The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 24, 1893, Image 8

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ProTidcd the Amendment Prassscd b?
Erice Is Adopted.
Dolph's Opportunities for Rustling
Through Legislation.
Tha Nllata Mill. Mawnvnr. Will
1-iikMl Tkraaan tha Hon Tnla
f IMatlusnlaaaal Mil
In a down town cafe the other duy 1
met two Kentlomen hiM namea will
i recall remarkable uin and remarkable
! events in American history. They were
LieuUmaut Fremont and Lieutenant
Lawrence, of the Utiited Stat nary.
The former is the son of the late diatin
euinhed John C. Fremont, "tho Path-
1 finder," who rnn for president of the
United State, and the other was Law
rence, the crHiiJ.son of the hero of Lake
Erie, old "Uoa't give up the ship." That
these two Kentluiuen should come into
the New York lunch room forstmiethiug
to eut aud drink was nothing remark
able, bnt that they should come in urin
and arm, two naval chums, wan anme
tbim? sufficient to stir the imagination.
Lieutenant Fremont is attached to the
new cruiaer Philadelphia, lie ia a Hue
specimen of manhood, aa wan hia father
before him. New York Herald.
Washixuton, Feb. 18. H the Slier
snan bond amendment is amended as
Brice proposed will mean an
pening of the silver question in the
house, which may prevent the passage
ei the sundry civil bill and may delay
other legislation as well. The senate
amendment must be considered in com
mittee of the whole. It ia usual to non
concur by unanimous consent and throw
the bill into conference, but if the silver
ten become aroused upon the amend
ments of Sherman and Uric they will
mot allow any such procedure and once
the bill, with its financial amendments,
is before the house there is no telling
where it will end. The time to do busi
ness in a congress ready to filibuster on
any proposition is becoming very limi
ted, and there is little legislation that
can be passed if any large minority is
opposed to it. It may Iw that the house
will try and force the senate to recede
on its financial proposition in the bill,
and may compel that recession in order
to avert an extra session, Dockery,
Savers, Bland and other silver men in
the house declare the sundry civil bill
shall fail before the Sherman amend
ment shall be agreed to. Silver men
claim it will seriously injure the a hjte
rienator Polph is often able to rush
letrlalatinn throush the senate. Take
the bill ratifying the agreement with
theiilets Indians as an example. The re
port of the commission came in Wedne
day. Senator Polph bad it immedi
ately printed and it was returned to the
senate Thursday. He polled the Indian
eatumiUee, securing, a favorable report
Friday, and passed the bill Saturday.
Jna body like the senate, where the
senators are all personally known to
each other, an influential senator can do
these thing, but in the bouse it is dif
ferent. There are any number of wen
who will, merely for the purpose of ob
jecting aad killing a bill, do so, without
knowing or caring anything about it or
too person interested in it, or whether
r not it will be of vast benefit to any
action of the country, or relieve the dis
tress and right the wrongs which have
been inflicted. It might be that the
Sileta bill can be put through the house
this session, but it will take extra hard
work on the part of Representative Hermann.
How tm Salaet a Tarhsy. .
In this country only is the turkey
fiuiml in a. wild atatit.. It ia verv fittina.
rVherefore, that in the Christmas dinner
it should be the principal dish. The
turkey must be wisely chosen,' well
sacked and properly served. It should
be short and plump, the meat whit,
with some fat, the legs black and smooth;
mid if there be spurs they should be
abort. The end of the breastbone should
be flexible, more like gristle than bone.
turkey that ia long in proportion to
its sue, and has dark or bluish flesh,
may be tender, but certainly will not be
finely flavored and juicy. A. dry picked
turkey will be fouud to have a much
better flavor than a scalded one. All
poultry that is dry picked costs a few
cents a pound more than the scalded.
but is well worth the extra price. Maria Harper's Weekly
D . 1. -.1. .' T7..- T 1 i
ta MaMa-a inn India.
