The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 10, 1893, Image 1

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    if ' ' '- - '
12 rntnre Secretary of State
;' WeU Med Dp.
THE I'.Al.KV II I It..
Awotwrr KITnrt M Mt 1'ttt
! MMinn Thrank.
Tb Kl Orr.nUii.t ,
Tho mj!o of Kastera Oregon want
il l noed an "orm river." It in due
thriii. They Jmjt thdr share of taxes to
tho state and gt the least benefit vt
any rt of lite slate In return. All the
appropriation wadw ly legblalures
herwtufore have rone to Increas the
j TREATY VET HOLDS C.OODf value of private property west or tne
Cdcs ami lor the people 01 tiiat sec
tion. Barely , anything ha ever been
returned to Kaatern Oregon, and now
when the people auk for an appropria
tion of less than half a million for "an
open rieer to the sea," tlio combined
strength of the senators from the mt
i thrown against it. We ak in solemn
earnestness: IM these men know what
they have donii and are doing? They
have robld and arc robbing a just
people of their rights for tho benefit i.f
private interests, and still they have the
calm audacity to pone a reprcsenta
live of the people.
The Ualey bid will undoubtedly come
up a; in at this - ion, and It should
become a law, but it w ill fail )eforc,
unlets the I'eoplo of thi section rise in
tltt'ir might and say. to the legislature:
"Vau the bill, we demand it, or sntTer
the consequent." '
Senator Itolph savs "the legislature vt
"eon shouM provide for the building
of a portage road. The sU'e U able to
build It, and Eastern Orctfon shou'd re
tain, ft..! much rauuthleration. lie was
iilu m -itli.n 111 rIril to. - . . .... ..... ...
" " ; I or the opinion tliat I'aul Jluiir a roa.i, u i
Jt.ere i pra..;1CJny no traue .:,..,, . .;-.., hf,!U.,;t , Vmx.
en. Oregon. It would 1 but nuother
monoxly of the cvmmerce of the river,
demanding all that could be got out of
it. Whether it was so intended or not.
I'eiinoyer'a fonrw, he (aid, wan' calcu
lated to help Mohr to prevent legislative
action for the relief of Kaotern Oregon."
Senator !olpll sees plainly now the fu
tility of waiting for the government to
open the rirer. Tiie state cltould do it,
and the people of this section should
pass ltaley'a portage railway bill w hich
was defeated in the ten ate, but which
waa restored to the calender by a vote of
reconiiideration Jn it favor. Then I
(till hope for its passage if the people
will bat act.
Tiie republican party ahould not re
ceive the vote from the people ol
Kastcro Oregon in the future as in the
1 past if the plea for "an open river from
I t.m Ci'alrn tn tl.M CM' la .l.into.l
aeweai lennency ami euecv 01
' important acta of the Cieve
inintration in the prosecution
icy inaourated by Secretary
Give Vh the Island Should
ng te Ls by Preference.
s ftiric Will kick
rA K:it atlll tl Trratjr tw
. VH W Ml
Ian Vrar.
ton, Feb. S. Special.) It
y r-ortcd that the Canadian
laay people will undmibtedly
jniwerfiil influem-e t'uret the
govenimeut to protet to the
iverniiieiit. throupli their biah
uer in Ixindon, ir (tiarles
guint the . annexation ot
y the I'nited Utef. feir
I well veraed in the ways of
and is thuroUh!yaiiverant
of ltweeii liritlsh Columbia
ii at pretw-nt, but if the pro-
of etvainere was put on and
not anneie-1 by tha I'nited
e would without doitlit be an
e of commodities between the
i-s. IVdes, British Coliim
jking rapid stride forward,
iiig calculated tn promote her
ant wiil I carefully nred,
lUtiing having the oppofite
wilt be iriiforotiMy opposol.
ntervlew witfT1 Kx-Secretary
rterday he rery willingly re
s pat actions in reference to
Han Ulands and the jolicy of
Jepartmeut while he was at
: Then, in the eourse of several
inrersation, Mr. llavard went
whole ijoettion, the eoinmer
I.! affiliations of the Ha-
llEsnnassei ia SeTeritf at Seattle aui
Otter Points.
