r Is v 1J lAVi VOL. HI. SEATTLE'S MERCURY Mors of a Sporting Paper Come to Griet TEOrirS THEATER MBR MAD bccasftc They Designated It Branch of Hell" Iml, MeSeerelet-leBl aaa l.ea-Ulata- vial Wears Haelae l" " Wukl.fial Tawe. Hbatti a. Wash., Feb, 17. (ijwewl. In order that the city of Seattle may maintain her dignity among the other cities, two young men, by the unmet ol Johusou sod Levere, began the publica tion of "Sunday Mercury," about three months ago, and the articles there- in contained have not been roach noticed, other than receiving the "nlet condemnation of the respectable ci i iie, nntil laat Saturday, one John W. Cuiisa dine, proprietor of the People's Theater, and one of the theater's attaches, called at the Merenry office and pro ceeded to punish the editors for calling the theater "a branch of hell." Several allots were eichanged and the People's Theater attache received a bnllet in bis shoulder, while one of the editors of the paper received each a beating with the butt of Considine's revolver that it is thought he will die. The eople, while . not in sympathy with the fwper, are not at all in sympathy with the mode of punishing editors. The Yesler will case is yet in progress and It is hoped that the preliminary ex amination will soon reach a termination. The defence haa argued for uon-suit, and unless same is granted, evideuce on behalf of the defendant will be intro- dnced, which will take another week. The weather haa been beautiful for the last three or four days, rain having fallen instead of suow. The great fall of snow has not been equalled ia thirteen years, but most of it has disappeared. The side show at Olympia, in which they are trying to elect a Unitd Bute senator, seems to keep up the interest of the people without much effort. It is believed that a man whose name it not yet Iwfore the legislature will be the ultimate choice for United States sena tor. Tit democrats are ia hopes of cansiug a deadlock and having the legis lature adjourn without sleeting a United States senator, in which event the gov ernor will appoint Mr. Allen's successor, who will hold the office until the nnt legislature, at which time toe demo crat hope to have sufficient streugbt to Wet a United State senator. Kaaakes Caa't Kick. Washinotoh, Eeb. 16. The treaty of annexation concluded between Secretary of State Foster and the commissioners f the provisional government of Hawaii was transmitted to the senate yesterday, but was not made public. The message of the president was brief. It stated that it is deemed more desirable fully to aanst the Islands than to establish a protectorate. The president says the overthrow of the monarchy was not in any way prompted by this gov ernment; that the restoration of Liliuo kalaui is undesirable, if not impossible : that unless actively supported by the United Btates restoration would be ac companied by serious disaster and the disorganisation of all business Interests, lie further says: "It Is essential that none of the great powers shall secure these islands. Kuoh possession would not be consistent with our safety, nor with the peace of the world." Until congress provides otherwise, the ealsting government, and laws of the Hawaiian islands will be continued sub ject to the paramount authority of the United Bute. The president is to ap point a resident commissioner, who shall have power to veto any act of said government until congress et) arts' the necessary legislation, excepting that the eommerciai relations of the .Hawaiian islands, both with the United Btates and foreign governments, shall eonUnue. The further 4 ni migration of Chinese into the islands la prohibited, and tbs Chinese new im the islands shall not be permitted to come into tliS present ter ritory of (he United State. The public dsbtwf the island 1 as sumed by the United Stale to the ei tent ef $S,Ju0,00O. . The . ValUi State agree to pay Queen Llliuokalanl $20, 000 a year during her life, and Princess Kalaulanl $18,000.