The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 10, 1893, Image 3

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hackly Chronicle.
IA1 I fc,
rom '
I ally Chronicle, Tuotdai.
tp, plenty iinii.
t , . , rii l l.'-! warm,
iu. tnpi.Jfjr I'Y
Jr uucntiPi I mic, it.mcer m
U! flllH-klV Oil lilt!
V I . II I (111
il l on Jut !!' k.
S the UypinB n"d.
.11 ILK v -
in !
boat like Ue r.rowT When
aty criinlna! courUexpcnse
,071.21 Itiet year. No won
iver howl.
the weather col.l, ultluojli
meter hat not indicated a
.temperature a fro in tin city
i n inter.
t County Ne yt: Lynx are
ting around North Fork heep cor-
ftnd feinting on fat inntton at the
enae ot ' "er powne rt.
iwi f over the wire today that
a '. . I'. Kobert", who went to
hern California for hit health re
ty,d:?ithia morning lit 4 o'clock,
deree. . J wui ( ne t-f the firnt u.ia
ric to the Sandwich island, and
rtt resident of Weo county for
U h'.rge tint.
f tattle came oi-roc
U the ice toJay.
. v aighted ofT Sun
mid ratue In on that
Cv!c i.l-tn n.e
wCity f I'tk"
t The Dalles i now an ice
.irgeon dimensions. Hordes
fe rrfixainj; it.
. report )ia s,reail aruiuid trial me
ibar lmcr WilniinctoirwM burned
CM at Union last
iie hh rtgitjre tax and the indebled
"I eieniptiou cluuaea have twen re
led by Die lej1nture and ooly lnck
sifoaturt if the governor to It-come
'he anow plow la uianhed up tid:iy,
t ua a consequence we will have
Ll mail tonik'tit. Tlie anow rnoeaaae
fr two rotary now dow !f It it
ad to keep the roiid open.
tomo IVarce of Kola, the veteran
Ither r ,-xirter of Oregon, wat burled
h' i " ime at 1 oVliH'k Sunday after
m, I r, P. K. Knight officiating.
I was i. of the leading tuinda of Die
ror Mm horticultural aociety, which
' Lara aa aralonalv irnarded. w iahei
i rn-operalion of auiiliary bowrdt.
t atate Ixiard it located at room 8,
koml Flrtt ttreet bnildinR. Write to
'ecrelary, Mr. Geo. J. Sargent, and
yoortelf on the liat.
fbeet it-tome talk of ttirrenderlng the
arter whereby Canyoa City became
t incorporated town. Thlt act would
Leet w! "i ai'proTal, for no good hat ac-
tied f. c 9 the municipal furin of gut-
ae-which to a progremive town
'old i an new tidewalkt, clean
kl ( Vd eUtiett, a teweraga
t-n cleaa alleyway and back
Thie rownty ! prolifiu in retoureet.
b Jay inforroa the Newt that he eat
'rie trew" few dayt ago that con
lined ll 3 jwunda of fine honey, and he
ye the mountain foretta contain
aauy niuee tree inhabited by the tire
M lit. s toiler. The million of wild
lower t' at rrow on the uionnUia tidrt
tnd t meadow every to miner are
vt 1 1 ha buy bee.
The iu(ltt lit of the officer
iCol a Farmer' Alliance No. I,
ae thee, oing terra 1K93: Preaident,
. H. KiUdellj vice president, J. U.
CoonU; weeretarr. J. A. Keely; treat
irer, Mr. Richarda; chapliu, II. L.
ow!l; lecturer, Mm Grace Kiddell;
Met. lecturer, Mine Kffle Allen; door
teeper, VV. II. William; .t. door
ieeiT, Prt Patteron ; aarifeunt at-
trmr, Harry Kichnrd.
Tl i WJiiTiint circle of the C. I H. C.
xrt Inert nijrl.t w ith Mr. Curtia. Mr.
Trandall took charge of the loeton in
3reluii liintory and Mr. Llttlefleld of
V 'ted tutca and Foreign Puwor.
1 v tleiiaant and profitable eveuiuu
Wat . t. T!i tl..t IrtiMitinkf mill Im.
r citb . a. r.lakeler. Those present
were lura. Cnrtia, Mr. Crandull, Mr.
