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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1893)
TBS DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1803. MI ST OPEN THE RIVER!! .ill I t Lit THE MISTAKE OF THE SEM1L Ta Fes! iVmitl it af tt Ptcscbi Lcjvlaiive AaaratVly. Jaa. 51. SprcinL Th Cap it! Xxiraa! produce tle following fi?t of OTX KXTXB KSarOB. FMITH. RALET. I'ESXT. WILLI. H1ECH. FULTOX. f-TEIWER, MATLOCK. WOODARP. FLACKMAX, McALLlsTKU. The entente?, tt a folio a : "Tee rax'. w rhowed ibem- arivr t- ) fneaiU oi tba people, and ta faror cf oj-a Kr-ra tc-l watfT cotnirt5- tioo ta tb MiUaH k cCVrrw eodona. Tbe ecale has a.ade a wrioo iai- tale Sa rotiat dova tiw Ealer biU !cra eread portal- railwaT at thr dall. "T atalr bat boiii oaa jnrtafv th earak', aad there M orrjit ritT to pa.u'et the open in - of the n'rrr vilb a e.io4 ate p.-jpr. Thi bill eikHud aot be aJ iom ed tu be atiiioi br a fe eorpuratka laareri ia tbe aerai-, aa-1 a few, vbn fje pnlkiral reams kaia tbe tveue&oniatMa of Goreroor rennoTer. "li i a aeI kaoaa fact that if Kat- ' era Orec-jg La ta wait fur the eeaeral ; poi-ernmei: us vym t!je CoiaaUa that ' aertirta a iV, be at the suerr of the txr- ' poralkm f jr eaeratioa to rotce. ' "The objection ttiat I la ho and Wacb- ' ivUm aoci.i be benefited by a etale ' portage t-:iJt hr Orer-ia t fntile. fcar tr j BM-re they t:p orer it the it will ' ce: li pej; i- j ry jp to th'.p their ' wa prjr. j "The waate ; ek! remceidcr the vote oa tbe kay bill. If it doe not 1 there are eeverxl apprpriatoc bill for Wian.ette ralley iaFtitntioc. tie open- ;' it; cf the Willamette lock, that will ' U meriurn incoarrenieiM e in i . i -urn the nrer is the demand of the pe,.p of Kr-pa. - j " ! - ; iTaiAJtroa, Jaa. 21. pci ial.; Eaca citizen of Eaatcra Oregon per- aoBal' acquainted with member of tbe iegiaiatere abudd write letter, to them. , sngest Uie t u, dkotb jauey por- ta rauway tau cornea np again, ae-, m,MAin Kid linniiinn, (He nukun cm . r j r- ' use iH.t ana ine opening a uc nr. i " The UKTenae ia the vaioe of piupeitj tribntary ta tba river woo id proride tbe state with a tax f and that would more thaa aueet the interest oa the $430,000 reccired to snake the improvement. Eastern Oreg-ja peopla are entitled to an open rrr a u uw.r, a aim ( fasto provide it at aa evemy f tbe j pepiUtbe state, of prorre. aad of , . . , ...... The d-fsaert iaods now Irinr. td.e awrar the Colsmiiia river woail befrait farms. ; M trnck patrhes, wlieat celda, happy i boaaee. if tbe river was open frota Paaco to Uie aea. Mra who ar now denied , reaaoc.asne freigijt rates on th prod are nzii tbe tnfjc wb'tcb woc'.J ap al'jng the river would gradually bolid town aad rtxcosrare aKtoiet)t cf a7! the barren tracts tl land, wtiitn, with water, mrl there is plenty of both ia the rv it.-T, wruid bitne-joi aa tbe raa aad iwreaa 9-m' taxable wealtk from tie.uju tu t.3.t.iju. xie a-ca.rd-e'i- meD brr of the avgiaistsre ka tb aodaasy and atoptsV rty to pla-lta Uiat aa open rfvr would leaefit iSsitb aad Wacl.iirvja boot than it a--.i (Jr-m. We sre willing' to wag sr Hie agaicat Li tUt j K a anuall and ae Ui. csooga to let ' t w cut at.d Uing ia tWe ro wtwd aad avili th cows wbli Le aaatea hi . tlM dian aaitg poiiiie frvm Lis narrvw 1 srlacidoitrt aad aeraribg a levellaobd ly ! lx) aiau'.y to sarar