THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, TKIDAY, JANUARY SO, 1893. ROSE FIENDS RELIC. Snfrrrrifs f-;f kiiniUaaJ liii Xatfclag u4 Sate kHHH Why Tkm I wl mi Km " taa Onil ' taaa - Tk I 4IM Rtaa-y. Fascial! a Tat CBBaviris .; Cascad. k, Jan. l3.-Oa resn.-! AllClilEr lt!iEjt IS tiit t3 FUISD tll2 ing ray chair as "the valued correspond- F2zily cf Is 23c Saift. laaaiog Money Accardroj, ia IVaaod Benefit U the BarTswcr. a wirrt iimin m oti. mmm mm Orfcar fwwlt Sbaala Wats! VHkMt Savra lpiMlt WMk the Mrj"At Gmv4 as the Wkeai.' Reported That Carlisle has Agreed Stand for Sk. of Tot Treason. U II. em" of Tax Caiirrici.B. permit t sbt that upon the subject of rountv i division, the people here are almost ' unanimoual v afainst it. A rvruou- WHT rSl'KT IS A Bl'RDFASOME TAX strance was and is being circulated here. COWARDLY REVENUE FIRMED. J ) ' and receiving about all the mum at - t this place. The people say if they are cut off at ad or changed from the pres- i S 1 Ml rMatitutn thav want t.k m tA M 11 ' t n , auab cotiaty instead, and I think tt ; atra honest about it. About f " tbb ovrsrn-r oovri- wroio. ; j Will Bar, on ol tha Par Broe. has been I br for tha last week taking in the ait-1 with a WHiwriiii bis -ir- m it. cation, liot be ha inform, tne that . ' the contract has sot bran fully con- J JromniaUfd. although the bonds hare tv,...,. wwir, ...... .. ! long sine been filed, contract awarded. , i.twWwi .r Tfc. r ' bat the final documents from Washing- f waa rniii. tun hare not been tent to them. lie I ' vent to Portland yesterday to meet bit , brother. We a ill prubablr know more Oar Lawful rale of ioterevt in ten per j ia a few days. You are the'govrrument cent. Thia Jaw should be repeated, and h net yet given them i v Ml'I'tl.L lnimT ta strvm tut la j 1 laainlaaa WUvawa) WMll. AaWt MKt ; ma awl aluialnaia b.ttk. ktima Mtu ot j ukKIm Twtli, aanaid ilir4. I f-va i. a. MrR. fl , DEKTIPT. I nrw w In Tm-tot. IImw I wnrlM I lUuk. Tb iiahv. i. FIRST CLHSS R i!) IK f -o( l N iii..a i-4Tmi . 1 ' u.l .i'aaitH.'4 milk wwarml pmuipclir. i ly niaht. rir cMiairy. i C 1 bafrnuu biut't. iOk .Nu. B mm4 U k. ti l i(fak-rarairia o ara ua. diBra, mm ft and t KMhkwt l. a. rii ' nun ana 'ixifta unm, m nd iTua lb aunt DOM' aoura ti 1J a. M . I hi ft aod 1 u f . M M. KU'I'MX-ATTimnat T Lw filter t'.ort atrvrt. TIM lNla. nw. raaa Btaaraa. n J a4 . n Kual rtir tuiikliKK. aotnuai WaBtotnfi4i IBtrwt rw bmltan. tarwaua. ni t, a tl. a n'V- rmiuin-jt Lw Ronaw U aiut U. w V ocl tuaoa. auo4 rrm imium, uraaa. - ass vf -rr. a rrkMtv at la i . ft ia wUiim, aa ataira, Th P P Pa Gtl A! CAN BE HAD AT THE . . . iiimmimi a. awuana Vv HI KTIS(.Tui a alljHIK arroa itmt u - udtrca. trrara'a bbrft mrar r aunnal aaaa aitM M let the loaning of money be at any rate , nmasxajoK tub ruaar. that mar be acreed upon. It would be ' Cf courae until thia is done they are hetter for bota the lendT and, the her- : aaable to V HKtuif I Itetiere tlne tower. A person wanting to borrow j niea mean bumueaa; and are Lusinrve aaoaey, cucld then go to the lender and t men. Mr. Iay told me after they got gire him ; aay lv, percent, and hare j ftart-i to work it waa to their interret the other 2V, per cent, himae'.f, instead ' u f.nih aa aoon a ther coold, and that of giving the niiiidie man tte 5 per cunt. tf-cy huld do to. 1 think there wia awaiNiuD. Tk "any rate of inter-' aot be anything