THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JANUARY SO, 1808. The Weekly Chronicle. INK HALLKH. KKOOM I HCAL AMI FstlttMHfAl.. Kmm the Daily Chronicle, TucadeJ. The river id quit filled '' "kim lc" today. Tli latest. Paris "cl plito at Herriu's gallery over the Dostofflee. Ti. waa down to T above aero tliii morning m '"-' Mr. Fwik Melotie one o( Wasco county! large sheen ten i ci,T Tacoma, Portland and Pendleton are each ii: tested with thievea, burglar and loot pad. The nest medal contest ill take place t the uonrt bonne neat Wednesday night, the 26th. The contest (or Uie county seat in the roMNied Mitctiell .county will lay be tween Mitchell and Waldrou. M. J. Anderson of Dofnr, left for Salem yesterday with the draft of a charter for the new town of Dufur. Tas payer in Kitter, Ixing Uree, ami Hamilton have remouatratedagaiual any , diviaion np there. They are convinced . that diviaion would increase the burden of taxation. To throw away a fine mecracbauin pipe on the 1st of January without noticing where it falli ia regarded by am (.amplw.i as the hight of folly. . The sleiKhs out in good force laat eve and the jingle of the aleigh belli re minded ii of the old New England win der dny-i n lien tiie young folk went to tiie quilting. Mr. Henry Dietsel, proprietor of the North Pacific Trunk work In thin city, left yesterday fur a tour of Eastern Or egon and Washington in the interest of that (limitation. The 4-lu band party will viait Cush ions Friday night if the anow last. A band of music baa been engaged, and l.u:e carryall sleigh will lie employed. A jolly good time is expected. I here are a large number cf persons in the city today making filial proof on their lands at the land office, and also a number ho are trying to procure title to forfeited railroad land. - We are Informed that Mr. l-t. Booth, who ia iirostrated bv a severe attack of typhoid pneumonia, is still very ill with no perceptible change in bis condition. fUrong hojie are. entertained that bis recovery will lie soon. ' J. Kmig is now tbe editor of the Courier, ami W. J. Story of tbe Senti nel at Goldendale. ltotb Journals show much improvement in tbe last Issues, sind it ia hoped the brothers may dwell ogether peacefully. Mnssr. Kufus Wallace of Wallace, and John Pynott of John Day gave us a pleasant call today. These gentlemen and several others from Sherman county arc in the city on business with tbe U. II. land dcartuient. . The clear ice on the ponds is now 'bree and one-half inches thick, with (jt indication that by tomorrow it will ' increased to foar and one-half inches. auipbell Bros will begin, cutting to . orrow. Ham Tburman has cleaned off a large place fur skating. The funeral of the late Cornelius Howe t.111 take place from the family residence on Ninth street to the Catholic Church to-morrow (Wednesday) morning, at 1:30 o'clock. Friends of the family art ivlted to attend. Our reporter met Mr. Police Judge on e street while on bis rounds, made an Tort to pick an item out of him, and t only response he got was, "the court justice is congealed, and consequently commitments are withheld lor a 1 her temperature." Farmers in from the country today re port that the ground has enough snow on it to protect the fall wheat from the frost and even should no more snow or rain fall until April or May, the ground ' sumcieniiy wet to insure a sUady growth till that time. It will l seen by advertisement on bis page heudud "man wanted," that V. V.. L'l 1 I - new j..ugtuu iiavbiunai ttUUUing lx n una investment company have de cided to enter this field, if a suitable rgent fur the purpose cau be found. Ion. John L. Ayer, general attorney and anuger, passed tbrongh last night can ard, but will be at The Umatilla in tuis city on Wednesday and Thursday of tbi week, and will lie prepared to re ceive applications for the