THE DALLES WEEKLY CHKONICLE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 16fl3 The Weekly Ghronicle. orruiiL pa pke or w aoo vrsT. THK Mr. K. I SENATORIAL POOLSJBlakelev & Hotitrlit. i-tor sr.Aivtfc. : m i A-,i. ,.d TbeuteolM.ihutta prepar-, . llo!.W of Astor.a. under que.-' J,te of the 21st. b. a that tb. , --- . Trt a ! tosuippiuK.. ( v: ... n.mis-i.ili !- ted. Thi UJy lu tborongniy Onanrr Jailjc. MnL . - T. . rJ J h. Cerl . . Wm Hu m I ijaft. l.-!-. .actuate bar service" - : ..... ,..,-i.t 'fntion r1" "''" 1 OOte IIU twf-- . . ........ - - ti 1 tbeat a living don't ia" how mwv baj cbt the sari J ha to aboaldcr. H i pretty nearlv decided that Hon Colombia, doe not com. ao much from the pilotage rlm a. iron, me ' ... . 0. aervioeofth.V. P. K. Co.. '--iVutr! '. ., , tugW... I. J.. very . "J- Tbe couti;i,u ar.lbat he savn gof or p,,.,, plan, of ruud improve- ,.., ...a w t-r ! uiroU of tJ t.voeo.- .... a rc.e ready , sea for five n r Eileen dav.derenlH.n on amatol . . . , , .., rov. out U rie ct iiwmiii Jets v.. r.r pwh V DRUGGISTS, " '! 175 Second Street, n - 01. Tho Dalles, Oreg A lull ihif U)fS KEriBLlCANS WEkE KUEDOIT.: at nitirra:e r!ini. i iaui vnal lour i-r re:it of fT.,0.10,- The same . .1: . a. 1 . t.Litn.l in , r"" : , .t:;, r : ... . " : w ...a u- it or o. &m T. .!,. t) Mt.illl'f ' f all tin (an.l.inl I'aU nt Hnip. riM-mitals, V.W. .'.-ARTISTS MATERIALS.-.., , Itmntry an-i Mail Or.J-r tvr'e attniti.u. i tiiur fir cl tw. rvnJ'a ' l!paaM nave tu in ui.. boodrrd Uu.'.an. if UiPV n auitk a.Lau).. it i iUJJ Lbat frr Pi'l la ib one ra-or tl hav txvl Ma! at an fx- jutirn! oJ kar wr cout n tho lnv-t-i.t ' nwi't. itb tie.t:ty ul ultiiualfl) y- . : 1 V.. Thooiaa F. Barard Serwtarr oi utate. Souato Carlila tw wtarrolthetn.a-urA.anaiJimt c-(1'"' . - . rriri.i.l,l ,. Dm Umdwl iuclrbt .tar,ofthe.rT. ; jf1 r"",!. Br tto otl.,r ,-i.n the N oi """"P .'- ..-.M i.-.tvunm ..i.l ,,r l-n coHoiUJ i , - lo Time of Veact Prepare fof U ar." Eaeaiphficd Lmi'hitJCallT. o ! or tut. " Miss anna peter sea. Fine Millinery. A d":pU-h to the F.xvhanjre Aturia in tbrtv w-rt Oiit nrUer to ar ncr cnarwx. , - ... . . . j j -and emenJed after tfi.ty T tBkvrarh ti Fraorr hM '" ' . . T . ! htln. th i m I. rove oj rot tor the t i .irk'.j aMi if i.r I " staked the l.mmn government iur u , - ' nreaent explanation a to toe iccreaae ri itie - - , . ItritM. .my orvoption i. F.H- ; aered ih m too ronjh fur eb.p. to rruf oat, tnoaii nil cnarjr ior pwwjr mti4 M a r-.-Hll Hrae- far I'vrter. generation anJ leave l. uj lutnre generaUon to et:j y at. 4 f-ay U. Bv the other -ian the rrent p-n- . . : . . I .1. inhK)ranipl all J Senator Telle, of i. qnote.1 j and toaa.-e bad been paid to the com- j . x erv it. -ior that JripM V? T,r lVhl ! Tbrr, lor ri ulher l a number ol 1 leteiana cam- tn.i r.r.r .. ,..fc..- - y runtrr. bot there ia U tt-n. Much o thru fot-Ung it due to tl.e fa-t that the lax paver in at Uion. Uirrcllr and rotue- t, or a neuilr of the anjirenie coort. t Jid the I-e.