il'Morj abuot It, Von oat" baa been adopted by all the new I can aay that the contractor are not yet etalee whan making their laws, aad . posaeaaton of th- plant. Until tliey are wfoa should keep abreast of the times. need not look for any work to start. Another thing ocr legituaiors mast do i There is nothing in the report about the large Larpta as yet, for they hare not decided at which end of the work tliey are going to get the atone, bsnce would not build barges until they knew where they should be wauted. aa omraL iLLratoa. aociETtca. VA!-0 UOlKiE. V(t la, A V A A M -HM ' ana and Utini MuixUf al mmch muaia at 1 A South Bend diatch of Satnnlar states that the North rirer farming com- ' munitr in Pacific coiinty. Wash., i ' r ; ; . - - : r greatly excited over a .ixmi aemf.t I AJ5"iii tte!25 4 UrtTa to murder an old ett!er and lua Umi.y taaii araota at 7 ao a. m. , by poisoning. Iraar utth ia one of the pioneers of soutiiaeeterc Washington, harirg roue to that neighborhood with hi father in l.vVt. lie is weU known and highly reapected thnmghout Pacific and Chehalia rnontiea. At the time of ttw Krcdrickaenfmurdeni ia the criminal, which led up to tlte kill- Kj r. a. rvAijjs royal ari-ii i HArrrtt ni I'M In a ot ear.a Bouit at w Uail tha taint a aanaaaajr r. u. j f uir.a iMiiiiM or thk ikui.- I .'1 si Unri un!... UarUlmliinn. I Ingal wmcb wart la f meruit) Haii. al 7 M a. mt to redncc county taxes, eapecialiy in Xaetera Oregon, where eouatr ofSeers fees are 33'j per rent, higher than in western Oregon. There was a time when this was necewary, bat that time ia past. There is bo need of pavinr such large valanes, when there is plenty of j Joe Pacqnet was here a day or ao ago good men ia the country, that would be j fr tbe purpoae of looking orer the rg!ad to hare tLe offices at 50 per cent, of ' ground and srxITiog tfcertsehres of the :i; Ol.I WBIA Uitx.a. NO. a, I. II. O t . Mavta aTT Vnda ermine ac 7 M nVka-a . In a.. log ol Ji.lin Kuae aad his confe.ierate. bua mr, ..kma. Ia. warda. in Oy1"rTi'le jail. Since tlien. " ' " - au A. fciiAaJi. i. he has rvi-eived arreral aBonrtnons i laUljilwHlP Ut.K. no. . K. tt r.-Maan Jetterr, threatening ver.gem, for the ; ll. part lie took in that caae. It ia claimed i "- iuMtuis awian mim aimliai.j ra that at rarioua times his wall and family f.iod have een puivined, the at tempts tieiog discovered hefore aeriout conaequences enaoed. The first of week Mr. Smith and tbe large family went taken til with griping draenterr. nw a. the i Ik W.Vaeaa. K. of B. ana . C. C. ti'ojrrvs r-HKi!TiA Ttri Rr e r? I'XKiM wil nt avarr f'rxto ausrum CHRONICLE OFFICE; Reasonably Ruinous Rates. a fKALKI IX Slap le anil Fancy tafe Hay, Grain and Fte.L Masonic Block. Corner Third 2nd Court Streets. The Dallcs.Orep r InvibMt ears ererr tax pare." ia Eastern Oreeon. I oer nto tre nua.lie ixumtita. He xcept Uhmw a bo may expect to get into Lthousrrrt it was to run in eortnection wnh -office iti the near future. If ocr legisia- (tbe Paul Mcihr road on the north aitle. rs wiil pa's laws to reduce taxation, the j Em as I learn by the Oreg-a:au that tax payers of the country wiU rise up'Ine nw aa three feet deep here, it aa on man and take off their hate, and j thoala advisable at present nt to j aa-i iPtm otesar a. t m n. u..n uj"ni ii -mim ,air -"r i in ti eir ftrnd CvoariMfrrktZf " The Wift't InArrnt" i.. i .' . i ' ' ' Wiml