The Indian ia a naturally secretive be
ing, biding bis inner character jealously
from the eye of any alien race. He is
called cunning, crufty, morose, revenge
ful aud cruel. So he bus boon toward
those who have made no bids for his
coufldonce and friendeliip other than
thoc otfured by constant efforts to crowd
him from his country, despoil and even
exterminate him. Ho is really by na
turenot ul ways, but ofteu the very
reverse of these thitijpi.
ri.ico him now under other condition.
Put him in one of the new troops; tem-h
him a pride in bring a soldier of the gov
ernment, and that the government re
lies on him for its safety and protection;
make hint feel tliut the white soldier
arouud him are bin comrades, and be as
good as they; expluin to him the reasou
of things; give him hnalthy aud con
genial employment; treat him aa an in
dependent rational being and a man;
cease trying to promote his contideuoe
in you and hia tirotrreas by talking to
him about bis soul and yon will aonn
have a result astonishingly different to
the accepted idea of his race.
He who commands these people best
ninat be scrupulously just, and keep ev
ery promise as far as he can. He must
feel genuine interest and friendship
for them, for they are quick to detect
ahaiua. He most at first be patient and
lenient, punishing usually only after re
peated cautions aud explanations, and
after he ia sure the nature of the offense
is understood. He must have tact and
perception of character, for Indian char
acter ia just aa varied as the white, and
treatment that would do for one man
would break up the troop if applied to
others, Lieutenant S. C Kobnrtson in
Tba Valnn ef Madlalna.
A noted Paris physician tells the fol
lowing story against himself: "At times,"
he said, "there comes to most people a
doubting of all that has heretofore
teemed the truest. Doctors, as well aa
priests, are subject to these periods of
depression in which they question the
efficacy of their own judgment. In such
a mood, while I was superintendent of
rHospital de , I divided the treat
ment of the wards. In one I exercised
the best medical skill that the aid of !
drags could afford; in the other I ouly
gave as medicine a little acrid water.
This experiment I continued for a month j
with equally good nnmng in both
"Well, with what rranltsT said his
"The cases in both
just the some," answered the doctor.
"And what would you infer from
that?" said hia companion,
"I hardly know," continued the physi
cian. "I wan ouly thankful that the ex
periment did not actually score against
the profession more than it did; bnt on
the principle of doing one's best, I have
goo back to my medicines if not with
absolute confidence, at least with the
consciousness that we can at least aiie-
viate suffering, and, all things Wing
favorable, may effect a cure. New York '
Foalry aud Slmpl.
What poetry and sentiment linger
around the old fashioned flruplanol Here
the families gathered, down to the mid
dle of the century in many cases. De
fore one of them in Kentucky the boy
Abraham Lincoln learned to read, the
but iu which he lived being too poorly
furnished even to allow him the saucer
of lard with the burning laropwick float
ing therein. Here the sturdy manhood
and the buxom womanhood lived, loved
aud died, learned, dreamed and went
therefrom to make name and fame or to
plod ou through life in a humble ca
pacity. But those days are gone, and the olo
fashioned fireplace is a thing of the past,
except iu remote regions where the spirit
of progress lias not yet penetratad. Of
wards averaimd ' a d"1 lry departed
W 1 111 ow luimiiunuu w iwin iw re
place, but this is largely a practical and
a utilitarian uk, whereiu stoves and
pi-inr comfort are' roiisidered as vastly
treferable to fireplaces and the impossi
bility of keeping warm without being
roosted. The majority of people today,
if there were no other objections to fire
places, would doubtless esteem the poet
ical one as iming snmrieut I'hiladol
phia Press.
The Mate Kavapa.
The present state of Europe suggests
to the thoughtful man boot of ques
tions which the ordinary student of for
eign politics finds it hard to answer. Why
has Italy allied herself with her old ene
my, Austria? Why does Russia threaten
the peace of Europe? Why are France
and Germany hereditary enemies? What
is the exact ta us of Turkey in European
affairs? Why ia war said to be immi
nent, and where and how is it moat likely
to break out? Forum.
Tha Cum Will .
