The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 17, 1893, Image 3

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i The Weekly Ghroniele.
T n IC
' f. ItNONA I..
rroiii t'"1 """' cT.rnnlc T"''"1")
1 It -ot ubobt fior.oo per year to run j
f the asylum at Sulcm. j
t The Ladies Olee club will meet with
Mint Jeanctte WilHums this evening, j
St. Valentine's day. Today i" hIho j
known In church circles o Shrove Tues-!
v. !
1.. -I..... I -..aliH'.tuv fir till) liro 1
?,.lliii wheel of tho Rtirnltttor, in .
, to lie enlarged
Foi-xn rouiry. Owner can have
same upon application at this ofhYo and
paying for thin notice.
Capt Johnston, of the Western Queen,
nw iio will cross on the free bridge to
day for the lat timi), as it in ottin too
rotten to lie safe.
The wuim of the queen of the Sand
wich inland in last pronounced (leodec
wnk-illany) by any of our chnrrti pipe
organs during a tender passage.
Uacteria ninv be tram.mitU-1 through
nwpin. 'Un't borrow of yonr
neighbor, as it may beUie death of yonr-1
self and family. Subscribe. !
Tho ice is now rapidly going off the !
river and the delayed thinook which !
efterdny, funt faded the inimae-1
uluie 1 1 . ' of the snow ou the ground.
The c; e of Jonathan Morrison vs.
jtt i"f m. McAU'e on upjieul from
ie circuit court of this county was af
firmed by the supreme court yesterday.
The members of I Iarmou lodge, I. O.
d. T., winh to tender their sincere thanks i
to all those w ho so kindly assiMted in the
entertainment lust evening, Feb. 13th.
The Klickitat Leader which cam" to
our oflice yeuterdar, devuted oue nole
aide to an illustrated picture of the snow
in that legality. It didn't show the
''scratidi of a pen."
We are in receipt of a communication
fjulogixing the several great' men who
have lately departed, and greatly regret our limited space precludes us from
pnblisbing it, which in quite h ifrtby
Mr. II. Horn, in Thompson's addi -
tiou, has dug his well ten feet deeper.
It is now 4H feet deep. At that depth
be struck a large volume of water which
oon filled the well up ten ieet, and has
now plenty of w ater for irrigation. He
has ids place all set out in choice fruits
and berries, and will soon bav a place
second to none around The I'allcB.
The meeting of the Winquat Chaut
auqua circle last evening at the home of
Mrs. (i.C. ltlakcley, last evening was
one of the pleasanteBtoues of the tea son.
In place of the nsual quotations a des
cription of one of the great battles of
Greece was given by each oue cf the
circle. Mrs. J! rooks conducted the reci
tation in German history and Mrs.
tiiakeley Calias, the Greek romance,
which the circle is reading. Those pre
edit were Mesdamfs lllakeley, Krooks
' od C'raudall, Misses Frar.ier, Ilrooke
(Bd Mr. H. 11. Iliddell. The next
' i .swting will be at the residence of Mrs.
B. J.. ltrooks.
W'tXtlK'Mluy'ii Iutlly.
Wki Ak Pniin.'' lie auftly mild
When I Implored ihut we almuld wed.
Ah! hliniHli toiiKiie run n-vir tull
How lultrh J oraliln'd UnU'l:
Ou li"v ol her my ioul bud Im1.
nd tbo' 1 rt huied lor "jm" Inatead,
Her word did not illpirv drfHd ;
1 did not know my lunurul kuell
Wa "nHk I'.''
And when t found thnt lie an1 dond,
lid li-urn-il the kind of life he'd led,
I k new Mlie itieuut -nlii too etl !
luit no'ii wniild uieiiii lv "Oo to U 1!"
k.u elie auillwl and softly auid
"(onrk l'Mim."
l few castas of scarletiua of a mild form
areTeportod on the hill.
I. I. llurgct started today to take a
census of the school children.
By a vote of the senate of Washington,
the rhododendron Iihm been ndopt.c! as
the plate flower.
The bill authorizing flflo.COO for a jute
rniil, modi lied only hy a eutdown of
LO.OOd is now a law.
