The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 24, 1893, Image 2

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Passed toy The Recent Session
Oct SsLibl
of Tee
They Art Xo
Heine Carcl'olly
by th Gov-
M) Cross, to fix salaries of sheriffs,
recorder and clerks.
205 Woodard, wording of wills.
86 Gates, to protect game, lieh and
wild fowl.
217 Willi for lighting state building
nd purchasing electric plant.
114 Mciiinn, repealing state board of
46 Willis, amending code relating to
101 Weatherford. consolidating school
districts in cities.
206 A Her. for the propagation of sal
man in the Siuslaw.
142 Black man, pertaiuing to elec
192 Matlock, for branch insane asy
lum in Eastern Oregon.
27 Blackburn, to regulate the amount
of money paid on insurance policy.
70 Bancroft, roviding for issuance of
bonds for street improvement.
20V Myers, making counties liable
for damages by rvason of defective roads
or bridges.
37 Blackmail, to auiend code relating
to persona who cannot teolify.
69 Dodson, fising time for holdiug
circuit court in the sixth district.
109 Blackmail, for efficiency of deaf
mute school.
29 Butler, to amend code, estate in
22 Bancroft, to define and puniab ob
structionist. 128 Cross, collection and return of
Denny To enable married women to
convey real estate.
140 lVnny, distribution of personal
24 Cross, fees of assessors.
55 Bancroft, to build, and furnish
Jot! V lilts, satisfaction of mortgage
when foreclosed.
108 Myers, for fish and game warden.
799 Gates, relief of J. J. Hembree.
145 IJaves. authorising oountv conrts
to offer reward for criminal.
23 Myers, to provide for filing chat
tel mortgagee.
125 Hirsh, for advancement of reform
118 Cross, to provide for laying out
-and constructing county roadu.
382 J. Wriitht. general appropriation
- 363 Mayg, ior relinf of Wallowa
372 Merrill, to incorporate Rainier.
55 Bishop, to regulate insurance com
panies. Jeffrey, sale of property on execu
tion. 576 Greer, compelling railway to
fence their track.
179 Pax ton, day s of grace.
1S1 Cornelius, duties of road viewer.
283 Trullingor, to amend section
3238 code.
4143 Mauley, assessment and taxes.
-3 Eeady, Mnltnomah, recorder.
134 Nickel 1, property sold for taxe.
"331 Bishop, fur two additional pbysi-1
ciaos ior insane asyium.
36 Nickcll, will for record.
379 J. P.Greer, widow to appoint
235 Xickell, Jackson county school
district boundaries.
IS Durham, to incorporate Beverton,
109 l'axton, to recover real property.
17 Miller, to aid ftodsville Spring.
140 Ford, school tax levy.
3K Ford, general incorporation bill.
175 Durham, to amand election law.
110 l'axton, to protect game.
188 Belli, duties of stock inspector.
332 Sheridan, creating Southern
Oregon board of agriculture.
10 J. G. Wright to protect game.
24 Belt, herder' lien.
80 Jfickell, protecting game.
64 Nortbrup, pur food bill.
46 Ia!y, exempting homestead from
258 Lamson, Hieridan charter.
C5 Nickell, final account.
160 Upton, salaries county Judge.
206 Gowan, for artesian well.
320 Busaell, Elgin charter.
292 Jeffreys, changing name of Alsea
City to Stanford.
296 J. A. Wright, Union charter.
282 Cornelius, boundaries Washing
ton county.
63 Iiubbs, terms county officer.
280 King, to protect beaver.
104 Pax ton, chattel mortgage.
34 Kicked, to protect pheasant.
43 J. A. Wright, cemetery incorpora
tion. 141 5orthrap, Portland charter.
29C Daly, for graded school in South-
eastern Oregon. ' y
98 Coon, priority right to want
water, - . . '
3J3 Maloay, North Tarn LIU charter.
IfcO Day, Grant's Pas charter.
10 Brown, to protect salmon. , .
109 Layman, to encourage growth of
hedg fence.
I Ki J. r. tieer, ncerning gnide-
121 Ormshy, for Soldiers' home.
P'.' J. 1. lieer. stock at large-
Wt Trullingcr, Astoria
lo;l l'axton, rotating to forclosunv
2 Heady , bicycles, engines, etc., on
233 Hill, to prohibit sale of tobacco
to minor under IK.
