The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 27, 1893, Image 3

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The Weekly Gbroniele.
. en r.(
Til ll-l"-
from th Hlljr Oiroi.lrle, lur.d.
lr. H.l.tall ha retiunsl from hi trip
to Portlun.l.
Col. Jain- Tulnm ul dmtfUcM-, are
in tin- oily.
Canyon rity ' tiwn w hrvriif.r
alut 6-ineh ii on thr SUI.
K M.. T. J. ami J. !
111 Ivor of
,Wuii(- are in tlie city toJav.
1! A. Walli nf Bufur. and ;,
M-LhmI of Kir-gxicy, nr in the city.
J, C. Burke of Moru, and Horatio
Farglirr ot Nuiwdf, are in the city.
W. A. Mack of Condon, i in ll rity.
Wheat in Portland today rcrouin an
changed, tan Fimt.rico, May delivery,
1.33; Chicago. "35-
We have the plcai-ure of ark now (edg
ing a call from Mr. J. C. Burke, one of
Moro'i prominent rillaen.
J. P. Parish, tlie tiopular fta man
on The llle and Prinevilte route left
today for an inction of the line.
' Balloting at Olyaipia today tud the
aame a yesterday. Tlie 27th and 28th
ballot atood: Allen M, Turner 25. Uri-
27. T.vit 9.
'In n r-jll! "n on the P. B. today
U-Ueen fii,"l'; train F. Lome, a lke
ninn,a renide: .. of Ellensburj, w a in
stantly killed.
in . I. ,IM. t t lF,.'r.irt i!ition.
i in Suitilirrn California for hl health,
will recret to licarthot hi corditimi la
not tncoarasing.
. ..i
tion. jiiiid runou, rouiiiT jii'j n
Khermau county, is in the city. The'
rate of taxaliou nil Cxed at lueutrl
uiilla on the dollar.
Tbe damage suit of Stewart anl Mao
Intyre vs. Wells Fargo A Co.. aud the so
called "detective" M. C. Sullivan, for
MO.OoO for false imprisonment, is on tri
al in Portland today before Judr fehat
tuck. The clilnock took s'l the snow off the J
summit of Klickitat hiil last night, j
There appeared in one gulch alioot 8:30 :
o'clock a streaming column of Tig which
. i.ii . ,.i ., I
YeJlou stone' Park that Herrio is re
gretting that he didu't get a photograph
of it.
Ii . Sink of Sherman county 1 in
the city on bcsUieas. In conversation
with him we learn that the winter
storm have been of great benefit to
that part of the cbuntry. The soil is
wetdoan.and wells which have been
dry for the past two season are again
tilled with water. There ha never been
more encouraging outlook for the
I--...... II,. Ik. ,.rau.rt
......... .... J..V.......
Scientist affirm that the ice frozen at
aero temperature is more durable than
that which form w hen the mercury is
above that point. Within the last few
clay judging from the tone of our specials
today, large scope of the eastern aide
f this tronntry baa recently been making
ice that ought to last all summer in the
open air if that theory holds good.
In the early hour of thi mornings
maiden fair, living near The I !!, left
her home clandestinely, and came
the city, where she was married thi
fcreno-m to a gentleman with whom she
hue been keeping company lor some
time past. Kev. Mr. Whisler, the min
ister who performed the ceremony, did
not I now tlwy w ere a runaway couple,
until after the knot had been tied. As
hie is the yonng lady IHth birthday she
leffully of ae to marry without the
oi mMit of her parents.
The Wimiuatt ChautaiiTua literary
. rele held its weekly meeting last even
lf with Mr. lilddeH at the residence of
wtra. W. 8. Myers. Instructive articles
were read by Mrs. Brook and Mrs.
Cmn lall en onr relation with Hawaii,
and by Mrs. Myers on tho custom of
the UoinMis. The recitation ws ably
conducted by Misses Brooks snd Frailer.
After- the recitation ice cream, coffee
arid cake were served, after which Mrs.
F.eheliuan rendered some delightful
piece s ou the piauo. The next meeting
will I bt the residence ol Mr. C. J.
Crandnll. Tlioce present were Mca
daiiies Ciandall, Myer, Stewart and
Eshehuun, Missel Jessie Lown, Mary
Frar.icr, Iva Brooks, Kannie Cooper,
R'lth Cooper and Annie Fulton, Messrs,
O. J. Crandall, K V. LltUefield and H.
ii. hidden.