-el ii- to tot BiaUhiord and FWU, of U rnpreme i ea. and aiter i.t::it f them cut t .rf thee. the ' ver.on to ,v.i.v- beach. i'.l aoon retir. on acconnt of ! R!ief va k hoid of the Karl of imnravm : and the Kniitf.t f the Oarter. inward ud;r-llv lrieCted by tho !. . . . j i i limn n. i bouuu. on we Bane iern..anaanc.n-iT-u j - . , . irco!ng tl.e rV-hmilt at been atmndonrd. known men entomoea in thix. Foben.ia, Tbirieen men fort i bat ; , A ienua Uijtc. twyt a.i 01 ! tlrfn, off i3d. Mas.trsand r.n- . era of Tiwb kno that !) of tine w low of nonev. It in not iMxbuble that are2.. . l i:.- i .... to be in the mine, and it i frn- - . lhc j:tra..nWliaf kI.-l , . V-od road are not i.krit t . rmllt conoedeJ that tb. not a.Iied by frrf,w wrrrkw, lrtt, ,rf tbe Cclnrn- f '- r'1.:; p!o9ioa.-rre.fter-tffotrfjfc . woq)J n ,.rove::t J n. of Orrfoa free of cort. They aU byaan.p. I u , have to be ,d for They .hou.d be : ... .. c-.t. and cut aa cbeaj!v a really good . It U d that t.enty-n-ner' ornto.rot.:H.n .Uch a. .. re,:t . The people w bo n-e n tea in tfie i m;eu uiri ." - i t ;rv.i. bj.ever, the beuetiit of the ex- : ipend.tare mui.i he n;-parenl in Uh- in- j ; cr.?d vaine iJ the farmer" land and j rt.o-.-h and cortly 1 tbetn nioet and ho m ill prof t moet by Tber. M I IrifbUttl mortwttT og j " JT' i tbeir Conmrti..i! .booia bel to p-y tnecolaneia. 1 1 ranama rcanoai nu ri1TrK.T. .... - - . . ... Dr-., BOt yet reached tlie full liin:t of 1U pow-rg tor evil. There art several prominent Frenchmen apainst wlom aotbing baa beon alieted n. to date. f.jlh Len undr detei.liun uil ll month of the river. Biiplit have been; avoided bad O.ere been better tax iff-' vice on the bar and tao tii!t hoatii ;. ' as there onf ht to be. instead of one. Tf , pre-wnt ro:cbir.aion i caae for general i nj tiie pi!: thenmelvet ; It i c-jntrsry to aL co- rtem ovu C"t ext ambly on tbi nubject aitl he awaited with u.O' h interest. TtlK.KU Hir riHH rV-nafor Car'.ieleere"irnat:on eunfirma tl.e general rtport tbat be w'ul go into j eoirpuoni. t..nn Tl.ii b. l-eJv excited the ' ton. . end encfi jr. of a irnnler of dt mocratie J if. ar.y other r.-aj-.wt in U.e wi-rld. To ner of prooooncad anli-rilrtr view.. o'- P- n 'f The Iiton Herald quote Carlis'.e'i j th- r-ver inl-o-record, and declare, that he i -.Imort !e!y n-:rr the pilotage n-l a. rapid a ailrer lanatie aa Eland." juwiv rhaT: te prect?. With re- Tlie ptHita receive Ti.e presa ot Oregon, aya the Union Jonrnal of Wal.a Walla, are learning from ber yonrjr tliotiijh bigger rirter, Waahington. Tliey are atronply advo cating tie fixirr of aalarie. iurall cotinty and .late' offirxus, and diw-arding tlie s rear might appear to le a faircinpeu garl tu their pay: 13o a uiotth. or flVW a year not a intimated in the Ore'nUn ). To any one nut thoroeh!y acninted wi'.K the hardship, privaliuua, danger and nk uf I:fe to which thev areexpfed. t !.." It ia reiKjrted that IU.-ht.p F.rK4 'U'iel miik.r-g a will. Etimatc 1 place the eate it $rM.0OO. A Wjtl.iiis,!r. r-erial tr.r Mr. I'.Uine : i qu.'tr f-M- l'-u ntt a'.armins'y o, but a weak a on yterdy. He -.n-tinue to tii- a f;ir amoaut of nourih mt nt IV. Jol.ntoo. in rep!y to qor tion, id he did not consider K'.aine In i a critical condition. Tlie dxrtur did ftot explain w hat be conidra critic!. Ip. Foster of Wal.kiaknni, i evi- Mimon r.u.