The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 24, 1893, Image 3

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The Weekly Ghronicle,
I.OtAI. A!l I'ldl""!"
'inMiy' Daily.
Wlwn wife and huaband quarrel
It aceina a trilte quwr
That both "iiu begin U row
II, an) lug, "Nu, my dear.'
Numerous MKle from the Klickitat
eame across the river today.
The next uunlul contest takes jilace on
the 2Hth inst. at the court house.
TIio ground 1 now u,orc thoroughly
wator-souked than it has heen for years.
The steam lurry boat ia expected to
begin her rcKtilar trip the hist of the
ftmia of the sidewalks in the city have
not had tiie snow cleaned off. Why It
it that?
Little done this morning- at circuit
eourt. Allison' trial waa postponed un
til neit term of court and bi bondt
Died at fHOO.
The Kant End it very quiet today.
Messrs. Saltmarsh A Co. will receive
tor thipment thla evening lot fat
uuttou sheep.
The Ladies Glee Club will meet with
Mr. C. J. Crandall thia evening, and
all niemher are requested to niake a
si-clal effort to be present.
The Mullet City will leave Portland for
ttie cawa-l' Tiiurtday and the Regulator
will go, touching at way point,
the same day and return.
The steamer Regulator will, in all
protwhility, commence her regular Iripa
(he fimt of next week. If the ice wat out
of the river, the would teain out the
last of thla week.
The I). P. and A. N. Co. began driv
ing pilet yetterday, in the extension of
their wharf. When the- work la in
pleted the improvement will make it
very cotumodioui and convenient.
The onion hat a virtue to which thou
aanda of people will twear. Thia it itt
ability to ward off attack of malaria in
any form, and to cure caaea at rapidly
as the strongest doaet ol quiuiue.
We were called on laat evening by a
gentleman who wat anxlou to learn
eoinething of a W. S. Lewis w ho died at
or near The Pallet about twenty-eight
or thirty year ago. Who knowt any
thing about him?
The Ice gorge that hat ttayed at thit
place ao long, moved down the river
about a mile yetterday morning and
Iwoame blocked at the Point, where it la
now, eeenilngly, at aolid at in midwln
. ter. Hopna are entertained that it will
go out in a day or ao.
We acknowledged a pleatant call from
Mr. Geo. Herbert of tialeeburg, Illinoit,
who U visiting hie aunt, lira. John
Galea of tbit city. Mr. Herbert thlnkt
the Pacific coaat la the place for a young
tan of ateady babitt, at there are more
pportunitiea for making good finan
cial beginning In the world than any
where eaat.
Mr. John Andraaen, president of the
Willamette Bhip Building company of
Portland, who baa bad charge of over
hauling the "Western Queen" And the
steamer ' Regulator" returned home
thia morning. Mr. Andraaen baa re
sided In Portland for the past thirteen
years, and hat been engaged in ship
building; ever aince he came to the
Pacific coast. The work done on these
steamer i evidence that he ia master of
hit profession.
I. Bingham, of Walla Walla, propri
etor of Blnghama warm springs on the
Umatilla river, is in the city. The
doctor la here for the purpose of com
pleting negotiations with regard to bot
tling mineral water at the soda water
worka connected with the Golden Rale
hotel. He ia now consulting with Mr.
Hammond. East Oregonian.
We to nrett the city erect an arc light
in the vicinity of Ninth and Pentland or
Kintb and Garriton atreeU. Ladies liv
ing in that vicinity are obliged to walk
through mud and slush after dark, there
being neither lights nor sidewalks. Taxes
re collected from property owner on
those streets, at well a down town, but
Httle ha been done for the comfort of
. Hon. E. N. Chandler returned from
Salem Saturday evening and was very
warmly greeted by his constituency.
Mr. Chandler ha made for himself a
record a a legislator that ia envied by
great many of hi honored associate.
W'asco county Is proud to know he waa
learle in the discharge of the duties
and confidence of those whom he repre
sented In the legislative hall.
Waduasday's Dally.
Washington'! birthday, The school
ae closed in consequeuoe.
The chlnook which sprung up jester
day, ha cleared the river of Ice.