Mr. and Mr. W. Ixrd gave no enter
taini'ient last evening which waa
inost enjoyable affair. The score card
were beautifully decorated by the host
ess, und the room also were linng with
numerous palutings, mar.y of them the
work of the hostess. After some time
"l-ent in pleasant conversation, tables
were arranged in the spacious suite of
parlors, and the guests were Invited to
Join for an hour or no in progressive
w hist. When about half the numlicr of
games required to make up the score
had l.ceu played, an excellent lunch
was served, after which the playing was
resnmed, till the score was filled, and it
as fotii.d that Mrs. Hovtetler ha J won
the prire, which was line engraving.
I'hnsi. present were Mr ami Mr Lord,
Judge and Mrs Makeley, Mr ni Mri
i!oiight..n, Mr si.d Mrs J V French,
Mr ai d Mrs HostifW, Mrsnd Mrs Pal
tersm,Mr and Mr Huntington, jnde
and Mrs Bennett, Mrs fcro ks, Mrs
l'cte, Mr W II Wi:-jq and Pr Logau.
rwm the Pally CbrmiMie. WtdneMbT.
Mfiwi. I. B0II011 antl Kolnrt Kelly of
King-ley, are lit the rity.
Warren ?. White, ono of the limur -
nce Atljuatvr of Purl html, U In the city.
J. J. J. A. Nohle, K. I. nl' her ' Mr. V . tram of r..rtluri!, arnve.1
and C. L. r'tjer of Wapinitln, are in the i Ihr ikmiii train today f-r a -. t ;ay.
city. . J Kvcrlody In Hood Uiver valley didn't
Mr. It. F. Iuuhlin. manager of t!ie;..i, t)ie retitiun for the new county vt
P.P. A A.X.Co. i In the valley on bim
Mr. Huh Clmn h-Il for Portland ye-
Uidav ou bnfinert. to lie a!Mtnt eeveral
J day.
A. F. Martin, F.d. Uotliell, iaa. llrown
and J. Strain of Tygh, ttr( at The
Ice baa blocked the Columbia below
The Dallea from the ben. I of the river
nearly to Moier.
Mr. and Mr. J. F. llaortli leave for
Portland thia afternoon, ex.pvting
rntorn Monday.
Hon. P. M. Gilmore, of Klickitat
county who haa been ill for aonie time
pact, ia (till very feeble.
Miaa Ixna Spelchinger leavea for Port
land thia afternoon, where the m 111 make
her home for the fntnre.
Miller'a bill for a flahway at the Wil
lamette falli pau'ed the hua-e yesterday.
It appropriatea 10,000 for the nrpoe.
MiM inie Marihall, who haa been
Tiailiog Mra. A. M. William of thia
city, r;tuma to her home in Portland
thia afternoon. "
The county court at it adjourned meet
ing luftt Monday levied a 23-mill Us on
the aaeesaible pmjierty of Waco county
a adjusted by the Kate bard of efjnali-
We acknowledge pleaaant call from
I Meser. J. K. Woodcock and J. M. Pati-
I . ... . it:
eon oi wwtnic. jiers. aisrun injj
and II. K. Driver of Winnie, are aleo in
j the city,
Mr. Ileury Jlcncl), who ha been with
. E. McCormick at Pleasant Uidge for
. v yen months, take the night train for
Clay Center, Kan-as, to see hi mother,
who is dangerously ill.
III expected that the steam ferry
liat w ill Unnched Saturday forenoon.
The work of repair have been very
re pairs
thorough, an almost er.tire new
having hwn built under here.
The river today shows a rise of one
foot and four-tenths since yesterday. Jt
i stands todav at tw o feet and three-tenths
above zero. A rie of a few feet will
soon clear the river of ice.
Mr. John Kothe of Kingsley, w ho has
ln in tbe city several days, return
borne today. We acknowleOge social ; Dailei Lave CBUSe to happv over the
call from him. Our farmer friends are j result of assay made by a Denver as
al way welcome. saver. Five specimens of the rock were
Bro. Parker, of the Walla Walla , sent to Denver. One of those showed
Statesman, suggest an idea about the 1
jute bag factory move that we haven't
"caught on" to. Give a pointer.
Colonel, from experience.
We are pleased to note the fact that
Kditor Morgan of the Sun has so far re
covered a to I able to resume bis
dutios on that journal, though Still
feeble from hi late serious Illness.
Arrangement have been made by
which from 3,000 to 5,000 barrel of
Pendleton flour will be shipped each
month toChiia. Inland Kmpire wheat
and flour are obtaining a world wide
Sinnott 4 Fisb put tip about twenty
tons of Columbia rivej- ice yesterday,
which will come into use when the
stoves are removed from The I'malilla
later on. It is the bet and cheapei-t
ice they have put up for several years
A resolution requiring the secretary of
state to furnish 25,000 additional copies
of the report of the board of horticulture
has lieen indefinitely (tostponed. This
lets Mr Shaw bssnwood report out, on
sagebrush und bunch grass in Kastrn
A new material to which the
name of !
aidiertu. srcelain has len applied is
said bv Prof. d'Arsonval to be peculiarly
tuted for the manufacture
cups for electric batteries.
of iiorous
This sub
better insti
stance is about 2 75 times
lator than porcelain.
