The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 10, 1893, Image 8

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! " ljfH:H.Mwud.TOl. I P J tl ft H ' 'l n
Its GUI cf Kito iHc EKt Pbce: V"t-Jtoi4.-,'f ... , MficU Erniscrt Arrcitet cf;,1!.,,. W til) ' V R rt KR J il in!
.nil yy
Every Nmifuality Almost Arc Enlaced
ia tlic Work Annually.
relief committee, on Sv.tetiiWr S I, IS;'!, !
! to receive hfj ip4r:litte rwutiK'iiVius ,
for t hi Kl of f atterers from the fire i.f '
! Scj tciutier :M,is!l, have completed all !
wuit end here isU submit our report. ' WAS A
'At shown lielow all fund and srtpplh-s. ,
have been !Uwcd of, and the commit- j
' ten have a Issol
i Torllaad Or
IWdrav't Theater
Jn?e Judo.
nK. M!MV AN ;H.H K'fOKU '
SVkTKISE TO ALL PARTIES. I I) oc Hia'tl, rsiv tr ostium
.1 i-rviMiliy.
tuti.C N. "
ritK MILI.Itlw rrrfsr KMl
r Are Im Waajr lavamlaavwia
H( riokrr tka CMt af
Florida-Otkr Jtwa.
2 00
.Vi Oil
. n oo;
& 00 I
J P Ijih. Ariircton 10 00 !
Wail Walla.
111 Klvcr
State trraurer' utlic Salni.
Knpefniicli't rircot.
Hoo K ilirwb, Sairm .
lion Frank Bafccr, Salem
John Jack .
Hamilton, of Woodlawn . . .
11 Vaughn
Wat be a Graceful act of Com to; but a
Dangerous Cooifxoniiw. '
K l. 1. 1-II i S t - fT!i 1 !! Ml
l i l i:l.ior. K. I-. .li'.T r.ui aid
j J'inrlh llmtH, lnt ti-nit tr'ia lit rrtivr.
I UlLic b.-ur. f Ki It A. M . IWl Kill ! I'. X.
holrxaa Oarhauat mt tba KalUaal
'BBaltl Iwn tk IWilm
tmt ! Artiva,
J B V altar
F A Alt Donald and Mrt Baldwin
Kw Okiean. l-th. ;?nial.)
TlictuntrT rxrvJU to be renin Jrd that
there it eood in the pull of
Mexico fur either Bjort or protit, thongh j Amount f iraard
the fisliriet tlere tiu not coat either the cawi ciat-KKBa Birrs,
fovernnieiit or the horderin ute i Wood and piwitiont $ 153 10
dollar of money or a moment of ansietr. j Clothiny and hrddinr 1S 00
Fishinj there is a prvat induttrr, in I f7r furniture TWS S2
rhicb ItalUn., SieiUi.n. An.trian.. riilTitt
(.ret-kt, Ppamanl?, Malays and eon.e fare. vjh, hauiins
m inaia negrviee enpijw. l!:eov- prmtioc, Kervice,
HI (K) 1 Wauik;tos, -Keo. 6. !ei'tal.)
j Aiuingst llie man.T leading retahlicaii
4(C7 35jahohav takea exceptions t the aj
40C7 S-" j iKiintuient of Jude Jaekcn ot Tenu., to
fill the vacancy of the taiireiiie bench
ourl !-tnvU Vt Inllr. iiiii.
a. a M-rva. ratKX ai:-k.
nl'Il K, XIKNFn K ATT.K.-tT r
L - nd 4": i-wrf
'U.i. llLlUIll; t.utranfon W lit;iBth tr'i
1 t.r lib'.ii. ttit.u. i
ali.l ..i. Nr ihi tstink,!HViHd?irvri,
. Va art m M-hti:m ft buiUli;ig, lii ftlAir. lh
i. r . a. m muc-ro. a.AwiLWM".
ilAA. IH'KTiSr.TtiV H.S Attvb
I ; T Law f(HMn. Frvni h hiimJi wt
Reasonably Ruinous Ratts.
M IKTir.
tuade by the death f Ianiar, Hon. J. S. ) V
ter interests are eaurmont and compart- j
tirely tin hrelope.1. It in titiiated j
that t3.(X,OO0 btil: of oyetera aere
fiahedinthe ueihhorhoud of New r
leani is 1892, must of w bit h were taken
lor local consaoiption.
