The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, February 03, 1893, Image 6

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The Yeekly Chronicle.
omciAL rxrtx or moo cm. xtt.
coi vtt orrtctAt..
. fees. C. tumm-
. T A mrt
. -J B. C
. . m k :-U
' t frr." ft ktttr4
Ik- 3
4Ttar .... . -TlMW
It nui tber is another proprt
ol ght Arrratia aad Cfeil.
Anything to iwa tbirr ap.
la the TVim boos cJ repreeretative
o tb JS.b. Mr. Hanibarrer introduced
a coocorreet rreol alios rr)oct-rf Texas
rort rwtiun to oppce tb K rrrua
K'hn aod ta formulate a bill tor
a canal (ram lb Hull of M rxico to tbe
PxciSc, to I tvntrocted by the United
tatr vnrmcwal. UorerD.r Hapr
reoctntweoJ ccb canal is bia tcre-
Tbe crrbarda of Orrroai
r a crib
Cr-fcrt. of c-r .Soricj ranty after. Tb ta: t thirty -U
actum tb nnr, Klickitat. Wabinir.oo, I Bri about l.STo acre aud
ar prooj ol th rmrd ttJe br tSeir 1 coiuxioin atwct tVKW yocrp t-rr
scpreeeatalire, Mr. rVrce, lrx!.n at
a dor mlt at O'yuifi ia tb Tarser
liai tor United i-tir eotar. Tbry
wocid be equally e;I pmti to see
aetor Kabelmaa. denKx-raUc I boor b
b is, forsake th Hwlara hop and root
over to lb support of tlx bm Bnuet ae
j i iy deserriar.
Jadre Terser boe'd b elected fry all
aar. It imld be a merited rou:h
aaaat of Allen, wbc if bi official dulir
abov reproach., oc:i Bu4 be look
ing tor fcia maia sor-port jat no. from
tb westers ptnW bia state- Hi ova
MitT was lost to bia oartr al tba laat
Wtiaa. II k fbod tiat tbe wautt ! OTf' to lh Brw rre-
aad orcbar4ita bare nfaani ot KCftiO
arree of rrvving tree. lae-baU of tbia
rtrv i ia pruaor. one tuortb ia ap
piea, ooe-teotb ia pear aoJ tbe reetaia
W ia varioea kioUa of frita.
ml t oatar a Waaiiicftoo aod tbe Inland
Kavptre bare bo veifbt witb hint. If
ha ia not a cbroaie oee-arker by ia
1m at O Titpia, isetrad of atteox!ij( w
bia daiiea at Waahicioa? lie eM
kwn Ibat bia record a I! ! ow: eVert ttm.
Tba railroad oosi;cie are working fur
bia ra-aioctioa aa a reaanl lor tSrt im
tfeeir bc-iI acainvt tb people.
"a fcrtber eekdrsceof bk arf iect need
be loiAed for thaa tbe reevrd of tbe
Uaited Situ eesate tbt uostb. Wbea
tbe af praia ere vent forth for aa titft
aaoa of Ujd ia birh to nake ectriea of
aariested rail war lasda. Wbea NtM
Doipb vaa beaeifed witb pr4iu from
II aidra, b waa met by a propositkiB
from ieaatur Wbile cf Los'aaaa, to
mad tba rrao2atka ta limit tbe rx'.m
aioa of time to Uoda Irirf :a Orcp-.,
between ffi! u i aad Ponlaod. Tbea
vbere waa Mr. A'.Iea? He waa ia
tueeeai to rrtreeeat bia c&cl:ocor ;
aad Vr. IVipb a farced to acvrf t uie
limit, or pertsa; kie tbe bill. It it
aaauer aorb aa tbia tbat bold tbe prc-ple
f Eaera WL:cf.oo lor JoJe Tcr
aer, and tbe forT aatoreof' Ala' peti
tion cirrBisted ia districta lor! t
Taraer, prar-Lnj lii U dead'jock may
be broaen "ia order tbat seeded x
tiea may be eoacted." are ai:ocber too
traBeareat. Tbe friesd of ladgr Tcr-
atr bar brea draaa eWer ta their
chief thaa ever since tba Nortbera Ta
aafic railroad baa mat est ao Uii)y for
XSea aad agaiaat Torser. Pabljc irtu
aaeat aalart Auea ia beromiar axire
srooccoced erery day, wbiie tbere ia a
gaatial claaw amon tba prodorera of
Island mpti tor Jadf Turcer.