w"""f" "etobeaHlet.deteru ii.ewiihrertaintr We a ho aid also bare a law proriding act or ttnv rrth ' It has eoiirvly i , that a married man s signature to a ; diaapfieared. Over their propoend rooie bond or a note, would be noli and roiJ j there is ao snow, our within a mile of j aniese it bad his wdes signature also, j lt- I think it would not be amito! the same as a mortgage, fur it amounts iP them a ahot on it in Thx Cnitoi-' to the same thing. H hen a wife helps cx- M " ct the steamer l ,,- her husband to make his moner she j tD over trrM tad they need not let t! TLX fix U!.E SO. , a. O f. W iMU la tnarruttf Mail, anrrr KrlU'fm, aa MniOl umn. Thanataf rvniuir ai 7 Bj Tle ordinary honm-hold remedie proe.J w.s itiu. riaatm. L " a. w. of no avail, aol tha condition of U'ef patients became worse from day to day Mrs. .-mith and yonr.fst child are i dauavTualy iok. Ir. W. tiniisnett, of , JJ, Vuth Ii-n4 now in attentan-e at J the tnwfc. is of t',e opinion that a nun- poiaiill has bevn taken by tlie faruilv He r'liaks it wa corrosive TAA itITH l0T. Na. XI. i. A E--Me1. aserr natunlay at 7 a r b.ibUmK. uir (i or L. g Mmancrr euudaj a-'leraawa In the k. ul 1- tiaiL tasti VLi.::-3rn rim umlia 'a lae t of H Ual.' T : i i :..! t . - tnlu!ntir I II . mum tiifiinnhMl l.u, ' m r or u r 1. a. P!V!HV. Nu. IfST-MU la Amy ul aarh montA. at 7 a. r. a. THE CHI lUMEa. .. . . . . " i.i m , may not labor in the shop or tbe ofiice. I atiegea iar ieei ot snow r.snuer tiiu. hot she cares for his household, rears ' his children, and nine wires out of ten ' if ek estiku to Bocriri LTl Eir work more houra Uiaa their husbands, j aad the wife ia equally as much inter-: - it- Twai eisaa Bia otwrtama. anted in their jaint weiiare aa the bus-1 a ta s. w. rmr, band and ahould bare the right to sari Mr. J. U. Trout of Waco county, not whether the husband shooid jeopardise J wishing new beginner to pay as dearly their borne by goin sotaa peraou's j for their learning as he has paid for Ids. security. Reader, if you don't think j gires them Some of bis experience. He this way. just ask some man, and they rays : "In IMS I planted cr tnt ia--are not hard tJ find, Uiat has gone some j chard, I had ra obits aad borers to roe one's security and then bad to go down ( tend with from the start. To prerent la bia pocket and pay it off when tt be came due. II it had been necessary to consult his wife before hand it is ten eh an or to one be would hare been en tbe safe aide. HxtmfKitrm" A one-II one Traaaoctio' j rabbits from peeling them I was advised j to grease them a ilh lard and red pepper. 1 1 did so and so closed the bark to lose a years growth. Tbe only remedy that I then knew was to split the bark from base to crown. I waa then ad wised to tie spill corn stocks on them, which pro- All property sbonid be assessed at its i teeted egs t hatch a host of borers in real salue, and wbereTer found, it would tf" spring. Ia 1S00 I read in the be better to aeseisj it at 10 per cenk. 