The steam ferry boat fired up thl
worning and will go Into service to
morrow. The contractor for the portage road
evoss the river are expected to arrive
the first of the month.
The circuit court I not In session to
day. While the 22d of February I
legal holiday, It Is not a non-offlclal day.
The steamer Regulator will leave for
the Cascades tomorrow, Friday, Satur
day and Sunday at ? o'clock aharp,
making through connection after tomor
row. After then she w ill make her trips
as advertiited in local notice.
The suow is fust disappearing under
the influence of ye chlnook wind, and
will 1 a thing of the pant in a few days.
The horticultural society of this
county will meet at the city hall on Sat
urday at 1 o'clock p. ui. A full attend
ance ia desired.
The horticultural interests of this sec
tion are becoming one of the most Im
portant objects of the county, and the
society should be a large one.
We acknowledged the advance sheets
of the second biennial report of the Or
egon Weather Bureau. The document
is very complete and exhaustive.
The street cistern In front of the
Skibbe hotel is being raised about a foot
to accommodate traffic, and a fence has
been placed temporarily around it.
No finer place for the Eastern Oregon
insane asylum could be selected than
Irvine' place on Chenoweth creek.
There la an abundance of the purest
water, a profusion of shade trees, both
varied and beautiful, while the scenic
attractions cannot probably be dupli
cated by any other spot that could be
chosen by the provision of the bill,
which are that it be located within three
miles of a railroad.
Thursday s Daily.
fur ber b mm he'd wads through Bra,
Or awlin Uia wtdeat rlvar;
In deerrta mam, In Jungle sleep.
or aiiller Willi forever;
lie d tnunel mountain high today.
And bridge the aaa t imorrow ;
A u1 when ah wuuted no) brought lu
11k drew Uia 11 ur with sorrow.
The snow has nearly gone. There is
also a notable depreciation of mud.
Be careful how you lend auything
these days. It will stay Lent for aeveral
We understand that a new aaddle and
harness shop will shortly be opened in
the East End.
Word has been received that the Reg
ulator and Dalles City both reached the
Cascades O K today.
The mouth of January waa remarka
ble for having two life-size full moons,
and February will be quite a remarka
ble by having no full moon at all.
Wild flower are in bloom and tell us
that spring will soon be here. The
Nielsen children found some of the "In
dian potatoes" at Mr. Klindt' yesterday.
The prospect are good , for considera
ble building with the opening of spring.
Some fine residences are in contempla
tion, besides one or two store buildings.
It has been suggested that the Febru
ary term of court should commence with
the last Monday of February, instead of
the eoou,d, as at present. A saving of
Jury lee could also be figured.
The party laat evening at the home of
Mr. and Mr. H. Chriaman was a most
enjoyable affair. The guest were en
tertained during the evening in various
ways, and left with the memory of hav
ing passed a very pleasant time.
Oregon luachiue-drled prune that
last year brought in the market fcc
are now telling for lie The Oregon
prune ia fast gaining reputation as a
superior article of commerce and the
rise 1 attributed to thia fact solely.
A deal ha Just been consummated,
whereby A. M. Cherry dispose of all
hi building and business to W. R.
Parker, proprietor of the Umatilla house
at Umatilla, possession to be given on
March 1.
A squaw wit observed in the East
End the other day carrying a cook stove.
About a doaen feet behind her trudged
her brave, carrying the lldlifter and a
popcorn ball. Civilisation can do little
for the red man.
A petition and remonstrance ia being
circulated relative to consolidating the
east and west precinct of The Dalle.
A it stand now, the east precinct is
not represented by a justice of the peace,
and all case are tried before Justice
The E. O. reports that the people'
party are organ i ting a company for the
purpose of establishing a (olid news
paper, to be devoted to the interest of
the party in the state. It will be pub
lished In Eastern Oregon, aud the com
pany will baiv a capital of not lest than
The Indiana are happy now, say a
Umatilla correspondent of the E. O.
You may tee them in squad of dosens,
hurrying toward the rapid of the Uma
tilla river, carrying long poles, spears,
etc. Salmon have appeared in the river
and the aiwaihoa won't rest day or night
while tbey are running.
