The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 17, 1893, Image 5

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he Weekly Chronicle.
. ON
X from h Dally Chronicle, Friday
U 12 :M t'ln 'roin
l,e rise In th- Colombia river at thi
is Jour feet above scro.
, 'mhlneton'i legislature did not elect
, B, Allen today after all. he tu o
,lnt night.
i beautiful T) enow it again "fall
gently falling" wonder if the mlgon-
m won't feel cold In their calico io-
;iie mercury marked SB degree to
y. It began snowing about 2 o'clock
v afternoon, and is coming down in
s'.'t good earnest as we go to press.
H. II. Weir, who was chief justice of
Idaho during the Cleveland administra
tion, died of apoplexy at Boise City at
12 J Wednesday morning, aged 71
first mail train came in from the
w t at 9:30 hint evening with a full
lar-eiiBcr list and a Urge delayed mail.
TLU was the first train since Monday
iuorn(ng last.
A. Washington dispatch of yesterday
MVS Senator Erwin's concurrent resolu
tion urging the president and congress
to take steps to establish a protectorate
over rjasaii, with the view of ultimate
- ;ation, was unanimously adopted.
: i. K. I. Kolierts and part of her
t. iy arrived with the remains of her
la husband last night. The funeral
w) : take place from the Congregational
church on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
IZ. i. Koborts and family have ttie sym-j-"ay
of a host of irieuds in their be
r rement.
Little Walter Dickey was run into by
j of the large bob sleds last evening in
. I a I . . 1 M
sequence ol whic.u lie suuereu a irac
t ;re of his leg. This is the second time
M sesson that a serious accident has
-ccurred. It is at the best a dangerous
rjKrt, and the utmost caation should be
exercised to avoid accidents.
An Astoria paer says : Twenty-two
boy pupils were recently expelled from
the Milton school for smoking cigar
c'.iiiS, They were given a chance to
come back on condition that they sub
mit to merited punishment and prom
ise t j indulge no longer in the demoral
ise;; cigarette. Fourteen accepted this
eC. r, and at last accounts the remainder
were negotiating for a compromise.
Jn'jc and Mrs. Bradshaw entertained
a few of their friends at progressive
whist last evening. Mrs. Crossen se
cured the honors of the evening in the
shape tf a handsome vase, and Mrs.
Glenn carried off the booby, which was
a rime entitled "In the soup." A
4aL y lunch was served, after which all
re; "red to their homes. Those present
Judge and Mrs. Bradshaw, Mr.
Mrs. I'.eall, Mr. and Mrs. Crossen,
I . nd Mrs. Linehart, Mr. and Mrs.
". 4 Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn.
f sco Keview 4th: C. W. Klkins
ret -ed Wednesday from his ranch on
m. .jr. lie reports stock in that sec
tion standing the winter well. Mr. El
kins has been in Eastern Oregon over
tc ty years, and says last Wednesday
wti the most disagreeable day he has
v:r teen on this side of the mountains.
IV ithitanding the very disagreeable
wc 'ier, Mr. l'arish gets his stages in
t 'me every evening. When Mr.
1 took charge of the line between
t d The Dalles, the Keview said
fce v one of the best stage men on the
C-st, nd the service h has given us
the pajt eix weeks is certainly evidence
of the fact. The Prineville mail, nnder
the supervision of Mr. Tarish, arrives
on regular time daily, notwithstanding
the snowdrifts and bad roads.
Master Clifton Condon celebrated Lis
econd birthday yesterday, by enter
taining a few of his young friends at the
residence of Mr. 8. French. 1'art of the
time before lunch, was spent in admiring
and amusing themselves, with the nu
merous toys of the host. The young
In " 'S and gentlemen took their places
s ' t table, and were admirably served
v the dainties, a maid standing be
lli, each chair. Some of the little
ones ia.1 in a "really truely" chair for
the first time. While the nurse maids
were enjoying their repasts, the young
folks were entertuined by a solo, by Miss
7 -fth Boyer. Their behavior all through
Id be a modol for some older ones to
T, and each mother went home lisp
Thosejiresent were Genevieve Fish,
McLeod, Leah Boyer, Maud Kirby,
en Jucobscn, Helen Augusta I'etere,
. .. nn Cushing, Clinton Bradshaw, Al
fred Thompson, Clifton Condon.