Bo aboaid be eaerted.
Tbera baa rereatly tea oa tbe pari
of tbe ant-;rer democrat ia eosrreaa
a atrosf effort to prepare tba way Sue
teg leiatioa at taia aeeaaoa ionjiirx tbe
repeal of tbe si!r-parrbaaa caoa
of tb Shroaa ia of lftO. It doe
aot apfar, that the rff jrt wi)l b oc
omrfal. aod tbe aeetioa of rerrenry
Sefielatioa ia it eotirrty a HI probably
Tba only
:m mct trr!'atioa, aaide from tbe
paanpe of tbe appropriatjoa bi.',
!Icr!y ta be eeacted at tbia e4ta are
meaearec dealicc aitii immirratUia aad
tbe qaaraatioe la.
.AMD orrics rraucATioM.
aM Km
WeCad tba fo'loainf, etcerpt from
iba Cnadoa Glob ia tba Grant
It doe eem eer aUvrtfe leJeed tbat
tbeU. b. l-aod bo ia UsatunrUi
and eTery other p'aro irr) Tba
Ml tb
of sotira of
I'M tMIMta
Reriee; fty aJI mean aoaes the
Saadak'h i!ada. Tbea a ):! bar
tlaaali for a ainler rvoirt. Alalia for a
Moiaier tanaii( ixund fur lour.'.,
aJ i:b aalt-'vai park in Vvnliui,
Wa.birro" acJtnva ltr be no; J75 SCCOnd StfCet,
Bkikeley & Houghton,
- The Dalles. Oregon
4 U e pei
it tb i
tt po'. ioatx.n of of taterlK , i.uj.oa
a rht aUt aHboj Tbe I.i e ". t C- of O i w from j
olfife Mnbijorair re'ae lodo o. Jut j C p40jH. CaWm bo coaj l.rr. j
a tial (!- I ll ) in ia nut eom-j
t! inc a n't the a rrtuAir a mrvtery Uacy faara ao a boy foaed a brtci- j
at rrrMrat. Tbe matter need lovrm-. fsj aaaka, aa lovaa legend roe. Ua ;
i A fall iino of all tho Standanl Patent
I Im?s, Chemicals. Ku?.
"Cocetry aod Mail Ordrr aill recriT rrt.mrt attention.
rlB bavily.
For tb iafortcatioa of var roteinpo
rarie aa may be permitted to atate that
tba la doe not require paU:r:ioa
of aotic of intention to mak rooT' , .
.w- ,i t ,j 7L .j Harabbed
kr It Ul bol of water aad took
tic tbat aaaU feaUier dropped Into tb j
rerwpUkcJ brcaui brief bnagt. II !
rpanmeoteU aad discovered tbat arbat
eetr be pat iati tb nirr became ahra.
aoisa a! tbia aaak arar oa
fooad tbat beeoa'd a
actaaily biddea ta tb
aot require it ti resr ber refoar i Coociodias tbat b woaid
A few day icce a Uik at ArlicfUm
received a aark of Col am be fuorecir
ball doIWm. Tb banker caJd Brotber
Jobs of tbe Recurd iato tba bank to
take a look at tbe ae aad thjniof coin.
After tbe irtpeniua tba Kererd pro
aoeored tbe brad of tbe isdivideal oa
oae io of t-e coin a tree pictare of
Chritober. St trace tbe edhor
bad ever eeea Colombo ia tbe Sb,
bet becaaw be bad aerer eee a bead
tbat kx L ex.rt.'T tti oae, there
for eonclaied tbat tbi t Coiomboe
biKwif. Oa tbe otber aide w a i-tare
v! a b:p, tht aiU ia foil read. a
tbooei tmj'.'.rg tfore a Vff breere.
ahirti a takes a aa indmtiua t.'-rt
CwlBKtrat p. tbere. Ti tutmt fi'eafQtf
part t-f tbe ma:srr it Urn editor a tr
(MrtUtf t-e cois. wbub ba
lieen wc-cre.y K-ked Bp bere ta
mso( V-k ii.rmf id J a:ea! it.
