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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1893)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1893. The Weekly Chronicle. tv orriciaa.. V:t J C.-a 4VT-4rr irrjiv oia.fio.Vii Hon:. If tl.e in the ral ey who are ro very uiik to ee tle lat ptil Bp lfv-.vv the wii:5t fa'.; canal aad iofkt are ia earnest, they mart fire the vpie of the la-ind Etnpirv Credit k J .31 M BfOh hotMlT I pOT- ia ibe tiraA of .or piaa to opra ike ColuBuhla Hi by the e ttueot ci tvf till Kr Ce dalle i-rtor .".ulla i voe at the of thi nation, and i:t la. K-ar-ira T arl ' 'w -i , . . l..r44-.r tjr : tv: oral tishwa ' laiproretuect c; sp aa en:;-;re of it i a wuik for th I aneu People livirg tw-etity-rlve ile oUb-wr-rl til IVarixHOA have takea cvur- last Week, 0HnK frn the lu-l U a open river, and are thrcrbirg ahvat that grew in K'l.aod V: think of that! Tl rehlr$ wheal two year old in mid winter. The '--t Orvj-.u-uia i -ar au iSmcIit, and M. L. Fix and b; a Arc lle thrciher.. They Uf at it Iwo week, and expected t kcrp at i: two week looprr. Mr. Fix aava be average about :. barbel .d train a day. He ha thre!t eveci cr. oi wheat growa ia IS?:. Tl b.: i fairly pej )aa:tT anJ thyiWl i a:i- ir.i.vr i jo.v r: r.v;o.v. Leanii on Jttiixt rK thv iotoa. as La bu vf I rrm-J at the Mtioaai capital. S"bea'fiftT-ficr-orty , or ht a a ac-.taticf ti-r roaatry.a rni:sJ Mtr rator vaiJ ia a ;rrb bMr ir tttamf that it rxotrr va sot wortii fihtinj for: that no tat acc'id rw I weti Oct aad il 1 tbert aboaM it w!i beiapoKbe for a ; mmbrr ct ismtrtm fWlfJ at tb fall flwiai t jrt to Wahicftoo bfre ' tW mn bad adocretii. Tlat tpewc-h inf. 1 cvsa. and la at tre r- drftfj lxe thrrhrr niar tor rd at th ColamKa a HI be a:boi tbeir attmtioa to Bunt the ruun inext year by the genera) c-JX-fTaax-nt. 1 a ! tied them on the - -th at Sa)ew. aiJ the Island F.mfure raaaot a?jrj to . " " j a ait another taeety year tor Tbera aw STS idle ae ia tl aiieu- kisd of reliei abvw Ti IH'.lea. these , uary. Thia t-;..tur mut do aooie- tbiac beaidea contract kr ibe patting U a jute aiUl, or tbe nea aiU reautia Wile Ijt maay BMuttor a ad it iubaI nt oeer .VX1,A.V to put ia a jute aiili Uf eaocfh to eaapVy tliea all. It ia aa eatier tkatter to talk about telUiag tiia i relief a bxb a-ar be afforded by the j eoBMroctioo of the portaj railaay pro- Tided for ia Mr. Kaiev'a bill. Tbia i aeafsr ia certaiai of aa xacco iaiport- . . , w ' rbaf tbe Wiiamette caaai aad locli at qoertioo thaa to aetti of nd e; t the Bna.