The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 17, 1893, Image 2

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Ten Gttcrily kiiiial tr San
Easiness Eei
ground in a .uitaule vault. From th
tank the oil wilt le pumped into
.tand-i:i-. 3t) imhes in ti'.amr
aw fen high, iy two Sou
a 11a ... I.ul la .? kr-r
ttt tka l.
A covtefpondeot of the t i!!.-inJ aJt?
rr and J C, WiV. VAA V'i U'Hrll PmTCtf i """Vlnfl write t "The (in have
J..r.l. Uil k"klil in"JlttIuH.nii,,itb' regain
. i . ... n f .
I U. 8. CommUtlonar,
pun-p. this pipe is connevjc.i wuu m
w inch wrought iron muin leading l the
i bailer.
0 Attack tiis Cuts
Fr Wbkh
Aaa.xatJua Trvat? MPE
J ;w loKK, leti. 1. I ouer a mumi-i
. iitcton data the Tnbuno vt uer .
' - , reason for bdlcving. a Lir l.e exeea-
Hardware Slcn Sat Their Only ftencttl ! tive bratuh ot the government is cm-
j rented, that negotiation lor the annex-
Is i i Stovw. ' iutiuu of Hawaii are "bout to he, ii
. - j indeed they have not already been, con-
: rinded. Tonwwrow morning tha treaty
lac umi'Msrw ! for annexation, this being the form in
1 'which it J believed the final result of
j the negotiation will find its expredon,
A r.rlr H.. Takrw I ami Kb..i t is to lie sigued and transmitted to the
Atr.. ......p., Tkr-urb. ..- president.
talua aa ramu. - 1 Jn4e At! Klffal-
, WAKUtjioTOK, Feb. as. The senate
SroKANK, Feb. 14. Ihe new tariff j judiciary committee this morning de-
sheets issued by the representatives of j ckled to report favorably the nomination
the transcontinental line at the St. Paul j Jnde II. E, Jackson as an awoclat ju-
eontorence were placed on the dek of 1 tice of the no pre me court.
nearly all the Wadiug shippers of Spok- i 8M11 R- t-kalpe7
ane earlv ve.MeuLiT tuurning. " t " , r. ,
" . i Ot VJiei-v, Feb. 14. On the t.d and
Throughout the da extwrts ta rates; a, . .
T .. , . ". . . .. .'6tth iotnt ballots. 76 vote were cast-
were cuileuni; ui- ir imjii in tiie euurt
6tth joint ballots, 76 vote
AJleu 5S, Turner Orli 19, Yoniig 8,
Dan bar 1.
El retail ta fcMco4 t arlllv.
FitASKroBT, Ky Feb. 1-4. tl nJge
to iinre out ii the ruinpiicated mm off
class rates, terminal rate, blanket tariff,
cOKiiiiiKiity list, rtc, the efwuce f the .'
reduction prumised aud ii!l cUuned ty J
merepreseutauvet ot u.e nuiroao Winiam LindaaT wae elected to mcceed
fcvor of Spokane. With ti.roUdn? tern- j Ct Cariisie in'tiVniU'd States s;nate
pies aud a a i!d hcik u ilie eye, the con-; tCKjar . ..
fideutial clerk passed owsr t.j the fhictrf : ' " " - '
' the results of their ealenlation and ! "atrta Ctta
qoklly eoaht the ehauy eidea of the j There has been no change in the eitua
Btreets a they turueved homeward, i turn in the contest in Moutuna, Wyoin
The telephone wire were nearly bomed j injr. North l"hikota.
oat Ly tne puxsiea sluppers la corner
Bm( ArrmlcBd In rrtlanil
ok nurptiR4 fliarr.
ence ith each other, and the nHuiate
conclusion wac arrivui at with greater
ncaiiimity tlian has ever before cliurac- j
terized the bnsint-ffii meu of Spokane j
cpon tjjiy in(!te propoesii that the !