agency. Mr. O. W. McKelvay informs us that had a lively chase after a cougar or ountain lion yesterday near Mr. A. C. iki, tonth of this city. The dogs ire compelled to give np the cbase as 8 snow was too deep for farther pur i out lie is sure that he will get the animal soon. It was a monster and Mr. McKelvay says ha would have given a cay uw to have got him. The Ochoco Review says the bou ndariee "sr the proposed Antelope county will m brace a, fine grating and farming onntry, and will take from Crook about 1 lirty-!x townships, together with some tl the best taxpayers in the country and tdds: "It is certain that Crook county annot ailord to lose this territory, and tia indeed questionable if those who ,re seeking county division will find it 0 their interest financially to be set off a a new county." I The Winqaat circle of the Chautauqua met at the residence of Mrs. Shackleford laat night. Mr. Kiddell took charge of the Grecian History and Miss Brooks of the United States and Foreign Powers. The levsons were very instructive as well as entertain in?. Mrs. Brooks read an Interesting article on the Congo, and Mrs. Blakelcy and Miss Frailer, one on the Yang-tse-ktang, and Mrs. Hnntiiigton a well prepared paper on ostracism and banishment. After tbe lessons a very delicate luncheon was served in her usual dainty way by tbe hostess Mrs. Shacklefurd, for which Mr. Huntington and Mr. Crandall arrived in time. The next meeting will be with Mr. Uiddell at the residence of Mrs. Myers. Those present were: Mrs. Shackelford, Mrs. Crandall, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Blakeley, Mrs. Huntington, Miss Brooks, Miss Frailer, Mis Klindt, Miss Campbell, Mr. Kiddell, Mr. Hnntingtoc, and Mr. Crandall. Captain and Mr. Sherman and a gen tleman and lady went out sleigh riding yesterday np the Mill creek valley and everything went on musically with the jingle of the sleigh bells until tbey resched their destination, which was as far as tbey wished to drive, when a turn was mads for the return to the city, at this juncture one of the runners dropped into a sag in the ground, and over the party went into the suow which was aided by on of the ladies catching one of the reins which the driver was trying to control and the result was as stated all over on tbe turn with a scream and a laugh. Prom Um Daily Chrouiale, WediM-eOay. This is tbe plumbers' second harvest this winter. II. C. and J. W. Moore of Nansene, are in the city. Wm. Elliot of Monkland, is in the city on hnsinea. Miss Jeannette Williams ia visiting "lst'ves and friends in Portland. j Judge Bradshaw, County Clerk Croe- sen and Judge Beonett, left for Portland on the afternoon train. j i Mr. and Mrs. A. Mercliie, Mr. M. A. Merchle and Mrs. J. McPherson of Moro, are at The Umatilla. Mr. L. Itice of Endereby, was in the city today on a flying trip for business. We acknowledge a neighborly call. The flag at the land office is at half mast today in respect to tbe memory of tbe late ex-President Hays, who died last night. Tbe friends will be pleased to hear that Miss Gertie Meyers, who has been so seriously ill in Portland is slowly re covering. F. M. Burgen, Mrs. M. F aimer, O. E. Leet, W. J, and J.B.Martin of Sher man county, are in the city attending to laud office business. The river is filling with floating ice steadily and appearance indicate that it will block before tomorrow nigbt at or near Crate point. Three beaver have been caught in the Grand Ilonde river recently by an old trapper who bunted and trapped over the same ground in I80H. There is no way of figuring out a scheme, says the Review, by which two counties cau be more economically ad ministered than oo. Mr. Geo. Harrison, a well known and popular Dalle city caterer, w bo recently disposed of his business interest here, has located in Han Francisco. Tbe coasting 1 fin in