Mr. W. E. Garreteon has received to
day, the finest lot of silverware ever
brought to this city. What is the most
striking alaiut it is the beautiful hand
engraving and unique ftyle of each piece
on exhibition. The only thing to be re
gretted by some is that it was not here
in time for the holidays.
The amount of wheat which changed
haiw's at Colfax arid in its immediate
vicinity laH Saturday w as about lOO.Oul)
tushcls. That this sule. was the result
of a mistake in a cipher dispstrh doc
not mar tho satisfaction of the farmers
who disposed of their grain on that oc
casion at a good price. Our former
townsman J. II. Larson did them a good
turn ut least.
The man who neglects to Invest in
real estate right now I making one of
the gieat mistake of hi lifts. The!-s City projierty I going to advance,
and that within year. A judicions in
vestment at thi time will brirg hutij
some profits and bring them quickly.
It oujht not to take more than a few
day no to unroll the last yard of red
tijti in which the business is involved
and1 set the work b imovIi' for ih
long, long hoped for con pletion of the
tascades cannl and locks. Should the
lime not be uitab'y relelfnted? Say
we do it.
"W here there a wrl there
. I
from Th Itly hMl 1. Tt.uw.Uf. j
Sheriff K. H. I.elie of Moro. 1 in the 1
iy on official bitiflnma.
; Ct. II. C. C; of Liver t.illed
, at thN ofTue yesterday.
A Tucker cu rojwm.liat wrilea us that
it baa biit very cold there, ami the nor
etill harg on.
Mr?. Iia F. Powrr. who ha lec-n
vikiting in the city for tin-punt week,
return to Portland on ihv afternoon
Mexira. Winan lind., who were at
work at their Bthery on the north eidtf
yesterday, croaaetl the Columbia river
on the ice to thiaai.le hut evening,
j abreait of Senfertt fishery.
Word comet that Mr. Chittenden, lata
aintant oetmater at thia city, ha
been troubled with an afilietion of tho
eve which compel him to abandon
hi duties In Moscow pofctotfiee.
"Kalcy'a Act Paasea the Senate," it a
head-line in the Oregoiiian today,
which, for nnliuiited deceptive gall I
aa pronounce! aa aouie of its book ad
vertisement. Bets are no longer de
cided by the Orogonian.
The annonnccineut that Col. Compton
baa been pardoned by the prexidtut was
received by the Walla Walla people
with noaiething approaching indiffer
ence. Col. Coinpton's punishment con
sisted in the verdict of the court, and
not in the penalty attached to it.
The ice block in the Columbia below
this city yeaterday ha graduallv formed
op stream until It ii now nearly opposite
the Baker landing, frozen clear across
the stream. T!ie cold blue water above
the line which marks
winter is very inviting lor lurtiier en-
j croachments, and we may soon be able
t to w alk to the Hockland side.
j A committee of ladies of The Palle
have bad seventy-six sacks of floor
j tarned over to thern from the lire relief
: committee c f
' berever they may
to be distributed
decide, to relieve
nT esses of want found in the city.
-me poor ye always nave, ana in ine
Dalles it is a matter of congratulation
that our devoted and charitably inclined
ladies have found means to render as
sistance in several instances where aid
was needed.
Mr. Fred Drews and others, who have
recently made a valuable discovery of
minerals within thirtv miles of The I
11 15 to the ton silver, and $10 gold, total
$131 to the ton. Another shows a value i
. ein . . ,
of tJUOlo the ton. W e congratulate tlie
i . . . . ,, ;
Incky prospectors, and hope that all
their anticipation may be fulfilled. It
will 1 another big thing for The Dalles.
