THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1803. ; be Weekly Chronicle. K fAILK. CKtkOM frvm UM Pally rhiotuca. TuflU Pel WcIiOtKl. of Orant. i ' c' . on. W. 1!. r.i2 o( Morn, U Pander is no OUir teeth with- 1 paiti, over French' bok. ' Th. Ladies Clubill meet this .cvenin with Mi- Koa. Michell. r Net-rib tor Tim Ciiaojict., the )g Prr ' Eslrn Oregon. C. Co of Everelt, Ui u candi lor terminal honor on Pup sound, I i the city. f t. N. G. B'alotk and J. M. XIcKin I o( Walla Walla, ar in lb citv to- ; t ; on land offic buiues. I "r. T. II. Johnson, of th Iufur Her- ! "to firm of Johnson Bros., hurn- ' t iginf aurd Iron. th capitml. . remain of Mr. J. B. Love aere to Waco today fur burial in ti 'uuily lot. Brief service were held f " ' crenoon, coder th auspice of the ; . U. W. . . W. F. Mstlook of Umatilla, in t wed a bill ia the eeuat yesterday, f - branch iiikai asylum In Eastern . n. John L. Ayer, general manager l and attorney I r the New Eugland Na- twcal Buildinc .d Loan Association, la in the city on bai'uita. A!l iuiet in judicial circle today. At Je oi hobo in the cooler it about t' iit of the doing of the preerv 1 t peace for the jiast day. f k. E. N. Chandler' bill, providing ' f ; ! filling of vacancies in the Dalle ' C Water Comiu lesion passed the C " reading ia the eeuate yealerday Juvenile Temple vill give n n ( isuent Friday evening at the Con- : jonal cnarcb. auuiissioo, zo ;.: . children 10 cent. Tbi prouiiers to ttr.-ttVCTT enjoyable affair, and well or. j the purchase price. Tl.e taer Columbia ii so choked a 1th rum.: j Ice that only the most powerful ktuilualirta make the ran op from A: ji '.a. All of the boat have been de layc... but o far no accident have been ; d. T' - Prinevill mail started out with a thl morning, hot in consequence J r drift the driver returned. Mr. J. I . arish then pret-ared himself for 41 n, and made another start at 8 :ii l ., determined to go through. V. wnderetand that Hen a tor Cog- will t y he believe ia Tb Dalle pur r -1 r jX way and only opposed the Raley L-l lcaoe he couldn't find oat how Snu. the road would coat. II don't Lai ) to wait two year to find that oat. O constituent want the till pawed. Ceren-tenth of the in get their aopplie bv t' 'a route, and (hip thl way, too. Vt. L. Winan received a telegram to 1 at Hood Kiver thl evening, and V-t' the 4:20 train. II report tie ' har et A 1, and their com pen? .'! ' enongb to cool nil creation xthing happen between tbi u.. . rrow evenutg. I" 1 .mnk M and her itee Mr. tnew, t f Iayville, arrived at Canron ity C3 the Zlt from a visit to their par ent, C pt. ul Mr. J. W. Lewi of thi 'ly. ' Je fallowing day Mr. Huow pro- Day ri:le from Canyon city and -'- i -hut the roade were fuund right i. I "irabam, tb recently appointed oetlnieof the Iowa Central, ad-uarter at Marahaltown, t the thermometer ia frozen ep f one can tell how cold it I. loiu i that it i 48 below : Bum a W, and a. Graham think Hi no klhly HO. Old timer inform him that she winter hardly ever tut more than Lnth. 5 Tl Chautaoqua readirg circle held U ' !y eM.ioa lt ereniuv at the of Mr. C. J. Crandall. The f ' J topic under tiincu.ioo, coming V . nth the repuiar work waa the ic Ion of IIawa;i. Mi! K racier Uu-: Jte rec'tation in Gre k hiatorv i 1 ! I. I!tow.k the L. 8. and I'orelgo ', cext weik the circl will begin lideration of Cail'a, (jrwk ro iii connecting with the Greek I dt. Thot-e prevent were Mxwdauiet 1 L. I C. J., KiawM Ira froolu, Mary Frazter. Lii.i Kampaoo. lurie fnlton, Jeriti Lown, Hiuri. U i. l:iJJU. E. X. Littlelield. T. t old cheatuut: "I thi cold t. for yooT"' wa reviewed ia Th A. t 0:45 Ul. tudav wlinn Ilia tter bo lb uarrieJ aoro. At 8 i wa 10 above. At 5 o'clock it ateed 2f above. Th bar eeUr . I p. u, yeeUrday atood W.42S ; . a a. a-, today so.lfll ; at 9 :45 30.2D7. erwMmeter fell 1" below aero at 10 a. . tciay. ln tb- wlnJ WM T il aa hour from w. by .. I it veered at at about S a. m. U i utag, when it got op a velocity 3 ile, and at a. u. wa oxting eg i 20 mile an hoar coining from tet . At thai hoar high closd re r udding eatwrd with eqnal k ". A w go to prewi th Urom i 30.40; theriuometer 3 ahov , . right tuaiklne, at wind 13 to b per bear. Tb abort raadliaj rtM the DllT Chruulole, WaaUModay. The 1 M p. ' train from Portland did not arrivw tolay until 4 p. in., in 0v1naequ-ui' of the inch uu'noy i the weather. The tax rate ia lUWor county for the year 1 thirty !? only thiee por cent, ty the K. Oreioiiin. With oneor two more rrlm'uial cw, conducted re gartilt-M of expense In Cinalilla county. the Utrale thuru w:!l lie a high a In linker county. Dr. Enbelman inforiua ua that Mr. L. Booth i improving, though eomewhat weakened bv hia long il!ne. Ha will gain atrength a the ly go by. W hope to ee him on the trct a aoon a th weather get warmer. Capt. John J. Holland, whoee death ia beattl ha been announced, wa well know n ia Tb Dalle, lie wa a promt, neat builder aud adept in marine r chitectnre. Among tlJ atcainer he built were the Wide Wet, 11. K. Thompauo, Idaho and Emm Hay ward. Hewaaa brother of I'bil Holland, o well known in thi city, who received fatal Injarie tome year tfo In a colllion tietween the Southern Tatific railruad ferry and the trm laonrU Mikado. - Depnty Sheriff I'hirnian lelt for the east last night in company with an officer from Miaeouri in charge of K. C. Roee, alia Carter, who it under en tenre to bang at Mount Vernon, Mo. Cov. I'eunover granted a warrant of ar ret on Gov. Stone' reijuinition. Kose broke iail ix year ago while under the rnlence of death for murder. He wa arretted a few week ago near Mt. Ta bor, just a he wa about to sip out. Mr. Loui Payette, one of our city mechanics, ba junt finished pnttin the iron work into th steamer Regulator, which has been through a general over hauling and repair. Th work i flrt clas iu every respect, and the company U well pleated. It i gratifying to know 'itTh Dalle ha a good mechanic ... an plat on th eol. Mr. I'ayette stands at the head in hia profession a an iron worker. The Ice gorge hrluw Srofert l eome thing grand. In th line of an ice bridire it is superior, in magnificence, to any picture w have seen of the now ex isting and wonderful ice bridge at King ara. Herrin should go with Winant Bro., and photograph it, before it goes out. The it is forted up from the hot torn of the river, as it come down ar.d lodges under the gorge in the swift chan nel. On thoaaanJ ton of k were put np by Messrs. YYinan Bros, at Hood River yesterday. If this weather continue a few day they expect to bout at least 12,000 tons, as they bav on of th finest plant for ice harvesting ia the United etate. xreterdav they naj seventy men in th field of ice on the river. Along towards evening the he became so weak that it was dangerous, and five men got into th river. One of them wa unable to swim, and had a close call for Ms life, but fortunately all escaped with nothing more serious than a cold hath and a bad scar. W noticed today a horse bitched to a sleigh, tied to a tree in the street ex posed to th full force of th cold wind. The poor brute wa almost froxen, and i u quit frantic Id it endeavor to get loose. Any jrson so devoid of any sense ( husnauity a to permit a borse to frees on a day like this, should be forced to stand several bourt exposed to today' east wind, ia order to appreciate th amount of suffering be cause to tb animal h uses. Our city officers should be vigilaut to arrest any one so inconsiderate of tb citv ordinance and th comfort of their domestic beast, which are