this city, judg ing by tbe Dumber out on sled and bob each evening, and the hilarious out bursts of laughter from the Y. B. C.'a. A lot of barrel aui table for packing meat, can be bad cbeap on application to Campbell Bro. candy factory, 104 Second street. First come fire t served. The Ladies Glee Club had a most pleasant meeting at the home of Miss M. Uollister last evening. Their next meeting will be with Miss Roue Micbell on Tuesday evening of next week. j tie mercury uiaraea 10 above aero this morning, and today only rose to 21 The sky is overcast with clouds and fog, and the frost ha been falling all day with an easterly wind blowing from one to tour mile an nour. A (moll party gathered at the home of Mrs. Wilt Condon last evening, game and other amusement were indulged in until midnight when refreshment were served, and a!l returned home well pleased with the evenings entertain ment. The Y. B. C. club today employed street (.ommissioner Starj'ols to put Union street in condition tor coasting tonight, and tbe Boss of tbe bill will be there; also the bobs, the sugar barrel stave toboggan, and lot of other sweet ness for an evening of exhilarating sport. Campbell Bro. began cutting and putting up ios today off from Sam Thnrman' ioe pond ; It cuts tS inches thick and is clear and in splendid con dition for keeping till tbe hot summer day where the mercury is bobbing in the 00. Tho respective strength ol vhe Turner and Allen faction of th republican party, now at war with each other in tbe state legislature, was never harder to gauge than at the present time. In stead of a ballot determining their actual strength, it has left matter in audi shape that result obtained then are worthies now. The New England National Building and Loan and Investment company will certainly be represented in The Dalles, if the man suitable to manage their business her 1 found. Mr. Ayer, the attorney and general manager of the company, will be at The Uniutillu I Mi evening or tomorrow to make the ap pointment. See advertisement "mail wanted," on this page. Mr. Tom Fargher ran a very narrow escape from an accident on the road night before last. He hired a team to go to 8-Mile, and was driven out about as quick as Jack Robinson could do it. On returning to the city, however, the team mode a detour on their own ac count, upeet the sleigh, lost a robe, and bounded homewards at a lively pace. After rolling along for sum distance the leigb righted itself and Jack was on top again, bat he bod lost the line and the horse followed their own inclina tion until the stable was reached la the citv. Fron Tbs Daily Chronicle, Thursday. Have you seen those beautiful Pari Panel photo, at Herrin gallery, over ttte poatofficeT Brother Micbell, so glad our typo' error furnished yoa a text for a dis course for your paper. Item are scare these day. Congress passed a bill on th third of ibis month to increase tbe pension of th old Mexican war veteran f4 per month. This will be good news to the few old soldier of that war. Messrs. W. J. Davidson and J. C. Wingfield of Endersby called today. They report stock are doing well and every inch . of anow mean another bushel of wheat per acre. Hon. Stephen M. White, of Los An geles, Cala., was elected U. S. Senator by the democrat of the legislature yes terday. It was a bot fight and resulted in a majority of two for White. It is just a mouth today since the ground about this region was covered with snow, and it is still covered, with a prospect of remaining yet awhile. Tbe weather is so floe, however, that nobody has any kick coming. Rc-v. and Mr. Curtis w ill receive tho member of the church and parish at the Congregational church on Friday evening from eight until ten o'clock. Strangers among us especially invited. Dispatches from the capital report Haley' Celilo portage road bill a having