Cabinet members of the Fpworth
League will meet in the pastor's study
this evening at 0:30.
We received a sample of Campbell
Tiros.' "Lilian Mordica" cigar yesterday,
'.'lie brand is already celebrated.
Mr. L. I'uyette is busy in lengthening
i tic iron braces for tho enlargement of
the w heel on the steamer Regulator.
Hev. Father lironsgeest read nmss in
the Catholic church this morning for
the first time since his recent illness.
,- The river gauge murks four feet and
three-tenths above r.ero, and shows a fall
bfslx-"4 uths during the past 24 hours.
' Iaikt. A small purse containing some
money. The finder will oblige the
wier, a widow lady, bv leaving it at
this olticc.
Dnfiir enjoyed a Valentino's ball last
right, to w hich town a large number of
our people went to enjoy the magic of
; There has been 9 Sl-100 indies of pre
cipitation since Sept. 1st last yflar tip to
tho present time. This included melted
now, hail and rain.
The polled court has been running
light of Into. This morning there were
only two commitments, ono for drunk
enness, the other a hobo.
; Messrs. Hiiltuiiindi A Co., shipped a
carload of alfalfa hay to Portland yes-1
torday. H is. the first shipment of liny
to the mntropolis from this section.
The teum wood saw Ik out ajfiiln, and
it 1 u z in heard early mid late. The
Chinaman sawyer bus 1 1 1 1 I to ivlire and
content himself with washinir windows.
! We are always appn native of cnrrcs
I fiDiidrnlH' contribution and invite nny j
j of onr reader t send ua short, 'diurnal
ctter conUining newi f their,. !
borhooil. I
Tl (.topimgo f Uo incandescent !
i(;lt iat njR,t was due to tbo buriiinjf i
out of some babbitt connected with the I
machinery, and the dillirnlty whs ohvi- '
ateil t-arly this morning. j
t . C .1 mcvul. uu lln.1 .,-:. !
fc fa Kt,M lc keep wonderfully low. Ono
lot of stall fed cfHle that were in piime
condition were fold a few day ago at
prices ranging from $.1 to $3.50 jer 100
fl u. according to size.
Not more than .")0 per crnt. of horse
old at the I'uion Stock yard, Cliicago,
sell above tho tWO limit. Over lOO.OiK)
borne are rciTivel there and .10,000 of
them sold at crnb pricex.
Tho Merchants l'lotective I'nion held
la Ppecial meetini; in tho rity hall laht
iiiitrht. There wast nothing dono except
pnei, w-n weroior,
the gld of the orpauizat.on.
The new rate of the Transcontinental I
AfHociation odojited by the Northern;
i'Mle .n conjunction villi the W. C
1-v- " hil1' G' into efTeet today, !
" " ""' ""'. "-i.
mmai raieo.
O. I'. Hubbard, an attorney of the de
partment cf jui-tice, 1 at Walla Walla,
taking testimony of peisona who have i
claim apainst the government for In-1
diun dejircdations. When Sir. Hnbbard !
has fiui?lied hi Walla Walla woik, be I
will vinit r.nker City, Pendleton and!
The Iallet. !
Thutwluy' HmOj-.
lie n UN H lix tilllf lliillt"!uiirv
V lio nl behind bT at the pluy:
The nmid took off tier lonuet tbore: j
He tuurrlfd bcr next duy. j
The roads are very bad and there is ;
I little travel from the country.
The Oregon legislature will present its !
I. I. C, tomorrow maruing at 10 j
o'clock sharp. In other words adjourns j
sin die. ' j
Kilty-two head of cattle aTcragin j
i1 - 100 Pond were shipped from The.
tteer weighed 1.S00. ' j
J. F. Parrott and W. K. Sylvester j
hare taken the contract for erecting the '
new printing office at licxkland. It is!
tw be two story frame, 40x100. Work)
commences tomorrow. I
P. W. Parker has purchased from
Pauiuel Kim ore, his entire interest in
the Astorian-Coiuuibian Publishing C.
and lias now complete proprietorship
and control of The Astoriun.