oft-time wore intelligent than their brutish owners. Eumor ay that several senators (ao called) feel ashamed of their vot on the Kaley bill on th 2j'.b. It ia never too late to repair an injury don. Tk no stxk in the report that Mr. Raley, has himself stated that if th vole wa re considered h would not attempt to past th bill this sessiou, a b sw that was cseJe. That bill has got to past. Abo'Jt 50,0Q0 is wauted to buy the Ore gon city locks, th agricultural college want about t-'jO.OOO a usual, th state university, th normal school, th peni tentiary, th asylum aud various other institution want large sums, and iudted most have thetu. They are all willing to accept Eastern Oreyou's thas-e of the taxes, but if they bav ao notio of con tributing any ihiag to aid Eastern Ore gon' taxpayer, w should now show thsai ah "fin Italian baud" at relalia Ilk, should they again attempt to play doubl wild a. Eastern Oregon ba sever don aavthlag unfair, but tim win buow result. From Th Dell, ckfjsilel, Tburaaaf. Remember th bird. Tea or adoxen teams ar employed to day in hauling it. OIovm and wristlst, and overtoat, ar in demand today. Olyapis 1 r'log to hav two nil lion dollar rapitol building. Th Oregon assembly favor tb an nexation of th Saadwicb islands. Mr. J. 8. Wlnxlerof tblsdty, retoraed from a visit to Portland last utghl. Wallace) Wilson ha returned from Olympla and taken hi old pocitloa at Th Uasatill. Th Dalle "400" get thir photo, taken at flerria'a gallery, over th posl- ficw, lraa they say I bey ar not aahaasad to send tkssa aaat to friend when U serin's' aam 1 oil th pketo. Hon. Z. F. Moody and Hon II. A. Hopue, former residents of The Dulles, ar in the city to-day. ("apt. J G. Hustler, one of the pio neers of 18 9, Hied of I'liemiioniu at his j home in Astoria last ereulug With the mercury otqtiettiny nround lero we legin to mhi how muc i wr have to he thankful for that we ito not live iu Chicati. Col. Pat Ifcinm, who hwil troin Ore gon and the wr!! at lur-e, w is at the Peabody, in Mtinphis on the "C:h, en route to Washington. Th agricultural coiuuiitte yc'tcrdjy reported that Sleiwcr'a senuto hill U r pr tect'on of atoi'kraisiiig pass at amend ed ; adopted ; third reading today. Pet pie ar making libera) use of the free bridge across the Columbia riter at The Dalle today. The Goldendale mail wa crossed in a sled on th ice. Mr. Coon introduced a bill in the bouse yesterday for a portage railway between The Dalle aud Celilo. Th chap who ride In a hired aleigh, May have to walk bom other day. L. L. Master of Goldendale, is at Th Umatilla; alsoG. W. Smith of North Dalle, is registered tberw today. El Jon Patten, who ha just finished a term of five days in the county jail for assaulting hi wife with a raxor was re leased from custody yesterday afternoon and left town on the afternoon train. Good riddance. A bell, that -conlj be heard at a dis tance of 45,000 feet in water could be beard at a distance of only 6oG feet in the open air. Iogs barking on the earth can be heard by balloonist sailing at a height of fonr miles. In Gilliam county farmer and stock raisers are well pleased with the pros pect for next year. There bus been no to of stock and there Is yet an abund ance of feed to Unt uutil spring. The bill to amend the code muking school districts in cities of 5,000 inhabi tants conform to the limits of said city. Amended to exceed 4,000. This bill is intended to prevent several districts reaching into any town, and places such district upon the same footiug a the Portland school. Passed. The governor's first -veto message reached the senate at 11 o'clock yester day. It waa the senate bill relating to private corporation concerning the water right at Kiddle, Douglas county. Shall the bill pass over tb governor's