THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1833. FOR AS OPEN RIVER. TJt E'ilci 11 u Tfc Tr. life: tt: Irlai Euit Ml whom shall reeUa wtthia th ' pteseat territorial limit of ewrh of th i Jeoanlies named ia section oaof this art, J ; aad eight of w hoc shall reakl withia lb I pi-eernt territorial limits of Vu'taoenah 'county; each of aauj coin m .skiirr h I be appointed by lb judge of tbecircoi coort of tb judicial district, which shall include the court ia which so h m i miaaoaer ahall raJ. ' Tb aaij corporatka sua port hta SHOCKING I fTinr VT raeraaaionAE, ciam- m "ill UL It I Tlx.uTj Bt a "aaal fe'SBUaaa. aaMa, fcaas aaaaf as Uinta ThO. u rial MM n 1 it . ! ma " I TV oftSa ear ' Baak. Tba iaUaaa. il ! I'VE bHilBt iHa BnraTaH. j 1 W aaa cB,a a. FIRST CLASS Till Cwl ,! killed sb lamrrd. inini willi- -roar- bill. act. I TVa anal aaa BwlSrfc TaaiSaa- WW Ci i Bilt As- St. latrodaced bv H a. J aotea or iu boaos ; tb aaid corporation Eun. Kead first Urn Jan. Uth. 10. ) thai! bar power to Mm, levy ud rei- jWtbr TO MILE BAKRE STES BLOOM.;""1 tria2. employ; CAUSED BT AS OrM SWITCH. ' such rDfihmt, saperiBtendeela, clerka. I i Ulvrftt and other perwam a said hoard ! i Mt deem cecery ; bat WO eommis- it Subs' Frt CUs ia the ScuU And j hWc shall either direct! or indirectly AaEiijei fallawa the Vieck Mat? j receive any salary or eumpeeantioa for of said corporation ; ao far a may to j necessary or convenient la carrying oat J j lb object of tail corporation it shall ' hare Uta fall aw trot of amid Colombia j river at th Biear aaid ta water ad tboj j dal!a to lb tail extant that thi ataa j aatboriard to barrow nm of moorr not iexreadicf U U anrmt U.,(Mi and to iarae Lbrrrfor Ita i Pt. Lona, Ma., Jaa. Tl.A wrack which ia ita eoaacooratwa waa oa of tba noN appallisf aod diaaatrra that baa occorrrd ia oara, took plara ba- twea Waaa and Alloa Jaoctioe. IH., thi moraine. Tbo Ovrrod, CIbcib aati, Colombo St IyiKMiUweatra limited paaacogwr train, coaritting of aa mfioa and fuor roacboa, which lft brr tbia maminr for tbo ooU. raa into a rwitrb a baJf aaila aorth of Waa and craabrd into a traia roDairticf of arreD taok-car ataodiBr tbrraoa. Tbo wait waa a Bra, aod aitorward aa eipto- aioa, wbirb baa already coat ais prrauet tbeir lirea, fat!'y ia;ard 3 otbrra, arriocVr bart fatiy &0 more aod raoawi a rrvat profwrty Use to Lb compear. Tb tredrr of tbo ewitcbra waa P. Gratia, aleo a barbrr. X'poa fcim ia bud tbo biaato by the railway official aad traiaaara for Uir aecidraL, aad tb officer are bow erarchinr for binu aa b fiod dariac tbe rxcitrateat foIiowiDf Lb dsal accident. Tbe traia reached Waaa tweiv aua- otea bit. At Altos jaDctioa, renniof at ti rate t4 turty mi'-r aa boar, tb engineer beief deciroa of mikisg op kjt limr, the twitch iu to taroed aa Thia bill b iateadod to make tbo Co-t-,K;. aa otwa rirer froa raaro to Uie aaa. Tbo bul proridea for aa appro pn atioa of M6d.0tt for tb baildiog of a bwIhi road betwweai Celiio aad Tbe Dwliea. It io th aaa btl! which nmi waa braach of the kifialatnr at tb last aaaaiiin. faUUtf of poaaao ia tb other. TV bin provide that tb foreraor, eec retary of atate aad etat uwararer, are aa powered