THE DA1XES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JANTJARY 27, 1803. Qllff It I - s . ulaticn Amsnii T&b Leading Puliu- ciauu to HcCcmai MAR'S that place, and lie intends to haT It puli.hedln Portland. The quarry li EXPECTED SOONJiUiiated botl5 mile from I'omeroy. L NOMIXUI' Uiirht Uad CamuHcatlon, Aa- It i ugoniftM. Ao4 Final Defeat. B LIMAI IUMIT HKOOMKO. 1 m t Irrali l t.Mll Aaa rraattaval ta af Tfca Olarr . Washimotox, Jan. 2.V Special The - dnn and uueij'ected death ol Hon. L. . Uistr, aiwoeiate jotice of the rente court, at hie home in Macon, a., on the 23d, ha already canaed i nth speculation a to bia successor. 1 1 a conversation on the subject laat ruing Cngrewroan M-xWot Texan, l id : ' "The particular person wlio will be .boeen ia not considered o lunch aa the puliation whether !Inrrion will make a B-tiination to fill the vacancy or leave f' matter open for I'resident -elect rciand 'a action. It i certain in view the attitude of certaiu democratic aator toward the nomination of Me . jmaa, to be judge of the court of the ' 'tru-t of Columbia, that a nomination Ilarriaon would be actagoniaod to lite i of the session, and defeated if po jle. In view of that fact, it 1 protatblr e president will not care to provoke a Iter controversy and will take no t tion ; bnt it can be aaid he will coma ta no determination upon the matter, aud w ill not conaider it even for aeverai ya at least, abould he decide to make a nouiinatiou. The probabilitiee are a t iinberofUie United SUte judiciary .thin Justice Lamar 'a old circuit will honored by the appointment. Thia - ircuit embr.e- Alabama, Florida, -eorgia, Louisiana, Misi?ippi and .exae." Wwk la mrmm. Jan. 'So. SjciaI.J Tliere i jothtug of importance to avnd yon. 3211a itill coming in by the biuhel. Senate haa paon-d the following: fie lating to lteua ; to fix aalarie of county treasurer ; relating to tberifl of lUker and Malheur. .. To appropriate money j for a bridge acroM the north fork of tha ' John Iav river, failed to paae. For branding rattle; referred ta ffderal re latioua committee. Orstefal Ackssa lrd(r lua-sl. The farmers of Waro county joined topetlier, irresiective of party, and sent (be following dint alch to Hun. U. Her nami, our Oregon congressman, yes erday : Tbi 1M-..1.E, Dr., Jan. 24. To Hon. . Hermann, Washington. D. C We, . jlders of land forfeited by Northern Pacific ia thia district, m ish to ex .re on to you our gratitude lor your suceeseful tlTorU to extend time of par meat fur aame. It will relieve tuany honest act tier. Preitident Fulton of the senate has ap pointed Messrs. Hayes and Smith to act on the joint committee to investigate the portage railroad at Cascade Lock. A poatoffice ba been established at torth Dalles with Elder 3. W. Jenkins I postmaster. The office will be opened a or about the twenty-third i4 next month. If the weather ia favorable, and ice will permit it. the launch of the steamer Regulator will take place on Saturday forenoon. When this steamer comes ut again by taking l,r place on The Dalles, P. aud A. N. line, she will be the next thing to a new boat. The old hog chains have been taken out and heavier ones put in, and the hull has been strengthened in every part, and it is thought she mill not have tj be over hauled annlu for year. It depend npon the condition of the river, of course, when trips are to bo resumed, but the company expect tostart up mith through trips to Portland every other day, some time between the first aud tenth of nett month. Mr. Ham Patterson of Juniper flat is in the city. He i a very pleasant and sociable gentleman, and that i probably the reason why hi friends have rung in so many jokes npon the public at his ex pense. The coyote story was made up wholly out of Imagination, but it done the boys so much good that he conclude! to let it pus- current. A. to the $10,. ! 0,000esute ir England left lo ram .. 1 1. 