Ixiud cries for help were heard coming
from the direction of the river, but lie
was not "In the swim," lie simply
wanted someone to help him Cud where
they are giving away enlarged pictures.
Herrin is the place. Gallery over post
oflise. Mr. John Patty, living Dear Ies
Chutes, while putting up ice for Mr.
Taft at Celiio a week ago last Tuesday,
had the second and third lingers of the
right hand froze u. He came to this
city last evening, and this morning had
the members amputated near the third
joint by Dr. Logan.
Herrin, the photographer, took a Hash
light picture of the whist club at 11
o'clock last night, which in many re
ejiects, was more faithful than those or
dinarily taken in daylight. It is true to
life, and the grouping, the room's adorn
ment, down to the minutest object
within range of the camera arc fault
lessly pictured.
Tho atit jurors seem to o having a
lazy time of it this week. But one ease
yet ban required a jury and even that
was diemisfccd before the jury bad an
opportunity to difplay their wisdom in
unraveling the knotty questions of fact.
It is not probable that there w ii) lie very
much business for the trial jury this
Today begius the Chinese new year,
and the Celestials will celebrate it for
about three or four days, by feasting and
exploding fire-crackers. At this jieriod
they are extremely hospitable, and
among themselves they are very sociable.
For the time till rank id dropped and
the coolie is as good as bis more for-
tunuta neighbor lu silk.
The many friends of i'r. Sid lull will
be pleased to learn that he w ill not re
move to Portland, as was once reported,
but will still continue to practice dentis
try lu The Dalles, where lie baa resided
and practiced for the pa?t fifteeu years.
In fact tho din tor is the only dentist
who has successfully withstood the vicis
simderjof fortune here for so long a time
while so many others have come and
gone. The doctor is one of our pioneer
dentists. Ho but shortly patented an
instrument lor' extracting teeth that is
coming into universal use throughout
the east.
A Myaterloua Death.
I'liioa Journal.
Tbo death of the 18-year-old daughter
of A. ( Kussell has (Touted a prof.Mind
"ensiition. After the git 1'sdeath, which
he family enduavoii d to keep A sieret,
the mnVhliors made tin investigation and
fotind thnt the girl bad become a mother.
Warrants were sworn out for the nrreft
of A. V. Pusaoll, the father, I'M. Unveil,
brother, mid Mrs. Kussell umthur. All
Were hei.1 without bail.
Tluir r'ntcitiiiiimcnt List Ni",lit at Ira
Urnitv TIIIC VKVt IVI-ltl 1 Kll lit I-It'Klttf
A Substantial a-t Well n I't'li-rlable
I.urxh Hrrvf-it by tlit fair Ku-
PuiMiatit to invitation ol the tiumer
otm hofl of dood Templars in tliig city,
Fraternity hall was taxed to its full seat
ing capacity lata evening, the occasion I
lieinj an em;itainmont fur the friend
of the Templars and well-wishers of the
order. A programme of umiMial excel
lence was prevented, an follows :
K'vltuU'm "The Initehmuii'i eon-muic." . . .
- Arfhic llHinftt.
KirlUit..n "W liy I m WorkliiK f ir 'I cm-
iK-rHiiw." . liuie Willi-rbtn.
Hurt -"MiVP Jly -M-tliT' I'li hirc Imin the
Mil".. . .Wimh llcttn and MvrtluMolic.
Ko'tUilKin- -"1'MlilliiUiiM lljillk-i all."
. . I'n::ii t htiM.mHii.
UeriUtloK "Tli Ittiller hkut.T..' . . .
.1.1111c Kr r.
Kecltatluii "My Wumlt'rliis Boy."
MU Jennie !tuetl.
K.l "The t)rbiiii lky." ..
Mr. lUrrv Killing.
l!wltiillo!i-"jtlle 'lurkett "
innie Kruzer.
Diint Fnthff In prhikinif Ar:iin. ' . .
)U'S lictia uikJ Wyriit Ktune.
llrr.din-; ef the Ijtlz
!!(' Afl iw-flte.
ltltrr, the Ti-mtwr-
i)uot- " l bi' IVwrly Hiites
tea Helta and Mrtle Stone.