In the a rue yir there wtre 404 te
els of nearly 5,t0 uet tonnage and iu
ployinf i2,0(K) men in the puif fis-lieriee.
Of the nxt imporiant lilie taken ia
that year were saaj pers to the amount
of S.000,000 pound ; PpanUh mackerel.
S33 00
! Clarktou, chiiirnian ot the national re
publican executive committee, it quoted
j at saving:
j lreident llarriton in apiHJtnUae to the i
jtnprente bench, esjHfcialiy at this ex-j
VtoKMBt-Y KO. sr. K. OF L MNfa ttl li.
tit I, hall ttkr afHltd au4 limriti UediM.
day of cwkt inittb al T .aj i au
Am-O Iow;k, mi, li. a. F A. M.-MM
brxtaml Uilnl VuOUa,) vt rmcb mnuUi at ;
In uiv ituhMnenf. the art of 1' Mttn XI
" . . ... ! ul mrh taoiitk al 7 f
nl.U:s ROYAL AI! H UniR K.
Un'b. In!i- IU.1 Ul ILirtl Uatluaaiay
OIiF.KN M iXUiMES tr 1 HE WnKI ti ¬
ll t. H1 i ami. Nn At. Mn t 1 uil.n eteu-
- - i ceeling!y (Titk-al juncture in national j " t I taimsitj Uaii. at snn
The isiuimittee hnvintr completeti its
dutiee and eettled all claims ailinred
fnr the re!i. f of fire rafferer. findin i ,,,eor-r. bctraval
ti:e above amount remaining over, re
solved to place it in the hands of the
fimowir-v' cnaimittee of ladies fur chari
table one, together with "0 tackt of flour
remaining from Walla Walla's contribu
tion of flonr and pitatoes: Mr. T. t.
Lactc. Mm, N. B. Sinoott. Mrs. initli
affairs, a aonthcru etale-rifc-hla, fr-e- .
COl.l UB1A UifH.K. Kv. A. 1. tl. . r.-ll i.
traUe. r.t;-,.e,.ion democrat. ...d an j Xr'Zl "IZTJ
nnrecantau twiiever ia tlie sett'ss'ion j a-jiniiii br.xi.rr ara aakiua.
of public trut audi- . ! 1
trty faith, lmWeO. it it th. mo.1 ter- h iTSu
ions blunder in party politics whiih I -hnii" atmiiuinr. e-merul imttt and -mI
- O t ri) VI II .
ptnnds; paapano, ' 300.000 j French. Mrs. C. T. Itonnelt. Mrs. J. O. I
red-fist. TOlVOnrt mm.,li ! VI v i -i t, ii r i. !
pounds; red-fish, 2,100,000 ponr.Js.
Tbere are also sponge fifiheries on the
Florida coast which furniiled products
Mack and Mrs. 1). M. French.
No. of Uni'ie rervivinc aid
JTetUent tlarrin nas rouiiutttea. . .No
president since the fonudution of the re
public has apiMiintcil a man from the
opposition party to the supreme bench.
It is specially a betrayal of party inter
est at the present lime, when the ik-m-ocrat.
are soon to take tutMessiua of
every branch of the (tovernment e crept
J4 f judiciary.
it. .Vir, C. oi k. and V.
01aKS HR!inAJi TKwftRrjICE
I MON a-tll aiaet erm FnlaT mttmmm
l o iU a at th naaJUiif rnum. Allan loritaKl.
Mrt, BttTriJar rTctillia at 5 . i
Ta'wriJE J.oin.r. mi. a. A. u. t W.-Mmi
Id t rairniti Hall, nrr Kellera-an mhI
t S
staple end Fancy Unies,
Hay, Grain and Ft 0,1.