1. ... . ' and fifun-u othrs, there is sjinetbing besides ",,,' j tne rep,,rl( Hhoiigti the mntter has not yet U-n decided in favor of himwf mi kifuk. We really hope Sam may get hi sharo of the money, and invest every dollar of it in The Dalle and Wascocounty. It would make him a forty time millionaire sure, if judiciously liandled. There is but one link missing in hi claim to portion of the estate, and the rase ahow the im portance oi keepiug a correct record of fainiiie in the state of this country. A IHaraaarjr "ia rar --7 , rlnlaami l ba alaallr. Keeeully Mr. J. t. Thoinaa arrived lu TortUnJ frum I'omemy, Vah., i..viltr win, him .iab Uf oPai- ,onyfi feet In length mid cis:liin about 4 0 pound. The shib wa taken ! from a quarry recently diac-jvered near I hmall pier tf the atuff have been pick- d op in the iwrighborhood '" 10 lime during the pat U year, but no one had any idea of their taloe until recently, alien specimen aero sent to the Smithsonian Institution in Wash ington, and aeverai other noted scientific institution. All opinion airreed that the atone ia troe opal-onyx aud the dm of the kind ever discovered on the con tinent. A .number o well-known-miiieralo-iU and government eipcrts have viailed tha diatrirt, and all give it nnininn that the entire eOOnlT iforeomo rflfttanre around ia underlaid UltU UIVUU;, llllinitii.i by a depoait in old lake- bottom daring on period of the earth' formation, and ia therefore found in horizontal layer. Ia the prevent inunce the material ia found in detached niawn-e. of all color and siae. along the foot of a leep liiil. Three piece have been foaiHi araltered kmg for a dietanre of a nii'.le. but thus far no distinct led ge ha been discovered. The onyx admit of a very high polish and i vajued according' to it color and maiking. It is very bard aud brittle, ami mut t cut and polifhed with diamond dut, and by an experienced hand. .A very peculiar method ront be employed lu mining the onyx. The iw of the piece wauled ia first marked out; theu little hole are bored al! around the edge with a diamond pointed drill. In these h')le aie driven little piece of mood, over which waU r ia poured. The expanku of the aood cracks the ttone and then it i earil.e detached. The chunks are afterwards awet. into slab by atriui of copper iaws, tempered with a paste made of diamond dut. Some of the piece are very finely marked, and if properly rut and polished mould make beautiful felting fur rings and breast pin. The romeror Opal-Onyx com pany have received a requisition from tieorjje !'. Merrill, curator of geology in the BCtiuua! iniieu:o of the Smith aoniau Institution, for (pecimena of onyx. The company also filled an order from the Union Pacific railroad coui.ny at Omaha for 100 pouuds of onyx. It will be another great laurel added to the already extenrive list of valuable stores deposited in the Inland Kmpire, when we eliall ship American opal-onyx to order. THI AUIEiri LTl KAL roLHUK, .t aria Nam's Msad VialM la tha Dip aar aflka lastliatlun. CoRViLLis, Or., J.iu. "4. (Special. 1 j People seem to be getting tired of the fog that has been hanging over our sec-1 tiou for weeks. Business is quite dull. and laboring men find little to do. The predictions of a few dissatisfied taxpayers, that the work the city coun cil had done on the street would prove a curse to the town, have not yet come true. A man may malk for blocks along iu the middle of Main street aud i.evor step In tlie mud. The O. A. C. is now iu a more flour-, tailing condition than it ever waft. There are sixty-fire more pupil now enrolled there ever was at one time before. Probably some of your reader are laboring under the impression that the citizens of our fair state have to bear all the expenses of this great institution. If so, I want to tell them that the state ! ,.i rwoii rM- - ...,.ti ,.i .I.. I expense of the college. Uncle .Sam gave Oregon 90,000 acre of land for the purpose of starting aud maintaining an agricultural college. 50,000 acre of thia land, ha been sold, and the money, $133,000, ha been loaned at interest. For the same purpose tha Udited .States government appropriate (18,000 this year, which will he increaved (1,000 each year until it reaches fj,000 per year. The government appropriate $15,000 per year for the purpose of maintaining an Agricultural Ex periment station, liut as the money appropriated by Uncle tarn cannot be ! used in life- construction of buildings, the state ha to look after them. The citizen about Corvallis went domn in their pockets, built and gave to the state a fine three story brick collc-tre building. The state has since erected two dormi tory, boarding halls, a two tory me hanical building, of bricU and has com menced a station building. The present , legislature is arked to faiii-li themtt named building and thus give the chemist ! a chance to learn that KaHtern Oregon soil is capable of producing something more than "buochgrass aud sagebrush." Alxo ti".,ur,'u ' atarting a good oair, uunoing a Darn, lurnulmu muc 1 needed machinery for Mechanical hall; lo put in a plant for more proter'y bent