Some of the ladies observed the birth
day of Washington yesterday by dress
ing in the costume of Martha Washing
ton, and the reporter couldn't repress
the secret observation that If the style of
ISO year ago were to eoiue into vogue
again, it would be much more sensible
than hoop skirts, and be vaatly wore
On 8-Mile. Feb. 17th. lMflT to lha mlU
of Frank Marsh, a daughter.
siARKiarv. . ,
At the residence of the bride' parents
on Pleasant Ridge, February 19th, 1893,
Mis Daisy B. Pugb to Frauk C.
Wagonbtast, Justice C. D. Doyle, from
8-Mile precinct officiating.
On 8-Mlle laat Friday, the Infant eon
el Mr. and Mr. John 'rguou.
A Par Aaaoa ta Crack,
Hood Rivxk, Feb. 21, 1893.
Ma. F.DiToa. W read Amos' letter
in Tux Chronici k of the 17lh inMt. and
If you will grant the scare, will auk
Amos the following queMiun :
As you do not believe in taxing mort
gages, or in levying an income tax or in
an inheritance tax tell us how (if at all)
you propose to tax the raitAlist w ho
loans his money on mortgages?
John PAKKitk
Sbrpkrrd Ioga.
Autalupe Herald.
It is wonderful the ainonnt of intelli
gence a sheep dog display In perform
ing hi duties. Ws had the pleasure the
other evening of watching one of them
put Allen Grant' sheep in Billy Kelsays
corral. The herder stood in' the lower
part of town and by the various motions
of hi hat the dog corraled the sheep
just as well a and even better tlu-n a
man could. Sheepmen could not get
along without these dogs, and some of
them are so intelligent and well trained
that their toasters wouldn't take $600
for them.
Tka Kegalator Kaflttad sad
Ever siuce the Regulator ha been in
dry dock, about two month ago, work
ha been going on uninterruptedly in
fixing ber up. The company' inten
tion was to make a boat second to none
on the river for its site, and it recent
overhauling ha made it stronger, pret
tier and more durable in every way.
The boat bat been levelled up, the
kelsons refastened aud three new one
put in 41vx20 inches fore and aft, made
fast by bolting through to bottom of
bull ; recorked throughout and Sottom
cemented ; new bog post in center fifty
feet long, the former, a (mailer orje,
being put forward; 1 hog chain fore
and aft ; new aide post and new saddles
throughout; new iron work ha been
put in to replace the old, which waa
condemned by the boat builder; the
wheel ha been enlarged to eighteen
feet in diameter, with deeper and larger
buckets; new chain on forward deck,
and surplus stanchions removed, afford
ing more freight room ; two new lockers
have been put in amidships; companion
way changed by making them nar
rower; talt stoppers put in oh both
sides, requiring about four torn of aalt
to fill them. Fifteen hundred pounds of
wrought iron have been used in making
Tka Vtardjr Little Vast Caaaaa Oat li
When the ice waa bearing down so
heavily on the little boat Inland Star,
the report waa current that she had
cracked from bow to stern. Now that
the ice ha gone down it It shown that
her hull it a sound a ever. The teat 1
probably the most severe to which she
could be subjected, as It 1 estimated
that the force against her wa equal to a
100 tan pressure. Mr. Kennedy, the
builder and captain of the boat, ha been
about two year in constructing ber.
With no previous knowledge of boat
building, and rejecting all advice from
those claiming a knowledge in the art,
he ha constructed a miniature steamer
which, a far as strength 1 concerned, I
able to buffet tb storms of the ocean.
Her equipment 1 now complete and
she will be launched in about week.
The only effect of the squeeie she hat
recently had wat to break the propeller
wheel (which Mr. Kennedy think waa
broken before) and loosen tome of the
calking. The captain expect to go be
low before the close of the week, to se
cure the necessary papers allowing her
to do busioes on the river.
The Concert Compaajr.
The opera house was well' filled last
night to hear the Boston Operatie com
pany. The performance was up to the
high standard it advance notice herald.