Brokii. MmvJ'lakelcy, Mrt. Phiiikelford,
Miit Kroufcii, Mi Fraxier, Mia Ijn,
Y-Ut. Curt and Mr. UttleftVld.
fl-'-uIalion I rife conieriiiiig the Cut-
.cad j
k appropriation, and all aicti,
l.nt IIarriain appeared lait
to Co.
the uiaw)ucrado hall with a a k
ete tlM work, and the hiii will
b Cjii
etel by Meaiir. Day on time.
ine UKgoiiiau aayc "Nuthlnf haa
Keen aeea or Uurd lt?w of Mor. Day,
eoniracior lor the completion fur the
jCaacada Itxk and canal. They have
1 be notified of the accepUuca of their
f bid, d it i underatood they will at
new gin work upon their contract bv
. twt' : out granite foe the lob at their
uar. fn California. There U about
I.0C3 cubic feet of granite on the ground,
a&out 18,000 feet more will be
1. Thicii be got lu California,
the work conld not be proenculed
"vnd ahipited up when ready,"
aa the Dll Ctaroule t. Weaneadar-
28th an4 tHh n!t. witurd a
ad half a( WaplolUu
The anow ha left Portland in any
thing but a fine fix.
Another now jilow hn been tent for
todny ond o n. ay le happy yet.
A Wfipiuit-U letter of jwtruLy
the no the:e i "8 Inches d. cp.
The Ix'st f iH'llin of Juniper Oat a: to
have a match tlin evening.
What in.itc auc.-csn? Il.ird wotk.
What in ik w ealth? Advei'tising.
The grent jiroarMvta of our city ro nil
Fiiiumcd up in thut ono word Loc.ttou.
Mr. A. A. Whitney of Portland, Is hi
the city anions the delayed patucinfere.
"Ik-lly d. ep to a horse" the measure
ment of the rnow given tout by a Wapl
nitia man.
The uo-.v on Dutch flt i from two 10
four feet dorp. It me place it i
drifted very much.
Mr. C. W. Emeraon f 15-Mile i In
the city. He report everything In good
th.ipe in hi eeclion.
Mr. Pal Wrown f 10-Mile i In the
city today and report good health and
plenty of mow in hi neighborhood.
A dance i to be given thl evening at
Crites place on Wapinitia if the young
people don't fet froitbitt-n.
Mr. Sol Durbin, one of the (nowbound
paasenitert by the 17. P., it in the city
t'day, Mr. Dorbin it one of Oregon'
eaily pinnejr.
Mr. Chaa. Alliron i cntting and put
ting up he from the Stadd'enian pond
that i tea incbvl ia thicknci-, and ai
Clear at ice can be.
Today the ky is ah riont clear of clond
and the maximum t-mjerature wu 30.
The average depth of mow in thi loci!
ity it nine incher.
In the Ojk (irovc aection and at
Wamir, tvpoit tay the tnow i eighteen
inehet diep. 8t'x-k are in food condi
tion having plenty of find.
S-tu Dollar of Wamnc died on the 4tb
ii. he waa proniirtent ciliren, a grnnd
aru.,. veteran, ulont 50 year of jfe, and
leave! a large family to mourn hie death.
We are nn h r oblittntiona to Mr. K.
H. Fiem h for a copy of the I'.erkeU-yan.
ll table of content in very Interesting,
Mr. EJ. May of Ibi city, one of Perk
ier ttudenta, appear a r rot-late
editor. We gladlv chip In.
The young people about Milt Norris'
raueh on Junier Flat tpent the time
very pleamully at a noclal dance on the
SClii. Muaie aa famished by the
Keener & Meoefte band. A cplendid
upper wa rovided. About forty cou
ple were pretent.
One of the hand of fteer which
croed the ice yeaterday went through
and failed to com to the feed rack latt
night. The ice wa very much like the
beautiful enow poem, "too thin" in
Mr. W. J. Hubert of Coliax, came
down on the morning paaaenger. Mr.
Robert came on a cutumon that, hi
father bad died In Ixj Angele on Mon
day eve and the remain won Id be
brought to thi city for interment.
Attorney J. 8. Story and 11. II. Rid
dell returned from Grant laet evening,
where they were engaged ia getting tome
testimony taken before a referee, In
reference to an action tending there.
They report every thing a being very dull
and but little botiuete being done. All
are waiting for the long delayed chinook
to open buaineat once more.