A Great Scosativo Expected Over the
Cvuiog Contest la Court.
A Tribal
the Mxraarv of Ik Lata
J J. Kelly.
Imi), in Ihifiir, Or., Jan. 27, my, of
The deceased was lorn In Pulutki
11, 1K28. II
was a piooivr of Oreconf having cros;d
. hat Mr. Cleveland hares bis I
known by reference ti tlie '
bin meigit to concern, par- j
he meiiige of lss.". With his i
l he map of the 1'acitic, Mr. t
lintcJ out the (reographh-al re
thewe islands li our
After nrteva 1'ear la the Orecuu
llullt Kvvaaaa Uarla Catlrr ( nr.
win. He Tk. Um' Kuan.
, Srvrrii!, " Feb. 3. Special. The
status of the weather on 1'ugct sound
siirpaefcs in reverity and in the mount
of !ow which has fallen, aTl former
revord. For tho iml two days the
thermometer has registered zero, and at j
time it has been as cold as three degrees
bnl'iM' rero. Snow began to fall one
week ago, and has continued almost
a a stop, and at this date tlie snow
is Mill falling, and that very rapidly.
Yesterday the Indications were that ws
would have rain, but last night it began
Knowing again and from mx o'clock yes
terday evening until is 'o'clock this
moriiimr about eight Indies of snow fell.
At this hour Ihe snow measures about
twoTceton the level. Business is al
most totally blocked, the stores re do
ing but little and tho stree-car lines are
running at Irregular intervals. The
snow has not yet interfered with the
mail, other than making it few hours
late. Trans-continental trains aro run
ning on about schedule time.
The great senxation of the hour is the
arrect of the widow of Henry L. Yesler,
)octor J. Knavne Jordan and Doctor II.
M. Van Buren for conspiracy in de
stroying the will of Henry L. Yesler.
It is purported that the will contains a
bequest to the city of Seattle amounting
to nearly a million dollars, and that
Mr. Yesler provided only in a scanty
way for his wife, who is a young lady !
only about twenty years of age. Dr.
Jordan and Dr. Van Unrcn hnve been
bound over to appear before the superior
court. Mrs. Yesler has not yet had her
preliminary examination. It U charged
by Dr. Jordan th,at Mr. J. D. Iowman,
nephew of the deceased millionaire, at
tempted poisoning Mr. Yesler at differ
ent timet", but failed in his purpose.
What the termination of this investiga
tion will )w cannot be forecnit, because
the fact surrounding the entire case
limited with the t'brixtiuu
, . ..... . heart disease, after a long Illntss, John
imtKHtanee at this juncture as . .... . ... , , ,
. , . .,, , , , I J. Kellv, ae tn years aixl 16 days.
4ii of what will be done lu , , , ,
IliM XX- I'.v.r.t t.aa .1.!
' t ... , ! cciinty, Kentockv, Jan
i iiuf cvuiiirvoi mo tiawaiiau i , , .
liiv piMiiin ii m ui ii iiivii v Mrauinri ill
He hK-atel a donation claim in
Unn cou:;ty and was cUwly connected I Arc enveloped In a mystery.
with the development of that co:inty
until .ISM, when he moved with his
family to Crook county, whrri- lie vr
in stock raisin. Mr. Kellv
church in
ard did m;t Commit himr-lf U 1 ",J tr,,,? ' P'ncp!i s up
cyofanuexatioua-ia UU dextli. He was a kind, good
for the linimdiate futnre, ""If tcigni-or, love-i i,y all viio
! drift of his statement en- '"' patiently cmlurci
lew llni!, ,nl.l : suffering withwt a murmur. He leaves
itnwmation of the political i '
i.i' id enters into nndi-r the Kial, IcIiiMren to mourn tlieir low
i ISM and followed by Clcve- ,-5"1' county for interment
I'tiiriistration. i where he has one child buried. Mrs.