The election of Judge Martin to the
United State senate In Kansas, has
thoroughly disgusted Mrs. Lase. It
was to her as the last scald w hich ruined
the pot of beans. She declares it Is the
death blow to the populist party in Kan
sas, and she has renounced her allegi
ance to it. Mr. Digs, her co-laborer,
affirm that In the election of Martin,
the populist party of Kansas ha com
mitted suicide. But she teems to have
a most wonderful hope that from the j n1 are truly of an intermiltant char
ashe of the populist partv, w ill arise I ,cte'
another party which will carry out the I Portland's market is easier, and hold
will of the people, in spite of political j ers are firm iu the face of it, anticipat
trickery. an ,jvance at an early day. Its
The spare ferry boat, flat used at
line when the earn ferry boat is laid
op, was fastened to stake on the north
side of the Columbia opposite the city
for safety Iat week, but the safety por
tion of the arrangement was not up to
i expectation, as the boat is now lodged
In the Ice near Crates point
. , , '
Shu was
7"" """' i 110
""'" 'lJ Vlh ' '"Int
cnrrieo aw ay Ijv a noe oi ice on
and the steam ferry boat were on the
wuys undergoing repairs, mere was no
steam craft available to go to the rescue,
she lodged in the pack. It i., thought
he u.av be saved bv cutting the ice and
getting her hsIk, hu the chance, are
against her. At the only
. f crsin? tho Columbia at The Dalle
is by small Uats
The Union w hict club was entertained
hvrt evening by Mrs. Pr. Kshelman at
Fraternity hall, about forty gutsta being
present. Twenty-five hand were,
tilaved. resulting in a tin N-luren Mr
W. Lord and Mr. W. II. Hobson. This
necessitated a deciding gaum to st curo
the prixe. Mr. Iord chose Mrs. Hchenck
to atsii-t hi in, while Mr, llobsou se
locted Mr. Itinehart. Trumps (old,
and skill availed Mr. I-ord nothing, for
Mr. Hobsoq carried off the prize, an
elegant painting. Mr. Hostetler se-
care-i me oojny. ine i iiid will l ; ow (1JP H home market und for ship
eutertaiiitd next week by Mr. and Mrs. 1 iiml to Portland. Chicken are qnoted
Fish. The guest wero Mr snd Mis W "''- t;0 '":5 60 l,,r doxen ; tuikeys 8
I,rd. Dr and Mr. Ulnehart. Mr and j gX1
Mr. J H tish. Senator and Mrs Hilton, liKKv McrroK Beef cattle Is In
Judge snd Mr Jlradslmw, Mr and Mr moderate demund at $2 00 per 100
Hosteller, Mr and Mrs W Ilol..n, Mr j weight gross to $2 00 for extra good.
i .... vv t T ,m,.i i .. i v Mutton i held at an advance of last
und Mrs II Wl.hcnd, Mr and.Mrs , ...... ,,,.., ,l., tl M ...
W II Wilson, Judge and Mrs A
A Ber.-
mtt, Mr and Mrs A Mao be, J, Mr and
Mrs C n B.vsrd, Mr and Mrs F A
llougliou, Judge and Mrs O Blake
ley, Mr sti I Mr. J S K,,e:k. Mrsnd
Mr II S. Wi'son, Mr. W f Myers. Mri
II Glenn, Mr If M Ceall. Mrs U C
Islitlumn, slivs Anna )'ii't'n, r H
Ix cn. Mnriln poouel!, K Iw Ilorivtlcr. i
II II l.l'Uieil
ltly Kill IWcalad
Halkm, Jan. 25. In the venule thi
afternoon Mr. Haley' hiil for tin) dalle
Portair came up at 2 o'clock, having
been made tde (.ecial order of Imslne?
fur that hour. Tlie t.ill it defeated by
u Voti of 17 ! II.
Senator Hairy, in behulf of the bill,
eiirii-tiv ..irtrnved the nied of the
Inland l'.inpii. Cop. ell, of Ijiki'
win nt V. m In. IlHiI Keen elentetl tt louil
: th ..,.:.!.. ...!.. .,:i,j i
j huillom,V-.. yvnU.h ' ,llllineil ,
; hit conttituetiu did not approve, of the
measure. Tho vote at the slaughter
standi :
Yeas Illuckmnii, I'ennv, Ilirwli, Mat
lock, McAllister, Kalky, Smith, fcteiwer
Willis, Woodurd. Mr. President 1 1 .
Xay Alley, ltancroft, Iteckley, liut-ter.-'.'ameron.'
Voiquirll, Crosno,' Cross,
J'utlton, Unlet, lhys, Huston, Ixxiney,
Maxwell, Myers, Yandenhiirg. Vtatch, 17
Absent McGinn, Weatherford.
The names of those npon whom the
doubtful honors of this defeat rests will
lie found in italics in the above record.
Paste it in your hat.
Pete Gates is evidently oppoeed to the
improvement of the Yamhill river. He
still lives at Lafayette. Dodson is a res
ident of Baker city, strange us it may
A Washington dispatch received
state that the secretary of war has
approved the bonds of Mesers. J. (i. and
I. N. Pay, the contractors for the com
pletion of the cascade canal. Ou re
ceipt of the official notification, which
will be within a few day. They will
begin operations within eight or ten
days. Messr. Pay Eros, are confident
that the great work will be completed
within eighteen months.