passed the second resding and was referred to th committee on in ternal improvement. Also that tbe bill for board of water commissioner passed tbe bouse unanimously. Sleighing is flue iu the city and up Mill creek valley, but out on other road tbe loot ia so fin that it readily mixes with aand, and the sleighing 1 not so good. With what w have today, the total snowfall of th current winter ba been thirty and one-balf inches at Th Dalle. Mr. Polk Butler and some of hi neigh bor cam in from Nansene yesterday to look after their forfeited railway land in terest, and as th weather was so fin tbey expected to meet a Chinook at Tbe Dalle, hence used tb buckboard. Todsy tbey axe wishing tbey bad a sleigh. Mr. C. C. Hubert has taken cbsrg of tb Cascade portage railway a superin tendent. When business 1 resumed, and th repair are made to Th Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation com pany steamer, tb Regulator line will be better prepared than ever before to regulate freight for this division of tbe Inland Empire. A Washington special say Senator Dolpb bad a bearing with Mr. Hermann yesterday, before th house committee on public lands, for an extension of time for settlers to make purchases of forfeited railroad lands, which was passed by the committee unanimously. Senator Dolpb advises th settler not to depend on ex tension, and to make payment as soon as possible. A jolly crowd mad tbe nigbt merry last evening coasting on Washington street. Tbe track was in good condition and th tied fairly flew. All the turn out, fasbionabl or otherwise, turned out; and tb "bobs" and sleds that were not bobs were well freighted at each descent. Considerable rivalry was manifested between "Black Bob" and certain other sleds as to which was best man; but after taking "a tumble to itself" two or throe time with all on board, th dusky Robert fairly asserted it claim to the championship. Wc may look for uior of the same sort to- uight. Th Union Whist club was entertained last evening at Fraternity ball by Mr. and Mr. L. K. Crowe. Th evening was devoted to drive whist, tweaty-fiv band being played, Mr. 0. E. Bayard won th first prise, a very elegant pitcher, and Mr. W. L, Bradshaw cap tured tb booby. Th evening passed very pleasantly at tb table. Th club will be entertained next week by Dr. and Mr. Eshelmao. Those present were Dr aud Mr W K Rinebart. Mr and Mr W II Lochhead, Judge and Mr O C Blakaley, Mr and Mr W Lord, Mr and Mr Hugh Glenn, Mr and Mr F A Houghton, Mr and Mr II M Beall, Mr and Mr J T Peters, Mr and Mr Cba Hilton, Dr and Mrs U C Esbel- man, Mr and Mr W II Wilson, Mr and Mr H 8 Wilson, Mr and Mr L E Crow, Mr and Mr J 8 Fish, Mr ami Mr Hobson, Mr J B Crown, Mrs W L Fradhhaw, Mrs C E Bi.yard, Messrs !; Hoxtet'er. A 8 Bennett. II II Riddel Dr. Logan. Nearly Ha4 a Fit. j Tfc. I.ll. M.rk.l.. William Snyder, a German restaurant i Tiivksoat, Jan. 20. The markets in man, who has hern attempting to do a t'1'1 ciy r decidedly lifeleas. Itusi restanrant business In The Dalles for : ,leM quiet and prices are unchanged majiy years, us convicted by jury trial ! quotations. The grain market has In the United State district rourt at l"en stimulated by su advance in eaxtern Portland on TuemUy of the crime of glv- 1 European markets. Portland al ir.g liquor to Indians, under an indict- vanccd quotations to $1.12 to 1.1 j for uiei.t returned by the recent grand jury. ' Walla Walla ami (1.0 to (1.25 ier cental Snyder was charged with giving w hi ky 'or valley. Money is in good demand to Sally, the wile of Dr. Bill, the inedi- '"r land entries and is rom- cine man, subject to cerUin immoral conditions. Dr. Bill got the whisky, helped his wife drink it and then repudi ated the transaction, and later caused bis arrest. Deputy United States Mar- hal Jameson, arrested Snyder, and the old fellow went to trial without