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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1893)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1893. ONE MONARCHY LESS. PCE M'S SAY a tmr afcra MM ttaaa rMa e4 " r.a i ..w rrk ; Ti J vat oi U till b ri;a around The IwViea it t. I r iMl.'t.tiaiiitMt Ka 30IJJ0 3TOINOdH0 Its TtTl E::r:iT Psr.:. it- Its C:2 it Tt: S-ii-iri AlL::ites It! !tr:if. WHAT IS t'.OlVJ To H.IFTEN S. IEK- B Great OafiacB.; in the K1.M of Carlisle t Fit Tniejx. If nm a tm b la J MaaAa? Baaaa Talerwi 1 rarty ia rawer Aae Murk . . ( iTTrttl, Tl.-ia not a Kit! I'f"! :l...iru it Oefeited W Wal in f! irn.i-. ; l-Mt!i (M l-n , tau harJ by tie a bo atatr. The olatrnH)n It.: luiprvrenieM it de s'fwi i-in nwjfut lie a. r the n.ain route f ciiiisiiur.icaliv.i l-t"0 tirci. a and tbc eset. 1 ;on-Ard tt oS tnmjwti!'ion due tv it affect '" r S.,Ut a ifcc Prrrie,itir fvart t tl '.! hich trade it t'. ea. abctf? tstua'.tsi It low-, ColutuUa of the Willamette. Kedtiction j ui t! xl of shipment ty ( J ate i aotiid brirs do a cot of thiptnenl on j lrt ( t).r tf. . It it an errr to cn-; ctiv ti Co!umbia river ifn-lt a iMite b hirneitt fir F.atern t tvoa i Tae I attra a Ai4 .. a wheat to IB a'L f aaataaa tat. - It the one JTTeAt rbanfct"! T d'revt - Aaa aha Mm-rorun-unk-ai n bet rrn a!! of Crv " , and tle re of tin- Vnited State ; th lai.l conduit of a'.! onr domett I)1 K. v- fcV! a C k ri "i-i. tT5 -l;. .irtia: I ari : aU 9 a in j yu 3HX XV QVH 3Q NVD to frar.t a Li'itir TrjiivhNe. II. i I)1 ra( ari and .v ot ' a a m n a. .run. a 1I -K.Mt v itri a i titv May. nrvr;N.T'S IY Al U - lfljra. Fwcirh bk-a at AT yaav a au ' i , , . . .. travlr. tath import ami tiiwl. Ct of , . , , arJ nctnv poaitmc . , wteraar a trvu i: 1 tnaw Wj tar... ia orcaniteil. rcoi Hovoltii, Jan. IS. I'.) Tiit JoacUU of th Hawaiian u.o i ttally nrornai. tivttai Waivctwt, Jan. VS. 'rrTa, In rrhavtB ha dtx larrJ rrat ob tarij oolr. He "art two part:-. If the demorraw wbn , M"1"-J '"r T . u f.Joc.iuria rrrr.n:ent adJ the? late charpe, !! rarrr oqt tbesr jaitr f iiKrelr ai POJ;tet, bJ ktKfe out lit invterlion frauj 1 wil Ftar a itS them, and to batxlrexl of tbodwiii" of ipitTTyJeiiI a ha rot-d f r aMtCIKTIKA. MEMklY !. RT. K. vr i.