- . " atun liiver, fr "j.iom-emngg'ing -i ....i-: im caneni oniv w.m m uwm . . .... . i packajea kik! ;..-. He introdnced but a lew ) r roaTLn, Jan. J6 jSpe-l. Kan aka baa elected a ileirxjcrat to the United State aenate John Martin, wbo re ceived th. entire vote of th. popolial BwnWn of theawmbly. Notarepok- Hcan waa a.luwed to vote, and only j ninety-two vote were recrfed, of which Martin received eighty-aix.Coborn foor, J Hanna and Sox d-r ooc each. The pre.- j ident rnled Unit the vote having bee. ' annonnce.1 to lartber v.te conld t t- cvived. Nebraska haJ not yet elected at noon. Hoaeter indicaliona are that I'addork will make Lis bitr apart and uncover all the .trenlU be ha today. The Inde petulentaatill alU-k to Power. In the matter of e:ection in Montana, North Wkota and Wiaconain, there are no cliaugee from ;ct?jly. ; No choice in Olyoipia. Ia!lottuu-j chacged. j Warttko ripniil. W'aHiaCToa, Jan. 2."i. In the ee.iate Uie conimittv on naval affair reported an anieuthuent to the naa! appropria tion bi.i aulii'icrin; . contract for the conatmctioo of one htle-h.p ill 900 tuna, t.o arniored coat-!rf-n- veia J ten gci.Umt. of S O to I.(Kk tone, and eight firrt-:ia torprdu-Ut. Th. re port waa rrferred to the CitniuitU-e oo appropriation. It fixe, noliniilof roat, but appropriate $:.7,W,WI0 toaard tbe! en:ra-tin of vrwt. lit rru. N. Y-, Jan. "7 lt nirht j offi.-rr of tle g-.vernurt arret-d I. J. t Henry and C. J. fiend, colored porter . and crf.du.-tor ol I he eiecpmg car rai- Fnrty rt7 uoius weee found under 112 Second St. THE DALLIS. Qg. TIIE DALLES LUMBERING CO INCOKI"OKATKD)N r No. (.7 VasIIIKOTO TKKF.T. . . TjIK JAUJi-Whol.-eaJe and Uctall Iii.T and Monfa"ti:rer. Bftlkliii Miimal mi histim TxMt, Dtors, Wiwijs. ViMrp, Dw FrU2?s, Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and F Boxes and Packing Cases. rawrtory And JjuiuVicrYarcl At Old rt. Xaui DRY Pine. Fir. Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered any part of the city. OROW15 joprxn Axr- Ktif it.SR or Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Et cxntNKi; va.av ink kkiki:al !Tm:Ki. cwKr.KATH. j STUDEBAKER Acorn end Charter 0.kiw and Carr STOVES ASD H1KGES. ; Goes, kmasitim aa. 5 GikLid OSBnSra ' 'Reapers and Mower. 1 MrS. COAL, j AOKNTS FOK M'rtchsll, Lewis I Staver ClV i oue of U t in tlie car on it. amv. im rmm. Tbe Oregooia. even, gea- (-.juion ; but in view of ail tbe fact 11 1, 'y ' ' Ju'H'a. , xi, rar i a Tor-mto-New ork ieepw raHy the laat to get on the right .ide of . rrrr insignificant asm lor th- laiti-io! t - ! ' n.T n'. .U. i Mmomka. mteta acainrt perfonuance of iiazardou dune. ic t having very large mci.. fe. and f mmmhhmbhhmmw . ai.; -icni OT '"' 1 1 1 . . . . . , bill m&kiiiZ it oniaaful to catch them at WAGON MAK ICRS' M ATKlilAL. j .a'.,;, and ,-iPK. ( ApicuhBnl bplnsat. mi fck pi.i-MfiiNii prpriJK-s. penwng officer, with claim that Mnlwomab cxmnty would j- tattle iiaper cboke with indig- aave $31.