The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 20, 1893, Image 1

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7 Got. Altzcli'i Course as tbe Cirief Ei
i ecutiye Watched. ,
An Official Failure Predicted and Nemo
trat) ia on Trial,
"A ay thins; tn -t lata oa".A lara
Admlnlotral I a IKaiwdml Vale
lm dans;.
Hin'iHl loTlIK I MHONICLE.), III., Jan. From ures
etit aiearuncea it will not be unfair to
aMHUiut) that democratic domination in
Illinois will resume wlmre it left off
nourly forty years at(o. The return of
Jutnocrats to power in this state immt bn
,K(UrUfd all experiment. lUIIIOtTatS
and tlii-ir administration will Im tested,
and if it be found lliat they furnish a
better government tliau their jirede
. cewsors in office limnocralic power will lie
. atreiiKtlx'iied. Otherwise tln-y will be
condom tied and quickly im'I asidr.
Outside tliu appointive power the
(miction of the governor u mount to
little. Tbe constitution und tbe Inwf do
not impose upon the ?nvernor onerous
duties of pcrsonul service. He lit )er
nutted to remit hid functions to subordi
nates comprising Isiardsof various sorts,
and in some, instances to an individual.
It i I beHe Huhordinate officials who give
character and completion to a statu ad
ministration. With good wen in the
places good administration may be ex
pected. With bad men placed in power
the democratic administration, so bope
iully begun will end in ehanie and dia
aater. With men of mediocrity filling
; tbe board und other positions of admin
istrative authority the administration
of Ciov. Altgeld will be colorless, lacking
the advanagca uf practical politics, i.nd
without the commendation of positive
The "gang" is after tbe governor nier-
Jlessly, lis waa expected, and the pub
"c, knowing tbe circumstances, is likely
' i be unuHiiully critical in ita analysis of
poinliuents. Mia frienda have conli
( ntly assured the people that be is a
Ltave, uourugenua nun, determined to
co right, full of sound ideiis ou public
I olicy, opposing not only tbe nbuaea of
otitic, but likewise the failures of gov
iimeiit. On the bench be wna aduiit
dly a bard master for official dlin
inntM and malefactors. Ilia jKipularity
Chicago was duo to a lailicf that be
ia no man 'a man, tbe creature of no
' ang" or faction. Hut, on the other
nd, there liuvo beeu hursh things said
mt .liulge Altgeld ; and now that he
sated aa governor tnuny of his op
ents preiih-t ullicial failure. They
i irt that be ia in league with bud
r. j; that be was nominated by bad
men, and that be will select bad men to
form bis atate government, and the triul
of denmerary in this state will 1 n flat
'rureolliK uf Tba Salna la aaaalua
Tstenly., Jan. 12. In the senate house
int resolution relating to elections waa
i Jerrud to the committee on Judiciary.
Bllla were introduced by llutlur, creat
ing county recorders; by Dodson, for
Tens on mining claims; for relief (,f
aker cotintv ; by Willis, that no
males lie appointed or allowed clerk
i Ipa in the legislator; by Cogswell:
two meinoriula for an appropriation for
the O. N. G.f referred to committee on
military affairs. Adjourned until Mon
day g p. ru.
In tbe house joint resolution No. 3, to
uend thu constitution, waa rettmaid
d, amended by Northup and adopted ;
1 and resolutions were introduced by
Ikluaon to prohibit eigarette-amoklng
lit the home; adopted. Uy Gill, con
current resolution No. 1.1, In relation to
purchBHinK the ooka nt Oregon City;
adopted. Bylieerof Clackamaa, house
nemorial to congress to psa a bill to
mnii.u dealing in futures; adopted.
. jr Ford, house joint memorial asking
mgrest for an appropriation of oX),000
I t Improvement of post roada In Ore
f n ; adopted. By Wllklna, bouse Joint
l -aolution So. 4, to amend tho conaiitu.
f on. changing elections from June to
, ovombc.r adapted. By fieerof Marion.
. ousa concurrent resolution in favor of
i apeclul session of conyr. to relieve
i siiderlng condition of the country,
I declared by democracy of tbe coun-
y at the late elwtion ; after consider
1 e debate tbe memorial waa dofeated. I
journea until Monday 2 p. in, J
A I.ul)r Spot for (irsa4 m flrtar
riqit Hrrmmry.