The music rendered wa of the most
choice character, the cornet and violin
solo were the tiuest ever heard in The
Dalle, while the solos cl Miss Julia
Uamau, on the bells and xylophone,
were indeed a treat. The buss solo of
Albert Hawthorne and clever sketch of
music and art depicited by Dolph and
Susie Levlno, were the hit of the even
ing. Mr. Levi no' rapid drawing of
noted men, accompanied by verse of
song by Busie Levi no, drew forth than
ders of applause.
Mis Irene Hainan, leader of the
orchestra, i a most accomplished musi
cian, and has her violin under perfect
coutrol. Whether she is interpreting
Balfe, Rossini or the homely melodies
her technique is faultues audexpree
siou most beautiful. .
Matters at the Caaeadct.
Day brother arrived at the Cascade
last night, and today busied themselves
In ecuring the right of way for a tram
way from the quarry to the works. The
river ha still some floating ice lu it,
and below the cascade it I yet packed,
but by tomorrow noon it I thought
there will be none. Everything I fast
being put fu readiness to commence
work a soon a it can profitably be done.
Ten lot lu North Dallva, M per rent,
lea than company price.
C. BcRUJOaal.
Hard ra Ntork.
I News is received that the continued
cold weather of the past winter has
created much iliatrcaa among cattle and
shevp at CmutilU. Fvon cattle that
' were U-ing fed weru unable to w ithstand
the severity of the weather, and died by
cor-. Njme of the largest stin k ranch
ers w ill come out in the spring with lens
than fifty per cent of the" cattle they had
at the beginning of the winter. The
loss of sheep will be considerable, but
horses are doing well. The weather has
moderated slightly.
track With a Hook.
Capt. Sherman came very near hav
ing a broken leg through an accident
yesterday. Tits Regulator wat being
placed in position with ropes, and the
crew were at the capstan fixing them
taut, when the hook attached to the
pawl straightened out under the pres
sure, and flying back struck the captain
below the knee. Luckily no bones were
broken, and the injury was confined to
a severe bruise.
James Smith went to Antelope to
day for a few days.
Mr. Reynolds, a cattle buyer from the
Klickitat, is in town. .
J. J. Stewart, of the Portland Cracker
Co, ia in The Dalles on a business trip.
Mr. Rlnehart, of Union county, is in
the city visiting his ton, Dr Rinehart.
Wm. Stewart, formerly of thit city,
tpent the forenoon in town, leaving for
Lewiston on the noon train.
Mrs. W. Schroder left on thit after
noon passenger for Tacoma, where she
will make her future home.
Messrs. Boroland and Bennett of Bovd,
are in the city today. Tbey report the
roads in a toft condition tnd really bad
in some places.
Mr. J. B. Meyer, of the sheep firm of
Meyer and Brown of Crook county, ar
rived this morning from an extended
visit at his old home in Erie county, Pa.
Mr. Meyer says he is heartily glad to get
back to hi adopted home in Oregon.
The old state are too old for his ideas,
and thinks there is no place eqnal to
Oregon for a man who has the push to
get on a good solid footing.
Columbia Hotel. E B Knox, Prine
ville; W P West, Arlington; B War
ren, Hood River ; C Berger, Hood River ;
Mrs Riley, Goldendale; J J Worley,
Portland; Mrs J Ferguson, J G Hudson,
J W Bridgefarmer. Portland; F R
Reynolds, Foldo, Wash.; F II Hump
hary, Oakland Cal. E F Hunter, Pend
leton ;H N Mills, Pendleton; P W
Forter, Spokane.
Umatilla House W U Biggs, Wasco;
W E Gray. W M Barnett, J N
Gorrell, D C Moore, Wasco; Amos
Root, M osier; EP Butler, J W Moore,
Myron Battler, Nansene; J M McCokle,
Tygu Vallev; J E Stewart, A Clejg,
Portland ; W M Stewart, H Bach, W C
Dawson, J W Covey, Dufur; J H
Nickel), Umatilla; W J Davidson, 8
Mile; W R Norwey, WalJa Walla; J B
Meyer, Crook Co.
Wedneadoy's Dally.