- 'v A MILLION. Xttm Aaaroprtailna e Oi.a I Kel4 Atela. Wamiihoton, Feb. 10. In the senate, the discussion reverted to the sundry civil bill, and the appropriation for the ranal at the rascades of the Columbia river, Oregon, was, on motion of Mitch ell, fixed at $l,239,0o0, instead of $8o9, 000, as proposed by the committee. The vote was 24 to 20. Taa Kaasae TreaWle. Tofbba, Kan., Feb. 10. The sity is black and blue today black with people come to see the fun; bine with troops. Every train arriving tor the past twelve hours has brought troops and republi can and populist volunteers, armed with all sorts of weapons, antlous to take a hand in the fight. The republican house is still besieged in the representatives hall, and the force of state militia is still posted around the capitol. Colonel Hughes has again declined teobey the governor's order to eject the republicans, snd ths only resources the governor has beside the regular militia are three companies of populist provisional troops. The troops sympathise mostly with the republicans ; so, in spite of the ad jutant-general's orders not to allow food to be taken into the capitol, the soldiers conveniently tail to see well-filled basket of provisions hauled up to the representative hall by means of rope The Wichita battery even went so far as to bring its galling on the ground unGt for nse. One very essential part of its mechanism was removed. The tiap- tain of the battery seemed greatly sur prised when his attention was called to the fact, and called up his men one by one and questioned them about it. All denied any knowledge of the circuiu stance, and the piece still frowns im potently at the supposedly invading re publicans. There was no sleep for the imprisoned republicans in representative hall With the beat shut off, tbey had to or ganize pedestrian matches and other ex ercises to keep up circulation of the blood, At 4 o'clock half a dozen gaso line stoves were sent up to them by ropes, and the members gathered around them to get what warmth tbey fur nished. ' The populists planned to assault the republican stronghold at 3 o'clock this morning, hoping to take them by sur prise. . Colonel Hughes learned of the plan and Informed the republicans that they bad nothing to fear from him. A little later he wassumrooued to the governor' office, the plan laid before bim and he was ordered to carry it out. He posi tively refused, declaring that he was there as a peace officer; that the repub lican house was the only legal oue, and he would not interfere with it. The governor threatened to relieve him. He retorted that the regiment would disband at the same time. This piece of - Insubordination, to gether with the fact that nearly, all the commanders of the stale troops are re publicans, about decided the governor to place no more reliance on the militia. Among the arrivals todsy were about 400 armed republicans and 100 armed populists. -" - Sheriff Wilkerson is swearing in a posse of 1,000 men, ostensibly to pre serve the peace, but it is generally be lieved to support the republican posi tion. A conflict msy take place when the posse is put to work. At 2 p. au. the governor's private sec retary appeared and submitted a propo sition in writing from the governor to withdraw the militia and not allow the republicans to be interfered with by the populist if the,epublican would drop all legal proceeding against the popu list and if the sheriff would disband his posse, th agreement to last till the close of th session of the legislature. The republican are now considering th proposition. War Is Over. TorKKa, Feb. 19. The state troops have been sent horn ; armed posses of deputy sheriffs have disbanded ; repub lican and populist hav laid down their arm and the war 1 over. Devel opment of today ar regarded on all sides as a decisive victory for th repub lican. Tbey oeouro by tho terms of the compromise undisputed' possession of Representative hall in tho capitol, th main point for which they have been struggling. Th populist secure th hollow privilege of weetUif undisturbed in some other place. eweee of Caeee Teeaala . Nara, Cal., Feb. 19. Mr Sophl Ponny, wife of John Peony, residing near Nap, died Saturday night at th result of saUog can nod tomato. Tu whole family of six sickened front poison from tho can, but th remainder of tho tastily ar sow oat of danger. MaKKS it OVBK THE DALLES, OREGON, A BOSTON SENSATION Secretary or Aluonanin Clnb Elopes witt Society Belle. THE WIFE IS HOW PROSTRATED Parrot f the Cirl Con.altiog With the Cooches. KIOTO AXTICIPATEU IN IDAHO Tm Tfcea.aa Maa Will Be Tarawa Mat af KnpleyaMat la the Caaar eVAIeae. Boston, Feb. 16. Boston's swell club, th Algonquin, is minus its secretary, W. W. Gooch, who has run away, alias Carrie Herrick, tho pretty daughter of 8. H. Herrick, the millionaire wine merchant, is also misting, and those who know something of the history of each have no hesitancy in assert' ing that they have eloped. Mrs. Gooch is prostrated at her homo at Kox bnry Highlands, and the parents of th missing girl have spent most of the en tire day at the Gooch residence in con sultation with Mrs. Gooch and her mother. Mr. Gooch is the son of the late Daniel Gooch, who formerly was La wugicra. Death mt Kav. CasklBg Kella. Taooma, Wash., Feb. 18. Rev. Gush ing Eell died of pneumonia at his son Edwin residence in Tscouia, at 2:30 this