to bcild, eooatract aad aerate a portac road at to pjaea aaaoed, tb work to be doe a boos aa faad araHalue, aad oa eompletioa th officia'a befor meatioaed aball hav th rifht to erubliah a arbedoJ of freight aad fare oa said road, thereby prorid iaf for tb operatiT ezpeaae of th wad. aad for a aiakiag fond to iwia bora th (Cat for th np of bauidiog aaid road. It ia provided that tb bil! shall go into effect immediately ipoo it pomade. If tbie bill ahooid tiecoise a law. it aoaid make tb Co2omb;a aa opea river to th era, cam para tiveJy apeakiaf . aad be the mean of developing; tbe country, wow a barren dewert, immediately trib aiary to th great river. It won 14 pot ar lite blood into Eaatera Oregoa aad, ia th end, remit ia beaeCt to every ia tereat eaet of lb moaataiaa. Bat, win it become a law? That' tb qoeetiua. Saltroad eurpotaaoca aad acbeme are Sgbting it becaaae they imagin it will tbeir grip oa the people" re- laatead. it wocia rem.t in creating more boainee for the raiiroada, eecaoee it would cans to be frown a poo laada now lying idle, crop which woold be carried to market bv the railroad. A great iadnstry woold rpring op ' along th Colombia, oa both oidea, from Paaro to Celilo, aad thooaaada of acre f light, eaady land, bow barrea aad wat if, woe Id be redeemed and made to pay tribot to tbe prodooara. Littie town woald be boiU oa the river, aad geaeral impeovemeat woo id begia with tbe comaieaoemeBt of work oa th port- it aaa a regular yearly tax, for th pgrpo bereia aoeaUoowd, apoa all property, real aad personal, aitaated w ithia iu boandarie. Commeaung apoa thia bill tb Tele gram ar: Tbi mearar will meet with oppoattioa oa tb part of naaay of tb Eaatera Oregoa membera, w bo re gard it aa a deric to defeat th portage railway bill, and ia Lh iaarrwM of tb ratirueca.' ft lint IMp tmr. Bawaal a Tsa Caaowieu. PtaaaAwy isb, Or iaa SO. I bar not aeea anything ia roar eiceT.ett paper of late froa oar aecuoa. and a yoa bar requested un lerpoadenc from all part of th caeaty. I a rail my aelf of th offered coortery aad give roa a few tem. V are having oar ahare of th winter a it i being paaerd arocad. Th (now is a boot one foot deep oa a level, which i acceptabl to the fullest extent. It mean wealth lor th farmer ia large barrens, and that is jnrt what we wast. ut M aii reman. St v'SMaiaa Wara. iavw rarwxiaa pnwrur. a ai I p 111 IK U. ! Si a ravaKtai M ut. pun, a a4 (la .aaulw S k. raw W rwna uw.. t4 aw Ba a mutm O-fco mr ikiUt-M IMt aa4 I a r. II. H IL:riILL-TfoeT Lw cawn awora. tte t-mM. uiia a a. hftl nCrTE. ltt?int arroaaav. uv-luan l aaa ak tw ww aaunina. Uyw a aaatTaatMi uml U a lLa artwwjiav KUf - I ti mm4 M. I tortl HM Hull rMUUKunt. -V. Br atVMTT. mMIt TU. f. TW a . watb. a a nm ATa. MrKTlBGTm mom. a a u I AT. nrT6T"I A W1L0-, h nil Baal - ' 1-alh CAN BC HAD AT THE us CHRONICLE OFFICE Reasonably Ruinous Rates. , Boc-ia-TtBa. 4 aaSBBXT KO c. K. or L.- iX ml r. BaU It mmmt mm aar at aaB awta at 7 .At) B. i a K. ' Balaal LOME. . U. A r a A. u DlUJtS KOTAL i'H CUk waa tm Ummm Hail BM a aa aaa air. at. m no. a - Muni w ML Haw lot of I WDVU Of THE WORLT iraijtt a IMtaWtti I ia trmktnny Hail. Mlta r-OLTBklt Ut-.B. BO. k, 1 O O r Ummm vy vrarv fTWT muMai avatrrca. tm at P. ul nnaar maa aa Co-art aa aorwat i in aa warn an B. iwcwa. a r a., ejekuh:p U'Im.e. a a. k at r xarr Hcrmta wim H t B a'elnra. la i Bajauaa. ! 