The passenger train wreck at Wciser,
I.!iho, on the Oth, is reported in the
r ';er Democrat by a correspondent who
I the following additional nows says:
cause of the derailment cannot be
I lively stated as the track showed no
I of having spread and the train was
not running to exceed 35 miles pr hour.
Opinions differ, but from the best Infor
r "Ion obtainable by your correspond
c ; the accident wn unavoidable and
T ccountable. The engine, twdur the
i irol of Engineer Allen, did not get off
t rails. But the rest of the cars, eon-
I 'n, of mail ear, express and Iwfwngp,
( W, chair car, and Full-
man sleeper, left the rails and ran some
200 yards on the ties of the roadbed be
fore plunging into the ditch. The ex
press car, smoker and chair car leaped
at least 60 feet down a 15 foot embank
ment and slid on their sides some dis
tance to the ice now frozen along the
waters edge of Busk river. The Pull
man dining car and sleeper remained
right side up and not a passenger they
contained was Injured. This Is the
most serious wreck that has ever oc
curred on this division of the U. P. sys
tem and while it is to be much regretted
no blame is attached to any one, and all
are thankful it Is no worse.
From tlis Dally Chronicle aatardar.
The Moro Observer comes to us old
gold in color, and a half-sheet at that.
The ex-queea of the Hawaiian islands
pronounce her nam "Lil-lee-wok--lany."
Jndg Gresbaa ha beea selected by
President Cleveland for secretary of
Another case of diphtheria of a mild
form is reported in the southern part of
the city.
It ha turned warm, the mercury reg
istered 3M w ith a light rain falling a we
goto press.
Fire la Th Dalle last night in fact
almost every house bsd one. Gallery
over the postoffice; Herrin artist.
Mr. B. W. Crooks, of Glenwood,
Wash., is lying -very ill at Mr. John
Filloon's, his son-in-law, of this city.
Owing to tii funeral of the late Rev.
K. P. Robert tomorrow from the Con
gregational church, ther will be no
Sunday school service.
A party of twelve gentlemen and ladies
visited the Ice gorge at the dalles today.
That point is the object of great attrsc
tioa now-a-day by ear citizens.
The postoffice established on the north
side of th Columbia known as Grand
Dalle will be opened on Monday, the
13th, with J. W. Jenkins as postmaster
Christian church services will be held
in th Congregational church Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'cloc k. Preaching by
Elder J. W. Jenkins. Subject "What
must we believe in order to be saved.
w acknowledge the receipt of. a
sample of high grade merino wool taken
from a four-year-old weather in Mr,
Fred A. Young's band at Bake Oven.
The specimen is eight inches long and
the texture is A 1, and is hard to beat
as to earn pi at this season of year.
Th Telegram say those fellow in
th Oregon legislature who object to al
most every leading measure and then
try to get a bill throngh of their own,
should remember the golden rule: Do
unto others as you would hare them do
unto yon.
The Oregon legislature closes its ar
duous labors next week, with the excep
tion of a few important bills passed, the
session has been fruitless of any good so
far, it is cursed with several "objectors
snd obstructionists" that would do their
country more good by retiring into the
shades of obscurity.
Southern and Middle California are
flooded by the late rains. Kern river near
BakeraGeld, broke over its banks and is
rushing through the streets of that city.
The Southern Pacific road is badly
wasiied out and many freight train are
wrecked. Kern river has taken its old
course followed up to 18G8. la middle
California the late storms have caused a
great deal of loss of property through
Condon Globe says the new of Cal
Hale' conviction 1 a great surprise to
us all. Our people ar all asking them
selves the question : "Can ft be possible
that Cal is guilty, when so many wit
nesses testified to seeing him in this
county on the very day the robbery was
committed T" Th general impression
seem to prevail that had the Fossil and
Arlington paper not bad so much to
say in the matter, th boy would have
bad a better case. It sometimes turns
out very poor judgment for newspapers
to try a case before the court does.
Last evening, as Mr. 8. A. John and
father were going home in their cutter,
drawn by a spirited black roadster, just
as they were approaching Union street
on Third, th animal became unman
ageable and used hi hind feet without
ceremony, and the consequence was the
gentlemen were precipitated Into the
snow, but held fast to the lines, and by
giving the horse some well directed
blows on hi nose stopped his maneuver
Ings and thus quieted hi reckless spirit.
Messrs. Johns were compelled to foot it
home followed by the horse.