morning. Death occurred on his 83d birthday. He was born in Massa chusetts, and graduated at Williams college in 1854. He leaves two sons, Kdwin, the Indian agent of the Puyallnp reservation, and Rev. Myron, of 8no- kowish, Wash. Ho was an Indian mis sionary in Eastern Washington from '43 to '48, taught at the Willamette univer sity of Salem in 1861, and helped found tho Pacific college at Forest Grove, Or. He also founded and contributed $30,000 for the establishment of Whitman col lege at Walla Walla. Laker Blow AaUeipetael. Hoist, Idaho, Feb. 18. Advices from the Cuur d'AIen silver and lead min ing districts of Shoshone county say that owing to th low prices of silver th mine will, within m few weeks, be com pelled to shut down. This will throw 2,000 men out of employment and have a disastrous effect upon Northern Idaho. Mine-owners fear that a general closing down will lead to a repetition ot the labor riot ol last July. awailaa Mews. Bam Fkakcisco, Feb. 17. The steamer Belgie arrived this morning via Hono-. lulu. The provisional government hat, in great measure, won over tho public confidence, having amply demonstrated its ability to cope with tho situation. On the 21st President Dole and others paid an official viait to tho Boston. The Hawaiian flag was run up to tho mast head and a salute of Slguns fired. On the 6th inet. martial law was de clared off by tho provisional govern ment. Everybody was anxiously await ing news from tho United States, and the sentiment in favor of annexation was steadily growing. Ex-Queen Ltlllluo kalani is still in retirement at her pri vate residence, confident that her envoy to our government will bavo a success ful mission. Tho U. S. steamer Mohi can, which sailed from the Mare island navy yard Jan. 29, was just entering tho harbor of Honolulu as tho Belglc sailed, but there was apparently no necessity for any increase of tho naval force. Tho new government now haa a vice president, 8. M. Damon having been selected by tho executive and advisory councils. According to President Dole, the English business interests of tho it! andt preferred that Kaulilanl should rule, but they would not object to au American protectorate back of her. WHAT THB O.DBBW SAY. Kays th oueen : "It is not tho Amor leant who are making this trouble, but those who received laud and susten ance from tho Hawaiian, who ar Ha waiian partly themselves, but who are now hanging between heaven and hell, and It they obtained their deserts would be ia lli same condition that fieeltebub and bit follower wer." Break Careelle Acid e Mistake. Salbm, Or.; Feb. 17. Daniel Durbln, of Howsll Prairie, aged ei,adonf tho moat highly respected farmers in tho coanty, died this afternoon from th effect of draught of carbolic arid, which h took' by mistake, thinking It wator. . FIJI DAY, FEHHUAUY IM, 18'JX Afr.l.l of Nt-arlatlaa. tors, reo. is. i lie tribune special from Washington sav Mr Cleveland Is to signalize his return to Washington ns president by a striking social innovation. For the first time since it was built the white house will cease to be ths actual residence of the president and his family, and Mr. Cleve land will give society there the sensa tion of teeing hint occupy and maintain a private nouse iite any otner puDlic official at tho capital. The president elect today forwarded an order to a Washington rest estate agent to lease for him the house on H street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets, owned and occupied for many years by Admiral Porter, and here Mr. Cleveland and his family expect to live for at least several month after hi inauguration It is said that tho Cleveland are fearful lest the white house was not completely fumigated after little Martha Harrison's recovery from her attack of scarlatina, and they do not care to take any risks of contagion with their own daughter. It ia understood that Mr. Cleveland will use tho white bouse for office purpose only, and will establish another real white house in the H-street home, a few doors west of the Metropolitan Club. Clevelaad'e laaagaral. New York, Feb. 18. President-elect Cleveland haa about completed his in augural address, and it will be sub mitted in a day or two to ex-Secretary Whitney, Dan Lamont'and, possibly, to Senator Gorman and one or two other of Mr. Cleveland's friends. Extra precau tiona will be taken in order to prevent the possibility of a leak, and it is proba ble that typewritten copies of the original will not be made until the night before the inauguration ceremony. The president-elect particularly fear a print ing-office leak, and so the copies to be furnished to the press association early on the morning of .inauguration