The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 13, 1893, Image 8

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u. mil
1 "
line EflEilKi SMss Eatwccn Ei2H
Wails or S:
The First Train to Reach the inland
Empire via. Great Northern.
the rsoartcr roc jmx.k tvkkek
r-rafcabl Kw thai He May He Klactr
Mr. Allaa'a Boat la tka B-w-at
Other Tiawa,
BCf-lal U !H CUKoiKlCUt
Smom, Jan. 7. The first trait;
from Seattle by the Great Northern
reached here today. There in much
jubilation among the tracklaying crew
over the completion of their work. It
ha Wen accomplished under serious
difficulties, and many hardships hare
been endured, hut, they were as brave a
lot of fellows as undertook any la-k, and
they never, murmured nor faltered in
their work. The completion of the road
will he bailed with deliuht by the peo
ple of Spok.tne ami the eound cities, as
well as tho of nil the country trav
ersed, who are anxiously awaiting the
time when it shall Is in smooth work
ing order. The snow is fifteen feet deep
near tlie on "this side and much
deeper iu the canyons. Over WXI shovel
ere, art employed keeping the trark
clear. The snow U packed very hard,
ami for great distances the train Seeds
along lietwevn two solid !! of mow,
towering so high above the coaches that
the toi run not he seen from the win
dows. The weather is cold but dry on
the erts; side of the mountain, and no
aerions trouble is anticipated in the
operation of train, at lea.-?; until the
winter breaks up. There is consider-!
able rain on tho weal aide, but the track
is In excellent condition and tiiere is
apparently no reason why trains may
not be sent through on comparatively
fast time aa coon as the management is
ready to put them on, which will donbt-l-a
tt? within a verv few davs.
JadC TarBer'i Chaar.
Oltmpia, Jan. 7. Special. There is '
BO concealing t he fact that there is aj
deep undercurrent here favorable to
Spokane's candidate. It comes from
personal admiration for Air. Turner and
- A conviction that King county would
aliow the basest sort of ingratitude to
tern now against her old time friend
and ally. MesfTs. Hunt and Grant have
aotindcd this se:itimHnt,a::d have shown
-neither the courage nor the disposition
to run counter to it and tiiereby bring
about their own overthrow in the county.
They know that it in impossible to work
Bp enthusiasm for Air. Allen. They are
doing all that could be ex)ected of them
in showing their personal loyalty to Mr.
Allen, bat tlieir work is necessarily cold
and productive of poor reenita That U
why John B. Allen has come home to
grind his own machine. It is openly
eta ltd tliat Senator John Kmuear has
formed an alliance with Nelson Dennett
and others to defeat f-ecator Allen. It
will be remembered that Senator Kin
near voted for Turner when Alien wu
elected; he claims that he will only be
consistent in ruling for him again.
AAw tk Old Mu.
"Gail llaixtoton," ilirm Abigail Inl:re,
in her plea fur Mrs. Maybrick, writing
to Gladstone says: "In the name of
God I arraign you, the head of the r.rit
iab government, far the mnrder of Flor
ence Elizabeth Maybrick, now dyinjf in
the convict prison at Weekina." Miss
Dodge declares there is no evhlenee ol
the im primmed woman's guilt, and
ahames the great government tor bind
ing the f.-ble hands of a woman in a
living to.nb and demanding more evi
dense of her innocence,
After reproach- j
Ing the British pivernrnent, and the
oonie ofSve in particular, for tiieir bar-1
barons action, Misa Dodge declarer they i
are guilty of deliberate murder. Clos-I
ing she says: "But if tliere be a God!
who make and notes the ways nf this
world, who hears tiie voice of innocent
blood eying onto Han fro-n the ground.
it is lietter U be tlie yoting wife and
mother perishing in Weeking nriaon I
than tl.e prime mmitr ot the govern-
ment whieb works her torture and her
-o. sm. ,
A ftmm pM-f War.