mean approach the expectntiou of the liar, telling among other thing, that
.people of tlti city, in view of the fiat-J Malcolm Moody had advanced large
terin? repreentationc that had been j sows for free ferriage, to the extent that
V. F. Brown, who made a record in
mad-? by the railroads. Hardware men
are afraid tK:.t the new cchcdnls will
prove detrimental to their interests, ex
cept in the matter of stovee, Lecaue
there is no clipper rotiinetitionin etove,
t!mt eenlletnan aa coiupeiled to publicly
announce that be was not eutocribing'
a dollar for that purpose, iff just now
! in troahle in Portland. , '
IVputy Biunott left Portland for
aschippersdo not wiii to have Usein' Grants after Crown on the train that
knocked to pieces by the ruiling -rsf tnclwaa blockaded at Latourelle. and wan
veH.l. . ! fureed to nniain iu the bkutckada ttn
Tlie wholecale grocers and com minion j able to proceed to t.irant or tereral
men are also 4iiiugifiL The former are I day In a the meantime lrowa waa
not at !1 satii-lied. In some eomuiodi- j located and watched to prevent his
ties, t hey any, the rate may be lower, ! leaving. . He made the attempt, but did
bat a cr.rreepouding reduction has been not get farther than The Ihitlrs, where
mada to terminal points, thns leaving ihe remained a day or to, and then re
Spokane where Blie has always been j tnrned to ; Grants to await the opening
tehind 3n the matter of rate. In others of the road. .Before he elarted on bis
the terminal rut i leM than the .cpok- tecood attempt to leave, Iteputy 8innott
ane rate. It U the general verdict that had him in hand, and placed where be
President HUI'a promise have not i will not bave ar.y opiwrttfnity to appro-
tilt House
ron x int : tAii:a
ir Hot aaeaaaafut, Thcra Vl Krailui
SMt.aoe t k tJaarrat
-0 irltaa.
- WaKtfrsttTos,' Feb. l. Senators
Itolph and Mitchell are propared to at
tack tlio cuts made in the sundry civ;l
kill foe the river and harbor improve
ments, especially that iortion relating
to the Cascades. The house appropri
ated fl.410,0, and the senate has cut
the sum to fSCS.POO. This bill was pre.
pared and reported by three men, the
other members of the appropriation
committee having little or nothing to do
with it. Seuator iVilph thinks he will
lie able to have the full amount ' re
stored, yet if ft I not, there remains
atiout f:!M,000 of the lat appoprlatiocs
unexpended, and with the amonnt car
rii-d in this bill the work can go ahead.
The Oregon 'delegation are anxious to
have the amonnt necessary fur the com
pletion of the work appropriated at th!
session. '
llawaliaa Irani jr.
V asm notok , Fob. 1 4. Secretary Fes
ter this afternoon telegraphed to Minis
ter Stevens, of Honolulu, ttt approval
of his action in affirmatively responding
to the request for a provisional govern
ment of Hawaii by establishment of a
protectorate over tlm Jkiaudi( euding
negotiations ior the uiuxation of the
this countv Mid have nu t and puweed '
! resolution, and tljflr tomu iU, had j
- - ! big dinner, wftt petit! iih to oc.r n pre- j
' . ! wt.tailvcs unJhuvt done nothing to rai
IN Tilt SliVURt Lit 1L HiLLtl,p vh1 , ttl,r wheat, or biacr tho
I price on thtir cnu.iuoiiiies. Now , then,
- - ' ! let the granger aud uiiiamie pi oplo com- j
bine a otio, and do what the htrfxerr ot j
the great Taloni country arval-ititto)
do, (.juiii in with them, if they can.) aciid
their whuiit. ami attytbiiig tle Jhey
have to ell, direct t the exporters, or
dir.-t the ship-owner, ami thereby
save the prollt cf uilJdlcuicn for' them
selves, which will 1 1mm 4 to 10 cct.ts
on the bunhel. . Comuienco ta work
now; don't wait until next hill, !jl
then kl:-k. It we have a terminal ware
house at IVrtlund, the wheat r.f thl
coiiiity could I hipied direct to It,
aud held nntil enough was on hand to
l.ia.l a ship. There are plci:ty o( farm
er? w ho could do t he htijocr and plenty
t do the work. l't there be a Leting
o.' the farmers of Klickitat cofinty, some
time In March, en i take steps to do
something for their own bciicM ; ' take
steps to hai;dlc their ouugutiii. t'iet
scales, handle them by their ow 11 men
and work toirether for their ca n gHid.