'alley Farmer, a receipt for rabbits and than at 50 per cent., and then make the 1 1 fr borers, that proved to be worth lerey tweire miil instead tweoty-foar ' timea-the cost of ti paper, rix : for aaiUs. It amounts to the same thing j raiibtu, seievt a ttiid day in early air.ttr, aad maies a much better sbowiur fjr 1 nd the trees three feet tith with larvtewra rrattla. Before tearing Washington for Ken tucke, Mr. Carlisle mailed Mr. Cleve land a letter accepting tlie secretaryship f fi.e treasury. It is said thai Mr. l"ar!il accepted the portfolio on cocdi liua tlxtt be should bare the solid sup port id tiis administration in bia eandi- Ijcr fir the presidential nomination i i'.Hi. Mr. Carlisle is salJ to have re- ceired tlie i CT- i-ETEK H! tl H Err O BBaT fmmtiT 7 a. Jt. I stnrt Haxm- UKB mmm at sxli "Tktre is a Hat im the affairs cf men u ku A, taken at itsJUl leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the ctei-oii a ii Mr & Cm. at CRANDALL & BURGETS, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rate. .MICHEIBACH BRICK, !sT, VvpaTI Mt CMOS ST. rr t ( Hi Hi H t'ah aam.uvb.auH rttlh ks Fll 1) eurljl Krt- T: lrmm Nuntar a II i mni Tar a mii.i trtumit a A. a Avaainc rraT au Krvias at O V Tr Fikst Brr;sT -nt k h-b ut, raatnr. Mnruius ssrrwa bath at tba l-iaj at 11 a. a t.ti ImmMiliat- after ajMrtitna m"ry fraver maetiac nljr snins at Pahaa naa tVt'-. I njtu servim la tLa cvarl btmar at 7 aswuranca of ciod will from f. M. iiO-iit-elect Cleveland refused ; li at r ITaysr m kaed on tliasnbsi-t at Lake- ,lu.toa . aiuaxl br Ub past. tha eofintry, aad it gi res the rrae weaitb. There show A. be no exemption for in debtedness, fr it is ouiy a eooreuient looptsoie to ers-ie taxes, and the persn that has the property ia his possession aad claims it as his own is the oae that rbocll pay ti.e taxes. Fjc instance A eeiis B a borar. B gives bis note to A for tbe asjocnt. U. hzs tf n-e of tl borse a-sd all tieaefiu derired from sccb aae. A ov.)y has the promisa of tie aloe of the property Irons B. 5ow B baa the profsrrty and sbocid pay the taxes, and it is th sam with iaad or aay other property. K.a .'KK. freeb crjti:iost from a'cnwpen. I hare praetireil it ever ainc witiiout a failure. went d'.rertiy to Tammanv. lie f.vnrsH Mr Mnrpby for senator, and urged Cleveland not to oppose the latter's candi dacy. Mr. Carlisie wit! hare a consulta tion a rth Cleveland in New York next wek. Preside to le irirv wood. N J.. and sect word that he had nothing to ear retarding the story thst Cariiie had written hint a letter arcvpt ing the treasury portfolio on condition that the administration woo id support him for the presideticT in lr!)ti. W terra tha Btaailara Wnt. The London Times correspondent in Paris says that M. Flory, at Wednes day's examination, estimated the Pan an:a canal oropatiy's receipt at 1.444. m,WQ trams, of which lifO.OOO WO wars, swallowed cp by ex;nsea of manaze meet; ;4"i,W.f)00 ly interest on the rrjurons and S.1,000,000 by canal opera tions. Of the last ruer.tkrtjed sum. 1(C,- orkmeD Bud 5 i-XM,RBiATIOXAl. '-Ut'Kl M-Her W. C. jr V- I carta, rasva. aarvtwaavary antfaT at 11 aarrsm. aeranseni .liaii y luTTfana. naatotnsB. ME i nr kH-tirr. i iiaa. rastnr. afTirMfftmwiMaiBartiisiftl lis a undav nrb-l St U At T a. Lrta A swrxllal IB' a sim paiyia aoalL CiHKI-Tl v.t III fc H-krt J. iasaias. Paatia. l'rMarallC la UM 41USTSsati.ilAi l lran-h satrb lords La at t r m l ara euraiallv lsrlta4 Four cor- aee anr tsirii- ! tra t'rs ma.i a profit of 77.000. OO, M. ar- mrj.A . aa j usa ss t- aj lJUl "' tj " ' ' : the decaved bark awar with a sham F.ifM's 'bare i?ing K5.000.OO, or d i.'s and fl fjr Ureri with a small ' ?lu l " W"" . 