a '' 1 r v v . " 1 1 1 ' - ii . .. .- - .. THE DALLES, OKKOON, Fill DAY, FKISIlUAItY 17, 1811. VOL. III. NUMBER 10. WAVES OVER HAWAII ,b Stars and Stripes Eaiscfl Orer tie Alliolani Hall SITATIO- AUOKC THE WHITES Caltei1 State Treopa Aaelat ! tie MalnUlnaoc f Or4r. xaaglaad'a llir wenanlane the - violent: Oevernnet slsa tag A-e feet OntriMii Fnfiwo, Feb. 9. Tbe steam ,j) Australia arrived from Honolulu at 'clock tbii morning. The news she Ings it of the highest importance, Os February 1st the Commercial Ad vertiser announced the following: "This morning at 8 o'clock the Ha? -( C United States of America a at ra - I ver Alliolani hall. The provisional rjernnieDt, after (nature deliberation en the tituation for tome days, reached t'.e concl union that the ttep which hat aow been taken wat rendered necetaary It the cirromstancea. "Incessant agitation on the part of trtain whites of the class who have al j been the curie of thit country, ipWd with the efforts of one English (4 one or two native papert, to dit- ;dit the government, to block ita i "arts toward the establishment of r, and in general to bring it into i ire pec t and contempt, have been the ( Icf agency in spreading through the I id i feeling of uneatlneat and dia- Jetude. It wat thought wiae, there L-rt), te eecure the direct aaiittance of tie United Blatea government in the jratection of property and inaiute aance of order. "At 8:30 Captain Wilts arrived at tbe government building and a few min- tea later a battalion of tailors from the United States tteamer Boston, under J iaatenant Commander Swineburne, l arched op the street, entered the founds and drew up In front of the 1 Jlding. Detachment! from three vol- teer companiet wre drawn up in a under command of their respective Ulna. Just before 9 o'clock Lieuteu i Kuih read in a loud voire the fpl- 1 ng proclamation, and punctually at 9 o'clock, amid the breatbleia expect tiryof all present, the flag, aaluted by te troop and by the cannon of the Tjeton, wat rallied above the tower of XJliolani ball. . The following it the proclamation to t Hawaiian people: "At thit requeat ( the provisional government of the 1 waiiao islands, I hereby, In the same ' "lie United States of America, assume protection of the Hawaiian islands he protection of life and property, i Ibe occupation of the public build 1 and Hawaiian toll, to far at may be StHaary for the purpose tpecified, but not Interfering with the administration of public affairs by the provisional gov ernment. Thit action it taken pending aod aubject to negotiation! at Washing ton. Jon I. Stevens. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States. "United Statet Legation, FVb. 1, 1893, "Approved and executed by O. C. YVIltee, captain, U. 8. N., commanding United States thlp Boston. "The raising of the flag does not, of arse, indicate a cession to the United Uea. The Hawaiian flag ttill floatt in . yard. The palace, the blirrackt, the J.. ice station, the custom-house, etc., remain in the handt of the government, Which will be administered at usual." Croat Britain' Of ting. The acknowledgment of the represen Jv of Great Britain wat at follows: , Bbitish Lcuatiow J Honolulu, Jan. 19, 1893. J Vntlemen : The receipt of your com L nieatlon of the 17th Inst., is aeknowl---d. together with a copy of the proc lamation, informing me that for reasons set forth In said proclamation the Ha waiian monarchy baa been abrogated, rnd a provisional government stab jhed, and whereby you ask me to rec ' ;nlse the said provisional government t 1 behalf of her Britannic majesty's t vernment at the existing de facto gov arnment, and to afford it the moral eup rort of my government. In reply, I beg ( tay that I recognixe the aaid provis ' mal government at ths existing de facto vernment pending instructions from my government. I am gentlemen, your obedient servant, , JtMkt II. Wouinousx, II. B. M.'t Minister KckiiU-nt. rca ! Ulatar. 