ta order it. aad tprakiug for Tat Caaos
irva, il aot ported. Tb aether
bam "bard times' eaoogb, a matter
Kaad, tb be exempt from aU aoixve
ary ex proa ia tba matter, aaj as a
fnend of the farmer Tax CaauxarLS
aiahe to arotd a,!! poaaib! troabie to
Aa tbe in traction how tb fsoeral
land ofbea were eiWt oa tbt point it
aa left lor tbe lurat orer to deride.
aad tbi office derided a bar Lald,
aad bar tberebv aared to tbe
porchaaer epder tbi act a boot $'.0,000,
which b iarrraed to Hi..) or
$;4..0 by tbe time tb tarcbae rigat '
i exbaenrd. I'tb; ihr ao neder
ftaad tb aiusatioa are eetire.'v auSed
that the rrrilirT roar L tbe onrrect 1
one, aad tbat it woo Id aot bav bcaa
jart Bor r('..l to forre each parrbaer to
ttand aa rx;ae of whtrb tb la
did not rrqoive.
Col. Pope' road-ia provement plaa
take apa ia tb prorwaI f- a pared
road ear from Mew York ta CKirago.'
koduobt Cbiraroan U1 aalarrib lib
erally, feejiag it to be mtaatoeary work
to be p eavteraer cm wbeei to trt
tbere. Wbea aa ahail road thirty
leet arid baa brea boi t from Htm York
t Cbica$o for tbe benefit of eyrlivt and
eoerier raiinad track! will b at a dia-
rooBt a prv4uerV.ajd prrhap farm
er :U reader that it i a far tetter in
Teetosent to aifik esonry ia roada tbaa
tfxj o cad.
Kine Millineryl
make tb liqaid saor powerful by pot
tmg Ban aaaAaa iota it. b ban( as a
aajsbar of anrpenta ao tbat taeir oa
dropped lata to water. By potttac
SJn of ta aulatiaa tba abcaiaed tat
fca saoatb b coald areata tn, and by ! 112 SCOHfl St.
piart&f aoaa or il ta ta eyes n cooij
as ta ta dark.
At anil a ooaid transform bimaalf
iato a arrpaat, ooold become ianaU
aad ooold travel at aa incredibie rau of
apeed. Aa arrow dipped taw tb liquid
aad abot at any l:nnr bet sr. va if it
did not hit tta objart. woald fteverUa
laa koU it A faatber i-TV lata tbt
anaka watar aad pwataj at aay (am
woald iaimeiliataty atart for tb lattar
and alay IV Tba boy becats U bia
Kaaaae a graat wiaard,
Gertaaa mrirmm be beWI at th
Nictb Street Ctapl on Sunday, at tb
aaal boar 19 JS3 a. m. Kev. A. Hora
bavicg recovered from bi i'lne. wi'.l
c:at. If aeday srhoo! at S :S p. m.
Usliiaud ar
Tb tn: of tLe k'ra tuk R.h(en . rreater amoanta thaa
brna TcvVrrdaT ia Ijesbcrrb.
Haie saa the first oae tot on trial F. I of aa art.
ID t
ver b-
Cal i to' betaf aadosi4ed!y tb a'ler efert
Tbe three commieiiutiei b are to
appraie tb laed oa M iaoesota poiat,
wasted by tb Caited btair fv
araaaeat, have fxed tbia a tb derxlicr
day. It ia osxted by tbepTverameat to 1
lr tb aorvey saoncajeat buried
tbere bicb ia tbe base line of tl Ixkt
aarveya. Tbe asrrey wa made br Gea.
Oaji C Meade, tbea a lieoeaart ia
tb army, bat a-terward commander of
tbe army f th Potomac
Two beadred taaaafactarer from all
porta f tb caooiry are jxlberir f la
St. Laoolf today preparatory ta tb rreai
asar of Mrxiao. Tb party wi.'! irate '
tbera oa tbe 2d of February. Tbeoi ject
A. Abrraeiby. tb raebier. poeitiTri
idestiSed Hai a tbe aoaa a bo lu4 Xtr
money from tbe vao'.t. Dr. Lywe and
Prof. Jeakio a'.ao poaitjveiy idnLt-d
bim aa tbe rubber abo bandied tle
Bjoaey. Tic deienar failed to tatre
tbem ap or rbak tbeir teeti8oy in tie
a. About t ft witnesw bar ar
rived from Orrfun U testify for tbe de
irstv, aad it i anderetood a rtrwoj effort
will be made to pror aa alibi. Ht
ka Mjcal attoroer coadscCtx hie cat,
assisted by one attorney from Orryoa.
