The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 10, 1893, Image 6

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Smw.-i ;
Trouiurrf ..
nrii orrioi.s.
Gau. C
k ? In
am r.
... J H.
' " ' i I Tut h IHl'f .1
A jucl K .'.. u
rwvir V F ' -1
KupmuU'udoUl of l"uUie tsMinot 1 tt hc.-.
tVtMKX Jk. Ai liltJG
Whltr'.aw Ileid hat been elected rice
president of the Union Lesgue club f
New York. Wet!, it' !eair.g to e
that While's not everlastingly
iiied off the lace if the earth.
So letter evidence is needed than
that of tlie report of the prcs coinui'ltee
of the national convention recently held
in New York i to the sentiment of the
public respecting the isthmus canal.
Tbe committer says: ,-If thecooiuiiitee
were a led from what aource the great
est opposition to th construction of the
Xiearagoa canal proceeds, it would l
obliged in truth to y the railroad in
terests, whk h een to tee in it a com
petition m hii-h i'.i decrease the coet of
trana-cant men tat shipments and impair
the file of their dividends." i o strongt-r
illustration of the urgent necessity for
the can a', can he found than in the fact
that the charge of the transcontinental
railroadi are eo excessive that a Conncil
Bluffs, Iowa, shipper found it cheaper to
hip gxid. destined for San Francisco,
to Kew York and tbenco by clipper
around Cape Horn, 17,000 mile to the
Golden Gate, rather than direct!? from
Council Bluff to San Francisco by the
Pacific railroa !. The fact that the
railroads are taiJ to have a well or
ganised lobby at Washington, to cht
tbe raual biil. gnins added significance
from this state of things, w hich oujht to
arouse the dormant enercie tf the
commercial spirit of the United Slate
Tl'C iml'-r c.Ul appropriation Mil
he!o-e orus on ti e 1!, wa amended
I t ll.iiu'.an ( I Indiana so t to cut it
Mty lor cent, but after a long dctate,
van rrjw'id ! y a Vt-te if S yea to 1.9
nay. Oiuhna'.t of Ohio ciiVtv.l an
aucndment making a cut if seventy
per cert, a isicii n;i voted down n f
io, 32 aye to HL nays. This leave.
t!.e cacotle dual appropriation in ;,ooJ
The election of populist democrat in
Nebraska and Kaunas, give renesed
confidence to democrat in Washington,
P. C.' They fee! morally certain of hav
ing their own way on the reorganization
of the senate. The bokloveta and ne!y
elected democrats, with Uie r popu
list counted on, will give them three
majority oa join ballot after the 4th of
March sett.
The liferal'ty with whic'a our frern
metit hetcwa lu tniona ie well ii'ua
t rated in the case of Captain T. H. John- j
a.m. editor an t nf the a..a
Vn:!a Vi.ion J.mrnal. He never mw
active service in Ihe f'd, b'.it waa a
qnarterma.-ter on tl'e I'miEc northwest
en .ft. Ko in ti ti:-;
l is l:e ;.'tor and dratii: 2 pnoj en
t'on, 1 e ia a co:!.jr.iriiii.ii!ir tf t:.e suite, revert cf ti o slate nni
erity, a5:-tant af.oruey general ol the
;ate and clerk i t t!:e ft-r.iio ana eni-1
le!:liry rou:tu;ttee. Ni'lailhetandiiig
hi ilisailiitie?, he aoeu;a to be able to
lover a rtaiVr it saiary-
Ctreatar LtAr.
draa u.g o"ic-'.
Gold monometallism is revolutionary
and destructive aav Mr. Stewart of
Nevada, in a 16-ptije Sfwech on the iih
of January. Hill will soon come about
and tell uMl. it "leather may be coined."
It ia only a step from the sublime to the
The land office at La Grande did a
larger boine lart year than any other
land office in the U cited Slate?, and
when we take into consideration thut
theexpen"es of th's offic were below
that of many others it shows cood bni
aesa management on the part of the
Proposals for furnishing 100,000 tons
of rock fur the com pietion of the jtty
at the month of the Columbia are asked
for. A rTt-au-r amount of Urge roek i
asked for than rver before as ttie jetty it
sow Bearing completion and the roek
placed on lop will be more subject to tlie
action of the wave than that previously
Coitmr! Jones, of the St. Louie Ke
pablie, lis iuformed XI r. Cieveiand that
be does not want a cabinet potition.
