The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 27, 1893, Image 2

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Eui Culls.
w ater Frpm Nonlcs Freexin. Fircmca
t tiie Sidewalks.
M TfetwrM.
Ou. ;.. Jan. 24. With th New
York bar!- jrv.wa c p. ten urean rteani
er floundering in ice-floe at Hamburg,
Florida uSt-riiig frviu cold and th en
tire west enameled with enowbauk. it
appears that the present frot-bit it
nipping a pretty large ectio of th civ
ilized world. Thirty -two decree below
aero i the brarins temperature regis
tered np tiear the Canadian borler and
" v , - , " . ;
ar prei-mte ovt-n-nai and Uher luxene
. ' , , . . . ....
13 an atone.pherr a l-.u-u keep the .
' :
Uiometer at aero. ,
. t
Ia the eat an nttieer id f r-.uten i
, . , . ;
wiUi hi hnd in tHe ti.rotl!: the rod-1
, . . :
der on tiie l l.i.a teipliia ferr--lat
. , , . ... ., '
frcae iT and laT dormant in true I hn-
aislpiiia Uhun : oy-ur in tle t hea-
, , .. ... . . I
peakr liar arr r..;.J over with thick a .
' . .. . . ,-. i
and ran I r got at. ami n;. at kir.toa '
c woaian carried a s'I of aser a sliort
ditance and bcth a ere froxen. A tog
in New York audaciously tried to fpiit
an rr-fli in two. an J ran at it on'y to
grt wetijed in and carriel dowu the
bor, alirietin; be!p. These and the
rioa delays of luany snow Iwuud
treias and a j-T-r; distarbance of and tragic mark the fea?are of a
very r'orua cj!J snap.
In (.'hrtxj'j and U c of ti-e iatiie ur
kwer ia.litiK tiie apectacuUir effect of:
this inter panorama can best be gained I
by inisr;uiu2 ttve condition prevailing j
less than six luocths ago. Tbi i the j
asm ri'.y iire:.n tut recectJy men i
went a!sjt tiie streets, panting, in their '
shirt-eieevr-s. waving paim-leal fans,
gaxjding iced dnnk and scalied witb .
the haoji-1 lieat. Thi preporteroc pic-
u. r IB ( "V wire vu .a f' ui iuiuu i M i
tue present LUxardy day, when the Jhrw pot nff, firf)t cf boihlmg
u'.y ear ay to get oct to the crib i to)on ih coast, tiie California oprem
wa.s. - coart bciiding. and several aimilar
At a fire las: tight on Clark street tb j structure.
water frtze a'.uoct as fat a it left the ; Very rty Isriassi.
Louse anl tie firemen wbo betd the nos
xles w ere e- n fnurn to the pavement.
Tb front of tii bulld:t.g was soon cov
ered witb a coatpletecoaiicgof K-e. The
telephone aire ia front of the bclldicg
a: so fell down from the weight of ice
which gathered opvn them, and tbey
.presented a pictnresqu sight a tbey lay
.a festoon oa the pavement.
Combiutbg the ridicuioas with tb
raUllme featcres of the storm, tb
enow was
rra jicd off tb track i
and Laaked CD on cither side i
aloxgtbe Ilawtliora race-coorse yener-
day, leaving a bard, sandy crust on
which tbe hordes galoped with tbeir
laU frozen ockera, ia order to decide
wbo t-boe'd take the money deposited
r";tlt lle eifAt
UXX-maaers, wbose ,
stud lassie tie het'-ing-nng. i
A it-w years ago ro u a scene, if we!I de-
.icted vpou.tbe stage, would bare
br-cr":.t roar of app!aue becaas of it
xaer.ts i !.5t;o w U oid-ume ? f0:uw ing exiy of a Wtter from
spce-. harse-raritg. Itaeen th j ,Ion H . Eose, a-iitant commii-t-aci
atd ll-e craad ?and tJ-ere wa a te general Und ofTice, at Wab-
lamer U snow ebl in-he deep, aoa '
ti lg lid aid slaule-rooff beyond
wre a '.! rrz.i ex of white.