' tiik . dalles markets.
! Thcksuat, Jan. 20. Trade during the
j Pst wk h l,,,en "d a general
'W""ceion prevails in business circles.
the brid-'e of!u conversation with one of our leading
. grocery dealers, we learn that there
been a steady falling off of trade all
winter and the question was asked why
it was eo, and the reply was that there
was tight market and no money in
circulation ; also there was a disposition
not to extend credits. However this
may be, a general complaint is made of
dull times and a limited trade in all
branches. Former prices are main
tained without any evidences of a
change to take place soon. Tbe pro
duce market is undergoing a change in
prices. Eggs are in better supply and
are quoted down a couple of rents, 28
cents caeh and 30 cents per dozen in
trade. Butter is u little easier on the
market, but there has been no change
in price from last week.
Vegetables, that is to say tnrnips,
beets, parsnips and carrots, are growing
scarce, owing to the frosty weather, and
the market is stiffening in accordance
with non-arrival of that class. Cellery,
cauliflower and cabbage are in fair sup
, ,, . .'
plv. Potatoes are brmer and pncei
, , . . .i ,
have advanced somewhat, thev are
quoted at $1.25 to $1.35 per sack of 100
lbs. according to quality.
The receipts of fruit and poultry have
been light for tbe week and prices are
In provisions, meats such as hams,
and hog products that are cured, are
a shade dearer and firm at that. Freeh
meats arc firm and steady on an un
chand market.
The wheat market abroad and on the
coast offer no encouragement to holders
at present. Prices are fluctuating daily
ing an advance at an early day
quotations are $1.20 to $1.22,' percental
for valley und $1.10 to $1.12,, per cental
for Eastern Oregon. Our own market
is steady iu wheat, oats and barley
quotations, and is in good supply. The market is nearly lifeless
in barley, prices are down to 70 and 75
cents ier 100 lbs.
Oats The oat market is stiff and of
ferings are light at $1 25 cents per 100
j I'os. Kye 75 cents tier bushel.
: Mn.i.sTfrrs Bran and shorts are
! quoted at f IS 0 per ton, niid-
' ;?Jtt'i ffT V"' ,?,lVIi
! l)',rU'' V? to ri1(!J to"- hMl'
I e,oorn .2o. r . . .
t i 'it-Salem au I. flour i quoted at
rr barrel Diamond brand nt
M "'r UA' K'r ,ou n'1 U 00 'r lhl
Hay Timothy hay ranges In price
from $12 00 to i5 W per ton, according
to quality aud condition. Wheat hay is
in full stock on a limited demand ut
10 00 to $12 00 per ton. There is no
inquiry for oat hay, and price are off.
Allalfu bay is not much called for, and
! '!"' ' l . I'r
Bl'ttkr Fresh roll butter at 55 to 60
cents per roll, In brine or dry salt we
quote 40 to 45 cents ;r roll.
Eoos The egg market ia short In
supply and good fresh eggs And retidy
sale at .'!0 cents per dozen cash.
Poim.thy There is a fair demand for
, f.i , ner head. Pork olTeriins ar
liiiht and prices are nominal to 6 to 4'v
Ti9 weight Slid 5'v to U cents dlt'
Corrcs "til piott dat 22'. jc
per lb., bv the sa''k. S.iivudore, 2Jc.
Arbnckles,' 25c.
SciiAS Hidden C, ill bbl or sai k .
S.'msi; Extrrt C, $r, ! ; Dry grnnoluted
tti Oil; In x.t , P. G., in Si lb boxes,
Lx C:, il t'j. GC l 73.
Svat-r $2 0O2 75 pr keg.
Kick Japan rice, tl'di'c; Nland,
rice, 7 et.
Kkikb Small white. 4'. ,(." c: Pink,
4 '-c4'vc per 100 Ids.
Si.t Liverpool. ."Killi sk, hoc: XOIb
'k.l 10; J('(i:h k, $2 W. Stock sit.
$1 (Hi cr tun.
Phikii Kki-itk Italian prune, 12c per
lb, by box. Kvuor:tcil apples, pic per
Ih. Pried graH-i, !i,a pic per pound.
VEilirAHI.: AMI kill) i is.
PorAn.i.s -IVei-leow, Buffalo whiten,
Snowllake and Bnrhiink seedlirVs quoted
at $1 25 per 100 II.
Onions The market quotation for
A I onions is l .',0 per 100 lbs.
