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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1893)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 34, 1893. The Weekly Chronicle, OFFICIAL FATKR OF WAtH-O COUNTY Every inch o( this stag room I uece ary lor the proper manipulation ol the epectatono to be given in the bnililuig. j F.very one of the ceuea umkI is novel and covered by patents issued to the coi'KTY ornruLR. OnuntT Jutl eiMvia. CIT Treasurer CoauuUsioacra . . UWIM J.Wl W KiHUlU unreror K. F. hrp apnnianttat o( lntUc fcehools .Tnn rhltT Voconer N. M. rm.l inventor, Mr. Stifle MarKaye. A f;0,. . r. Bil-y 000 model ha been constructed which ...J B owu j ia said, by thoe who have seen ll, to . "iMTOiWto' ' rl'1"s rwiults in art, transcending in J Prank Kiimuu . beautv and wonder anything that has ever been revealed in thia field. The following telegram waa sent to the conjnrss of the United 8tates by the Oregon legislature through f-ruators Hoi ph. and llernian Feb. 10th : "Where a the itate of Oregon lias heretofore paid a large sum of money to aid the United Plates in maintaining the common do enae in tlio auppreaaion of the war of the rebellion, the amount of which has been shown by the reports of the honor able Secretary of War made to Congress : and whereas taid debt haa not yet been paid, bat ie long since due; and whereaa Hon. J. K. Polph hag Introdnced in the enate of the United State an amend sent to be proposed to the sundry civil bill making an appropriation to pay aaid chum together with similar claims of the United States of California and Nevada, and whereaa the United States has re imbursed other states of the Union for rams of money expended ou account of the war of the rebellion, snrh payments aggregating (op to March 15, 480?) the mm of 44,72r,072.3S bnt has not paid any torn whatever on said accounts to the said state of California, Oregon and Nevada; Therefore, be it resolved by the legislative assembly of the state of Oregon. That justice and equity demand that the payment of aaid claims should be no longer delayed by the United Slates, and that an appropriation of money therefor should be made by ongrese at thia time. And be it further resolved. That this memorial be tele graphed by the secretary of state to our senators and representatives in congress, and that a written copy thereof duly cer tified shall be forwarded to the presiding officers of the senate and house of repre sentatives of the United States." If Oregon recovers the sum named in the memorial sue would be able to represent at Chicago on a uiagnilcent scale, or perhaps run an opposition show of her own. I The annual report of the director of the minlior ISM-.' shows the value of the gold product of the United States to lie $33,000,000, about the average of recent years. The product of silver waa 58, 000,000 ounces, of the commercial value of .V),7M,000. a falling off of 330.000 ounce from the preceding year. The amount of silver purchased by the gov ernment during the year was M,12N,KT7 fine ounces, costing 47,S94,'.'91 an aver age of 87V cents per fine ounce. From it 6,333,245 silver dollar were coined during the year. The imports of gold aggregate ln,10a,0& and the exports $76,746,592, a net loss of $A8,570,53o. Silver imports were $31,460,9oH and ex. ports $37,541,301. The amount of money in circulation (exclusive of the amount in the treasury) was f l,611,321,7ft3 on January 1, an increase of I18,92H,IS4 during the year. There was an increase ot over $12,000,000 in the gold product of the world during the last calendar year ; of this $2,500,000 was from Aus tralia and over 19,000,000 from South Africa. The total silver product of the world increased about 7,&i0,00(i ounces, occasioned chiefly bv an increase of 4.