The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 10, 1893, Image 4

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The Weekly Gfcronicle.
c rrviAi TTi. s of a-v ii-cxtv
Mr. 1 -1 1-'.:
' er of tl o i
so-i i.vt:
Vr't JuiST- - -
Twssir .
tVrrH:::ifirr ,
a tM ...
S"; - ...-T '
a.:p-,.::eiJci.i ITit-'ic
C4Cir ... - N
1 . tr-.-ai
t :r vv.
ran 1
; i.s'cd M
it-ceoU '
- t! I an-
; ':'. l'v,
thej ttfi:i
f ca'. : vt
;i r.ea
I V .I'T
tun : If! J
Ah 'IT
vm 1 m it:ili(iloil.
.HSrr lr-n Mew l-' K Il.
iijiriw2 o..tV....i fi.-;s;HviA-i Ifilinn Jiiwolr
'! o.V.o ihr cvv.M ;r.JSrriu:U.:! pr.Ij-eJ h... ton ol I L JklllJ lj UUlaUal
V I". V.
, :t
K . -.s 4
V K -. s.
Tl V lu .l.V
If c r.i'! -pi
i iect a dcvies h
Id cur sh-r; tend
.-.- l.";-'y I.v - u't t
burred as 1 and coil uses! to i.ep rc
iriperat.iis -...?, Law i; ) betitr ol tl e
world woe! I bo.
There" net rn ofiiee'usJet who
woa'dri't Mks to be elevated for an ex
ample rather than thrown out J-i
' Mr. t ievelan d uti;ht enjoy h'e letter
if he bad a little tifrr of l,niu."nb
err the Waahitgton Naw. If we are
act mistaken hw tu flven a tijrerin
Cu'uajo last June with three beer.
Jndjr GreaLaui nn he would not ac-
1 with i b ,h1 h, ! uk'en of tbe ,
The now Horia cv.ntinuea panKdI
cal'.y with an eaM wind preTai'.iD; ui'et
of the time. Newt from horman ar.d
ihi cvuntv, al.o frora Klickitat
a:etnai iue rmuna tvrrrr. wua qmil fiirlil,c . j. j, tUe popnUM. which
bxt eight iahe. of no ca a lerei ; W9C, A 8iwh airTeealb;e
and that stock if doing there.
it abundance of feed for another tuonth ! t nn.lM itvlf nnoa Larlr fifte. !
trn cccnlie ech of which it larger j
than the etate of Rh.dc Ioland. Well,
what of that! Are there ar.y cf tliem
w hi(h can jr"t up a KLiKie Is'.and rlam-
cart t. t re UonKH ri. w ,u tw n-'i:i-U
- ot ti e icurt.c;.-' i rr Tl :. 1 U e
,.ttr vrr a: to rr'.:r w l! '..i a
(r cr two. In t!.i caw. 3 .-;:-:-t
.-il.4 H w.-i! ) ;-Ti-ie
t-f ih !ii.-7iic .r:;y f r t!.r
Ovrt, l'Utti',j '. JH ri! m.l It.? !
Uikm grcn is f oct f t'.'i" r MJ-,
iivrrinj the c.M:rt ti to ti;c ix-m 4 . f
men W;iv'.i g in live tra "n!irin
ideas and ead:.v, a:i 1 rrH.ed to
, the txncw 4 (-t)ioiit t l"j.i.i
J':er. The rej uh'ican smator who
' posk-J the a; ;vintrorrt will j.r, Sal ly
; trv to ircvtnt the cxi'iif.i malion. and it urioj
jrvn. I our r..-; n:. i yr ms- wn in
ten ycsi? i: rt-i. : t i l.v't t,d tlu
crn-nt ; ,-r w i f er CA" ,V t :i.
fJ.i it :iivj:i.vi4 over i 11 f .T ':!
1 i! c i ;M u , i ..M-er
IAt'::T. !:.! tr.i (rri hrrit ik n "
ov a:
I'M i nv ( , I
ti r iikt rrt ttr
( I'rvi lent
tit'- l'rf : l.-i
rent lt:-r. the v f the L 'j'i ; : "J V;v7f ,
Cth ,!.! 't wm t Vn it :-.. ,'' t let . ; . '-.-
1 ruou-h ',.ie. II jd it n t t-n f-r
i-roiivtii'ti. Chtti.v I''i''"' !
ham Ww'li'd have n tmf;;ii:i: vi!-'
Ut-, with turn r'ai'.r-j vn drr j,m-1 !