Tbe coiocel got in his declination eariy
fur fear Mr. C.eve.and might forget to
snake it neoessary. There are several
reasons why Colonel Jones would never
be invited into the cabinet, and tbev are
well known both in ft- Loci and Wash
ington. The scene near the mouth of the Co
fcucbia dnrir g Ute storm last Wednesday
waa a wild one. Tlie Astorian says:
"From earlv in the morcirg, w beu the
a-orih westerly ga bepio to blow, the
whole width of the Cjlcmbia was covered
wi'Jb white caps and tlie tide gradual
rose untd it reached a ievtl w itb the
various wl.arve. At 1 :0o high tide, the
ateamera and reraels t d up along the
water frost chafed and tugged their j
koidiogt ti J many of them were on ti e
point of breaking tsar. T;e Walloaa
Tewturtrd out a little and looked aroand
darirg tlie day, bot oc.n j ct back. AI
tbongh it was an inler'-stii diy tdoi.g
tie water froi:t,
The Minneapoii Tribune in it mili
tary gosip, says: "It is rumored that
the Fourth cavalry lr about to be ordered
to Texas lor duty in the field on the
Mexican borders. A Boite city dis
patch says : "It is reported oa good au
thority thai the headquarters of the
Fourth cava'ry, United State amy,
will soon be removed from Walla W.l'.a,
Wash., to Boise City. Shooid this
change be made no more soldiers than
are new stationed at the Boise barracks
would be transferred to this point."
An F.njiith diith, commenting
npon tlie Sandwich ialands "revolution"
says the ot ject of the new constitution
ia to protect the lower classes from for
eign Land owners, the queen said, and to
upset ber plan the Americans brought
abont the revolution. The Americans
prevented the marriage of Prince's
KaiuiaLi to a distant relative of the Eng
lish royal family, because they feared
the increase of Riiti-b influence and
tried to make a match betaeen the prin
cess and an American. A relative of the
queen describes Iter a. a woman of line
mind, an accomplished piauiel ai.d a
talented composer.
A civil suit involving a quarter of a
million was decided in the district court
at Helena last week. It was the case
groaing ont of the failure of Green hood,
itohin A Co., w ho anigued a year ago.
Their liabilities were I'JjO.OOO. E.
Eejal of J"ew York was a creditor lor
$J,000. The other foreign creditors!
Th following resolutions, a ere pre
cci.ted at the nvc:.t ruu of the aov
j pre . go raec j'.ive courcil of tl.e tovereiga
1 Ca.; p, Woivluirn ol li.e V;u id, Lvd nt
Oin'ii, NibrisLa, end l.aviig bcK-n
i li-'.'y exj l.i :ud a;i, cis.-uhh-i!,
I prevailed c latiim.itit'v uiuch cn
; ti.!'. "insui :
I VrtKfij, an rn:n;"nn exi-'s, it is
i l.e-e1 y resk've l tl.nt a l.fe jnetnl-ership
1 eerVlica'e sha'l Ik" irsued ly ll; Sov
'frn;n Cii:i!j t- uli tucmhris of tlie
Wiv.iiren if the World, under the fol
low ii g i-on.iitioi. f :
When tlie certificate of a Sovcre'gn
whs l.aa nterid the or;an;ration, !-
sheep in the United State, in lwas)' "J for S3 Jers, or of
l.WSOX)grealer than in lSSAf. wliiie the ente.irg at SI to 3 year, i.l
clip of wool increased in on vear H5.- J . " nvD rtin, ate ha. allained
C30.000 pounds. There were consumed J ,he " "5 ?rn nJ
in American mills ia 1SH2. 69.000.1W eaU r'"' t,,p orJ,'r cvw' 43 '
ool than in mi, ud" nr ",r " auainea me
i a? o .J years : after the said life memlierahip
certiticata has been issued the life mem-
mer.ti or r capita Ut. That lt t,he
overeigu Manager aha!'. Quarterly issue
aasewuients npon all toe a. hers of the
Woodmen of the World regardless of
juris hetion or fiation, for a snfBiient
amount to pay all death claim., accruing
daring the previon. three month, for
said Me members who have died during
said time uid-r this provision, and
that any life membsra, visiting a ramp,
shali b greeted with the honor of this
fraternity and be s-ated at the right of
the Consul Commander and thai) be ra
title 1 to wear a life membership badge
to be furnished by the Sovereign Camp.
rre-eued by F. A. Falkcnhurg, llesd
Consul Pacific Jurisdiction.