House bill No. 343, which was intro
duced by Representative .Mauley, of
Allilna. and has become a law, Is
claimed to make some excellent pro
visions in connection with making as
easment and of collecting and paying
The first section provide that in the
an sediment and tax roll of the several
counties, in addition to the column
elsewhere provided, there shall be added
four columns one of which shall be
headed "Cities," one "School Districts,"
one "Am't City Tax." and one "Ain't
School Dist. Tax"; and it (ball be the
duty of the several rouuty assessor, in
making their assessments, to enter op
posite each item of property assessed, iu
its appropriate column, the name of the
city or incorporated town ana the num
ber of the school district in which each
item of proerty aseeesed is assessable.
In preparing the tax rolls in the sev
eral counties after the several assess
ment therein have been finally equal-.
iied, it shall be the duty of the clerks of
the countv court iu the several counties
to compute the aggregate value of all
the assessable property in each of the
incorporated towns or cities and in each
of the several school districts in each
county, ana to compile the same upon a
page or page of the roll in ea?h county,
showing the names of the incorporated
towns or cities arranged alphabetically,
and the number of the school district
arranged consecutively, with the aggre
gate valuation of the assessable property
iu each town or city and of each school
uisinci mown opposite to tne name or
number thereof respectively.
All the taxe hereafter levied by any
school district or incorporated town or
city shall be levied upon the property
therein respectively aessable upon the
valuation of such property as shown by
the assessment roll last compiled Iwfore
the levy is made in the county in which
such school district or incorporated
town or city is included ; and it shall be
the duty of the clerk of the county court
in each of the several counties, upon ap
plication of the clerk or board of school
dir9nrs of any school district and of
the recorder, auditor or clerk, common
council or board of directors, or trustee
of any incorporated town or city, to fur- j
nish a certificate under the seal of the
county court allowing the aggregate val
uation of the assessable projierty in the
school district or incorporated town or
city from which such application shall
have been made.
It shall be the duty of each school
district and each incorporated town and
city to notify, in writing, the clerk of
the county court in the county within
which the school district, town or city is
respectively situated, of the rate per
cent of the tax levy made by it on or
before the first day of February in each
year, which notice snail be kept on file
by the several clerks and remain a part
ot the record of the office.
Section 6 provide that all such taxes
(hall be collected by the same officer in
the same manner and at the same time
as taxes for county purposes are col
lected. It shall be the duty of the tax
collector to pay to the county treasurer
In hi county as often as once a week all
taxes collected, and he shall inform the
treasurer whenever he pay over to him
any of the money so collected what
amounts thereof are to be credited to
the several funds for which they are
respectively collected, taking the re
ceipt of the treasurer in triplicate (or
th amount paid into each fund, one of
which receipts tor each fund he shall
retain, file one with the clerk of the
county court and furnish one to the
school district, town or city for which
each of such amounts are so paid ia.
The treasurer shall keep the moneys
received from th tax collector in sepa
rate funds, and Shall pay over to the
several school districts, town or cities,
upon demand made by them, the
amounts thereof to which they are re
spectively entitled, taking their receipt
All law providing for assessors in or
assessment of property by any school
district, incorporated town or city, and
all law in conflict herewith be and the
same are hereby repealed.
It's sometimes said patent medicines
are for the ignorant. The doctors foster
this idea. "The people." we're told,
"are mostly ignorant when it comes to
medical science." Suppose they are I
What a sick man need ia not knowl
edge, but a cure, and a medicine that
cart is the medicine for the ick. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures
the "do believes" and the "don't be
lieves." There' no heattanee about It,
no "if" nor "possibly." It say "I
can cure you, only do as I direct." Per
haps it falls occasionally. The makers
bear of it whea it does, because they
never keep the money when the medi
cine fails to do- food.' Suppose tlie doc
tors went on that principle. (Ws beg
th doctor's pardon. It-wouldn't dot)
Two Disastrous Train Wrccts on Pccn
sylrania Roads.
Suicide of a Bankrupt Broker on a
Railway Traia A judge Ar
rested for Forgery.
PuiLADiLrHiA, Feb. 22. The South
ern express on the Pennsylvania road
this morning collidedjwith an accomo
dation train in West Philadelphia.
Three cars of th accomodation train
were wrecked, five people killed and
fifteen injured. The name have not
yet been learned. Those killed were in
the last car of the accomodation train,
which was crossing the track : of the
Southern Express and was bit full in the
middle by the engine of that train,
mashing it to piece. Passenger on
the express train were uninjured. The
accident was due to the lipery con
dition of the track, making it impossible
for the engineer of the express to control
the traiu. Four were killed and ten
injured, none dangerously.