Uiaet whittling (n j ine Hick. t f.p-
hat they would p-t f r r!n
('cncral lmkin' 1
;ear to I a ttrorj j rx.I'..i:i-y t! t , jeir. rMw;ij mJr u.t m i
, onlc dvar'.af'" it ; a tree at tree trale w i.t tioiuaie tjicm.
cnt.-m of "tert"rii ; ihe Mjnt of the timet are t4 a conwr- !
; coortey. which UnKintcr:aiur3 .li my I vnuve n.irnur. .ninamiunri "'i
i in acliuo on the uotninalion of an - j Verp c'.i to the n. arkt l drmand. and 1
!entor. The aiU-r wi:l I f rcv-1 to l-rokert w iil retrirt Ubi tv tuine j
t:e front with tHVK!l-tr.c. If c .n rai- ; nerettitie, arxl avoid a.l tj-u!tive s
All Watch Work Warranted, j
Jewelry Made to Order.
It Tate liaiiea. r.
M W YvU;l,
CuiWlKuit' oq Uv.i I
t ail BOieiwihle ot;it. J i
: 4. a. .
1 1?
First National f
The Vaiv Newt think the tenate
made a arri.ct niU-take in Totiug uitn
the lU'ey lai!. Tliat at Ore-jfon hat
l.c".t one tnn-e5.'u! portage it is recee-!
aarr that there shouiJ be another at tlie
ilal'.et in order to tat ti e wea".th of the
lniacd En:jire. l-i'd ?ioa!J not W :
a'.iowed to ki'.itsl t y a few corpora
tion law ytrt in the f:ii;e. and a few;
whoTO-td a?air.t it f periar rra-one.
Tli conservative c-h-mer t in I'anaia
it a'arset over tlie ffroa ih of eenti
mcrt in fnvr.r sf ar.wexati jn. Thit
ithat tle jr-idrnt wi!i rominase Jti.le
V. O. r.rd:ey, of Keu'.ncky . to -ucc-'od
Jode Jack.'n on the circuit hrmli.
The ref tocsihiiitT f the fa'..-e t u.m-
;rr I CANDY FACTO RYiA 'tzL'sSsgsz:
I iTart or Che, k.
iuate a republican is fail tj IV w itw ; la W, ar I the cheaper an I ! '." ux. In con ?1 rue
on!y rach work at i consider
lnfvlv iifot jsarv w i:l W dune. TI ere ii I
but one iceaaine. in ail this, and that it j Cul'.trtioni made and pnx-wj.,
a curtailment of the cJiip! 'VUi-tit (.1 Camnbpll Bros. ProDrs' remit tej on 0f cU;r.,
opitiion t2lur,tiai'y
of the t?rr eieturnt
The Ariir.j".. u l:-ecrd
brand U n:.irk t' e oppi-:
Coinail.ia. A l-ij !.v.r..
to I crd c;-..:i tK
caiie-i, !.ii' o;;--ii."'
:s oil r
s:s t i as: open
rs;u. N. t... i
"" i so
i t the IlkitT
ht'.l ttratiU-d JU-leru Ore.n. O:
oe ser.tur fr'!u the VU;A::ift:e ys':?t
niusu red cj courajt- tj to dj c
jutiv-e. Two Kii-'tfra ircf-u e::iitort
vuted aaibf! th" bill. f whotu
favored it t't year of theLa
An Kug'.ish r:uchsjJit the
i:it'ant:it; i::foru.a:ion that "iadit's at
tiie theater in Ait.erka takf off their
hatt and cse tiit-ui n. fr;." to an
Ki.f'.h ri'er if y:.;i wan: the exact
trttli ai.':t a:ith':n; in thit ro::r:'rr.
twt!ve repuh'.ieans in ti e K-nstr w ho '
were di-;ert:iinod t " oppie ar.y t; i.-.iina- '.
aceet with that j Lion proposed hy the pn-i ii-nr. It was
in New York so- at rft hit icter.tija t j ei'
mmm ' JuiLe Emory p,t r Ja '-.-r i'ardoe.