Her std timers aluLgd jaibs throcsb
tie tpe-a t'.imea w?atpd ia bug'
iataealib aee, herrvlae aki,
:iKi!rji r! tot Uie reK !
it h?iT.-r ke;t r tbe.ter exr;4
fc" "V! tCS
rvanerC'uia ari bis a- nc.rt to the
sort. $4 it bare Utm hard work '
t rt-avun-w' a Ksttay-kiaa vt tew rear
tntuit viiene'rnmrt' t;Vd
Cii Pjrjtt -4 .-,si rg xsr. .
' "
' . i i r .
Sdaady. This wek t abade m try to .
Filrtf . v r. i tfts'.r tsi.e .
w".r.t initted kirt I V. , s...
'r. 'V irv.r-r mm. .
, . . . " ' 1 noi, ; ,a m i was
" ten ii was a b-.-T
w ':.z-t.-i tun., aii in twelve Be derUrel
timeelf tct ca a foul. Care sbocld U i
Uisc U tbe tgitL-g pcbSc A to take
, . .
tt.itti tjr r vo. rg fr-a
t r'i sm r-t ry,a vi-e s'ui.w o.v
Fi t wn'ly lacked t bar acj
w.. -laxeawyocr
jetjajr TToicvVt, tif C'..":ad, d- if A
Lk tb Carg-Oxixt.?j0 jy-jstsgs
Kits;, msA La ittr' 4 a jx.iA rea
' '. Jtj" Ctli-t ti y.Jmr yiierkl
t Cejiiirwe tb iA Lb -ealled
.tite frjetig r'asspf.
w:.;is.irsjj;Tt:rlIe-. lit
. ..'a a
tlai Vt rv.: Hi t ix. tui-I'Mr'j arted
:! iSs "ktew bm! Lbg tuvrt
Tf tl 11 li.-s Ua-f "a-r cv-
' g b 0 aa tsttJci. Tb rusvla-1
t .. ext tT.
plrtMl ta a.laM Mratti. I
h IS psilj lrnrun. -ti J
Miwt. J. O. and I. S- Day. ot n
Francisco, lo whom was awarded the
contrart fr completing th cascade
i canal and lock. hare ! in m cut
i far several days. By th term of their
! contrart they ar required to begin work
too the job within ten dy after tbeir
bond are approved. All the papf
i con tu-td with the matter are now in
the department at Washington, and the
contractor are hourly expecting the re
ceipt of die patch informing them that
all formalities hav been completed and
everything m ia readiness for commenc
ing operations. They hare been n j to
the cascade looting over the situation,
and it ia probable that willtia twenty or
: thirty day tbey will hare a tore of men
grtting oat rock for th work. They
1 have tarnished bouJ ia th ratn of
! $SOO,000 for th satisfactory completion
of the job. with Mn. Behrmg Joost
; and L F. Kennedy, ol San Francisco, a
I raretie, and their bonds ha been c
' eepted and will doubtlea be approved.
Mr. J. G. Pay iu ia Washington a
few weeks since, and found everyou
connected in any way with th
cascade lock completion, acxioo to
hare the work doo a toon aa possible
and willing to do all possible to help th
matter along. The civil sundry bill now
before congress contain aa appropria
tion for tbi w ork of orer a million dol
lar, which, w ilh the balance of the ap-
t propriation now ia land. will amount
to ,t .454,(k, f, a hich the contract wa
let. It i ex peited that thi approjria-
' .,
Uii aill b naswed, ia which case Mr.
, . ' , . , , k
Iv hope to liae tli cauai ami luck
j . i
completed in about a Tear and a bail.
He ava U.ere ia a magnificent piaat
. . , ... ,
na the gTound and every faciaty reqmreu
' , . . .
for earn-mg on Ue work which wnl be
, .
turned over to him. He think toe im-
,. , . , ,
prewion w hx-b one eem to hare ftrm-
. . .
IU lit wr.jwrr-i uawm.
monev on the work i not well foanded.
Th delay has bees canned by the fact
that the apjiropriatioo were . made in
mall Mimi, whkh woald not allow of
the work being prosecuted to advantage
as regards economy. The manner in
w htcu the work ha been done, be aays,
reflects great credit on the ecgiueer. It
i wet! and substantially done and has
been directed in an intelligent manner.
Mr. Iy say the opinion be beard
expressed of the Oregon eotigreaeional
delegation in Washington was that tbey
are hnstier, w bo have managed to,
secure more than tlieir share of the
funds for harbor and river improve
ments. Tbey have gt dollar where the
Californian bare got cent.