a lawyer, pleading his own cane, and th jurv, con - eluding that he had a bad Jan 'for a client, convicted linn. This rather stag - gered th defendant, and wbeu Judge Deady sentenced him to on year in th penitentiary he nearly had a fit. Mr. Polk Butler of Nansene Is in the citv. ' ... . In Minnesota, Senator Davis, wa re- elected senator on joint ballot with one majority I c , , ! Senator Steiwer bill for an act for j the protection of stock raiser is at hand I and will b reviewed at length. j Th iv..i i ... .... , I The location of the five million dollar, ' fiiu iw n.e i acuic coasi now lays Detween tfire North Pacific coast cities. Wonder if The Dalle is in it? The taxes collected from Bake Oven and Antelope precinct in 1891-2 was (4,050.00. That would make the total assessable property after deducting tbe indebtedness about $160,000. There were some taxes collected on mortgage which have not been added but presume they were not included in indebtedness. Tbe number of acres of deeded land so far a th assessor book show is 61,000 acres. Yesterday afternoon sa Mr. A. M Walter wa getting into a buckboard at ber residence to come down to church, with c band on the teat and tbe other on th dash-board, her foot slipped and she fell backwards, breaking one of her ribs. Dr. Ethel man was called and her fracture attended to, but when be left tbe bouse she was still trembling from the chock, which at ber age is a serious matter. Th Cbboiclb extend it sympathy and hope that the lady will recover from ber sever fall. AGKNCY IITABLIIBID. Tb Haw Kaglaa National BaUdlng Lsaa A ad Iataat Auoclatloa. The county of Wasco offer many in ducement to . capitalists and investor. Some of our citizen have for 'the last few week been working to secure the influx of capital at low rate of interest They have succeeded in inducing the New England National Building Loan and In xeetaient . association to establish an agency in this county. This Association, which is one of the leading institution of the kind in Amer ica, ha appointed Joel G. Koonti a it agent for Wasco county, with beadquar ters at Tbe Dalles. We can heartily rec ommend tbe Association to our reader It money is loaned on a fair and square plan, and its Interest rat is low. A tin Car for I'll. Itching l ues are known by moisture like perspiration, causing intense itch ing when warm. This form a well as Blind, Bleeding or Protuding, yield at once to Dr. Boeanko' Pile Remedy, which act directly on. part affected, absorb tumor, allay itching and effect a permanent cure. 50 cents. Druggist or mail. Circulars free. Dr. Boanko, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold hv Blakeley A Houghton, druggists. Portland now consumes 300.000 cords of wood a year. The supply appear to be inexhaustible. At present it is cut so close to the water a, to make much hauling unnecessary, but a it recedes it will be an easy matter to construct flumes to convey tb timber' to the stream. Aaaarlcaa Cholera. Piwa the Daily RavaiLU, W ha loom, Wasb. "T. C. Burnett, the democratic candi date for sheriff, wa taken violently ill at Clearbrook. II bad all tbe symp toms of Asiatic cholera, and for an hour or two it was feared he would die. Thev finally gave him a dose of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which revived him until a physician ar rived." That is precisely what the manufacturers of that medicine recom mend for cholera. Send for a physician but give their medicine until the physi cian arrives. If cholera become preval ent in this country next summer this preparation will be in great demand be cause it can always b depended upon. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gist. Th single rail locomotive on exhibi tion in Portland has been purchased by Andrew Nelson of Umatilla county. The inventor, Dr. Mahana now has in view tlie construction of a road between Dallas and Salem. On ia wanted, aud a bono of (75,000 ha been offered. I'adUpatod Aathortty. The United State Dispensatory cay that "Onion ar a stimulant, diuretic and expectorant; they increase th ap petite and promote 'digestion." Th juice made into syrup as in Dr. Gunn'f Onion Svrup, ha a specific action on the Throat, Lung and air passages, it not only cure Coughs, Colds, (.'roup and Consumption, but it stimulating effect, strenghten and build up the sycteni afterward. As a tonic and restorative it lias no equal. We aolicit a trial in the most chronic and stubborn ra's. Pries 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley A Houghtou, druirgists. in m. I In The Dalle. January 16th, it on II'we, aged 42 years. 1803, luaiiding stiff bonuses. Baslky The market is nearly lifcle iu barley, price are down to 70 and 76 cent per 100 lb. Oat The oat market ia utiff ml if. ! feriiiL' ara livht at SI .. .. no. nvt j lha. Rye 76 cent per bushel. ' MuxsTurrs Bran and shorts are 1 !!,.ot',,..wL per ton' . ," I VSi. KSJ 1 ed corn (1 2A per 100 tts. i Fuita Salem mills flour is quote. 1 at ! Si per J,"?"1 l)iMnonA """! j f "r b,)l- Pr ton nJ M 00 per bbl. 1 Hv Timothy hav range in price 'ro'" 00 o 15 per ton, according to quality and condition. Wheat hay ia in lull stock on a limited demand at ,J" 00 to $12 00 per ton. There ia no Inquiry for oat hay, and price are off. Alfalfa hay ia uot much called for, and is quoted at flO 00 to $12 00 per ton. These quotation are for bailed bay ex- cn"'woly. BtJTTKK Fresh roll butter at 55 to 80 cents per roll, in brine or dry salt we ; quote w io cents per roll Eooa The egg market is short In supply and good fresh eggs find ready sale at 30 ceut per doacn cash. Poultry There is a lair demand for fowls fur a home market and for ship ment to Portland. Chicken are quoted at $2 00 to (3 50 per doxen; turkey 8 to 10 cent per B ; geese (7 to (8 per dox, and duck (3 to (5 per dozen. Bxsr Mutton Beef cattle is in moderate demand at $2 00 per 100 weight gros to (2 50 for extra good. Mutton is held at an advance of last years price and is quoted at (3 50 to (5 25 per head. Pork offerings are light and prices are nominal to 5 to 4 V gross weight and 5'? to 6 cents lresed STAI'LK (1KOCKKIXM. Corrxx Costa Rica, isqnotedat 22c per lb., by the sack. Sairadore, 22c. Arbutkles, 25c. Sugar Golden C, in btls or sack , (5 00; Extra C, $5 10 ; Drv granulated fl 00; In boxes, D. G., in 30 lb boxes. $2 00. Ex C, $1 85. GO $1 75. Svbcp (2 00(S2 75 pr keg. Rice Japan rice, tibial c. Inland, rice, 7 cts. Beans Small whites. 4K.itts c; Pink, 434V.c per 100 lbs. Salt Liverpool, 50lb sk, 65c: 1001b sk,$l 10; 2001b sk, (2 00. Stock salt, $16 00 per ton. Duiko Fbcits Italian prunes, 12c per lb, by box. Evaporated apples, 10c per lb. Dried grapes, t)10c per pound. VEGETABLES AMD rittTIT. Potatoes Peerless. Buffalo white. Snow flake and Burbank seedlings quoted at $1 25 per 100 lbs. Onions The market quotations for A I onions ia $1 50 per 100 lbs. Gkkkm Fruits Good apple sell for $1 25ra$l 75 per box. Fall and early winter pear pre quoted at 60raf75c per box. BIDKN Ann FURS. Hides Are quoted as follows: Dry, Cc lb; green, 2M; cull 4c lb. Sheep Felt 0(i65 ea. Deerskins, 20c lb for winter and 30c for summer. Dressed, light (1 lb, heavy 75c lb. Bear skins, $U$)0 ea; beaver, $2 50 lb; otter, $4; fisher, $.