On !;iakinj in.-jairn amon; the r?p:iH- '.
iii-an st-naVirs, a t w i.n h tul i 1 e she '
nst a;-t sTure ready c'4it:rr..:'n, !
he JieJVtr-ed there were at..t.t tat ive
rt-pnhiii .".n sen at h. a -t.'. i t :x,e
any ronhrntHtion. tart'y oi a .'.;nt of.
ihtir 4-et.r.a! ai.tiii. t-;-r:i t th- j r.-si-Jei.t
ar. l p.vrt'.y r.r. a.v-c.t.t their
nion i;!-.!!- ; I l Uie tu Uv.
e5-t. while ? !.-.' v. niii.en t.(:t
come iu f r their -hare i f t!e hn'-i n 1 v
w ace re !!. An cxampie uf t!
f nud i:i the faet that t'-e av
tool r.ieijtiiy ha re-fr;vd the tis ...f
its eiiiplnyea Vt per cent. T! i i a
taeciopfi csit, and it t:::t l.. nitcetl.iititr
as to what i'i N do.ewito the ; r J
in the event of tin nl .Mi.ii tf u '.
traie plio .
Et:cf2:: It 1. i. Cril
UlI'jIk tre ri tnwt I nuctt stS
t-'.U and Teierrji.hlc Fxrlij-
ew t or. an rta;ir:ro in,?
r f-,',- -1- "i ' MID. M. Wuti.v..
4 t"-'..iil
i ti.i r. j-
t.t,.. 1
If. f. lU.iu
rt i Trjiicil FrJts, Nuts, Ckirs ani Tc-luro. !
eei ' -
ra ttitn lrM,.
r.ti turaisfe arof taw c ks
r Keta;.
; desire t j hrii
frvnt in li.e tc-r
l;:2iie the remark tiiat $iV
li:y aii the cx"U:.try w:i h
tL.tC:e i bv the pi-rtai
A teiej horie d-.-if Ltd fv.r service on al!
tl.-vi of hif ii buiidinft by travciir.j: np
a:i i 3twn a cbate is the Utest econoiiiic
idea of the Koglneerirg Kecord. A! Wk- txntv it ent.ti.
travellt-teiepht ne that w iU P out and tcadred-dotiar hoie ia
atiiver n:eie' it the crv in need of w. i, ... -
i r u:a::er 1
It ik v cry
nt i h a
Lttin an
d U' a fi ::et-n-t:;e
:t::J he tf.e times.
r.. I.
Irvin Kird KJe to
The v h. v:
Ka'ev M i. says the
"were iij.tiy reside!:::
vxiier ihii i L-.-t i-. re .
.".el aru'.:.?t the
M.:ro I'hserter,
ft.' e Wihaaiette
i row of t for
the ir "n-rev.? of
Cat there -re tv o
er to who were
the I:.:ii.J
trs::- rs l j ei
on the '"c
lea'i.r'." I'.i;-.:; ii" t
we'l of lr. k ai.-d Ijttee.oa
nen t-::t Lave . :".:: rut ?iy
trary to t;.e w .-:.e o: :!. -r
when they r ; .-I t i r 1 ii
action -hiiid I rottieushert
l?r. ai.i
rn Or-
rte i c r.-eO:i-:".".uer.;s
, Ct.d t'.i-T
I-al Tla:-.e
I'endistou f:vu. IV-ar rrtek ai'.er cieiical
r.;:etida:e fur a very k c hiid in the
fa.::rof We, u.ith! Mr. Lird had a
C i". I ride, it beir decrees 5eIow
rero he:i he :ir'.f.!. at ore u'r tck in
the taorr:::;.