- -- - - " I Kelly extends her Ix artMt tlianlis to
tarra fri !... j the people of Dufur fur tlieir KYnipstiiy
i-r Oazi'tte: The ruiimr comes Jaul kln lncw to herself and Umi'v; In
Hi; the hilts of KaUru Oregon ' tlieir great tcreaveinciit.
Southern I'aviiic prrjpotKi to I'rinevlile nd Albany pajH'rs phsise
a i d in the selection of railroad ', copy. The Oaxetle had Ihe ' Ik l:allwsy Alllauea.
mding thnt tiie commissioners: w.Uia, Feb. 3. Spcclal.J-Thcre
n to represent the pc.ple, not trv IJle,Kl.r ,,Hails of liifl alliance U
o;d. J this i the case, the twt, UlM t!1,vlvaiii, the lhirlinf ton
should keep Iheis ryes open, i. (1 t. ...,. anj r.lit... p,.,.;f!,.
, seven children aiid eleven grand-
wis in their pockets, and down ' The leading f. ntnros of the si lwme i.av
npl to tleva.e to the railroad i nf.a..toruv determined, how-
mershlp tliose who are Ibe ; Ver, the perfection of the del-ills are
, i ...:.....- i . t . i ... .i . . '
i injuuvi rauroaos. ji inev u'mi i lucrelv
11 thud'
a matter of time. Tli Pennsvl-
epidemic, which pre-1 vania has withdrawn from lis i.ass.i.cer . . 7 . .
n Cttliiornla U.l -inumer. will i.ufl,. i-.. . . . I un a u
ainl ,
The l'rrral Slnrm.
From all o!nts comes repovtsi of the
severity of tlio weather Wednesday.
Tho present cold snap i Otio of the
most severe within the recollection of
the oracular oldef Inhabitant, ui.d for a
btief time ti e merry old King llureas
reigning in uir land, playfully nipping
the cars and noses of all who have th"
temerity to go before hi fnco mid brave
hit majestic pre'em e.
liut his sway, in the fair valleys of
eastern Washington will prove short
and all will soon be gleefully watching
his retreat to the icy fu?tiiesfes of tho
Arctic land. Already on the southwest
coaHt a mighty force i gathering thnt
shall w rest from him Ids present pos
sesion, ami that will restore to us our
almost uninterrupted days of runshino
ami balmy breezes that force is the
cliitiook wind. Swiftly and Minly'it
wiil advance to do the ice king battle,
ami although its weaMns am warm,
gentle ait currents, laden w It li the spicy
fragrance of tropical lands, yet it la Ir
resistahle and til ways prevails, and we
will fftn be enjoying its balmy reign
A Disgrace to tlie Criminal Records of
the New
Legal Proceedings Against tbe Invaders
Finally Quashed.
v, .
t'attla Oaruaa of Texas aait 4lraili to
Mas Aautker lialtl aa tbe Coautrjr
i In tba Mprluf .
Ciikvxsm:, Feb. 4. Special. About
ten days ago the Cheyenne district court
witnessed a series pf legal proceedings
wherehy the twenty-three cattlemen
captured last April by I'nited Stales
troops got off without the formality ol a
trial. The cattlemen aro not without
friends in Wyoming, and the slierilf,
after weeks of unavailing effort, was un
able to secure tho required number of
aatiHfactorv jurors. Saturday he came
into court and announced thut unless
some one proffered $800 to cover the ex
pense of scaring more veniremen he
must cease his efforts. The prosecuting
attorney held conference witli promi
nent citizens and then made a motion to
dismiss the trials. Then the cattlemen's
attorneys objected, saying that their
clients wanted a trial and acquittal. So,
to meet the emergency, the jury box was
filled from among the bystanders, while
tho indicted men were rapidly brought
up in blocks of four and discharged.
