter
rific slump that carried many men al
most to ruin. It can be said positively
that Mr. Wanamaker's loss, if there Is
any at all, is not over $100,000. Mary
wt'Il-iiilornied financiers here believe,
that he came out even. One fuct, how
ever, is admitted thut had Wanamaker
followed his first impulse lant December
and closed out then, his profits on the
Reading investment would have been an
even $SO0,000.
Mora Haanloa Law.
Salem, Feb. 25. Senator Gates' flch
and game bill (No. 86,) was filed by the
governor. It punishes the use of sink
boxes, batteries, swivel or pivot guns,
either from shore or boat or raft ; blinds
(except 100 feet from the shore of lakes)
hunting between sundown and sunrise
(except on grain and generally in Curry
county); offering for sale or killing
grouse, pheasant, quail, ringnccked,
China, silver, golden, copper or green
Japanese pheasant, bob-white, jack
snipe or prairie chicken, except between
October 15 and November 15, and except
that prairie chicken may be killed in
July, August and September, and except
that no quail, bobwhiteor pheasant may
be at any time killed east of the Cas
cades by a fine of $15 to $100 and costs,
or equivalent imprisonment. The pen
alty is extended to transportation of the
birds, except alive for exhibitory or
propagation purposes. Wild ducks,
geese and swan may only be sold in
November and December ; trout only In
September and October. Deer must not
be hunted between December 1st and
August 1st, or from an hour after sunset
until a half hour before sunrise of any
day, or in any case nnless the carcass is
used for food. Moose, elk and mountain
sheep may not be taken between Dec
ember 1st and August 1st, or at any time
for their skin, hides, horns or hams.
These parts must at no time be sold or
transported. The animals themselves
must n"t be held in custody during their
close season, and the possession of a
hide or skin is prima facie evidence of
having killed the animal. One-half of
all fines go to the informer, and concur
rent jurisdiction is given to justices of
the peace.
Senator Cross' road bill, which pro
vides as before' for working out road tax
or paying it in cash, -adds : Every such
male actually in said district shall be
subject to such tax at any time from the
first day of February of each year to the
first day of the following February. And
the supervisor may at any time assess
such tax and collect the same; aud the
presumption shall be conclusive that
such road tax has not been worked nor
paid unless such person so assessed show
a receipt for road tax or road work for
the same year, either in the same or
anotherdistrict or state; and if an action
!e brought against any one for suid per-
sonal road tax, and he should, after the
bringing of said action, produce a receipt
for the same, having failed to produce it
before the action was brought, the costs
of the action are to be taxed to him and
enforced as a judgment for a fine in a
criminal action. The sutiervisor must
have two-thirds of the total road work
in his district performed before April 1,
in each year, unless the county court ex
tends his time." County courts may In
their discretion levy a tax upon all the
taxable property in the county not to ex
ceed 5 mills, and in addition a poll tax
of $2. These taxes are to be collected the
same as county taxes, and kept as a
separate road fund used solely for such
purposes. Bridges may be built or re
paired out of the general fund. The
county court is to apportion the road
taxes to the road districts, and the super
visors expend them under its surveill
ance. County roadmasters, where they
exist, do this work, and must file a re
port on opening proposed roads before
they can 1 located. This is the only
section of the law affected.
Senator Huston's fire-arm act, which
the governor approved, makes it unlaw
ful for any person over the age of sixteen
years, with or without malice, purposely
to point or aim any fire-arm, either
loaded or empty, at or toward another
person, except in self-defense, on pain of
$10 to $500 fine or ten days' to six
months' imprisonment, or both.
Senator Weatherford's school district
bill merely reproduces the existing stat
ute, except that it substitutes the word
"four" for "ten," thas extending the
operation of the law to towns of 4,000
Inhabitants. The arrangement is that
such towns must consist of one school
district with boundaries identical, ex
cept that any portions of a district pre
viously not in the city limits is to con
tinue in the district.
The county clerks and sheriffs of
Grant and Crook are to receive for their
services an additional compensation of
33 per centum, except in the case of
tax collections made by Grant's sheriff.
By Dr. Dodson's bill, Baker, Union,
Jackson, Lake, Umatilla, Wasco and
Klamath are now exempt from this sec
tion (No. 2,343) of the code.
Subscribe for The Daily Chbonicls
Decidedly the best paper.
At Least Ttere Wiil Be Na Action This
Tbe Senate's Action Taken as an In
dication That the Treaty Will
Be Shelved.
