The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 20, 1893, Image 6

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Ihs Yeekly Ghroniele.
Aafcr Strike Ik lb Ntlwr ll-lrfcl--14,
Kta. f
lim I'lwt K() Can.)
GilAKITB, Ic. 19. There has been a
Ut strike o( an excellent quality of high
'grade or. Andy Larnou, who ha been
r. BWkrtn I - . - ruiiuins a (rowcni tunnel lor u last
i h fT""00 l aslnngton ini urn puimc Ungg, and nui populist tor oovernor j fo in cut lh M t he .j
Wm sti.-.-w.l I nimjrwi; inn, niwRirim ,fm..v... , . . search of . Sanmle nieces that I
heat ore that haa yet
identically the unit
aa tnat winch w ui. M-huarr l puling
( Xotwithatandiug th Interest now at- j
' t....k i i In tlM nmniMtiitll ftf Btala !
otncUL rat-KB op waoo rorvrv. I ernmeuta, the election of United States j whether it be Mr. Allen to succeed him
Nobody dooU hot that a republican
will be returned to the aenate, bat
eorisTT orriciAi-a,
ftsasry Jades...
aenator and other important oTor
rsnces at the capital of the various
aomuionwealths, the debate on itnu.l-
elf, there are sonic doubt. On the
first ballot rat on the 17ti. twenty
even democrat aloud Grot fur Chauucey
.1. m. MHVUM
Blakeley & Houghton,
Thft nallA !
ii o, vyregor
tfCi.tTntTd ! wlth thU aeb",e l th noUl,,' " ' 1 tnyed the effectiveness of ( have , ,he
Joal w Knu j article appearing in the magaiinr j their tote by giving Allen forty-nine and ! mn(j jt j.
hirh nve the best nreumente very I Tomer twentv-eis. The meu who are
tercel and in the lawraase of men who ' in favor of caucu rule have done heroic
i. .. ... '., . ... . . . '""
j nave stuaiea tne atiuauon n iui care. . btotk W ormj anoui naruioay uunng iur i ta;u)T entitled
iwvnraranu D""- i thi aerioo (iisrueaion o auuciouly i put ton dv, but wittioot ucce, ana ,.. . .i, ,,
iK. innnn. htAiiMi lo l . r . . ...... , niaue, lor no ua uown greai
naiw - ' 1 r-fJ 11 PI a-naa Ullilflwniinwi arnMllira an L . PMl KTIInl w uiae ninrKavi liib H-V I II - '
(nun th PuUr Sur. Inwrn U etr-
to tit dirHor?ry b haa
; i a: i t ... iL .i
Chioaco in banted apint. A neual, the Washington can 'earn ninth that will 1 uins of a deadlock that way lat through I . . ... ......
( ..... I I w ii.a iiuumi wv kiiiuiiv w wiiu
Men to work in the mine are in great
fork i on top of the beana.
i of value to them. We find Senator Mill the teeaion.
; declaring in eoncreae that the immigra-: The tuoet bitter oppoueut that Mr
J.r. Cooper ha been heard from tu,B bill "ia not intended to prevent the ! Allen ha i th Spkaue Iteview. It
Actoria. The Ezauiner ha everai
artia from the nondeacript reformer
who doe not dare to give hi name, in
pvbiic or private.
A town on the island of Sardinia ia I
anid to have "no police, no poatoffiee,
no registrar' office and no town
auoncil." The people who colon ixe
Vtopia will be pleaaed to learn that
their Bellaroyetic plan have for once
been anticipated.
Tammany require nearly ou,iaj,i.j
every year to run the city of Sew York,
r f 120,000,000 for the period covered
by the ''billion dollar rongreaa." In
ther word. Tammany spend one
ighth a much upon a ingle city a i
required for the npport of the govern
noent of the United State army, nary,
nenrran and all. Yet Tammany'
wok wa loud in the recent campaign
ia denunciation of "republican eztrava
gmnce." Many person regard themeelve ac
tolerably well informed on moat public
jnestion will be lorprieed to be told,
lor example that in the etate of IHinoia,
alone, it ha been estimated that the
lae otained by farmer and owner of
)Mre and wagon generallv from bad
roade, U placed at $16,000,000 a year.
Throughout the whole country it ic
thought ttiat the loea from thi ource,
at the verv lowent figure, cannot be les
than gMXhOOO.OOO a year.