11 1 t t- . vi r. r. tose, roveretgn
The above applies to all neighbor of
I'aciEr jurisdiction, from 21 to 60 year
of ajre, aud the term commence with
the date of beneficiary certificate held
by the member.
more pounds of
3,600.000 pounds of this increase were I
of domestic W'-ol. With such, facts in
i v. . i !.;,.
piain view jei iree vrnacrs iu wm i;d wi .....
K..tK .n in urn. Pv brrs'h.lbepotl aSlefordues.
that time it the democrats liave their
way, the American ram wilt be banted
for menagerie purposes.
A number of old pioneer of Whitman
county are deiriis of jierpetuating and
keeping greea the memory of early days
ia the bone! hiiia. With thia end
in view a proposition has been advanced
for a grand pioneer reunion to be held at
Colfax, probably July Jtii. The data
for the eariy history conid thus be gath-
jeredand preserved. Stcj-e for the or
'ganization oi a Wbitmau cosnty pioneer
j association will also be taken.
Among the variona rumors i the one
that Cleveland proiose "a business
man's administration, leaving the poli
tician to browse for a living.
Tha luktl Kvrta.
Tiit'KMDAT, Feb. ). The market con
uuue uiclrss, and prices remain un
charged with the exception of eggs
which are marked cp to Hi and 40 cents
rT doaen. The produce quotations are
steady with a good supply in st-i-k.
Baki.kt The market is nearly lifrle
in lr!ey. i.n-s are down to 70 and j
cent r ItA) lt.
tt irs Tiw ia! market is sliff and of
ferine are l-i-.t at II So rent Jwr IjQ
I.', live 75 cents tier bushel.
Blakeley & Houghton,
175 Second Street,
The Dalles. Oregon
A full ino of all tlio S tan J aril TaLcnt Medicine?
lrup;3, Cliomicala, Vac.
4lT"Country and .'ail Order will receive rromjt attention.
Fine Millinery!
112 Second St.
No. C7 WASHixaTo Stkfet. . . Tub Ialles.
WttolesaJ and Retail xValer and Maucfacturrr of
Baildifig Milfsrial ud Diatcaei Tair, Poors, 'indnt, Mfliltgs, Btw F7!iijiic Di
Special Attention Ktvsntoth Manufacture of Fruit and Fish
Boxes and Packing Cases.
Faotorr anil liumUor TTa-cl sat Olct 3fft. Xexllraa.
aiiLij-rrrrs t aa and shorta are
quoted at 118 00 per ton, mid-Ui:i.-i2
0tu:'3 00 per ton. Roiled
Uarley, f-"3 (U to tl'4 00 tier ton. Miell-
ed corn f 1 S3 i-er JCH) l a.
Fixwb Salem mi:l fl ror is qaoti-d at
I. L,i 1 1 . . .
were Xew Yo-k and Chicago wholesale J , rr'- , ?J 'na "
, . . . . . . .- f . Wl T bbl. jier Um and 4 0U r bbl.
Aa txchatifc'e remaikf !hte baa
been itorh disLXHi -a t.'sir.g Aaicr'.ctn
korticclUtri: the pest few izart f j
eeraing th ixtreuie tat orai.fe
tree will bear well a;.d pro-i:e f'Kxl Km Siaintaiu tiiat i u ora: g
tree, nn'ter Low rumli care pi t
pon it, wifl slowly with'T and die tin r
it be reacb d liaif a ce:itnty tf grorih.
O bers have a'gad tha. alxjot at-rerty-tve
ye&rs m the iA u. fu'.r.irj of a
wrcH-car- d-fxr orange tree.