Pakama, Jan. 5. Tl.e Uiundary que. (
tion between Costa Eica and Nicaragua I
la lieen reopened. There is a pro pert I
of war between the countries in conse-1
qnence. A body of Costa F.lcan soldiers !
have taken poesession of the territory !
claimed by Xicaragna, an ultimatum !
which the Utter country is not disposed j
to sgree with. She is preparing to de-j
fend her right. 1
Tha TfcasBM frawa Otrr.
A London dispatch say the weather
has been very windy for several day.
Much ice formed ia the Thame. Traf
fic above and below London bridge is
tnoch impeded by pack ice. The npper
river it froseo over.
A w air-a AllTfXTlSa.
A swr-Ol4 llMrdt tha lilo
aha M(hl I'Hmifi.
One of the touching incidents of life
that "makes the world akin," occurred
in the early part of the week. An east
bound pa?oi;rer engineer, wlslle walk
ing around his engine during the cus
tomary stop at lKt.d Kiver, observed a
little ball of humanity curled up on the
pilot of his engine, who was shivering
with cold and obviously very miserable.
As is frequently the rae in some na
tures, the bij fellow sought to check the
bij lump rising in his throat by doing
something harsh; so he shouted: "What
in ant you doing ber? Tha uiock
menace completely overcame tha already
straining nerves of the little fellow, and
breaking into a sought toes
capo from his position. Ere he could
do so the engineer gathered him in Ids
arms, and, a tenderly as an infant,
curried hiiu to hi cab, and warmed
him, and then the story was told.
lie was 10 years old, had lost his par
ents, and was living with strangers at
Fairview, a short distance this side of
Portland. His life, for some reason,
was unhappy and he thought he would
escape by getting aboard the engine of
the night train, where he would prob
ably be unobserved. He had a nmrried
sister living a mile and a lmif from Fen
dlcton, and thither he was hound.
Hid story was told with the sincerity
of childhood, and the engineer was sat
isfied he was spenking truly. Arriving
at The Thi'les he made arrangoients the
f'd'owinj: day for the pontinuanee of his
journey to its destination.
Mad the engine have -truck nr.y ob
ject whatever the boy mut have len
killed during Ids miserable journey
froai Fairview to Hood Kiver. Tiie ro-
ruirlr r rr i!ut it ill rot hid Trrvirxv
to further follow the fortunes of the
e waif nrd tell of his reception by his
siner, but,
novelis that
in ali l.k. ii -
pitfttfoire I
fiooi he will be well cared fur.
4.veraDttt for Alaska.
A Washington dispatch says a bill to
provitle a tenipt,rAry govern nient for
Alaska was introduced in the senate
on Tst;ir.iay by Flatt. It provides for
a seat of government at itka, tiie execu
tive power to vssteii in the governor
an ecre!arv. The territory is designat
ed as one jiiii.cia! di-4rict, with a resident
di:r:i.t j'idgv., repaired to ho.dntIea.4t
two ternm nuii.i!;v, one each at Sitka
and Junesu. Tiie hii! direts the presi
dent to appoint seven ominiiftdoners
with powers of ctuuty judges, at an an
nual salary of i,0(X) each. Other uiiiior
officers nr.- provided for, and thevcueml
law of lite saie of Orepin are d-c-itrt-.!
to t: tiie law in the territory of Alaska. (
The territory i tleclared to 1" a Ui:d
district, aud suitable provision : niiej
iorentritm. in or uiiiutu;..i: -1
ing liquors is prohibited, save for meiiii
inal purHee5 by licen.nni drutrgisti.
AH eroiit, in lutiinj Indians, horn or
natumlUcd in the United titales. resid
ing in Alsi'ka at the time of the pn-nge
of the art, are declared citizens of the
United States, and no person who can
not speak the MiiylUh language in ordi
nary conversation will be allowed to
vote or hold an electoral office. 5one
but natives arc aiiowed to reside on the
coast north of Ikhring strait and in the
interior north of the Arctic circle.
CauoLerfrlt t'mpmr.