'To'prerent lrvn aat:h thea ti.e "...W.IW to cintractor Cr-t seawa. If too cut kn wire. Kar'y ia Oiotsrr sera; a basin I a".nd each tree sufficient to hold two or three galloDS of water and leave iheru tbroorh the winter, so that rains or tne'tinp snows freezing arsand tberu wi'l cosh all ergs in them, without in jury to ti trees. I proved it whete the PKINZ k NITSCIIKi; T ltAlX IS- Furniture and Carpets THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. I5RAINAKI) & AUMaSTROXG'aS . SPOOL SILK FINE LINK OF No. nn ii i i nn i v i ri w 390 to 394, 2d street. The Dalles NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOM FRAZER & WYNDHAM. Proprietors. j Tmm- tiaul A rata. It may be said now that it was defi. nite.'y settled yecterday, before Mr. Cleveland went to Lake-wood, that Ila&ieJ S. Lament bad cock :u-d to ar aept the rcepooaibie and lKtoratie ptst of private secretary t tr prrsi-iext-Iad. irrorind frose eighteen inches deep. Karly ia the spring, wssb with lime, strong soap suds, or a loblolly of soft sp. thea co'tivate as nearly Wei as you ean, early, but not ia mid-u turner, e-et you ransj a tender, late growth to get w inter- k i! ed. " Blawa Oat mt Est Caasaa Pasaba. Jan. 14 T.e captain of the i.. . ... , loop Joana. which arrfsed .t;M'T: Colon, says be enor metered a terT-lbuf ( U ri road lands bnrricao ia the Caribbean sea. Tbe A men tnral lands Jaana was blown oct of her courae. J"tSe Daring the Toyp. e,g?t of the crew l"tVw era swept H-ri and periebed. j M pleat. y ro!lir.g stork Weiss. . ky Bmw rtasa. .... . , . . I ""-ay track - a-ara., ia., wan. li. A stow tnkrk i; . J tt T- w. a , ' "n- t-es J"ne ' 15 cents per bead. cnvi ta.y paasewger train at rtorrre city, in jor-.og twenty pasaecgeef , several eriooslf aad a traretirg man j The a a: board of eoaiiasarton have inf'raied Judge 2'iakeiey that tbe fol low irg is th proportion of tte raised spprjrtiontaent fixed for ts assesed raises of Wasco eucaty : J'er Cent. ... rfi 2t 0 2-1 13 per niW, side Riep and graata On this baeis tbe fa- j crease amounts tn frZl.K?. TELEORarftir riiiHtt. rnatorA:len is cotfident of re-elec tion. Forty-five out of the fh'ty-eeven necessary for a maj jrity on joint tatllot have already signed the caucus call. By time the caucus is held this evening, it is expected that more than enough sig natures a til have been obtained to rea der a deadior-k iir possible. Wa lave aided to onr l-oirie t Jsojiiplete t"Dd-riading LataMiaiirmit, j and as we are in no wsr connected with the lodcrtakers' Trust, our pru--a be low aiTurCi r.jciy. will Tiie St. diaries Hotel PORTLAND, OREGON. TVs old, popular and reliable bouse On the silrer qnes:ioa fetraU.r Wer- : baa iiewn entirely refurbished, and every man says: "It Is as well known as anr- r"J,'ra " vrn " repainted .i . i , ..." d newly rartsted thronghtsct. Tbe thing ean be that a Urge mtj-ty of the ...j i,aepf,iid repcMicaa senatora, inr'.oding myseif, .with every modern convenience, l-atea ar decidedly in favor of a repeal or ana-1 reasons'iie. A rood reetanrant nttactd riewsion of the porchaae of silrer hailion. ! Wl ,K,C"' i nr to" u nd tr'm l , .- .trams. 