; apread ol cholera, ont to preveut tne myt it I opposing Mr. Alien because it
demand at prevent. In the spring thi
demand will be tar greater, a moat of
f Via. hiiiui aw hmm .rMMt Li .nrk l.riM
. 1 I . v .i . XI' k. : 1 ... ... , i : . . ' '
pmu ui uk urinwniic (wi;. nuns uiidii m eastern n aliuku innwi j1rpffB 0J (mnds
uie (ueptcton aeuaior are tnu earcu-; should be independent ot tne atciate oi
ing for partisan motive in th action j Boa Ilnnt and his real estate ring, and
of their political opponent with regard i because the record show that Senator
to thi great question, other able gentle-1 Allen asked tor $500,000 lor the Kirkland
men furnish arguments to the country ! ditch and only $141,300 for all the rest
seeking only to establish truth, and of the river and harbor uf the slate,
east ont error. I When Mr. Alleu, or one of hi anpport-
Many student of the question will j H undertake to denv thi indict
find a nrw and curioo aspect of the ab- ment ot hi record, it may be time to
ieet In certain side-lights thrown upon qneetion the motive of the Review.
it from Kntone. The movement here to . the Vote for Mr. Turner it ay : o !
restrict immigration has it counterpart ! ol auspicion cling to the gallant
in a movement in Itertnany and Austria-! band which voted yesterday fur George
Hungary to restrict emigration. The ! Turner. It member have risen above
sovernment of these two countries have ! the taint ot bribery and corporation in-
manifested marked ohiection to the in- i fiuence. Thev are tor Mr. Turner be-I
in tire number of outgoing na-
caune thev know him to be the better
A few dav ago there occurred a tre
mendous anowslide on the couth lope of
th mountain which caught three men
in its track and carried them a distance
of a tew hundred feet. Fortunately
they saw the slide when it started bnt rt
came with such great rapidity that they
were nnabl to get to n place of safety
and were carried down th mountain
with the ton of snow, timber and rocks.
Two of the men were fortcnately able to
extricate themselves with little exertion,
but the third man was completely hnr
led, with the exception of one hand,
with w hich he was able to attract atten-
I won. ne was taxen oui oi tne suow
linout Paving sustained any injury.
175 Second Street,
A full line of all the Standard Patent
Drupe, Chemicals, Ktc,
CyCountry and Mail Order will receive prompt attention.
Fine Millinery!
112 Second St
uvea. I be reicbsrmtb ba recenUy ;- man-mu oru- ... .... 0nW th d mf prtrioaa th, mU cmrrieT
lopted eeveral stringeut murea of ; patronage to dispense or comu.mee .taught in the same manner .and a
r-tricuon. Apparently these measure. chairmaiwlap to pas, around. ; h- snow.H.le was small in oumnariaon
Popular opiuioo apprars to be divided
( whether the head on the ouvenir coin
According to the Klamath Ex pi
there are no fish in Crater lake, Mc
Donald Parque, the gentleman who put
the boat on the lake last summer for the
benefit of tourist, endeavored in every
yosaibly manner for a period of two
asonthe to discover evidence of the
. i i i i
anny inoe m tnat wonoeno. ooov o. , WUie Americmu,.
water, but without success. Tbe lace
are made not with a view to atop tliit
rapid depopulation so much aa to pro-
. , ., that of Lisxt, tiladslone or Columbn.
enactment of the reichsratb . provide,
for iuatauce. that "any person who pro-! Tn wioo, gentlemen who are about
mote emigration by false pretense i to get tbemselve elected to the United
liable to imprisonment for a period vary- utP8 nttm bT ,UUf linUture. are
ing from one month to two year and to j nud bi,Ker, a a rule, by the
a fine which may amount to .U0 fior- ,cW aei9, th,n tlfy br Ume,
Mrs. Cluster, the widow uf the famous
genera!, is reading in public in Kew
with tbe first named, he, also, wa for
tunate to co cue out without a mishap.
The first mentioned parties were located
in the section of the mountain where
enowslide. often ooenr. so rather than
risk any serious accident they con
cluded to abandon their claims for the
present and move to a safer place.
No. 67 Wabhikotox Stbkkt. . . Tur Dalles
' .
Wholesale and Retail IV-aJsr and Mannfatturer ol
tkMfig Kneria ud Dmeaaoi Tinbcr, Doon, Wisdom, Molding Boa Fsmiia h f
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Flat
Boxes and Packing Cases. .
yswjtory and Zmmbor "STMrct ast Olct art. X3 itt.