Kvery number was well done and
heartily applauded.
'The Dutchman's Serenade," by
Archie Harnett w asiu costume and quite
The Misses Stone have much native
musical talent and give promise, when
older, of attaining a high order of merit.
Miss Jennie PuhslU's selection "The
Wandering Boy," was well suited to that
lady's versatile powers, and a3 usual,
she ilelighted the audience.
The lodge pajier contained the custom
ary good supply of local hits and wa at
tentively listened to.
A delectable lunch of sandwiches, cof
fee and cake was an apreeab'e diversion,
and, served by the fair ladies of the or
der, elicited much favorable comment
from the delighted guests.
The newly-elected officers are as fol
low?. Miss Anna Sylvester, W. C. T.
Mrs. Alice Frazer. W. V. T.
Levi Chrismas, W. P. C. T.
Miss Iettie Johnston, W. Chap.
Miss Hattie Hill. W. ec.
Mrs. Alice Ball. W. A. 8.
J. P. Winzler, W. F. Sec.
Mrs. A. Ur iuhart, W. T.
Miss Clementine Martin, W. M.
Delbert Cheieuian, W. D. M.
K. C. Fleck, W. G.
Miss Mable lliddell, W. Sent.
A Heml-Yearly ttlaplay ef Flowera la
A semi-yearly floral exhibit will here
after lie held at various places in Ore
gon. Thisexhibit is under the fostering
care of the State Horticultural Society
and interest is steadily growing in the
matter all over the state, particularly
in Portland. The idea is to encourage
a healthful sentiment in the flora of the
state that w ill tend to increase the cul
ture of beautiful flowers by all. The
first exhibit will be held in Portland
about the time the roses are at their
best. Current exjienses will be paid lor
the present by subscription. Dr. Card
well is the president of the association,
and is assisted by Mr. Wymer, botan
ist. The Dalles representatives are
Mrs. S. L. Brooks, Mr. Smith French
and Mrs. A. C. Phelps, of which the
former lady is chairman.
liMiirlna Party.
Itviasagay patty that went out to
Mr. M. Cushing's commodious farm
hous, three miles from town, last night.
The uir was cool and bracing, and tho
sleighing delightful. The party enjoyed
themselves till a lute hour in music and
dancing, and was pronounced by those
piesent ai one of the most successful
particd'ef the season. Those in' atten
dance were: J. Ii. lllakney and wife,
W. 11. Young and wife, Henry Teague
and w ite, Hugh Chrisman and wife, Fred
Fisher and w ife, Kit hard Drookhouse
and wife, I. J. Norman and wife, Mrs.
Kliudt, Miss Mollie Klindt, Misses
l'liiruian, Kicher, Joles, Tiaguc, Jim
Smith, A! and Walter Klindt, Dr. Logan,
Lobt. 'league. Will Vanbibber, Will
Norman, Chas. Coisou, Chas. Stone,
Hart Stone, Jas. Palmer, Geo. Dyers and
lady and several others from the country
whose names, could not lie learned.
Fuueral of Mr. E. I. Itoberla.
By an unfortunate oversight , the fol
lowing was omitted from our columns
yesterday. Ku.
The funeral of Mr. E. P. Uoberts oc
curred Sunday from the Congregational
church. Despite the mass of snow upon
the ttround, the funeral was ono of the
largest over held in The Dalles, many
coming from ten miles out in the coun
try to attend the lnt sad rites of a per
sonngo w ho lias been a history-maker of
Eastern Oregon. Pev. Curtis gave an
epitome of Mr. Uobert's life, fitly eulo
gizing the many virtues of the deceased,
laid was listened to with murkod atten
tion. The remains wire interred in
Suiifet ceiueterv.
A Woiidrrffil lfuniw Mbmry.
Tiie great I'ncyclopcdia Hi itannica,
over L'0,.r00 pagef, H),(io0 llhmtratior-.s
ami ?iM rinijif, largo type, i;ooi clotli
tdlidllig, and to be ha 1 fur ;nly nnl
even Unit (Willi $1 extra,, payable in
inM lihiient, of live coiM a day, if you
wanl ii thiisr.eriuiiily wonderful, Ra
Irr.e, und oiijfbt to make many lioiinn
happy, ami rich in knowledge at leaat.