day will be type-written, instead of printed. It is taken for granted that a goodly por tion of the speech will be devoted to the question of public credit and tho sil ver issue, and it ia altogether within the bounds of probability that the presi dent will indirectly return the compli ments paid bim by Senator Hill in the latter' recent tpeech ia the senate on the silver repeal bill. Altogether the friends of tho president look for the most interesting public paper that haa been presented to congress for many a day. Ne Mere SHaree fee Farmer. Abbbdbbm, 8. D.,Feb. 17. A receiver has been appointed for the store of the National Union company, South Dakota. Tbi is the company which has been doing a co-operative business for the farmers' alliance in the west. Some of the store will continue tho business for tho present. Tho losses, it is feared, ill foot up $100,000. The headquarters of the National Union are at New York. VIGILANT EYE TO BUSINESS- Haw a Wasklagtea Fires Oeeeae la tae Oaeata. K.O. McCoy, of Walla Walla, recently addressed to the Grant Dispatch two letters which will bo of Interest to settler on tho Northern Pacific land grant. Tho first is from Harry Spalding A Son, as follows: " We find upon a most careful exami nation of the law relating to th North ern Pacific grant that the land-offic had no authority to raise the price of lands within the grant to $2.60 per acre, and consequently you were overcharged $198.75 for your land entry in 1884, which sura wo can collect for you by suit in the Court of Claims, if authority ia given us by power of attorney to file your claim at once, before it is outlawed by the statute of limitations. You will incur no expense or risk by giving us the power of attorney, at w pay all ex pense, and as warrant when issued Is made to your order and cannot be en dorsed to auy ono but yourself. Our fee will be 25 per cent, of the amount re covered. Of course, if wo are unsuccess ful, which we do not deem possible, you will bavo nothing to psy either in the way of expenses or fees. Our contingent fee of 26 per cent, includes ovsrythlng you will have to pay in tho event of suc cess. If you do not bavo description of land at hand you can leave it out, as w can ascertain from records there." The other I from Senator J. N. Dolph "I am just lu receipt of your favor of Idtb. There caa bo no money repaid to settler who paid $2.50 for railroad land uutll congress passes a law for that pur pose. My bill to refund $1.25 an sere passed the senate, but Is not likely to receive consideration iu tho house." Choking, meeting and every other form of catarrh In tho head, it radically cured by Dr. Pago' Catarrh Rntnody. Fifty ru. fcolj by 4rufgita every. her. . ' ' THE WYOMING STYLE RedociDi Political Opponents With Poison. THE CRIMINAL CAUCUS METHODS In the Election of United States Senator. J l' DOM ttllkftHAM ON KOI.ITICN lie Accept, tke Prenleraklp From a Oeaea ar Daty ta the Amerleaa People. Chicago, Feb. 17. A special from Cheyenne lay t : A sensation is promised in the reports of the senate committee in the Kline investigation. The charge is that this member, democrat, whs poisoned by L. Kabis, another member, in tho interest of A. L. New's candidacy for the United States senate. Kinie was very ill after drinking liquor j;iven him by Kabis. One of the witnesses testified that he was offered $150 by Kabis to get him out of town. One of the physicians says there was a drug in the whisky. Kabis introduced evidence in defense, qneetioning the veracity of one depon ent, and disputing tho doctor. It is possible that Kabis may be expelled from the senate. Oresbaa Politics. Kbw York, Feb. 17. The Sun's spec ial from Chicago says : Judge Gresham will resign from the bench in time to be present at Cleveland's inauguration! Speaking of bis appointment as secre tary of state, the judge said today : "It waa purely duty that prompted me to accept so onerous a placet have had all that I care for ia politics. ' I know its shallowness and its intrigues, and surely it was neither the glamor nor the prospects for elevation that prompted mo to accept this post. Look st me 1 I have got to that time of life, 60 years, when 1 need tranquility. Politics in both parties haa got down to a scramble for spoils, so that political life has no attractions for mo. I am beyond ambi tion. I am satisfied to talk abont eleva tion. "A man can bo a man and retain his self-respect in any position in life. The only trouble is with public men that they forget that it is the office and not the man. They feel elevated at popular recognition and believe It is themselves instead of the office. Heads are turned and they forget that they