-MorW la k. trTenir.rnl ' ' ' uw irJ lin A , .1.,. t autl ill Lft am. poMrl -DtirriT of ' ...... - ! al.ite rr.iir-c(, a lx fvntrvj ! arat axt U:ir4 Mudai aarA auau at t . oathem revTB. i he Lvxe n!e, in drrl tJie Koie orthae-t. 5 intt-rhi in t:.e oioitf tH tr:e ViicniMa r'T-r. . - ... . ...i - .uitooccU iuiieUitri l-f,re tl Ait t.He Je-iiun of the TnlteJ Mate overnnient aWUier it iii ax-ejt th ... ' l'.aof a a tKirtioa of iT k:tiA-n. Tl. i. i-iAifn .. .. ' ecnoniT to rfan!e t!ie wnators (t.di nIJJt KoYAL kl II H ITF. R St -Morla in M"ir kit-. U Uul4 WadnaaAaT El niir 1! lira 1 Id rr flJo, S n tn et- Ovffon ajaii;st tve tvirt aperailaav t.i1.. There i hani'T an . ejnal eifnjiture cf Jixitier fro:n ahich f ilrjiartore tf th '.ea!,?!i'.t Mar".N a-.ic ticket in IS. 1 M -.iua! WneSt. . i for an Fram :wc Jabsiatt litw, I t ti-e f a hill ahich f are A c -ncr ie rSal.iiajetit of a K'tterx- in v arproi-iateU for ac...n r 5, ahch ,' ' ' ', 1 laae ' i.i in !.-,!. on the nrau'.iia? ul as an- CleTeiArd in Novtuibrr. Kct (naiJ tbe J-n.oori fail to kv-p ibeir .le-lfr bo one of Uaia. mro miA Ite founJ Tot ing the Jenjocra prettv pf, tboa. lor tije (act that Car'.:; is rnf to the trraarr U f mranty that the new tariff b'K i!t fiTe tar;ff-rekirner at: taction. It it (ratifying to know that we have a tnaa like CarJis'e to i'p Cierelaod li.roircr! the rreat tmriff fifht which wi.J oin be nt.n ns. tarU!e j . , ,. , . , tril-itevl ectir.iv . rt man knoat i-i aV.Ct tlae M " r,rPa -r ' ct. ! tariff ad! c. do tui.e-. I Ire- j 't! 'f""0 ,hmn ,jr Ur ThU act .as fo"ueJ ti.e after-, ' I1C Ta-tiett. , , t dk1 f T t:m a tucresfal earner in the - Dcn of Jatnarv imh, alter t;.e irir:- ' Haw IM . Tfcere. . . , . trearr. and a in to rear I expert i i . ore ot tte Mar!a, l-y tr:npinf a .e to tee t!ie Sr.anof the rountTT to f.!ain ' Ja- 11 '" ot aant vot.&Arure tn tfie cic.ry. ! P errrr Tiar ieiitt.calt k JOLES BROS.. staple ana Fancy Hinies IKA e4 aarA BOTU'.a at ; f M j fOI'lKV alr!t r THE tuklJi - I .! Ml H.itnit.iA!iB.naiimmrw UC4 oarA la -Tt..l- Bail, at ? a a, m m VMl loIa.K. k, I l r-Mrt H lUHl..mi . A. llia. u. I - - - li. m-L t i i a . r. . j. uEAnirunia.e.A .k r ; mdsonic d 2ci. LcrnEf in ra ana Lcun oirccis. i re ua ES ! - .w . an He I i f Hay, Grain and Fte.1. . ) . . . . - . .f L.I wt l.nxfl lAll. . . . . riCAi ra luer.t of ."..(..'. TLia &ear- . j. e o: Jfte k-A.,tie 3:nect.T anrctil : ' - . . . - CTian xm l inr errcuve oeuinj: oi , tfie Colomlrta nrer lo tive tsie irf the t reiuotes't :jroer of t!e ttAte. It "r.