.u-tfWi ::ra
hie M- :. iir
: : zi V,-A:.iH.akvr
.; an iraiovatic-n in
y eve:.:: in tA'asb-r'-v'.'.i
-n tt !.i re-i-ioye
a:. 1 at tat he of
of ti e jorttfRe (le
ss : ix"al pot
! ;.?eeelej It a
: i.r, '.f the
Ljtcn i t j-'vi: s -tirt-e
to ti.e . U;
every dejarti.rfr.t
;'t!i,e:;t. r. ar-'.i
'f5ce. Tiie ever
diuiier to w hi.h ''
friend of the ;-j-!:i..: r v:i'r"' !' '
Lit w i'.e w-re invited. Thit is the tr-t
reception A the kind that ha ever tea
jf.ven by a 'rrru.i-er '. the ca'iii-t. and
it i extexte 1 to fjriii an ii.tereninp
pre-h.-!;t t:ct w:ii is-exteii:ve!y foi
led vears hj eou.e.
ae ti:n ago it was r?jrted that
(lie ! Vietjria was prscti.-irg on a
type-writer. Now a lujts iuaa.iu
hat !ea sup;ressed f -. r tili.hias one
tf the royai ialy's j.ea.. Ijci the
tyjie-w ritt-r j.ft in its work !fore we
have a cLaiiee to hear f!,:u t'.te I '
of Wa.e.
Ti.t re is an iiif.iM-iive ies ire c n ti.e
fiat . :" fvry c iiv- U-t to t;-euk f 1 is
:'ir:.a ii:a'.er i ..J tid Harvard. ii
i'a e'.r. it : even rai i that Kne f
the sta-lv :.t of the I'Liver'Sty of (l.i- '
-g i. i..i ;i was or i.etj Jat :..: er.
to r, T t it a" ' .d
A lVw day since i-i the i
tet.ate tin nation fi Mr. hern::
f:: r:.! ":.". e.i t'iir K's'.
the purjirw t f !ircii:!.j f it-:,;'
we-Jis. extraditi-.n trm' i . L.c
.-.'.'v the Hawaiian ntter ca tw r;
w as b !tatsf. Ti.ere is a :
i-.i ms let iirv in f.vvcr i f ui'e-:.-:
Ittit a diifereacc i f t: i'.ijn at t i
a:jneiati..n or a J rt--. ! ."a'e is
r joee.rrer t re':i::: ) .11 f r in t i.
Hire of "rirrn re ;-ie-:i; j ti e
trale l a.. :
se-urf a:int-xa:,..t)
'!)! !m f.e l :..t
! ar. i it-
ir .:n toat
rjiiif t-
IlilU.JII i
as j.n -e.'
i ! r
a n i -.
Is-st. A
A the
i -:t-t .
i..:ti.-jit t
jT"i:t i ie t.i aii'ri.r ..n in ;.ie
ttssx-ctih'y at ale'n. r-ciiate bii! N-. ',
which j iriveu t readers -i Tut
Ciikonhiic in fu'; ;cf!-r!jr, uy lie
e.irisi l.-red our of the most important
nieasurej t u j it hn . h:.t i't fa:y r:..
waist bat wita ti.; deleatiou from
M::'tn.j.!na5i, as th-y a'r said t I J.
in rnjt.vt t i tfis r.- h:.-:i r:. This
j, r'i!;i:i i huh'.- t i ! iiu-ii l.
nu t'.s t j Ik- i
in the Iiiior.,1 K-iJ-:f tj" tin; this
tt.atteT, Bill ht is thtt the !e- if
i-OrFRESH OYSTERS' I f svK:v,r
! la Ksetr !!. i
Ice Cream and Scda Water.
I'M Second Street. The Ia:Ie. (r.
) Ls-tters oi Crs'. l ti!t d avai l..
) Iis'crn Ma:e.
W. 8. Young,
;r,'-r:.;';-.s ijBiscKSilli & Wap W-"
ati.i. Their b it one -t,t::ii-r.1 I
i .-iji.t KtchaMre and T-r
i rrarsfertsvidon New Y-r.C ?
j Ioi. San Eranrtwx. r -rt a-n.
: Seattle Wash., a;id raritmt pj:i
ffni a.i a:i,:i;".nn.
t'."!.t m.!- at a!. m;i .,
.e terms. !