-eQataS dear . ( . the y. Ule. ren,., ked l-'ore. ' " w i W are a unit on tbe profK:tk. U- tie ptauic eau aa ik a.:o-! . . . . . it, aa we If the H a bo have Ue aiatter ia band x"i'.J cvtoe to cosc!uioa aa:iiartory to -i be avtftb b,vre I rr' m vrni to bar beea tvat. nnl.v trtdi. aitb tha priinal p.vrf ouietit of t! Sndib iaod. 0aa. I- t ail' r. xe k-1 the aoneiaiio ruatieioer a at inlerxieae'l abiir ia n FiaiM-tMis on turUr, and be ta!nl the oi;r oi tii;t to Wal.iii Ua i "to t.rv I'bited Malia take p-Ka tl tlir lltitixa iiiii. XW a ant to in the oaioa." raid he. "not a a t:e. bometer. l-ul no.W-r a trrri torial J.trift of tavern mt!t. A f. vrrfin:rtl like that of the Iifw-t of IV. nuilaa, a ilh the a Uit n U a fi'T rruxr a-f.4etel by the president, 1 prtirrab Ur many rravoa. There it ach a larfe antuber of Claueae aad olber ol'jert'Ktab!e eleiuenta of (uod fo-ermeBt oa the i'arHl a bo raonot be troatri to fvle latellifeatly that if. aaifewal auffrape drc-iared the I itea, ' bo rrprret alaraal tbeeatir buMbeaa ' iaterma of the country, vooKI be oot- j rotroi and poarerleaa. Aa ealire aea ajTrteoi of foreromeat atuat be n p, i 'ailr.i State take rharpr. It mat b e , ronie to tbi or the ahite aet leave' Mr0(tbe ilaadt. Their intrret are too; Crea!.r.meer WthcmUc.Teopaub- CamDhe!l BfOS. PfODrS W. E. GARRETSOM. j THE DALLES lreident Vu-.'retd. , Cahier. nt. Ccaeral Hjokia- All Witch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. I aa ! at., tlx iau. . COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY P""" " " " w ad lock, at the Wi::aiett fai;.; i-V- tbe rp; v!d " ' ir- v : " ,u " I era Oreraa ha. rx-vr amrrrd ia ber! Wfloa. .Dd aaxU to nore :ha it ; rf ... fv, tJl " doeata tfce r Tl!. oa.y t,U(l rf u; lhll Ho. V.a B. relhn.alt arad, t the eekarereja:red.t'Je etr eiTt Uiror MiM j rvr'Eian a !f of oni,a of !-a f about aad l. bote! , ' -a-.. K,aaT U r-:rvl"rd i ordiaary aire and etretrjtb. ra.ed o l.U ti.w.if:.!. Ha aaaniclefro-tbeOTwoiaaTewerda, Haart farm, ia W entire expect :.; vM tw ovt-r f'. . ; . , , ... , ci-nrtr, tuerer to tboa tbat it acieaa ljt i L pr:. if he -et. i . . . . - Uj . dace other thicr at ei niwfs dMih of ti KAifT twI on the ' abirb out a lroV. F iiruliy the lia.e ba tle I'uttoJ Main kii ae laiiii? . rau bare tbrm. i itiel a bea . mi the ia- nd oe term '. .ttsran a 1. S Cni: aatrtrr al Uw a rtrora aat Dm Mad tuore faTjrabie ever brkire orTrml. i I or a ii! ever I u!frred afaio. A'A Amcr- j J- ihib Blight bar dace tbi ' in veil pood Km.1 it ar-aeared liorr Lb . . . . . .... hivVn A-v!t a np;opu oitti oi ite Kaey tx-i oa it ' Secauic VandelKJ- dd mo! Tje tor , -Mb. Ia tti craaection we take pi. the liMjrr Li. tt 1 e i t!-e aut:Hofa!o',e o eopyinj t!.-e f jI:oii5 rather otVija- bimwX He J ro- TeKfirans of Urt aJlit : poses to do away aith ti pat.:itatfco o. ""Kai-tero tryn ha n aie a gallant ihtnr , k-ant on Xtt i.