DRY Pine. Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to
any part of the city,
The justice of the enactment ia more j
apparent when attention is called to at
report spread tl.rongh turope ol SO England a paper railed, On the Plains,
Dutch colonists who came here to take j which give a most interesting account
land iu Colorado which they had pu - cf the life she lived when she wa with
chased of an emigrant agent. There ; ber brave husband in the wild west,
weie no such land and the agent was I
simply an ingeuiuus confidence man. Mr. J. J
Such rvstric ione do not look to any : large stork men arrived in the city last
gvnrrai limiUtioa of emigration, but ( evening. In conversation with him he
tbere are indication that the foreign i aoy tbat tbe people are getting wiid on '
j governments are uo fonder of the trans- ; division of couoties all at once. A pre
fer of their eitiseos to this country than position is on foot bv those on the east-
Hardware, Tinware, Etc.,
Acorn and Charter Oak
CuLi. Ammanitiun and Sprung Goods.
i be stocked easily enough, however,
If this sentiment
is to grow on both side it will be inter
esting to see how far political authority
r . r- i l . .1 i
aa rroi. jame a. u.icnaruo oi w.e ,wvaii gaint the wishes of in-ii-Bisson
hatchery baa some young trout j riduals seeking a countrv where ,pjMr
whirh are hi exclusive property and he j torn tie are more free,
ia willing to donate a stock placed in tbe : . ...
faiem dispatches inform n that tiir
According to dispatch from Olym- j committee eelertion in each house were
via, while matter are far from being j
rr.. u, Hu.,.uU. Tl. thin. t .n.h h
appear. to have been particularly , th ..... .
LegslaUve rnmlt.
liepreseuutive Pax ton has introduced
a measure changing labor day from the
first Batnrday ia June to the first Mon
day in December.
j Tbe speaker ha appointed as mem
) ber ot the joint committee for the Ute
i ot Oregon and Washinston ou Columbia
Coxart, oneof Oranteounty s riveT l-Ki.i.tion. Messrs. M vers of Mult
nomah, Coon of Wasco and I ten ton of
c .... . , IKOK.COAL,
dui-ed a joint resolution for a committee ! BLACKr-MITn PCrrLlK",
of five on portage railroad at tne dalles. I WAUOJf M AKKR5' MATERIAL,
which was adopted. Also, to Ux all! SEWER PIPE,
: . - i: . . I
; iiKviuiff eKceeuiriK 9iiw, one per crni; '
f:,000 to fn.OOH. two per cent. j
north ...d middie fork of John Da, there,' l,ou AO- m "' by
i. a.,..l.rr echeme, to cre-to a M j the governor with hi. objection, thereto.
... ... This w . . nn liill tntimnriitm 1?7 1
r..iiiiv frwiii (irant aud Morrow, which1 7 ' r r i
gKirn op for the benefit of a certain !
few interested throngb e!fish motive, i
3 & cnowi;
jhiiHs ap arrsiLtgj op
ern part of Grant to cut off a portion
the U-t mineral belt at
(i.e linker honndariee.
Grant within .
Over on the
Wagons and Carriagsn
Reapers and Mowers,'
Kitchen. Lerns I Stavsr Cn's j
AgricnUnn Implements asd Kid:-'
happy in hi selection.
active opponent
ens, be reward with the
white-winged peace ia not hovering over
the democratic camp to any great ex
tent. The fact that it required three
ballots in caucus before it waa deemed
safe to center on Grigg a tbe nominee,
created much comment at the time, and
once then the low muttering of discon
tent have swelled into a roar of openly
expressed disapproval, amidst which
the brethren can be heard aDDlvina to
each other ruch pet term a cheap liar, i chairmanship
traitor, political scavengers, etc.. all of
which would be very amusing to the re
publican if they were not engaged in
about the name kind of a skirmish.
Grant. Khnnlrf the Wiilatnni im looliah !
in the republican can- ,,mvh tn Mma thiM ,, ,,:,.:
most promi- j .... , ,inM ,., th amending the pilotage and towage ..1 i
U00 of the five per cent fund from sale
of land. ' There is now in th treasury
the sum of tC3,3s9. This wa ou of
th last act of the )Ath general aasim-
Repreaenlative Campbeir bill
complimentary vote
of high
against him. a
standing in tbe
committee on federal relation. An
other ot hi apparently clever innova
tion ie recognizing the people party by
giving its exponent, Vanderburg, the
chairmanship of the committee on agri-
1 . - i T" 1 , . '
Hon. John R. MrF.rirte. who y lecuoos
elected to congress from Oregon tbirtv ; b,Te brn weI1 itHbntd and give gen-
Tear ago, baa Urea ia Ealam for a few -""-""
lay past, visiting relative. He ia the J 55 !