-1 600,000 ounces in the product of Mexican mines and 2,400,000 in Australian. The true site of the Garden of Kden haa been the subject of almost endless controversy and conjecture. The three continents of the old world have beun gone over by the theologians and anti quarians in a vain search for it most prolwhle location. Kroui China to the Canary island and from the Mountain of the Moon to the coast of the Ilattic, each country haa been the subject of careful search. Kvery spot in K.uroe, Asia and Africa that could possibly he the place designuted in the first chapter of Genesis has been examined, and yet, says the Philadelphia press, no plaev litis been found that corresponds even in the slightest degree with the scriptural account of the first abode of the projec tors of the human race. One of the most ancient opinions, that given by Joseiihus, is that It was the country which lie between the Ganges and the Nile. This view imagines Kden as being a very widely extended country, embrac ing all that vast territory which is ...-... Keb. 23-Markets have Jlleley OC TToilfrll n very quiet during lbs week past T - -av aL j i I r I trade has !etm lijlit in all brunches. . v w w .a .aa. T I been u .1 I..... 1.,.. It.. aiiu iimtv ii." ,xt,, iiiiv nil I'iBiiiipv., j Trice liave been inaintalned, although i a weakening tendency is nntii-ed in I In produce, t'Kgs are mure I some things. plentiful and prices are downward in , tonu. 1'otattics and vegetables in gen 1 eral are in letter supply, ul the market ' ia easier with a decline in the near! future. The market quotation ou wheal, mill feed, oats and larley are unchanged. Itccf, pork and tuuttou are quoted the same as last week. We notice a scar city of fat hog in the market, and the tall are bare of fresh pork. IUhlkv The market is nearly lifeless in hurley, prices are dowu to 70 and 75 cents per 100 Urn. Oats The oat market Is stiff and of ferings are light at $1 25 cents per 100 lbs. Kye 7f cents jier bushel. MiLLKTcrss uran ana shorts are UKUGG 5;TQ I 175 Second Street. - The Dalles, Ms,) A full linn of all tin? .Standard lo,tnt Drue. Chemical, lit '' '-ARTISTS MATERT a t Country and Mall Order w III receive t.rotiu.t att...,n.... W ........ VI milltM.I At 1K Oil vuir t..n n.l.l. bounded ou the east by the Indus, and dltnira $22 fit) to $23 00 r tou. ' Kolled on the west bv Kgvpt s great water- tmrley, $2.1 00 to $24 00 per tun. Shell course. As the "tiardeu" is said to d eo'n l 2ft lr 100 .. have been "U, the eastward in Wen." JX" V!? JoMphu places It definitely in the val- $3 M) per bbl. per Urn and $4 00 ir bbl. lev of the Euphrates. Von Hammer, retail. 1IAV Timuthv hav range in price from $12 00 to $16 00 per ton, according to quality and condition. Wheat hay is in full stock on a limited demand at $10 00 to $12 00 per ton. There i no inquiry for oat hay, and price are off. Alfalfa hav i not much called for, and is quoted at $10 00 to $12 00 per ton. quotations are for bailed hay ex- ANNA PETER. SC0 X Fine Milliner The wonderful hair-producing medi sine which are so largely advertised aawadays and Illustrated with portraits "before nsing" and "after using," fade into insignificance when we gaxe at the K Columbian postage stamp. The ae-cent stamp represents "Columbus ia sight of land," bis face being innocent f any hirsute covering; buton the two nt stamp, which shows the "Landing mi Colombo," which must have oc arred less than twelve hour later, the great discoverer appears with a full beard. Th great question now agita ting the mind of historical atudenU is, "Colombo, where did you get that sward?" Only a few days remain to the Fifty acond congress. It ia probable that tbre ia not a member who will not be glad to welcome th end of the session m the 4th of March. To many of them at mean a