Tl young people of Grant enjoy their
ocial gather! a daring the long winter,
and make the time pa merrily. A
merry company met laet evening in the
hall next the Diipatch oflica and epeut
the evening in dancing. It wa a very
enjoyable affair, and until the "woe
ma' " hour the music gave inepiration
to the jolly dancer.
A nutuber of person are in tow n for
tl purpoae of attending the quarterly
teacher examination which wa to com
mence today. l!ut oaing to the delayed
traiua. County HupvrintendaNt fheily
wa unable to arrive in time, aid tlrje
who are deklrou of attending the exam
ination are compelled to wait until euch
time a the contrary element will per
mit Mr. r-lielly to arrive.
I.. I,. Greenley an inmne man wa
brought in thi morning by T. W,
Glavey and Win. Greenley, from Klng
ley. lie wa evamincd by Dr. Mineklo
ford this afternoon and pronounced in
fane, ahen-upon Judge Dlukeky coin
unucf him to the nxyluiu. Gneenley i
a man twenlyniiie year of nre and has
Ih!h idiotic ever timti hi birth ; hi in
ability oving due to benwiitary cincef.
ile at time become violent and tecmt
heixed with adctlreto kill thoee ioiit
him. lleiia tufTrrmi from uttaek of
epilepry tince childhood, and ha re
quired contUnt watching for year. He
wa placed in the county Jail fur auftty
until tucb time a ha can be taken to
the atyhtui.
from Tb IxUIr Ckronk-1, Tburaduj .
Mr. lac Jule i out again lit
recent illnci.
MiM Grate Crandall I recovering
from her late attack of Hint.
For the year 189 J the annual i;ieii
of Lane couuty were (02,413.75.
A liore recently pnrchaped from a
farmer near Independence to be taken
to the world' fair, it (aid to be 20 band
and two Inches high. He will out-top
all otherf, and can pick the tallest fer
al minon.
lew breaking up on the Columbia
river next June. Pari panel cerrr
break. Ilerrin gallery over the poit
oflko. The Y. B. C. C. 1 out thl afternoon
with a tt-ani and drag, uioolhlrir the
re-id aiul pulling it ia g'iod e m illion
for con.niii this tvcniiig.
I.. I., (i-rvnley whi was adjudged ia
eatie ycterday w n taken lo the y I u m
by Sheriff Ward on tho trnin whlcli h-ft
tovfti this forenoon lu the :iku of tlio
ictary plow.
The teacher cxfmin:tion bean to
day. Mr. Troy Hieliy w as mt uhlo to
get here on account of the blockade,
Klitt I'irg is conducting tl.o exainiiu
tlou. An entertainment entitled "Tho Dec
Irick bkulo" is being prepared by the
Indies of the M. E. church and will be
given at Armory hall in a short time.
The data will bo announced later.
Mear. R. Suotlgra, Auios Darneille
of Boyd, called on ua today. They re
port the (now is about J0 Inchea deep
on an unfrozen ground. The mercury
registered 16 degree below aero on the
Cildett morning.
A (now rotary left Portland at 6 o'clock
thi morning and one left thi place at
11 o'clock followed by two passenger
train we'll filled with passenger.
Dr. N. G. B'.alotk of Walla Walla
and the Col ley Pro, of the Coeur
d'Alene miction in Idaho are in the city
making final proof on land today that
it W.i led in Gil'iam county.
A four year old child of Mr. O'Meg
died thit morning w ith diptheria. The
child wat ill for several day, the dis
ease being iu a very malignant form.
Dr. Riuehart and Eshelman, who was
called in at the last, did all that medical
kill could avail but to uo purpose.
The working of the rotary when it
strikes a snow drift ia described a some
thing grand. It borts Into the snow
like an angur, and throw it sixty feet
into the air. It is wonderful how quickly
a drift is removed by the action of the
rotary, and it seem that it cancot be
too deep to impede it progress.
Frank Gentry brought into Heppner
Saturday a squirrel in that comatose
date which they assqnje through cold
month. It wai found in a haystack,
aud upon being wnrmed showed sign of
life, but being exposed to the cold did
not long survive. It looked in it win
ter home, not unlike a ball of fur, aud
w;is somewhat of a curio? ity.
A party of ten or twelve ixraoii went
up to tee the ice gorge at tho daller,
this afternoon. They took a photo
grapher along to take a few snap shots
of the most wonderful ion gorge ever
seen on the Columlia river. The ice is
piled up in all shape and i etupen
dous in it mauivenes. The pack ha
caused the river to rise above it, tome
say 10 feet others ay 25 feet.