A fit. Louis dispatch says one of the
moft dangerons counterfeits in existence
was presented at the counter of the state
bank today. It was an admirable fac
simile of a t- certificate. It bears the
head of General W. 8. Haix-ock, and is
of tiie series of 1S.36. letter "B." The
paper is so goud as to defy detection by
any one except an expert, and
the wuA throngbnut is admirable. The
point a hen detection is easiest ii in the
lathe work uroiind the fiynre 2, in tiie
upper right hand corner. Tliis is light
and the linos are not as dif.inct as in tiie i
g-nuine bill. liank omt;iais ioiioance
it one of the best executel rouiiterfoits ;
they have ever seen.
Klala Still impmlut-
Wamuxoton, Jan. 5. I)r. Johnson
f.iys I;!ainc had-a good uigiit. and is
liettcr this morning. Dr. Ixmiif, tiie
specialist, left this morning on hi re-
turn to New York. '
Annrlua V ltrd Im Aaatrla.
A Vienna dispntch says a warrant was
isiud liere for the arret of Koelerer, a
Iiretended journalist, who is acwed of
swiutiiing John K. Irgheim, an Ameri-!
can miu-rwner,ont of ?1U),000.
- k...- - j
crniser from Armrtrong's and a j
ytxi - um t.rpe.lo-rxiat btiilt tor Tnrkey l.y
, V,TT.TU, Ul Ai'UIIIll.
CttrMavi aaap ttlioAa.
If your faith is below par, read Paul.
If yon are getting laxy, watch James. !
If yoo are impatient, sit down quietly
and have a talk with Job.
If yoo are just a little strong beaded,
go and see Mo. i
If yon are getting weak-kneed, take a '
look at Klliah. I
If there i no song in your heart, lis
ten to David.
If yon are getting sordid, spend a while. Something new, tho-e Aristo photo
with Isaiah. latHerrin' rHery over the postoffice.
If yon feel chilly, get tl.e beloved tlia-; Tli finest polish in the land. New
c.ple to put hi arm around you. j -,-, i-cllltrflnd. W, udi
,, 7? ,h tmm' f th d7' nU I I""0"- other im-
scribe for Tiia CnanwicLB. . I itate.
Disp:flD3rtioa of Dcctir. on tiis Present
A Rule Which Docs not OKcb At Lsc but
now Patisibl Exist.
A Chaag Aatlolpatad fur Apportionment
ml Elntan la the Vtrlau
Mtntaa Olhar Wants.
Speetal tuTua CHmcsiCLS l
VsntNUTox, Jan. 9. The admiweion
of sis new states with twenty electors on
a vote of I d, ODD (icpulatiou, was dis-
cusseu in me scnaie committee ot etw-1
tions the last m-eting, and in 1 -
ingover the final fiam of the late ele-
tiononeu imprvsseil itn at leat onei
conspicuous feature. Theoretically, iu j
a republican covernment the majoritr
governs. Thonli the ipiveriiuiunt
based nn this fundamental principle
the syntem of presidential elections is s.i
constructed as to subvert the willf the
nmitirhv anil nnthU miiw.rifo It. ml,.
This reul; d.K's nut often arise, but the
possibility of it now exist. 8ix new
states tins vear cast 2U,")7i voles and
f oee twenty presidential electors
r" amo. "lnv l"B ol .-imnc-oia
'' u,es nu nits mil n;ne eiw-
t toral votes. The new states are.
Htatn Tvlul mtt EIrttor:
Idaho . 19 jm 3
Montana 44. It: 3
North Dakota liii.HS 3
South Dakota 78.KA7 4
Wai?fiington 6(i.:w:i - 4
Wyoming .... lo,.':tl 3
Tot.tls 201,478 IV
In addition to the.e there were iduc
st:itea each of which cast U-m than liAj,
llHj totes. The ngjrreirato vote of thcie
states 5,li."!t, and they have thirty-
cine elector,
states are:
f Maw are
KlntitiA .
Nevada .
New I l.impijhire.
' n
Thee last-dcacribed
t'e 1-land
: i irolina .