Jvkamnu, l a., tub. -J. a wreck on
the Pennsylvania A Schuvlkill Valley
road between Phurniwille and Spring
City occurred last night. Shifting en
gine 1202, going east with an empty train
of 40 coal cars, collided with au extra
freight running west, aliout one and
one half mile nest of Spring City. The
hitting ongiiie was totally demolished,
and both engines lay on their sides with
fourteen coal car badly broken up.
Watson Weller and John IVnnis were
killed, and Fireman McCord and Flag
man Davis, of the shifting engine crew,
who reside at Pha'nixville, wore serious
ly injured. Fireman McCord died souu
after the accident. It was the result of
a misnnderstanding of orders.
Salelda mt m Haakrapl.
.,.,... w...l. .
Co., which failed on the 22d of June hMt,
committed suicido todny in a railway
carriage near Putney. The failurecreut-
ed much excitement, being for the sum
of 3,2."0.000. The failure affected a hot
of thrifty people throughoutthe country,
who were induced to deposit money with
the firm by the exceptionally high rate
of interest offered, the average rate
promised being 7 ier cent.
A Jarta. AriMM for Farter- j
Halifax. X. S., Feb. 22. While j
Judge Caril was trving a liquor license
violation case at Bridirewater -eslirdav. I
two constables from Lunenlmrg entered I
the courthouse with a warrant for hit j
arrest on a charge of forgerv. committed I
in 183. The imhre fainted when the
papers were produced. When thearrest.
was resisted by friends of Jodiro Carll,
one constable aimed a revolver but was
disarmed before be fired. The prisoner
was taken from the bench and removed
to l.nnenberg, where he will appear for
Salac for Her Crass.
Lohdok, Feb. 22. Princes Kaiauiaoi,
heiress to the throne of Hawaii, sailed
today for New York on the steamer Teu
tonic. The prince is accompanied by
Theophalu Iavies, wife and daughter,
and by Miss Warloff. Her residence in
England ha heretofore been kept a
secret, but Davits, after repeated re
quests, consented to permit a corrapond
ent to have an interview with the prin
cess at his residenee.
Princess Kaiaulani ia tall and slender,
with a more thoughtful deliberate air
than might be expected in a school girL
She is a brunette, with eye of a gaxelle
and features that snggest a suspicion of
Kanaka origin. She was somewhat
nervous during fhe interview. She said
ah had nothing to add to the appeal
which she had addressed to the Ameri
can people, and she expressed her
thanks that her appeal had been for
warded to the American newspaper.
Ehe had, she taid, no definite plans,
bnt would be guided by her guardian,
Mr. Davie. She proposed to apend two
day in New Y'ork and then visit Boston
where ahe would remain nnlil after the
inauguration of President Cleveland,
then ahe would gojto Washington and
probably make a personal appeal to
Cleveland. The princes added sho had
no frieod in America exceDt the friends
of Davie, fche timidly expressed the !
hope that ahe might gain the sympathy
ot the American people.
"I cannot see," she continued, in a
modest, hesitating tone, "why I should
be lummarily deprived of my recognised
legal rights for no fault of mine, and
without being notified to appoar in de
fense of my right. I ask only that
right of appearance which fhe American
law gives to everybody before they are
deprived of their right. I knowaUo-
lutely nothing about this affair except j ln"iu0' w,'8n K"1 on 10 the lon
what baa been in the newspaper.' Ko trMte- ,U" OTOr lt lron r.
notification has been received bv me!1,1''' ,on' WM trkl wtom the
regarding it." track and the car smashed Into it w ith
j a jerk, which sent the two front wheels
win R-ait ia . tut. Was. j eonipWtely off the track and almost pro-
bam raascisco, r eu. zi Uhlcago j
special aays: t'nle soms of the best
Infor'toad passenger official in Chicago
ars at fault, the, railroads both east
and wast ars digging pits for themselves
in the making of the world's fair rates.
The reasoning of, those ofhi'lals ia that
the eastern Hues have attempted to do
too much andlhe western lines too little.
The eastern lines have practically agreed
to maintain the present rates during the
fair. A decrease of 30 per cent in fare
ou th slowest trains I of no value.
Passenger officials quoted do not believe
the eastern lines or any line ran main
tain a higher round-trip rate than a fare
and a half during the world' fair. The
western lines, on the contrary, have put
off consideration of the world' fair rate
until it is probably too la I
united action.
to take
Kit Cablaat fkmi.