-iauj are a unit fur annexa. . n i tjon, and lire rx-w .r. u.iial for-rm- j rted t'V tueat au l it aim are oi i record- ' nemrty aii the Kuf ii tbrre Thf tK. vTerai of , the enuaii.' T KT:a weifh 6ve pound each, -r H,;, Bjoorit to atwol leJ.ftD.O', , Imtt M raraa4 IE ALE H IN .nd .:i oi i frM M's, Slits, Cttin izi him. ioterrta ia! w rba aj a( mm r-uto i from tl : 1151 bt-arrr-Um lad, ahicit Vr. ; $3i.4 ),(.) f hiih i ia tie band of : 5 ia the arorU. H fhtid take to riir,t ' AiueHcau ritv a Saa Frawci iteeif. i AFRESH aa iteauised aorocat of cocctr expeeea i.fiil fjr the portage railway bill. Tbeir ia the newpaprr. aad. a a abtita:e. ', f-e-lora bt; made a bard Krajj!, bot , ruast preae aad tbe ockk:. tape t-j f af w;.:h tbe i!eaiiafi acroca: of tbe miniL ei peod; tare are to be printeJ ia iotf priaer tip oa ci. th xter to rtock up ia all poMoSce. the Krert eor nw !ry fjod boxe. aad other Jwonj icj plav. For dwnrrght j-iifk-ity aad cttr iprc;k-ab:rT tl: bill naad preets.itiect. Eat what caa be expectei from seo w ha vclJ raM tue !. te; c.f ejcim. ;v"y aioat tbe uetk of 175.kj free lsra pec; ie by hi iote.J yeat" Tote a a eaaior fruxi the classic rej-ior. of K'Eibera orfpnT It i maid that be i a "jen-LaEt" at bjsire. r rctia; t be La a a c:tt;r; it wa oc: voted. Tortlaad caaaot help Kin ft Kaiakaa wa prally tavoraK to annexation to the I'aitel Stair, and o wa Ijaeea Kjtina. but for .rite reace vtMen iilia kaa!a& ia f.tag'.y ia favor of Hritirb rale, and if alUaed wooid no doabt, apply to tirrat briuia imr pro tecliua." Kcc'iaatl repnraeated on OYSTERS la atyl. , rboacn rr the eatera load-! .. . i . ... ' -, . ' booae. He. in nBnxg w ith tl other! A ii;t(h Jrro Corralli i:e the t -i.-t ", arrival ibere o( t l . M - KuM. ot t , aeJ a w dooita. if part of the Mn.lao-, York. Henry Wod. of Taroma. and C. nah drieatic thorocihly represen'rfd . u. CR.of issatli. w ith C. E- fV.aen, C4 tiir roBMitaecu wra Keacvrapher. cocatitctlrij the eijrt I they rotrJ the b:!'. It may t that the n.a jritr did rlrht ia deifatias ti. n..r.r ..1 -t. wv.(cvlrrlir.n nr.' ... ... . ', rvteilltalive, Wa tKtitiei of the dvred rt-teriav w ll irohably not resell tbe TWe will remain ont.l M n- rU,rP " U" v"rT,,u'nt- bul "'ar!rd ia it. nc, bGt ftill Eaera itrefo. 4ar. when IUt" will brjr.a their dnt of 00 "J""rr ,w U mct be prea ere-I t for rlacerity ia np-' hirtkm a- the liae. m'T hmX9 cl,s,,5rJ ' n"1 portici' ti-e Ull and barinr exceot time, the aative tteu-;ve. a a role, j reaor in ET'jse it rvaa3- That see-' -n . are nut ia favor of brr piaL. She i ! reajoc ia erf .g itpaagr. ini , Tbe ocr;;e wna!f ia the rrtwtit' , . . 7 tinal keep retard of thce ratcre i (ol. Jeff Mrer. of liu.. " .'""V whore oaJy amotion , a it pine box hen they a.ay be ruivicg fr oSoe. t.B Secat A!l of U- ad a ' , r n.w. to ett oa-aad a jack knite t it into ' t'uleee a per, ha cWIt fol We.1 the v . , .'