Washirgtoh, Feb. 18. Cannon will
feoom in Oregon the 4th of March in
honor of the inauguration of Cleveland,
notwithstanding the opposition of Gov
ernor Pennoyer. Senator Mitchell has
secured an order from the secretary of
war authorizing the commanding officer
of Vancouver to loan the Tburman
Legion of Portland two brass cannon for
the purpose of firing salutes in honor of
Cleveland. This request came to Sena
tor Mitchell from Captain A. D. Rock
lellow; president of the legion, and when
forwarded with the senator's recom
mendation. Secretary Elk ins at once
granted the request.
Veatom Opat ntlc Csmvaajr.
Vancouver Newa Mrtrtltn.
The people who attended the enter
tainment given by the Boston Operatic'
Concert company in the Vancouver)
Opera house last evening, were rewardod
by bearing programme of exceptional
merit, such, indeed, as it ia seldom the
good fortune of a Vancouver audience to
listen to. The company is composed of
Tery clever people and all the numbers
of the programme were heartily ap
plauded. The company was recalled
after almost every performance. The
programme opened with the overture
"Poet and Peasant," followed by selec
tion from "Bohemian Girl" by the full
strength of the company. The cornet
nolo by Mies Bertha Hainan was an ex
eeptionally pleasing number, that artiste
bowing great expression in her playing.
She received a hearty Mr.
Albert Hawthorne la bis bam solo, "The
Arrow and the Song," held the audience
a raptured. The favorite part of the
evening's performance was crayon
drawings by Mr. Dolph and the vocal
selections, with harp accompaniments,
by Mr. Dolph and Miss Basle Levino.
On the xylophone Mist Julis Ilaman
showed exceptional skill aad had to re
spond to the encore. Mr. Hawthorne
sang tin well known bass cole) "Rocked
In the Cradle of the Deep" in splendid
Toioe. ' lie was ' recalled. The audience
was thoroughly pleased with the even
ing's entertainment.
mm . ,
k(rkaJa ...a, ,
The winter home of Joseph Jefferson
! hi on Orange island. New Iberia, La.
' The houae is one of the old manors, re-
iuolend and refurnished by the actor.
It rtmsnrvatoriea abound ia tropical
fruits and flowers. Artificial ponds
teem with trout and black baas. Lake
Bimonette, near by. afforda the finest
fishing, while one has to step but a few
yards from Jefferson's fireside to find
wild fowl in abundance. Luxuriant
groves, containing thousands of trees of
the mandarin and Brazilian varieties,
suminnd the house. Fully one hundred
peran and the same number of orange
trees yield succulent corps yearly. In
the pastures are the finest specimens of
Holsteins, while in the stables are a
number of the fleetest roadsters in the
south. The apartment of which Mr.
Jefferson is proudest ia the Japanese
room. It is of marveloos beauty, and
visitors come from miles about to gaae
on the gorgeous furnishings. Charles
ton News and Courier.
Anacrmabln LaiatlTO an1 K P.HVR TOMU.
fchl hr lmirr'ioranit h? mail. tke.,suc ,
and $l.ou per packs- ham pies fraa
IfA ft A The Favorite TOOTl MWtn
Jti.U lflVFfortoaTaMaaadilraaia.sH.
lataa lloatotak
It la lha rrtiila Car Kil. It ran Through
Vaatluulad Iraliuararr dflj la UK rar Ui
fit. pauI and Chicago
OmvnaM of THnlns Can ananrnamrt
nan lraalli( Kouia fc laeyars of lalaat ajjuipaicnt.
art tbateaa ba ronntrurf-d, and In wMrn
scmraimoftaUons aia both Fras and VnmUaMt
for sotdan al first sad saaoud-slaas TkUtau, aad
A eontlmnes Hna, wmitwtlnr with all Haas,
affordlnc Sinai sad untuternipfaad awilcs.'
Pntteiaa ataraar ravrvaUona an aa muiel
la adraaas Unaush an? acanlof las ruad.
Tueniipu TinifTTo t- .
innuuun iiimuo hi Amrtf.
P.nalaiHt and Knnia atiu lM purekawd si anr
tatat sfllaa el Mas sualpaay.