-ni to r-t u.oeT toui trie rnrv u.nxtat mut at : orinra. la whantto t-i :.O.nt. r.rrr . - l mrt a4 ?wvj auwta. a4mkl aMaatoTa ar lb w aaa. FU. K. ul It a4 C C. the j.POjotiVioD faJ Ue uf.!.irt of only one nhite iuaa, the other taer.ty-te ailtei.. rote cecearT to carrr it tirs cva- 1t nalivva ani L.f tt'oxtN rHItlwTI UVdl!t at U raalifcf rtaaa. As. arr lilt TW-LI ltil,t S. A. A. l t' iia rasrt&!li Ua!.. K rr, aa wt4 '.raM. 1 aarwlav rveutiac al ? A- I l k rr. W HrmrtnmrHT. "f. el mad i :ayx that a bor can write a atatt-ii.rt-t of u.e tTea.!orT aoj ,.le ( arrived in Contar.tircM ie I -. "'..h. , A VF.VtTH ST. . I, A k-Mr? rrwT MluKal lit t A r a . ia Ui k 4 I. Halt. 1 lr l K Marrr !MU15 a'lrfBuiA 11 A U a.. eurr icifii- , t; - j -aaaaajr,-, 'Tktrt is a tutr tn t( affairs of tmu xchuh, taltu at ih Htifh " umif uaJs oh ii foriune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the a il , ' n'i aa oruojrht here jerterdar by T'.te -l taer.t; !.rv, tie mtM.n.1 it 4. it am.uA. no. the luore " J ' "r,Tr .'"-".- lV ,,.,!,. ,r,rT. Ti e .ic!ra!-l ttater.t. we read of the eoadttion (.fiMr. H...,-x Kn-wii.tH Kokand, on -(U ,, .vnfilence of the f.uU- : the t-tarr ti tetf e know. r.a: - J t-Hne )r.:,n. a tr.f. art0ad the orUl. ,:(. (.( j,;.;.-. ,n.. ltr r.. Car : We ran be trusted, and be wiU tac-S Mr- Tb., r.n fou.;.ietea U trip ot,.Vr . M ft ,.rr,VAtio ol cel i tirfit,f .Her out of rU. 4 TllrT frnntttw- " t..r!,n,e:,t L-l Wn eet for J.j.oa tf he he it m r eaodidAte tar .rei- t len introcted t. j-r-MTrd t- hit by r tlje iarrn raelf. thr.r ten t re dentin 1-fi.audtlreieootA mmn injaarof BrindiM. Ita'v. . here be ' v( 4 mm. el.rte,i to ran olu! ioe r-mmn ui uiiu iot ure . nrt.t s j,. j.njerwn era .-r e ark fi Don: nation and ejection. " r.l i; t4 I- lla.L H.1I-Vfrt. rr r. 'n tl. k i I. Hi: k .4 r l.u la ft 1.J l.lrd &m cf (ark m.rt.LA. a A r a Ki j of t be Mediterranean qnalron. a.i.rda. Hair MaJaaaf. . euiuAjed by tftain Cater, and bar- . . i - iJ..: i 1' v - I . . m Ch. w. Jan. -J. :?peci!.V-Tbe " - Srtt iaa a bicb bae f.aed tiie .recent! Jepis'.atare, poet into erletl today. It it j th iHD't c.f thar Salurdar half bolida i -ale nntiitUT ! toreijrn capita; CouMderabje exriletwnt then f .;joed the enrter h. T flTTtlta l llfKi H -Hr attn-r ffc.J i aaaT r'a Lea kia rvtry gna. at j a Ilifk V at Vll a a a ta)rrali fiuard. al'l .r.-eed in her to Coi.Hanti- nop'.e. Tbit waa rather nnotaa!. a it i not the mtuui to tend a I'nited in a amorifthe sbite retident"f the i'a-id, a hi. h vat heightened on Jr.UArr i"U l v tie Aprviutajetit of a inlaiftrT in tics i there a at no xeSdrnre. an-1 l r tfie fart thai the qaeen ou the itiorninc l Jan. H'Ji aiftiej the .S!rt bi I. s 1 7 t. a. a-T rl"L . HI'K. It -rrt firm. .l- j f-.tta ArT t: !li Br:- 5 fcr Ktwi! yin ;t4 ! a a aa4 i r mii! ' 1A FIaT fnl-T:! HfKc M-t- O t Tar ua. I. an irn t eIava i ITt fai,:i fllll lit tj'.'lltl.f Stli c (awn'.i, tj;a rid IIj i..