There ar a great many classes of peo
ple who do a town no good, and they
might be enumerated a follow: First,
those who go to some other town to do
their trading; second, those opposing
improvement and public expenditure;
third, those who prefer a quiet town
to one of push and business ; fourth
those who Imagine they own the
town and can run everything as they
please; fifth, those who think business
can be done slyly, without advertising;
sixth, those who deride public-spirited
men ; seventh, those who oppose every
movement that does not promise to ben
efit them personally; eighth, those who
seed to injure the good name and credit
of their fellow citizens. Ex.
Last evening the Mignonette Club
at it weekly meeting gave calico
party that was largely enjoyed by th
member. About twenty-five couple
were present ; th ladies without excep
tion nicely arrayed in many colored
calico costumes, whil among th gen
tlemen calico tie were in profusion,
though a few had rigged themselves out
lu ccmplet calico costumes, and p
peered much like butterflies out of
season. The program were quite
unique, and ingeniously devised. Among
those present were Mr and Mr II J
Maier Mr and Mrs F L Houghton, Sen
ator and Mrs Chas Hilton, Dr and
Mrs J F Snedaker, Mr and Mrs L
E Crowe, Mesdame Q C Blakeley, M
French, II Heppner and II Phirman,
Misses Virginia Marden, Clara and
Ettie Story, Mary Frazier, Grace Mar
den, Aimee and Evelyn Newman, Min
nie Gosser, Ruth Cooper, Jessie Lown,
Jeannette Williams, Matilda Hollister,
Iva Brooks, Grace Campbell, VanVleck,
Dustln, Messrs F Garretson J Byrne, 8
G Campbell, J II Worsley, John Booth,
II French, M Donnell, M. Vogt, John
Hertz, M Jameeon, F Faulkner, John
Hampshire, J C Cuatsworth, Wm Mc
Crum, F A Sharp, E M Williams, Carl
Gottfried, II Lonsdale, Dr II Logan.
The Fossil Journal of the 10th has the
epitome of th testimony given in the
Cal Hale trial at Ellensburg in the bank
robbery case, and prefacing it says:
"Our readers are so thoroughly acquaint
ed with the Roslyn bank robbery case,
and th manner in which our county
has been connected with it, that
there is no need of going over the
ground again. Suffice it for ns to say
that Csl Hale was the first man tried,
and that he was found guilty by a jury
composed of twelve citizens' of Kittitas
county, Washington. The prosecuting
lawyer presented a train ol circumstan
tial evidence to the jury, and they evi
dently preferred to take that in prefer
ence to the positive tettiwony of Oregon
citizens, whom the jury, by their ver
dict, find guilty of grossest perjury."
From tbs Daily Chronicle. Monday.
The days of the bob are numbered.
The new Columbian half dollars may
be obtained at Snipe A Kinersly's.
"Thi year' rubbers won't do for
next," many a man has fallen to remark.
The Boston Operatic Concert Co. will
give a benefit performance fur the read
ing room, aided by the ladies of The
Bill Nye and A. P. Burbank will make
a tour of the coast the latter part of
Pineapple juice is sajd to be a good
preventive when ther is diphtheria
Farmers ought to be happy over crop
prospect if there I any virtue in plenty
of snow.
The railroad company Saturday fin
ished putting np ice at Celilo. Tbey
put up 2,000 tons.
Next Wednesday being Ash Wednes
day there will be mas at 8 o'clock, at
the Catholic church.
Past this in your hat. The U. P.
freight train are not allowed to carry
passengers any more.
The river last night was 4.8 above low
water mark. Sixty-five inches of snow
have fallen here so far this winter.
immediate vicinity will not bave suf-
lered mucn loss 11 cue present warm
weather continue.
A. P. Venen, piano turn, will be
here some time next week. - Those de
siring pianos tuned, may address him
through the postoffice.
A surprise 'party was given Miss
Marion Kennedy Saturday evening, at
which the young folks enjoyed them
selves In the usual manner.
Plumbers have had a serious time
with water pipe this winter. At one
time over half of them - were frozen at
once, apart from the regular mains.
There was no service in the Catholic
church yesterday. Father Bronsgeest is
not yet able to leave hi room and the !
priest that was expected from Portland
did not arrive.
"Amos," in today' issue, give us a
cleverly-written letter on aome of the
questions at present nnder discussion by
our law makers. Ii is sound, spicy and
altogether readable.
Juliu Wiley received word from his
mother, living twenty mile sooth of
Portland, that the peach tree are all in
bloom iu that vicinity, and orchardisls
fear they will lose thi year' crop.