Full lafnnnaNnn iKmlnf ratal, lima af
trains, malaa sod atiT detail InraKMd an
aaallasNim ta
Afanl fl P. 4 A. Mav. Co., K.-til oalaa, Tba
iwnai, w-.or
Asa' I. 6 trai raw at aw Aft., Portland, Asa.
Tba sfa Baa a ta Kartfc.
Here are some answers given by young
scholars in an examination:
Question What is tlie shape of the
earth? Give reasons for yonr answer.
Answers The shape of the earth ia
round, because yon can see it, and aso
ondly because the map tolls yon.
The shape of the earth ia like an or
ange, and it has a pole through the mid
dle. The shape of the earth ia like an or
ange, and if you put a pole through the
middle of the earth you will see it is like
an orange.
The shape of the earth is like an or
ange, and I prove that it is so shaped,
because whan a year passes it comes
back again. London Tablet
JfaalHf Allays la aa Art.
Ureat art is requisite in making alloys.
It ia true that they are readily formed
by molting metals togethor iu a crucible
or in properly constructed furnaces, but
it ia necessary to insure perfect fusion
and to prevent loss, Zino ia a volatile,
inflammable metal and easily catches
fire. Indeed, tt ia not at all nooommon
to find that two alloys of exactly the
asms component parts differ very ma
terially in properties, la consequence of
a difference In the mode of pro pa rati on
or in the ears bestowed upon it. Cham
bers' Journal.
All Madam Waasklaa Am
All torretad ships are called monitors
after Eriuaauo's vslebrated ship, Mon
itor. All modern warships are meant
to ram, and to that end are built with a
projecting prow under water extending
to a cooskI arable distance f rout the reg
ular bow line, Thar are no l assail
knows as ram nowadays. riosson's
Monitor was not built with a projecting
prow or beak. Aj a matter of fact, aU
modern ships of war are ram in every,
thing but name. Brooklyn Eagle.
Nad alls PaMMMf,
Ambitious Youth Is that man yon
just bowed to jroar publisher4
Btraggling Author Xo; thafs mf
pawnbroker. New York Wsakiy.
ST. HPTKHM I'tltRCH - . a!lHT Haoaa
MBaar pastnr. Um Ma awry HuiMlay al
; a. m. Ulan JSaa al tu at . a. Vaaiwn al
Jr. m.
ST. PAl'L ClirRTH rnUm Htnatt, nwnait
Hh. Krr. P.UU.HalrMttrlurvir. Itfirkai
vary mindar al II A. a. and J mi r. a. IMinday
arh.iulli k A. M. Kanln frarar PrMav al
Lua, I'aatur. Moruins arrrtaM arwT Ha
bath at tba aoauratr al 11 a. MaMain
IwIioih Immadiaklr aJwr dmkhIik avrvlrM.
Prr mn-biic iriUr aranl" l-anlnr a raal
dniira. t atou mtnumm In Isa auurt aonaa at 7
r. H.
nallHiAU. hairrtT. laa tlvan lor Ilia
ialnlia ailnMitlonnl lavlli. AIm lauut
'l on nownl aliiniintiui I'lula. Kro Hlu lit
Iha Utililvn Tlh, bmxmwI Sltwt.
.tmlUMU" u( IhiHii.tvi'tallj ul Mnlilli fw
riir In lr. Tui'kvr. Ollnw over t 'rriu'tta
liuiia. Tba liallm. or.
OH. KsllKI.V AN (Hum KirTMici I'Kinmn
ml M a.inoN. oill uiM"rJ vriiiiiiiily,
Uv ur nlKlil. i'IIv uriuiilr. (illlra So. .k. ami
37 l liKinuun Ulii k.
K. . It. lui A N K - fMYDH KN and ra
KuN. tilliia. mum and s limnu
nrtt Itiwuli'iif-w: H. h. v iriu-r 'nun mm
fnurtli lnvu, m ml ilixir Iriun lliv mrui'r.