Mr. W. L. Ward, of 16-Mile, is in the
city today.
Mrs. J. H. Cradlebaugh of Hood River,
is in the city today.
Hon. E. N. Chandler left on the 4 :20
p. m. passenger to attend a meeting of
the O. N. G., at head quarter on a
special invitation.
Hon. Polk May of Wallowa took bia
leave of friend and relation today for
hi home. He proved to be one of the
most useful member of the legislature
front Eastern Oregon.
Aliases Flora and Alice Mulligan left
on the morning train for Portland.
After spending a few daya there and
with friendt on the Sound, they will
return to their home in Missoula, Mont.
Columbia John Person, Cascade
Locks; Wm Olson, A Pearson, Lyle; G
R Wood, Mosier; K Killird, Wapinitia;
M Cleveland, Tygh Valley; Frank Sheik,
Wallowa; George La inborn, B D Taylor,
Wasco; D McDonald, Keattle; A M
Roberts, Mitchell; F Borton, M F
Gommack, Dutch Flat.
Hotel Skibbe Jacob Konrad, Prine
ville; W Martin, Bl slocks; HPJud
kins, DesChutes ; A Woisky. Bake Oven ;
8 Smith, J M Johnson, Dufur; Gilliam
Plov, Tom Hunk. Portland; M Mc
Grath, Pendleton ; M Tiel, Mosier.
3. O. Mack leave this afternoon for
Mr. Ordway, of Chenoweth, wa in
town today.
Mr. Swift, too of A. J. Swift of
Wamic, 1 in the city.
W. M. Granle of Grants, well known
in The Dalles, is at the Umatilla.
8. L. Brook took a trip to the Cas
cades this morning on the Regulator.
L. A. Estab, of the new real estate
firm, goes to Wallowa county tonight to
attend court at that place.
Engineer Charles Johnston and wife,
of Albina, returned to The Dalle last
night, Intending to make thia place
their future home.
Mr. Will Gorden, who ha been at
tending the Forest Grove university, is
In the city for hi health, and ia the
guest of Mr. aud Mrs. W. T. Kame.
Loul Davenport, of Mosier, is In town
today. The many old-time friends of
the judge will be grieved to learn that
four of hi family, the children, are all
ick In bed.
Burst a Blaod Taaaal.
Mr.. Aug. Buchler lost one of hi fin
bay horse today. He fed it thla morn
ing, a usual, and returning to the eta
ble, a few minute later, found it rapidly
bleeding to death. The animal had
buret blood vessel, a will occasionally
happen from no cause that can be fore
seen. The lose I quite severe, a the
hone wa a valuable on and wall known
about town,
Money to Loan !
Six Per Cent. Interest.
Six Years' Time, and
May be Paid Oo or Before Maturity.
Sinking Fund or Building and Loan Plans.
The New England National
Building, Loan & Investment Ass'n.
Oregonian Building, Portland. Or.
IClxo DollOB, Oregon.
ST Agents Wanted! Address the Portland Office.
Dr, Rlaehart aad Wlfa Kurprlard at
Thalr ltealdaaea.
One of the pleasantest and most suc
cessful social event of the season took
place at the beautiful new residence of
Dr. Rinehart and wife last evening. It
was a tnrprite party, and was successful
because none of the guest but the lead
ers, Mr. and Mra. Morgan, knew where
they were destined to go, and pleasant
because, once arrived there, the large
party wa entertained by the sweetest
music, the choicest viands, pleasant con
verse and witty repartee. Mr. and Mr.
Curtis had been detailed previously to
go and keep the doctor' family at home.
When the guest began trooping in
about 8 o'clock, the Doctor, whose pres
ence of mind never deserts him, bribed
his boys, four iu number, to go to bed.
The ruse was not successful, however,
for when the music struck up they arose
without exception, donned their clothes,
and standing np before the parental
tribunal, in solemn procession, each
said : "Here, papa, is the 10 cents you
gave me, and, please, I want to flay
The instrumental music wat of nnut
ual excellence. Mrs. Curtis, on the
piano, exhibited a remarkable dexter
ity and knowledge, at did, also, the
genial host, Dr. W. Rinehart. The solo
by Mrs. Will Condon wat highly appre
ciated. A very pretty duet waa played
by Dr. Rinehart and Mra. Jo. Peters,
while a trio by Mra. Will Condon, Mr.