;eo the lolverli.-eiiieiit e'ewhere, and a
fainplu voiume at tlio olice of this
paper. Wo. ure ordering a M t ; will you
join u End save some expedite?
Irn fialnir Out.
It 1h reported that tho ice bus ail
moved out from below Memalnno Island
and is breaking up at that joiiiit and is
fast clearing out. The w holo body of
ice in aoftening rapidly through tho in
fluence of t lie warm weather and from
appearances the river will be freed from
the blockade in a few days. At this
city it begins to show that the channel
in getting in its work of clearing.
Fire at Tygh Valley.
Frank Hwift's house burned, with all
its contents, at Tygh Valley last Thurs
day, while himself and family were at
tending a parly. Cause, u defective
D. S. Allison Expected to Arrive With
Deputy riiirmao.
Ilelonerlna; to TO. II. Sharp, Kealized
From tbo Mule of ROO Kaahela
of Wheat.
This afternoon's train is expected to
bring Deputy Sheriff Thirman with one
D. S. Allison, for whom the grand jury
have just found a true bill for swindling.
Last fail AlliBon was entrusted by W
H. Sharp, of 5-Mile, to store in Moody's
warehouse 800 bushels of wheat, await
ing further orders. Allison Bold it im
mediately, realizing something like $400
and ekipped with tho boodle to Kansas.
In the meantime Mr. Sharp has been
corresponding, learned of Allison's
whereabouts, and procured a warrant for
bis arrest, w ith the result as stated in
the opening paragraph.
It lias since been learned that Allison
is an old criminal and that Silverstone,
Murphy & Brody, a Portland firm, have
a grievance against him. Those who
know Allison here were greatly surprised
to learn that he was an old criminal, as
he had no bad habits, and moved in the
best society. It will doubtless be news
to some, also, that he has a w ife and
children east, as lie represented himself
as a single man while here.
dm I.auer and a Mail Carrier I'rerlil- j
tated Into the Columbia.
(ins I.auer and the Goldendale and
IL'.rtland mail carrier crossed the Col
umbia on the ice about 4 :30 o'clock yes
terday afternoon. They provided them
selves with a long board each, in case
the h e should not hold them up, and to
this precaution they owe their lives.
There were a number watching them
from tiie bank who knew the dangerous
condition ol the river and when about
half way across they were seen to fall
through. Lauerdid not go in very deep,
but t!.? mail carrier went in up to his
arm pits. As he did so the board came
down flatwise, and to this he tenaciously
hung, succeeding by tho now useful
plank in getting across. They were
watched until they got to the opposite
shore and lost to sight after gaining the
top of the steep bank.
' The only attraction at the East End U
at Saltmarsh's stock yards. They have
ti."ir yards full of fat stock today, being
fed prior to a continuation of their trip
to the ahatoirg near Portland. One car
of fat cattle w as shippod last night, and
this evening five more will follow, con
sisting of two cars of fat hogs, from
Union county, and three of fat beeves.
John Thouney, the well known otcliur
disf, living two miles east of Walla Wal
la, informed a Union-Journal reporter
Monday that fruit in his section was
badly rtimnged by tho recent cold
weather. Peaches, pears, plums, and
cherries, he said suffered the heaviest,
but would not be" a total loss. Keporta
from other parts of the valley aro that
fruit is only slightly damaged in most
sections and will be an average crop.
Miss Juliet Corson, director of the
cooking school exhibit, has issued a new
cook book, on which the New York Her
ald thus comments: "A woman must
needs lie very silly at the present day to
be ashamed of the ability to cook a good
dinner. Much of this growth of thought
Is due to Miss Corson's honest work and
admirable books."
The-militia force of the United f tates
is estimated at 112, 490. Every statu in
the union, except Utah, has organised
militia forces.
Shiloh's Vitaliwr Is what you need fur
dyaieplfl, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
five you Kiitii-f ieli ii. Prico 74e. Sold
by Snir.cs & Ki'icrly, druifoists.