(X or more year by paying officer uf tbe county liberal a'.arie in place ot the present eyatem. naii.m or -nje;hing el when a mem ber change hi vote all with a brh wheel. U provide, that vo Tnrner, but I no ' 1m1 ri"'d W ." lb ",l One of tbe moot important bill intro duced i. by Mr. Durham, amending the Australian baiiot law in reepevt V the form of ballot. The bill ia modeied after the law of Illinois. Indiana and California, and provide that tbe name of all candidate alia'.l be printed on one baliut, aa at pieenl. but instead of tbe aawie. bein; arranged in alphabetic -dev. tbe name of the candidate, of each fMxrty are printed in para. lei colamna, wlm tliey change to Alien, they cannot lav tbe w hitewa.h on thick enoegb. Senator Fu:ton i. generally ripbt oa moet matter, of public import- tance. but Lie idea of reform I manner propoeed yerteiday 'mXn obviate tbe neerity for abeo'.ately repealing ier of tlie CViuniliia in the auue of j VVa.l.inglon. 1 11. imt rrtt, .if i,-e ever rit on tiie . i I'Miuiiae river i now f-in taken care i i of tbe,clJ HundreO.of ton. axe not Iwing put a; (oifax, and2ear !oal will J lip-d from that poit-t to iiayton. Tbe ice ia about 10 itu-be. in thickneM.! urge, -.., oar... tbe Orr.n tax law, i. "too thin- to fit i E-wMlwryh. of eaceiier.l qnal.ty, fr..m .K. .nt-t V.wr nrtlilir oni.iiora.mav be ....... - 1 . f . . to ioiB the tirooor.tion. Ac- 1 P"1 tvM , . . . . . . , vf . weaUHr m'wira'.t. cordtng to tit Oregoman report jlr. . , , , If th. voter deeire to rot. a traight i folioti', idea aeema to be jut wbat tbe ! Mjtnr,. ' : 10 to 1j iat-be. in tbtckneiMi. line to kihiw 'trake of " bet tl.e ire and j tbe in ticket he can do ao by .imply placing a croa. mark in a anna re above tbe ticket which he wihe to vote for. Opprarite e-ach name on Hit Wliot i .mall people who do pay taxe n-jw complain about, and oo the jo! suit thit cia. other hand. of ritiren bo , " parent teet vote in tbe aenate on Ilalev" do, ' ... . ' ... ! bill Bspronriaitr.c .'lU.i.w lor a nonage loot now par tae; .impy' . . r..i ,uare, and II 'the voter deire. to vote a j ytDrr.t. hy own -cer-.ifioate." of j .. ( ,t th. ,npomUon we cin r iv r-;irf intra ' i . x ri. i M.ev. o. -j tbe committee on rai'.rcad. Thi ma. edy to botien taxpatinr , . J(r , m BKWurnt tlie to WLOiiv wipe .i.w - ... . drt.liM.:BUefr,.m liictataua. later .peciul orer wa aerel to; , (Alley, I', Caniern, will it- ret:ien.i-rl tnat oa the iKz-laun, Gate, and Hiy. votin? no. ol 5iem!T lat Wi iie ig-rin. ' Mcrinn wa nW nt ot. h .ve, r.nd the laye. I'aaae4 tkr.(k a flarrarawa. New Yoac. Jan. . T!.e captain of j tlie Hrimer Aleatia report, that be paw-,! the Norwt-vian bark t-lar of India, 1 w loch a dimani led, w tb no aim ol life on tniard. Kvidntly .e had paed throua! a hurricane, and Iron all ap-pcaranc- mu-t have been a recked early in IV.