Masonic Block. Cornsr Third 2nd Coun S:rcs:$. The DaHesteB,
"There is a tide in the affairs of nun xchich, taken at itsJIocJ,
leads on fortune
w. a Jlrraa. riuaocla.,
I ai t Kssrr.
to the value of f-JT,(KX, while shrimp, I o- of widows ul sikst' famiies j surprww botn la reuwUicwns
crabs, turtles and terrapin tre found in ' v rrceiviny aid 1 j land rttuincrais. As has
great quantities. Louisiana and Florida BHvft,iJ may be an act of pracefid courtesy on
take the lead in these fisheries, which " ' ' j the-futrt f Mr. IIarrion to his suit-es-
are so thorocghly nnder American pro
tection that they are not likely to in
volve international disputes.
lClatm far alaaka-
Tbe people cf Alaska are calling aloud
fur borne rule and are setting earnestly
to work to secure it- Accord: i,g to ad
Tic? iceieJ from Juecao tle iti it la
tire ia this tuoreiueut was taken on
January 2oth, w lien the citicens of Al
aska net and t,ranized a home rule
league for the purpose of advancement
and fostering the interests of tlie terri
tory. The people general ir invited t,
join, the onlr quahitcation beirj Uni'.ed
Ktate citizenship. Branch leagues are
to I organ i red at fchka, Wraiige!,
Kodiac, Unga aud IXuy ias Iskad. The
object of the league's to nnite the pei
plw of tlie territory, they tnay work as
ttcit for the advancement of the coun
try. A coaven-.ion will be eaMed to
net In Jaocaa aoiae ti.-nethis mouth to
discuss tlie needs cf the territorr aud to
T.itn'iruru'fCTperfonsreeeiviujfaid 2S7 or. l,al ' !ireroii aud diap
TU fowitipvoJantaryeash suliK-rip- ! S F mpMMi,ie itb principle.
ti titi-rr i May iiuri niurf. lit jisi ii iiiau
tioi.s acre received Jrom thia citv
Italics (."if v . ....
t't liable S'jciety ....
A 5 and Mr fWnnett.
(Varies Hilton
T S Lnng ....... .
W I, Bradtthaw ... .
W II Wilson
J S N-iienck . .
1I he
John Michell .
O I iHjane
Mrs J COXeary
James A. Varnt v. .
Mrs C K flaiirht
MrsS I.Brooks
C L fbilliHi
E I'ease
. 40
The following amounts were subscrib
ed by ritixens for the relief fund-
Mays 4 Crowe
7. F Moody
French & Co
McFarland A French.
I Williams A Co
3ect a tieb-iriie w ho will carry to eon- Sui & Kiwrs!
rr a petition axkinr for the f jlloainc li-mdiey &'.t
leg islation for Alaska : First a delegate (. l' M'Jnercy
in congress; second home rule; third a ! j' iiroiu " ' " "
iBOdicaiion of tlie present troi.ibitorr
lkoor lsw so as to cf licetisicjc
wudt-T certain restrictions; Lurtu a law
by which ptiUic land may be taken up
by tvnl setti-r. Tfjis is a brief oiu-
Bne of the leislati ji. that is le:rerf.
. .flOO
. lot)
.. K0
. . .j
. . )
. .
.. 'S
. 20
. . 2
. 20
j mere ofDi-e-jfi ltii:g, it is the duty of a
i president to insure the enforcement of
' th principle of the government be prv
i fesses iu bis apoiutnieuta to office. It
' is a common tcuti mental error to snj-
Hie a (ton-partisan jadiciarrT either fioa
i 4.4.- or ondersirable.
A M C'hirkson ears: "If tlie prrsj-
.H i.t done this becaose irritating ru-
tut r said the senate would reject any
; r.- Jioar lie aliocld appoint, be l.a
j r.-)w! a renniuUtion of republican
piiM-i;!ef and made it ossib)e for the
supretue conrt to become democratic
daring Cleveland's term. Any republi
can aeuator could with more loyally tw
party aud honor liave votwl for tir.iver
Cleveland fjr four years lust November
than to vote for Jackson for life now.
I To vole fur hiin is to approve mi cold
! bhxd of the abandon itient of the
' wrunped and helplesw republicans in the
jsixilh. I; it to at'pruve tf the brutal
disregard of the rights of all ealored
men in the south, and the more brutal
: trealmciit if real or supposed colored
! criiuir.uls in t'.e aoulheru states, who
are iu lbee latter years sa fluently
' harned a.ive or ijuartere l at the stake.
! 1 AH. KIMITIt J-.T. SH 5.C. A. H.SIru
I r I rrt-rj tmionU at r. . iu tlx K. uf f.
I) I'K L. f.. Vnrtaevrrf huiMtujr aiternuna to
. Urn k. of 1. tut:.