4 (, mi ana aai aahar aa mSiai.' la W. a lui. UltiaxLoltnit CC Eat corpora lioo. l.k selfish mea. are blind. Thcr is not even self-aacrifice aboot them. They look apoa th aor face, and oa eTideoce galbered there from they baa their conclnriona. They are eaemiea of paoyeewion whea they feel that pmgneeiow woold effect their iaeamwa. They stand ia th way of 4e viopmeat whea they imagine it will loosen, their cinch oa a monopoly. For this reaana an open Hver has power! ol Soes oat of congress as well as in cob grea; ootoxie of th lezisiator as well a ia th giaiatare; sea who are in th pay of ar!fcB iatereet. working to taeed acd cinch tbe people. We hope to see Senator ay's UU beeomes law ; hope te are tb porugw road boHt with state BKoey or staie credit; we hope to see aa cpea river, God's hijrb wy, free to prod -icers, t-ttt w fear t'..e chance are againet it. beraoae PurtUad, th SDetropru of fitregtm, ia so lcke wara ia Ler effort that rt borders apoa mi liUty ta tbeae wfao are tghting agaiaat the iatereat. So. Si. In trodceed bv Ma. fcead first tim Jan. 11U, VX Kev. SI Eater has been holding viral Dieetinga in thi De'f tibnrbood of j to srad the ftjinj train on to ore of the late and preached his lain sermon last J side track. Oa th track were seres San-dar. Tbey were very well attended j tatk car tiled a il! refined lubricating BBd were prodoctir uf an nausea! j ml. The eng-.berr ca'ied to the fireman, anaoattt of intrr-rt, eighteen being con- Iick Whit, to jctnp for hi life. He verted, of which naiabrr ioarteea nmXi J be-a reteraed the engin and applied aiib the Methodist chnrch. Every per- th air brake, bat b w a too late. The soa on the ridg brlorr tosotnechnrch, jengin craabed entirely through two errept one man. who is from Ee-ras. ;ar.k, splitting them ia half, and was H says h wiU try Cahfaraia ta tbe forced entirely over another. Tb f"1"- " Ir.a th wrecked tanks at one Th health of - : ,,l!r,,, n4 a aea of fiames Instantly j celent, and oar pec pie ar pattin- timc to good advantag ia snakirg pr-p. aratioo for active work neat un hki on tue farm. We Ilk yoor position on th jn nf question. The state might jnst as well aa not make ail th grain sacks the farmer need with labor of tb cxrerict in th peaiteatiary. Mr. Downing says that aboot on half of th convict are employed at present, which probably means ea con tract. Tb other half coald be employed ia the teas c fact ur ing of sacks, if tb state woold pot ia machinery for that parpose. Mora anocu Mm. Mr. Elaine wealth is estimated at a million dollars. Most of this was made by wis investment ia Virginia coal lands and Washingtoa real estate, aad soon of it cam from a lack y investment ia a iirer mine. Wuxza. This bin "to establish t,d iacorpo rat th Port of Colaavbia and to pro vide for th tmrewvemect of the Coicm asa river ia and adjotntrf said port, aad It is aaid that aa Oregoa hosier west into th moantsin last week aad wan tonly killed rex en elk, so that b coald say that be