..!, . itJ aaiu,t!ts, ichrcBinf awaaa. er.un.ent o. xrtera treg4!. .errea ,t 4 m j.,, t 4rE f.j ;t A....... . . the lee..!if carela.y of tbe town there xht j,e i Tt( , Kr.lfJ. At lo Aller. .' ,. . , , , . . . ." i.n.Jtbe Ura.i.f tetUon. be raaiiot ap- -uoiirt he rrt .the be! then hat' ....... i i). t , i . . . . . abi tot the wurt oi it. Aa ju r. ifler predate lxw mocb tbey IositmI kr the i, tbe ueof eiert w !:rir. frt bk-b ! i - v i. trr j.lii for them. The national fovern- ; U a io "- i . , . .i.i- , ., , ... - , ! wooVi liar lvoe the alwuiute dftt ; ent m now taat it me.La-J are Tle K. O. Sajeta cne-rnd nt v,:' , , . . , ,. , . . an 1 tr. ... t-i , , ,v oi lie -o wiiiit- iwfi l ave i ana liie - , TLe denjorratie nrfaiVrf I 1 te (.rre wa ; . . . I bwa a.joweJ to Tote, the boue A not'.r a irt cf ti w oi f-ren." Er t " w ' TO7 n'. except:t two ce ttree, rare So". bed the .wroe . 4 - .1 : '. who are ia need. Ic tle portage road, zza ranition o Iiimt , j li ,u?-r'u -int-stire rtf?aij:a. tlit WUiiiort i. i nr. a eunuo s i r"4 n jn k ar nw anr-inted fciC r-:.;. . f .r ,j r t, lh- ' Orr. raw aa all to to Uve Job P. In-h-fornHr ej .lot '. ?fn ' , f? , , , Kiii.t:..ii osti. .iLrewolJbe a:i-Jatal fur a ;x-vear ; trrio oa.y. and wuuij l,ave been rebrt ! i ..;.. .t 1 . - ;.., It...: ... otct focr rear in to aa dricat , . . , . ' , , , ; a a rwe. are a iOipe. -arefui aa-l la- fraf jent?. ci-jta pcTeran l a". .secator VaDdecbcrtr. it rsn. wa ts aatiK cf the "o;"riory refrrrn- ( dam" re. ;c'kn :a tiie euate, whicb; aUraule.1 f -ne atter.tJjn eariy Csi j week. Aiirr a 9orxTan preabe, ay tire a-rl oblatory referead-tu be n.ade ; mutr. J t P- , The detuovratic .veuiVrf ,f t) Omj Twit, a-r proposed ea.are to a - " f u" w ,w V . - rlIro r( r :-r M rte of tbe f-l'e. Br the ' oblliratorr tvatrun. the re! w bo ird lU t Tnron dr. , ' ' . The aenator from tiie W uurette ra.ler orlp r-atiajt ic the ?-lla?cre rtort be fuhn.itli-d to ti e prr;e for na adop tion, ti aaoue priacipie to be apiird to ail etcty tsrt and law aking bodie of Bauicipalitie. It i farther resuired that the ifrt era'jt be aid i directed to ca3e to be to the vocer at tbe ext rrxter eet-oa tbe "referen. !- oe-.ion i'j-lf. Wo. id it not be a pJC-i idea to aj pW tiie "obiipatory ref ereavdem" to the aocrer of tbe reeolo- apxiiEted a wrrrUn of tl interior. ! doleat !... aod w!d probably make ' tw trochee if Jet alone. Tlier are eaaily erideatiy failed to ee tl.e jae;ioa ia -that liehu It ca.Dal be expect-J that aT' irr, rrf-tant and eTianiTe leeialalkjfi t miij.R.vnrr .U i .... f i rm h to benefit tbe whole tut, nor id the "orcopatioe" of each eeator at i i" V-Mi'.. and were cob ' ih i-t il .t Pca-ila . wr 1 .. Ft- -a-, r.n.. r i . . T the qoa that t. wa. era Crefon wovi'.d I Vneied act at a ( 'lawyer." !loo a a tr!5-h rbrrk. If tbe Kate u to stake .au-t a aa 'attorney.' ha. ha, ba; aay large appropriation, there are few Veacb a a "n.aoiactorerT" Itauattert ;rjrra.- xre wor.ay tnaa ttia. -L,t 4 M jy- pbTicB. j :l i L rarhac. ! 