Cct in and rtriH!"
The river fruw this jwint to Astoria l
Ahuoet as open rs it w ill he when tlio
locks aru done. The (iohtendale cir
rcvpoiidoiit's ideas arc gool, and if he
had suggested that a warehouse and
scales be put In at lUtcklntui, he wouiJ
have arrived at hi legitimate eonclu
s'n, mid hit the nail ou ihe bead.
Huntington & McKinstry.
nnm,'Kr in j. n liHliUr,,'. -i A i
leal Estate, Loan and Insurance Ag'ts
j..ina t.ijM'rJioi an ivtn.ia ptijitvi.
liinta eollect-oj nti'i tac iui hir r.nn-ivsi h
A lot met of Titha furnished at uliort nnthfi, un w. hate tlm oply fc rf
utruct lMik in Vaa;o Count v,
- J'iultiii )m?ng floal lvstfite for aulo or rent are rejp-i.-K'od (tl cll j
panned ont.
Naarlj CamplrSMl.
Xew Oki.ea.vh, Feb. 14. The Tehuan
tepec raiiruud acroes the Mexican isth
mus is nearly completed.. The road was
started in I SGI, but for the last ten
years has been dead. It extends through
a deune swamp, mountains and forests.
Tlie swamp, has been the obstacle that
stopped the contractors.
Tt Kngliah syndicates gave it up as
-a bad job. Filially Chicago men under
took tlie job, put the oad through the
ewamp, crofised the mountains by tun
nels, and now have 'only forty miles
. straight track to build. They expect to
have the line in operation from coast to
eoaat. 250 miles, in three months. It is
believed that, when completed, the road
will he operated in the interest of C. P.
' I'vnr Old l"i
TaUIS, Feb. I V Charlea do LeWiepS
reimitued all day yesterday with his
father Ferdinand at l-eieheMtaste. The
rjed lie Iesieps recoguiaed and em
braced his ron. lie i still ijreorant of
the judgment that had doomed them
holh to imprisonment. Ciiarle man
sgud ii ri-5'.rain hi tears and anumed a
clr(ul aKiHft in order that Ids father
might nut suspect-the truth. Chat lew
islands to the I'nitfd t-tates. Inetruc- j intrudacwl the detccSvee, tluwi pri
tions for the guidance of future action loner he wa, as fr'a'iidrt that imd nceuui-
was also Included ia the telegram. ! puttied him from Taria, and Fcr.iicmid
These instructions will leave nn Iran- j received them iu a lunch of his old
Cisco ior Honolulu tomorrow by the ? di'lmmur fashiou n his ciudi
steamer Australia, .of the local line le-! tinu and weakened facilities wouid ber
twwn those points. i mit- , They all chatted together, and
when dinner time came Ferdinand fn-
I v:mi me viiiior lo o.oe, a pr:v.;v-i; ui
fahU'li thev would h ive availed them
selves wlietlicr Invited or not. Ferdi
nand's mind UU hug red ou the poj
Louis Payette,
Any and all Kinds of Iron Work attended to
jimmptly ami guaranteed t give aitislactinn.
Shop, East End, cor. Second end Depot Street.
Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed.
TMd Tta.