!..!!.. I ....
y (f
: b:WSm
a j. jci-ate vote of the twojTonpn '
i .
of mar
. r is 7i S,oC2, and they have in ail
L'tor. rliat is to tav ther i
have btw then seven per cent of the i i
vote of the country, with over thirteen
j per cent of tho representation in the
electoral ro!le;re. Yet tho fifteen states,
with li!ty-nine electors, do not mutter
as many votes br 7ii 0K4 us dose Illinois,
with but twcnty-fiitir electors. While
no condition has ariten wherein this
situation has been made obnoxious, tiie
opportunity alyrays exi'ts. In the jias
sage of years differences may aria by
which a minority of tiie population con
trolling a majority of the electors may
encounter physical resintance from a
majority of the population controlling a
minority of the electors. It would lie
better if the apportionment of electors
upon representation were wiped out
HcalM tha Iteport.
A Wall street parr, pnblitth Mr.
Vil lard's denial of the rejiortthat he was
to retire from the N. I. R., and says:
The denial did not a fleet securities ad
versely. It is eonaidi-red scarcely likely
that he would leave at a time like this.
It is stated Viilard will firt eiert him-
s;!f to put the property in fxid credit
again, and may then reoigu. His friends
sav Viilard is not the man who will go)
out nnder fire. As the times improve. 1
and opportunity is offered for the com-!
panv to flout its bond." and mv off flout-
: i 1 . v ..i t f i. I
wis debts. Northern PaciUc m-ctinties, It ;
is statetl. will be Ixwiniing, and then
Miiar.i win nn only renjn Irom tlie
'- , .1, i . .
.oriueru i itciui:, out ai, active niis)lies
Tli- lloalH Trial f oat imiI.
A 'i-p.t!ch from I'limtilhi says
ten of the 28 Oregon stockmen who wi re j
witnew in the Koslvn
bank rob'iery i
! enmt arrived en route to their homes near
i Fofts'l!. the Lrit Imvint len
i ' e - f-"-.--. ......
until January J.ltti. Uiey all seem con-
fident of the ultimate dichnrg nt .the
pri,ners Hale, Zachary ami
The jTidge reduced their bail last week
to JO.OOO. Friends liave alrendr rjied
I lunula sufficient fcr the reieaee of ooo of
' the boys, and expect to have all three of
, them out in a dav or two.
t n-i c...
8 The final estl-
n,atJ(" ' agricultural department of
th M,i hn",W!U ""n
"w Urr JI,,r-.01 the whole I nlteit hlaten,
Wlieat, 5I5,W,0; corn, 1,.
j6,lfH,0X); oats, m.l,0ri,(X).
U I.- I'in -Hu fa
i . MHill -I'racti.m ol W-tli. Al laaUi
kg II
u. 1 .-ti i.Kti, rnil btrwt.
DU. 0. K SASI.f'R'J.
tir.i.!it-( thvT la.- t,! . Tun a".i'i s. r
eKwir it, lr Tuvt. ontne ir Prt'iit'lv
litW. TI)? Or.
U. KsMM. AN (iloa mr4Tiur fnvui
a I-
tiy or utiriH, I'tiv urrvtituiry
IlUx N
ii 1 bpuiu biut-k.
I. i. I" t N K mvsici ' -
oau. utitf: rixini utl s l i!M'"ii
Itmrih tivri, ml ilt Itrnu tsrnF.
(tuit kuira ui 11 . M., ilul uJ 7 lt 1 1'. M.
Hlt. KlliliKt.l. ArrmiSKT t !.
c I'ulill BlrvH. 1 Im Uaulm, Drra. a.
a a. huh'h. Hunt nnNitnn,
t'KI'R, 4 MKNTrKK Attoumv-T
L4hiitMa 4'.' uu '" "t
1.1I.T I'UlMl.l. hlltrulHT ll Wu!nluli Sllwl
l tit- I'jiUk. i :ifm.
! l. w li fuN AntiMvrV it law-lt i
t? 4 aul New Vttut Hlwli. tMt.iut
r t? Jnli.ia. irt.a.
HaANKTl, rti:;M; At uw.
. . ht in Vitm tui'lii;, up iu.
t-iu, UliltUll. ,
A.-, IM Ni'lMiTON A W!MiN Arri.a-
M:m At law -otlurv. rr-.ttth t
-ltt .t.ll,mtU llallk.. ' lNl!v&. lrei u.
til h Imll Hit Mf i.m, nt fuuna
4 iy of erh umuUi t 7.A p. in.