swmethiaa; fur doitig oluib. J um ar tfce im.tvm wl ai- ways etand is the way of greater Irea- Jl V ' . J . L . . , wvua. w r M parr- Iws f tu eowntrr ara orer hnrtWd wi..'i tb paopi are vyyimmii by them. If tb Oregrjiiiaa wooid earne'y ad-1 vtKmXt aa iv riser, aaow kTMvd fVjcU thatf Porttavd was aot ojaed to atatitneria th epinl or t tb letter,', tor or to oya aw'-owut abaUrg raraatb or Iprnr, at wosid he's saoca t to aw-tw li pa-sage f Hi'ys bi3 fivdg fur a portog ra laay be-.aae w uv aaw ua. bob , nt ta winniM wni4 mmm a iw rnul m ta rinii M at WTaaaa . . 1 . T. - 1 t.t, j i - , . ' ocropiea by aet'Jer wnder Letted ctate ; Collina two. esabied to moan laad atiien aooid g:ve : , . 1 . .... vo.una j . . : a, ta seruues It and 36, ard be ap- vuesa aim uteir uaiitt a com pete nr. . . .... , .It . . proved by me, bet all settler oa each Ltacota, ii wjera rrver vh; inecre lorn the tV-txi ua aki ad serer IM paae of ft mt and gi lb i temple J Fu-r lri aa "pea r-lr. It bapablir eateeprM tbal rack tar ahead of jate mill roaatrnction, world's fair e&hibll, state arbaol bv-k and etat militia. It wjald mak commerce freer tt brl that is ! th pr-?ie will brcvxM mor prorperosis tw! prCgTWl TV. Ara MM I Cabcbidgb, Ulju. SO. Srwcial.J Th rteta tag G:rdgna finally landed applies for tb inhabitant of Otinco tragne I land vrteriaj, after battling ith tb ir fur 12 boor. It waa a LI aad death irofx'- Had com manic -uoe ail tb irlaad bee rot off a day or taw loerer, tb csanqMOM wooli ha ben disastrous. A it waa, many perrons bad reffered for food nJ fori, and milch coa had been killed ta meet tbe i rawing axosiut. Soao person bad Bot eatea a mouthful for two days, and a Bomber of others bad sabaiaied for several day npoa bread alo. Three thoomad islanders bar beea rat off fiuea awl romanunicAtjoB with tbe mainland for ore two week. Tb neaaorr u had'.; damaged by ire. Xeariy all tba fwcp of tb wland arr rx.bij at lb hart la aeicronr lb miplj beat. iHuicf Ua frea-Bp, t bn titm detaaad for oratera -aa aa (real ia tir citji, it ia frotiK that l.'OO barma a da; veoU bara brca rhipped frota CIudo- teafoe talaad if U or tierntem had aot beea prrvcstrd iruaa aorklcj ; tbrtr Ux-k m ill kit rrmch a f-U Karkd. Tbm ; iMurrr J. Jour waa bvkullcj TV- ) TiTal an-rtora 5nrm tfca bttm Pp. aad i tle riBrvh ma crew tied day aad Bsctt j uh frijctiternd, bat paXirot pec pic. ; wictwiM Mihtios. I eat Aaa I af WtM Trmm ta Aaklaaa Thiii. j Ac (3 a coaiea anise of tbe arrv ' 'f paper mt-a of Oregna aljepaf : tat the Kare dixviwed tbe ob of the ' rreat Cascade aaotuitaia remrratkn. i It vocid iw the stale arbooi laad ; board a big fnr the operation by ticb awue of it oembera and their fnrada hae made thousand of dollar oancg the paat few year, draaal frooi ettlaeBt of The with-f of SIS saare miiee ia the propored rea- erratton, a the lateat propuattjua csa- template, would ioelode lTSfiM acre which ia tf a ICth aad 36ih arrtioaa if ! Breyed wonld fall to the atate achooi ! laad fand. The staCa wooU baw the ! right to eiert latida is lira of thia. S " bererer within rt boondariea it eoold I fad unappropriated eorernmeat land, i the atate baa beea receiTiag only j per acre for all the laada it baa ) sold, the agent who hare been working j with tha mernlator have beea maklne 1 tug margins br g-ricg to porrhaKera tt i ker to lien land whk h ia man