Bicll tnTaa ( bbosicis r
Tn IALi.a, Jan. 12. As yet Waaco
county is too young to be of note In
places of historic interest ; but for grand
and picturesque scenery it certainly
cannot be excelled. Any of tbe high
points around The Dalies will amply
repay the climber in picturesque sur
prises spread out before hi ni. The de
lightful memories of a drive through
the entire length of the Hood river val
ley, with a day and night passed in the
company of Mount Hood, at Cloud Cap
Inn, can never be effaced from the minds
of those who have experienced the trip.
Yet there ia a point nearer The Dalles
which In ita way, baa a value of its own,
not to be fonnd at Cloud Cap Inn 7,000
feet above the sea, nor in tbe company
of the grand old mountain, with bis
towering head of snow; tior in ita gla
cial beds with tbeii-intereeting moraine,
deep crevasaea and frozen cataracts.
This point Is twenty-two miles from
The Dalles at the summit of tbe Des
Chute ridge, the highest point between
the Tygh ridge and the Columbia river.
Here, 3.0(H) feet above tbe sea, in a
radius of 100 miles, tevtn mow peak art
viuihU. Call so many snow peaks be
seen at once from any other point in
Mils state?
One hundred miles away to tbe south
iu Crook county, the North Sister and
Mount Condon, two peuka of Tbe Tbreo
Sistera, are seen. In the southwest,
ou tbe Uiuudury line between Linn and
Crook counties. Mount Jefferson "fall
iu line." A little to south of west onr
own Mount Hood boldly rises in full
view, almost within speaking distance.
Here ends the view of tbe Oregon
snow peaks; but our gate sweeps on
toward the north into Washington,
where St. Helena timidly shows her
head through a gap of the Columbia.
Farther on in the circumference of our
vision, but geographically nearer, Mount
Adams towers as stately from tbe south
west corner of Yakima county as Mount
Hood rises majestically from tbe west
ern boundary of Wasco county. And
last, but not least, for this is the highest
peak in the Cascade range, Mount
Hainier speaks to us from I'iereeeonnty,
telling of Sound cities. Beyond Rainier
Is range of serrated snow peaks, not
unlike tbe Olympic range, but late in
the summer their snow disappears.
All these snow peaks, with their
mountain ranges, plateaus, foothills
and valleya teatify of a Creator,
whose wisdom and power "compre
hended the diiht of tbe eartb in a meas
ure, and weighed the mountains iu
scales, and the bills in a balance.'
1-ct no one allow an opiiortunity to
escape by not visiting this point, taking
a clear, sunshiny day for tbe drive.
' C. F. R.
Col or ait a Canyon BinvlrfaatloH.
Umci-a Bivaa. Utah, Jan. 12.-Ye-!
terday afternoon the tw in screw launch
Major 1'oaell started from tbe mouth of
Kan Kafael river for trip through the
cataract canyon of the Colorado river.
Tbe craft made tbe twelve miles in an
hour, being thrown from ride to side of
tbe stream in a helpless condition, she
managed to escape the rocks, but nt the
mouth of the cataract struck a anag and
sunk. y. very one escaped. This is the
first trip over made by a craft of her
! t'nabla ta Int.
Nbw Yokk, Jan 12. Several tugs with j
heuvy coal tows are fast In the ice iu the
upper buy. Tbe pilots are unable to
get them away from tbe shore of Stolen
island. During a blinding snow storm
today a number of vessels were driven
ashore along the Jersey coast. It is es
timated that 150,000,000 worth of freight,
much of it perishable, is lying on the
piers unable to be moved on account of
the ice blockade
Ilrpubltraas ara Emu.
Illinuiuian. If congress fails to meet
in an extra session it will mean another
year of republican pioteeliou and pros
perity, only so far as threatened injury
will aHect business,
If tbey do meet
and smash the tariff, the sooner tbe
misery will end upon the trial. The
thing for every business man to do la to
make the most and liestof bis opportun
ities. No interest should be allowed to
sag that can be kept alive and active.
Tha loa Kin of J 70 Ka-Appaars.
Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 12. Niagara fulls
presents a beautiful sight. A complete
Ice bridge covers what is known as the
Big Kettle, extending from about 100
fuet below tbe suspension bridge to
wilhiu fifty feet of the foot of the falls.
This is the first timu iu 100 years this
has happened,
A case of small -pox waa diecoered In
Walla Walla yeatnrduy attornoon. Tbe
patient Is an Italian from Wenatchue,
w here the diaease was contracted.