Messrs. Day have bad a number of
large contracts in California, and are
. ,. , . f
Tiie little bird that make their habi
tat in and about Albany ran teach tlieir j
feathered kindred down in the big!
inetropuli a trick or two in the way of j
taking comfort tbeee cold night, says j
Ui Albany democrat. Tb arc lights
serve for a very nice purpose beeides il-
laminating the street. At the corner
ci Firt and Ferry street, op under the
rover to the light, where it i warm and
well protected, everv nicht seven or
eiit L;uV j, ,1Te w in tbe il4bi.
of roosting fur several month, flying
away when daylight ooroes. Sometime
one of them falls down into tbe carbons,
only to be stunned. Tbe electric light
men are posted, and Tuesday night on
wa seen to let down tbe light and again
(li&Y tbe dd Urd on hi perch among
hi companion. Someitung
alout ti w hoi matter.
lr.iata mf ftsnlsn.
p. (-.. addressed to Hon. J. H.
i Mltcbell. I. S. Senator for Oregon, in
rep?y to a c-Kumunication from Thorn
. A hj t1 U.i citr. Tl let
, . . .
f-ars da! Jan. I. th, 1-1'3. ar.d ta V,
ittpoi-Uct to eertata riri wisuinz 10 j
rrtjv puWlc land. It is self e.j
t.:ar.lorv. and read as follows : S
- , , . i
i Mscw.i. f e. ,
1 liintut nonov vj srmus iijr i
the of your letter of Jan Inh.
doeii a wwimunicalioss from
TKs-t!jcrv A lia ison. Tbe Iu.te. Or..
.dated Jan. 21. I3, rtlatire to the
rlrbt '4 settler to purchase ' half s"c-
i-v. arla saw eon tain an excess.""
In re I will state that !. of ,
ti art r-vrlies that prw:js c.nxl.tid!
w-vitt vrm, ywo.i-
nd f'jr- j
Hsae4 ooo"r a-J act. in
riii.i tfaeses La anv rrim riersnn. 1
It was Irt-A. lmnrr, by c.2n letter i
' ''' "r '" "' ol A. L j
C'J J",'' :yx.matn j
woa.l I f-.rf;wed ta t!.jCio
1 . -.... !
1 this the ( L-rf-t-T voti.d Isr. sV-t-.'l ,
a TOi4 tviow be xrli'!J fra tl -r.-
tVrf, ti ex,s. b .t b iwcled; .t
r:a treexr rreater, it .1 ex-.oo.xl.
trrt I;et.5c..'
M. V'. 1s t, is t. Di :s.i?K j:f .
'A y.. D. if"::. a t .. vvv
iadlctied IjT axrr.ts-
lux.;, in ra'ld
i ' a rrota ix.i. ia
tLe Uti;4 h't.:
j if irt i-t J"rdu, ,. V,
tl alswo, cf 'if tU a' frr j ati
I bllr- Kr. Hows.:, it i.i t',-
! t.cvl. ViJ ,t aid S'il'.h. t'y
tvr i'sj ri-'tU ter, tf arm. zl
I asl pra4e4 lot g - t r.
! Tn;n Vaii. Or., Jan. fi To tie
I nwniU-ra ol the aj-ei-o.L'v.J fHir people
il El'iJ EC1TS f Clt TtniCfc- E!reerT.nlioat..r the'ehanee lo , .,
all rountT officer aaUriea inalrad fi
much leaa rt to taxpayer. 1'ay them j
' pod aalaric. not too mnrh though : for ,
WHT IS LIABLE TO COME OF lTjthir pler.t of good ability in the)
- -
. , , ,. - .
N Eltctio f I. S. Scaator at l!Tmpi
Ra Yet Occnrrtd.
iTI t M. nun? w K
tu,M Cwhif - Tl4h4 aatr
rla-Tai Oeailtev la l-r .
ri-rraacaG. Jan. 23,-Tb police of
' . ' . .
thi city br reiived from th Aaa -
trian gorernuent. a copy of Iionga-
,i.m rMr oJitjwl l.-r- Kr a imliUcal
. ...... .k
CJkifV Ill'aU AUnw t vaMba-M)-
on tb Austrian government, with tb
request that th paper b anpprerd.