I. as swoon, N. J., Feb. 22. Mr. Cleve
land announced Ibis evening that he
had completed his cabinet by the selec
tion of Richard Olney, of Boston, for at
torney general, and Hilary A. Ililbort,
of Alabama for secretary of the navy.
This will make the new cabinet:
Walter Q. Gresham, of Indiana, secre
tary of state.
John (. Carlisle, of Kentucky, secre
tary of the treasury.
Daniel H. l.amont, of New York, tec.
rotary of war.
Hilary A. Ililiiort, of Alabama, secre
tary of the navy.
Hoke Smith, of Georgia, secretary of
the interior,
J. Sterling Morton, of Nvhru.La, ecrw
tory of agriculture.
Kichard Olney, of Maachutta, at
Wilson K. Bissoll, of New York, postmaster-general.
a Vivid llwirlpUaa or II by 1'rlta I
An et tract, which we are permitted
to take from a letter from Norman C.
Wilson, who is collecting plant and
specimen for the Botanical gardens at
Berkley, Cal., gives us a glimpse of the
"Maiove Ieort," which mar not bo un
interesting to our readers. He says: "A
I came rolling across the desert, a little
over a week ago, I thought of my prom
ise to give you some description of it
and, between ieIlof reading "Nature's
feriairuory, I looked out upon
Serial Story," I looked out Uon one of
; . . , . ,
I Mojave Ieert is not barren. There is a
kind of "grease-wood" and a "creosote
bash," which divide the honor with the.
cactn family of clothing the desert in a
sombre and fautastic)dress. Neither ia it
level, but i relieved by mountain ranges,
the very climax of rugevdnes and use
lessne. Therv is one redeeming fea
ture about the wiuile scene. Never have
seen such atmospheric effects in color-
lnS' "nu aT "ave I seen such rawed
critfM "uc,, hc''" rot'k' in ,uch '"
"'"I". i'rrcunes spreau
OVPr Ifuwth of shrubs, such seeming
utter wordlessness, to ne-d the kindly
'""-nM of wonderful atmosphere, to
lfi,,u autr to "'U.n nd valley
""'. Iu the foreground, supposing
that we are in the middle of a plain, the
ground present a yellowish, clayey color,
set off with the gray and brown, iu many
shades, of the desert shrub, cacti (one
variety) loom up in pltices, almost like
stunted pines, tho top more rounded
out, and not so tall. In other cases,
they enm to oliey no order or law of
nature hut to be fantastic. So tretcle
the plain for miles and miles. Ws eome
to a glistening lake, it reaches away for
miles in front and to right and left, bnt
ss we dash into it, th only spray is
sand. It has a bluish look, and reflects
the sunlight as though it were water.
but the sand held full away and is col
ored by deposits of alkali, hard bins,
glistening and to the weary, watsr-
tarved traveler merciless. Yet it Is a
lake, a great lake! Again ws lose all
plant life, miles of rock, and it seems to
have been tamped down, so smooth is
its surface. The color here is brown
deepening to black. It seem as though
a fire had swept over the whole expanse,
spreading a thin layer of pitch over rock
and iN3bble, which has since petrified
and become a part of tho rock itself,
but looking away in the distance, who
can paint with brush or pen, the won
derful changes from torribls ugliness
to surpassing beauty, can give the
touches w hicb clothe the desert in beau
tiful mystery, the vast, the ngly, ths
deadly, yet beautiful unexplored, mys
terious desert? Surely not the "col
lector" in overalls plucked too soon,
reddened boots, shabby hat and coat,
and unshaven chin, who i taken for a
"tramp" wherever lie goes. Such des
ultory thought rsn through my mind,
as F crossed the desert. I have since
Jtll" U enough to find that It mys
terr is chiefly deathnd desolation, that
its poetry and beauty on mors close
acquaintance, ar but the luring force
that draw men on to destruction the
most terrible
Triad ( Trah a Car.
A dastardly attempt was made last
night to wreck the 8:30 electric car near
the old tannery. II. B. Smart waa driv
ing at a fair pace with several pasaeu-
cipitated the car into the river bolow.
The authorities are confident that they
know who the perpetrator are, and
summary steps will be taken to spprs
hsnd and punish theni.