4 tarliiv avMctainine a tair caf a tbetrti u,- .lWM ma Warl cs Sa'nr Lit t , ; fwar ( wraaarni mat want to aih b-tweara Ibe top rirewere hul, ar ft bow rt.I lor a fart that ot. rt abo-t. ! Vr. 1-brrt pla ia lry H'jil'w. Tbe rennoyer aaya he --wod not hare ! Coder will be U aktofiy rewanird oa retard the KaW bill.- A eorrwpid-- Ctiekra thievr wereoxst afaia lart leavinf the aaaue at tbi i,e. lptafln a.aa. T)e Cadrr uf a pair of pA4 f rasped eye f!areo. will be raitabiy rewardrd oa It it re-sbabJe. tart a Satrm corrra- ent f tbe eaet reriiaa aayt "the tot- ; fht a d fie pcakx.L. that the coitie appweted emor belieTee tbe r.atetbocli aot ake coot- bark ol llbioehart froterj . aayt to rkst the Wa a Waila penitentiary, to tbi approirtioa. aa the rjrfniiLH.! Ice pert tbe jtve m.ul there, wl'i report ' ecpneert bare fiea it oct tbat Uiey ia favor of eabtiahinf a similar inetito- " will re-port farorahiy aad crye the frt- eraest to build tbe idesU I road ' a hirb the ttate it bow talkir.f of bci'.d ing." Thi tnay all be'troe. Eat we dott want acy 20 year' waiting Ics Cream and. Sutta Water 10 Second Street. Tbe llea. Or. YOUR ATTENTION Ii ta'.ti U tka fact that Hugh Glenn, rvr ia (ila, Liae. PiaaOfr, Cnurrl and Boi'.dinf Material of all kind. arrvr lk riaxa lla ml PiGiure mouldings T b f 9cM in tb City. 72 Uiashington Street. US. H. Young, Wap S!lOfl Oemvcral Bia kitbitif aod Work done promptiy, and aii work a Koprne paper. Coparit.a of date abow that tbe aeetaibiy wa not ia aea- ( iearing t aarne at tbit vO.ce. luatM noem'jert were c pooresi to be i at boixie cooe-ltii f their txBtoeiu ' aboel the jotnice of oabotUng or further j U.rvUlitif the Inland Entpire. (ioaranteed. tioat in the r-rjjfi pitTit"TT. A isetnber 4 tie citte told yotr rjr rr;tieat tit the erkifetce wa atror r v ia favor of each nrtioc. Jute lE, be wy. crt ll ete Jnr and to captcre Lb bird ia the bh. 'The It it pjn to ererybody now lui it i re-half re-ra, and are A al'Lli tbe "bird la bar,. " i proride-J for by the a Cjht to tbe deaU. between the t.rcat , r-at of Wah:i ".; lor eix and one- ', Eay bill. If there U a 4-fi ft- j SortU-ra and U-e XortberB Iv-ifie twa fci av.. w bile ia rnaiilla ety, ; krwrn that the r;ew Stur yvtrmml ' patie ia wbi-b tbe other cv panic are j jart acrta- lije line, timil' bag iid lor a ia Uy- W dt rf dCI' X.' J pla yir.f mlj ar.inor part, w ili aa aver- frota. e:ftt t Urn enct apiece, and the to open thi river, by bwildicf a p-je ; aye in Uedo of tXfM per ile I jt ' cae a tie WIlte va!t. The o Uj of the t r-lway, the n-a'-trr, the Kortbera at aaiat $i"i M per auite pt o. a ;.! ra;ble of epioy:rj 3D0 oilfht be adjaated by a pwiao ' in fator of the Great Njrt!.ern. The: b-t ulesa; abwotfUJ.W. wa water that : la tbe eretit of h aa a&iooked jrrloj of tbe Northera