veto? Nay 29, absent 1. A stick of giant powder large enough to blow a train off the track wa found the other day under the rail of the Union Pacific road at Colfax. All efforts to find tb perpetrator of the deed have so far been unavailing. Some change took place in the U. P. R. R. uiaoareuient yesterday. Gcu. Manager S. If. H. Clark retired and was succeeded by Kd Dickinson, who has been hi astistaqt. Mr. Clark re tains th presidency of the road, but give np th management. George II. Pegrani Is appointed chief engineer of th system. He is at preseut assistant engineer of the Missouri Pacific. Th rotary snow plow and three loco motive left at 8 o'clock this morning to open th road to Portland. It i thought there will be no serious delay of train on account of th snow in Multnomah county, about Bonneville, Bridal Veil. etc. Thi Is ground-hog day. Where tbi tradition about the ground-hog and hi shadow orijrinated is not known. The olJvst inhabitant say hi grandfather told him about it long befor the kinai servic wa invented or thermometers werw regarded a household necessi ties. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Sherar are in Xew York today, but expect to Suave for Kos tualnadayor two. They are in fine health. The ship Tillie K. tUa-buck, with Mr. feborar' woolou board reuched Kw York on tli 31st, Iu go kI condition. Thi is tb wool cargo shipped from Th Dalle last fall by the Regulator lit,. Th snowfall yesterday put Union strset in Cue condition for coasting and as th evening ahaoo fell, the various sled aud coasting apparatus accotn pauied by tbair owners, appeared in full fore and were soon chasing each other down through the cat in sw ift style, aud gav a peculiarly animated appearanc to th street, many remainod out till 4uit 1st njoyioi( the rare (port. Cold weather and frooziirg wiud avail nothing to dampen th ardor of the whist pliiyas. Last evening at Frater nity hall the UdIoo club held high car nival with the card aud table, aud passed oo of tlm most pleasant even log known in the history of whist club. Tlisy war eutertained by Mr. and Mr. J. H. Fish. Mrs. Chas. Hilton won the first prize, while Mr. L. E. Crow rap tured th booby. (We wouder if h crowed over it?) Th club will b en tertained by Mr. and Mr. U. Glen aext week. Tb Prinvlile New of th 18th sit., say of th winter in Crook county: Although tlm htet snow storm wa not deep and th attending cold weather not vsry eeverr, there ba beeu oni loa of stock on th range, bat w hav not heard of nca loa to any great xtnt. Along th stream and waterway wber gra ha been atsn off ia th fall, the last anow has coverl sjp vry vestlg id at thy awlxlit gras txpon, and having frown poorer a th winter ad vanced, some of them hsve died. Par tie from town who have ridden lately ulonftlMi river telow town, t"ll ua of rinding thre r.tttle !eud on the ranpe durii'Kau nflrrmxiu' ride. Fr mi the oiilsi'le rsi.;;e we have hud no definite reports, hut froui what we have pre viously limned of the condition of stock, and of the range farther away, we do not anticipate l u v i r fr to chronicle any ronshiei.ihle loss pf stock unless the w inter grans more severe than It has been, and this we firmly believe will not hapen, although we are not extra well verted iu the forecast business. Til K i)tl.LH HAKKKtt. Tiiuksdav, Feb. 2. Traffic has been nearly suspended on account of the pinching cold wintry weather, and the markets are lifeless in consequence. There is a compluint of a scarcity of vegetables and also in farm products, such as egirs and butter. Kg,-s are firm nd price are ruling higher than here tofore thi season. Fresh butter I in better demand and Is a trifle dearer. There is a fair supply of potatoes, but should the cold weather continue much longer price will