The funeral of the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. McIIsley at the Sunset
cemetery occurred yesterday. A large
number of friends came in with sleighs
from 8-Mile to do a last honor to the
little favorite.
Free to everybody. For the next 15
days, Herrin will give away one en
larged picture with eVery dozen cabinet
photo. Call and see sample. Gallery
over the postoffice.
A poultry firm advertises : "Our hens
lay fresh eggs daily." The announce
ment will doubtless prove a relief to the
thrifty housewife who ha heretofore
had to shako them, on her daily evening
gathering, to see whether or not they
were stale,.
A funny accident happened to a
sleighing party yesterday. Th party,
loaded into a small cutter, were joy
ously driving about the town, when,
without warning, the vehicle broke in
two, spilling the rider ingloriously into
th enow, whence they (lowly picked
themselves out and wended their various
ways homeward. No damage other than
the broken cutter and lacerated feelings
of the riders ensued.
Timothy Glenn, of Glenn & Mckenzie,
railway contractors, was In town Satur
day, buying hay for th use of teams
whil engaged in constructing the Mohr
portage across the river. Work will be
commenced, w ar Informed, as toon as
the river at this point is navigabl.
The Yamhill county Register want
fl,0C0 for the privilege of pulling a hand
press, being kicked at by subscribers
who never put up a cent, being invited
to Jim crow entertainments and expect
half column write-ups, work, sweat,
starve, b abused and all the other joys
appertaining to a country newspaper.
Th Chlaook Wind.
The following communication from
the Telegram yesterday will be read
with interest by th later arrival to
Oregon. . "II. It." Is sn Old Oregonian
and says there ha been a good deal of
discussion a to the direction from which
the Chinook wind comes. Under date of
yesterday, "H. E." sends the following
"A newcomer maintain that the
chinook wind comes from the northwest,
while his friend, a resident of the city
for some years, holds that it is from the
southwest. By giving the true direction
from which it comes you will confer a
favor on both."
. The Chinook Indians famous for flat
tening the heads of their infants, lived
at the mouth of the Columbia river.
The warm winter wind that came from
the sea to melt the snow was for a long
time supposed to originate off the mouth
of the Columbia; hence the wind was
named after these Indians. Old Ore
gouians say that there is no chinook
wind, except that which blows from the
mouth of the river; but the same genial
influence, taking its beginning from the
Japan current, spreads itself all over
the Pacific Northwest, including British
Columbia, and even warms the frozen
plains of Montana.
fteattl HI patch.
Special to Tbs Dalles Chkokiclb.)
Seattle, Wash. Feb. 9, 1893. This is
the first clear day we have had for over
two weeks, nd it gives promise of rain.
The street-car line are blocked, and the
means of transportation in and out of
the city have been materially effected.
There has fallen, in all, about four feet
of snow, and it is feared that with the
warm weather, floods will follow the
melting snow.
The preliminary hearing of the " Yes-
Ier Wiil" case is yet unfinished, it
having already occupied over one week
of examination of witneeses. It Is
thought that another week will be
consumed before the completion of
this preliminary investigation. This
suit promises to be one of the greatest
in the history of the west, owing to the
fact that the parties interested are widely
known, and the amount involved very
It seem to be the expression of the
people of Seattle, and especially the
business men, that it would be for the
best Interests of the United State to
have the Hawaian Islands attached to
this government. It' would be of in
estimable value to all the Pacific Coast.
Olympia cannot break her deadlock-jibe
balloting remains the same.
Kottea lea.
The ice in the river I thoroughly rot
ten and It I foolhardy to try to cross
the river or be on it at all. A young
man while crossing yesterday morning,
broke in, but fortunately escaped with
no other damage than a thorough wel
ting, it. 8. Andrew of Hood River
tell of another man who crossed on
snow shoe at that point, who punched
through th ice all the way across with
a (tick rhich be carried.
l.oe Tods of lea s Day.
J. II. Taff write as follow: nnder
drte of the 9th : We are now cutting
and housing about 1,000 tons daily of
clear ice about 14 inches thick. It would
be a treat to anyone to see our ice eleva
tor work.
Bard Pleaswr -Party.
Botd, Or., Feb. 9, 1893.
To Tub Chk.okicxb' :
The Liberty whist club was enter
tained last Wednesday evening by Mr.
and Mr. U. W. Rice. A large number
of their friends were present. Mrs. Dr.