eaaea, ! for timber and other rain, bare beea aorth from 5 to t) an acre ia o;a I market. , Another lump of IS .000 acres of lira : unj, woou rn Smm . i Ti.ia African may be all right, but if be', i nufsr ujaw wow mjm n u terfere with tbe pro- ipoaea umaer reeerrauoe, actca .... ... is de manded by tbe highest iatereats of the ' state. The proper thing to do is to fix . rorb prires Bpoa tbe state land aa will givw tha arirjcl fand tb fsH benefit of th msBi&cext grant mad bv tbe gea ! era! gorerBBtent. Oeaa oat th newt of u. im ti)- -tal and nail rohr.e Aairn Oreyo. cf their bjrU,rjrht, what is the legiaiatar seat to taVem a h ran t s prob- lems as this? Appropos of th a bo-re is 1 . emor Fennoyer dictated tb fot-) Vowing to G. W. imvis, clerk of stale MottL, Jan. 30 A tnt 11 eeboo! board, Toeaday : 'from tbia date . Vot for United States aerator k : readers bo selection of lands ia lira of land ' tr irtr l rjark immrr.. rvW.- ! lands vili be nermit'rd to ret title from ' ' tbe utt by paying tbe atate the price ; tri1 change. therefor. 5 or will nay se'elion be Oirana, Jan. 30. Tb STtb and fth ; mad ia lira of echool eection in the j ballot bow bo charge. Cascade roooata.a reaervations, nor a ill j acy farther aeieetioos of lien lands what- ka ever be approved, wbicb are not alreadv I j partially com p leted at this date. The raireraor ssra hi otter! I to bare aon,e tb lands' left for fctqr rearratioo.-' j ww Smmm ataa Bas. : fas faaacio, Jan. Jl-T)-. h. i,- r.- i t . ! J frot Crd ff. There ka been aoaoe as to th aaiety of th En, as a mrvk X U !!. ad a "M u''lt "-Lt tbe J ana En. Loa Aacia. Cel., Jaa. IV Hrary Linf th spter of arla Lntley, a garoeaer, who ia eeca-d of t0rr'7- beving poisooed Lis wile, a wealvsyj Th boop-kt win prohafy con. Kexataa woanaa. was arrswtad her to- ;Bot w avail h oat th cholera, day- Ao jj of th woaaa stomach i The tLrealee4 Lvuop skirt revival is showed ertdenes of araenkal pwavnin 1 bow agitating Kew Tork. as sell as ' ' i ' j w mrme Kuru.x,x by strychnine. i y. thed U J'rVv-eler OvaCaad a now faeS the annexation af Wa Iaano. h oar wppjsed ! it. and Ua he to t the t-; yumwl w.3 be neytd if U Us thej pvw U-iOf it aoot. hrrviv sJJ be held a fin K.etn twH Ilhsra ehaosi oa th Sad, is 1 taw era noiaaoaa kaagaag. J BURIAL OF BLAINE PevJ:c SCKCI1GTIDE0F ITBLIC ISTEKEST iKBOMublc to Hire i rttratt Fascrsl 111 fJUrnrra Broaea. vl4 Air at tanM k Tarwc ta Oa- ta W tata Ma Waunacro. Jaa. SI. ?parial. Jaatea G. Blaise waa buried on the aVU aanireraarT of hi birth Tweierdar. It waa aafortuaata that tbe arraseaaeat for bavin tbe funeral peblic and at tbe capttol rocid aot t carrsed oct, aa a pritat funeral araa aimy iapcweiUe. The BucBetietB of tbe mail dar to hia ia death, aad orercasae ail coaTentioa- alite. Tbe mrglr.j aare of p'Bbiir iatereet eaept over tha barrier aad mad hi prtTata f aaeral the bmS isa prrive pobUe deooaatralioa. Tbe ntuet eoaioer t mea :a tbe aatiua ii aroood the bier. Ail baiae ia the catiocal ra pi Lai a aapeojd dcrieg the aerTiea. Tbe presence of rrei.lent Harrima. the cabinet, the QpreaneJ jiidge, the h'fh oriii of corgitoe and the diplomatic r-jrpa. aa aot avore a'c aiScaat than the hommgt of the waitinr ertra-da aba, ia rerpertiul ioce, Tiaed the atreet throorb aiiirh the foaerai cortege paaaed. The parior vera aot able to coctaia all bo repaired terita