This would never have occurred but the
prisoners should actually have appeared
as tho proeccutors. They were falsely
charged by cattle barons from Texas
and Colorado who iuvaded the country
last spring to occupy it as a range for
their own cattle to the exclusion by cat
tle men living there, and having homes
there for'years. It ia to protect the
good name of such citizens against such
statements as the following, that tfco
mess la ask&l to publish the above, the
telegraph report of proceedings ten days
ago was In the interest of the cattle
barons, and closed as follows : "As U is
said that an acquittal would have been
returned in any event, popular sentiment
being strong In the cattlemen's favor, it
is perhaps just as well that the public's
' time f.nd money were waited on the for
i malities of law. Whatever the men
! may hare deserved, they got their de
! cisions with celerity and very little cost
! In jury fees. Hut Wyoming would do
I well to lay In a new supply of citizens
from which to replenish her juries. A
culprit who escapes justice because there
j are not enough people in the community
to furnish twelve impartial jurors ran
' not be expected to view the law with
' uniform respect."
1 lilalna Hlasrai'hjr.
j Mrs. I'laine has requested publication
of the following letter. "Public adver
; tisements of many biographies of James
I (i. Blaine, pretending to be authentic
1 ami authoritative, compel me to state
I that po biography or life and works of
j Mr. liiaiue is authorized or approved by
: myself or by any member of Mr. I.laine's
family; that no manuscript of Mr. Blaine
or any private letters or papers of Mr.
Blaino or any material tor a biography
have been given out to any one. If in
tho future any 'authentic' or 'authorized'
I biography should be prepared by com
I etent authors it will lie authenticated
and authorized bv mvaelf."
Cog-kweH's Flah In Ilia I'an.
Heppner(Ja.ette. The Cogfwell stock
bill should not pass. To divide the taxes
on stock that go into another county, is
fair, and such a bill would meet the
approbation of stockmen. But to Have
to pay tuxes, and an unjust license lie
sides, for tlie privilege of herding ou
Uncle Sam's gras is out of reason.
Tiiere is a mean as well as two extremes
to this question, and the Cogswell bill
seems to court one of tho lat named.
Tho Gazette hasn't any use for Cogswell
or his bill either. He is tlie toot of
railroads, and fought Ihe Haley portage
measure to a finish. "Cogs, old boy,"
you may hear from Kaptern Oregon jet.
A Timely HnBcesllou.
Knst Orcgouian. If you know a sena
tor or a representative who is lukewarm
in his support of "an ooen river" write
and gently Inform him that be must
awake to the occasion and assist in giv
ing the people of Eastern Oregon greater
freedom by opening the river. If he
does not do so these people will remem
ber him as an enemy in their hour of
Senator Wolcott, who Is ditusted
with the new Columbian postage stamps,
should have used a moist Bponge.
Tne Teleflmnc Mandioly on its Last
Less Seemingly.
State Laws Regulating Prices Not Con
tested in Courts.
v ,
fa Thla Matter or Nilrt. liar Law
Maker Very lonrly Ktan.
ble ('onfreHt.
Washington, Feb. 4. Special. The
assembly in Salem ought to take the
head of the procession now in a matter
of grave iir.iiortance to all people. The
door is open for them to imitate Indi
ana on the subject of the telephone.
Among attorneys and men in congress
who have for years followed tho subjects
through tfie courts and the patent office
much is said about the anticipated
breaking of the telephone monopoly by
the early expiration of the principal
patents under which it is now operat
ing. Tho patents on the transmitter
and receiver, and also that upon the
general idea of transmitting sound by
electricity, wilt expire within twelve
months, when, it is stated, the telephone
fiend will be free to a half-dozen or
more patents, and it is expected that
tolls will rapidly decline in every state.
In this connection it is noted that con
gress which is generally so attentive to
the Interests of the citizens of the
Distrct of Columbia, especially when it
comes to anything in the direction of
home government has never attempted
to check the exorbitant telephone rates
which are charged in the capital of the
nation. A very ordinary service here
taxes patrons f 100 each a year even
w here more than one ia served by a
single wire. In Indiana and several
states the legislatures hare fixed the
maximum telephone charges at 3 a
month for1 a service equal that furnished
here, and the law has withstood the
tests of the courts, while the service
has not deteriorated. In Washington,
which is the ward of the economists of
congress, the tendency of telephone
rates has been constantly upward.
do m n ill in u up I
getic manner peculiar to
.. ......r I li.. I. i ...