Salcm, Feb. 14. A message was re--ceived
from the governor vetoing the
Manley bill Xo. 11, for a bridge acroes
the Willamette at Albinaw Theinewage
was read, and Manley moved that the
bill be put imme!ialely on its passage
notwithstanding the objections. The
rote was: ' Ayn 44, noee 10; passed 1
priate tlie property of others
The proving of all the charges against '
rrown will show him to be an uncon
scionable rascal. He was taken to Port
land from Grant's station, feherman
rounty, f-aturday by Deputy Sheriff
Sinnolt to answer to a charge of embea
zlement. In this complaint it was al
leged that in 1890, while traveling (or
P. M. Os born & Co., lie rendered a false
Lilt of expense) and fraudulently ob
tained 105 from the firm. lie beard of
a warrant being issued for lis arrest
and "skipped ont." It was only last
wee.kythnt be 'was located at rants,
where he was buying wheat for Balfour,
Guthrie & Co.
. Bat with this arrest Brown 'a troubles
only begun. Yesterday George Good,
one of the proprietor -of the Perkins
hotel, made a complaint charging Brown
with obtaining money under false pre
tenses. He claim that Brown called
at the bouse on the 30th of last month
and, desiring to borrow $40, gave a
clieck on The Itelle National bank and
secured the money. When the check
waa aent on for payment, it was re
turned with the statement that Brown
had no money in the bank. Charles F.
filter bad a similar experience with
t'orixltml ia tlia Mao. I
Umatiujl, 0r. Feb. IT.. Particular
hnvejart been received of the terrible j
dwtb oi Ilev. Mr. Woodhall, of Golden
dale. Wash
he leii hi hou
ungion on nusmcse. Jt is supposeu .,.,,., ,,, r..rlfc and t!u.
lost hi way in the blinding storm iWMtIUki (,, der French auic
was raging at that time, am! perisht in or u mtm f( lhe AtUnUr ttn!i Padftc.
tbosaowou the bank of the Columbia ...... u. ir. tia ath.r.
... , , , VIHMH'5 , ,j
"utiuo utterance on tiie subj.ret, foe remark
I U1SUU B llllllU s.l'l I'iia rvo ou ii.v pwr,-
Two weeks ag., last Friday bnUkl! of j.una0lll crtnl, and now
mie; intending to go to r- (B1, tllM af,0ue optiiuioticaily alut
river. Parties at
heard cries for help coming from tlie cp-
bt ing tf an erratic character which in-
over the veto.
j Brown, and is out fUO on account of
i cashing a fraudulent check. Brown w as
' arraigned Monday on all three charges,
and was to have imd a hearing in the
Portland court yesterday. f
art fcaauaaay.
a Or,s riaaer
Ei.LEMBBt'ur', Feb. 14. Saturday'
FJcldcn M. Thorp, one of the Oregon
pioneer who came to thi cbaat in 1844,
died at hi home in Ellensburg, Wash.,
at tbe advanced age of S years. Be- The toe-on Operatic Concert com
ceased was well known among tbe early p, win , entertainment at Win-
settler oi Jiuitnoman ana w astungton ; g,te' halt next Monday evening. It
Counties. . . .i a... :n t - ii .
asivuiu, .liu wniuim Wilt im ItVil JIM
ronized, for it i lor the benefit of the
free reading room, which i one of the
moat deterring object of philanthropic
regard. But, aside from any charitable
inclination, tha entertainment deserve
libera support for it own aake. It ia a
first clasa company, and all lover of
music will ,1 insured . their money's
worth. The Kew Orleans Plcaynm say
of them: "The Boston Operatic Con
cert company scored a most pronounced
ucee lst evening at the grand opera
house. It waa gratifying to note, too,
that there waa a Urge audience present,
and the company deeert it, for it ia a
plendid organisation, it rJanibera are
all artist of the lint clam, and the dif
ferent number were rendered in th
beat musical style. Ko better company
ever visited ihe outh."
Bhiloh' cure, tbe Great Cough and
Croup Cure, Is for sale by finlpe at K In
ertly. Tocket Ue contain twenty-fire
CTDnnaalra Trial.
Pirraut-Bti, Pa., Feb. 14-Tlie trial of
Hugh O'Donnell wa continoed this
morning. Several Finkerton men tee
tiDcd that they aaw-iim in tbe crowd at
Homestead when -tbe Finkerton tried
to land ; that be waa going about giving
order and placed the armed atrikera.