permanent exit from public life, and to other it mean the accession to power of an opposing political party, bat to all of them it means rest. What over its drawbacks, they will be freed from th dally grind, and in a few more day the mails will be barren of letters from office-seeker, which have been oaring in upon the democratic mem bers in anticipation ot the coming change of administration. They will be that much ahead, anyhow. ' Matlock's branch asylum bill having passed both bouses, haa the approval of the governor and will become a law In a tew davs. The bill appropriates $105. OtOand provide that for this sum not lee than 3o0 nor more than 640 acre of and ha!l be purchased in either Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Morrow and Uma tilla, Union or Baker coonty, and an asylum and all out-buildinjrs erected to accommodate 350 patients a a minimum and 400 If possible. English railway men are trying to or ganise the entire railway army nnder the teetotal banner. Thar have 14.700 active raHroad workers who bare taken the pledge of total abstinence, from all intoxicating drink. Thefraveling pub ic naturally ieei safer in the hands of a sober man. Even a toper 00 the train will prater a clear-headed sober man in aba cabaoss and bold of the lever. Tba tact k not generally known, but k ia nevrtheW true that Sylvatr Perm oyer, aw governor of this state, waa eight year ago a candidate for the Partiand aostmastersnip. baeaosa Mr. Car land refused to appoint bins, saay be an explanation of tba governor's In tro personal halrd of th president-1 tacw nosenarg jteriew. As compared with the stag area of Tba Mac Kays Spcctatorlnm" th ordi nary theater stag ia that or a bab to a Tltaa. Tba largest theater in tlia world lath Grand Opera House at Parts and his ha a scenic ara of 20,000 squars set, while tba area of tba aranic da yartment ia "Th MacKay Bpeetato iuM la abeut 10(00 square feat. A. B. Ford, an independent salmon canner of Ye bay, Alaska, view with complacency the recent movement on the part of the Alaskan canner to form a permanent oiganixation. "There are a few of ns yet," he said recently to an Oregonian reporter, "who stand upon an independent basis, aud we shall per hap do better now than before tbi trust was formed. I think the trust is a good thing, inasmuch as it regulate the season's pack and keeps the market fmm becoming ovei a locked. The capi tal of the new concern is said to be $500,000. The trust of last year was simply an experiment, but it proved to be such a success that now they have all gone into a permanent organization. Yon see, the cost of packing will Isb greatly reduced because supplies can be purchased in such large quantities that th discount will b heavy. Then a large number of superintendent, pm. cesser, bookkeeper, etc., ran be dune away with. Probably the biggeot a ing will be in the shutting down of ex pensive canneries and increasing the output of those that can lie run cheaper. The Alaskan trust will fix the prices of their salmon, and really control the market, although their fish is inferior to the Columbia river product." the famous oriental scholar, place it in Hactria; others locate it In Babylonia, at the confluence of the Knpbratea and the Tigris. Captain Wllford, a profound student of eastern antiquaries, has labored for years to locale Kden in Bamian, south of tho Koosh ni ou 11 tains. Buttman puts in dowu as being iu India; Ileider, in his "History of Mankind," identifies it with the present vale of Cashmere. Many orieutal sect believe it was on the island of Ceylon, while the Greek place it at Beth Kden, on Leba non. Lastly, manv eminent scholar regard the whole story as being a gigan tic myth. - P.ule or ruin la the policy al Olympla. Allen or nobody is the motto at Washing