had alain 100 of these maj estic animal. That waa simply Learv lesa botrbery and snoali be condemned by the aaoriates and acqoaictans of th batcher Mr. W. J. Lader of Ealt f, ia the city today, llcfcrrltg to the pro poa d new roonty of Stockman, be aay U scheme is regarded ia tbe light of a fraod by many of bis neighbor. There is bat on sentiment en this qoestion of eoonty division by fair-misded people, and that is a sentiment of opposition. Yam. Hall, of Colorado Springs bar dsplicated th act of Waa. Eethon at Mitchell. UaH struck a rich go d mine ia his bark yard. II was digging a, aad whea dowa three feet struck to provide a railway, or canal aad lot is , eix-Uch tela of miaeral. A sample it produced aa on nee of i!ver and tbree-tweaiietA of aa eoae of goU. etha waa d.ggUur a well, whea he strvE a ledg of almost par gold ais inches thick. w arwnn laavisrr aaa voe CAe la aid Colombia rrrer," provide ia brief a follows: That a.1 that part of tb atate of Oregon within the limits if the eoontie of Cateop, (Vwmbia, Mel too- TZTjt rrrad a arat uriats Kut thoa r, that rewtly duenct tobe know. a. tb. Port U CU- fro, U thr interchange I .v JWimW,,t0 U ' exrcoWjo laaad sppi, to all claJC TJ'Yi U which was nnder to eoastrwet aad perpetaally maiataia a - . . . , arr . . , " , , .1 ""aa at ci raw a sew oar W-ra..y or eanaf ar lock, at aad ! Mr. Ca.pU r. it U m ZZ TkIT- t , te 4 thf gores Liat w, bncg tJereof; that ther cia-ad. a. there i a. certaiat, ths! Th . .- j crTl- ess to t!-e tntenur ttsa to mcw-im w.iar war tiT- f u ssmi pawrSfer : I ! KirrvixVd the engineer, who )o raped . ;urt a tie pilot of the engine strock th ; le hrrt tat.k. Tb brav man strog ; ci b tiac eajbankment at oa aid of lite tra. a. bat so sooa as he reached it he saLk to the earth, a crisp and black ened corpse. Tbe fireman escaped with slight braises. The engineer's action in reversing t)e eogiae and applying tbe brake slackened th speed of tbe train sofficieatly to prevent any aerioas ir jury to ti iawngers. of vbn tber wer eizty. In the baggage-car Lb mail, eierea piece of bajsrag aad a core mere ! horned ia a lew minutes. The flame spread to th other coaches, aad ail were euoa ia rain. Three oil tanks, together with the eagin aad tender, were aso eonsomed. Tbe fa angers and vi.tagert crowded aroond tbe burning wreck. ansk3t to assist, if poembie, any aniortocate who might b ia need of he p. At tin tim a culminatsoa of th borriuw affair oc curred. Two tank car left ontrjured by tbe engine, a-mnltaceoas y and with tearful force exploded, throwing pieces of iron oat into tbe fields and shower ing apoa th ac tabled crowd of eight eera a maas of fiaming liqcid. t or a second after the noiee of tlae e! W.on. tber was no sound aa tf whieb of the seethir.g oil as it was forced throurb the air. Tten Uarre aroaa a eoBfocwja of aronicing appeals for be!p and mes of terror, to which no tortgo Bor pro can do jnattce. tor several minutes the panic was indearri uabie. Those Uiftrhed by th bimxinr oil rrvprd atwat wiwily, seeking in va.a f-jr relief from frture. Almost witir'jet exreptton the ir.jorrd wer bcrned about the fa and had their eyeigbt temporarily, if not per