fug aud ventilnting the college building; to Improve thing about the grcinhouwe; and furnish apparatus for teaching elec tric engineering. There are now 273 huppy boy aud pretty girls lu the O. A. C, but there is always torn for more. UcxriioiMsa. You cin carpet your room at about vour own pi b e by calling on Crain'..i:i & Uurget, at thu new store on Uni m treel. CAIilLISTIC FIGURES. Astoria Awalcns to ironss Resentment to a Franl POKT OF COLUMBIA SCHEME COKED It U a Very Elegant Idea for Portland Calculation 8 to 7. t-KT I a II IAIUN TOUItalBOVKXIT I'latsaa. (alasaala sa Wasaa Heva Basksa What Has OlUlasa, Mar raw, at. al., la sayf Aaroaia, Jan. 2C Special. A pec ial meeting of tha city council haa been called to confider a bill introduced into the senate on the 1 1th by Mr. Wil li. Thi bill ia entitled. "A bill to es Ublish and incorporate the Port of Col umbia, aud to provide for the improve ment of the Columbia river in aud ad joining said port, and to provide a rail way or canal and lock at and around tu in water and the dalles in raid Colum bia river." Never was a more barefaced attcui4 made by a representative of any place to foist it into prominence at the expense of other localities, than the real object tM lies under the surface of this bill. The document pmposes that eight conn tie of the state hall compose the "Port of Columbia." They are Clatsop, Col umbia, Multnomah, Wasco, Sherman, (iilliaut. Morrow and Umatilla. Then, each county may aend to the corporation one representative, barring Multnomah, w Inch is responsible for eight, giving that enterprising burgh a majority of one vote overall the other counties put together. The 'oabilistic figures" eight to seven. The combination is giveu power in the bill to issue bonda lo tbe amount of (3, 000,0(4), and to state how and in w hat localities any improvements in the river shall be made; to tax all property bor dering on the river,' il necessary; in short, to hare full and complete control, so far as can be granted by the state, of the whole Columbia river, from The Dalles to the ocean. And Portland, with a majority voice in the corporation, will have the whole waterway between two of her fingers. It is an elegant idea for Portland. The brazen effrontery of the proposition is so apparent that it ie a wonder how it originators could have been so lacking in their usual running as to have sprung such a raw scheme on the assembly. The council formulated and didtiatch to our representatives in falein ; an earnest protest against the shameful scheme. ' Uurtui tils La.xt June a young man was arrested tn Katick. M.ims.. bec; he would not nay his poll tax. amounting to t wo dol lars, aud he !ia been kept it) j.iil ever since at an exjMU. to tho taxpayer of $1.75 per week. The town is losing money on tbe transaction, hut it is vin dicating an eternal principle with jjreat success. New York Tribune. Gaverautent t'aatrol of Trlfhvue. At the end of next year the Telephoue Otnp.n. v of Austria will etiw to exist, tl ;'"v-i iinjeut assuming control of ail the t'!i'p'ione line in tha kingdom. New York Jonrnal. Tisae Kxteads ta All. Senator IXilph's own word should settle the matter aa to the full and final term of the extension of time which settler have to complete entries on for feited railway lands. In auswer to Mr. Sherman, who asked the question: "When does the time expire?" Mr. Dolph had the resolution read again, then raid : " The amendment extends the time for a portion of the settlers on the land from September next until the first of Janu ary, and for others from February next to the first of January, in either case a part of the vear. The object is to give the settler the advantage of another crop to save their land." Senator White offered an amendment to limit the action of the bill to the state of Oregon. To this Mr, Dolph consented, and it passed. The same identical measure passed the house, two day afterwards. Calllarala Earthquake. WisTxna, Cal., Jan. 25. There was an earthquake shock here last night at 9:30 o'clock, and another about 1 this morning, lloth were light- !. Island llolrl Hnraed Buooki.y, N. Y., Jan. 2". The f irandview, the summer hotel at Fort lla.nilton, was burned thi morning. Ish, $100,000. All the guc!t ew-aped, though seme were delayed so long it to lp in Imminent j-erll. I'lebltsr' "Prorln." Walla Walla stiitcsman. The "jolili cal progress" of P. l. Joluiboii may lie likened to the old rustler who started out In search of a stock ranije with two steers hitched b hi wagon, a pewter eyed cayuse and a yellow do- After traveling three months he bad two men hired, 17 head of American horses and 75 head of cuttle. And he called it the natural Increase. IIVU aiNTKH BTATK. A raratar Kaltla M avaraaat-.