&( 5 50 : silver gray fox,$10f(25; relfox,$l 25; grey fox, (2 50(a(3: martin, $13$1 25; mink, 50c(55c; coon, 35c; coyote, 50c(r75c ; badger, 25c; polecat, 26ct45c; com mon house cut, 10crd25c ea. Wool The market is reported off on wool, and is quoted at 10t-t 15c lb. Kapldly Taking tho Loae. Seattle Telegraph. The Pendleton, Or., Tribune says that Washington is fast taking th lead of ber neighbor, that ber progress and development have been wonderful, and that she is better known than any other part of the north west. Right, neighbor. Keep your eye on Washington and you will see things dnring the next five years that will eclipse all reco-ds. AVERY, Oas sr th Lasocst Contsactoss an )eti sea ia iNiaaasaa. HEART DISEASE 30 YEARS. GXAKD bLAMO, NEB., April tth, 1M Dr. MO Medical C, Xlkhmrt, Ind. OnrrLZHEM: I had teen troubled with Hr af eistasi roa thc last eo vraa. end alibougb I wae Healed by able pnyaician and tried many rwnatlle. 1 art steadily won until i waa cow- without ant More os atcovsaTVf woi na vary umi ain. . Ins spell, when say pule wofTTI J U W fjuld atop beating aUogether,w"--'and It waa with the greataat difficulty that By etrcuiatloa could SthousandsSS ek to eoaartooaieai again. WhlU la tills condi tion I tried your New Hssar Cuat, and began to Improve from the nrei, aud now 1 am able to do a good day'a work for a man 68 yeartof age. I gWe Dm. Milt New HtAAT Coat all tb credit for m y recoTei r. 1 1 la ovur ei i tuoii t ha al no I have taken any, allhongh I keep a bottle in th ouee in oaae 1 anould need It. I baa alao uaed "Nl SVIAN Liven Pitt, and thlnka great deal of them, X. ivui. OLP ON at POSiTIVb UnNTCt. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS. SO DOSES 29 CTS. OLD IIY ttLAKKLEV Hot . II Til K Waff HON. Z. Farmers and stoi kraisers universally agree that dehorning cattle is a great ad vantage. 'Die cuttle become more docile and can be handled much runier, and are earner cared for than I done with horns. All farmers and stockmen also agree than the proper thing to do is to top the growth of the horns on the calf, thereby avoiding the trouhlesom and painful operation of using the saw. 1 lean's Dehorning iencil has been thoroughly tested everywhere and thousands of farmers and Mock men ran testify as to the advantage of lining th same on young stock, it makes no sore nd rauses no pain. By one application the horn will drop off in a few days. It ix guaranteed to give satiyfaction if ap plied as directed. Best of reference furnished. Agent wanted. Addres: U. R. Johnson, Ia Grande, Oregon. (P. O. box 1!K.) general western agent for Eastern Oregon. 1.20w4t MONEY TO LOAN. We have an unlimited amount of money to loan on ap proved farm security. Thorxhury & Hudson, The Dalles, Or. WM. MICHELL, r, Orders by dispatch, mail or in person filled any hour, day or night. Prices as Low as the Lowest ! Picture framed in all styles and size. Place of business cor. Third and Washington Streets. TIIK HALL ICS, OREGON Administrator'. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, the administrator of the es tate of John Mason, deceased, has filed his final account in eaid estate, and that Monday, the 6th day of March, 1893, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the county court in the courthouse in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, is the time and place fixed by an order of the Hon. Geo. C. Blakeley, county judge of Wasco county Oregon, as the time and place for hearing said account, which order beur date the 7th day of January, 1893. All parties interested in said estate are hereby notified to file their objection to said account, if anv. on or before said time. Dated this 7th dav of January. 1893. S. V. Mason, Administrator of the Es tate of John Mason, Deceased. Dufur & Mbnkfkk, Attorneys for said Estate. wjiafio NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Timber culture, una) proof.) V. 8. IJind Office, The Dalles, Or., 1. , 1892. Notice if hereby given that Jump. W. Cox h.s Ald notice of intention to make final proof be fore the rcaintur and receiver at their office in Ths Uullex. or., on TucmIht, tho 7th tiny of Feb ruary. IKKl, on timber culture a)lcntion No. Duul.fortheK1 W'4 of Kction Ho. 4, in Tp. No. 3 8. R. No. 3 eai.t. He name, aji witncmi: O. H. RunwII, J. W. RiiRnell. Iwar I'nttin.ndf anil M. K. Mcleod, all of KinKnley, Oregon. U.