(ienrrai I;la ksruithir g anj Work done
ir:..:.! l'-.' r.!jf
. ii i t i ruaev ?-jm
a :
are !esini,:i)g
The WiUutr paper learnt rarvt
sic k in ti.e irand eone ere ii: a bad
fix ju-t wt. There is a crut-t on the
2iow which cctt the hors'-s' les w her,
they paw f r pe. and as s-s-.n a the
w.ttsnds bectjine severe tcocjti ther are
Ti.e-e w ::1 lie a i:n
.f tsij'tiiistt at V'ashii
I3r tr-pB;-.atior: :
tirric, tiie liiw'aii.-'
. legion, the Jiidnri;
'r(eri:: rresw ase-s-ia
!w:'l t:ia-i" to arii-ipatnate the
j branches t.f tiie pt- ; e- parte witli
'a view t r$,-r::f w.rk in the
way of eernrin desired !-.ation d'ir
i! ' ("ievelar.d's administration. "It is
. U-'jeveJ that, in view of the strotif
iiowir.g in the last 4-a:.itjiia they u
iniiiie tth the c'. l
tin tiT; at. 1 h'fcs aid"! tit
aloricf t!'w a!.' -wel. are aJf-fhi-e ! '
!.'!:. t(;l tav;.a;e' jreneraKy lt : i i J
the "tiftrv s.Ifi'i;. r( I "hit f?es t
Itlr; e-1 over t . the coalite.
II :! i i V ... ir.trjlice. be Mr. t QTSB
i'o ati : e'.cun.j'e irt:yl!ii, has'
pos-.- i. Ti. is a Hep irt th tiht li-
ret ti .n and d uA fttt the a;- to ary j
hie at that Ccat ex ie:iss. trefoil has an li:i:ner
e ibdu 'trial , area that r '.1 le irrijrited. w ilh a cti
tica ai.d tb ', petit Inereasp of wealth and i.puia-
An e:hrt tiii. I'liii-r it rroviurit ti.e sum of,'
fifteen hn:i ". red U'd'ars it ap; ;.iVj
out "f tlie yueral fan ! to each county i
of the s".!e .. i t trp..ti cttLtair ir:p ari l
land, for tlie purpose cd tit kii one f x- j
p.triuirrita! artes an wel 1 i.erein : any-j
caiun'y id the slate whirls cor.tairit at
least one township of arid iuds in coin- i
pact f truj in accordance with t'oe t'cited 1
'.atl s stirrrv tlttretf, and which a:d ; ir. and ai!
A. A. Brow!
Staple and Faery
oein3 a Speciality.
'2 ! Urf!Kt t;p:s:!3 Its cii Li?i? stai : SPECIAL
and Provisions.
s rw fee -iff i" ' jss f
It called to llit fact thtt
to Cash Buyeri
jHifist Cash Price, firt
T.'i? Alien faction are LtiLUti? for a
C'-ir. premise caudi-a"e at Oyaipia.
Senator J'rai.k I:i:hard.-. of Whatcom,
was asked to cou.e ir., bet be cave Lis
answer in s-.cb vleci led ter-.nsthat noli.-
Tlie Seatt'e Te'.erratih tavs '"tiie Alien 1
men feci eonfidet.t fi one thirc:
icj further ia the way of compromise in they can bold out ontil the etid (.f the
that direction wiii ever again be thoacht te-i ,n their w iil be appoin'ed ty
of. The next ime ofrre-d by King the p:ver3or, ar.d they w..l win any
eocctr as hait f ir Turner volet was that way. temporarily at least." Itat that
of the preei:t confrvesrcar. ichn L. doc t not justify their cuxtdnrt in f jn-iot
T'i'.)r, I'.l tLat !id iet work either, cpa ti e ;ieopie a man w horn they do
and 3 the A '.en nt-n have returned to ot want, and il can not I (aid that
their claims : if ot it w ii clear the tr
unable to Lnr-t teed. It is pro'iable fcr an efl-A-tive cauipcia ia 1 ''. ' ar,d were at the time of said Hitter, or
that quite a l't wih I experienced ' Ivlegaut will isr present from every at any tin tberrnfUr, nil jx-t to entry
frora Uiis nr.s sprirj tij-ens state and territory in ti.e I' j as desert lai d, ai t ol Marth 3d, lTT,
quitk'T. . . shall 1 allowed tin- torn A l."sJ, at
,;t; jor , liereinbs fore provided. The county
courts of t tie ts-reral wirities, coiuirif
Hugh Glenn,
Mr. Ilaiey, in presei.tirif Lis Li
jj the construction oi t!i portar? railway (
at ttie Ua.M-t ol l o.uu.t-ia, o.l i.'.t , the provision of thit act thai), I
Dealer in Glass, Lime. Platter, Oment ,
aod Eaildir:j; Material of aii kinds.