Kererai American hortierilfj-isli who
kave Un travi.r.g arij the !ed ter
taoeaa sea bare rereiilly foci d tr-e
ervrr 120 year old liiat ar r i: prvioc
lag fre'rt of exeefit-nt ea!iy. On the
laiand of El, wlt-re J;'.eoa was
Isuiielied, tbcrv i aa oratge grr of
tVi fct. Michael onu.f e trtses, tbat
i planted Jy aa Italiaa ia 17M, and
it Jirodceed last year over laCO box" of
Ira it, tuct it frodoeed f-JUr time lbt
waanthr twetyve jetr tg'j. There
are rreral small orang orcharu ia
Soothera lufg that are over highly
year cid ar.4 arc etiil ijodnetis 0
large qnaatitie of fruit. On lb Inland
I Maita Jta Tel i man, U faiuoos
Atneriraa IsurticcltoriK, onnd cue
rsr-gw tree that there eaa be tie doc In
It Hi yean old, and that yielded severa!
be 1 frU last gear. It l rren a4
leged tbat ia the Aso-ae tlier are orange
a aid Usui tree orrr ITOO year old that
tRlf! l-a fit it, t there U jo g-jod
mmtjmif tor Ibe Jgatiox.
truis. The heaviest local cre-titor w
the Merchant 'a;ioiial buck i f llclni.
8,000. The verdict todnv was in f.. vr
of tbe Helena l-ank, the im;x;rt uf I:
being that the assignment was i'aii'Ju
tent. One of the pr;ners admi.ied in the
stand that he swelled the invoice 00,
000 in order to gt money. The receiver
ha realised not more than f JCI.0U0 from
the ai of the f tock.
It is remarkable what traveler women
are becoming, and bow many of thru,
travel alone. No longer do they need a
protector they can assume the role
themselves if need be. Railway con
ductor say they travel abont a! aiol as
frve'y a dmn mer do, and everybody
mast admit that this is making tbe sex
more imlependent aud self assertive
than our grandparent would bare
dreamed pO"toie. It ia not o certain,
hoaever, that it merrier will therefore
make better wive and mother. In her
enlarged vphere woman hat in some in
stances become a shrewd dealer and
capable of driving a sharp bargain with
'.he beet of men.
Mr. Frit W. Hit.kley, nee Flo-enee
B'ythe, Lronght her l.uslmnd a dowcrwr
of orer 4,0OO,(Xi0. The niatter of tl-
inheritance and the beires' marringe
are weil Lr.oan.hst the pubiir ha. never
known aha! it cost lire. Hi: kiry to at
tain her rij-l : in t!.e a!jiistiient of the
fftate. Iier atVrnej. V. II. II. Harl,
M.-Aiiifter & IUik'ii. 7. V.. Fo-ite, Gar
dner, Eoslt A liii-hop, twk her case upon
the liais of a contingent fee. The agiee
mi'ut wr n. ale by them and Jame
Crisp l'erry, the crarxlf jther and guar l
ian of the joutl.f.I Fi'ireme. The suc-c-.-S(-f
il (irwrnVm of tl.ecfse has l-en
i5 extra'jri'itiary fjnani ial tienefitto t lie
u; ivor ij t'.ie l,al team. The contin
gei.t and advance contemplate a
payment of t.?AZ-2.l to the att'roes
and aa exeeu'ris.
At the jt ineetiug -f tlss Oregon
State Horticultural j'-iety recently field
in I'ortiand, tlx-r" wss formed a florsl
department whore oi ject it i to eirjur-
a greater iitterect io the bistory,
groath and rc'tore A Cjwera, bth na
tireaiirj foreign varieties; the iTHigins
of tbe dative C-ra of the state io'o
gre-t r promioenoe tLan ever fief'ire sr.d
tbe bolding'jf t mera'.owt la the frojier
sciwrt. at il ff.-rert liar- ja tbe ute.
The iretlent of the j-e1y aa given
ttss )iower to appoint an X'f-utiv cm
Uiitteewbo i.c full f'iwer t- rtdiw-t
th' d-tartmert, and br appointed tl
I j. lowing laH iea: Mr. J. C. Card,
rloirican, MIml W. A. Dxrhanao,
M. K. KfiHfTord fH iam IL'aee Ella Tal
bot and Mary il mmy. t i il- desire
of tlie preeidrnt t- aj jioi r.t pevmiuewt
and itrr-.4 la'!!, ia differer.t cities
mf'TiB J'jc! :..'t; lik h iij taex
i'lrrv to auj -t ia cm jnwtioa witb thia
if v Timotliy bay range in price I il IA to 115 W)'per ton, aerordiiig
to qnuii'y and condition. Wheat hay is
in lufl itock on a limited demand at
do in' to 12 00 per Km. There i no
ie; ,tf lor oat har. and price are off.