Tbe Democrats Finally Snate the Popu
lists an. Come Oyer.
A Combination Which Gives the House
a Working Power.
Claims Tfccra ara 5,000,000 I.Ik Him
la "America. VfUlch Is a Vrrjr
Daabtfal Vara.
. Toi'ta a, Jan. 13. Special.) Yeater
day morning, when It was announced
that the republicans were making prep
arations for bringing mandamus pro
ceedings in tbe supreme court to compel
tbe secretary of state to turn over the
papers in tbe contested cases, the ut
most confusion prevailed. Both bouses
met at the appointed time, bat neither
attempted to do any business. Mrs.
Lease was present and encouraged the
populists to stand firm. The republi
cans expected that the governor and
senate would recognize tbe populist
house this afternoon ; they were looking
for such action, bnt were prepared to
maintain their organization and leave
the hall peaceably, should the governor
send the adjutant-general . to dispossess
them, and go to a hall down town and
continue their sets ions. This was the
situation at noon. After recess bow
ever, and during roll call by the repub
lican house, tbe democratic members
announced that they had held aloof as
long aa was proper for them to do so,
but now, believing the republican house
the only properly organized oue, they
would recognize it as ench. The an
nouncement was received with wild
demonstration by the republicans. The
populiyts are very much depressed.
I'awderljr's Ettmala.
bi haktok, I'a., Jan. 12. Grand Mas
ter Workman I'owderly, in an address
to the anion carpenters, said : "I am a
socialist and I say it witbout blushing.
If the avowal brings condemnation, I
am willing to take it. I am one of G5,
000,1)00 socialists in this country. 1 be
lieve the railroads and public highways
should be nationalized and that tbe tel
egraph system should be owned and op
erated by the government." It ia
thongbt that the estimate of himself is
nil rurlit Kitt mm tit iKtt ivtv.Ara n.illintt
,, ' V ,. r ,7i ZrL .
People of sense and people of taste
w ill be grieved to learn that there is a
tendency among the modistes of London
and Paris to return to tbe crinoline and
hoiy, as part of fasbioliablc attire of
womankind. In I-ondon the movement
is so formidable that societies have been
organized to combat it, and tbe press i
bus hurried to assist. No wonder.
Hoop-skirts again. It is enough to
make the muses grow hysterical with
commingled rage and mirth. Tbe fem-
'"'ne attire of today is tasteful, decent
and artistic. It amply serves its ends
and is grateful to the eye, and the dress
makers propose to exchange it for that
incomparably and flaalesHly, ugly In
vention of sartorial art, tbe hoop-skirt.
The older generation remember this
contrivance with feeling of horror;
and the younger generation, view ing it
as pictured Iu the pages of old magazines,
discovers that the balloon-like garments
of the '00s were no whit more gainly or
attractive than the humps on a drome
dary. A civilized age won't have it.
The world has outgrown the practices of
the inquisition, tbe burning of witches,
slave-trading, nose rings, and hoops.
There a as rrape ou the door of the
justice shop in Kast Pendleton precinct
yesterday, says the h. O., and a space
In the sign bad leen filled with a word
which, iniiile tha legend read, "Peter
gone Wet." The wags are waiting to
ace how Justice West will enjoy this
joke when lie returns from the United
States court in Portland.
The San Juan river, the scene of the
present search for gold, rises in the San
Juan mountains, in Colorado; runs
aouthwestward into New Mexico, and
empties into tbe Colorado rlrer in Utah.
The old California excitement of 18o0
has almost been renewed. Thus far the
speculators ami provision dealers only
have reaped a harvest
Diamond flouring mill have
closed down for about a month, ta refit j
Ur another eleven month ruu. I
.k rim tkovt.
rjr for l a ta Head lha ruh
Commission tho Riot Art Aboil
Hlaek Has.