Proarratiag Attorney Wager ia brier j
assisted by 11. 3. SaiveJy. Tbe iedica- 1
tioe are tbe trial will lart aevera! day.
a aather tna. etAimHil of aenrsttaiw.
uun. Tk Uiaa, un x tae ta Mia
)&mT7, Una.
LanaOt f - !- lnr.tvtr C! tr "
Wbweaal aad Krtail lr and Maiaiactarer of
Edia MtrjJ mi hsmx TaVs, Dwn, Wiiitii, XAkp, B Fmiiis!, tit
Special Attantion gtvwntothw Manufacture of Fruit and Pfj
Boxea and Packing Cases.
cl Xrajtaalr Tarrt sat Old Ft. XSavll
DRY Pine. Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to
any part of the city.
beaiaes darin tb Loli-
day eraeoa. Tb clerk ia tb treae
Bret' vftc are ke4 bery after re
lr erery day aatii dark haadliac tbi
ane u raaaut kerp p witb tb
"'.I inae apoa tbem. Of tea ia on j -
da f i jro 0 ad 3..W.0uO ia deiapi- j
ie,l ad sncarreat faad ar re ei red i h
basset ;
day tbere are a 'unci fS,CX.(M ia di la pi-
dated note of email denomiaatwMi ' -
rl e: -
x s- .
Tt' ' k
ra lr
-5 1
rrom ibe eeb-treaaries aad KaTiooal :
bark. At tbe dose of
as 4
i A H.
f M" S."
14. 1
1- r
1 t
sr- t s
t?" J- iJ
1 m
,t ?
2.' . S
r .e
- !
r si
- .1
i? i
:. ;
u w
M .1 V
r a
u 3 -,
h V
7 V
4 .
! -M
t 4
Kitaxra D irriiiiii of
Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Eta
Acorn and Charter Oak
pceaibiv a!i t!e week-bru-i
boa ia tb
beavy Vreal Ecbtisf i expected aa
trai prtvrf i a.
Kore anticf aa article whirb ap;ear
eie bere tbe bof Lull aveaecre l.a been
defeate'l ia lb bocte. Tbi sa Cor'
KU appropriatirc; eS.CuO to t state
board of bactiraltare aad rtU,x".tf its
jdlarreviofcary pe wer ia tbe ay cf d-
strwy icf Ciwasvd tree aad ebro be C p-
ttxlutt rroVoi aitb cnp
Bote. Tb a:taat treasarer at New
York report be never koe of
acb as icfiax of ancarreot note; aad
ba acaed tbat erical ase staer b
1 . 1 . . t k - . i. ' " ------
raar. acd aoB
a.i:; ue tm tt.l. exra.o. tb
otber aeoe 1 Fta Jorjraal.
Better k."l tbe 4iTbkrditta shoe iado
ratvay t.e pest to destroy
Orefoa orrbard. ad make tba bof !a
! a aecraeity ia Ilia f '-ve. W bop tor
ti r-jud of Orrra, to ere boo U It
Cfty-eetea aod lity-lht pas iml tb
r.atctee. Onei to (It tbe nat board
of bortltaltcre er to deriare aa esc-
i tbe excorvM Is ta eetabiiab tiosrr toe, aac'.ed boaa biHtopami. Cut . tioa U tbe state aa ir.SerUc d;tnrt
trad relatjo brtem ti.i cocatry acd te said, wz -i raase liree-focr-.b cf ber pracb yr!w or fatfa are
M-xicxB rrpcbl. It ia arjoed by "oecbaxdt is tb rvat to be 4c p aad loaod, aad power to orttr all carter?
tb r-ate wbo ar ff ? tb f barned. Ortiiby asid: Tbe eaeiera Ufc from eocb s ciotrirt destrvyel.