be marked up. Al ready there is a very flnu tendency for an advance toon. Poultry is scarcer and dearer with a good inquiry. The beef and mutton market ie steady, although there ia a better inquiry for good fut beeves and mutton sheep. Fat hogs are lu belter reqnest owing to a scarcity, and for prime porkers an ad vance on former quotation could be realized. The long snow period has given rise to a better demand for mill feed and bay, and a stiffening in prices ha token place within the past few day in consequence. The wheat n.rket remain quiet and seemingly lifeless. Advices from abroad arc no more enconnging than a month ago. Valley mills have cut down prices Iroiu one to two cents per bushel, al though Portland market are the same in quotations. Babiiv The market is nearly lifeless in barley, prices are down to 70 and 75 cent per 100 lt. Oat The ont market i stiff and of ferings are light at $1 "5 cents per 100 lbs. Rye 75 cents per bushel. ifiLLsTtrrs Bran and short are quoted at $18 00 per too, mid dling $22 60 to $23 00 per ton. Rolled barlev, $23 00 to f4 00 per ton. Shell ed corn $1 25 per 100 Us. Floch Saletn mills Hour ia quoted at $5 50 per barrel. Diamond brand at $3 iK per bbl. per ton and $4 00 per bbl. retail. Hav Timothy hay range in price from $12 00 to $15 00 per ton, according to quality and condition. Wheat hay is in full stock on a limited demand ut $10 00 to $12 00 per ton. There is no inquiry for oat hny, and price are off. Alialfa hay is not much called for, and is quoted at $10 00 to $12 00 per ton. These quotations are for bailed hay ex clusively. Bcttih Fr?h roll butter at 65 to 60 cents per roll, in brine or dry salt we quote 40 to 4-5 cent per roll. Egos The egg market 1 short In supply and good fresh evp find ready sale at 30 cents per doxen cash. Pocltby There is a lair demand for fowls for a home market and for ship ment to Portland. Chicken are quoted at $2 CO to $3 50 per dozen ; turkeys 8 to 10 cent per It ; geese $7 to $ per dox, and duck $3 to $5 per dozen. iSur a M uttom Beef cattle is in moderate demand at $2 00 per 100 weight gross to $2 60 for extra good. Mutton It held at an advance of last years prices and Is quoted at $3 50 to $5 25 per head. Pork offerings are light aud price are nominal to 6 to 4't grot weight and 6, to 0 cent dressed HTAPLX UHOCKKUS. CorvxB Costa P.ica, is quoted at 22 Vc per lb by the -ck. Palvadore, 22c. Arbnckles, 25c. KuoAa Golden C, in bbl or sack , $5 00; Extra C, $5 10 ; Dry granuluted $4 00; In boxes, D. O., In 30 lb boxes, $2 00. Ex C, $1 85. GC $1 75. Svkur $2 00(32 75 pr keg. Rice Japan rice, bjdt'c; Island, rice, 7 ct. KiAKu Small whites, 4,S'(g5 c; Pink, 44 V per 100 lbs. Halt Liverpool, 501b sk, C5e; 1001b sk.l 10; 2001b sk, $2 00. Mock alt, 110 00 per ton. Duiko Fui'iT Italian prunes, 12c xr lb, by box. Evaporated apples, 10c per lb. Driod grape, 9 10c per pound. VKOXTABI.KS AXD VRl'lT. Potatoes Peerless, Buffalo whites, Snowflake and Biirhauk seedlings quoted at$l 25 per 100 IU. OaioNs The market quotations for A I onion is $1 50 per 100 lbs. Ghkxn Fruit tiood apple sell for 11 'Ibuttl 10 per box. rull and early winter pears rr quoted at G0(a75c pur out. n ids and reus.. IIiDts Are quoted follow: Dry, Co lb; green, 2;j2'i ; culls 4c lb. Siixkr PkLTs bj;rti5 ea. Dcersklo, 20c lb for winter and 30c for summer. Dressed, light 1 lb, heavy 75n lb. Bear skins, ilf.tllO ea; heaver, $2 50 lb; otter, $4; fisher, $Mt$5 50: silver pray fox, $I05$1!5; red fox, $1 25; grey f x, $2 &0(.13: martin, $l(;ll 25; mink, 60XVic; coon, 35c; covote, 60c(it76c ; badger, 25c; polecat, 25c (J 46c; com mon bouse cut, 10c(t25c ea. Wool Th market is reported off en wool, and is quoted at 10c (.i 16 lb. Aa atslsar May Mare. Cam to my place last fall a boy war about fiv year old, with small whil pot ea right side, also whit spot cu left hip, star in th forehead, with some dim brand on left shoulder, wsight Uut eight hundred pound. Owuer can hav tb by prwviug property and pay ing costs. V. J. Ksi.i.v, 15-Mil creak klallUa for Ckaap. A fla thoroughbred, 6 year old stal lion for sals cheap. For further particu lars apply to T. A. Wtvo, sheriff office, TtM Dalle, Oregon. W AMTMD. Putblng oa nvatser of good adjrse. Liberal salary and axpenee paid weekly ; Parmanfttil .iti.