8alkm, Feb. Ormsby, from special committee, reported a substitute for house bill 344, requiring railroads to fence trunk line from Portland to Ash land; paired. On the the third reading of the house billa the following were passed : bri dan To protect Mongolian pheaaantt in certain countries; passed. Wright of Marion To protect game, fish and wild fowl; pasted. Brown of Douglas To amend actt fur protection of salmon; passed. Wilkine Relating to trespass ea land, requiring consent of owner to boat or fish ; passed. Nickel) To protect Mongolian pheaa antt In Jackson and Josephine counties; passed. Durham Amending election law; passed, 35 U 27. In the senate the following bills were passed: Crots Changing the bouad ariet of Clackamas and Multnomah; passed. Cross Boundary of Clatsop and Tilla mook ; passed. Matlock's bill, appropriating money for world't fair, special order 11 o'clock ; passed over veto. Adjourned. A af Ol'XTAIN OF GOLD. Jl (.cgMdaf The Gads, 1U DUeovary. Naw York, Feb. 9. The Times' tpecinl from Durango, Mexico, tayt: The Hon. Juan Manuel Floret, governor of the state of Durango, announces teut he has discovered what he believes to be the famous mountain of gold, the legend of which is a household story in every part of Mexico. He says that, whether or not the discovery it that of the lost mountain, it it ono of the largest and richest in the ttate of Durango, as has been demonstrated by explorations of numerous veins of gold, allot which con verge into the supposed gold mountain. 1 The governor has not divnlged the lo cation of hit valuable find, but it I said to be in the first ange of the Sierra Madre mountains, within 80 leagues of the city. Tae riaa Kid (a Troabla. Chicaoo, Feb. 8. Mifs C. 8. Sickles, who baa been among the Indians in the interest of the worlds fair, says of the Pine Ridge trouble: "Despite what the telegraphic reports say to the contrary, the event of a few dayt ago it only the prelude to an out break w hich will have far-reaching re sults. The warriors of Pine"1iidgR are stealthily and systematically organizing under tuch men at Red Clond, who, while keeping their persons far from the scene of action, are stirring np the feel ings of their followers with a view to bringing about bloodshed. At a matter of fact, the disaffection which resulted in the rebellion of tan years ago has never been checked. It was simply suppressed for the time and it sure to break out again with added force. The ghost songs are again being sung as meant of organixation, and in every camp is the apparent hostile spirit which showed itself two years ago againct every white person." Mitt Pickles tayt the disaffection it due in a measure to the dishonesty of certain officials, against whom tome sen sational charges will be brought In the near future. A Ketallatlaa That Maaas Baslncaa. Ottawa, Ont., Feb., 7. The announce ment from Washington that Canadian cattle are to be scheduled by the United States caused no little excitement among government foltoweis, who begin to realize that President Harrison meant husince in Lis retaliation against Can ada. It is geuerolly agreed among poli ticians that it will be only second to the McKinley bill in the effect on Canada, for the Washington government has by this step absolutely placed the Canadian farmer in a position of most serious ila advantage. Hemmed In by the tariff and now deprived of any possibility of sending bis cattle to hit neureHt market, for no farmer could afford to bear the expense if a 90-day quarantine, the Cadadian agriculturist it indeed in a miserable plight. The dispatch said it was decided to quarantine the Canadian cattle at Buffalo 00 dayt because of pluro-pneumonla. Indlaas Hrrawlasj I'p Th.lr Caaraga. Pikb Ridoi, 8. I)., Feb. 8. Reports come in to the agency that strolling bands of unruly Sioux are making prep aration! for a racket of tome kind. The police are watching the camp near the scene of the murders, where the In dians are making medicine and singing war tongs. The hos tiles number 200. They are hemmed In by a well-armed cordon of police. U. S. VAULTS EMPTY. New Tort Bants Otlieed to Coins Iq ttic Relief oftne GoTernmcnL- A ' VEIN SERIOUS SITUATION Drala ef American Cold to Europe Ex binsted tbe Resources. THtj aaRr Baa wbli kbpt. AgTeaaaaatt hT F.r.I,. Bauk.rt T.dar rat tka ahlpaaat ef Gold aait Sat rdar atlaer tt.ntloa. Nxw Yoac, Feb. 8. A local paper in the morning will tay that the United Statet treasury it practically empty of gold and the New York banks areobliged to come to the relief of the government. It is a serious situation that confronts the secretary of the treasury and tbe financiers of the country. The drain of American gold coin to Europe hat at laNt exhausted the resources of the gov