He told the commander of tbe Pinker
tons that every one of them would be
killed if they landed. He promised
them protection if they would surrender.
OH rwel a tfc Fair. u
Oik aoo, Feb Oil will be the fuel
used in the large team phfntaof tbe
Columbian Exposition." Tlie f-tandard
Oil company guarantee to furnish all
tbe oil that may be required, and will
deliver it through an extension of on
of it pipe line which now enter bouth
Chicago. Tbe exposition company will
provide ruUjoient storage capacity by
constructing twelve tank, each 8 feet in
posucameoiuie river noon a " i'oc au, thai the intellect ff the veteran
hut night, and a there wa no boat at J d; luMallHt ftud enKiIrfer had Joat it
hand, th agent telegraphed to Arling
ton, eight biilea distant, reqnesting tiie
agent there to eend a rescuing party
after the unfortunate man. Two tuen i
wore oerordingiy cent out in. a boat to
the rescue, but the darknena and blia
xard proved too much for their evidently
weak nature, and .tbey returned after
about thirty minute' fruitle 'search."
The poor man waa beard several time
daring the night crying, "Mr God,"
"My God." A soon a daylight came,
Mr. Ihividsan, the agent at Blalocka,
and other instituted a careful March for
the man, but tlie depth of now pre
vented bis being found, and it was
thought probable that he might have
survived and made hi way to some
bouse. When the anew melted away
yesterday, however, hi body; partly
eaten by coyote, waa found lying near
the place where his cries had lieen
heard. The deceased waa about fifty
year of age fVome of hi friend ar
rived at Blalork today, and will prob
ably take hi body back to Goldeudale
for burlul. )
( raak aaatj Saw a.
Oeboeo Eevlaw.
Rome peculiarity of the weather 1ias
caused geese to flock in on Crooked river
in large number, a thing very uncom
mon. It mast be that the weather bore
i warmer than in the urround!ng
country, which has caused the geese to
congregate here.
Bobert Smith, of Sister, wa in town
Wednesdsy. . He reported anow four
teen inches deep at Squaw creek, and
that it wa badly drifted. All kind of
lock, Mr. Smith tayi, are doing well on
Squaw creek, the ranchmen having
plenty of feed and are using it annpar
ingly. The Oregonian lias been informed that
there were two feet ot anow at Prine
vilie. Tbe party who informed that
paper certainly must have viewed th
now with a telescope, for eight inches
i th greatest depth of snow we have
had during the winter, and the last
storm only deposited abont fire inches
of mow on the ground.
B. Vowell, who left bcrelast fall with
a bond ot horses, wrote from Colfax,
Iowa, nnder date of Jan. 27th, that he
had not at that date disposed ot hi
bone, they having arrived there In Imd
aliape, and aa the market wo dull he
would hold nntil spring. There were
ten Sncbe ot anow on the ground and
Hnpn Wnnn kik. pink, ash
Leavo orders cor. Third and Union, or 133 SocoiA it
ancieut trength
CarlUle's fatlri.
Wabiusotoh. Feb. 15. Altera cju
drrnce today with Secretary tti XUe
Treasury Foster, Cat lisle said he could
not sea any occasion for approheuiou
In financial circles, At the government
would not allow gold to go to a premium.
'My course as secretary I perlctly
plain," aaid Carlisle to a friend. "On
of my first official step will be to lue
bond. Thi will be followed by a
iecial session of congreea, and th
Sherman art will be repealed."
Stafk Tnwm rriaMbwrg.
Beppaer iaet(c.