A Letiar Front Wamla.
Wamc, Feb. 6. It seem prevalent
that the people of Eastern Oregon are to
be deprived of the much expected port
age road aa provided for by the Raley
bill, now before the assembly. Why i
it that a bill for the pnrpote of opening
up the interior of one of the most pro
ductive countries on the western slopo of
the Rockies, one of the most fertile and
progressive, with the facilities that could
be attained by the passing of the bill,
and the early completion of theso lock.
Why is it that an intelligent honor
seeking senator or senator w ill trample
such a measure under foot. I it be
cause we (Eastern Oregon) have received
too much partiality heretofore? Ha
the state money been used too lavishly
iu cur internal improvements? Have
we ever received any appropriations by
the state fur the puriioso of building
public buildings or any other Improve
ment that would atdn in ruukiiij; this
better, more prot-iefbive, and more In
viting to capital, or in any way nsiet
ing to relieve the people of their I union
of high freight rates, etc? Ko, noth
ing but the pecuniary appropriation of
(IH.OOO io build the Cascade portage
rtKid which has morn than paid for H
telf in saving to tho farmer alone. Com
pare our past record of improvement by
state money, with tho rectrd of western
Oregon. What lins sl.o received for the
pmjMjso of dredging her rivei alone?
What has the Willamette river received,
and urn on tho verge of asking (XI ,10 J
to buy the canal or h cks at tho Willam
ette liver falls, w hich i just and right
that tho stato should own them and all
(ither int-rmil improvement of approx
imate wealth), (.VO.COO for the Agiicul
Jural college, the asylum mid various
oilier things want money and must have
it, and not many months since, 1tiU,()C0 I
think it was, appropriated to build a
dome on the capital building at c'uU iu,
and Eastern Oregon im;t pay her por
tion of thl money and dues do it with
out h word ; doe she get value received?
The vote on tho Raley bl'l xp!iiii It.
Poo K. O., derivu any immediate U'n
elit from money thu expended? Ye.
Would Portland ai.d tho Willamett
valley receive any immediate benefit
from money expanded 1 provided for
by tha Raley bill? I uy a they will
say by (topping to the front and leaving
partiality, prejudice and supposed re
form and economy buhind, ye. Now
in conclusion let lis not forget these sen
ator who voted down thu Raley bill
aud la the future place theni ia the
debtor column of our country. P. Jack.
If the tnow should go off w 1th quick
ness whfit rush of waters wouli follow.
Arlington (Ufa Ituhhary.
The Record givet on account cf the
robbing of Coflin Uron.' f.ifu at Arlington
on Monday ( lut wcik, but f;ii!.i to
print the nnn e i-f tbn i.iTi ndcr. Wo do
ix-t know the re riii why thu Ui'cord
kept the i an"- a nctvt. Wo lrc.t tho
editor f ll-.'i ll eoril u asi not l;iipl!c!tcl.
I'.ut laying J kts o!dc, tl.o orly mloto
go by is for a newspaper to sho'.v no
p.irtii'.lity In tuch mattcit. If n paper
keeps thr muni! but k in eno cne, it will
he iiTij-ertunt :! to in other and l.u no
end of trouble. It is no more than tin'
readers of the Record Might to expect1
for thut paper to pivo (he numu in such
eaao tiiie, after tho complaint is
made and the party bound over. It is
not libelous, ar.d seldom ever does harm
to publish the facts of judicial criminal
proceeding, without comment.
The danger lie in and injury remits
from publibhing rumored suspicions,
tinctured with malice, and connecting
names of persons with thut sort of slan
der. But the public have a right to the
name and charge sworn to in court, and
a newspaper has tho right to give them,
and to publish the complaint, if be
choose, or a copy of the proceedings, or
any fact connected with the court a a
part of the proceedings. The rule for
newspaper In euch matters is that the
publication should not be dono with
malice, and that the paper is liable for
the truth of all assertion it makes that
are not ttrictlv matter of record.
Follow ing i the account given by the
Record: "The safe of the well known
firm of Coffin Bro., was robbed of about
orso liundrcu dollar on iionuay last.
The facts aro about as follows : Stanley
Coffin left the safe party open and went
skating. During bia absence a young
uiiin who was formerly In their employ
came in the store, went to the safe and
tock out the money, the party in charge,
not thinking anything about the matter.