A'h.lfa hay is not much railed for, and
is on iled at f 10 00 to $12 00 per ton.
Tiiee quotation are for bailed bay ex
clusively. ilCTTKB Fresh roll better at 65 to 60
rent per roll, io brine or dry salt we
quote 40 tn so cent per roll.
x.s The egg market is short In
sopply and good fresh eres find ready
saie at ."-" cent per Kien cash.
PorLTBT There i a lair demand for
fo it t.,r a home market and for ship
ment to Portland. Chicken are quoted
at t- DO to ti 50 per doaen ; torker
to itl cent per ft. ; geese 17 to (wr doB,
and dm ks 3 to f j r dnn.
llrtr a alrrroa Ileef cattle i la
nnxlerste demand at 00 per ltJ
weight g-o-s to 2 60 for extra good.
Mutton i beid at an advance of last
1 ears price and it q noted at tZ 60 to
5 25 -r liead. l'ork offering are
light and prirrs are nominal to 6 to 4
gru weight and 6ft to S cent dressed
rrarc caocxaixa.
Corrca Costa Kica, ia quoted at 22l;e
per Hi., by 1 tie sack, ralf adore, iJe.
Arbnckle, ZV.
hecaa tjoUien C, in b! or aark ,
tb 00; Extra C. 10 ; Irr gratulaled
t 00; la boxes, U. O., in 30 lb boxe.
V 00. Fix C. fl tvi. OU 1 75.
Fvatr f 2 OO.ff 2 75 pr keg.
Lice Japan rice, 0.'7c; Island,
rice. 7 ct.
1'iAi Small white, 4W(o e; I'ink,
4 4isc er lOt'lbs.
Salt Live-poo!, bolb ak, f; Kifiib
a. ;i 10; :"KJ t k, -' W- Stoik !t,
i W p-r tou.
ittiLi f-acrrs Italian prur.ea, l"c per
r, fr Is x. Ktaporitted appie. Iie m
ib. I), mm! grapes, U a lot per pound,
rr.oti as: ra ash raeira.
Potatoes Peerless, lutialo white,
iiio lUke aiid I'..ii'iiiiik seed nigs quoted
at 11 r-t r 100 IU.
Oxioia The market quotation for
A I otihins is l ow fr 10U l!.
iktr ravira (mod sppie sell fir
i SmU w r liox. tall and early
inter pears ere quoted at V3.rn.Yac
mvr.t akd riaa.
Hiues Are quoted as follow: Dry,
Gc Ib; gr-eo. t rttVm 4c U.
Ssjasr I'kMB ftJeCh ea. Iven-kina,
Iti Ujt w ii.ler and 3Jc for uiumer.
flresaed, light (1 lb, l.eavy 'tbe IL. Eer-kii-s,
tli'll ea; U-aver, 2 60 Ib;
otter. t4; Cber, tTi'ettS AO: silver gray
fix, I Ki.-tJi; red fox, (I 25; grey fox,
--tZ: martin, liU: wiink,
iplViefc.jc; cum, S-ic; cite, 60cr.76r ;
badger, 2-V; iierat. IZh&Im:; ohb
moti lions ent. JOe'nS ie ea.
Wool Tbe market la reported of on
wool, aud i quoted at iOeti 10c Ib.
Frank Fletcber who wa tried and
eotivM-ted of murder in Umatilla conoty
this week at I'endlnUia wa Mmteoeed to
the penitentiary f-ir 111. Mi attorney
tied an appeal to tli sifrem coart.
The populist rot of tne United State
ia the lest preeidential election waa
1 ,0?..7M. The total eve of the United
HtBte in 12 wa 15,071,725.
Ir var 01 Jr Jwr Md
Maier k t'entOb'.
wood at
At U' Angeles, Ca!., on theftthda
of 1-rh., IHVU, Eev. Kphraim P. Kotrt.