-i.A JOHN TV. LEWIS, Riniator. SHE rTkFs S ALK X.vtice I. hercbv riven thet by virtue of an execution and order of mile, lulled out of the Circuit Court of the untie of Orrjrnu, for the county of Vt Maro, on the 6th day of December, lK'.M, to nie directed unit delivered, in a .ult therein and theretofore penilinr wherein J. A. tiulliford wa. J.lalnUll and William A. Hanna und llanna were de fendant, commanding me to levy iifion and eellcerUIn real CHtaie hereinafter imrtieularly mentioned mid decribed. to natiafy the .um of $'J75.4H. with lniiil on Mitd HUin'iit the rate of eight rr cent, per annum niin-e the lfith day of November, hy, and the further .11111 of 1 1 00 at torney fee., together with the poet, and dla burHemeuta, mailu and expended in wild .uiU and thecoaU. charge and expenwaof ?ale, 1 did levy upon and will on Haturdiiv, the 2Ut day of January. 1WI, at the front door of the county court boumi in Dalle Citv, Wunon county, Ore gon, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the ntterniain of .aid day, tell at public auction to the higheat bidder for caah in hand, all of the follow lug depcrlbed real estate, u-wit: The north half of the aoutbeast quarter and the eaxt half of the northen.t quarter of hecUon lliirly four (M) iu town.hin one -1) north of range fourteen (l-i) ea.t of the Willamette me ridian, in Wapoo uounty, Oregon, to nutihly and pay Mtid .um. above mentioned. Dated thl.JJd day of December, IxW. T. A. WARD, wtl 20 Sheriff of Waaco Countv, Hlnte of Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution and order of aale, I sued out of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the county of W aco, to me directed. In the auit where n the M licitora' Uwn and Tru.t Co. I. pl.intiir, and W illiam F. liuvton. Mary K. iiiytn and D. MrKelvey are defend ant, commending me ti levy iiH,n and make aale of thoae c. rtain pieee. and tuncla of land in Waaco utility, Mate of Oregon, known and deacrlhc'l a. the went half of the noiitheaat quar ter and the euat half of the aouthweat quarter of Hectlon four 41 in township o ie (1) .outh of tatige ihiruvu (1.1; eat o tiie Willamette merid ian, containing mi- hundred and .ixty acre., 1 hate Ihi. day levied upon uld In ml and on Fri day, rtl.riinrv ,ld, Imci, at the hour of II o clock a. in. of .ahf day, in front of the court hnuaa do r, In eaid county and Male, 1 will ae I .aid land at amnion to the highest bidder therefor. T. A. WARD, cherlff of Wasco County, Statu of Oregon. NOTICE FOU PUliLICATION. Tlmh-r Ijiml, Act June .1, IxTX.) I'. . Ind OII'kk, The Dulles, Or., l i b. 2.1, 1. Notice ii hereby given Doit in compliance allh the provl-ionv of the act f coiigrct.. of June i, l,K i-ntilled "An act for the xalu of tim ber luud. in the .late, of Ciiliioruju, Oregon, Nvv.:da aud aah iigtou Ten i lory,'' 'I home. I', farther, Of Dufur, county of Waaco, a ate of Oregon, hal till, day tiled In thi.oillee hN vitorn Ktatemeiit for the ptirchaae of the M, of M.1,, nK't of NK' and NE'4 of rlK'4 of Civ. No. If, In town .hip No. 'J Ii , range No 14 K. W. M., and will otler prnof to allow that thc land itjnht ia more valu ihle for It. timber or .lone thun lor aurieul tu'al lunaea, and lo n-l:i-0i 1.1. claim U anld laud la-fore tltu reitr nnd rtci-Ucr of thla odice at 1 he Dalle, Or., on the :l d i) of Febru ary. IK9.I. . lie iianna a. w tuefw.: flotKrr I'Hrrlaon, of Ne'iaene, or., Murdiah Mrlmil, of Kltig-lrj-, Or., John Ad-imn. of rVunftom , i.r . at:d John Murray, of auaene, r. Any and all larim. rh.iiiiing i.dvcraelr the ahovv-du cillad bind, me re'iuen d I. file tlii'ir ciauua In till. olUctt on or t. fnte it t Ud day of February, Jul'. ll,f j JullN W. 1 hWIM. Keglitar. Llfrii aH rlf Ail rl.TAll ft. lAHitftt fcjrrup. TaVavUk boutS. vm l to ttttisX ftt1 br drnjYirtiif, I