When Stanley returned he missed the
money and made inquiry, and was in
formed who had been in. A warrant
was sworn out, and Marshall Carlisle
soon had the party. He acknowledged
thu theft and returned nearly all the
money. He was taken before Justice
Zeigler and placed under (150 bonds to
appear before the next grand jury. We
suposc his bondsmen have the money
to lose, ns we think it very doubt (nl if
the thief will be in the country when
the grand jury convenes."
Mb. Editob A few evenings since I
was enjoying the sleigh riding with my
beet eirl. I took a Btone foot warmer
with me. It wa about 10x14 in sire,
It came near causing the breaking off of
oiir engagement. The thermometer was
about at eero. I attempted to put my
feet on the warmer beside the girl (to
whom I am engaged) when she kicked,
Was I doing anything improper?
Because yon are engaged to the yonng
lady does not give you more privilege
than if you were not. On a' (tone 10x14
there would be no room for your feet
after those of the-young lady are on it,
esoeciallv if the is from tho Willamette
vallev. They may be "ducks" of feet,
but we doubt if the stone wa large
enough' for her feet alone. Would ad'
vie you to get a larger stone or not at
tempt the same thing again.
Activity of MurtH Araarlem Volcano.
Scientific American. I'adernal peak,
situated in the wilds of Rio Arriba
.ounty, New Mexico, is reported ns now
in a violent state of eruption, and is
belching forth eulphrou fumes and lava
at intervals of about three hours, each
hitting about thirty minutes. Tbi has
been iioing on since the Inst week in
December. The entire top of the nioini
tiiri, which was almost square and about
a milu in extent, is stated to be blown
off, and the lava pouring down the sides
has already filled npthe valley for about
half a milcoii each tide. A considerable
portion of a ruined city of the ancient
cliff dwellers will bo covered w ith the
slag should the eruptions continue
Pudental peak ii one of the most promi
nent landmarks of the territory. The
Mexicans say that it burst forth in
violent eruption in 1820 aud did not
tease for nearly a year afterward. It
hail Iain dormant until the present time,
The rumbling noise and lurid light can
be plainly beard and seen at hierrn
Auiiirilla, seventy mile distant, and nn
iirmv of people, from there are now at
Ariquin to witness the impressive sight,
An earthquake shock felt at Orizaba,
Mexico, recently, great'y frightened the
people living in thu vicinity of the
Oricaha volcano. Tho town of Orizaba
lie alxjut seventy mile by rail south
west of Vera Crux and about twenty
five tulle south of Mount Orizaba, the
snow. clad peak of which is (aid by tome
to bo 17,380 feet fibovo ea level, and bv
other to lie the highest peak in North
America. Tim residents of Colimn, thu
capital of the Mexican atateof that name
on the I'm ilfc roast, also feel a nervous
apprehension rcgaidlng tho volcano of
Colima, which, reaching a height of
about 12,0nfl feet, looms skyward aliout
thirty mile tun thrust of the capital.
Every night a lurid light Illuminates
the sky ii! ove the mountain, and it is
fcareil'tbat thi portends serious erup
tiou. The rotary snow plow which has
finally opened the U. P. R. between Tho
DeJIe and Portland, wa the invention
of a Dalle City man; but he, like the
Kalein man who Invented the cable-car
' for city service, wa '"oni.elled to leave
; Ot to set hi- patent before the world,
. ai.d nwer made a cent out of it.
The Union Whlt ClubJ wa enter
tained last evenimj by Mr. and Mrs. II.
Glenn. A very enjoyivbU limo was bud
as usual in the ple.iHint hall. Tie
piie were carried oil' by Mr. C. E.
P.ayin.l, liif, ai d Mm. I.. M. Crowe,
t, mid coiirlsled of t wo ho iniiful
painti'ivi, tho work - f Mrs Gh-nn.
After liuf score wen; lulf. all a I-
j)tiri;eil to tl.o mj'l er, vrheru a
delicii ii.i Itii.di wr.a rerved, niter which
.lancing was enjoyed till a hilo hour.
Those present were Mr and Mrs Glnnn,
Mr and Mrs Bayard, Mr and Mrs
Brooks, Mr and Mrs Hosteller, Mr and
.Mr Clowe, Mr and Mrs Blakeley,
Mr and Mrs Hohion, Mr and Mrs
Beall, Mr and Mrs Eoid, Mr and
Mrs Houghton, Mr and Mr Louhheud,
Mr and Mr Peters. Mr and Mrs Riue
hart, Judge and Mr Bradshaw, Mr and
Mrs II 3 Wilson, Mr and Mrs W II Wil
ton, Mr. and Mrt Hilton, Mr and Mrt
Crossen, Mrt Bennett, Mist Frazie.r, Dr.