ThU f mnrw. tb noiic Iiare no nower
to do. nor can the exclude paper
' '
from the man lor Austria, wbivn, unter
the international postal treaty, i!uU
allow it to circulate in that ronulry.
A all copies of it are seiaed aud boraed
on arrival in Aostria. international
complication may arise.
KlerttaH 1 el.
Ot Tweia. Jan. ZS. n th C't!i ballot
Shad! of Tierce went back to Turi.rr.
giving Allen 51. Tomer 2". 'i'igg" 21".
Teats 9. The Wth Wlot had the same
IIeueka, Mont., Jau 23. Iiallot for
senator : Sanders 27, Clark IS, Dixon 11,
Collins 12.
F.isact, N. I., Jan. 2X Two Ul-OTeg5 Iaclfic. Iturlington- njming ' lo It,rfivia. is at .llvmia, and de-
lot were taken for senator without ; tl coast. I.oacver does not depend llorpt ,;,e onusual spertarle ol a dipio
change. except Muir. pop., received . ! pnrchase of the (reg. Iaciflc. ; matic mln;tUv t),e jovernmeot ai-ting
democrat and popaluita combining on ! " lb Islington doe not unhase tb j BJAns,.r in . senatorial contest. Tiie
bim. will 1 bnilt through , a,p.tcb cke : "You are looked
Ttaiai. aslr -f e... Washington, connecting with Tacjma, opoB B moM clrf r(Kotjr( ( tu
.Nxw Toxt. Jan. S3.-Vi.ibl .upply ; l',k mJ nation, and bar. it in yoor power to
f S 555 ( bnabels. in,-rse
171,000; corn 12J76.rtXI bube!s. de
crease 14.1100; oat o.ftlT.tXV bushels, de
crease 2S.,oOO ; rye I.lKr. bnsi.eis.
decrease IS.QO0 ; rye 1,('J.ij0 bush!,
decrease I .; riey 2A"4. buhcl
decrease !.(.
gmwm OrkMlfs la rier.
LoMrv, Jan. 23. Col. Tboma tlcbil
tre will sail for tb United Sute Feb
ruary S;h. He will have in charge seven
h or ite bcioneins to Col. North, the
Nitrate Kiuir and aume rac belooe- !
ing to other., which be wul Uke to j
Chirazo. i
arms ranala.
Nrw Yoac. Jan. IT. Andrew Car
negie arrived from F.oro-e thi nomiiig.
It is understood h intend to go at once
to Fittsliunr to adjust tbe trouble flow
ing out of the Homestead strike.
IXottegalaho ImMk.
A difpatrh from Macon. a-, say
Associate Justwe of tbe Supreme Court
I Q. I. Lamar died there last nlgbt.
Itath war rudden ia tte extreme, for,
since th justice has there, be bad
appeared gradually to have been gain
ing. Last evening be visited for sum
time witb a friend, Ir. Llewellyn, and
just after tb doctor left bis boose, about
right oVioek, be wa seised with violent
pain in tbe heart and died in a little
w bile.
Ilialmp I'i.i'.lip Brook of Boston. d.d
very sudien'r yesterday morning, at
Vi reaidence in Boston. Hi death, by
tart failure, followed a spasmodic
coughing spell, of a abort duration.
A Heart WeieMM.
neofthe most enjoyable event of
the season, took place at th residen"
of M. M. Cashing on th evening of the
20th itst.. in honor of bis son Milo and
family, who are visiting reUttves and
friends in thi vicinity. About twenty
lv"rr' 77 T
o U.e,r o,i bom and fra-nda. A
in hvvi lire n in; unn;
was jed in vieitirg and dancing until
tb not very small hour of the morning,
all deiarted with wi!ie for many
Ifpv rrturt; of the rs-mion.
M;W Cushing is a daucVter of Mr. and
Mr. Wm. Fkrd. of !l,? f mi i f Floyd d.
MiowD, abd a ister of Xlrt. Shown..