tioo. Erea tbe booae a-aa too entail, aad tuaay perfurre remaiaed ia their carriacea. ahu-h filled the adjaeeat atreet. ataedinf akae reaaaytrania atreaae ta front of the t-eaeary, the mar, the atate aad the eary boiidinfa. A auarked air of deraroe aoiemait at the octaide. Aa the ' traded rea boor for the eerriree arrired, tbe aem-! bera of the fam: y were grooprd aroond i the raaket, the remaiader of remaiader of tho I pre-eat etandiixg. aa there wa DO mum for rhaira. A aitcpie aerrice of prayer coootitnted the rites. e. Ir. liamha, rending beatde the caaket, delitered ia a io tone tha rreabrterlaa service or the dead. Walter Iiamroacb OQant.nje touching the keys oi the piano to ti e notes of a low dir;e. lr. Hamlia thaxked Gx! that life bad ended otlj that immortal ity might twg-ia ; be bewocght tbe Al- th ti"ke,, huotfhiAd. Tbi rnded the iprre. eerrite ; tbe cket waa cWd dw to tb b-""- IrocM"io0 iia ",T !7 " the Cnnrcb of the Corenant. The aerr- l rfcnrrh mere " th too,r- eocriaticr of the aerrira for th dead, aa'aectioaa frota the arriptarra I,en u" l ow leHrora m tae noaj was cm- veyed to OakbiU eenoeiery aad laid to rest. P.ixhabck, 5. D. Jan. SC. Tbe ballot for United flat araator is: Caaey thirty-eve; Mr. M. L. XcCormack, thirty; Mrs. Walter Sfoir one, othsr senttering, no choir. CatT, Jaa. Su. The rote for United States senator, diatriUrted among all candidate, is as follows: Okie fifteen, Xew tea ; b!gbet of other ' Xeb., Jaa. 3D. The eat for United States senators U a it boot coa- - EsSel is to build a bn jgs at tbe Sm at K Peteeaee a-l-h a Mrmnrm to mx.OrjO. Thia, toaerer may Prw mocb easier thaa to bridg orer Lia Panama difS;at at P.ria. A dirtatcb from London y tht the man who broka t bank at Monte Carlo is la jalL Xow, thea. bere - tb maa wbo wrot thst song abrot i- , I him" Jerry S.mpwra, ah Las Lad a I joatwitbhiUllow popt:i'.siBa:a6ss. f'aris and Londoa. Already Ikrroris, ' C f'a' "-7.. r"- i r Lepatloj to hoop vy TigtroB oppostUoB. Mr. Kuaa C. Avrry, wa toil siity dow th e,atur auaf t of th Mar 4 PurCaad Vdsr afternoon, id af Lr;t died at K, T iarM Wrsck (us BMratax- jiti ata Mtnrtrrt t. ilfwiti h4 BtMH ta ha af Wartltaa. r.loaia(aa et rart frora tbe re port of tba penitentiary cnnnnimioa the atate of Walunrui, aaHtnttted to the lecif!a:cre ia rewka at O'tb p'.a. It Bill be area that while the auan tactnreof jute bap par aolbioc Uard aapport of the icie it pay ail per ceo oa the fca-1 aard ia euiej ap the ea taldUhiaeet. bainf materia!, etc. ; aad alas that tbe product of the factory Wree a redaction ia the taarket prv-e of hara. 60 there ia aa InJirect beaeUt ia employing prtena lahor ia th: way. Tbe romonaa'oo ear : "After anaay aaeoyiaf de!aya. onaaa aaeat apoa the importatioa of a larre aaaoaat af iatricate anarbiaery frvta Great ftritaia. we vera Baal! enabled I to atart p tba jot mill ia April, li. j and befia tearhiaf tba roarirta boa ta eperat tba fifty ioaas. etr.. aaed la the Biaaafartara af jata fahrira, a labor that eoaeaaaed aereral week aad deeiroyed rjoeaiderable raw anaterial. The 0rt few thoaaaad rraia baga taraed oat wera ba.d-araa. Tbia waa apeedily foasd a alow mode of taraiaf the.