tria tbat if tb taaatslactarera of tb trse aest la bere are aJ deaeed. ar.d U Ti mifi l bt aabsLietrd. itb s ; tit-is,
Uaijtdg-e caa oe'y be mad to reai- j tb beet th tt lur tbe orrbardiet if j lor ti art to pay a 'at ebit ij
ia wbat a ricb fU tor tbeir prodaeU j tbeir dleeased tree ar do as. Wbce- j pita Eaetrra Orgoa a-.iidua a n o
Cea at tbrir ev a 4 ia tb eoolbera ever tbere im a try meaear tr.trw! ared j a, "ex cept kit ae lrcj aad beech
wpablie. tiry :'J coaaUa ta mkm bere tbat H1 o of eome beaef t to tbe'fra. Tbe otl bill i to alt t!(
aaas eSt to crt a rmer bold aa tb state, it La U be jau. a by tbaee ; stat boarl power to ct: and aoiott
Vesyaa trade, m orb of wtica is now i wr.i-i tvUjram aad kilW.- Ford ' a rate oS-aal, w be n irl state fra t
ewctrv.!li lit ;UiJ. Germxsy aad ; declared tb bill :v one maa ?ier-- pert icew. lie it yjmr or
'r&e- A peraatal ierperti ti tbe ' tjuamxy jv rr to dtfry aay orciiajd. I tb r-bti aid )i-;1r U B'-j i4t nu
awai aU f.v lafm cacefatv j cbarx fi a day s bie dolxr . bs paid ' tsi. to tbe care of ribt aad r-rty of
atrer a ttrr tb ajtaatxywi J oct jf tbe court treasury, sad lb ' otber citlset. ail s itboot ao.b ftcV.lal
aaoi w xviTfTeZ .7 - to l a Ia c;a tb laad. aalboriiy, n$::-mc. Ijt
aeas t trj sbutt a uj u-ai ' "V c'r' t." L 11. f" to J of a h i. (rf -a i Labi to bs
wiia tbat cwnitrv. ot-rjfrt vat laraver from tbea boru- vertiard to '.be vrd
s.. J 4 4 .
tl T-
r -
c4s wta. Ira
"Ine-4 a nu: t i. -. 4 mat
Ifnim BiAitsaw at r liia tdlr
4aa Mfjrrae-v. 3 !
Wa tun 4e X?.
seri'. a 4.
K.li3lniK'k.4 ! Jt, JCa. SL
1 l OVi'j'M, Or HU
f,iwii4 tt 1 muf M eag.'iarlr
fc--m. Jfc: W 1 a
t i 11 H '4 taM 4ar. ' ' frU 4jef
Sa.4 CV1 M. mm litt.'Jewn
l.irl trX 4
rmail4ivO4f vt4.
!a M4 fM tas
1-(X t If1l4ltlU iQ.ia. t
Imtmmi hmi
t4 rieiaa.
want J
falatr ia bow
mewspaprr tere. Tb Lvesixs Gxjt, , Tb frsl sti:i bar a, aad I
ftfe , aay : -Aaorxatkw may I bop a! way rkaD tare, bet tU rod ss
tasvH ra bricr5a lb I'tltrd (tate iato : plea, r at t, rcsd -r. ax a
fcreira reatns at varVor witb tbeuef whb a. TV bast tblxf for mr
VT --5-'-i pxy a4 larcaard tvday wi b for M par rest, j
MMirMta4oaLrtUitMtbai(tJait b Tabbed a.
cKjew cwoxoea. ajBervaa aa mad ber tr t tb wwadee wf tb
wt tb Pactc- Tb (,kb wswld k-r
ffeaaa at - axaacs sa Aastraliaa sbrvr i frt-i pta
MwsntriM a wan ta Ertm -- j inei tba aad a is tbat bea w iad
arameax wobm u ease j. ta etem.-1 aaytair eawl. if it casts a aswar aad at I
0Ks ,Xd
aa U. wrt in -I '- f .f Vr-V . T. f " J 1
- Irs-toraJ f-lktw." lie aavvrd to icArS- j fcvted rat in tt nsiuo. Lto at tbe yf' I TvS"l Y'jrvi
A Lii!a dpatrb aar tb pnpod j aiie-ly poftlpoae. tat IX vt.tAu wjrai eaea lrait aad pest rsia or.j JS ' '"r j
maexaiioa l Ilxvali l tb rt! -, tt 'W f .a t,-fc ti!brds of tb vaiev fjr 'A ta ijliA V. IT. 'A I
asery icoaait i'itTftJor rire. frew La. ..... kee. T ."f h tt b ; a J JVv'wA 52
djat ueataa ia mrL-ml r iv'x '. t .'. .. 1- i 1 T I 1 av ' 1
' 1 - - 1 ( . l . . . - I T. I ri virew I
PLi ifBiKO lurrum.