Aiid their rhiidrcr.. two haudsotn
boy, can? in far tirf-ir sLxre of Use ut:a
eotuments: that 00 wa like th F'loyd
...... . j, .1
very in och !.k their fittrent. arid tbe
.J . a 1, La I I ...... . tt.mrw mrm
re.aaives on istn Rte are 10 u
... . .1 -
grata ated. !pe;a'!T tl rrand -
tfer,w bar ju.t ca-i-e lr -t1 in th
fcM al;ma 01 tie:r ctu.oreo an-j
r'1 at,- ira-r. A 1 fllb
fcV.J yocr kicking. If frutti frotn
tb t. da'l say a w -rd g'rst the
Ir.Lafcd Ir.plre; lor you have , twm.
Ixx.k at re j'rt d tir wcatuer ia the
re?; yoa rxue ficm. acd t' lng list
Am'.. I; ic a tiiocrh ereryiiodr
Lxs a e,! J, f t ia every tu Lave tbe
rr';., t.-r.e la tn i i'?.'y ! k ffta
jtrfaynla, fs-l U v.ry L'-h. j-rivisirt4
ft-rm ai. 1 rl-, ar.-l l u ia dalL
VI t it t'. jat'.r w :tii Tot Dil'.e at.i
iu tlltcaie,
. ,
rK Till AMHt..
Ward rrais M
Ik Tse
' ice miMtl.l not lie aa eAicicnl and at
( cvouty very auxioua to Jiil lbc -flice.
'Tli clamor that i a aoirce f imuchi
i annovauc to th bitter c'a .f people !
. .
at erery nominating conrrntion 1 al-.
icierk and aberiff;" all for the reaaon
that the taxpayer are paring from two
' to three time aa morn for the aervic in
, these two office a it i worth
conra In ureeent incomhenla :n
' office will inll that the prei-rnt fe
tyatem barely reward the officer for ,
' errice rendered and point to the fact '
that boo of tb officer retire rich :
bat it ia obrioaa to erer rloe-oberring
" "" pr""
; incumbent of tbeae fhcr, as it he
. with mmr tucce-hil batxumm man. they
would a'.ileate the county office with a
nice stake laid up. I'.uaineiw men are
iHnt W w
nk tor eery small margin. Farm-
er are hariiiC to rustle to live at ail
; , ,,;!, lh(l cttM.k, nntl riff through
: the date n-eeive the ctmpenation they
now do. Taxnavers will kick, and ttV
, f.0"1 - , M f
Ue people expect I on to put tlie-e
, djcr on angaries. Axox.
THE t. . a V- KOAD.
SMssiaiaf Aba Hs f - quirenteiit of th candidate. Hast
aeriiM wiia ta orsfss raeiar. , WM mUr in connrmiig the appoint-i-lsshurt.
IU , Ihj MU an to Ui fart that been d-
A prominent man said today that lBej Mr . ,;riint not hare entered
wniiiu isg years trains aouiuor ma -
niog over the Chicago, F.nrl.ngUm A
Quincy ruad to I'orlland. Ti.r road is
graded from, ffjo., to the Idaiio
hue, and will lie extended to Itoise next
year. FrH Iise 11ms road will ruo
ret U tiie Snake rivT where a spur
wil1 b run cp lo connect with the Hunt
j ytem in ashtngton. while the main
i tin w ill run wet and oonuert with tb
i made ia Caarad suoonUtna. Tbi lin
is considered the I'.arlincton ictrrest !
I atid w ill eive thi nd an outlet to
I'nget sound.
atsto aaa aats.
The legislature of twenty-even d.f-
ferent stales ar in aesaion. and u!l
! some men laugh.
' Wben thi snow underfoot begin to
tliaw but why should on encotrrage
! mIneho!v thooebts?
Tber are
plenty of riiaoipion of
woman right ia this country, but very
lew defenders of woman's wrong.
t Tt.v afumM r-Vi rm sdntssiun 111 the
sesbioti of tbe Kauaa stale legilature.
Then revenue by taxation could be dis
pensed w ilh.
,Tlie price of In at st:!l remain at a
diMimragiugly low Efore, regardieaa of
tl fa-t that there ba been a change in
tiie political complexion of tb country.
The Portland ('iiamber of Commerce
have tue moralised th legislature to ap
pro:nate UX),(io0 for tb world' fair.
Tbey alway were very liberal with
somebody else's money.