ernment, and private stores in the vaults of the banks are drawn upon to tide over the emergency. The secret has been well kept, but of the 13,500,000 in Amer ran gold that wat shipped to Europe iust Saturday $2,000,000 was loaned to the tubtreasurr by the banks of this city. The entire supply of gold in tbe vaults of the United States treasury today is reduced to f 108,176,938. Of this only (9,170.933 it free gold; the remainder, 1100,000,000, must be by law held in the treasury for the redemption of a like amount of legal tender notes which have been issued against it. Nor hat the drain of gold stopped. There were sgree mentt by foreign bunkers today for the shipment of 13.000,000 in gold next Sat urday. Other shipments will probably be heard from tomorrow and it is the impression in Wall street today that thit weekt exports whl reach about f5, 000.000. This would leave ouly a little over $3,000,000 of free gold in the treas ury, probably hardly sufficient for a sin gle week's supply. Since Monday the actual short stetliog rates of exchange have been up from 4.87.t to f 4.83, lest commission. George G. Williams, pres ident of the New York Clearing-house sssociation, and also president of the Chemical National bank, spent a great deal of time yesterday arranging for a further loan of gold to the treasury de partment. He went to several banks and appealed that for the public good they should join in contributing of their gold reserves enough to keep up the sup ply of free gold in the treasury to meet all demands until steps can be taken to otherwise meet tbe emergency. It is understood that the appeals were sue cessful in all instances. Four banks had already advanced $2,000,000 of gold last Friday to help meet the demands for Saturday's exports. Ia l.aspa And Otliera Convicted af awlndllus;. Paris, Feb. 9. Panama sentences have just been delivered, as follows: Ferdinand de Isfeps, five years' im prisonment and 5000 francs fine; Char les de I-eswps, fine years and 3000 francs ; Fontane and Cottu, two years and 3000 francs each ; Eiffel, two years and 20,000 francs. The sentences have caused a profound sensation, especially that of Ferdinand do Lessps. The judgement finds them guilty of swindling and a breach of trust. Tfrrllle Ilolnrauat. Cincinnati, Feb. 9. The llold.n hotel, at 2V Went Fifth street, was completely gutted by fire early this morning, and four ront were burned to dent h. A number of persons were pticked In the building, which was very lurge, and several families of Polish Jews had rooms there. The dead are Fred Detxel. waiter : Alln-rt (iraw, yurd- mat: ; Joseph Mains, and a waiter named iiottleii). wraw warned thorn mates of the hotel, but was unable to escape himself, and was burned to death. It Is estimated that visitors from abroad to the world's fair will bring $300,000,000 to this country during the present year, and at leaht $l(i0,000.000 alii be kept at home by Americans riot going abroad. The profits of theeipo eition to the people of the United States will therefore be $400,000,000, or about $5 per capita directly added to the cir culating medium. The effect of this addition to the cash assets of the nation cannot fail to make itself felt on the biiiinest of the country, and the effect will be beneficial. - l.(l.latla. ai.iu, Fob. 10. The house wnt open ed with prayer by Rev. Mr. Brown, of Portland. Cooper't bill No. 100, to elect road supervisors, was taken up; an amend ment excepting Klamath, I-ake and biiion counties from its provisions was lost, and the bill passed. Northup Bill to fix 12 o'clock noon as the hour for the meeting of the legisla ture on the first day of the biennial ses sions; passed. Senate bill 21, the world't fair bill, with the veto message, was made the special order for next Monday at 1 :30 p. m. The speaker rose to a question of pri vilege In regard to certain charges on his course in the passage of house bill No. 1, for a fute factory. TUIBD BtADINOOr HOC6B BILLS. Paxton To amend the code as to trials in equity; passed. Nickell Relating to killing game out of season ; passed. . Tbe house concurred in senate amend ments to the boute pilotage bill, provid ing that a majority of the commissioner! shall reside at Astoria. Myers To enable port of Portland to lery a special tax ; possed. Maloney Relating to sheriff's fee! for collecting taxes in