Wagons aid Carriages.
Reapers and Mowers.
Mitchell, lewis t Slaw Cos
to I I). I raak. 4m
.... OJLXi.
A General Ua of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
msil j:I Etta Ifelm ii Elts, ifcZia, Eto EluLti, EIl
New - Umatilla- House,
Rrw. Jet a B. All sa ka bad a (air. f aOTCAlml Ml 3 WAH ZtimZm
frs sad opra stacw for r-lctv. II j Je. jrcu Umtim IBW4, JmA.
ba bad lb soj port t a prf til sad
domleaat rief. t laiera) cfc-bol'b
I (-rmr.mtrm-1 a wr s S1 m J
I tfciiu-4. k t'. VjrM (a
j sh4 tnmm pm .-.-, j
J, 1 r of tb state, aad tb frea C-jrs-w- i .4 ntMt. il ef
t-Si Tnm ,.. ... . , . I k-.ft-ia mm t. VW m mu .rt.aa i
we. n www ia iirue prwC-"I : (.;.,, aamM aa im -'-- atsfc ,, . . I
prwbaaaiU, It i j ws-fj r IC A M nC5 i'iS
a, f-r, tberar W !f
t tepabucaa
evsaef tketM
s (jtaasu ara t avast not
tbat an-waar tb
nwrmaf Bawaa Uv i ti U3 weal
as tb bnat a.tx4 te eSortiv later- ; nH sy sad S a
Bawjsa k aba aCairs ad tbat atry. J i t avaaaai' tf 1 vw
Tb Ajseneas party ia taos bbaad i j
f Sheas as tswo as w ar asked
a WWa." Tb Pa3 Ma2 Oest,
stow alas fcrr ra. Is westral la rt
rwatark t tur.w, bet sorr
tLat A eili b isttrastisf hssU lb
Ajm-V' rwi a eeocy gea-
r-v, is r oiw-o w- j
1 wi, w wim m aivwa. Jirrwaa tCr I V , ' , . . 444 mr wr- I m mm mi m im f
1 ajra Milan i-
. tAs sfnt-
H r. Qat Vsadvya f Tyrb fc-ry.
ram ha U tb city iast eeeaier. tav-s
ervmad Aba aasat wnosarlvrub day '
C 1 1- . .. 4 . a... i
m- rsvnM0 a,orjjf. Tb ist of
-'" 4w cwar aranr. ia ' u .uti v-
Ts)rao. Jaa. Jl
ef -rf m ad U
r f kdr4
tb STtj. TrlM eeaa4
Hrto4 1- t.a B4S w.'ow
wria at
-I M 1
, ar"Brfw Ww aBtwfrl
a 1
w nttic
m-mmrm t mtm mm saatMS
ire. tbi ! -31ir!. -.rTTi . . rT -
Na patat4 wee ia ! -T t." 1 " " 1 1 )
.r. 4W L f. C4SSSB.
t s a Siearrnrf avaaaartc.
rUTUT."W,f,i ysVwad tbem wars .ear, tbat U TlTf tX MZIV tliXU 2JCT1,
IxA aad BacVH - f tb V. P. I!. R Cta jaey. aod r f tb Westsra
t'aio T!;ra;i tSVt are lu t.' Hotsi.
Fire-PfKil Sa!8 for the Safely of all
eu Qolumbia Jfotel,
3est Dollar a Day Houso on the Coasfcl
First-CIass Meals. 25 Cents.
First CUm Hotel in Kvtv lJej.fci."
Non but ihd I5fct of White 1 1 p KmpIujeJ.
y T. T. Nicholas, Prop.
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
General Merchandise,
Dry Good, Clothinr, Genu' Furniiiliing GooJb, Iittota,
HLo, HaU, Cajm, Groctries, Hardware,
Crocktjry, Hay, Grain, Feed, Etc.
C e fawt k a ia tU raad.
tlr j)ia se
'm r mji
Cw9 to CML Bocad Qt,