-kn lt,nn Hnil i 1 jraeryuMa, Portlasd, Ortia. laasy at Hia lr feat. The advent of cheup money In Wasco county is a blessing. We are pleased to note the war the New England National Building Iaish and Investment associa tion I taking hoi. I of the situation. Money at six per coi.t. on six years t' mo without bonus is the hanls of thoir loan pronitiuu. They also present a plan for the cancellation of present luortKses, the accumulation of a tonkin; fund and th reduction of interest. Jf iu need of a loan or if you are paying interest on one, it would be to your benefit to ad dress the association at its office, Oregon inn buildinir, Portland, or to writu or call on Joel Koontz, esq., the local agent at The Dalles, or Burkes A Brock, Mora, Oregon. Wa learn tlio association withe to extend it business and desires local ugents at Antelope, Dnfur, Hood River, I.inkville, and various other points. The local aieency is a profitable and honorable position. Inhalation of Hlrjrchnlas. Prlneville News: Charlie Hanes and "French Ixmie," who are taking care of a band of Nye & Allen's sheep near Eagle Rock, cam near getting a fatal dose of poison. One of their dogs got bold of a strychnine bate sin some nn known manner, and when the boy dis covered him in a fit, they went to work to dose him with salt, by which means the dog wa saved. They must have in haled the animal's breath, for soon they both felt the effects of strychnine. Charlie wa the first to show it, and im mediately (wallowed a dose of strong camphor, which relieved him. Then Louie waa attacked and treated by Char lie in the same manner. Both are all right, but neither want to try It again. It Hbuuld be la Kveiy House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St. Sharps burg, Pit., cays he will not be w ithout Dr. King' Kw Di,:overy for con sumption, cough and colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of "la grippe," when various other remedies and several physician had dune her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claim Dr. King' New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for lung troubles. Noth ing like it. Try it. Free trial bottle at Snipes & Kinnesly'. Large bottles, 60c. and $1. A popularity more practical than poetical is attending the chrysanthemum in Paris, where it is becoming a favorite salad, made according to the Japanese receipt, and cooked in various way for the table. A correspondent of the Oregonian in a letter from Salem says the county div ision raider' chance are growing slim. The delegation I divided on the ques tion and the protest against any kind of division contain the names of all the prominent taxpayer of the county. Senator Dolph yesterday saw the president and attorney-general and stated that he boned that a thoroughly American and vigorous 'policy would be pursued in regard to Hawaii. For him self, he hold that now i the time for aggressive action and he believes that conures ia ready to carry out such a policy. There is a decided coolness between th weather bureau and the people. Can it be possible that Mr. Pngue jerked the beautiful-snow lever too hard and is unable to get it back. It is about time to present a memorial to the as sembly asking that body to define the powers and privileges