"" AarUaa ri.a.
i tw oax, reb. 53. For th first
j time in a generation the sUrs and stripe
today float over an o-can greyhound, the
peer of any trail afloat. For th first
time since the country boasted a mer
cantile navy of clipper ships whose sail
w hltened every quarter of the globe tn
fact, for the first time in the history of
- 1 the nation, it flag will guard a modern.
welt-equipped, incomparable steamship,
and It is singularly appropriate too that
it should be unfurled on Washington's
birthday. Bad weather did much to
diminish the crowds lining the Battery
and the neighboring shore. "Old Glory"
was spread from the stern of the New
York amid the shrieking of innumerable
shrill whistle from various river Craft,
the roar of cannon from United State
mon-of-war re-erhied by gun of the fort,
and the cheering of hundred of onlook
er. The event inaugurates a new era
in American shipping history. AH pa
triotic American have had the deepest
interest in transferring the majestic
steamships City of New York and City
of Paris from the British to the Ameri
can flag, and the ship wss crowded with
guest favored with invitations to wit
ness the ceremony. The most distin
guished officer of the government, of
the states and of this municipality, and
the lending men in commerce and the
professions were invited to witness th
act, including the president and mem-
I bert of the cabinet, United States sena
tors and representatives.
The president and party arrived at
1 :S0. They were mot by a deUll of offi
cers from the naval reserve and conveyed
on board the steamor New York. The1
ceremonies proceeded without delay. I
They were simple, brief and Impressive.
The president ot the United States
pulled the halyard that sent the emblem
of lilwrty fluttering to the breexe. Next
the Chicago fired the national salute of
21 gun. Thi was responded to by all
the fort in the harbor. There were In
formal speeches, then the entire party
adjourned to the grand saloon, which
was appropriately decorated, w here a
sumptuous collation was served.
A TDitrarj Bmaarraaamaal.
Baler tMmnerst.
The stringency in the lumber market
that ha so long prevailed, together with
dull times generally, ha forced the
Baker City Consolidated Lumber Com
pany into teniurary liquidation. The
fact was made, known yesterday and
raused uite a ripple of excitement in
U. 8. Commissions
Huntington & McKinstry.
Sin ps iii t J. M HunUngtim
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance te'ts
Land rajiera of all Kinds prviwnvl.
limits collected and taxes poi.l for non-reaidenta.
Altract of Titlea furnished at khort notioe, as we kave. the only set of
abstract Ijooka in YVaaco County.
having Heal Katute for aaie or rent are nueaUl to oall
our office.
Louis Payette,
Anj and all Kinds of Iron Work attended to
prompt) and guaranteed to five satisfaction.
Shop, East End, eor. Second and Depot ''Streets.
Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed.
Hnon AA7nnn Kik. Pink, Ash
Leave orders cor. Third and
lusines. circles. An assignment wilj
take place today. U ho , , m
the assignee I, nnl ,.,
principal creditor. lh ,ntn
th two hank, of Ibl.ellv. , j,
that Ih li.h.lilir. will f.HK p lmHr ,.,f,
000 with asset much more than that
amount, and when once available credit
nrs a ill get their claim paid in,
The Dulles, Portland A Astoria Nv.
gation On. will resume busineas on
Thursday. February 23d, making tri
weekly trips between The Dalles and
Portland. The Begnlator will leave Th
Dalles at 7 a. m. on Mondays. W,l-
aays and I-rlday, connecting with tin
Dalle. City at Cascade It-k for Port
land. The Dalle City will leave 'onv
land on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Hi.
urdays, connecting with the BeguUta,
at Cascade 1-ocks for The Dalle.
The company will run their steam,
a above for a few week, after whit
daily tri will he made.
B. F. I.APOIU.IH, Managi.
Shlloh's Vitalise i what yon need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It ia guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. iTice 74c. Hol4
by Snipe A Kinc rely, druggists.
Itswiarkabl. ladaod.
We published recently the remarkable
literary announcement of an edition of
the Encyclopedia Brllannica, for f'JO.OO
the genirinr, illustrated, large type,
cloth hound work. A sample volume
run now be seen at this office; it is rar
taluly the most astonishing bargain ever
offered in the Ixnik world. We iirnposs
to order a set, and if any of our friends
want to join u they ran do so, and Mr
a little in trouble and etpense, Sssths
advertisement elsewhero and com 1
and see the hook. There is an install.
ment plan for securing the work on pay
ment of only five cent a day, or $1.00
every twenty day.
Ip.r.. t. Tarrr..
Taxpayer w ill please take notice that
the city council have by expres order
iustructed the undersigned to proceed
and collect all delinquent taxes by levy
and sale, and only immediate atlentioa
w ill avoid the payment of expenses of
levy and advertising. Dak Mauksv,
City Marshal.
Call and see our I24.HO Brltannlca ea
eyclojiedia. C. B.
Notary Public
Union, or 133 Seoond fft