-a oat, aad wa parchaerd the mot iraprored and lalaat patent, poser aewirtf aad : hem mi eg aiarhine Hy tSi a.1 !:ti..a e hat-e beea able tu ta-n out aboot 4.000 caoiplete t eac-h avrkin( da. Tbe jcte aoilt, aad i:a neo-ary attac h- meota, eirra Kard Uir to aa avrraee of 115 POBTvta per day, and require the Bdiidf time of taoripert ritiara oea aecrt arel grata ls oa tbe market, ia July. Is?.', tbe aeuinf price la Walla Walla waa eW reeta a bag. We offered ba- of better ca!tty thaa tbe beet CleatU at cent each. Tbe draW dropped to aerea rent- aad rare parrbaaera cred.t. Ia order to make esire for caah, aa repaired by law, ae were com palled to drjp to 6'-, teat, at which firir the taarket remaiaed Una to the do of the aeaaoo. Had tbe deaera dropped their price below $t, eeata, we aroald hare lro onah'e to e!l a bag, because the rerolrieg fund act ricire a to aid to the eoat of raw material, akilted labor, etc.. luterevl oa the lareatiBent at ait :j per cent. Tbia interest rbarge waa, after roe aa'Utioa with the atate auditor. Cgared oa the total appropriation of !A0.J0 fa' 019 f"1 '" . 9oaJ:g a boot I cent fr That ia to eay the monthly "f ao-t i. " t T SU-a'l ' aa aTerare vf moth more tlia . j.vmj oac per mootn, tiecaoae of oca Jable de.ara, abort day, boitdaya, etc., it is vary evident that the i ate reel charge it. l.i rocad ocaibera, 1 rent a bag." ib W awbinrvm cr:r.mii jn "t.-rt, in additiiMi. that tbe act refjoint.r ic per ceat interrct to be paiJ ua t(je ia retmeat a machinery atl material be repeal(d. fader the boa irg fveaealed ttie ja'e factory aeem to prereat a goxl metlKid of employing the roaricta. and net a aaving to tie iamn.rg rotameaity of ir-xa ll to rent oa every aaxk Butttartored- tw ataajoBtiaai. f r)4laii mm lav Deata The follow. ng resoiatiuo were adapted by Temple lJge X. J, A. O. C. W.. of tbiadty, at a aperial Bteeting called for th parpoae yeaterday : Wiiuu. God has sera t in His wis provtdewe ta rail oar beloved Brother J. R. Ixrre, frota this earthly nonu to his taal reward. ts bi brother in th A noes t Crder of United Worknaen deeire to pat on rseord oar apprectnUuB of hi many good anaiitie aa a man, and bis faithfal work as a brother of tb order. Xaw thereforw be it aofrd. That Tempi loda Xo. S, A. 0. L". WM doe roost sineereiy depiurs the le of their friend and brother, and teat they will ever rerard th memory ol hi aork among tnetn with leeunra of rratiui'l aad lovw. iirtalBtd, That to ionng sympatb ofalUt-anorr.0, the lodr be -! tended to tbe famny of tba brother ia thi dark n r A tlrir bereavement. Tk.i K ,1..-, .J il.U ( loog i irapeo ta ntoarnisg Mr thirty ; da. rsofcd. That these reaoioUon be r;read spoa tba minotes; a copy sent to toe fami y of tb dweaaed. also a ropy furnished to ti daily paper for po'! iration. ke;ctiTely wibwitt! la C. H. A P. W. E. HlSTIB, I. P. J'MAS. G. W. fcrTO. Com m iitee. Ia4 fwMlan Iiumki BUI !. Tb f j"re:ng diapatche wer banded n this mornirg by Col. T. 8. Lang: Watit)icTo, V. C. Jan. SI. im. To CoL T. K. a, reirrr I'. 4. flame Tl,e Viil U.a time f nor. rbaaer for raJnad laada, wbirh paaaed r iat veek is now signed by to preder.l aad ia a law. . r , r H , " ' Ts Cot T. K. Xd f TLi Ll, Ore. The prmlieat Las signed my till rx tendmg ttj tin for pa.TO.nit for for feited railroad land. J. N. Irnr. Thee is ivjp tbat MK-higaa will Le ! an-Mirf.igandited. Th sena of tbe . . ,. . . atat ha aaed a till th U permitting ti eiertioo cTpresi dential thoegbt th boa will OMflr w ithoat delay. taAatatlKP. O Taeaday vsiiftg, Jaa. Slst, 1V3, at tb reenlrt of Mr. Et Morgan, by Lev. W. C. Curtis, pastor of th ( gBri c' orrti, Jsmes Henry Teega nd Mis Lertba I'srdy, both U this cny. HUNTINQTON. . Com mt toner Huntington & McKanstr 1 Real Eslate, Loan and Insurance Ag'ts1 LaaJ Tapera of all Kioia prepared. Renta rrllr.