Gkxkn FkI'itm Good apples sell for
$1 25M $1 76 per lmx. Fall and early
winter iK-arsrre quoted nt tlO a'.V per
umca and run.
Hidks Are quoted as follows: Pry,
6c lb; green, 2(.2 ; culls 4c lb.
Shksf PtLTs 10" 6,' ea. Deerskins,
20c ib for winter and 80c for summer.
Dressed, light $1 lb, heavy 75c lb. Bear
skins, li!0 ea; beaver, $2 50 lb;
otter, $4; fisher, $5(a$ft 60: silver gray
fox. $10(o$25j red fox, $1 25; grey fox,
$2 5013: martin, $1($1 25; mink,
50c'55c; coon, 35c; coyote, 50cfa 75c ;
badger, 25c; polecat, 25c(45c; com
mon house cat, 10c(a2'ic ea.
Wool The market is reported off ou
wool, and is quoted at 10c(tl5c lb.
American Cholera.
From the Dailv Riveills, Whatcom, Wsh.
"T. C. Burnett, the democratic candi
date f. r sheriff, was taken violently ill
atCleirb-ook. He had all the symp
toms of Asiatic cholera, and for an hour
or two it was feared he would die. They
finally garo him a dose of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
which revived him until a physician ar
rived." That is precisely 'what the
manufacturers of that medicine, recom
mend for cholera. Send for a physician
but give their medicine until the physi
cian arrives. If cholera become preval
ent in this country next summer this
preparation will be" in great demand be
cause it can always lie depended upon.
For sale by Blakeley A Houghton, druggists.
of tho Many Who lll Not Sian
. Tlckkb, Jan. 21. Special. I am
a man who don't know much, but I do
know this much, that the fever is a bad
thing to have. I had aguo fever five
years. When I came down from the
Baldwin district to Hood River I found
that some of its people hud the county
fever bad. People this way want an
open river, and it would be better for
the people of Hood Iliver to talk "open
river" too. But no; and it has been
said they don't care. They don't seem
to think that an ojn river will help
Hood River. They don't think that the
poor pay high freight on whatever
comes on w heels to that town. But if
they do think, they do uot tare. They
want the new county and thus pile more
loud on (he poor. If there are men like
myself, and I think there are, not able
to buy s sack of flonr just now to save
their lives, to pile on mo and my fellow
poor additional burden, is a shame. Of
course it is right enough for the few in
town, aud to those who have land for
sale, etc.
I was told by one on wheels, who
runs around with a petition, that Wasco
is in his book, one hundred by some
thing iu size and here is this in black
and white 00x50. Who know, the most,
I or the man who is so sick after office?
Time, will tell on him when he tries to
run a ioor widow woman out of ollice.
This same man said that the Hood
River sople are taxed higher than the
people above The Dalles. He knew it
was not so. Aa you suggest, w hy not
go w ithin seven mile, of Portland, and
leave the east side of Hood River to
Warco county, and then call the county
Ia France, something grand. Aot K.
I'mllspnted Authority.
The United States Dispensatory says
that "Onions are a stimulant, diuretic
and expectorant ; they increase the ap
petite and promote ' digestion." The
piicc made into syrup as in Jlr. Gunn's
Onion Syrup, has a specilic action on the
Throat, Lungs and air passages, it not
only cures Coughs. Colds, Croup and
Consumption, but its stimulating effect,
strunghtens and builds up the syntem
afterward. As a tonic ami restorative
it has no equal. We solicit a trial in the
most chronic and stubborn cases. Prhv
50 cents. Sold by Blakeley Houghton,
The steamship Michigan ran ashore
on a reef of locks, on Vancouver island,
in a dense fog, last Saturday, and Is a
total wreck. All of her crew escaped in
the ship's boat. The vessel was under
churter to the George Peltrit;k tdcam
bhip company of San Francisco, and
was put on tho Snn Francisco, Puget
Sound nnd British Columbia route.
A Sure Cure for 1' Ilea.
Itching Tile are: known by 'moisture
like (xTspirittlon, causing intense itch
ing when warm. This form a well a
Blind, Bleeding or Protudiug, yield at
once to Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy,
which acts directly on part, affected,
absorbs tumors, allays itching find
effects a permanent cure. 50 cents.
Druggists or mail. Circulars free. Dr.
Bosanko, Philadelphia, pa. Sold by
Blakeley A Houghton, druggist.
Messrs. A. L'lrich A Son, of The Dulles
cigar factory, have moved their hnsincsn
to more convenient and commodious
quarters on the opposite si Ih of Main
street, next (h)or to tho Baldwin jci
l n.U.