('LAN. VtKlIK wrt ricry HuiMta
I efrtiiits u ua K. ! J". iiaP.
J t'F L. r. MVIelOV. K.k kT- Mta uT
. P. IU ftrwt Slid ItuM Wadiwa
di i,! a-4 nmiitii. at v a. r. a.
THE t ill Ki ll K.
The comtcittee Ending that eifScient ' Tle repnMscan arty, which is eUilliv
f ands bad been contributed from ootside i 'n4" n' which is rule aain, d. ,pite
the citv to more thr.n cover all demands. ? ny J's disappointiiicnts, Miay 41
Colon-J Cl trkw U. J.liaw of Filka i I rt""'ved-ta return to Italics City and be waved (row the pnisent and endnrinj
letuiijiz !l movpmei t an.l ia B,.(;.i'"i't" aI1 ah eontrihtttiont and to ; ue ntstoiicai ot sikU an act ol
OT. 'KTFBii ( III ki H -Eev. at)vrr Hun..
O .! i'aatnr. Low alaa rm snndar at
a. Hlgk aiaaa at IU a. m. Vvim al
7 r. a.
St. rri HfKi II fnifw t.rrtvnT.iaaaU'
Flltk te tltll. Dlr;;fl-KerU anrvlm
erj i,tKlj- x ji . and Tar a- Kumlay
rtuMHB A. a. J tili. fajeroa Frtda al
I-IBST KAITlfT ' BI'KfU-Re. O. . T
I4a. fa.lnr Mirnlit atn i W evrf r !
bHtt) a! Iba aruden-jr al U a. xaUattk
rUmH inimaidiat'.T after imirtilnt1 arr !.
ywn VietHing rnaat ernilne at I'a-lor a tMl mrn Ui tba auurl kuuaeatl
f . M.
CMiM-l-.tLATIoSAl. I Ill tH U-Rev. '. f.
1 cma. 1'aat.a.. eeri leraervrr Kuuitar at 11
a. a. and r. m. miMij m-liurl afier m. mtna
arrtiea. ltfaiiBs cmit.ij lurtlaal. Santa lw.
F.. im: H-ISa. J Wai-uta. paator.
iWi triaprri ftuHdat aiulni.l 11 a. m.
Suii.l.y fr-bA ai U c 'U r. m. pstortt
Imztf mt r. a Frav uiavlltir every
1 hhradtf t ecnlis at J rWt A aotiUal iu
ftitaUuu l x UMMlrd lif Uitt fiaatur aud utiUi
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
ll Salnlp
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rate.
CliKI.-llAX i lit In H-!:rr. J.s.Jmm,
t fafifw. Ftia lite In tlM. I mtvrvartnliniat
hnfrl, ravh i.ita iiajr at r. a. ,i ate
aoruia.iv i:j tid
. . -A. NEW
hhhlw Establbbment!
with eMrdla' eup;Kjrt from all whs
iatercis ia the territorr.
i iiMncci me tMitJ, tnsKTitiea lor t:e 4una j jwro-jy oroag uecoiiiing an
As Cm4 aa tuld.
ABtiTO, Feb,
There is sb or-, jy t t-e another i.-it
M t,j ti the ie- Coluuili in Lulf
skiilar. tthitg in all 2,NjO,ttj w hich
will hare beta itm-d. I be Jmand for
the ci:ns ", rvry Urrt. Tlie greater
Bec,ier are praiiabiy I.eH as sourinini,
nl tre :los le; oat of cirni'.ftli .n.
Iiti a t Jt'-itlr being tender
lorthefaiwvalaeLavelaytn rtrceirvd at
the trfeasry, a trjpzixr itiietxmneu'.iou '
aeauiDfy tUt tiey
tedt only at savetiirs.
A iax4 Wuaceatlott.
j A foil an'! complete recr.l of the irr-1
! ceci!;i?s ftf the niettin-T and a ttiwi in j
C. r-jeri.l.V i '' u! n ' atii supkira re-1 Wc-t Si-le. Ti-re has probably U--o4
r , . .urtnii-e i ano ue.irwei a wen , no legiKHtnre allien ek.-iles m little in-
others tjr all spem.ittirt-, aie in tertst as the our now inse;. nat CaU m
eonre-Setl liat u our
et;i!aiore co-ijil ni'-tf onre In lei Years.
tiiC haada if thai sfcretary, aixi luny bejlt U g-oeiai3y eonr
iitsf-ted at any time. . lei;i'atore co-ild n-tt
! . ..I..:. ... i !...,t, .