-Taa V. H. y. at Haaltla. Sama, Jan. 20. Special. It is now settled that the Farmer' Alliance of Kastern Washington will construct a grain elevator at thi port. It it looked forward to by thu farmer of the eastern portion of thtt stHte a being one of the most advantageous thin to them in re alizing the greatest price for their wheat. The chamber of commerce appointed a committee last night to make prepara tion iu detail for the celebration which will take place in thi city over the com pletion of the Great Northern railway line to salt water. The C. B. A Q. Iiailway are now in vestigating the shore preparatory to completing their line to the Pacific coast, and have already secured terminal facilities tiore. Some new developemem have ap peared in the matter of the estate of II. L. Yesler, it having been reported that three half-breeds would appear in court and claim a share of his estate. Mr. Yesler was one of the earliest settlers of the state of Washington and one of the wealthiest citizens of Seattle. A special administrator ha been appointed to take charge of his estate for the preient. The employees of the Oregon Improve ment company have uiadtt a strike for higher wages, leaving the company In rather a bad condition. It ia thought, however, that the strike, which ia parti cipated in by nearly all employe will be amicably adjusted. tm Praaea Detaellva. Bn7 good detective haa to tome ex. tent hie own way of working, which ia varied, of course, according to the cir cumstance. We may say, however, that aa a rule aha Pariaiau agent bus a f reor band and works in a somewhat bolder, more self reliaut manner than' hi Eng lish colleane. Thia follows from hi isolation; h-" ia lem helped by "informa tion received and too bidly paid to buy It. m he id forced to iv-quire it by bia two exertions. . A favorite method i to asinine the diauixe of a workinvnusui or hawker, and here :t may 1m suid that the use of an elaborate makenp exist now only in bonks. Every xealona hand haa bia own little wnrdrobe. and the simpler the bet ter. The moat effectual UUm are thoe which ln-Ht uat-iimlale the wearer to common life. The Parisian hits two in particular the lloiue uud the work man's apron. "SiuMlowimr" U always done by two men, one some little way behind the other. Each carries a change of dretw to wit, a bloiMo wound saahwise around the waist nd a cafcqnetle carried insiilo the shirt. The moment the first man fauciea himself perceived he give place to the iM-coinl, and dropping behind slips the blouse over his jacket and ox cliangea his felt hat for tbe i-asqairtte. Thus metamorpbo'ied he resumes bia place. London Saturday Review Tha Smw Club Malabar. I read conscientiously Sunday after noon at the club the weekly rules and regulations laid down in the newspapers concerning the details of life, that I might regulate my behavior thereby; and I notice that "initials are not con sidered good form on note paper, not even monogram," This did not particu larly interest me, as I have for years used s Arm, plain aud unruled paper though I do not delight in two sided let ter writing, and the only notes I atu punctilious in answering are dinner in vitation and the good wishes of Mias Porphyry sent to me at the beginning of each world's year and mine own. But looking up and across the ball 1 aaw young Hpriggles btuily engaged in the consumption of club paper and en velopes. Letter stood iu high stack npon tho table. And I formulated thia maxim- Tbe newness of club member ship i in direct proportion to the amount of daily correspondence. The clubling parade the club stamp aa the newly married man hi wife. And I should regret this thrusting of such dan gerous weapon as pen, ink and paper into the hands of the wise and the fool ish, were it not that club paper had oc casionally ita uses; as when Thackeray wrote that delightful Roundabout in de fense of Lord Clyde. Boston Poet. Tha Atlas In tlUtorjr. What a fleeting, intangible, evanes cent and altogether delicious thing a kiss Ut No savant can analyze it. The genius that fathom star spaces cannot measure it; the acienco that weighs the fraction of an atom cannot determine its specific gravity. And yet what an im portant part it has played in history as well aa in romance. It