-eml-r. Mie had a -rew of 37 men, ail -f w oni were a; pw-i to be low. Wrnk.d vw Tba kleef. Tabi'Ii"". Mrii, Jan. Tbe crew and paa-nfer of the I'aria. f the French commercial line, hicb ba jut arrived here, rep-ta that a vri . rreekerl on tbe rea-f llnnquillo 1.00 n.ilc rjn;b t.f bore, and nn- i b-w aid can 1-e promptly -it trre vr.ei I ani her vaiuab.e ca-gJ i:i l a total l'j". The veewel m -4 alout 2,lJ0 torn re:ietr. by placing the croee mark, opposite tlie uiM of tiit candidate, of hi. choice. Thi me:bod dispense, with the oect ity of aralcbing a ticket to piece, in rJer to vote for certain per-jri and re hce the rlianre fir dt-fr-ctivt ba i -j'.r to a minmcm. Mr. O. W. McCv 1 1 Portland, wiio bow hai raioable intlre.ti ia t!j Inland Empire, in a letter to the Orej'itiia-i d-voca-.p making the Harlow read aero, the Caccade tuouutai;: fr-e. He argue, that "a Orepon now ha tin? whole trp of the Ctttcade rmuge of mountain, re er.rd by the ralional coven. ment aa a xnagmflcect jark, the city of Portland and the :ale ehoai I take Ii a.tion a will make tbe old Harlow road fre and i put in gouil tju'.ii-a for travel. Tbi.! rowd ha. for many yrar a in tiie j band of a tjli roatd roinpany, wboej policy baa beea to muke a, few repair I and betterment, s po".t'. and charge j 0f- tt'.X led the a;parer,t oppoeition to the .. . , . men rare, .eekirg to t.ave tt reierreo v, i wture or. r Harne to I IK Frank, dwreaivd. ) OP ALL OTT A iier.eral line of ' Horse Furnishing Goods. BEPAIEINO PBOMPTLY "! WEATLT DOJi Wtok mi Eetail Dcn in Harness, BriiSe!, itijs, Horse ElaitE FcH JLiSurtmcnt of I'xm ScfSlcn PlHii cr StscpcL FECfrND STKEKT. .... THE PA LIT j New- Umatilla- Hous( THK IiA;.!.L.n;K.rON. bigh rate, for toll. It 2. the main tborougbiare to toe Inland Empire of It 74th lot hie life bv dro.cii.g is fcnake river, j othera and frWmie and relatives living in The j Tl aenate ;-WrJay, ft-r the n.rrn Jtalie, were culled to L-witon oil ar- : jn,j nmr jo, u, ile an'.i-option bill and j coor.t of the accident. Tho lemair j Georve -or!tinued hi. .pete: It in oppi-j were not tiien recovered ; bnt tbe eV.d j ijn t Vila anieu'injeiit. L'niin:nM; : river at lal yielded up the body on the ! runout wet giren that a i it.rou'jert-;' i 1V.U. It bad l-een rauf 1 1 1. a Oin j u-nd:nei.t t'j tlie b:ll a i'l m t:.k a on i j ma:.' tfiitr-g wheel, n! 'lie dewription 'Tady of n-xl .eek, and tl.e vote onlt'- . .. . ... .n- i .' . . , . . .. : jnr(i .;u-. ui none ...(...... ( i, 1 1,; anc Bnieninieiii not iau:r i.-ian Lot Wiyin and "t Kl. imaie liatelj ,j , f .I,, tnie day. -ia-or wei.t to the i lace which I aliout thirty j Wal.hirn said that be woul ! ark the ... , .. ... mi.ea be.ow iewtaton, ana reiumea M-nat t- remaiB in seih-ion til. a vote with tle body on Thuriay, which waj WIM riu!.-d on the aoti-r li-jn bil', no eafliy recojr.izable. Funeral service, j ttt,.n. Opponent. i'l not fil- were field at the Episcopal church in ;ter arainnt it. Washbtirn i c-jsfl- detit the bill will pa, and it opponent '1 " ' ? 