(irtiiw hour, v I. li A. M.. JUiS and Hull', M.
f II. HIIHllil lr-ATTIIMSSV AT IjlW Olltce
I , l'iir Htni t, Tha lull.-, tinnmi.
nl'KI'U, A MKNKKKK ATTosxbth-AT-law
Ki'ln 4.' ami i, nvwr Pil
I'lln-f liuililiiiK. Kulraniv on Wsaliliiakiu Hlrwt
t In 1ih11a. uivyuii.
U II. V. IIIN ATTtiansv AT -urn - Hnnma
il anil l. Nim Vl Hlnrk.aarond Mtnat.
I'na I Hal if, oraaxin.
, am In Hnnauna'A buikling, up alaira. TIM
;nUlra, Orasiiu.
.. . aava. a. i.Ri'snsoTos. a. Awuaoa.
law - Olhoaa, Pnmrb'a hanfcarar
Klrat KaUnual Hank. - ' UalUa. Uimm.
A (MKMRI.Y NO. 4U7, K. OP U Marta In K.
aY ol P. kail Uiaaanaud and laurta Hi
dara at aaaa atauU at T SJ p. at.
-AHCO MIIMIK, NO. lit, A. P. A A. tt - Mfta
Brat and nil id Mundar si aaRk BtcnUi at 7
Maala In Maaimlr HaJI tba Iblrd WailiMaitay
ol satin otolith al 7 I'. St.
Ml llnnd l amp ho. !. Maria TnI varan
lusul aacta waak Iu rrnlarnlly Hall, al7 p. at.
CIOLL'MHI A UllMIR, NO. a, 1. O. O. P.- Maria
evary BYitilnir at 7 TOO U'k. In Iv.
m P. hall, aurtwr ttonund and Ciwrt alraata.
Hiijiiurnliis bmtuara am walmrot.
It. I Xol'uu, M'). H. A. RlLLS.N. l.
F'klKKlmHIH U)IM.K, NO. ., K. n4 P -Huau
awry Monday arwtilua at 7:W o'ckirk. In
srluuuto'a buililiux, mroornl Cnurt and Hamnul
traala. sujuurnlii maw bam aia annllally Iu
vltnl. W. a. 1 ba,
II. W.Vadas, K. ol K. and B. '. C.
I' Nil IN will mjMl mwmn ItriAm
St t O'eionk at Um raadlnf roun. Allan luvllad.
1 larmon Lodra No. M. I O. U. T.-
Jl wnakW nimUnm MiMtday al7:W r.
fnAlernlty llall. AU ara latllatl.
TKMI'I K I.OIMIK NO. . A. O. V. W. Maata
In Pralvriiliy Hall, ovvr KulMrra, an timniit
atraat, Ttaunalay araulnm at 7 au.
I'avl ivaJtrr.
W.a Mtsss. nnauw. II. W.
1 AH. NKHMITII Pot-T. Nn. !. i. A R.-MwfKi
anrarr saiunlar al 7 su r,
a.. In tba K. ul P.
OK L K Mivtaarary huiulay aiumuiun ill
Um K. or I'. Ilail.
. I avattlnx in tl' k. nl P. Hall.
1 op I- p. IHVISION, Nn. 107 Vwtaln
I). W.ui i: lUUIbvllrri and Uiint Wnlnaa
duv ol tmcLx inoiiUi, at 7 Ai r. M.
CiONOKKUATlONAI. t ill H ll-Hav. w. c
CVarna, Paatnr. Homaaaiiiry Sunday al 11
a. a. ami 7 P. SwrwIaT Sonon! aar sxmilnc
atrrtea. Mtraiianannlially In Had. Santa Iraa.
a m a rlxin.-u Umm J M'MlatAI
I tnnrtilnaat 11 a. m.
annua Sahwil at U.M o Hunk r. a. Kawarlh
laagiia at a " r. a. i-rar '" ""'l
Thunalayavrnlnsat7 u'rUiek. A rrdlal In
vitation la sHnMlad by sot paaAiw and panuai
iHRIaTlAN CUt RCH -Krr. J. W. Jsasina,
Paator. Praarlnn In the OonanraUual
tkarrh aarb Larda Imj MSP. a. All am
nrdiauiy lultad
Furniture and Carpets
VTs bave added to our business a
somplttte Undertadlng rUblishnient,
and as we are in no way oonnerted with
the UnderUken' Trust, our prices win
be low accordingly.