394. 2d street.
No. 390
FRAZER Sc WYNDHA2J. Proprietors.
I-. Z
Ilefpcctfutfy snhiriitte-i
onr BlaCe aorsld tie iuwuei. t-eh
Tbeirofr.'Pnrnifurp anrl PfirnQfc?
I. M. Fbkxc, nmirr.inn i There is too inurii tiukcriug with Jgie. ! "" "UiputU
-'lootn, S-eretary. ,t,w, too uiany ."..OO worth of ft
'. I sra t J Ca
f V-itv-Aj-;
- !
At the t'M Maod f K. Lnvbcr, - no front St. TLe lilies. (fc:'.t.
ftjllpf, j
! ftaeea'a llanil.
Jleriew: Iiiring (jueeu.. Vic! iris
enure reign elt" hss signed oidy ofie !
ar a - Ua.
WlM1!,. Feb. i. The mjMr is i cot
uorci,'ijre that if the i.ent doc
' pe:ikiiive, and prettv fei-iale rlrks I i . . . !
t , . . , . hsv added vi oor r.n-ii.e a
j roted 1, .ml notenougu law luadc InjtoKiplete roderudin .
; the iKtenTTof the pcviile. Bccauwt oiir d ss we are in no war ciRM-cted w ith f
re i I , ii " . . ' l-P' hare bee led toc,-tbr.t liule, i the C,lertakn.' Trost. ottr pr,, wiil
dth warrant. Thai .a, on ' ' it ! ibie tb.t litUsr will be tU T.
',1 7"'U"UeJ .-.It of tb! b-gi.lstnre. W i t
1 jirior j uic jge oi a J4W tn . .....
eoTigress tioes w4 r-fal the rm8 t.. be anworllir of note-that the gra-
,.,ow ,,.- re.Kiin.S , . , . .
, . , ' . V . Ix-iB ttw-ution surruld lag paid to Slnd
lug the public money, and more bow to' PORTLAND, OREGON.
ewileet the Mine and not rob the poor? TI 4.!. popular aul r. liable house
an as is the case cow. even here in . has m.u etilirelv reffirnit-hed. and ererr
, room bus been rvTl-n.'d and retuiritti
.. i,n(j fnri throaghont. Tbn I
jaa.rte n.iatlufiarr STrihla. t.oui COliUlliS 1"U room and is SUIH.lied
avrt, Cereiaad was sai4 that le wliron- cUjus nwerty la stc.l.bornly and per-i
weoe tl uTA cocgress :a s;t-.l seia-ion I si.tet,ly itl.eld her signature from the !
r ' J rCti 4!t-i,!''"i le ll'e pP-ri.etw.ry fvr the re-
BepreHenUtjve McMUlia, a oir.W 1 k-ae from a Britiiih Ustile of a riving
botaof the ways and iseans and tlr i Ann-rimr. w.m,sn, wU is onjnstis'ai.d
fulesetvmmattees. sajsbebas Un over Smtol'v Inesrwra'.ed und-r chsr'for a
the gronrd carefally and rat) no y. i crime of w h:h a!l the lowers for tre! Hoimmm.u to stwly the art of reoh!tlon. fains.
aalll 4aa As-Visssnaa. t. - . t . t ' 1 . ... a ...
. u rrj-.ii w lre st.ver i BKrtiarvny lmve Is en luipoteut t K'-'e ! re it is i.' nte wi:h:t l l'j-!he.I and
wuii nil i:ie .esn.i lea! (in tl a Ull- i
Seattle Telegraph. ( inr Mexican and i eonveiih m e. Bates
foth America,, .h.,uid t? tojfc CZand
C. W. KNOWLES. Prop.
' " s. j T. Wsmm KUI.
''ab rxc:ico, Feb. 2 Captain " t-i, Feb. 2. The Ol and 4Kb
Hooper ywterd:y changed his tag from , baiVAs ti e tarw. The "s-us'.e p-sn.
tle rerenos ratu-r Ihnr.i Corwia, Un.wis Wasuirgtva hi'i n-s-rlatir g
hich bad eotBruar.ded for li years, ' 1 t rates, nv-i by Aciit (iyvern r
to tiie reeenne cutter liW hard Uo-h. !i La"'"1' two years L".