Logan and Mr Ed Hosteller.
To Ito Trnnll.
Hpeaking of trustworthy thermome
ters, what Is the matter with the Col
umbia river? When it registers such a
degree of ice as it baa not registered
since 1S82, the record must lie allowed
to stand. Tho ordinary objections that
tho thermometer is unreliable, or baa
hung iu a draft, don't go.
1)1 Kl.
This morning at tho home of his
mother in this city, Mr. Frank Shontell.
Aged 24 years, 6 months und 17 days.
1 he luneral services w ill be held at the
M. E. Church ou Monday afternoon at
no un.
On 3-Mile creek, Jau. 27th, 1S93, to
the wifo of E. F. Sharp, a daughter. All
doing well.
A Sure Cure for l'llas.
Itching Tiles are known by moisture
like perspiration, causing intense itch
ing when warm. This form ns well a
Blind, Bleeding or Protuding, yield at
once to JJr. liosanito i lie uemeay,
which acts directly on part affected,
absorbs tumors, allays itching and
effects a permanent cure. 60 cents.
Druggists or mail. Circular free. Dr.
Bosunko, Philodelphia, Pa. Sold by
Blakeley b Houghton, druggists.
Inrt lsiutrd Authority.
The United States Dispensatory vg
that "Onions ore a stimulant, diuretic
and expectorant ; they increate the ap
petite ana promote uigesiion. ine
iuice made into tvrun a in Dr. Gunn'e
Onion Syrup, has a specific action on the
Throat, I. imps and air passages, it not
only cure Cough, Colds, Croup and
(Jots sumption, but it stimulating eneci,
strenghten and builds up the cystem
afterward. As a tonic and restorative
it has no equal. We solicit a trial in the
most chronic and stubborn cases, t rice
50 cent. Bold by Blakeley & Houghton,
fjsIf To want till to Government
State Land call on
T. A.
Late Kec. U. 8. Land umca.
Notary Public,
0. S. Land Attorneys.
Over Sixteen ear Experience.
600,000 ACRES
UnimproTEd FARM Properly
Band (or a Pamphlet duacrtblng this land.
Thompson's ki&M to The Mo.
This nditltion Is IhIiI nn" Into one sere lots, and
li de-tlnd lb6th prhirhiHl rvuldonrn iwrtnl
llieclty. Only twenty niluutuus walk from lb
conn nnue.
I not Ih afmlil to eouiiilt or write u. wo (fir
advice nr lndiriiiHUon in all brancht of our but
lt)i free of charge.
Settlers Located on Government Land.
Offlrc In V. 8. Land Office Building;.
A. II. CURTIS, Prop.
Flour of the BectQual
ity Always on Hand.
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Hates Feasonble.
"V7". "V7". Oo.
Ilni Itatiumlna; I'vurll.
Farmer um! s'm kriiis'oa universally
iii't'e"; tb il ii-hornii j cattle ii a urcat ud
VMiil.t.'c. The iviltiu I I'l'' more (loeilo
and ran 1 i) haii'l e I inn. h easirr, and
are eii-ier mreil i r than ll.'.e with
boiim. AH iiirnK-rH mid Hinckinen nlo
it,"ie tbiin the pro: er t!i;,e; to do If to
stop the gm, td i, i id,, ln.ri.1 on t!,; calf,
Iheredy HVoilillj? lim 1 1 ,u l.le.- ,nB and
iriiiiful operation of iimi: the m .
I lean's; I) 'horning pencil bin been
thoroughly leMid ever-, w I eic nni
ihou-iamU ol fartiiei and :. Uieeti can
ti-fctifv ai to tho advantage f ii-in thu
same on young stock. It make no soro
and cause no p.iiu. By oim application
llii) horn wiil drop elf in u few days. It
in guaranteed to give satisfaction if op
plied hi directed. Best f references
fiirnibhed. Agent wnntnl. Address :
U. R. Johnson, I .a irande, Oregon. (P.
O. box IW),) general western agent for
Eustern Oregon. I.'.')w4t
Anierlran Cholera.