Bradsbaw and Dr. Rinehart was excep
tionally fine.
Later, refreshment were served, con
sisting of oyster, cake, sandwiches,
coffee and sweetmeats, to which the
guest did ample justice. Thia depart
ment was under the supervision of Mra.
Morgan and Mrs. Patterson. The work
of collecting supplies wat undertaken
by W. E. Garrett son, who must have
feared there would not be enough to go
around, but after luncheon, lo, there
were many basketful, both loaves and
fish oysters.
The party met at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Patterson, and comprised :
Mr and Mra J M Patterson, Mr and Mr
II Glenn, Mr and Mr R F Gibons,
Mr and Mra C J Crandall, Judge and
Mr G C Blakeley, Mr and Mra J T
Peters, Rev and Mra W C Curtis, Mr
and Mr G P Morgan. Mr and Mrs Heb
son, Mr aud Mr E O Pease, Mr and
Mrs Fred Bailey, Judge and Mr W L
Bradshaw, Dr and Mr G Handers, Rev
and Mrs Wilson, Mr and Mrs J 8 Hunt
ington, Mr and Mr F Sampson, Mr and
Mr J C Hosteller, Mr and Mrs W K
Garretson, Mr and Mrs D M French, Mr
and Mrs J II Rinehart of 8umiuerville,
Mesdames Wm Michel, D Cooper, II
Gourlay, C Cuahing, J B Condon W
Condon, C Dunham, J Wood, J Marden,
C Donnell, Misset Flora Mnlllgan,
Minnie Michell and Nannie Cooper. ,
naaepttuB ta Mr. anil Mra. Caanrroa.
A very pleasant reception waa given
to Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Cameron last
evening at the reoidence of W. A. Hunt.
The bride, nee Burneirfe, is late of Buf
falo, whence the couple have but lately
returned. Those present were) Mrs W
A Hunt, Rev and Mrt O D Taylor, Mrs
Philips, Mr L and Miss J Hubbard
Mr and Mrt A Keckler, Capt eely
Haynes, Mrs. Hlutr, Misses Alma and
Annie Taylor, May Seokler, Miss IIopp,
Mr and Mrt M Whealdon.
Mr. and Mra Camaron will shortly
move to their Mill Creek home,
Tke C. L. . C.
The Wiaquatt C. L. 8. C. held itt
usual weekly meeting laat evening at
the residence of Mr. 8. L. Brook.
The evening was devoted to Greek ar
chitecture, conducted by Mra. Crandall.
A number of Interesting quotation on
architectural subject were read by the
members. At the close of the lesson
Misses Iva Brooks and Alma Schmidt
rendered a beautiful piano duet, that
waa much more to the taste of the circle
than the detail of the construction of
Greek temple. Those present were
Mesdaiuea Blakeley, Brook, Crandall
and Grey, Misses Frailer, Schmidt and
Brook. Meter. Collins, Rlddell and
QBwbecribe for Ta Daily Caaowict-n.
Wasco Warenouse Co..
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
tneir destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rates Reasonble.
W . "W . Oo.
AdmlnUtrator'a Notice.
. : . I - i i .. ... I
aersigneu, the administrator of the ei
k. : 1 . . ..
Monday, the 6th day of March, 1893,
the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said da
at the county court in the conrt houn
F 1 M v . - .IT . . t
of the Hon. Geo. C. Blakeley, count
i ii- 1 ..
nine riiu piace tor nearing sain accoun
i t i ..
which order bears date the 7th day
V I. uu I T . tuii, All LV" lln lllLfTCB
in said estate are hereby notified to fi
. L. . : u: - : i .
lucir nujecbioiiB w naiu account, u an
on or before said time.
Dated this 7th dav of January. 139:?.
tate of John Mason, Deceased.