The Scale Apparently Killed by the
Whiter' ScuriH.
. .... . ... !
. o. p.wnu i.i, nt-.r. HIM,
The Nhlive (lunula for The ill War in
Not Known In flie
I. J. Xormati, who litis made the scale
an especial object of bis attention for
tho past two years, was most agreeably
surprised yesterday to observe his trees,
which were badly covered with scale, ot
a dull brown color. A closer examina
tion showed that it was the scale, and
I scraping them up on his thumb nail,
j noticed that they were quite lifeless and
i of a color strikingly different than the
I usual reddish-yellow,
j Mr. Norman has about forty treeB in
! his enclosure, and all efforts to perma
I nently rid them of the scale were un
availing, though spraying would tem
porarily check them. They have got so
thick that now even the pine trees are
If the destruction has been general it
will be the greatest lioon that could
happen to orchardiats in this country.
It is known that they are a native of a
warmer climate, coming originally from
Africa, and thriving in the semi-tropical
region of California. In the east,
however, where the winters are severe,
they aro not known, and the conclusion
i9 pretty certain that they cannot sur
vive tiie cold.
A Case Neltletl Whirl, Itellcvea tho
1 ' Caurt.
Judge Brudsbaw resumed his laliors in
the circuit court this morning. In the
case of the state vs. Hanson the defend
ant withdrew his plea of not guilty and
entered a plea of guilty. He will be
brought up tomorrow morning for sen
tence. The case of Barrie vs. iloody,
which baa been at it-sue so long that it
was becoming a sort of chestnut to the
court, was announced as settled, a state
ment which brought a joyous expression
to the face of the court, who was becom
ing wearied with its long continuance.
There- being no preeent work for the
jury, they were excused until tomorrow
Meaty Moraela of Newa and Goaalp for
Tuesday's Dully.
Fireman Marshall has resumed his
run on No. 540.
Billy DeHuiT is temporarily hostler in
Mike Nolan's place.
Fireman Landreth is highly pleased
with his new engine, 5C0.
Observe the beautiful headlight re
flector on Engineer Ilaslam's enaine 542.
Engineer Wyke, who has been running
the rotary steam plow, is again in The
Foreman Da Huff is having a number
of car-loads of ice unloaded at the phop'g
ice house.
Hostler Mike Nolan has taken a leave
of absence to his home in Portland for'
a couple of days.
Engineer Hugh Farmer of the switch
engine took a party of young people
np the Columbia yesterday afternoon
to see the ice gorge.
Engineer Patterson, with Ids engine
388 odof the Heppner branch, came to
The Dulles for a few repairs Saturday
night, returning Sunday.
Witm-i-(!ii)'i pully.
Twenty cars of company ice is being
unloaded at the end of town, under
tho supervision of Muster Car Hepairer
Two trains of clock went through to
Trout.bilo this morning.
"Capt." Uulfiinhulf has been giving
the wrecking cur and outfit a general
overhauling, getting ready for the f pring
opening. He received 3,000 feet of 3
ineh rope to replace the old.
Mr. It. Kelly has been ou a vacation
to a warmer climate for tho brnellt of
his health. Ho forgot, however, to take,
the flat wheels along.
Mr. I'.en Wilkes, who is now doing
second engineer act on the yard engine.
f has tnken a vow to not drive bis lilacs
until bis old friend and companion
Richard do Boxcar returns.
Thursday's l)ily.
3. E. Andrews, employed in tho round
houne, received word yesterday that his
father had died at Cascade Locks, and
Mr. Andrews took fir.-t train for that
point. The death was totally unex
pected, as only a con pi u of days before
he had received a letter in w hich all
were well and happy.
W. II. Congdou contemplates moving
to Umatilla soon.
Switch engine No. 1377, which has
been in the shops for repair, is now out
again. Its place was temporarily taken
by No. 13'.'5.
Engineer Barrett i highly pleased
with his now engine, No. 600.
Since bu.!iifiH r,n dropped oil", the
firemen have moro leisure timo to attend
to their "blight works," uud tho loco
motive, in confu'ijiinco, look much
l-rettur from their polishing.
f&lf Von wmiiI till to f;, Ttitn.n t or
HtiltH f.ntlfla THll III!