manently, destroteid. T.oe w ho were uninjured wer so terror -stricken s to be enable to assist their lev i Innate eompsxion for some tim. hcene ia the hoep-.tal rooms where the woonded wer removed were most pathetic. IHrty oti-aoaked rajr were cot (sit from the bodies and laid bare the bom hie work of th barr.ii oil. Hand and face were a 1 acorclrfd and bieedirir; li aad nose swo lea and distorted; ere eh'.ier boTed -ct or eatea by the f smew and incrnated w ith ' ttoo4 aaa awt. 1 he ran3 of many were burned to a cms. Carers miming aad arm broken. reveral victims, when aocovered. wer foced to be with out any mticle, th flanr harmr rooked and burned it antil it eitl"-r ciDAg to th clothing in removal or li! sway of it wa aerorif. rVvrral little boy wer tsxmt t) victim, and they were th snoot diatreaair.g of all. trout cHBjjcnAB TtureEEacf C iy wiil art aarf Fralaf araraoaa u s seaca a ut laiini r Aliaa ana TMrU LOIX.B a E A. O V. W . 1 u rtiia u Uf BaU. amm E alarm, aa r al sua, raandsr rrausaa at 7 ia ran. I sasr. .l NTmnaaa. M. I AA. XtSMITH rXT. aa B. a A. E. Maw r' wrv atawtav a J a r. a . la urn Lajr IJ. or L, ib) tas k at J-. MaU. KM wnaiac a Ua E. mt f . Ha!.. or i r dr c4 art I I. C ( P. MV:MtV. a. taT-Ma baii ue ftrat an tAirs. eui afar. a. th a cnrBtatv :I fa-TErla VHfltcn -Err. a. a. UixS Mai Li ri lvi ri' I' a i aioa kmi Mtsat ' n'i Br Mi l swa-its r.i at erarr Mu a 11 a aa Tar rttnais a A. B Kraalas rTara aw Fnoa mt t7;EiT BrTteI HCBCH-Be. O. TV I aea. rax aominf aarrw (ath at IM aatoul at U a. rMw kKtaadiate. r afar aoraiBf m i ma rtr rMDf ITtdaT ra!i a faetor M oea. I mm -i n ta taa mmrx aw a T r. M.. 0,litf.r)'.JL !!'. E(H-Err W. C tm.f-aur xmamfT NaWf M 11 . a aa tra jtvdv trtxuH a.' tar anraias rviec. abrabsm awiia Iar;aA. M. E. HI fc II- Eer J m rrw rm u4a aonu at II a a ift4a? arHo4 a ij JU araa r EaaartA haacoe at r a l"rrr aaUn rirrr Ttiuraa rm:lbf M ? a a rMTcE A wrdlal ta riiataai la fllnlrt tor BotB mmrlm an ar a n BEleTtAJt CHrt- H- fcrr j. Jiitm, mt. ra'.r a tbe (wtimaial tksrea aark Luras Imj at a Ail ar surEaaUj larlaa c1 -A. IfEW - Coieriabi EstablbboeDt! PRIKZ k NITsCIIKE PBALBU U Furniture and Carpets -. DKAU.t IV: Staple m Fancy km Hay, Grain and TtoA. Caseaic Blest. Ccixsr Jllri asd Cscrt Strecrs. T.8 DalIe.,Ca "TAfrt it a lid im the ajjtrs tf mem u kuk. tohtn mt Otl leqJs vtr to iftiwn. " Th) pot trnqu ewt) on ably haVdrf to stas) ClDSi-On Sale im- -m MM & Carpi at CRANDALL &. BURGETS, ho ar svelling the .roods out at greatry-rexl weed raig. MICIItXBACU BRICK. - . BKIOff ST. THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOB THE DALLES. IJKAINAKI) k AI.MSTKONG'S SPOOL SILK'- FINE LINE OF Ull nn No. 390 to 394. 2d street The Dallct NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOM FRAZER fc WTNDHAil. Proprietors. St W hare added to oar bar.oaw omplete Undertading Lstabiiahmeiit, and as we are in no way ooanex-trd with tb Undertakers' Trort oar price wiil be low aceording'y. BViCtaw I Sara ra that. By ratBorltf (4 OeSinanea Ea. X,?. a fefrh in It fmm-m Moi 4 Iw-'w et, a-rvn,tpa M. iv:. t. taa "11 tnaea alllH aa e-aatea a vniltkruaaM4 aviaia tu betorii ra 'al-aa I will, tm aatantar aupit UapMoeas is a a sal: :r of tb mind ' sacti.. w, ..