The Si Charles Hotel,
TUa old, popular and reliable house
has been entirely refurnished, and every
room has been repapnred and repainted
and newly carpeted throughout. The
house contains l7l rooms and is supfiiied
with every modern eonvenienoa. Kates
reasonable. A good restaurant attached
to tba house. rsr bus to and from all
C. W. KNOWLES, Prop.
The Snug.
W, H. BUTTS, Prop.
Is. 80 Keosid Brest, TU Xkllea, Or.
This well known stand, kept by tha
wall known W. U. Hutu, long a resi
dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi
nary fine stock of
Sheep Bfffa'f Defcht u4 Iraa Dittirfeutt.
In fact, all tha) leading braads of fine
Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Uivo the
id mas a sail and yoei will was again.
PRAZER & WYNDHAM. Proprieto,,!
11 w
I- o
At the old aland of K. Lashtr,
no Front St, The Dalle,
No. 390 to 394. 2d street. The
"There is a tide i ike affairs pf mem ukick; taken alt
leads on to fortune."
Thai poet unquestionably Nad referenoe to Mm
ClosiM-Qnt Si ol
m FliiC k El
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced i
And tlie Most Complete and the 1-aW-st fatterns and Iitf f
aCafrlraptlcal Painters and Paper Hanirers. None but the beitVr
Klierwin-Willianis and J. W. Maaury'a PainU nsed in all our wk,ii
the most skilled workmen ouipkoyed. ArenU tor Maaury Uquid h
cliomical cuuibination or soap niiiture. A first class article iu sU'si
orders promptly attended to. ,
Faint Bhoo aonar Third and Waihior toa 8uM Tbt
(it'll 11
' bri carmica.
Tfinfall svt, h ri v-tily f'.t ilr'iiv'ry.
Jt i.i :t r iriiif. u t ;, of the
hiKt CUh, tj. !.-.!i ;i!i,r,i. .vt r .'iO.fiOO
jKip-!, li u r.'tp't.'.:i: lM,tHK illus-
it i. ii w ?i til 'flil li.MIiJ
- I
11..- i l if. I.nli I .ii.i. -1 1. no. lns
.11.1 .-.! I.. SI.IKl. lM.ll dl,4 SI.IO.
4 Ivy lu huHk. Ii Mt luclmutna; namlii.
Tnn 9i .-i-ni wi'iiv;i l.,.n In I'i
UBaafH, S'fU.IIII. I
Ma, nt ViHUIIHM,
5 Cents a Day
MomlHrship in tho EnryilojKHlia
iiritiinnivi ('MijKni.tivo Clul c
oulv )) oxtra, and wnn-cH the en
cyclotHnlut n jiaymrnts t" cnly 5otnts
a day t.r 1..' ) ' Vrry tv.onty tki)K
Amjrlcnn Supplement.
MariifVitiitly mriilin UioEng'
llshti liti-.u(-o n.ilot ' in ii lif t-oiim')
of t.h- I'.ntt'i iIm, tM4filly trt'Hting
Amerk'tii toji; .s ;o! living-I'io'Mj'hyi
we puhli.h as Colli :vi:
AsMrami H iinil-vt'. it-l I I!. r. f t.. n iL, 1 1 '
).rlo. SM.UII) i.U Humus,
Mbm. I f.iiii km. iH c". . ih!. " ii an. jrVZ
snlmk tji ti ia 4 ... -Hn. urav .l)"l tau HUMua, a i -
Sam pie f th Ki y 1 j c .1 ia caa be
om at tltM rilic..- ivf tlnspsipcr. .mj
you can 8ivy a liltlo in troublt
cost by joining fit once with the editor
and HoniH of vtmr in-iliUirn in firder
inj? wta. Call twd tec it, .inyv7'
which cstH nothing.
JOHN 6. A10EN, Publisiier, 57 Rosa St., New Yofi