certain counties; passed. Adjourned. The Manata. Cross Fixing salaries of county officer; rassed. Campbell Columbia river pilotage; passed. Myers For tbe protection, of game ; passed. Woodard introduced a resolution rec ommending the employment of convicts on public roads, etc. , laid on tbe table. ABTESIAN WILLI. Watar sUrack at tha Depth af BOO Feat aa tha Colorado DaaeM. We learn from T. B. Wilkinson, agent ot the Southern Pacific railroad at this place, tayt the Yuma (A. T.) Sentinel, that success hat at last crowned the ef forts of the company to obtain artesian water on tbe desert. On Tneeday last, when the great well at Walker's station, 106 milet wett of Yuma, had reached a depth of 500 feet, a bountiful stream of excellent water wat ttruck, which in stantly rose four feet above the surface and ran off down the desert as freely as if it had always done so. Such was the flow of water that the company was obliged at once to protect lis road bed from being washed away. Passengers passing by yesterday and the day before say that the stream filled a good-sized irrigation ditch. The water it clear, cold and excellent for drinking and cook- in,' purposes. Engineer W. B. Story, jr., and other officials of the company consider this aa one of the most promising and valuable discoveries of the company for years, as it settles the question as to securing artesian water irrigation and other pur poses on the great desert adjacent to In- dio and Salton. It also confirms the opinion of a gentleman who wat in Yuma two yeart ago, who had been con nected with the artesian well system of the English government in India for thirteen years, and who said: "I im confident that an abundant supply of artesian water can be had at almost any point In the Salton desert or In the section lying adjacent to Yuma, and you will not have to bore 1,000 feet to get it." The Walters well la eight feet In dia meter, and the water rises from three to four feet above the surface. The com pany will not prosecute the work on its proposed wells in other sections. If it proves that good water can be had in other sections of the desert, it will put tlua ditch and canal builders on their mettle to compete with this supply of water for irrigation purposes. Cholera Uerms KerWlrylnf. IjMDOif, Feb. 12. From St. Peters burg comes the news that ten persons have died of cholera. With the ccssa tion of frost the Marseilles people are trying hard to cover np their deud and to quiet the fear of the living. But the wont of all, as directly affecting Amer ica, is the news from Hamburg. In the suburb of Altona a prisoner in jail has just died, and five other cases are being clooely watched. The port of Hamburg Itself Is allowed to escape. On board the steamers K.cso and Australia four sailors were stricken with the disease. The weather is moderating all over the continent, and the warm sunshine is bringing back to life the cholera germs. Meanwhile, Vienna is sending Invita tions to all the nations to an interna tional health congress to formulate some plan of fighting the common foe. In England, Southampton It begging parliament to vote money to keep up the rigid quarantine. ENGLAND IS OBJECTING The Presence of Oar Troops Mates Joqii EcU Kiel LETTER FROM BRITISH MINISTER Atkins. Why the Kara! Ft ret ie Still Present ea Sbere. CHAKUK Of TRlATf VIOLATION raaaeefota Protest and Bay They Will ot Sit Idly by aad Bee This Go, erament Aeannaa Control. Homoi.ulo, Feb. 1. The mere pres ence of sailors from the Boston, now that peace it restored and business Is going on smoothly, is a thorn in the flesh of the native, likewise the mem bers of the diplomatic corps. There is a clause in the treaty entered into by the United States, Ureat Britain and France relative to the landing of armed forces by either of these powers. Twice the British minister resident has called upon President Dole in relation to the matter, and both times he was assured that the force would soon go aboard the cruiser. This was more than a week ago. The troops are still here, and the following letter on the subject has been received by President Dole : British Legation, ) Honolulu, Jan. 30, 18)3.