1 DS-y are rew:y Ksasy, wnnirruw, a- at, any moment to rota for rnch a repeal. j It ia eqialty we'd known that not more j i Jt'W la h ir tirsn that. craf ic senaloes lasor soeb a renea' tlie? i '.miiuii ,, ahx-a ... .. -.iw,i. irwrinvr 1. I-.':. Riu , w .11 itwh r rjritR m-w--- ,n v I '.l - An -T llun rt.I an or-llt,!.l r. Mil rt n.ea Ars monli nei.nrHlrnt ! " sals mrbls l.s Li..i.c:r ui i , Ila etf.' 1 ali.. nn saturla nsl f ' I'sr the Ireeeolnsge Ol si.rer or a cor: tin- , asir at .if.M anr-jr. ta u- irb oeitr ... ... i ., . ! a.l uc li Hrta aixl J.arla . aitiulnl In nanee of tlie existing laws. The pretense . ...... A(M!ti..a u. imt.rm nrv. an made that lU repohbeaa aeaators won Id !Tm-u"r"'0 "wt-s""': " I - si e At the xld auod of K. Lasbrr. iw Front S Tbr Dtlua. Orfjoi. C. W. KNOWLE3, Prop. OTlCE: BALK or tITl L4T. that, ay .uthort'r af pwMad tn snm'Sj of s-M Vts wiU a H mhi the A m o'y ai tHrt sl ta alia. I a .mmm aula Uisa Los ta.oa tbsmif aa itoivi staw4. I ntm ttinrth f thm f . I rv K14 mi ana u '.A 'i, ... democratic party will furnish a cntit g-. stsil fce vm i t( --s at the time sal'. a 1 tia ent of 10 aenatT in su p-rt of a repeal . i.o -a U.-m ti , t sacriGce the public intereatt far a more j political scheme Is a if boot funndation, and I fes-J Ilka detvtjn ir.g it. If the ' " Asa:aTo, Jan. 13 Baker of Kaa-1 of tba silver art of 1VJ. it will ta the ! t-.o e-v. ara it.ufat.w sara s-f-r.-l p., ' ' , ' ta ax im rar Of Ti are pleased tJ not that Mr. Fd wia Msys woo was prevented fcjr illneas frora retsrxics- to cIgs Saturday is batter today. i has introdnevd In tia iwtvse the free e naze ff silver, traa unlawful fur sny fsiraon to rt.afce a-rv r m- trarta aitbIIA, rr y at trr a 'iir aenata within 13 dsva. As fjr liavard. ' a-rsii- aa-.n.i rnrM ut narmetii for the free cinasr of silver, wmki.g It , be stands .hers be b.. ..ys td on " fVi.e'lrf.. U u" " ' firaria: oneation. anlarUntbtilr rir'.t. . 1 " T". T1'1 ? ".fh k'',,. "rUa-h note rtra.'l or liu. in Inr Lot tr ii . a urlr a... on t. , ! un mim alt m-m i... m,..., -.a jVix-nerrency. tjoestions." JsuW4.,.a U UJ Jtanuraav'tif LalMa City. THE DALLES, Wasco County, . - - Oregon, The (late City of the In! m Kri pire is aituatd at the head f navijfti'n nn tlie Mi 1, (V,!Umtit, amlis a thriving, prav jrriua cif j. ITS TERRITORY. It ia thn sur-j.!jr city fur au extensive an nVh agricultural and gruziiijj ifiuntry, iu lr In rewhing aa fir south as Kouimer Lake, n dutiin. v of uvrr tao htin trod uvU-s. The Largest Wool Market, The rich gxtuLtr.f muutry along the nistTTi alis? tA the Cn ratdea furniahea 'wstura for tliousta U of aheep, t)w .! from wLi- b f nds utArket here. Tlie lnli-s is tlie, lurgawt cri)finl woof ahippicg joint tn Auvi-ica, about 5,(K,'s, pounds being sLjpjisxf last rrsar, ITS PRODUCTS. The lulusa CsJutm ara the fiat at on the Columbia, TH)Wixig this year a revenue ol tlKmaHU'U ft (lolltrm, which will La more than duu) in the neur future. Tlie j rrsirirta of the. liMutiful Klw kiUt rallej nj market h-re, and Use country arsuth an 1 swirt has this year fiiW th w Ar-di'tjiv-n, anf s3 avaiLtbie strirajfe plai-r-a to overflowjujf with TTluct. ITS WEALTH. It ia tlie rich st city of iu six on the cood. srvd its money is i.ttel over ari l is being ma! to develop tnore farming country titan ia trifmUry to any rrther citr in litatern fr-gon. Its situation is taiurj'AJavsJ. ta climate delightfuL It P1" ibilities) irwaUmVUe, Ju rear uulirnitd. And on th or tier unes she sttiv ta. A ' w a t C t t f t c t a: tL nt arc Be. rose in n dem ; othi ; rerr ! far" i! " ';f I s' ,froiu laria! road 'ttior' ran' on to do prese deqt mand Orc- If: r I !.; 0un. nd a louse ireigr trnnii In tl rov fre. S( id. titiv fs r nd t' tcr t i