. Washington, Feb. 25. The Hawaiian
treaty is thought to be dead for this ses
sion. This is reluctantly conceded even
by Its friends. The action of the senate
today in refusing to go into executive
session, though the action doubtless had
some reference to Hauchett's circuit
judge nomination, Is also accepted as
conclusive indication that the treaty
would be shelved for the remainder of
the session. The treaty matter can, of
course, be taken up in the extra session,
which will convene immediately after
the present congress dies, but unless
some marked change occurs, there is be
lieved to be no prospect of action upon
it during the life of the present adminis
tration. A possible knowledge of its
disposition on the part of the senate had
reflex influence on the action of the
house. There was to have been a meet'
ing of the ways and means committee of
the house todav to consider the resolu
tion, but it did not take place. One re
publican committeeman said his col
leagues had united against the resolu
tion. He predicted the resolution would
be permitted to fall to the ground. The
democratic members of th) committee
are still examining the subject, but it
does not seem likely the resolution will
be pushed.
Aaothar Place far Mr. IlarrUon.
Niw York, Feb. 26. Considerable
correspondence has been going on be
tween President Harper, of Chicago uni
versity, and John D. Rockefeller, con
cerning the best methods of promoting
the growth of the university. From a
hint dropped by the millionaire, it is be
lieved a chair of constitutional law will
be endowed in connection with Chicago
university, the salary to be $25,000 per
year, and that President Harrison will
be invited to accept the position, and to
lecture at least twice a week to students
of the Chicago educational institution.
Victory at I.ant.
Topxka, Kan., Feb. 25. In the su
preme court this morning. Chief Justice
Horton rendered a decision. Justice
Johnson concurring, and Justice Allen,
popnliBt, dissenting, which sustained
the Douglass, or republican house, as
the legal and constitutional house of
representatives of Kansas' legislature,
Health Officers Speak.
City, State and National Authorities
report the Royal Baking: Powder in
every way Superior to all others.
STATE CHEMIST. CALIFORNIA; The Royal fulfils all the
requirements. Our tests show it has greater leavening power
than any other.
STATE CHEMIST. WASH1NQTON ; There is no question but
the Royal is the strongest, purest and most wholesome baking
powder in the market.
U. 3. GOV'T FOOD REPORT; Royal B a kino Powder is
shown a pure cream of tartar powder, highest of all in leaven
ing strength.
commended as of highest excellence, and shown to be greatest
of all in leavening strength.
prove and recommend the Royal Baking Powder. It is
absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best ingredients,
of the highest strength and character.
in analysis that it is entirely free from any adulteration, we
heartily recommend the Royal Bakino Fowdir for its gTeat
strength, purity and wholesomenesa.
judgment the Royal is the best and strongest baking powder
before the public
BOARD OF HEALTH. SPOKANE; Certainly there is no bak
ing powder known to us equal to the Royal. .
my opinion that there exists no purer, better or stronger baking
powder than the Royal. aI confidently recommend it.
Do not permit the slanderous stories of inter
.csted parties to Influence you In using any
other than The Best, The Royal..
and incidentally declared tho populists
had no standing. The decision w as on
the ense known ai tho Gunn habeas cor
pus case. Th republican hoiwe caused
James C. Gunn to le subpenu'd to testify
in the contested election case. Gunn
Ignored the summons, claiming the re
publican house was not the constitution
ally organized house of representatives.
The republican house ordered Its scr-geant-at-arms
to arrest Gunn and take
him before the bar of the hoii?e to re
ceive punishment for contempt. Gunn
at once commenced habeas corpus pro
ceedings in the supreme court. Iu the
decision today the court denied the ap
plication for the writ, deciding the re
publican house was legally and consti
tutionally organised, and that it had tho
right and power to enforce its mandates.
I'oollnc; Contract Void.
St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 25. Today in the
United States circuit court an important
decision was rendered In tbe case of the
Central trust company, of New York, et
al., versus the Wabash, St. Louis & Pa
cific Railway company et al. It came
before the court in the shape of an inter
vening petition of the Milwaukee & St.
Paul against the receivership, to obtain
possession of certain profits which were
accrued to them in a combination of
railroads nnder contract. Judge Thayer
decided against the petitioners on their
first maintenance, holding that pooling
contracts are void, because opposed to
public policy, and also against them on
their second because the partnership
issue revolved entirely about the ques
tion of pooling.
Democrat Will Keort to Cloture.
Washington, Feb. 26. After de
nouncing the republicans for two years
the democrats are to go Lack on their
record and resort to cloture. They will
confine it to the sundry civil bill for tha
present, because it is upon that bill tho
filibueterers are blocking legislation.
It will cause a merry row, but the demo
crats realize that something must 1)0
done to get the appropriation bills
Miner Will Liberate Convlot.
Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 20. A con
vict war again threatens to rend Ten
nesfee. Governor Turney announced
his intention of withdrawing the stand
ing army. The miners last night held
a meeting and decided to liberate the
500 convicts in the valley and firs tho
A Fatal Fight.
San Fkancisco, Feb. 25. William
Miller, the pugilist, died this morning
from concussion of the brain, received
during his fight with Cal Hawkins at
tho California Athletic club that night.
The charge of murder has been lodged
against Hawkins and the five others