I'arific into the; p-ywer ; if r.ea p-xer i Lvtrisr. Ijr irideat, the lrl of coifre, the ; band cf a r3eirer wosld. of courw,' aboct $1 i.f. asore. Thi U beaiie the 'eta-e oid g-cefally retire trom tbe , retire tbe bond of the Latter and tl 1 co the Kd'j:e. sork m.4 -t Uncle r-aaa r ahead. ! rtoci that oj-rtr te Prarident Hill aa-3 - i b'.t eadj.rt would be enabled to rap- Tt R a.x . a CiefUia ha dag ep aa C-ell. UAmJH, '. aad Veaub. , are tb great property. Ji Hill braa . iaUH'Ait" win ataereratee ttt(rj,. furr-t loew. fcrar to erea J kit eareer a a traneer in St. Paul the worwi w rnr I erer taw ia tit - wre U ftec. i o- fro ae-reateew 5" 1 It aat nnl tear an wbew the rs'sw . a i. (i - . J af-er tbe 5-b JaMarr. and U fejr lL. w:i tbe c ' im.grato be ia4e cperative I t Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tt-i St i;;: tt! i Litis Till The Dalles Gigar : Faetopy aiaeva Tra.. Eachan s.j 0, j SEW YORK. SAX Fl!ANTlso,i. i CHlC.tuii and fORTLAXD, Coilertion. mad oa favorrhl, , at ai! avx-eaaiWe unci. a araaara, ftHiJiaa. a a First National Bai HI DALLES. A t'tenera! Banking Buim 1 1 . 4. . . I . - 1 -l wv voett.-K. Collection m.U j (m retuitteaj on da, 4 coliectT Siht and Tl-rarkie Fxchanfea,, New .ork, San )imcu anj f-laad. PIHECTOHS f D. P. Taoarao. Jo. S. St0 En. M. Willi a. ttto. i. u H. M. BlaLt- " FRENCH & CO., BANKERS, j Taa.t Aur$iBAiaASa-:,rvi Letter of Credit iaaoed availaiii ,f t Eaatern Sta. ' Sight Excbanra and Turc Tranafrrttoidoa New York.Chra. Loo:. Sao Fraraaco, uw Seattle Waah.. and Tarxjc pcaaai V") and Waabinrtoo. Coiiectioat na-le at ail pa a 1 orabie term. A. A. Browr Krata 't a.4t-tM al j 1 Staple and Fancy jmi and Provisions. '., 4 maatm a ir rrajaa SPECIAL :-: Ml to Cash Buyen aaaaaavwa, Hjlbt Casi Price: fortt 170 SECOND STAC n: Citv Blacksmith S Se. Eu. Opp. Eoed'i raa naixc. . WL'I repair yoor fioe Haf? and Carriage, a hoe r PriTing llorwea. end ia tafl all yoor blarkamithtnf aaeat yle. satar f anteod. CUMWC&HOCKMAS thi; Dalij:s ANI PR!aKVH.U caa te avoe cperative are : by Atlattur tranepvruti'ja c-orpvr-' 'at-. to bare it aaaol'd. 'iii .ori'.T yf , .'. -w at baa ba-ne-l aay rr 2&.i, jj jge ben rw-raiaed. af"" i'raiV; k ia pCtw the reaetare wl3 tl g-- Tit . Jo!f Ttrraer, raadidate 1jt tbe an esterie of -:' who tkltt xhey , fcvm the l of Wabiir-. i a wed thia Ixlacd F i.lrw nr br tbe ee ot, the Eay Id oa tbe r- can ia l'x .. Torcer ervJetlr ha, e- " V ia th eooatry U7.i-ttrnt,if. ra,-;,. We were Ub Ma f. i MWM 144 M 11 w ba Lacpeaed that day m .Z tx-ter rlr- jjj kiow hl wr'h FIEST STBEET. FACTORY NO. 105. Stage LiD J.D. PARISH. Pro; ( ; yjrusyf ta.xfrastt ttat co e to tLi 1 i f i-1 "-"lr7 " KevBe citra ana aw c?r- t A ertca. Est we bare bad too y erf , (be other kind, and the further ii- Don't U a rder aJ Croats' ia theae dijt ! W'hj not krer op wi-.h tb cioetectia crMary f )"oa would ik t-flj a etc n ccg-ioe ma4 Lie tLoe cf a cfatarr a-o. ITp wh j K2J j ! Tl). , . . . e-n TOO T the oi-i fahve-I, i SIT a W'ar .1 tt . t- rl. "a l-rlati4 la tain? fcr. 5rak pill. tt rip, al drbiiv CIG A HS !J. ! IwU:.: tt ywr rrftrml orb-rt fr-j all part of tl coai.try filled ' . . r ( , ..