N tn K.
jaiU.u khyal akcii i iia!tkk mi,
lrZml.T-'TuM U'1'4
j - - - - -
i,.l Mt ii.i tamr w.i-i umimtna.
i 'lc" W'J 7
i "lOLL Vflil a UiLk.K. No. i, 1. o. u. r - Me. ta
, r mKi ,rt.r rm.i ana cwii tnw.
!'jtiiimli. t.nillwra nrv WMlr..m-
II. I'iti iii.
ll. JL. l'.llXa.S. (i.
K;E!lu iim,k. so. .. k oi v.
vt-ry Mtttitl.tT nvriilt-v at iVIin,;. Iu
rlchaiinu buUtiiu;;. ernvr ol :mart end rM-mti
iimtu. ptjj.iuriuui; nrv r,ttliIi.- I,,.
viuit. w a. i mi,
li. W.TDa. K. of R. U B. c. t:.
I M;K will nuttl ttv'-n ln,Ur iftfrit,..ii
M lo't-ltieii 1 the rvtwhnr rnteu Alin- iuviimL
fEMi'i.E t.oixjf: so. i. a. r. .-)inii
1 In Otl rnltv U:i, uw Krltrnsm (w-imil
'rent, AUlrM:y uculiiB4l 7 .Ai.
I'aci IU Mzrr.
W. a Mvbiu, PliMiirm. U. .
ViT. Si.. A. (,. A n Mtt
l ecnt soiunlay at
r. a.. In li,? K nl r.
Bor i.. r.. M-i..tT'!:
. ll.f K. uf V. Hull. .
VKKEIV - 1 ecrv Hunrta
viii.rjt n lit K. at V.
T OF I., f. f!Vlsl!lV, Jin. -7- Mrt In -.
1. K. iri P. Iltil. tiif urM una I I.U.I Y. .tin
1 1 vse:ti iri-Hitu
TH ( lit IK III l.
O rmT r..tif. iaiw Mnjm tvny eomlMV ml
. ui iij. ii. a. U it
r. a.
ii i
' CT- I'M- '
i I fKI'i. Hv. I
- j r .' 1 V HllU'Uy ml l;
. i A- a.
1 Jl
lo ll T rior, nlntt, nrpiwitr
i 1 "tt'H,T- Hrrurr. rvtt-.
. a ml " at r. m. funo.
tfiili . I'mjer nti Frulav M
l "
T UACTi-T !-HfR( H-!. O. Ii. TT-
m, emtrtf. MtuninK Mrvie nt
Itle ii-tiwiy t,; II . a. ratltlii
litxtt IntmrttltletT lifter tlliTlitl'lf TTlrtt..
.;. . r r-oeff Irt.lnv evuiihj al l';ui!tir lrl-
iif-i-v. lui'iit rrTiei In ir,ti rou-t lnrtie sl 1
I-. Ii.
UN'. li::.,AT!'INAI. ClU'RCn-Her W. K.
i chti. I'anir. w.-Tviir tmirrv Mirxliiy ui 11
a. mJ r. M ii;nU) miittl iwr rriitmiuff
l',y IllvLltil. Atibt Inw.
K. ''!irR --!:T. 1. WnitLsa. piutiir.
hrrvwxirTviniiiy mnrniitK at 11 m. m.
Siirnlny ecb.. si l-'.JJ v i.itrk r. a. t..wn.-ili
lrtK'ie at 6 .91 r. K. Prner aiet7tllt every
Trtiirwlsy viitnrf m 7 'Mi oi-itirll. A itrtttnl In
viuotuu im exurminl by hulU pator ami pcvtplc
to ail.
r.av. J. W Jinx Ufa.