ton' capitol. If the slate want more than one U. 8. Senator to represent them. Allen should be in Washington, D. C, or the supreme courts should de clare his chair abolished on the ground that It is an unnecessary incumbrance. Tl clusivelv Btrrrxa Fresh roll butter at 40 to 60 cents per roll, In brine or dry salt we quote 30 to 40 cunt per roll. rKis the egg market Is short In supply and good fresh egg find ready sale at 35 to 40 cents per doien cash. I'otiLTkV There is a fair demand for fowls for a home market and for ship ment In Portland. Chickens are unoted H-'wiouNi per doxen ; turkeya to 10 cent per t : reese $7 to IK ner doa anu uucks J 10 $0 per doxen. iiaxr a Motto Beef cattle is In moderate demand at $2 00 per 100 weignt gro to 12 60 tor extra good Mutton quoted at $3 60 and $4 50 per head. Pork offerinea are lioht and prices are nominal to 6 gross wsigiii auu o4 u eenu dressed 112 Second St. THE " x ed i Igh X taU I wo r,n Kotl ie o DAW v JBd K hit! ST1PU GUOTBalKS. Corrxa Costa Kica. i Quoted at 28 per lb., by the sack, rlvadore, 22c, Arnnckles, z;k- rit'OAa Golden C. in bb Is or sack .') IN)- Kttra ST. IO . ft.. ....I U !Mi... ll.i : .u 1.1 I A..' . . ' V '.' imuui n.Hnri. m iiiriiiununu, g mj; in lioxes, II. li., in .10 lb boxes nd that any alleged communication - 00. t.x $1 Wi. OC $1 75. from the dramatist appeariag elsewhere arr spurions. The grave announcement is made by splritunlistic periodical that It ha secured the "exclusive" collaboration of The Cxar of Russia personally spends about $10,000,000 annually and thous ands of his subjects go hungry and in rags to furnish him with everything be dioiire. The Whist ClmW. PeraoH deainng to visit the Chicago fair in their own yacht or small craft can go there via the St. Lawrence river if their vessel do not exceed 183 feet in length, 2H feet beam and 8 feet drangut. They can ail to Quebec, tow up to Mem treal, pas through the Lachine canal, nine mile long, and be piloted thence to Chicago. Thia is the best way for large yachts to go. Smaller craft, pecially if steam propelled, may gu by the Erie canal, 342 mile from Albany to Buffalo, but they must not exceed 100 feet in length, or 6 feet draught, nor must they exceed 10 feet A incne above th water line, in order to pas under the bridge. There are 72 lock on the canal and 4 mile an hour is the speed limit. ' The new postal money order which have been ordered by the government will soon be issued. In the new system there I little or no complication. Sheets will be issued calling for amount from one cent to three uollnrs, which will be torn off to suit the purchasers. The postmaster will have no writing to do on it, the sender simply endorsing It the same as a check or draft. One cent will pay the charge on any amount up to three dollors, Instead of five cent a at present. Mr. Gladstone claims direct descent from Henry III., king of Kngland, and from Robert Bruce, king of Scotland. It i thought that the reason why ha ha invariably refused any title or peer age is because of hi knowledge of his royal descent from the kings of both England and Scotland. One of the largest orchard in the state ia to b planted in th Yakima valley next year, at wblcb time 107,000 tree will b set oat. Tb orchard will cover 1,300 aero and will b planted princi pally with apple and prunea, although 100 acres each will be set to pears and peach and 200 acre to grape. Two new coon lis in Western Oregon bar been formed aad given tba naaso of Lincoln and Blalna. They wra cat off from tba eountie of Benton and Lane respectively, which wer named ia the day when Oregon was counted in the demrjcratic column. r resident Harrison ha signed th Pacific re rv proclamation, and al nite'y settled tha Raiaicr-Tasawta controversy for lit pressaL evening waa one of