. It is proposed some time soon to send
: out another carload of has from eastern
waters by the United State fish com
i mission to stock the lakes and streams
of Oregon and Washington. Our moun
! tain trout has been the divinity of an
glers in Oregon streams for time im
memorial, and there ia a wholesome ob
jection raised to the proposal of the
fJnited States fish commission in its ef
forts of supplanting them with bass
from anywhere. Judges, presidents,
senator and plebeians, who have gone
many miles to toss tbe gamy speckled
trout a fly will ask the press of this
coast to enter a protest against this pro
posed desecration, which is a worse one
than tne tuniciion visited upon our
"preserves" by the introduction of carp
and bull-pouts. Our mountain trout is
the acknowledged king of all fresh water
fishes. No other will take the fly like
him or compare in gaminess; nor ia
there any so toothsome. The black
baa is a very good fish compared with
the bull-pout and suutish, but ho ia not
in the same category with tbe trout. As
food the black bass brings eighteen
cents a pound in the New Y'ork market
today, where tbe trout sell for a dollar
pound. There is a corresponding
different in their game qualities
Jtie bass is not the superior ol our
trout, in size even. Any one
ho has ever caught either the
large bass, or the small-mouthed basts
in eastern waters, where tbe fishing is
considered good, will tell you,' if tbey
ever had tbe experience, that tbey
never bad so much sport in a whole
day, as they found in Trout lake, or any
one of tbe hundred trout streams in the
vicinity of The Dalles in half an hour.
This is not the climate, either, for bass,
under the most favorable circumstances;
and he would never flourish here. He
i no comparison to the trout in any
i?rne. and our Rod and Gun club
should teach the fish commission that
their labor in this behalf would never
be appreciated. Our fish ia a true
tipot, though differing slightly from tbe
eastern brook trout, and being a purely
Pacific coast product, it should be our
pride and ambition to keep him at his
best. Then we may treat our eastern
visitor to sport such as they can only
read about at home. Nothing less than
the speckled beauties we have ia good
enough for thA waters of our magnificent
regions. Let us put a stop to the fish
ing out of season, slaughtering trout
with giant powder and set-lines, and
tbe Inland Empire will long remain a
spot for anglers to dream of.
Ohlo Klror Ira Oorg-.
Ciscinkati, Jan. 12. The ice gorge in
tbe river is causing serious apprehen
sion of a coal famine. The supply is
tbe shortest tbe city has known in
twenty years. Coal is t8 and (6.50 per
ton, while directly across the river at
Covington and Newport it is only (4.
. Mr. D. W. Kchmoldt of the Pacific de
partment of the Sand bone Map Co., is
in the citv. correcting citv plat of the
company, which was rendered unser
viceable bv the late fire.
It begins to look as if tha Southern
Oregon nickel mines were to pav. This
season 3,000,000 brick will be used in
construction of the works, 16,000 feet of
wire cable will be needed to carrv ore
from the ledge to the top of tbe hill to
the reduction works at the base. Sup
erintendent Brown has forty men em
ployed and goiNsf roads are to be built
from the plant to Kiddle station, four
miles distant.
St. Lonis elevators are reported full to
the roofs with grain, and 1,500 loaded
cars are ou the sjdetracks for which
there is no storage capacitv. Some
roads are refusing further shipments on
thli account. The cause of the blockade
is the early marketing of grain by farm
ers, and the light export and shipping
Senator Myers of Linn county, has
introduced a road bill which provides
for the building of roads by money de
rived from direct taxation, to be levied
by county courts, and expended in tbe
county where the levy is raised. He
I has confidence that the measure, if It
becomes a law, wili be a great improve
ment on the present slipshod method of
road-making. The bill creates the office
of supervisor, who Is to expend the fund
In conjunction with the advice of tbe
county court. For all repair of new
work not exceeding f0, bis personal
jjdginent is supreme, but for larger con
tract li must advertise for bids, and
award the contracts after consultation
I w ith the county court. Tlier is to b a
Ipol i-tax of 2on all males between the
age of twenty-one and forty-five years,
which uy be puid In work. Bridge
w oik is to com iu under the road law.
Bidule Was Unable to Make His Bond
Good and Surrenders.
Several Populists Attempt to Make a
Break to The Republicans.
ANTI-OTT10N IN a PUI MS rl Kl.l.
Funeral of Claa. Hattvr- Carries frank
of Knys Another Krr allrcr
Torek a, Jan. 13. Both houses met
again this morning, apparently more
determined than ever to bold the fort.
Several populists, convinced that their
position is untenable, have made futile
attempts to break away from tho radi
cal wing and act with the republicans.
Biddle, the state treasurer-elect, has
been nnablo to make good his bond.
The trouble in the legislature has fright
ened bis bondsmen so that several have
withdrawn. The republican treasurer,
Stover, who was held over, will reopen
his accounts today. The proposition to
recognize tbe populist bouse canm up in
the senate on the appeal from the de
cision of President Daniels, who bad
received Chief clerk Rich, of tbe popu
list houte. Senator Scott, republican,
appealed, and the senate voted to sus
tain the chair, 23 to 17. Taylor, popu
list, and O'Brien, democrat, voted with
the republicans, and Dillard, democrat,
with tha populist.