It i n;ftl the Eoh will wrtU
gtia t i' reir to j atrril the Jiehrh,
a acj 1 A t t for e.l paich'-r. .
Captain Manr, I, TtuKt'y of the tevii- .
o eattr aivet n, at ;alv'.iJri.
Tel., yest-i:j to A rwmit:4 of the 'what li. Utu-r i mM-jl-i i ., j.
j day tvhoo! pii-r.ic. The good temper mid
'j',ejaiit lii.imers of the llaaa
' never showed ij more re; leiioen
jVautiice than on thi o:ii"ion. They
''''' tBsaaaa asasaa.
The Snug.
Awa c the stririonary siij.f.'ied lu the
tnemia-rf uf toe l'e!.rsj irania W-gislaarc
r "a h stlrf-r rovt-r ! liiPu. irni.-l rr,
'''" ' ioldinjf c r;.s-r .'' . U
oveittirvw the uionar'-hy and et-tab-
lii.-'l a pr
fuss ihiin is ijnide .rer
game it) this try, Il is u treat k(l
pr.jvcti 'i t over tl.i; h'jr.'U Ai;ier:enn
s-;. !t J tJiropt-i-.-iVirii:.
W. M. DUTTS. Prop.
v if ion ul republic ilh li-ss ; Sa. 00 &Aeftnd Craat TV Tl. ' ' ... A- !
ai.w avaviirja, vi, (
1 fi,t-bll!l . - I
Jili known stand, kept hythsi
wetl i.i'"n W, II. butts, bng a reci- j
hi t f Was. o cmi ty, Um an estraordi-i
rr iitw !K-k of I
I ih'.ere'l:
A t'n."v is ti ! iriien at Antelopr. o.i
ti, (f . Var'ine .'je.
1 '.- will be ai'8f!-d ( r the ft.t
-'oi'-J I'tdy st,1 gei,tlK(i.ait ehsractert.
'f I'M ci,J l;i.vli ll'riwt.
i-i hie, all t';e if Im brum! of J r.e
; -i...s. and Cifcuta. Live the
''' 1 S ; '1 i..d V'.-: j; i.;i ,. B
Wasco County, .... Oregon,
The tJate Cite d tlx In! nut Kmpire is situab-t at tl) liMil
of navigatiiii on the M.J li- tV4umhw, ami is a thriving, pros
perous city.
It w the KUppv city f..r aa enteiisire and ri.U agricultural
and graxltig ixmiitry, iu reiching a( f ,r knutli a Kuiuuirr
Luke, dint i in of ov r two luin 'red nuh.
The Largest Wool Market.
The. rich grAjtiu cout.try akitig tin- estru slojn-of the Caa
cadm funiisli" pu,ture f,,r tliouui-U r.f ili r p, tln r.l fivjiu
wllirh finds IllJIl kct l,ere.
The Jtii!l.-s ia tin-- I irgit origin il wi. i.liiipinir i,int
.mri. .i, aUut .1,0 0('(;i y,uti (.-i,, khij. t l iht ) ar. '
Tlie aultiidU fiakerift are the fi,.t on ll,.. Coluinl il, -Ai.Milljr
this J ar a revetiu of thou tn ia of dolLira, will Ui lliorw
titan flouhW in tlf mat future.
Thf pro'lu.-t of tlie !-4tiJ'til K!i.kitt riy find mtrket
liere, arid tli Mtuntry wiuth s't ! e t lr tl.i ) tiled t'tt
nil ll. Ur--H, Jill I nil SVdil il.lo S'.ilMi J;. v t OMT.'lOW illg WltL
th'-ir frliii-?.
It U tlie rkln ry of ki,..- f .ri (!. ciM-t ats ! it tiii-y i
s nt t red nier a n.t j la-.i, w J to develop ii).f.' fsrmiti? rr-o.-itry
li i n is tHIm:ry to .itiy otiii-r et?v ii It.,t -in h-r.u.
Jt.i itun?:'ii is nil..! ; fu i l.tiiKte ! li;Mf i. Its o-v
ko.iliticH iiii rflru ii 1". Iti T"vo ! u:.'iinitwi. A u l on l!"
rii- r vli lull..