Tb volcano Manna Loa, la Hawaii, is
threatening an eroj-tiou. Mauna Loa,
F'ari. Topeka. Olpuipia and tb South
American repablict will see that thi old
world doesn't grow dull.
A Washington paper tiiitik a bill
should ls paiwed allowing mi'eag for
j the w ives of memliers of tb legisiatare.
That would put a stop to ti.e high jink
now going on at Oiympia to
rote for Aiien.
I Stovie of a man who was cured of a
j broken back at I1ttlurg have been
' go'nJt tit ro nnd of tbe newspe;r. It
' is raiuored that tb backbone of tb
! Beading xal com bin will now be taken
( there f'jr irvalment.
! Aa exchange make the wise agge.
f t,n that tbe farmer of the Island En-
j F"re f've
oitry and dairy bosinc.. TFiey must
, brtsbel of wheat.
irview laae rtejnnns w im
resolution ol Senator Walcott. of
. ..I . .i - ... .v..
1 I sr- A.. m. t-nast sl.aa I oiHrnlwl Bill 1 -.l xaa
ter. The new Colamkiaa etamr hav
i:ju;i.l on. in putinc nao grown
mr iu.kinj - nortrait aaF
, 1,1 1 ; i
WrT' t"1 U" in
j 6d in ,.,4 ioci4.-nt ; are a I
jri(jwj jrjfl.
Tu la!k j ester. lay w a
. ., -.11
on the
f ml
at a
.il stared
, .... . . -
tjpjsau.e inejry cn i:.e 'rntoLian iuai
,,,, . . , . , ., , ,
; Juhu fc- A"" " iJl tI.y get It.
. .0.., ...u a p.ure o. a..,,y -
I ..I 1 , J . 1t -..T. 1-.
'i ' J.- j
T-l r:ic'e t tl.
j 2i tbi-n-drtMl tbe t:bj..ct. J
Iu a ;.tlrsta tone-;uarry tiiere has
been uir.!rd a uioit'Uou petriU'..-tion j
; a itii the Lead of a sea-set ts-nt, th bi.
, . t . i : :
of a saw lli and tiie jnalnitiesof a shark,
j It i ap;-oseJ to Lavs Uen rwtnGed
a i.rg kx.kd at l-y an early and
( thirsty Kacsai.. It wi"J of everse, be
. t4.ea to Ui Cook county "Wor'.'l fair"
. at Cbicag'.
a vigorous kick.
PI -ill T'dt ta Ir. In Eams:j Aai
Ctsricf Fester, Sec
,f M;
!icMtKc n Mack ecded
ia Fipe, Skip Fliaa at Once.
I Nl l MT
WikTliD IU
MtlMH Warh MmM BUt Va
rahac4Mi lUriMtou trtf a
ntar a .
ti,.t-ri, Jan. i4.-Tb foJlowii.g oia-
, . . . ., . , ..
: f"uh Pnl rdent Har-
i rion and Secretary F trr by Torner
; manaeer : On the 22d dar of lat IV-
votl nl to th V'nited rtate
t Senate th name of Fredrick 3. Cirant. of
."Seattle, for envoy extraordinary, and
minister plenipotentiary to Itollcia. haste was mad by the senate,
which went into rxecutire session, the
judiciary rvmmitlre baring agreed not
to iasist on an evaminalion into the r-
1 Hniio ,J.i.iun A in
I npoa
; which date congrea oa the TM
of IV-
; cemWr bad adjourned.
The Associated Tress disj.alcbe of
that dats said : 'Mr. (irant will qoalify
; at one aud pMreed to IVdivia, by way
' of F.ngtand, wle.r some matter involv
ing the three g .sernuienta must b art-
( lSrrf asta a poasibJc.' Tl TeSegrrra
' . t-: k ,J
stop roch scaiKtaiotH proceocicra. . il
, von do it? and save th republican in
' tbi state from total disruption?" '
uaxt ki MttTtti roar t.
a. .. mr SriaMr. wfc.r
mm. rrlJaU. (it., Jam. .
; Tli chief id aeatiier Imsraa direct
i tb MtMiratinn d th following data.