lias been the re ward of genius for was not Voltaire publicly kissed iu the stage box by the beautiful Duchess da Villars iu compli ance with tbe demands of an enthusias tic fit to thus reward tho author of "Meroper It baa been thu bribe of politics, for when Fox was contesting the hard won eat at Westminster the beautiful Duch ess of Devonshire offered to kiss all who would vote for the great statesman. And the inspiration of patriotism, for did not the fair Lady Gordon turn recruiting sergeant when the ranks of the Scottish regiment bad been depleted by Sala manca, and tempted the gallant lad by plat-In;; tiie recruiting shilling between Ler lips for all who would to tako it with thoir own? New York Bun. Klloa ArUtocrarj. "That fti'low ia awfully stuck up," rem:irl:e 1 tlis cub to tbo kIj company, as ha wasgwl liis ear in tUe direction of the now tantltnu liors "IIu refused ta recojniza mo today in Lh park. II may be a cii-ty 'loader now, but I ro memtier when Lia lnothtr nael tu b driven by tha grpcei's son." Harper's Bazar. d. M. HUNTINGTON. If. S. Commissioner. Huntington & McKinstry. aiiaoaaaora tn J. VI. lliiutlutkm a l a Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Ag'ts IvMil(l'Aeia of all Kinds prepared. ItenU collected and taxes paid for non-reaidenU. Abstract of Title furnished nt short uotioe, ua we Imve the only snt af abstract book in Wasco County. Parties, hating Itail Katnte for tale or rent are reuei.t.I to call at oar offioe, NO 139 SECOND ST- THE DALLES, OS. FLOYD & DBA LEU DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brashes, Combs, Perfumery, Ktc. Par Liquor for Medicinal Purpose. Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Corner Union and Second Street, . The Dalle, Oregaa. CHRISMAN -DE A GROCERIES, Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. COR. WAMIINGTON AND SECOND MIAER & BENTON DEALERS IN PnRn Wnnn KlR PlNE- ash GROCERIES, "SaraA. HARDWARE TINNING AND . PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. Third and Union, or 133 Second st. THE DALLES. OR. aSJrIf You want tltl to Government or Htt Land rail on V. N. THOKNnURY, T. A. HUDSOS, Ijite Kit. V. H. lnd Office. Notary Fiihllc. D. S. Land Attorneys. Orer Sixteen Years Kxperionr. BUY AND SELL CITY AND COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. 600,000 ACRES OK DflinpYel FARM Property roil . Hcud dr a PmnphUt dc-wrltilnr thia land. WK ARK AGENTS KOK Thompsoii's Addition to Tie Dak This adilltinn la laid off Into line aer InU, and Indenting! to lie the principal naiilrnre part ol therlty. Only (went) inimuiir wnlk from the court hoti. IK. not lie afraid to n.naiilt or write ua, we bIt advice or information in all hrant-tiMi of our bua I no free of charge. Settlers Located on flovernnicot Land. office In I'. X. Ijmd Offic- Hill nit . TIIK PAI.I.KH .... DUKC.ON. CAVEATS. TRAD! MARK. DtaiON PATIMT. COPVRIOHTa. otaJ for Infnrmatloa ard fraa If andriook writs tn MI NN a I'll, ,l HnoAbwir, Naw VuKrT. Oltltwi t'tr aecurtna patenta In Aiuortca. flverf pul.-nt taknn out hT UH ta brmttrlil tM-fora tha puhiM Uf auouoa flvaa tnm oi ohajrga la Uia tara-nat drmtlatton of any antnntlflA parmr In tha World. Hiiluntlldlf llliutTSll. No liilcllleut maa ahouid ba without it, Wavklr, a jnrt ai.M.Kii montha. Addrau M(!NN A (X), tbauaiiuta, 3ttl linjadwajr. KutkCitr. FARM FOR SALE. 1 oiler f'ir ftile rill or 11 ixirl of my farm uf -ISO m reH in See. '.'I, Tp. 1 south, ranro 14 e ict, 15 miles sontiieunt of Tho lul!e; go-xl iintirovetnotitH, giKid youni five-mre on-liard now bearing;, plenty of j(im-I wuli-r for bonne tn-i nnd ctock ; 175 acrei in riilliv.vlion, i;onil nutlet north, i-iiHt .cunt li nr i'?t via eminty rotnl-f. I iiIho ollVr lor mile ik! ai-re in section I'll, (-iwnnliip 1 foiitb, raiivo 14 rust; bIh) live tii-Hil l.otee, ntl double set of hnrncM 11ml n f"v farm iiuiileiiieiitH, etc. I'rirea reawmable, terms eaiy and title t-v. Vr particuhir cotun and see me at The Ihille or J. II . I rout at tho wrm. jan'l-tf K. W. Tuou-r. A golentiflo American j' Baa 1 C. B. M'KIN8TRY, ' Notary Publlw. SHOWN, 1M . & CORSON, LIKM IN- ST., TIIE DALLBS, ORIKaOK DIAMOND ROLLSR - HI A. H. CURTIS, Prop. Flour of the Best Qual ity Always on Hand. THE DALLES. OREGON. TMluiia Packin g Co.. PACKERS OF Pork and Beef. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. Masonic Uuilding. The Dalle. Or. wasco waienoo Go., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. fQtca teasonble. MARK OOI W. "W. Oo. rni DALt.m, on. is wan,