-d i i laa.i !U-r ro com in : id anv V ho are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced ritlvaK- t i fcdern- in an rd ; rwl I Haw a? ttulf I h'd. or' ct Cii-Oii ! f I i Finite k Car at CRANDALL &. BURGET'S, MICHKLUAdI l'.l:iCK. UNION ST. THE DALLES MERCANTILE C0V SOLE ACENTS FOR THE DALLES. HKAINAKI) av AUMSTKOaNCrs . tMtb at li a-aar at tl a Ti.e t'lima at reacbed oc Jad. IjUj . -!aj n.ij:.v-1 ikt mnii.f ama-M Mr Thomriaon ioined Ibe . rr'-f ntvttnt Kralnf mrilnt m t'atc a Ml .nr. inonifoo jo.nea me ,)V ljH. ,rwn ,,t.r1r to Trnjoate k-, iu. nm tt tk. n : w...i anorement. Mae of the oruui'ment i btitine eo&cema of the citr and all tle j "-'-"' bankinc bxm-et are aoite i.linf to ac- -,"'r' rereireo . , SJi.itU:ion. sOArwtwsse to ber f ee-rt the innovation, and the emptor i " lth t,rt 1,onf,r o m,"lr' ta5o, at.!u auti.ontr. bnt hirh ber new rv . i..tti . .....j t ; . ...' f 21 cunt, and iretared to tail the tame . ... i xi. ran uari. r uc ripn iTO vu oi'je t to an j inii.i.iri omniri w .. v a a ee..iet wr.irh rirea tlaa l.rmi.' ft Conauct: nople. but Admiral ; . eatireU Tl law makicrthe dara lepil : to t! native, and U'.f I .ntUin : nr.. -. i-v v t ' . I i 1 . X.t X" la II -- a av- aaaa.iuAA Inaml l.t j 1 aV K hif-bo:iiAr mar or mar not commend V ... 1 . i Ti er .a a i.oblic lueeuntt in i iL" s.- o7- r a pi Uie Inlatieiea, anl it at de-.r ,i, i.,, ., .( .l.irh: larw a: . r frai "-7 SPOOL SILK " FINE LINK OF -min.rI'.t;.4ai. in r. h-i.c t a-rta, lat.r. a i r-rr .ti4aa at 1 1 t7ari45mHai.y I aH ta1 trt letter, bait-be itte.f to tbote m bom it wiU mott effect. ;fr,itit ol t' oalace later un, at biJi ! '' ' " , Tl..nOaT tfc:rtt at . - Rnt it. neoriaiono are in'aUEtliT in dde1 10 eDd to Contantino- anconn-ed the failure of ber I .,1. ?--. V, hum r a.i - ; ' . . l. : ; . .:. t - i x- v. ...; areemeist ith a cotton, already Vo:u- " -""5 !." ! rht, and ear'y In the the adapted hy many of oar laryeyt j rmt. In tbe coarte of rear it hat be-i cotoe patent to tiiote ru.f.kTer that i focr or re bocrt can le taken f r the conje to that citr, the antwer to be M-i,t to 'Trua in Atia Minor l-re the Newark a be'd. 'C.tiwnt toet, and f rnd a co:uiiiit1.