Citv Blacksmith
the first j riiicipiei and are ttill xl,:e
ivz their braii.t f jr a
stiita'ie man to
It it ttooVrst.'xsi that n tfJort will be
w pass-I i'V tie Itgi j-
aiade tfj 5 av t '.:
tare whicL w i'.i ita. h and wac
toct in a Ke re flectua! As
the law is now . a pers m ho aiali'-ioiisiy
deetroyt another's p!perly is fitie-l by
the court, ar.d t'.t t;ie istsrted U.'.'j the
pnV.ic tre-ry. leatinp the isjurd ore
to rc pa.r t e l-'asre doi.e hci rt h s
own i!:'s. A il.r; in the law
woa'd in:!i- t c ; r st.:hcnt to jT.y
they want Allen o lot s as a majority
of the n.en.Uen of the lepislatare Ue
clr.e to tote for liiai. Iet,.1es, yoc rtn
take o?:r word t' it : if Alien should 1
t'f-tr.i by an ar;.i:ituv-rit from t"t.
Mri.raw. the seat of his p:f..t!ooi;s will
never tgsln warta his chair in the S"n
att"', ).tji tiie In plaiuiy
nmkes it tiie 'iu'y of the ;-ers,f Olyitpit
ase;:)b-T to ch sse Lis saix-e'-s jt.
.f dti 1 3-i
report -.d (ajt.
f jt the lat:i.-e ar, I
the trefittry. It is
man wh-j h'.s pr
or luv'e. ti.e f.
whh a f'.ie .f , v
c-iz: f.
a hs..aiice to
protect l.n t-
-rtr itau.a
iltr o;.e i
Lirii s'.'s
ed .''.
let oT
Alt', or:
rpii fu
i. ?..( t"
I J "t i e I
:.a ic
: es
fjr tire
rr.: : 1 1 f..
fi'-stjtt" ,i J ave la "ti
t ' !T;ee d-; f :i.
ytart past it Lb bwu toutiderel
practit. V.e. ir. Nf w Yok V lay t-j: h
tsle B,-ri .t- rivtr, L-tr.r li-ali hit
r..i-.";e ' X'j ! trarsierrel Ly wi'.n
betww,-ti New Ytek ci'y ar.d Irskiyn.
t t f ol J. It is now ; 1. i.t-.aertr,
ta Ir r a :arr" ; 1; - -r-s .;.( Ilaft riri-r
wrhis v !.;; fp:;a f-.l-.ia-'
ire li ; r a.l say . C'v l.elri-1 1 cars
wllll j:-t lir? t ".vri-'i to ae-c-jrr
::i't !' a m.a.i fs-V. sr. I ief r
each w; ! i- t i it a ti.r eX-'ric motor,
c-;rst- J by t: t" st-?:l. j j
'iaine-1 ti at 1 r ti. .t in tr.ail n.u
'.. 't 1 t . i Vtt it i . r ;:j les than a
r.'.i:.v3'e. TI e :-- st-s-iu ta opn c;
I router p--j-i: iltl-- ii the i'.s.e of
tri'is-'.r?:. -.