aider brother ot fiecretary McBride, and J Since the republican party i soon to
see represented Tamhill county jn the j pas out of power, it is a buaines prop-
state senate, and wa also a member of j osition to take an invoice of the asset ot
the eonstitutkmal convention. He ha tbe nation in order tbat we may look
ixtce filled the office of United F title j back in the year to com and give the
district judge in Idaho. Hi residence j democratic psu-ty credit for whatever it
for more than twenty rear baa been in ! may bring in tbe way of prosperity or
Bait Lake City. Judge McBride waa ! disaster. A few day ago the Review
Dent chairmanship, that of the ways
and means committee, and tbe second
place on enrolled biil and fishing.
Then he give McGinn. Hirsch' chief I Considerable speculation is being in
snp porter, two chairmanship, and j duiged in among the numerous lawyer
Cogswell, who received the democratic of democratic persuasion, and re-
nor will veto them on general principles, ; designed to put legislation on that inu
la lie on y hi to do. Jject bark where it waa in 18RS, before
the action of the legislature ot the fol
lowing aession. Mr. Campbell claim J
that thi will give the river a good ser- j
vice, which h doe not now have, and
encourage foreign chip to com her.
D. ay It will do away with the con
ditions under which ship have bad to
beat about the mouth of the Columbia
for thro week, a wa instanced by th
vessel recently towed off the Washington
coast by th Willapa.
naaiiTsisturBrs -
one of tbe founder of the republican
party in Oregon, and was elected to con
gress during the war by a very large
majority for the young state, over 3,500.
He wa a staunch delender of the union
ia congress, sustaining President Un
co is in his noble effort to carry on tbe
war and overthrow slavery.
Tbe asylum scandal investigation at
the capital ha revealed a rotlennes
nnparalled ia any rate institution beard
f. Grca negHgenca is charged on the
part of tbe management by the board ot
corrections. Lewdness and immoral
aondaet by noma of tbe attendants, and
tbe visitation of outside person of uncer
tain reputation baa baea going on In tbe
Jactitation unobserved for month einne
Dr. Rowland ha bad tbe ruperinteBd
aey. Tbe doctor, ia hi good aatare,
baa saver so "petted anything wrong,
aad could not believe tbat those under
bim would abuse the cocfidenea he re
posed on tbetn. Tbe policy of the su-
quoted statistic on busine failure
compiled by tbe standard authority. R.
G. Dun A Co. These showed the great
eat measure of prosperity recorded in
thi country within the past fifteen
year. Kew Bradatreet, another high
authority, publishes a review of Kew
England mill and manufactories for tbe Snow, Hon
past year. It find tbat 1893 "wa re
markable tor the large number of new
mill built, tiie beavy increase in tbe
amount of good manufactured, and th
low price which ruled in nearly all
branches of trade." Of course if many
new mill were built, a great deal of ad
ditional employment wa given to labor;
and, of course, if low price ruled the
eonsoaner got th hen-fit. The obser
vation of these standard authorities are
widely at variance with th calamity
talk ot th democratic party, but they
will form the material that will be used
by the careful political and aronomical
student of the future.
publics as well, a to who will be ae
lerted to succeed Judge Heady aa judge
ot the United Mates court for thi dis
trict. The passag of thi bill will not
only relieve Judge Iieady of weighty
duties, but will probably be the mean
of prolonging hi life several yean. Sezt
May he will be 09 year old, and one
year later b could according to law, re
tire on full pay for life. The salary at
tached to tbe office is $5,000 per annum,
and tbe aim of the judge' life ba been
to serve in tl position nntil he bad
paseed the retirement limit. Of lata bia
health baa broken so rapidly tbat be and
hi friends have become so thoroughly
concerned that it wa decided to antici
pate tbe regular working of the law and
permit him to retire at an early date.
Hi successor will be one of Cleveland'
earliest appointment. Among the
various possibilities are four lawyer
known throogbout the northwest as able
men and honest, who appear to find the
honors about evenlr divided. Thev are
Hon. Lewi L. McArtbur, Hon. Zera
L. B. Cox and Hon. C.
B. Bellinger. Either on of them would
make an excellent judge, and the people
of thi state will, indeed, b fortunate if
either of them is appointed.
pennteaoent resiling away from the In- With eboleea, diphtheria and the hxrp
atitutioa ie all wrung. He shouM make J '.rt headed for this devoted country the
u u.y wu gnmuo ar.-i . tbieago f,r year will not be a season of
devote his entire time to the work. ! cnailoyad b'iss.