-e . of pub!ie tafety. I Hi the 1'itb a uat u.e-tire .,Bp at ." " ajt rr mm. - .rinorT. About V ail. ' l aMot. r"a!- if r-r!-lal 'u . h U txl i-af al r ;l VT at held iww No. 390 IHIEBWEU street. The 394. 2d It and aiian f ad tho i ae and udn 4 the n, ; VI,t i , ercat t ui--u in.',: "aaHf lll ar art tc week twccilboutterki.lTimrJir.e,r"1,',r'a mat it .obw w a ij . j;.. t.WVT j.on l.nJed bctinet. In Maimer tt cotton, amone i m'nt to to ,Tt"r 4,1 th ! J0 metk,U faiiy anued. Ther marched ! holetale firm, i almot tttilTertal, and ark to r. , to t,..e office 0( t! conttti-fenenU t.f the i t.nit"l ftate. The marine acre aei,t lit the AiriPrion b-ira'i'jn. a h:ie the aail- t.ocf hi- ftff on rrord.toirorew! to ' . i,Pr-rfj a..-, nrvet 1 p. m.. the there t Iittrfr reason Ijr it;e ti.itii iav it w;!i tie W-p .anwd i ordererf in .i lUn it bat ipeva in other' tAte. ' Iiarianeliet, bot Ut tt tsiian tad tf irtirriai racht Ta'.ia, with . . .A. 1IEW NEPTUNE SHAVING PARI.OKSAM) HATH W&i FRAZER & WYNDHAM. Proprietors. I's! fS'n Fa L aa lrre l. I.. Jan. : Ject.tioiiai r.'jree: br leen -x.n l-e by Ma. Mul A'.- auwJrrifc !; A;D(-t -n. l.r.ri-T Smyrna ana rn:T mincer to Hh two fti:r,5 rsnt. and cau.j! cupita:.- Tl- Taiia potd ti faHa-;. OB private pr-ad. All dar 1 r.e::e. on tt aftert of Ct-nttmat ToeJ.Ur . ,U i,.tl. eommanitT at . dr- U' mod "r!,f r,rS-,ioaMa't-of extair. io.AiBf to tUl an t aa i.ter- on tf Lojrx of tees' Arret, A'n:;r.e re-' entrance of tf. Joi Jn Horn on j aet-ere tb ri.t of in: ktt" Ana ree ; .. .,. . w . i - . ... .i,, .... a i ,1... . ...t it . rf... ,j ...; k ,..1 l . stra'natl lid ITtd ni':.:r,; (f th- 'J'a':. mi;en tf- i(itniU-T i t-r.t fiore in C Taiia't low!. r.j hDM. ni om and f c ai t v d a At j Riinirtrr fi-.J r. i t be ca. mi ' te rtd tre j Tb;IIJLZ & NITCIIKK 1 . . ... :i'.:r! - it, a" a. .-..f a i . w w ' m ll ALf K IS- Furniture and Carpets! xtM,t k.u.i fmU-jr. Jl;o. Lj- I ol t'e . k fr3.h-d Ijvlf LU.:'. cf Lti 1 tl, Kt. - ' laoJ. ana "at marrieu t- i n. u,y-v tn j - u. ;r.R. a - : pcoclan.atioo U the .i arin Lin in Jne, J2. M.e rur-ii ? ti .a.ia acre on artnr. -. Uaaalia- moftarcbUal wtwa. of. tiial L4 fjuaiiMier-! bit fa'ber'r : A"raJ :-n Ir. Ir. Ifaac Pfcti.a an! Mr. J etUte ot to. t 'J--' '- " aaiaa v nm ir. i vrr09t4t M f . K;V,.w,i tvterti. the tuooey of Miue. tiw:ber. ! Tbn,f..n ml be arnrej and look p - Fear a Uit f- j-te-; m re -lut , t ' a'rafi" at the Hotel de IxrtJret. Mr.', - - - -- b- t Ai,t nw hj A uieritM in i I'rowa ta-iff at the H""rl Oe Ifaat teae laArrfHc atx-tied bear a d.ivrc on tl ar-oend i Londrea at two tia, an 1 tart the arri-' Cti-iar. Jan. Tho l.'she i a:id e are in rv. mm? o -titM-ii with of nr.