Bell secured the first prize and U. W.
Rice the booby. After the prizes were
awarded they had an old fashioned
candy-pulling and Dr. Bell closed the
entertainment with some of his choicest
Adrertlaed Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the poetorrlce at The Dalles un
called for, Friday, Feb. 10th, 18;)3.
Persons calling for same will give date
on which thev were advertised:
Adams, Mrs K Adams Mrs Cha
Allen Miss Minnie Barrow U N
Chapman John Copeland Iva V
Oozel George Dras Emma
Davis Miss Cora Darling J W
Farris Lizzie J Galhreth V W
(illnion D E Giliintrer Frank
Holmsn John Jorv Mrs Mary E
King Elmer Kolf Melloin
Martin J A Mulligan K W
McKensey A Glenn McKelvU D
Kozine Ijttie Smith Ed
Turner Albert W Wolfe F B
Wilson N A (2) M. T., P. M.
Per E. L. P.
On 8-Mile, Vernie, th youngest
flnnvlitpr rf Wm. snd I.ida Mi llxlev.
The interment will be in th Sunset
cemetery tomorrow afternoon.
Meaty M oracle of fcvwa Bad Ooaala for
The bridge carpenters have recently
had their force increased by sixteen men.
Foreman Del luff baa had a number of
men shoveling snow in the yards for
several days.
Joe Earbart, of No. 540, en his laet
trip, killed four head of horses, one of
which lodged on the pilot, necessitating
a short stop.
The rotary snow plow, which wss bor
rowed from the Idaho division, went
back Saturday night, after doing effect
ive service near Bonneville in raising
the blockade.
Hostler W. II. Congdon ha been suc
ceeded here by Mike Nolan, who stood
first for promotion in the company's
employ. Mr. Congdon is now a main
line engineer.
One of the noblest of the iron horses
is engine No. 660, which has just en
tered service on this division. It is the
largest locomotive on the line, formerly
of the mountain division, and has just
been subjected to a thorough overhaul
ing and refitting at Albina. Engineer
Olie Barrett and Fireman Geo. Landreth
took it out the first time on No. 8 Satur
day. Ben Eben, the veteran caller, is a man
of unwearying patience, and is thus the
butt ot many a good-natured joke by the
boy in the yard; but the continued
snow-fall has taxed both bis strength
and patience to the utmost, in conse
quence of being obliged to call so many
more because of the storm, and Satur
day, when the flakes were falling as big
as dollars, he boiled over for once in a
few choice words of his own language.
Circuit Cenrt.
The February term of the state circuit
court convened this morning. Judge
Bradshaw called court promptly at ten
o'clock and at once proceeded to busi
ness. The following grand juror were
called : Messrs. F A Suefert, Polk Butler,
B C McAtee, O S Morgan, Samuel
Broyles, James Brown, Van Woodruff
and Jas Blakeney was appointed Grand
jury bailiff. The docket was called and
default was granted in Patten vs Patten.
The case of Barrie vs. Moody was set
for trial. The judge then took np the
demurer in Collins et al vs Herbring.
The docket Is a light one and will not
consume a great deal of time.
Friday's Daily.
Mr. Smith French is confined to his
bed by illness.
Judge Blakeley and Mr. B. F. Laugh
lin were passengers for Portland last
Mr.' H. Gourlay I in the city and
made this office a very pleasant call this
morning.. Mr. Gourlay expects to re
turn to the Warm Springs next Tuesday.
Mr. Arthur Gourlay, of the firm o
Arthur Gourlay & Co., wholesale lumber
merchants of Chicago, acccompanied by
his wife, is visiting his brother IlUirh
Gourlay, of this city.
Hon. E. B. Dufur returned home by
the blockaded train last eve. Mr.
Dufur made a full hand at shovelling
snow while a guest of the U. P. en route
to The Dailes. It reminds early Orego
nian of starting out on a stage in the
great Willamet with a fence rail and a
pair of gum boon in addition to his
Monday's Daily.
Father Bronsgeest is convalescing.
Mr. Polk Butler of Nansene is in the
' Mrs. Fred Sherman ia recovering from
a sick spell.
Flora and Alice Mulligan arrived here
today from Missoula, Mont., on a visit
to friends.
G. I. Sargent, special examiner of the
Equitable Mortgage Co., ia in the city
today on company business.