of the weather bureau In this matter. ' ( A Bare Car for I'llea. Itching Piles are known by moistnre like perspiration, cnusiua; intense itch ing w hen warm. This form ua well as Blind, Bleeding or Protuiling, yield at once to Dr. Bos.tnko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly on purts affected, absorbs tumors, allays itching and effects a permanent cure, hi) cunts. Druggists or maij. Circulars free. Dr. Bosaiiko, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold hy Blakeley & Houghton, druggist. Heaate HIM Ki, SO. We give this bill eutire today s in troduced by Mr. Cross Jan. Iltli. Ii will be read with intorest, c it is one of tlio most important measures in the assembly. While on thi auhject we may toy that tlio feu of thu sheriff in thi county the past two mouths aggre gated $02 for county lusiness alone; lh clerk' fees and salary for the earn period of time was l,3t)4. Other fees coming to the office for th two months mitk th g)!regt somsthlng like $2,500 for the clerk for county business during the two month. l dispute Authority. Th United Htute Dispensatory says that "Onions ara a stimulant, diuretic and expectorant ; thy increase the ap- fwtite and promote digiMiiiou." The uic made Into syrup as ia Dr. (iuun's Onion Svrnn. has a snei irlc action on the Throat, Lungs and air passages, it not only cure tough, Uoltls, I roup and Couioiiipiiou, but it stimulating effect, strughlua and build up (be system afterward. As a tonla and restorative it hat no equal. We solicit trial In lb most chronic and stnhliorn raait. Pries 60 cent. Bold by Blakeley k Houghton, druggist. Cold collecting todiy. Mill collectors ay they find money castor tint wa ex- pctod. Th lc harvester today do not com plaiu that th bright aan light xoelu th block any a they utov froua th rivsw to th) io kse ! Ilftlteraln; fansll. Farmers and stockraisers universally uttree that dehorning cattle is a great al varitage. The cattle lieromn more docile and mii be handled much ensier, and tun cosier cared for tbati those with horns. All farmers end stockmen also a,"ce the proper thing to do is to stop the growth of tin; horns on the calf, thereby nviidin the troublesome ami painful operation of using the saw. Iran's Dehorning pencil has lxen thoroughly tested everywhere and thousand of funnels and stockmen can testify ns to the advantage of in-ing the same on your.g stock. It makes no sore nml causes no pain. By one application tlio horn will drop oil' in a few days. It is guaranti ed to givu satisfaction if ap plied as directed. Ilest of references furnished. Agents wanted. Address: I. K. Johnson, l.a Grande, Oregon. (P. O. tsix 11H),) general western agent for Eastern Oregon. 1.20w4t Aainrlrin Cholera. from the Pailv Kavaiixx, hatvom, Vh ) "T. C. Burnett, th democratic candi date ft r sheriff, was taken violently ill at Clef rbrook. He hail all the symp toms of Asiatic cholera, and for an hour or two it was feared he would die. They finally gave him a dose of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy, which revived him until a pbvsirian ar rived." That is precisely 'a hut the manufacturer of that medicine recom mend for cholera. Send for a physician but give their medicine until the physi cian arrives. If cholera lnwrns preval ent in this country next summer this preparation will be' in great demand be cause it can always be depended upon. For sale by Blakeley x Houghton, druggists. MONEY TO LOAN. We have an unlimited amount of money to loan on ap- proved farm security. Thornbcry & IIudso The Dalles, Or. WM. MICH ELL, UmiBrtaKer ana EmBaimer, Orders hy dispatch, mail or in person filled any hour, day or night. - Prices as Low as the Lowest ! Picture framed in all styles and sires. Place of business cor. Third and