Antl-nptlon la Hpi-lngOt Id.
SpBiNoriEU), 111., Jan. 13. A stir was
caused in the house this morning by the
introduction of a resolution calling on
the Illinois inenibersof congress to work
for the passage of the anti-option bill.
The question soon became a party one, j
the democrats in accordance with the
position ot Senator Palmer opposing it.
the republicans to fit Senator Cullum's
position favoring it.1 The democrats
finally succeeded in rallying enough
democratic farmers to their aid to refer
tbe resolution to tbe committee on fed
eral relations bv tbe close vote of fiftv-
seven to fifty-five. It is understood that
the democrats intend to allow the reso
lution to sleep in the committee.
Subscribe for Tiik Chhonk i x,
leading paper of Kastern Oregon.
Health Officers Speak.
State and
report the Royal Baking Powder in
every way Superior to all others.
STATE CHEMIST, CALIFORNIA; The Royal fulfils all the
requirements. Our tests show it has greater leavening power
than any other.
STATE CHEMIST. WASHINGTON ; There is no question but
the Royal is the strongest, purest and most w holesome baking
powder in the market
U. 5. GOV'T FOOD REPORT: Royal Uakino Powder is
rhovvn a pure cream of tartar powder, highest of all in leaven
ing strength.
commended as ol" highest excellence, and kliown to be greatest
of all in leavening strength.
prove and recommend the Royal Uakino Powder. It is
absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best ingredients,
of the highest strength and character.
in analysis that it is entirely free from any adulteration, we
heartily recommend the Royal Baking Powder for its great
strength, purity and wholesomeness.
judgment the Royal is the Lest and strongest baking powder
before the public.
BOARD OF HEALTH, SPOKANE: Certainly there is no bak
ing powder known to us equal to the Royal.
my opinion that there exists no purer, better or stronger baking .
powder than the Royal. I confidently recommend It.
Do not permit the slanderous stories of inter
ested parties to influence you in using any
other than The Best, The Royal.
"Which K.tat Can (let tn tha Bottom
rirsl?" et.
Xaw Yohk, Jan. 14. Special. Not
withstanding the objections registered
last month against racing acrosa the
ocean, another contest has just come to
a finish without any catastrophe other
than a depressing defeat for the officers,
but this does not prove anything save
that both vessels had good fortune in es
caping accidents.
The desire of ship-builders and sea
captains to increase the speed of trans
portation from New York to Queenstown
is easy to understand. When a new
boat essays to break a record and mark
another steu's advance in nautical
science there has been but little objec
tion, so long as the effort was conducted
a i th proper care and caution. There is
some prospective gain for the venture.
But what kind of gain is there in a race
between steamers of rival companies
has yet to be found. The impulse to
spur on, to take a little greater risk for
a winning, to take close chances, is at
its strongest In a race. There is a dan
ger in putting a premium on this kind
of recklessness.
Moreover, it is not the steamship com
panies alone which have a stake at risk
in tho encounter. Their passengers are
miule involuntary participants in a con
test in which they can have but little in
terest. They take aa much risk as the
companies, but they take it without
their knowledge or consent. It is ex
pected that in another of these contests
it will be clearly shown which boat can
get to the bottom of the ocean first.
Fnnrral f enoral Batter.
Lowell, Mass., Jan. 13. The remain
of (!en. Butler arrived this afternoon
and were escorted by Butler post, G. A.
R., to the late home. The body will be
given a military funeral. Itwill lie in
state in Huntington hall. The mills
will close on Monday, the day of the
funeral, and business will be suspended.
The legislature has adjourned till Tues
day, as a mark of respect to his memory.
A Careless frank.
Sax Bkb.nakoi.vo, Jan. 13. Last night
Kddy Koiife, a boy ten years old, dropped
a blazing stick into a tank containing
5,000 gallons of oil used for running an
engine at the San Bernardino laundry.
A tcrrilic explosion followed. Eddie
Rouse, Harry Taylor and Billy Edwards
were terribly bnrned, and are in a criti
cal condition. The eugineer closed the
opening in the tank and smothered the
Machinery lor a Caa Factory.
AsToaiA, Jan, 13. The Pacific Can
company received this afternoon two
carloads of machinery for its new can
factory here. The importation ia valued
at liffjoOO.
National Authorities