( Sib: On two occasions, when I had an interview with your excellency, I called your attention to the continued presence on shore of a naval force from tbe United States thip Boston, and I understood your excellency to tay that it would thortly return to that vessel. It hat not, however, yet done to. I see in the newspapers that the Hawaiian provisional government has a regular force of 103 men and officers, beside three volunteer companies and a large body of police force. I should think this force more than sufficient to main tain law and order and to protect life and property, and I am, therefore, con strained to again ask your excellency why this foreign force is not recalled. Your obedient servant, Jamks Hay Woochoisb, II. B. M. Minister Resident. To Honorable 8. B. Dole, President Hawaiian Provisional Government. The relations between President Dole and the British minister resident are the moat cordial. General Reduction Made. St Paul, Feb. 12. The new westbound tariff, formulated at the railroad con ference here, wat given out today'. It changes entirely the complexion of transcontinental rates. The new rates will go into effect February 15. The tariff it issued jointly by tho Union Pacific, the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern, and covers the entire territory penetrated by these systems, west from Chicago to the Pacific coast. Jlbsoluiely Pare "I regard the Royal best manufactured and in , afMbVr if from the Agricultural f'ollrge. Couvai.i.ih, Feb. 10. Special. This part of Webfoot has been dressed In white for almoxt two fnll weeks. We have been favored with a fresh fall of snow nearly every day since the 2."th of January. A very few people have en joyed themselves sleigh-riding. Many young people have tried coasting where they could find a suitable hill. Some hnve gone three miles to obtain the precious privilege of slidingdown hill on the snow. School children spend con siderable time manufacturing those val uable articles known as snowballs. Friday, Feb. 10th, is the date set for the great literary contest between the Ciceronian and Websterian societies ot the O. A. C. Sixteen persons, eight from each society, will compete for the prize. Senator H. E. McGinn and Rep resentatives W. R. King and B. F. Nichols are the judges who will award the handsome gold medal to the winner. During the past week a number of members of our legislature have visited the agricultural college. As it was not convenient for onr visitors to tee ns any2 other time, recitations went on at the college last Saturday about the same aa on a regular school day. Tbe Y. M. C. A. convention will be held at Corvallis February 24lh, 25th and 2Gtb. An exhibition of athletical training will be given about the same time by the O. A. C. Association. Students manifest much interest in 'these contests. Bcnciiobass. The Caere, le Lock. V Portland, Or., Feb. 13. United States Engineer Handbnry went up to the Cascade locks last Saturday to turn the construction plant over to J. G. Day, sr., who has the contract for completing the work. As there was four feet of snow on the ground no more traveling about was. done than was absolutely necessary. The plant is as complete and perfect as could tie provided, and everything is in order for proceeding with the work to the best advantage. As soon as the weather permits, Messrs. Day Bros, will complete arrangements for going ahead with the apparatus and earning all the money congress appro priates. They are now having the gran ite necessary cut at their quarries in, California. Bank Kobbery Trial. Ellknsburoii, Wash., Feb. 9. The jury in the case of Tom Kiniie, on trial for robbing the Roslyn bank, ia still out, since 8 last night. The case of George Zachery, third defendant, was dismissed this morning, on motion of the prose cution. . A Financial I'aale Threaten tha Isth mus. Manaoua, Feb. 10. A financial crisis Is imminent in this republic. In refer ence to thit trouble the newspaper El Comercia, of Leona, says : "For reasons yet unknown the bank of Nicaragua closed ita agencies at Rivas, Masay and Chinendiga, and will also shortly close tha branches at Grey town and Mata gulpa and go Into liquidation, refunding to the shareholders their capital." The same paper is also responsible for the statement that as soon aa tho agencies were closed the exchange of notes ceased, occasioning serious loss to holders, who were compelled to dispone of them at a discount to brokers. Baking Powder as the the market" 9 "Cmmm Stint in iht MeuuAoU.