- h ,o4er. ... .... ' ,r,r mam mr m v aatuama ia whiea a very bard to defin eorreetlv. AM'ti-a v l a.. nr. a ..citr. r. What i bapviaea to on man U th r-' -.-la' The Sl Charles Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON. TLi old. ntolar and reliabl boos has been entirely refartirhed, and every room has been repaprred aad repainted and newly carpeted Ifcroorhoat, The hoaa eootaiiie 17b rooa.sand is supplied with every aaoder coovenienre. Kate reasonable. A rood reaunrant attached to tii booa). 1 rer bo to ahd from all traina. C. W. KNOWLES. Prop. r U v" ,1 n w i ,i' IV sv I : 1 S 2 o 2. 3 2 At tbe old auad f K. Ubcr. oa Frset SL. The Djlira, 0,rre. woTICKi Itll or CI TV lot a. erv to aaratber. f pokaa ia ra?erir.e I ararrity of ergs at tn perwest ti Im i. j th Eeview rejrru that w brea ft and erf aX i-aa ar mo 4 lua .fa laiw lla av-rtlrei ao4 mm 4 lira aba ! a muA ( na taaa tb r-f a akar n Vaarth f 'V arVr fcv aa aer i4 aH V i m aat t eaea at ija fianarni ai -.-4 ik. '- a-,vlar ia taraaaai aaeajrj a w( -mm "9v mA ta rai- rmt a.a J wwa - th:""w csuan cat ertrely. Krif.I.m.ii ..W.w.? j fte r ar ae.lia- ranch eggs at 0 rer.u ""'" " ' ar x. aa ar t.. r w m , i. ia rT.t. Taken basis. ETaar t4 ffl .Jl ' tra power an atborrty reen to t j j. j, kaw. M tv ,r,cl. ' a doaer, ad r, ... .TJ . k . roaiinre-al Iermf.a Ur;ff wi li le w pH ewBwecon fiu vm prea-nt pro-1 tn a board of Siteen eommaauaer. or out aM tc.Jared to tia r aa r,-, , r.or-J to.i hSi j-r ct cf T " ".'-.-i.j oi trarnrn, a.t ct wiium Ilia I " w arr K-T iat ea I? jls l.e ' pc-jcts, it cskes aa iaipa;ara. Mm aja.aj COrpOTBUOa, atvaj"-""- ;uiy hr: J th devote of bam and erg. liin-s mt tat ttla of ai.ea aaa aa ta I Kra -H nt Uat eia ft,,,rr 1 laa !:! tei a t, amr af tea grlv m a.14 4n axS aj aVjaaaa l,aj bat ' avaMlr at talari fl!f . THE DALLES, Wasco County, ... Oregon, The flat City of th- Inland Empire is ntoatod at th bead of irrigation tu the Mi Mi CoiatnUa. aod at a thriring, prtav perxru city. ITS TERRITORT. It is li sopfrir -i'y for aa 'iWari and nch arriraharaJ a&d grajtiiii' xjntry, its Ul f.irhini aa far sooth aa Bomjaer Iaake, a of one two huri !r) nuiv The Largest Wool Market. The ir iS rrtxi,g cot it ry alone tlie eastern ( of th Gaa oadea f urtuahe pastar for tbouaracda of aherp, th wool frota which find aiarket here. The Isiar) is tb Urgrwt origtaal wool aLipping point ia Anerica, aboot i,0jO,0JO pounds bring alJppwJ Uat rear. ITS PRODUCTS. The Bairnon fuJU-ru-a ar the finest oa tb Colambia, yield Lnr thi year a revna, of thooaaada of dollars, which will b naorn than iiwUnd in th tvwr luture. Tb produrt of tL Leavtiul KlickiUt raUey od market here, and the country aouth and east baa til year filled th warrbxiusea, and all avsilaU plaoea to ova-flowicjr vita their prrxlucta, ITS WEALTH. It is the rich! city of ita six oa the coast aivi ita money ia oUrd over aad is hetnr uaal to develop more firming orrantry than ia tributary to any other city iu Ka'im Orerrn. Its situation is uarwiq a.a-i. fu climr.t delibtui Iu poa aibthtiea incBlcalaiie. Its rewoorv-e 0hlauiL A n-1 on tLa timer -tooe she at umIb.