DcrcR A. Munkvee, Attorneys for
tTlmberealtore, final pront.l
nnuvn ia oereor inven mat Juwi w. Cox
died notice of lub-'i.Uon to make linal nroof
i'to me rnjipusr ana reeeirer at ineir omce
l na nallwt, wr., on 1 ueaday, tha 7th day of F
runry, irei, mi limner ruilliro application
HUM, for be U wi.. of accUon Mo. 4, In
No. b 8. K. N'o. 1:1 eaat.
He names aa witneaaea: O. H. Rnll. J
Runnel), Isaac Hatk-uanae and U. K. Melon!
of K innley. Oivkoii.
12.JS-X.1 JOHN W. LEWIH, KeirUtei
In Uio Circuit Court of the Rtate of Oregon
me luuiiiy oi naaco.
Iaador Ian. Edward Lans. Max Una anrl I.
Lans, partnera doing buxlneaa undtir thaflrl
name oi l-anx to., I'lalntlda, vs. A. i.
Wall, Defendant.
To A. J, Wail, the abovt named rtcntdamt:
In the name nf the Htata of Orn. van
here y reij ill md to appear and iiuwer tfaeci
piaint nieti auniiihi you in the above ent
action, on or before the liratday of the next r
tar mrm oi ima court aner completion of
aerviceof thla auminona upon yoe: and if
inn ao v anawar, lor want thereof, the plai
wit lake tudsmrnt aaainat you for thw.ii
Jat.&l and intercut thereon at the rule of I
per cent, per annum from Mav i.S, iwyj, Mni
further aum of I.H.2A and intereat thervo
eight per cent, per annum from July .
anil for their coata and dNburaementa faereh
Thla auminona la aerved unon vou v mil.
uuu uire.u uy orui'r oi ine non. n.u i
ehaiubera in Dalle Cltr on av.nitur 4. ihu
Atiuirueya for l'laiu
I.AKD Omr. The Diill.-a. Or . Fh 7. I
named aettler haa tiled notice of bin intent!
Illulld Mllal I.. ........... ... kl.
....nvw n. in-ivuy Kivrn Mini uie loiln
that aaul iirimf ulll h. n.uil. h.fnM tl. u...
and Kvci-iver at The i'ullia, Or., ou Thut
aiurcn iro., viz:
James K. .Mrf'lura,
iu . ... . i . . . . . . ... -.
th l'. Mkl Ml. VU-1 ..I 4 T. .
n. 14 e. .
He namea tha following witnriwea to
in. . .iiimuu. re-nii ii-iivu ufioii auu cuiui
oi aniu ulna, vn:
liLxiriro lioriloll, l M. VYoodalita, D, K.
aud al. Delore,alinf W aniultla, or.
Nolle la hereby given that the full
naint attttlttr haa tiLxl notii of hi, fiitm!
f . w ri..'. r i. . . ii .. 1 1. ,- i i. i a
aaiil proof will b nimle Ufore the
receiver at The Dalles, Or., ou eatuiday,
niaae nuai prooi in aniiiton oi nercitiiin. ai
2D, lau, ni l
Kdward lleudaraoa.
and the HU tiki., and SK. KVS of Ajc. 1
.,K. UK.
ttenaiuea ine roiiowing wiineaaoaiopri
dtntiiiuoua rMliliua uimhi. and eullivitt
aald laud, via. :
Marlon Thompanu, W. II. Htaats, V. r. I
. JOU.S W. UiVHB. Big
Br virtue of an execution and order
iunMi iii,t r.f tha i iri'iiit c ourt ri ina
Oregon for Waaeo I'vunty, on tha Mlh
February. IrtKI, to me dlreatad, In the suit
lu Kooeri Maya ia putiuiiu aim v aieoii.
and Caroline none are aviunianio, roiim
m to levy upon and acll that rertul i
u.d.l.uMk .InarlA. .if MClLn l'i. TtiU 1
Mori. Range li aaal, n. contain
acree, I have thla day levieii upon aam i
.in ik. h H. a.f March. I Mat. at the llf
o'rba-k A. M .,on aald day, la front nf th
koaa door In aald county, I will aeil a
auoUoa to the bighaat bidder, all of aa
apatfiaeAee tawreuaau apiajrHuunnai