the most pieasant in the history of tha Union whist club. Tb host and host ess for the evening were Mr. and Mr. Hobson, who arranged matters very nicely. Tea table were filled with player, and twenty-nve band 01 drive whist were played. The first prise, an elegant rase, waa won by Mr. II. Glenn. A soon as the whist was over Or. Logan assumed the duties of host and treated the club to an elegant banquet, for which the evening playing had prepared the appe tite of the player. Among those pres ent wore Mr and Mr Crosn,Mr and Mr W Lord. Mr and Mr W Hobson, Mr and Mrs Iloatetler, Judge and Mrs Blakeley, Mr and Mrs Houghton, Mr and Mrs II Glenn. Mr and Mrs W II Wilson, Jodge and Mr A 8 Bennett, Jndge and Mr Bradsuaw, Mr and Mr GP Morgan, Mr aud Mrs K O Pssu Senator and Mrs Hilton, Mr and Mrs L E Crowe, Dr and Mrs P.inehart, Mrs Beall. Dr II Logan, Mr Uinehart. A Waahlaftoa r rails. A vary pleasant affair wsa tha sur prise party across the river last night at Mr. and Mr. William Brnne's. Music, games, dancing and a suberb lunch all contributed to ait evening's enjoyment, hich was too quickly terminated bv Svaue $2 00(f 2 75 pr keg. Kirs Japan rice. ev7c: Island rice, 7 cte. Hbans Small white. 4 VuoV.'e: link 4 ( he per 100 lb. Salt Liverpool. 6Hb k. 05c: 1001b sk.$I 10; 2001 b sk. $2 00. Muck salt, 10 uo per tou. Pkisd ravrra Italian prune, liv rr lb, by box. Evaporated apple, 10c per iu. irrteo grape. VMlUc uer ponnd. VKOBTABL AMD MUTTS. Potato Peerle, Buffalo whit Snnwflake and Bnrbank seedling quoted at i zo per iuu id. Us loss The market quotation for A I onions is $1 80 t 1 40 per 100 lb (.iksss r aoiT Good apples sell for $1 2r"t$l 6 per box. Fall and early winter pears ere quoted at fl0(475c par box. Hiiiss and rcaa. 1 1 ids Are quoted as follows: I)rr. uc id; green, ZUS ; runs 4c lb. Miliar PktTe rWytftS ea. Deerskin. 20c lb lor winter and 34o for summer. Ih-eMed, light $1 lb. heavy 75c lb. llear- kin,' $lc$10 a; beaver, $2 60 lb; otter, $4; fiher, $5$A 60: ailver gray fox, $10$26; red fox, $1 25; grey fox, $2 MK$3: martin, $1($1 25; mink. 60c'66c ; coon, 35c ; coyote, 60c(i(75c ; badger, roc ; polecat, Zbc(i.4oc; com mnn housx cat, 10W(26c ea. V ool Tli market is reported off. A Cars far rile. Itching Pile ar known bv moisture like perspiration, causing intense itch ing when warm. This form as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protuding, yield at onca to Vt. Uosaiiko Pile Kemedv. which act directly on parte affected, alieurb tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent cure. 60 cent. frrtiKgisl or mail. Circular free. lr. Boaanko. Philadelphia. Pa. Hold bv BUaeley A Houghton, draggiat. s Ilaharaleg I'aaoli. the relentless hands of the clock a they agree tluit dehorning cattle Is a great ad indicated that a tttiw tiny tiatd bwn born 1 ntif(j. TI16 cnttJo bfcomo inure cluciln and was quite healthy. It was a genu- nU can handled much easier, and t. .,., ' ,, i ore easier cared for than those with in surprise party unquestionably, for horn. All farmers and stockmen !. on arriving, air. urune won luund to I asrrae than the irmr thlna in ! I. ir. have retlretl, but this fart only served to nuV the growth of the horns on tha calf, make the orcasioa merrier, bv re.. r,f thereby avoiding the troublesome and ' J - -"- " I . tll . .v .. i . . , imiiiiui uiieraiiou 01 usina; tun saw usumsp on ins nosi tl- u,'. lk,lntn nrii t.n. empmry nabits. lhoe present were : thoroughly teslsd everywhere and thousand of farmers and stockmen can testify as to the advantage of using the same on young stock. It makes no sore and cause no pain. By one application the horn will drop off in a few dav. It is guaranteed to give aatiafaction If ap plied as directed. Best of reference furnished. Agent wanted. Address U. R. Johnaon, La Grande. Oreeon. (V O. box llr,) general western scent for Kaatern Oregon. 