Wea Marlatt, Pull. Simlson, Frank
Hale and Cha Elder returned Friday
from Ellensburg where they had been
called a witnesses in tbe case, State ot
Washington vs. Tom Kimsey," charged
with bank robbery. Tlie jury hung in
Tom' case, five standing for acquittal
aud seven for convicliou. It I confi
dently expected that at his next trial he j
w ill be released. The boy bring word j
over that Hale ha been given a new j
trial. Kmie startling developments arei
looked for soon, which will result in the
immediate release of Hale and Kimsey,
and the capture and conviction of tlie
gulltv parties. Had It. not been for
prejudice, Hale and Kimsey would bars
been released longgo. v
Albiaa wrlasw Mill -.
SAi.r.w, Feb. 16. Tha Albioa tree
bridge bill wa token np in tho senate
at a o'clock thl alter noon, but failed to
pas over the governor veto by a vol
of 19 to 14. , '
Karl' Clover Boot, the new blood
purifier, give trekhness and clcarneis to
I the complexion aud cures constipation.
20c., 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipe &
Klnersly, druggist.
. - V
llltiyfirin? :
TlMiftiH t ; u i v r-wl; Mixvry.
It iAu ri:r, i.t '. r.' ivjK'. tf 1ho '
LbstdUh) i:.ufia ;4'la!i.n,vv r
lap's, iiirlu !i:i.c nun: Hum U.(kxj iliurv
tmtions nu I ;';'U "r.Jtj. .
Tla l t'M'tn n- K''.'.i'H' IIj (I Ui IV Vttluttmt, Vith: ,rlaa '
M'n. i:.f. 1 1- il le lul' ltnmu. I.IIO. iMtea
"' viiluiib-. H oil. i'if. loiti al.tMi, I.11K Hiwia I.4U.
Huw.rf wMu ;. '.'( Hr i ten-iuu ij (,' ud.. J.-; ni.J. lul
Six laiuirb ead.
5 Cents a Day -
'. Merali?rhii in tho KrcjTlojfcrlia
Britaunif.u 'Coojnr.ilivC' Clnl t.i
- onjf ?5l.0f) cxtm, ruul h-liu'.s tby cn
ytioHMli.i on yiufnlw of in ily o cents
aduy or !.:;.) Wry twduty ly.
Atr.:;'.:i.i Supplement.
Maruiil.v;r.lly nircA-' IlicKriff-'
lish (. lit i!!i(o'ri , .V. in j.U.of ctnitw)
of th j B'itju ii-i,- srt'y tnoling
. . Aram-fo.iu t.tiji r, .n-t1 l;v3r., I'ionij'liy,
We JHlbli-'.'i ;;s fotlovs;
AmoHin'i V-rml- u ', ti.M I f tlnwrt fV. l ft, T and
ithi. It 1,., ( I.--. ..i.l n I'Mn tf" "'. piiffn,
UwS vula, 1j( it i i I v 4... -i.Ht,, 1 1!.'.- Hirl. Sl.llO. ,
Samj3!c f tho IviKyt'Iujxtliii cjui lo
seen at tho ofticn iS' ljus j'iiiK'r, ttiwl
you can r.ivc n llttlo in 1 rouble nnd
cost hy joining .'t once -with 1 h- ditor
and 'Hotn'1! of ytvir iiHfrlilorw in order-"'
iiV? F.'.jts. (' awl ie it, Anyway ,
,"vluch cost iiotliin. , , . t
; JOHN B, ALDEN, PuUishor, 57 Rase St., New York,
doses, only 20c. Children love it. t the weather had been Intensely cold.
I ofler for sal all or a part of my
farm of 480 acre in Sec. 24, Tp. 1 south,
ranie 14 east, 15 miloa southeast of The
I miles; good improvement, good young
five-acre orchard now bearing, plenty oi
good water tor house use and stock ; 175
acre in cultivation, good outlet north,
est,south or west via county road.
I also oiler for sale 1U0 acre in section
2(1, township. I aouth, range 14 east!
also five bend" home, one double set oi
liftmen and a few farm implement, etc.
Price reasonable, term easy and title
good. For particular come and sea me
at The Dalles or J. II. Trout at the farm.
Jan29-tf E. W. Taotrr,
'i . . ' ' .. . -' .