Kioia the Daily Revkili.s, U hjito.m, Vt'unb.
"T. C. Burnett, th democratic candi
date, fir sheriff, was taken violently ill
at Cletrbrook. He had all thu symp
toms of Asiatic cholera, and for an hour
or two it was feared lie would die. They
finnlly gave him a dose of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
which revived hiiu until a physician ar
rived." That is precisely what tho
mauufp.eturers of that medicine recom
mend for cholera. Seud for a physician
but give their medicine until the physi
cian arrivee. If cholera become preval- -ent
in this country next summer this
preparation will be in great demand be-
ause it can always be ilcpcndeu upon.
For tale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
Wo have an unlimited amount
of money to loan on ap
proved farm security.
Thornbury A Hudson,
The Dalles, Or.
Order by dispatch, mail or in person
filled any hour, day or night.
Prices as Low as tie Lowest !
Pictures framed in all style iind sizes.
Place of business cor. third and
Washington Streets.
tuk nALi.ea, - ohecon
Admtnlittratur'a Notice.
Notice ia hereby given that the un
dersigned, the administrator of the es
tate ot Jolin Mason, ueceasen, nas men
his final acconnt in euul estate, ami tnal
Mondav, the 6th day cf March, 1893. at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of enid day,
at 1 lie countv court in the courthouse
in Dalles City, Waeco county, Oregon,
is the time nd place fixed by an order
of the Hon. Cieo. C. Blakeley, county
judge of Waeco county Oregon, a tne
time and place for hearing said account,
which order liears date the 7th day of
January, 1S93. All parties interested
in suitl estate are liereoy nouneu to uie
their obttctions to said account, if any,
on or before said time.
Dated thi 7th dnv of January, isim.
S. V. MsoM. Administrator of tho Es
tate of John Mason, Deceased.
Dvrvn A. Mknkfkk, Attorneys for nid
Estate. Jiu
ITImlier culture, flniit pro.f.)
U. B. Und tutiiHS Tli l"Ue. or., ta'. 'A ISP2.
Nutlw in hen-liv nlven Hint Jiiinm . I .ox ha
Bird notloei'f Intention to ninke Hniil V'"0' "
fore the nlttr and rw-rivcr at tlifir oirire In
The lniei, cr.,on 1 ueadny, trie 7th day of hi b
rnnrv. 1M, on thnln-r eiilluri- Hpnlioailon No.
mmi.'for llij i:1, CWii of awtion No. 4, Inly.
No. b S. R. No. 1:1 eat.
Itnawll. Ie I'attrnande and M. K. MclA'wd
Ila miliipa an lllir't ll. nnwu,
.'''"JOHN W. USWI-.Bi-gl.ter.
Jlf. t' ' V .
i V: h. 3 :--n i.i C itwA
: ' . . ;-iti f p.taS li.-us'.vtit Co.
r ." " C-; .(A hart, Ind.
;..iu i:ii ivi : I .13 vk 'i. In l.i:orinlni; ym
r i i. mi ir-;iu j-r' i
i m l hflve fol'j'.'. cil
.1,. i -f r
'. -'1 t I '
Vi&- RreraftTiv Nek'in
.-. ir' i. ::a i.w. kf u rr I v u.4
i i t b A' Ywlnit iiiiii nl lie 140 of Inn
'. i,(t lip.r iKiiiion i f llo Miinal cor I. I
r 1 M" I N '''" "'"h w'' re,,l,lr
' i j!.c. . liuntloit wlili itlci" -n.
V. VI HjjT y., Nervine liinlly
r.ri n ii. 'nl t. ma. til, rm-ohi.l tcnaftol f
. !' t t I U.'U no r'vTiii-loni lu IUa , flu nrv of
liv ri .i. li. YvJin u hi I TilMiit I rf.nMMllvil IO
hv v it a irml lim Ii lo nyMiri.rml i xikthmk r'l
.' iri.-. I c.icfii ; iitj nU'cpU-a iu d'Mii'iiirii):
: if Iimi1.ii ho tviuruMuYodi tiy .(ilnUajutkui cikl
anno ? f nrv nie. Ait this eeauaaro
frm li auto o alii annwH ftaiciJ
C., ran i a l.iXna tlic Nirvinu 1 1 IV
b(Ulbl roftllU. LllLt ll. VAMUSaVkKB.
oto on PoemvK ouar.ANTCi.
J, V