The following attorneys are In attend
ance on the circuit court : A S Bennett,
H 8 Wilson, J L Story, J B Condon, B
8 Huntington, H H Ridilelt, W II Wil
son, E B Dufur, Frank Menefee and E
Capt. J. W. Lewis has so fur recovered
from his illnem as to be able to resume
his duties at the U. 8. Land office, which
will he gratifying news to our readers.
Apropos, Grand Mogul Harbison has
winged his flight eastward, which is just
ss gratifying.
J. II. Miller, of Crook county, a
brother of Joaquin Miller, came in from
Prineville today. He got as far as Biggs
with an eight-horse team, but snow
drifts prevented coming further. Stock
is doing well in Crook county and roads
are in good order.
Umatilla Polk Butler Nansene, B C
McAtee, A R Anderson, B F Swift, Jus
Brown Tygh Valley, E T Ilinman Dufur,
J R Cunningham, J I West, Thos Bailey
Wapinitia, F M Jackson, N Winehiil
Hood River, Martin Wing, 8 Broyds
Wamic, Grant Ashley Antelope, J R
Underbill, 8 V Mason Boyd, J J Stewart,
G C Sargent, P Garretson, J R. Law
rence, Ad Burckhardt, M Duehill Port
land. Columbia C Benny Hood River, J A
Keichlein Dufur, J E Sorbin Mountain
View, Peter Byrne Mosier.
The March number of "Toilettes" is
out witl a grand display of now spring
styles. An attempt to descrilie the bun'
dred or more beautiful garments illus
trated would take columns of this paper;
even then we could not do the magazine
justice. The publisher deserves the
praise of every lady in the hind for plac
ing this handsome book on sale with
every newsdealer at the low price of 15
l cent a single copy, or f 1.60 for a year.
Declor" Well, my fine little fellow,
you have pot quite well again. I was
ure the pills I left for you would cur
you. How did you take them. In water
or In cake?"
hoy " Oh, I used them In my blow
The little fellow put the nasty, (Treat,
gTiplng, old-fonhioned pills to a good use.
At most, all hi Internal economy need
ed was a dose of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets. They are tiny, sugar-coated
KTanules, easy to take, and are pertly
aperient, or actively cathartic, according
to size of dose. As a laxative, only on
tiny Pellet Is required.
The " Pellets " cure Sick neadache.
Bilious Headache, Constipation, Indi
gestion, Bilious Attacks, and all de
rangements f the Liver, Stomach and
The " Pellets " are purely vegetable,
and operate withouMSisturbance to Ua
system, diet, or occupation.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the cheapest
pill, old by druggists, because they am
guaranteed to give satisfaction in every
case, or their pi-Ice (25 cent a rial) m
refunded. Can you ask more?
Dr. JTUea Jf wMooi Co.. MkHart, Zml.
Diar Sik: For 20 years I u troubled rlth
heart diaeoae. Would frequently have fulliu
pella and tmolhermg at nlgM Ilad In ait up or
Set out of bed to breathe. Had pun in my left,
tide and bock most of tbetime; ai Uet I becaroa
dropsiral. I was very nervous and nearly worn
ouL lhe least excitement would cause me to
with flmtertn. For the last fifteen years I rould
not sleep on my leftside or back until began la in
Jrour Aw itfeor Our. I bad not taken it very
on until I felt moon better, and I Can now sleep
on either side or back without the least diaoom
fort. I have no pain, smothering, dropsy, no wind
on stomachoroUierdisaKTeeableaympUtma. Iana
able to do all my own housework, without any
trouble and consider myself cured.
Elkhart, Ind., IMS. Mas. EumtA Hatcb.
It la now four years since I have taken any
medicine. Am in better health than 1 have been
In 40 years. 1 honestly be- a mm mm.
lieve that Dr. Hums' JTete CURED
JJwsr Our saved my lite w "
and made me a well woman. I am now S3 yaass
Of se. and am able to do a tood day's work.
May asth, lffid. Mas. Euuaa LUlCaV
A. A. Brown,
Keeps a full assortment of
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
which he offers at Low FUrurea,
to Cash Buyers.
Hlnhest Cash Prices for Ens and
other ProLluce.
XIX. 8. Young,
General Blacksmittiing and Work done
promptly, and all work
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Tbird Street, opsitetlie old Lictie Stand.
kts eii U llbt rWS. T
Cuiitfh toyrup. Tawtes G
p. Tl
In time. Hi1 hv ruiiint
jus? Va
13 LU