-uf jwrt aidi-rT-tr. tin. Iv,-i ra! vat tuav tt i of qni'e a;r-u'et oc.crt bat takn a.ti-.n jJ,,.",;7J'.t;y J ' ti.lf.i'.l l!e?t,l iir-l t rre j douoctiration. j in U,e rate fjf the', the r. t-J ' ..- " If .ill t ,r fit o-na a i . n.. intrf hI vt. m.' l-v'nw' .V .i . z . It W.I Ml M"e bate ddd t. onr brvtinew a I ftn-lete t'BdnJirrr hiie'nnfvt. ! n.l i rt I.rtuua aaetfit to iie t!-er-r- j ' ' ... - .... i. ... l v. f 1 - i t i ' x. . . L-a . i. vmu ilf I ui:t L.. . j.ibi a n-i oa KffTj4. A r-Jt I y tj, dta' bon-ira thou!4 I jtid te tiw . the flerJ enrt ( it.ii. er frotii t: Tnited Ftatee by te Wtrn Coa.i . I.tark f J' 'edbyjT p - . I tjtsz r,r;.'Tlie- Si. Charles Hotel,; a t t tiakiit Ba A'-J: 1 U z ! a - 'C, JT'- "f1 " oparatin min oa the I.., s.r PORTLAND. OREGON. ' t-.r-, 1. ..j-.i. artrU-d tl n-Oiirterof any otr it- . ben I d.arbirrreH thw ciek-ei?:rl , ...... ' aeeat jrtortoer waon.rwf lb .... . . V ' . I , . , . , . Tl. I. if-HiUr an I n i.aUe bon : . , . . ... , j, ., ti in t.te tertve. and h it ti at rien Ibe atnnert ttrnrk ar.d refoai t :-t ant t. , .- , . . , l-j-a of 5ltr-tu x tae J.T. ti UjclVj.d- - . Iat U-u entire! ref -jrn.?). and ererr , -.. Tljat riw worked to irU?-Ka J ' " " '' rd to take Uir j-iace. Jade Tail . j,,, t-.a refrl and fv-ir.u-i wbe-a AraU Ym-, in nareet' m r'rv" n ? ' bad jaet a mcter.t't ' ha found l!;in in rtteinbt, ar.d if.i ( miwi i eaiy ee.rf-vd tbro'igbotit. The i ;Matirh Mr. TfKtfjt, U iaa order tbatt be n.oia ceaae iti'.er.'er-' coutaint i; ro-t-t ar.d it topf lied . .... ' .in arrrr dihtd txrtirenwa.fe. iau-a ' It ja taid tnr tn Kn nnt-n4 o. j af feared t te sa fA l-a.tL and tjtr:it. ; etw t itb the new na and ttrt'.f ll J3'.i;r tt a:'lTTjj m oa ' lt bad atiany in ;ortnt niatter to at- eooifar.ya houa fit -ier tk b'rb wm at titet.d to. On the TTiti Mr. T'i.ioo ' riiAry. Wl i l-orbV. Tfa4.o b ia tnt aer.t to l frf aitb Mr. A. OarjlU.. i h.fcrM.,rlw.-e-eato!tratdr.r.rJoftrr.tio,a0dr.:iedi Tt Jar err on otert of It lttntitiiCil.eia.r.tty Jniyl Ti i. ' or th m -V.-er f-n Affair,. I . ' latn ,. ti .U fsravi.b .er-lrtty tv ereey farra on . e,rl .?-aid Fautba. - ilh botn be , ; " ,TV tbefl.t. tat wdlw,ake t! at rt . , t i. iw .j. ' ! aa ! 4 an enrasrd aetrea VNlUr.tXoflWM,.. r-.v-.