! compisrd from lb record of oWrvation
j f the month of February, uken at thi
I utios U Ksriml of mrf. It U
lHerl that the fucta thna set forth
wiil prove of ir teres t to the puUic. a
well aa tbe special to.lent. ls-ming a
the. doth average a:.d ex trema coiidi -
tioria of tiie im,r iu.-UJl meteoroi.-
iral elensrnu and th range w ithiu
w hi. h such varlaUon mar m rxjrted
Ui keep durixg any rorre sliding month.
TaarxaaTrxt. Mean or normal urn-
perature. 41. 4'. Tb wartw Frbruarv
w a that of lfcw, with an average of
47.4". Tb coldest Fetcnarvw a Utd
17, witb an averag of 32.0. Tb
Uiebeet lemperatnr during any Fetco-
arv .aa Ci' on the ?Sth. !-. Tb lowest
temtrature durina: ant February
7 on tbe th, j
raartrrTATtos (rain and melted snow.) ,
Average lor tb aionlli. .h tocbra.
Average number of davt with .01 of aa i
i .... 1. hi,.m 1? Tl, rmm M.itlttv!
precipiutioo was 13.36 inches ia JoI.
The least month I v nreci relation wa 1.07
inches ia IHkV. The greatest amount of I
precipiution recorded in any 24 eonsec
utiv hours waa S.M inches on tb 1-t,
Ctior d a n W tm ia. A verag n n m-
! ber of cloudy day, 3. Average number
(4 partly cloudy or.y, a. Averag num
ber of cloudy day. 17.
Winn. Tb prevailing wind have
been from tb south. Th hiheel
velocity of th wind during any Febru
arv was from the south 3o mile on the
12th, 1S91. B. S. racer..
vrr w im siv.
Journal. Th Oregon W-g'-
tore .how great wisdom in a,K.i.Hing a
! lo tu julf
sute, so far a earning capacity atd as
means of the l.eallhy wuIroi u.ent of
; convict
I -ffd
concerned. (reou Cuiiid
'a..-n.i-: ..-'l 1t 't
-hitb wou, rr,isli euipl-yment lor
sj men, save ii.e isrmer ot ti.e smieaj
cent on each k ued in tli state
sTTatB uius uj nuum m-v liw- pane? uuir
i earn at least lite per rebt. on th. invest-
grain tieid and would at Um saui time
KnM ke r-aswlar.
eatlle Teiegrajdi. If aom member
of t! j 'reset, t W-giniatur wants to do
riruethiti; t!:at w ill gain the applause of
every man, anman and child in tbe
- , , , resrution to tU
en.-ct that the l-giUtor uietuoria.iz
Onrre. i-raviog for a constitutional
amenduieiit to provide) for the diret
election of United btate Mentor by
jopular vote.
What rlera Orga Wish.
IctiJUton Tilbun. There are tao
measures liefore the Ort-g m 1" ki'turvi
whirh should be tuott liir:i.y cpjjrtod
by every eas'.ern Oregouiu. Tbe on it
the ri'jieal vt tbe morlgago isdebtedcest
c!ne i:i t'.e tx,Miou li. Tb other
I i th jKjrtige rail ay bill.
iron rnoiii.
ni... ......
! lkiUTLAn. Jin w . r .
... . i 'ai.j
p-r:. Ir-.. Tvea.tM. ,tl.t nhn botW
t t.M-
and eat. a,
I lille.1 Muln
nat.r. tha
v ry e..,,,,.,, T.
I populi-ta an.i W i:, t,,vj , r
dei idei on a caacna tr.iiiit... The nrtl
j in ilt- repiit:irn bcxi. rtiui.
i , rep., n. ; h.ur oluer
j iw OpUUkt hww utl
a lull,-..
tnid.i.thal, Jp. IT; lV.rn.J; Jy
trr. -.p, J3; Msrtio, fuskw-dem. t-
King. Kp., I; other
tiering anion
14 candidate. In tb
tb eoi.
, -. I Ms trr JO
Itreidenthal 6, Martin , mrt sratt '
Ing ; bo Choice.
J IJncoln report are to tb edsrt tliat
ft., mm Inj m a .4. Il .
ue naiaie kr cok.
p'.ied with th egi',ltor yesterday ioak
two Ullot Umtd sute sen,
Hacb liody tsalloted ia its own bona Is
romuwu consent to avoid a noiUIi,
fotur troub). The joint ball.