1.2uw4t tup: dalles lumbering INCOHPORATRDias "" No. 07 Washington trket. . Tn',tliai "Paci: Wholesale and Kelall 1 kmh-ru and Mannfa!tunrn till at Bttikiing iLtlcml tad Diioioo Tmbef, Poors, Wnduts, Uuldiags, Boon i Special Attention given to the Manuftcturs nf p...- Boxes and Packing Casea. rtifi ravotory ud I-nxxxx lar TTsarct sat Oldlt, st iw; ties for Iain t of muliz T1 AHIM DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Deiir any part of the city. JtiiutKita ami trTAiLiKs or Hardware, Tinware, Etc., COKXER KPK)N I) AND KKDEUAL fTItKETB. CCLKBKATKD Aeorn and Charter Oak BT0VT8 AID EAHGES. Guds, AmmaniiioD and Sporting Guotk IRON, OOAL, KLACKKMITH f-UPPUtW, WAGON MAKERS' MATERIAL, KEWER 1TPE, PUMIU AND IlfK, PLUMBING Sl.'PPUEH. rnt ' Italu atb snry m at ton STUDEBflK0' Wagons and Goany U, Is OSDOHJI'1 L Reapers and CH A(iF.KTH TOl ,rles Mitchell, Lewis Sy; AgricDhoraJ Implements - V Or; www ss piapaciuff irHioeeastur to L. P. Frank. tlsKwasad.) OF JLXL, icxasrxe A (ieneral Line of irs - A 0 Horse Furnishing Goodi AJEIirO PBOMPTXY 7HHa.TTiT VHolesalB and RctaO Dealers t. Harness, Bridles, fHipi.EinsBl ialar nrnv i :nldb Ion, a ihliHli Poar! AIUO, ltt, Z3BPjaZZ2IZrGr PEOliPTLY snd w,i lone tmi Full Assortnot of Kulcaa Saddlery Plali or to d.y S f Mis Pauline Bnchter, Miss Loulte Pay ette, Mis Efsy Miller, Miss Wanda Hklhhe, Mr. Byers, Josrph II. Wodica, W F Hill, Cba Prank, Al Mom, A Woiskye, Mr and Mr F W L Rhlbba. Aaalvassarr TmwXf at Mr. HI teat's. At tha home of Mr. Henry Klindt, tb suburb. Washington's birthday was eelebraUd in a very pleaaaot man nr, It being also th anniversary of th Cid birthday of the host. Tba guests n)oyd a very pleasant drive to th reidae, whither tbey were Uksn In carnage, a aamptoous oinnar wa ssrvad in th aftarnoon, and the health of tba host and hosts was drank in win from th vintage ot Mr. CosMag. After tb repast, tha guest adjourned to tba parlor, wbara card wars In order till tha carriages wer annoanead. ThoM present wer Mr and Mr Klindt, Jndga and Mrs Lie he, Mr and Mr Nielsen, Mr and Mr Cashing, Mrs Brooks, Mi Klindt, Mis Dors Nielsen, Mr AttMrt Kliodt and Mr Waltr KIlasiL Aawsas Chalarw. Fwsa Uas DII.V Eavsiu. Whsteasa, Wash.) "T. C. Burnett, tle democratio candi date for sheriff, was taken violently ill at Clearbrook. H had alt tha v tons of Aalatie cholera, and for an hour or two waa feared ha would di. They finally sav him a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which revived him nntil a physician ar rived" That I pr:lely-what th manufacturer of tht medicine recom mend for cholera, hand for a physician but glva their medicine antll th physi elan arri ves. If cholera beeom preval ent In thi eon n try next snmmer this preparation will bo In great demand ba eaoae it Can always b depended upon. For sal by Blakalny A Hoaghtoa, ilrng giu. "., rJuUerlb for Tm Daiut Cmbowicui. New - Umatilla- Hit THK DALLl. OREGON. , SINNOTT &. FISH, PROPSr other triam TVkct and Buaraire Office of Uie U. P. U. R. Company, and offie '(..ion, Union Tetusraph Office are in the Hotel. ' Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Va!:7 sAUGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN Otu:- in i- pular leper. THE DALLES, OREGON. 3est Dollar a Day House on the Chic ill-kn astfow tise. First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. wi Firt C1as Hotel in Kvvry lftpK;t. ey ' None but the lleht of White Ilelpinrj Ink i T. T ISl t rt-trttc 'ftscoi.. 4asWwm w " jtjbt tl id It is The Dalles Mercantile CCT ny fit Kir, : General MerchandT Dry Goods, Clotliiue, Gonta' Furuishing Oood.,?,f( 1 ' . Shoes, Ilatn, Cap8, Grocerie-, Hd Crockery, Hay, Grain, Food, Etc ort ti.: Ited I ivlrj r . 890 to 894 Second St. Th