('. N. '1 lt i; v ut k v,
bit" K. i . I'. e. 1. nl 1 1
T. a. nr'it-m.f,
S'llaiy i'llbUc.
I ll I III
Ul litlllll illlUlllU Ul
Over Sixteen VetiM Kxperienre.
600,000 ACRES -
UnifflprovELl FARM Property
ron saijE.
H'jnii forupHiniihlet dtwrrtbintf. this land.
Thompson's AAflitlcn to He Mes.
Thl luMitlmi I luH itf' tnto owj-nfTW l it, Hii't
, rl(tinnl to b tho rini'iiHl rri. ln : purtt
the city. Only twenty niiuutm- wnllt from the
court lion!.
Jo not : iifrntd to ionmtt or wrlto tin, we (five
advicvor ii)friiintioii in all bra in: hv of our hu
iuvsn frve of charge.
Settlers Located on Government Land.
Oltioe in U. . Land Otlii e Builrtiii.
Wasco waiefin 09.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
! Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rates Reasonble.
W. W . Oo.
Administrator' Notice.
Notice in hereby given that tho un
dersigned, the administrator of the es
tate of John Mason, deceased, haa filed
his final account in eaid estate, and that
Monday, the Otli day of March, lhO.'i. at
tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said diy,
at the county court in the courthouse
in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon,
is the time and place fixed by an order
of the Hon. Geo. C. Blakeley, county
judge of Wasco county Oregon, ts the
time and place for hearing said m-count,
which order bears date the 7th d:y of
January, 1 803. All parties interested
in said estate are hereby notified to file
their objections to said account, if any,
on or before said time.
Dated this 7th day of January, ISO!!.
S. V. M ason, Administrator of the Es
tate of John Mason, Deceased.
Di'kur & Mknekee, Attorneys for said
Estate. wjittio
(Timber culture, Ihml proof.'
V. 8. IJUld Ofliec, The Dalle, nr., Dv. UK. I1-'"-'.
N'ltiee it bert-liy given tlnit .lumen w. Oi hna
filed noticeof intention to i.mke limit ji""'! be
fore tho register Hint receiver at their orf iu
The Dalle. Or., on I ueilHy, th 7lh liny of ;-Vb-ruurv.
ls;:t, on timber culture ii.ji I if-ni io-.i No.
:ml,"for the Ii1.. h'.V1! ef w-etloil .n. 4, ill Tp.
No. !i S. K. No. 1:1 ent.
He mtmci mm h itue.-.i-s: O. U. KuksoII, J. W.
Kusgell, Istuie rattemimle lll M. K. McIaji 1, all
of KlnirMi;y, Oregon.
U.-.'S-J.s JOHN W. LEWIS, ReKl.itir.
In tho Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon for
the County ef Whjk-o.
Isurtor 1jui. Kilwnrrt Ijihk, 5Ik ami Iuts
Lung. jiurtnerB (tolng buMuess under the linn
name of l-ana; & t'o , riniiitltht, vs. A.J.
Wall, Defendant.
7"j A. J. H'nM. theabuvr-na'nid Urttufttnt:
Inthcr.nnio of the Plate ef Oiepm, yen nr
horev y requited to iipi-eur and aiuer theeom
iilalnt tiiel against you In llie ativ-cnt.tled
action, on or before tho lir.-t day of the i.ext regu
lar term of this court after couitleiI"ii of Uio
ervice of this miiiiiuoum upon you; and if vow
full s.i to answer, for Want thereof, th. plalntl!!'
il take judisreent apaint you for the -ion of
'-'-'s.l:l and Interest tlieteou at Ihe rute nf eiirht
ir ei-iit. per HHiimn from May 1,',. ivj, and tbo
lurther sum of $.ll.'2 and intere.-t at
eieht. per cent, per iitmnin Irom .Inly 'i. 1-92,
and for their cotH and di-lnnieiiieiu i.eieiu.