The S;.,ksr.e Lev
exec tl.;M to ti.e
s-yur'-n-jt. ecceptf-d by (,.ra. Casy. chief
of enjciiieere. fr the proposed juijnte
Vi'i.'. fi tie (oluu:Via. It says:
WJ.'.; this'.ion it ijoo-l at
far t i! f'j-f, it Uiere'y fvllowt oot the
i lea si".'es'ed, of uiahing the river a
feeder lo.xalh'oar's. I'er ls livite far
re-i-tte frotr. thrs-e lir.i t t f t'a:.;-i-ta-tlc
t. ill :x. t 1 ls-2; . f.ii d a", ail. T: e
rlrsr f.ow irj ti.rjn.'i .s-"evef;s losnty,
a: a! the nvr'.hern bouteU'T l li e
i". zlt-':. with the t-sceplivn of t' e Y r of the Ci:. ilr.t-, i Jft
!',r--i, r..l the I.-o;lv t:: ii:i
w v'. pe cf riis-i-irza f jt
yearit c -n-e. lrUt,;g the f.rruu
'i'K.t 'Li jv-rtiot. .f i' cosr ar U.d
w:.,.vh. i en c v i-ti-i ly o:ei.:.r :s, will
u.kss V"ah"r 'jl-.n 'i;ir": as a frrvt J ro
dncet, : whl-ii 1.1. for the tuo' jtrt.
'.vs :;itl-i-I Vu'W ti tl. I; : of
prsi Ut'.iie'i.Ve. Ar
river Ir j-;i the: ' .r.-Ia-y to t;.e ti-a is il.
7bst v, il'trtr,! wl 1 be
SrteJ : tit. t there is t. .-.
ar.d th fscer it if r'-vie a:i l if.e (...;
sn.'b 1 ty the JV'
the ls-ttr it w.'ll f -r l.- p-o-r'ty
ti.e st:e f tv.; h,-:-,ri.
I n..rt bill with the Hn,t,y r .-eti-r.!. , C'lOll a petition tlfTieu I-t at
, that be presented two year ar". proba-; lr-'tl voters, ar.d fiietf in raid court, lo- ',
hie mvi the (lrr.sii.iin. I .r 'ie nis.n cate a site lor men w el Wtjere, la t.-.eir
th'ct )"e eld tiot think it woes-art to i j"''-uient the ex pcrtment can I most
rejt what Lesnll so fuhy then; t ' f-ctua:.y "nJ evxmon.Ma.T ma
it was reccssarr, as the eeoutl t:.owed, iwithin their amn'j ; and shall let
f-,r br caiiv tenatort the tnl -t ti contract , rteivirsr bids after thirty day
j not been vonti dere-1 inore than cr-' l-u'"- - tiee !n actne twwsjtjrfT of pec
Ci iaiiy, if at all. It bow . since t he ' -ral circulation in sr... h ennnty. to the
tote been rect,;.sider.-I a:. 1 the bill' I '-est n-potisible bidder, f..,r ticait.f
taken the is hoped that
I Mr. Jlaiey and othr friet.usi.-f the n.eas.
; nre wid use in its U-haii tlie artnue'itt
' wbkb they are so vll ( r. pared t j a i
; Vance. The bill ouht t j j as.-. Vit
'era t)repjn ocfht to jin haiiis wlti.
1 i. astern rejrn in this u.atttr so im-
p'yrtar.t to botii.
CarrlM tb rissM mf-
s Picture (Houligs
To te haai in tr City.
t ji h arfsian we. is.
ku.mi't hill t'y d
:'.e the
fund amor.? the conntii.t acrordiuf i
t area received a nearly unanimous
Vote in tiie senate, ar,J immediately
tf r r Ki::' bi! f ir ti e taioe ptirrn-se
came in from the bouse, and was imiue-
72 Uiochington Street.
y passe ! nu h r sit;s-nsl.u
a IV ato'i
'j'.:a i-
An I.iino'.j hiriuer iiame-d Km
near bethel, tuor-.tb ti t
into his heal to t. rt ti.e re
ti' f f !.'! and torn us ft-j je.ri
in f.(r. He welched !,:r r-h flts
resxttit ti,'! 'iae I a n . upu. tbt-ut
of six eetitt a ptyend. lie ft d t'.evi i i;
wl.ut Pt r' -.en c.:;- s. k- ; g a, . ;.