- Aj ?n-5at in.proTrnvn-.a bare beon ; oa tbe Uxte-t not. ; limn f I. .1 HU, I ISatlRn p n4.5 in Fi a ia rwra ecoe. j 1 04Mi. -rt?-i:v. Dr. Parrotr a ct I'e: are Tl-.e repQlatioa of THE PALLES CI- . y tT, arvoeyl pxanua, or pi!. lAK 1 bw CjmJy eetahi-heJ. an -1 , SUfM fea Eatra Ml . j iwa - . ii( iinacia vi-" orrsr arVa. Tbey art deader than Coi FTiy' dark cf 1 , Tbe Ttraa aayt tbe rtavl 4jae.aa caa tuasd aii the ay. tatioa ar.i ijucamifjt Aocors ar to IIs JeT Meyer ll g-U ia tbe ktcre. It i a prp a trait paa -wboerer r Vt frvca r imwve, a.vd ae port w e.aet twa to tow. or frvea t tj p ar ia t a . . Ti axy tew a aritvt tol or ebe-rfr. jr Ur-' ! g-j r-j, ad the laa-rtal-, l'-T a'aoe.f tix:w. wi in the take of rt ' wr ehar.y." A4 yet, Mrt lie a war v. -r . A. ULRICH & SON. grat'oa cf tbe andeeirabi rlewject at ; be atoped at ae. livafw iLub we ; owe to the edy aad opprtwud of o'.hrr 1 Undt , it a or dity to ocr oa a cir try. ' for the filliinet.t of o &. dcav ' are rrl to La. e, an-i xarrer gnpe r abot k th tjate . i Tbey ire porelj reetaUa aad j j-erltx-tiT trr& " Ch jlttle I'elk-t a lazatire. tire ; . , . lo - are caOarue. TU7 r-tt. ! T A RT I Q FACTORY 1 aJ clej tU lirer, .ton,!, ? Enn 1 FACTORY xal Ihowi la - nuir V' l-.t fl.. ' """ TUy'rt th f,,j4 Cantfics and Hats b.'1 ij orajfj!, Mcavwie jot otilj a ataialraale ajwalali44aja. rS wwid adacrt of tbe p-ia'U v.y of re- r dorirj IZZ.HM ib&imrivam petj to . traa p ia thi I&U&d Eat "r.l-r piav tg ' all Iaunor Pi A tw aaa.aa)rartlai 'TJLb') Ualo Iftaa r-arvUf"! ivl - ; Cii.ittu Intri tXii i n! ' . nm-tia t3.V3 ti vr ; Dj-hi ti; titL 7he if. ai-jrr a.l.aVi; a txacb 0aa rrt jraa aa tir i o-.t cd it. aad a tt brei of ovTrai power apva their w.aiy of r-jra t tri wir. -s-tvrrail t " t'-t" are. let wbetler :by wili ttatd all Ir. ia bla rt-i; of jet asi denerrifg : tart i. Take a 14 ai the ttt ya lb . '- k ajvl J ti..r;r prt ie 1 ir-jr '.laiKa. jlaVfU'i 1 the aork of ttakiivg a fcativa. ' Caa jo p-r-y. tkat e .xe.t r owa fy f ,r ,e ooJ yon get. TWrt ! Toa i '71 DtA J,! ' aaikraai Ue. T- iprlI.t oaewu-a J arr!ri to ciy. aaLi.fartU. ! f . ?.' II P P I 3 I P V m i e.;. r nai ranui neatwr in a re uaiiM i atrhal a ao. i m-A what U.orr the itoro-rt e;eai ot what tix r e.ut-t atl-.. trrry tic, or yr taottey it re- j fjrri. ll.s,l t the UfruUar ilan Pk-rce ' caJk4taa art ao'.i A tt taw.wa ra 1 a itH a uiiu, tanio- I I !- rlaa-r n will r " 'riiifT iralbf a I . . ..-r ' . A.mti " tail ti . ' f 2VtrtetJ.F0LC0 Will BJ. rManuat. I