Thin MiinmoiiH is .sorviil ui.n vou y pab'.ioil"
lion tlienn.l by older of ihe Hon. w! 1.. Ilrud
hav. Judi-'u of hald Ciri-uit Court, niiiito at
chamheis in Dalle" ('it- on Nnvi'ioii'T t.
MAYS, 111 VI IM. TON N II hvlN.
Attt.illiexs i i,- I laintltf.
1.1MJ (Ihii'k, The Dalle". Or.. ! Vb. 7. K':
! Notiee H hereby v'iven l'int Th.' t-!!"wirK-;
named nettlor ban iiled llolieeof hl-i ino ntiou to
! make lutal i'iof ill flipport f li I't.iim, aad
I thnt aid proof will lie rmele the I! 'Hi-'ef
land lbeei-r at '1 ho Duller, l(r., on lliiu-dav,
M.neh .'.I, ISll. vii:
.Iimiea K. .f et'lur.
1 Pre-enil tinii Deelftratory M iteiliel t No. T-S.1, for
tho Vj M.i and .Va i W ;4 ol .-..-e. ... l'1,..-,r'.,
I II. 1 i I .
I Ho niiiiH'a the fi'lbmine; v itu - bi irove
1 bis ei.nlintinus re id. nei' ll.uu auvi i".oU;iUi u
) of s.titl hiuii, i7.:
j I.e-MH-' l.oidoii, I,. i. oi ii-ii!v, il. H;i: t
and M. IH Iore, nil of V:ieiiiiti i, i ii
! JullN'W. l.l.w is, n.itUter.
i I on Okkicr, The Dalies. Or., I i h lu, 1 ?.
! Noliee is hereby i:ieu Ibat the fo.loi r:tr
I tunned K.'ttt.'T has lilid noliee of hi tnlentioii to
! Iiliike uual proof in Kill. pel t , 1 It, I e 1. 1 i il, al d ill it
1 ;iid prrof will be made h-t"i'ie t ..' lvii;i.-b - .um!
reerier at The Datl(.y, Or., on Saturday. Abneii
' 'JH, 1n-;I, i. :
Kdwaril lfenileraon,
Himie.sle.ld Auplieatioli Ko. 3107, for Ijitu Hand f,
ami theri'j k, and jiKS KV4 of .-ice. S.I, 1 i. I
p., 11. l.i K.
Ilenaniel tho followlnir Witnesnes to piova his
continuoin rehidenee upon, and eultia iuu id,
suitl laud, i. :
Marion ThompiMin, W. H. etunts, M. C. Painter
and Joseph osvliweiidiier. all of 1'iiiur, or.
' ' JOHN- W. I.KVSIS, master.
liy irtir. o an eMiurln aid ord -r of salu
iSsin d out ill tbo ( itellll Court of the Stale of
Oregon for ae Couut, on tlio iith il i of
K( briiarv, to fie dbo led. In the lit i.'!i"re
tn Unbelt Mi.ys in piaiu Id and Vah.u;i,io lln
aiid Caroline I;,.oh are d iVn tiuits, itiii.iiHidilllt
me to leu upon Ml,. I Kelt that o.t -tin li.iet ol
land III V. .IM'O I o.liilv, Oli-Koll, ib-M li d I'm,
,iitlnN.-t 1(01111 r o s i li. n 1,'. l-! -r).ip 1
V rill, l(.iii,i- i:l 1-as-t, V. M., ri luii.s 1I
lrs, dine IhiMl-i'- If . ii-i Ml- Ii f .'.I l-.ll.l .llll
n,i tne j..; i d ) ol . oi b , I i . at i e- iii ,ir ol m
.. .-!. n-j. A. i...,i: -mi I In flout of I'.ee a.rt-
h.nise d M I I 'I e -,I. i 1 ft pub.
Nil, lii.ll to t e' l:';;l
I. h t!u r " I Ii Ihe t
eppul lea.' - III1'-'
I.oid. r, nil ef Mild l.iD.l.
ito-ii (s, le-r sO t Ki i,u i.ti.1
i.o fkppel t .iiii.iir.
'I'. W Villi,
l.i riU'el V... cv iVi'ity.
VHn.l lit A It 1 1 AUC1