Rcc'iOnt of the jt;:i ,n:,t e ; . -u i-.. .- i .
wiji:el ti.e J. '.'. I t.
ti.en t'tt ! hem r.jy.n a '!.
a sliniiar i':,thcf tl.i.t.k'-1
mcr urate --j'.! t; ot n cn-i.ti.. :. I
welh'-d the 1. ' i'.r the ti ll 1 i rd 1
time ar-l f-xVed t:p the- n tu ts. I
r.o''"l t.'it: t:."" jr::i t r t,,e weial;
1 1 i:n
f the
l iii ool, toeret .ire oniy awa
M-rnor's signature to boiiie
the r
law .
A !eift hy r
t"ro ssd ti
ths t a'!
levy A r . v
(OS' S, fi I.- : . .;,!
f i.r:
1 ii a
f r
v i
t -
id bill intresjuif.
.e si-Hate. It jrov ides'
loay make art
r t u-ll.t fvr rd j tir- i
s'i.s v:-1 !.:: ether ; T j-
s : h i v. Ill j: i r c a
The Dalles
;; Cigar : Factory
i ;
t?:t! th jr::i f
's ! I on c ..rr, r..-:'
a i.if : .( 1
w bile i-:i i
t; e h'-st i
fl'ie i ': '
w i e.-t f,-i.
;-r, . e t: it .
K'st's, the"
hey.t t lr
w I i tj bv Is
p-i-' d h's
i T
d U
' W M- S t '
.' (!.' - ! r ...
It tl 'Se i. li
lt; t I ' UP. I- '.' 1
: ; no uss; i -. f j
"i i i t 1 1
-.Ii p i: io the i :
t '' y 'ft.
I bo-heh
efe f.
I : :
r s s :
1 i ii
et s ...
l:ii i am ttic'.ii.
:.'vid Ms; Ti,- el
-..T III 1 ,1. i .r the ( i
r ! 1- a r i iyr. I
1 - : t'-r-st-d. .V j e- rj .
" : .o-yr V ' i-I H;.l::t the
r tl ii!.pr''..s:.,.-i that lie
ri.'i en w I i t tl.
t y h-' J ; e l that h will
i.-. ! i. ;,r.- f. . m :t !.
st- ; t Mi i i.e t it. ii t i tl.u
: a ; I" ' 1 Ha '. m tj. - ,:t
Vy'lvJiVllO f a -i i itjr.-d, nd
par''..' ti . n ;-i!itrj
Stctsd Bt., Opp. HooJ i !'a
tu u ts, ... a
Will repair tour fine IVief
and Carriage. hoe tear f
lriting Iforset, and .n fafl '
all your Llacktmithirf it 6
flnctt title. Satiafaclww V
Tin: Dai.LKS
iywV 11
.. I r.
y p t
'.o I ' e
lit of
.1 as;ire
i a!,
he I he
rr't- rs :r- i i ,
"Ti t ! t f .e.
T. e r-j :at
i.VI: has I.
U." letj.a-; 1 f.
ar;. ;s iij.-i,
(Vvs lit l.S. MiiLIW: n1"
,n i f Tim i all:- ci-
i s Ltrnlt e-tahlis!ied. and
r the,- Lome i':a:v.f.ii ' uri d
1'ii.jt e-. cry ilay.
ii t prt i'f
S'.tgft frox Easti3 aoJ Eoul.'--,
Kortlern Califi)ii- ;i
ti! Itttrior Poltti.
At" 1 si'
U. 1: I
.li 1' 11 -i..i s -I
lie we
rt,f U
'are of
Itilas.d I.-tr Ir.'
i '
Ss-rlV- f-f Tm Ci : ;
r S ';-rtA Iltsvr.i I r- :..
s .' t ! . : k .
S" i :
C :..i. t i'." a-
!-a .y.h".
:t - .It in t5.
?: e ! ill! v v
1,-ee..- Il.lj.t li.,
ii t
: I i
, f .r
e i
tu- i:
1.. t.
'tic ,n!
lit lis.
'II- tli
::S U,
i.s s ;
.,'.- t
If 1-
:s t.. a '
1 t l M-
f !1
if I ) t! e state boar I of
CsnJiss 2nd te
is itf : t -ki tr I '
..- ..... -
Finest Pnut F.oaUrlnTh (J!lc;
rl 1
t. . s
...1 l I:
J :i m
U'1 JStfvv;
t .Me
t usiir ,
si. I. ci A r. srors
I rrstl