Washington Streets. " Til K IMLLKH. OKKOOX Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, the administrator of the es tate of John Mason, deceased, has filed ' his final account in said estate, and that Monday, the Cth day of March, 1803, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the comity court in the court honse in Dalle City, Wasco county, Oregon, is the time and place fixed hy an order of the Hon. Geo. C. Blakeley, county jndge of Wasco court ty Oregon, as the time aud place for hearing said account, which order hears date the 7th day of January, 1SU3. All parties interested in said estate are hereby no titled to file their objections to said account, if any, on or before said time. Dated this 7th day of January, 1898. S. V. Mahos, Administrator of the Es tate of John Mason, Deceased. Dcrun A Mknkfkk, Attorneys for said Estate. wjtrmo NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Timber rulture, rinHt prrsii.J IT. B. Land t'lillne. The Dnllos, or., lw. JH, lmij. Nntlt-e i heretty given that Jtl-.:ir W. t'ux hss tiled nntlre of liiUtiitioii to make final pnsif be foul the reenter tout receiver ht their offtoe bv Tlio lislles, y., on Ttiesilsy, the 7th duy of Feb ruary, l'.t:(, on timber eufture iiiiicutin No. AMI. hir the i:4 ttX t section No. , ta Tp. No. S 8. U. No. 1:1 toi.1. He mtuitts us u itneHaes: O. . Kussell, J. W. RiiMM.ll, IwtHr I'atleusude and kl. K. Mclssl, all of Kinsley, Oregon. li'JA-M JOHN W. LK WIN, Register. SHEHIKF'S SALE. Byvlrtuo of sn nxerntlon and order pf snle, t sued out of ttm t'licuit Court of the Htnto ol orvsitn fitr the county of VViimn,, to le directed. Ill the suit whfre n tne H 'licitnrV l.otm audi 'I rut '. I iliintiil, sid Willium F. uttyton. Wsry K. l.uyton and l. MeKelvey ere rtefi-nd-snts, e.viiiinundtiiK met., levy uon end muks kuM of thote u rtaiii iireci aiu! i totvl of lard in Wiisoocoiinty, Maic of Oregon, known and describe 1 as thu wmm! reilf of the mutheKt iiuitr ter and the mmt tntlf of the southwt'Mt qusrtfr of tieetioll four -I) ill lowuhlllil o -v (I) multh of ooii.'e lhirfe.'ii (Uy east of tliw W il'.amctte luerid Ihii, ooiiuttutnif on liuudrvd sud (xry sere?, I tiuve this ilwy itl iiHu said luiul and on Krt d.iy, r'ohrn iry :l, ltd, nt the h.iur of II o clock s. in. of mild tluv. In front of Hie court Iioumi do r, In said unty and stute I vt' w 1 :dd Isud st .ub,lo suelloii to thu tiixUent bidder thurvfor. T. A. W AKI, hhorliT of Waoo Couuty, Suit of oresou. NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. rimb?r Land, Art Jvtnu 3, lfCS.) It. a. land omee. The DsMes. Or., I'eh. ixw. Ntitleu 14 hoiehy aivou thet l.i eoeit-tiaue alth The urovl-ious .f tnw set f eoiisowa uf Juno.t, Ix-.H, viitltloil "An set for the sale of tlm U'r lauds In the utatea of t'aht.irula, OU'gJii, NurHiaaud ' sati.iiirUui Territory," Thomas V. an Iter, Of Pufur, eonnty of Waeeo, s ate of On-son, hss this duy liltst In thisoltlee his aworu tiiteiuenl for the v'ochaM of the N1) of NKL., liK1, of Nti','. and NK'f HK'4 of t-ee. No. Is, In town !l i No. 'J H , raimo No II K. W. M., slid Mill iilli-r fmaif lo show that the land sought is more vain.ibie fur IU timber or atone tliiiu foi asrleul turul t tiriMsirts, and to entali'M) hi claim to aid lurid Is fore thu ririater and ovt-lver of this olTlee at 'I bs bulloa. Or., on ttie :id day uf Febru ary, l-KKI, lie naliira aa a turaaes- ltnt.'rt Itarrl-ain, of Manaeue, or, .Uurdili MrUaal, of ktiialy, or., Joiin larua, ol Naur-em-, t-r., s.iU Jota Murray, of ftaOMine, 'r. Any himI all la'iaoiis rlaluilitfC sdversoty th slaive do-cillsMt UiinU are reruef.trd to DM tbr-ir rla ins In tlha olltee M t fa-loie rail 1 id day of l-rbntary, l-'jd. ti.vw'i.s John v. i twin, iti-Kirtar. 1 1 Best (k,iwk avrup. TMs (,at Cm I