Uken st noon without change (rota w j
terday in lb rlaliv strength of j
candUale. Toaer received V, Fw I
dork 2.. Myers IS. Itoyd S, kyan i,
mainder scattering. .
It is tltotiglil, ainc tti eaocu lax i
bight, that John Martin, . a drniorm
and a lawyer of Topeka. who was nos
'mated by tb populist rauco tir &
tor on th fourteenth balk, iU j!
elected, a member of th populist :
house and j.olit senator, a well as
Im deoHirrat. will snpst bint.
A Carma disjatch annoooc that
Hon. Wm. M. Stewart wa r-lrldk
tb I'cited State senate by th 5eaa
legislature yesterday. He wa '
party candidate and received th bbu. '
iftuo vote. J x C'onirvssman BLai ?
aa the repoWican candhlat.
Tb ' kodac" part y bar nt.t j el ?'rw
Allen at Olrmpia Vote trslay i .
tb sautes yesterday. Same ! a HA
Sameo f'.ismarrk. Wyoming mak
(tart with 16 randidat!
There i still no e'.ioice ia Madiaa
Tb last ballot stand: Mitrhe'l. S "
r.ra. 29; Kuight 16. Tws Mitel,
and on Knight men were absent.
West Vs. ba elected Cba. J. Fasii
ner to anoneed himself, and ri-Scaatr
Johnson If. Camden to 611 the ran,
pi re 1 term of tb lata senator Kram.
Roger d. Villi ba beea returce4 In
Texas. :
Cra.tM.r .It Bis tl... t
, lb Wsrals- Ttr.
Ktowr Milk. Jan. 24. W ban
looking tbrougb th eoloaan f T
' C-onct.a for tetters from -.
Vnio. It seems tbey Mnrrton
, I tbought I would wtiu few ho
j H might induce otaers to ww. At fc,
! reral news, tber 1 not atsit dea
i tni winter. aitoougU some. i ars
' I" of ni
fradually r'n .
; tbirtf iixlie ol ow and all
j " wiater. Tb gnu
W"1 U wet do w a. and tb at
; xod for crop, light frota at
: and tb day are very pleasaaLS
i i Lai to get around. ctuk itkat
! aad j-nty cd feed yet.
i AU eem to U in good pirf;
; t1 1 l,w "Mli- tai
j dancing, and rw.y Uttk preacbiaj:
j winter. Cnion is baring a pros
; meetu:g, with three and four prae
from lH fur, and rd atleatioa
I L tlndanra ia Lare. tl old rhua I
till. It i being rondocted V
United Brethren, aod may n od
i b done. )
Mr. C. II. fSootbertia band of
ar looking well. II ex pecta
crop of wool in tb tpring.
Oh, ye ! A Cleveland i trB
- VafU Ujii. Ward ia birb : Uaca
j lHrMMm j, np; Unci Mi Haley
and Unci James Darnell 1 i p
"bigb, up, jack and a game." 1
I Lear them ing :
All hail tb power of Cleveland
It Flngland rise or fall ; I
Brin? forth the royal drover' f ,
Aod rro n hira lord of all.'
That i democracy and tin! '
pray : "Our ftlir who art U1
ington. March tb fourth: t.ircm'V
land be thy nau.e; thy kindg
thy favor be shown to tb ww;
er a well as Fa tern Oreg
tiooe Ibl day the daily orJ'
a . w Mft irt trtttptml
tense, but deliver us from t'1
.1 1
J0 tL- jnU.rtt ,4 frr trade, '',
... .. , . Mir
rr.U f..r-ftr If t heV
X..n 't t
soon, which we rar to Ovd "
And if they .lout ki'
christian aud r pablii -an
tb same ticket at the nearet -tion
of an election. Amen .
mmmr Talks.
Tria nao-M i. ba F'l "!4"
lo say aUm Mr. 5. !'.. IrB1
real field be ba discovered v
itvof Cau.acrek. Ti: nB
! irttiknl t. l.S'l all t'
I tiroir.i to find capital U
i . ' ' I '
or any s.ii.i ar tn i.M r ' ,
land Fiupir. to tb exlei.t of
in tiir.cty da on l'- u
tioni. Correspondence eo.ic''-
Wm. Hol ler of Or s'
M. BnlUia
of Friu-vii '.
- I hos.
lr nr
and FI