Ir. Roberta was born in Henningtou,
Vt. on the il day of Oct., 1825. At the
age of taenty-Cre year be entered Wil
liams college and wss graduated from
that well known school in 18i4; imme
diately after graduation be entered the
Candor Theological Seminary, at Ban
gor, We., and wa graduated from that
chool iu 1S67, and was at once ordained
at Itangor a a minister of the Congrw-
gaitonai cnurcn. Asa stourut as
thoronxb and painstaking, and eases
pecialiy devolvd to language and lit
Iuring the same year in which be
as ordained be was married to Mis
Myra II. Farringtoa, a native of Maine
and at once started witb bi bride for
lb Caroline ialands, to wbirb be bad
been assigned a a missionary by the
American Board of Com. fur Foreign
Missions. Mr. Kobrrt and hi wife
pent a few month ia the Sandwich
ialands oa their return and, ia the fall
of 1801 they came to Portland, Or. In
1S02 they located at White Salmon,
Wash., wber they continued to live
on til 1, at which time they removed
to Th I Hi lie, where they bv resided
ever si nee.
Since Mr. Robert cam to Tb Dalle
he, with Lie son , Lav been engaged
principally in sbeep raising and fruit
growing, and in ltn har been very
uccesaluL, Notwithstanding hi time
wa occupied ia tb management of
these industries, be nevertheless found
uiocb time for effective and acceptable
missionary work among tlie tmall act'
tiement throughout W asco coonty.
Ill interest and effort ia tin respect
were indefatigable, and Li friend were
in number a w ere his equal ntaocow
While his life, cine be came to Oregon,
wa a retired one, it t-tEi-iroc in tlie
aork cl elr atir g the Me of those with
whom h came ia contact wa treat.
He wi'l be missed and hi death is
mourned, a. well by tl.os who were mn
nected with him in hi w-rk and in full
sympathy with l.itn, a those who dis
regarded Li. word and example, bot
wlio iievertlieles appreciated hi kindiy
interest. Through hi esjiecial e.Torts,
th Congregational cl.urcb of Fairview,
about ten miles south of The Dalle,
wa organized, aud to It be devoted
much lime and labor, with to ther
c jMipeusation than the affectionate gra'
itude of it mcinher. A a meinU-r o!
the local and alata horticultural aocietie
be waa very active, aud will bw tnised
by those intert-ied with biui in the
work of iu.jirovinz and extending t'.e
fro it industry of Oregon.
Liuring lit last year 01 li.. iite he wa.
a great aufferer from rheumatism ; aud
although be sought reiief at various san
itariums, hi only relief cam at hi
death. Mr. Robert leave a widow and
clue children. Arrangement fur the
funeral are not yet complete.
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to
any part of the city.
jum.iMiiDKmni'Ki dp '
Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc.
ficorn and Charter Oak
Ia th! city Feb. 6th, to tha wife of
Mr. Dan Baker, a daughter.
Fire cents a day will get von th en
cyclopedia. We see the Oregoniun and
go them 60 ier rent, better.
wmi aTi .
A girl general housework Call
and inqaire at th Kirhy bouse, on the
h'tiff. C. J. CoarwoTH.
Bubrlb for Tut Da CuaoKicn. !
Cars, Aonnititia and Fjiorlinj Goods.
Wagons and Carriages.
Reapers and Mowers.
Mitchell, lewis Starer Cos
ArricaKunJ Ispleaeati id Midisay
nrtTUIED Va J aw.
t fAuerewaor to L. D. Frank, dereaswd.)
A General Lin of
Horse Furnishing Goods,
f Hs2lc una Estail Ccclcn in Esteks, Enfln, Vlijs, Era EMrtx, Etc.
Fen Asssrtment cT Ksecu Ssfiilcry Plsii cr StErpei
New - Umatilla- House,
Ticket ai.4 Ilaoce OXice 4 the U. P. K. H. Vu any, and vfT.r of tb Weetera
Union TeWgra;.b OfTuc are iu the Hotel.
Fire-PrcDf Safe for the Safety of all ValuaWes.
Heu .6. Qolumbia jotel,
3est Dollar a Day Houso on the Coastl
First-Class Meals, 25 Cents.
Fht Clam Iloffl in Kvirv I :.
Noiki hut ilm r.ct of V.'Iiite IIlp Kmj.Ioyed.
T. T. Nicholas, Ppop.
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
Jonnaii Axn n '.trii in-
General Merchandise,
Dry GockIh, ClothiiiL'. Genta' Furnisliing (iorxltj, IJooti,
Bliom, Ilaltt, Cajt, Groct'ricH, Hardware,
Grockory, Hay, Grain, Tfcd, Kic.
390 to 891 Second St.,
Tho Dalles, Or.