'i -"-v J v -J .. - -. "1 V f v - J . -1 i SINNOTT& FISH, PROP'S. Lewitrton on tl.e 2Cth, and .21 that Kart-m Ortzvn. and i larzely m-H bv ' r"ort1 of 1"" V'"llV"' . are almoel willing to concede tl.e dal " " J :,,, a t at Ia. A t tb. re-idenu of that .ertiou. a .eil a '-a " J . . ' ' f ' by overland traveier. ami toeri. ...d two bo-e panu on. of hich ple..ure seekers Tl P'jrtiand el. am- j ' r ',,'n,' attend! tl funeral Ta'i. I.rdr. While J A u li. A w ! , . AT a a. a 1 a I . . ... J .... rw... a i,.;, i m a dooj. wacw o. ui uc M..r. h ,).,,,, to p,,,,.,., r . j .1 jaces r. rirrc, tnaiiM kn.D, .c t.ust:a I Y wt'1 rememrTlher.i:k f wiw WfTi rhn 1 . a:li .t w!ir. a iMrti (!.', i uifl.l t a .r.v ,r iiH ! kll.'ulT yi4-iriM,.iul r..r.a . ..f cii.i..ea lr'iu ! i.r- f pr -r.u-rt. u' ' (3 U M lftt -.a.tiie a.i Iti. : - .... , . . a , . W D3. MILES r1 la fV- r.ERVINE rmT tiff a Isuii I U ( inoitu4 SCURED jF 2 ftfcM' li IVitnifafrrfa. r . v - - ... a I,. - - I jn U iwlvwwwu fvmr. m m-u i u-v 4taAt , j at m . I i 1 ltCrTr hM tH UeeB 1'fQI.a, lur.OH2l) II .Wfiit-i tu fU iDftb aliMf ha m A .i.itJl rrrk. ufVrir f.m iv--J i HDt -a-Ution abonld lake hold ! thottght m.y t dmcorered. ; Ut tl ,uu. ,. .ppreci.b'e 1 U AC of U.i. matter, pres. it upua tl.. alien- j p " Te-W lay inlroda-wl in ! '0,, "T'U'r r l U,Wr laeer!a!r., I STlia.V.'." lion cf the sta'. and eex-'ir. an ap-.iro- . . . . . .s P'" eeuring rreriii.iiif ineir etsie u n 1 a ai.'t evcurv an l f.mM l,coe a r-olation to im- K w".w.uit, Tmatu.n .nflu-int to tit tbia rreat road! . . . . want, hatur-lav the, ecurel an p-1 Hf..n'T - - - : - - ierh rh rmrLor tor mai;eajance in, . . . . ,.,,,. Bi a a ar mi rwr, La thoroogi rerir and mamU:a it. By , - , ,j i r. i,.v- I l"rr'iwr- r-J.irFJ i.-r a goven men , M urrtxm ,.,hmnoa. hronal.t . t, t.i. bei J -in, the Ifc Cbcte. river .1 tbe J 7 ,f J" iu.1V rI!T i -! "'rt;""1 n1 '-.r -,en i - lT ! AT ly ext-,,d, in almost . lUrlll. Uw -,10iri, ,-uk. u, " " ' : i a f-aU ag fr th- e.,: aeatatet ' ... eor.o e a rottTivf aoanaiiTtg. sine, tl ry nave i-ea t. ii.e aet.sie. j . ro.1 ai.To. lt ptire. r-j) 14 . ae-, ,ri was u i over .e uj.,, 1 :niv tw coipoiw ew in. i,-.t., aw, . cuSEdxte a great trav-!." Jrnr. ' Wa4.rj paper tt Eaaiem (ntgoa. I H r.f r.LAakLk not tux xu'jo'k tf Bake Orrn canron, to which t . . , I aatloba this road a ready ext-iid, la a!m-t a .t-airht line, thia irla U Coert.- ti Uin4, r:,j u, tU ith tbe state road t'-Canvott ntv . ..... and Pnreville. ar.d tl.- old imm'.frant ( Bo.--y til"' lei tbrm. lii ket and V-nf 3:i'e of tltr V. !. Ii. K. C lupeny, and oTlce of th f'nion Trl.-aTaph 0T. are lu the 2 f tl . Fire-Proof Safe for the Safely of all Valuables. LAlUiKST :AN1 : I INKST : HOTKL : IN : OUEGV Nfeu; o. Qolumbia otcC: THE DALLES, OREGON. 3est Dollar a Day House on the Cos First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. j-'irrt CliiM Ilo'.fl in K'.crv Jti''i. N'.f.' l.iit the Ik'rt f White. Ilflp KiDilof if T. T. Nicholas, Prop. The Dalles Mercantile Co., . j-j.ctua ax Miiri'n General Merchandise Dry fjtxxis, Clotliiue. Gents' Funnelling Good., Boot!, Fho". If .it', Cfjj.p, Grfxcriv., Hardware, CrwkcT, Hay, Grain, FfJ, Ftc. 390 to 304 Second St., The Dallef.Or. ii