-r 1 a . .. P 1 t U.U Lit thr'4 witb a faaoT. creo l; Kt..!. ait.baaeod'ir to ei- " tvo tor tt ir-eatnoa. ir wjr . - - . ' a a . . at fat. r 4 afai ! rt-fiiir.r t f Law I.mI y I tt of Feb-v Ur bjrt-. Frer ba u and fr-mi all I traJnt. ! C. W. KNOWLES. Prop. iThe SnugJ ik. Font Sc. The Dlitd, OfT u J1 'HOT THE DALLES, E Wasco County. - - - Oregci H' Ths l.'at- C'i!r 'd" tV f ;'..! 1 Ki," it itU4tI at tl t;i r of oaritfttioa . tf MYliJ Coi j'- i 't, nd U a t!iriin& f lieir ! iK-rou cily. ,v ,,,,.. ITS TERRITORY. .,..,.., It ia tl.' .nj-j.iy ii.y tii exv-i.:v- an I rich agrrM'tariijiiM n hi arid jrrir.ii Mjitrr, it tr i l- tvohin aa fir aout)i a J'ontav'thi' ".lull I-ike, a oi.-t.n.- of o-r two iiun !r-l in ilea. paiied in TV. . rr..i a r fixi. -rfti The nrh criiiE iunrr al'.ji tlf e-j.tern vloj. f tl ',lrw eodea furiia.b iKur for tLuxiIa of bj. the ""ol n t. wlii' o I.n ia tiiarket ly-r-. .ni-ru, aU.ut &,' rouml leinjt a). - I Latt yr ITS PRODUCTS. Ti.e caiiaoa DAl.eri.-a ar tl flta-yt . tint Galuiulta, juyir. tbu jear a re 1100 cf th .-jau, 1 i, !2iara, b.Ji will be ab' tbaTi fi.M:)A,t ill Ibe rwt.r fiifurw Le I (111 C in W. H. BUTTS, Prop. ifcfwj.t U rta' eneiM.l of Catboi evrs ti rw I r.f.d Mate ariater. at fj been a nter U-V. i , . , ., i KaV.u of ArV-a Manmnfii rot n.o dit were tee-, . . " Moot crtet, l Vwt. Uf.j toe eWneeof fUr Ioweeeeet. - JfH-'v J'i! " I e ...a. .! T!,!. .e.l kro-n tt.od. ketdtrU' of -7 w rwruw. vw; ana, 1 aa . 1 - - 1 . . . .. . . , , , I - aa aa1 1 I- iwia n U I f I rtlfa lfv a. prr7j-it-oa '-a ne c4 tita aa ia ea'.a band a. and th ..l ... Ar-obM Oroae of Portland. ttae ein'caU ttrmr of tbo exnc.:, a-.yj T- J. i at a.- a a , . r- " - T'vr - itjoA an! coat ol a ia tl rrav al'. furu,. ..V f 4 f,;...-i,. ! bar b-a added to tl oreacitav aa la-aee of 0,(,J.(M wtto. arU alo.4 ana, aader Mxiy . .aiaf the yea. 4 apr7'iatjos for tl esnrrrr t year ' war bona . !a fart, a.! It lead in (aad of f r U'irvet. laoor and Cirtet. Oie tl! taWl D.aii a .all aavj yoa ill iou ajra:ri. ' 11 j.rodoHa of the lutiful Kl..kitt aly f'n ' ,B?"' herv, ami tLi roiinlry amill and eart hat thit yenr C!!"" if bow-a. and Ail a VAiltbl V oterflo wix.J their product., ITS WEALTH. It i tl rl,jt i-iljr of i'a kite. 011 tl mt r.n i if """""Lft. wtt-rl Mi r and ia la i.i ul U i-i.b.p tiLire inr.vMZ rC1 ' f tLan ia tri'-ubary to nny 'th.r tit m lU-rTi (yrrpiti. r', Iu . ion ia urno!rjv. Ita" .Ji-ii.jhtfal- TL t.l!,tia in abmlaU. Itt nooum-a tini.irttxL f.b'l f irn.-r 'ton al atinda. W-.-ivi v HT, :) l.iir c.ri Iii.- ! I t., ' J;. n 1