At the MethodNt Kpisiwpal church
nsrlors, tn this city, Jan. 24th, 1MI.1,
Sir. J. F. H.'iworth and Miss E.lilh A.
Richards, by Rev. .1. U hish r.
Dl 1. 1.
llr. Mary W. Cue. relic of ti e late N.
(Ve, at bir home In Hood Hirr on Pie
21st iiittnnt, at th sdvsnred age of 01
jears sud V months.
j lean lelioriiii( ! II.
Fanners and stock raiders univer-.iily
ai;ree that dehorning cattle is a great :id
, vantage, ihecaltle Is ci.ine more docile
! and can he handled much e.-icier, and
(are easier cured fr than with
: horns. All fanners in, d stockmen also
j aniee I lian t he pro) er thinjr to do is to
1 st..p the growth 1. 1 iln ,(,rii on the calf,
ineret.y avonling tlie troublesome and
painful iis-ratioii of iifing the caw.
I lean's la-horning pencil lus )een
thoroughly tented evenw!:ci.i and
thoiiKandii of farmeis ami ( kinen can
ttstifv as to the advantage of m-ing the
iame on young flock. It maVes no sore
and cause no imin. J'.y one application
the horn w ill drop off in a few days. It
is guaranteed to give niti-faction if ap
plied as directed. J'.cst of iciVrences
furnished. Agents wanted. Address;
V. Ii. JoluiHon, La Grande, Oregon. (P.
O. laix KM),) general western agent for
Eastern Oregon. 1.20w4t
We have an unliinitctl amount
of money to loan on ap
proved farm security.
TH0K'lil'KY cV IllDSON,
The Dalles, Or.
unffertaRer ana EiuDaiiuer,
Orders by dispatch, mail or in person
filled any hour, day or night.
Prices as Low as the Lowest !
Pictures framed in all styles and sizes.
Place of business cor. Third and
Washington Streets.
f ... .......
Afliutfilftlrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, the administrator of the es
tate of John Mason, decease. I, has filed
his final account in said estate, and that
Monday, the tlth day of March, 1893. at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. iu. of said day,
at the county conrt in the courthouse
in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon,
is the time and. place fixed by an order
of the Hon. Geo. C. Blakeley, county
judge of Wasco county Oregon, as the
time and place for hearing said account,
which order bears date the 7th day oi
January, 1SSI3. All parties interested
in said estate are hereby notified to file
their objections to said account, if any,
on or before said time.
Dated this 7th day of January, 18SI3.
S. V. Mason. Administrator of the Es
tate of John Mason, Deceased.
Duma & Mknkkki:, Attorneys for said
Estate. " wjinfin
Timber Pultun-. Ilnul pnwjf.
V. 8. land Office, The I miles, or., Keo. is, lr.
Notice is hereby Kii'etl that Jhiik's W. Otx tins
filed nntieeoniitcntion to make llnnl yrsf be
fore the register sud nvt-iver nt their ortiee in
The Dalles, or., en Tuesday, flu- 7th day of Feb
ruary, ltfia, on timber cul'lure upl leal ion No.
wl, for the K' j sW1, of section No. 4, ill Tp.
No. 1:1 8. K. Hit. :i east.
He naines hs witn.rswt.: o. H. Russell, J. VC.
Kussell, Isaac i'utteiuoide Had M. K. McIhsI, all
of Kinsley, Ori'iron.
I'.'.'JK.I JOHN W. I.KWIh, Iti-Kbter.
NoUnc; in hcrvl.v that by virtue at ttn
t'Xt'utliMt hikI nnli'i i( mii lr, ifum. out of thw
4 fit-uit urt nf tin ftttttt tf .r'Kii, fur the
county of uHct, on tht .iti d.-iy of IettinlHr,
to me diriTt1 himI iii'IIvitwI, in
a unit tht'n-lu ami tnrntfnr (M'mlinjr
wiion-in J. A. (ullifortl jilnhitiil hihI
Willirim A. iliiiuu nikI i:i.--U- If.wuiH urro tif
fiMK.HiitK, fitmiiiMtiilti K mt to tt-vy um hipI
uell ci'ttiiln riil t'Hlnte titnIitHfter nrticularly
intMiUdiitMl hihI ih't-vi ttjetnl, tu nullify Ihi oiini of
$!7.V4h, with liiirrest on miiil r-tim nt tlu rnte of
einht p r c' ut. r rttiuum fin iUv l'th t;ty of
Ntivt'iiiN r, iiiMl t!if f'lrllitT mud if at
t4irny h fiiw, l.rKi-tlpr with tt.c tn h:ii ili
hnrNt'HuMitM, ittiuli biMl t xiMMulctl in nui'i suit,
nnl thfcohU, i luirvct ami rx,4M'fW,f khIv, I Jni
li'vy tin .ii Hi d will on hatnMt.v, thr lst ti.iy
of miliary, 1 MW, ut thr front mt of tho fonntr
Court liii)tit) iIU ttv. W mh'o ruunty, orv
ffoii, at tli hour i f ?ti il.N'V hi tht Hltt'rihHiu
of Miil day, fit mh)ir mucMoii t thr hiKhrttt
blthhT for ensh tu hard, all ul thr iM dm ing
drMTii1! trul rt;itt', ti-wtt:
'I'hif iitirili half of I he kMiutV.rit quarter ami
throat half of th' n or I lira t U:iit'r of tion
thirty-four (:t4) In tf m 11 Ii I i our I; uoith of
raiiair foiirtt'i'ii 1 1 rant of the WUrn-ttt me
ridlau. Iu hpmmi county, Orru' niitisty uui
pav tuihl auiiiM iilwivo invMtiourd.