are still of the people. "I look with apprehension to going to Washington, fori certainly havo no de sire to return there to live. Whatever may be said, I can say that I have ac cepted it simply because it was urged upon me by my friends as a duty that I owe to tho American people. No other reason could nave Induced me to leave the bench." Tk CtanilulMl. Salbm, Or., Feb. 1". The Joint con vention to elect commissioners met at 5 :03 p. m. in the representative hall. General H. B. Compson, I. A. Macrum and J. P. Eddy were elected railroad commissioners; George T. Myers, Geo. Glustin, Allen Parker, W. 1. Riley and Joseph P. Paquet, fish commissioner; Do You Wish the Finest Bread and Cake ? It is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder is thej purest and strongest of all the baking powders. The purest baking powder makes the finest, sweetest, most delicious food. The strongest baking powder makes the lightest food. That baking powder which is both purest and strong est makes the most digestible and wholesome food. Why should not every housekeeper avail herself cf the baking powder which will give her the best food with the least trouble ? Dr. Haines,, of Rush Medical College, Consulting Chemist of the Chicago Board of Health, says : "Royal is not only the purest, but the strongest baking powder with which I am acquainted. " NUMBER B. Lui'taiu .John A. Itrown, li. Packard ind John Fox, pilot coiumiHKioiiers ; J. I. I utimm, tint prenent incumbent librarian; tMiurlc dolman, of Clacka mas county, food cutiiiiiitHiurier; Ferrio IlKiiHliaw, of Portland, linli and game warden; K. K. Bradford, boatman. C'ronk C'oaaty Kewe. Orhoco Kevk'W. As usual Crook cotmtr has Issen tho most favored locality in Kastern Oregon. All around us they have hail very cold weather and deep snow, while here tho temperature has hen comparatively mild, and the snow liasnot been deep. Last Monday Jou llinkle found a number of cattle in the pine timber on Green moon tain that had gone through the storm without fed. They were ia fair condition, and appeared to havo done abont as well as stock that had ben fed. It In reported that some of the stock nieu in the north end of the comity are running short of feed, only having enough to lust a few days longwr. When that is gone they will have to depend on the range, as there is no hay for sale in that section. Some time since mention was made in these colnmns of one C. R. Carter hav ing been taken from this state to Mis souri to be handed for a murder com mitted by him in that state seven year ago. The man whom Carter killed, Mr. Crockett, was a brother-in-law of IJ. E. Darsey of this county. R. K. Darsey is in receipt of letters from parties iu Montana inquiring abont the price of horses and the chances for buying in Crook county. Mr. Dar sey is of the opinion that there will be horse buyers here from that state next spring, and that there is a possibility of a fair price being realized for horses that are suitable to go on the market. The Ureat Kecjrclopa-dla Brltaanica. "A library in itseif," a trite phrase, often misapplied, means something, w hen (applied to this magnificent work. It is the prodm-t of nearly 1,200 of the world's most eminent scholars, in every department of learning. There is hardly anything in any department of knowl edge that is "worth knowing" that will not be found here elaborately and clearly set forth and alt fairly within reach of every school-boy all for a payment of only 5 cents a day, for 4L0 days, or for $20 cash down. See advertisuient else where, also a sample volume at this office, and join us, if yon please, in ordering the work. It's sonifliiuos said patent medicine are for the ignorant. The doctors foster this idea. "The people." we're told, "are mostly ignorant when it comes to medical science." Suppose they are! What a sick man needs Is not knowl edge, but a cure, and a medicine that cum is the medicine for tho sick. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cure the "do believes" and the "don't be lieves." There's no hesitance about it, no "if" nor "possibly." It ssys "I can cure yon, only do as I direct." Por hapa it fail occasionally. Tho maker hear of It when it does, because they never keep the money when the medi cine fails to do good. Suppose the doc tors went on that principle. (Wo beg tho doctor' pardon. It wouldn't doll e Par Heat. The ouly 3-story, fire-proof brick building in the city. For further par ticulars Inquire of Tom Kelly, at The Umatilla house. WAKTKD. Pushing canvasser of good address. T ihArial aal.rv anil AT nun dM nnlil m-iwilt 1 . " - J , t " - -' J , Permanent position. Brown Bros. Co., nurserymen, roriiami, uregon.