... I ih.n. ... Tl. t . . ....... . . ... I J lll.iu:. lllier:l itiiiereii iniei iijf
... . vmr.einj wmii. cngiiimi raiiroail, wh ch have heen , ,, ,, , , . , ,
k.,a ini,.i.,.i:. . i.'..i. .i.-. , i ku.mi " from the cold snap, all who bad work to
.7 w .... j,.-,., ....... ,. , ,lrKV iur years. it, lias mails a new , .... , ,,
,,r. ,t, .nA ......... .. ... .. .. .. . ' do miillliug up in the cheery, mi
..., ,.,,. . Hrrmiii-uieiii a itn wie .ow lurk, i
the other hand, It wants the . Haven and Hartford. The la lief among
representatives to be clean, fianci-rs and railroad ortlciula who have
' n of unimpeachable charac heard of the deal is that it is a result of
till, w hen tieceseary, see that j the visit to this country recently madrt
'nMitmmu are gifting Justiie, U,y .. II. II. noissevairi as the emmisary
e members of the legislature f .XT foreign intereMs In tho I'wiu
Ue nil I road commissioners, but i aylrania and f he Union Pacilic. Then
i.e elect the hylslatorsand are , ,as been heavy buying of Union Pa Ifi.;
'" IT w,,",i,1' ''t!'m! , atia-i, iv( several days, and the order aro
tsllii ai lk?,, , i said to have come largely from the other
, .' " . side i f the Atlantic.
no, Ich. 2.-TI,e jury in the
KjWitJ. Ileatty, charged with' Snow f.illen to a depth In j statements than curbstone politician!!,
J i.!i-nmpl' in the Homefteiid tlm mountains within the past few d.iys but they were consulted bJu majority i
hi light in a ver bi t(.f guilty : and ail fear of a scarcity of wnler lor ; citizens on tHtoci ihohh, tin. I n;:rced ' j
r:.Li' on all six iudicments, after ! uan'r. t find irrigation purposes in the i once to the extent that it wai vii
mid encr-
nland F.inpirc
ueople. IIiomi who litlleor iiolli-
ing to do remained Indoors or crowdcii
oil Ices and hotel corridors and spun
yarns about cold spells they had exper
ienced that discounted tho present ov
inevery way. Clot I. ing and clonk nun
enjoyed a good btis!nes. The remarka
bly sudden change In tho temperature
I was. tnu Jcaillllg mln .e il iliscilsnlnn.
j Street Uiermomelor aro iiiialiy not
mnch more reliable in their reeonls and
'!' onlv sieven miriutc.
rt rimr are tiotv dispelled.
crouch f.r th'
V Health Officers Speak;
. . i
Ciiy, State and National Authorities report the
Royal Baking Powder in every way
Superior to all others.
,--' ' ;
1 '
STATE CHEMIST. CALIFORNIA: The Royal fulfils all the .
' .. requirements. Our tests show it has greater leavening
power than any other.
fTATS CHEMIST, WASHINGTON; There is no question but .
the Royal is the strongest, purest and most wholesome
' baking powder in the market.
u- s- GQ.V'T FOOD REPORT: Royal Baking Powder is
show n a pure cream of tartar powder, highest of all in
; leavening strength.
: 'CANADIAN OFFICIAL TF5T3: Royal Dakino Powppr is
f commended as of highest excellence, and shown to bo
i greatest of all in leavening strength,
v . prove and recommend the Royal Baking Powder.
I ' It is absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best
ingredients, of the highest strength and cliaracter.
: analysis that it is entirely free from any adulteration, we
heartily recommend the Royal Baking Powder for its
grer.t strength, purity and wholesomeness.
' "" ,n,jnt the Royal is the best and strongest baling powder
' before tjie public.
. HOAD 6v HEALTH, SPOICANE: Certainly there is no baking
i owder known to us equal to the Royal.
ujiinion that there exista AO purer, better or stronger baking
powder than the Roy Aiir rI confidently recommend it.
Do not permit the slanderous stories of interested parties
a influence you hi using any other than
The Best, The Royal.