iBtctl thi.s J.'ii ilny of I ! m I m -r, lMrj.
T. A. WA!W.
wtl.'J) KluTlif of WastM Tountv. Mate t-f Ortyt.n.
By vlTtut of an rrrution nnti ontrr of Ante,
lnurtl out of thtt t'frruit Court of thr Htate of
O rc mi for tUcrtniiity of Whmm, to ltit diriM'tiHl,
In tha uit wlu-rr u ttiu r"HH tors' I-ouu ami
rl TUit Co. in jtlitintin, anil William K. itiivtou.
Mriry K. tiiiytim ami R MrKrlvry arr (U-Vrnrt-ant,
rommiiiuilnK inn to h- y ii.on mill ma.
alr of thoM ot rtttiu iirrt-H aiul arct ic tif html
tu WaM'ti fiiuntr, ntatr of Ort'tfoii, known and
dt.'urrllK'l tli- Wiat half of thr Moiithrant quar
ter and the eat half of thr KoiithweM qua: tt-r of
Hrrthui four 4) in tnvvnshli o (t) hoiiUi of
laiitfe. thlttorii (l.t; runt ot thi' lllaint tto im-iid
fan, rotitalTdmi on-hundrrd and Mty Hcrrs. !
bavu llil day ltvid uimmi iald land and on 1 ri
dt , K bruiirv ;M, lv t, at thr hour of It o vUmt
a. tu, of Maid day. In front ot tliu court houe
do'-r, III nahl roiinty Hud htatr, 1 1( no 1 mini
land at puhilc ntjr.thm to tho hih-vt hiddtr
thrvfor. T. A. VAIlli(
hhonff u Wand. (Vunty, Statu of Oregon,
TItiibrr Und, Art Juno. 1, 116.)
V. n. 1 and Otnru, Tho lallrt (r.. Krh. t,
Nothe h lirrrhy given that tn com ph mice
ith th irovllon of the art of rony,rv of
JunrA, ls7H,rntitlrtl "An act for thv khUt it tim
ber IntidM Iu tlie tatt id t'altforntu, Orcguu,
Nevada and rt anhlntfton Territory, "
Thoiuaa trarBhrr,
Of Iufnr, county of W'afMvi, ;nte of On rn, hsu
thta day IiIihI Iu thin oitire hU hworn nUtt'inrnt
for tlitf fin irhtiMt of thu N's of NK1, hK1 f
N K1 1. and NK' of Hi.' t nf fvc. No. Ih, In town
hip No. 'J H , run it" So H K. W . M, and will
othririH)f to uliow that tin- land utfht ia niort
vaiuh fir tin tlmlaT or titir tuan lor m'rH'ul
tuiai iUroarf., m to rxthlt-h hla rlalm hi
ald hind I hre tli n lh-r ami hirlo r of thia
Mlic at 1 he liitllr. IT, on thr M day of r ebi li
ar vt
llo n-tiiii in w'tiMfOs- Ihilittt MMrrlon.of
Nan urn, Or., Mnrd h MrUi-tl, ol Kinphy,
Or., .lohu Ad imti, of N ut-MMir, hi., autl John
Mutray, id ;hummh 1 T.
Any and nd ret w'ii ihdii'li ff mKerarly the
atKve di' i'i Ihi d l-i nd rr rt-t(n, d t t til Iht-lr
r lit in In M' ottico tin u U-lurt t d i ad U .y I
KrhriMH , lffT.
ll-wJJ ii J(,UN V. I I U ItryUtcr.
Kmedr for Caarrti la the
Laaleak to !', and f brap.
br trjrult, r tt'iH lir ttML
JL T., HUTU, tm.