Then, again, a better selection of arit- j
ante should be made. Favor,tiw j The peopU of Letrittoa arc en'.tosi
afaould not b known. 5o fami'y eon- j astie over their pro pert .w securing a
section hoj!d be allowed a position on ! railroad. A committee fcas been an-
th furw of attendants. A rtf'irrn in -p':nted to sol'icil subscription fur Om i "CTrtion and Its ohject.
that branch of the ate service is te.-. ,nUidy retired nd every indi-atioa of A fine' lotlflurnitura going very low
awry for the puU.c good. sua. U given. j M Craadall 4 Ear', new atora.
A bill has been introduced in congress
for the enlargement of th Erie caoal,
with a view to its conversion into a
waterway large enonrh to admit
of considerable rise. It i to be 20 feet
deep. Tbe cost will be one hundred and
fifty million of dollars. Thi is a grand
project, and would ba of i in beas
ts U to tbe great west. It would make
port "f entry for foreign commerce at
all the different harbor along the lake,
extending westward 1,11)0 ntiio beyond
A LMfM far Om Km a.
Vaairtsaioa, Jan. UThe national
league for good road met this morning.
Forty delegates were present. Benat-jr
Manderson, of HeVanka, ia the chair,
made a brief address, staling th Incep
tion of tba movement which led to th
Saaasaa m Death.
fir. PvTaaascao, Jan. 17. A remark
able accident occurred this morning on
a railway line between Elatousk and
Samara. A train loaded with recruits
wa going at full speed when tba for
ward car took fire. For some reason tbe
engineer did not atop and th entire
train was soon in Came. A many ot
th recruit as could jumped from the
car windows. rxime lauded in deep
now bank and escaped injury; other
truck the ground and wer killed.
Many were tearfully horned before
jumping. Kunibere were burned to
death in the car, which were entirely
consumed. When the roll wa called it
an found that forty-nine were dead and
twenty terribly horned or otherwise ter
ribly injured. Aa investigation will be
held to determine th cause of th fire,
but it is supposed that th soldiers, sky
larking in tli front car, upset tbe tove.
EsoKi-x, Ia., Jan. 17-Tlie first auc
tion of the California limited on tbe
Santa Fe wa derailed five mile east of
Dedill, Mo., thi morning. The dining
car rolled down the em hank meet,
caught fir and wa burned. William
Roes, a colored waiter was roasted alive,
(six or eight were seriously injured. A
broken rail caused the wreck.
8ocrMswjr to L. D. Frank, deceased.)
- .mill
A General Una at .
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Vlialssie M Betail Dealers ii Hantsss, Enfilex, Earse Elaitctx, ft
Full ksxtfmsl of Isnca Sadilsn Plaii or tojet
New - Umatilla- House5
Ticket and llaggage (rffx of th U. P. R. R. (Vjnpany, aad ofttca of tba Weetsa
U&km Teleaph Office are in the Hotel. t
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of ail Valuables.
Heu .6. Qolumbia otel
3est Dollar a Day House on the Coast!
First-Class Meals, 25 Cents.
First Clash Hotel in Every Kerjeci. I
None but the Ret of White Help Employed;
T. T. Nicholas, Prop.
Tba length of tha reserv mad In th
Cascade moontains of Oregon for park
purposes is 2S4 tulie. The area la 7,020
sqnare mile, embracing 44, 432,800 acrea.
Tli park rearrvatlons prrrjr include
Mount Hood and its surroundings, aud
tbe ruz7-d mountains and lake adja
cent to Crater lake reaerve.
The Dalles Mercantile Co.,
fossaas awv piaLas l-
Pis, Jan. VJj Tha Fmsrh steam
hip ht. Marie, from Marseille to Havre
ran down aa Italian bark off Villafranca
Monday, during a heavy aleetstorm.
Tli bark went down with ail Ler crew
of IS men.
General Merchandise,
Dry Good", Ciotbinz, Gent' Furnishing Goods, Booti,
Shoe, Hats, Capf Groceries, Hardware,
CrocJcery, Hay, Grain, Feod, Etc.
390 to 334 Second St.,
The DalleB, Or.