-te I aad Uiea paid fnr noo rraidenkv Atatract ! Titlea farniahed at iWt Bntioe, aa we ktea th. - alatract bnoka ia Waaco icaiaty. 7 a? PartMW hatns JUal ratata for aale or rent are repeated to oar offi. Ka IS. SECOND ST- THE DALLES. OB. Louis Payette, BbAGKSjVIITHlNG. Any anf a'J Kind of Iroa Work attraded to promptly aad fwaraitteeri to pre aatiaiactaon. Shop, East End, cor. Second and Depot Streets, CHRISMAN auLik I a- GROCERIES, Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed. aBBjBBl aWaBBBBBnBBBJBJBBBBBJBaB HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PRODUQ CX)R WAHf5GTOX AXD 'EOOXD aVIIAER & DEALERS IN Cord Woo GROCERIES, STr?rliaV HARDWARE TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. Third and Union, or 133 Second t THI2 DALLES. OK. fttt Tea waa INI Vraa Bate aall mm mmt C. THOE5SrT. La lum. V. a. iaaS O&ev. urn-rtj. Sutmrj I THOH VEDHT & EDDSQI. 0. S. Land Attorneys. Over fUxteea Tears Experience. BUT AXD PELL CITY AXD WDTRT REAL ESTATL 600,000 ACRES DaiipraTd FJLEH Pnjgrlj eM Wa raaiiat sWertatas Ort taaa. i a lk atTf roa jTlcirp!! ifili&i tu Tl2 Data T.1 aoynum tt taM tJf Mtn in, tot. a4 ZZTr-- emit tm iJ.-Tuto iu rnim i tra ui efcaqr- Settlers Loatrf ra CcTcnifit Lirl Xbm la r. THI PAUX . LanS 0V kaladtt. ok too. T evTa, TADa BAtrf. XZU-X MBHJa SATiBTt. v m w mm waM i. n ti'i.w r.m,.mt,w at. an T. ""' w M A IMrv, a. w ieM uaMtftMMsalia'alHBU, FARM FOR SALE. I ofter f-j aaie all part of my ') ' i rc. u, tp. 1 anth, xm " .. " soctbeaat of Th !I .; frw iniprvvfnent. gotyf young .; five-acr Vbar- now bearing 4etv of Iim water V boa a and tock : 175 acres in roltlration. g d ootiet north, eaet.sooth i wwt via rouaty roads. I siao offer tr ral 110 acres ia section 26. Vwnhip I soolb, rsrr east; 40 flv bead hirer , on doable Ht of barn and few farm la. piemen U. etc. Prires reaaonab!, terms ary and till good, f or part im ' a r rotn and ae me at Th Dalle or J. IJ.Tmatat I he farm. bb2-U E. W. Tboow. i toiaatltg Aaaaricas, Cnrefscf TV BRAND Aweary WL .-k;e- I XJ.U1X1U IAA1LL JJUUUill ii r a r "tin i u ta ana. Iiwr iimm --' li-i nttmt n i e4 a mV(a ml Weiwr Sa.aa a KauauM, tl awaasaa. Mmw ima ChmT C B. M KINSTRY, " & CORSON, ?T., TUX DALLK9, 0XKGO1 BENTON d 5-r?'h d?" DUHOKD EOLLEB - HI A. H. CURTIS, Prop. Flour of the Best Qua!- ity Al Drays on Hand. THE DALLE. OREGOX. raqJiaPMiiigCL . PACKERS OF Pork and Beef. a a ax Fa err xr r or Fine Lard and Sausages. Dried Beef, Etc. Mai Baildlng. Th Dallas. Or. vasco wm Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rates feasonble. HAAS oooim - , "Vt7". Va7". Oo. DAIXBa. OB. ' T: .CVri r i tv t f ' I 1: 1 and Hon la tb A!' Ar f ' f ; . C ; ' C ' ! -! 1 t- - ar. ' to I wor-.l Tl.i rcci. Uwu 'A:-.i lay " rr; t: V f i J. I . tx m. i . ; v:. Wtll I T it tin Bin.' Lat O c ieret kTt ', L. rr- " ? L; fir 1 will . s aui -i . : i:. f new ity o dU, ':y. f-.: si.-:y J. I t w. wr. Bp t loiu XS, ai ilbly ill w fcf!.t ti Sat ' : In. lAu;t. hi: i Di. ilrt. I. L. )rooii Inrii i.i: 1 k . i at t DSt It rs . t: ov ' in 2J Bg t t re kx' i . w.