V' l'atr. l'iliiiiR In tiie tiniaivirnlloiial
hnrrli 1'irtia ljr at I t.
conlmlly InvlCMl.
a. All are
The Sl Charles Hotel,
TLis old, popular and reliable house
has lieen entirely refumirihed, anil every
room has be;n r papered and repainted
and newly carpeted throughout. The
house contains 17u rooms and is supplied
witii every modern convenience. Itates
reasonable. A good restaurant attached
to the house. Frer bus to and from all
C. W. KNOWLES. Pron. !
XMfce l hewiy len that, by authority of
Hrrlifnini-i" S''. i',7, wtlieh huvf tlie rtmiiliMl
r"."'.""M".'" f'','V,b" ""-:
ll ll "All itr limfim miIiOmI mi, i,ili,iMti,w I.
lor th ie of tutu i'iititiii u
billet etty." 1 will, oil Mluntav urn ofliti
i. M .: t.iji,ijr aix-tian. to u, i,ihi bi.i.ier,
ol lit" lula ami UK-la "I lnU In
. rm Atltlllllltl i un tia i iiv. hi e CVtlllllV.
on.m, urn hvn-vlm and, a. prevlt.oaly ailver
litioil 1
rt-.i..-e!liti-!) nr-rl mitt ilf lliirm haj. tie anlfl lur
i m i- ii;u liuu lnu vaiue tlirvnf aa abi'Vt
' oik 'l.-iirth f ihe tleo but m any of aM leu
t1'"' ,1.''',',1 Vl'""",.'", '1 u
r.'if,i,iiktHr in iwttMiti.i M, itunii. tin m , .1 , . r.
ii i t.
y-nt ir-
illlu ef mirb ftle.
-.I .'
. at I
Mtth liiifre! im -ueh ilffennl w.
ftil - uf l-tti per riit. -r nltiium,
i.iitr. I in-. IismI tM,y riii-nt nttiv
l'HJll,'- ,,! !
be rt'iKle I i I'
I'll nt Him tliuB i, n'h aul-at tlie
tt.tittli ttl tiie titl'i tl.
T!i.;im!i wll. b-e n at Ihe b'Hir of T-n otwk
a. m.tif , lit ii it aid will bei'ntitttitinl from tliua
In tj -i - ii!t! ,,f i- Hhnii be Mtilil,
btte tui tut ii7 Ntr-itilM-f , I'-fJ.
IMiJ'.f kwonier of iMllea City.
j. 2STEW
iCfldertakns fistablLhment!
Furniture and Carpets
We have added to our business a
omplele I'lirtertading Kstablishment,
and as we are In no war oonnerted with
the Vntleriiikers' Trust, our pric-e will
be low aiTordingly.
1 "B
Staple 0 Fancy Gioeeries,
Hay, Grain and Ft ed.
fascnic B!:ct Corner Third and Court Sir?,ets. Ths Cal'es.Pca
Dcstlnfid to tie the Best
Manul&cturlriKt Contor In
the Inland Empiro.
Fur l-urthwr liiformatfin Call at the Office of
Interstate Investment Go.,
0. 1 TAYLOR, ft I! & Or ; 72 EL, ft Or
"There is a ;'k tjie affairs cf ru n zrhiiit, i.:.!rn at its Jlood,
liaJs r: to fort:n;f,"
The po. t .uncjuu.v.ionnhly hurt n feronco to the
ciifli-fiit it im-
W ho are soiilriR thcao Rooda
nii'iiELr.Acn riiK-:;,
:v. rii n
No. 390 to 334, 2d
FRAZER & WTNDHA1M. Proprietors.
11 3f' 'npf,4vn' f
At the old stand of K. I.uslicr,
"Wasco County, - - - Oregon,
The tiitto t'ity of the IiiUml Dmpire iu itu!ttel at the hiwd
of navi.ition on the Mid.lln Cuiuu.lii,i, and is a thriving, proa
perous city,
It i tlie supply city for nn ejcten.iivo and rich
ami pnzin;; coiintry, iu i r.-.u bins as f.r south its Suini.ier
Lnke, a di.'.t nice of o-r two hundred inih-a.
The Largest Wool Market.
Tl.u rich jjr.iziii country along tli eii.s'.' rn Blop: of the Cna
eiides fiirnihli.'K p ntuti; for thous.ilnls of hl.ecp, tho wool from
which find market lu re.
Tin) I)itilti Li tlio liirjrest ori'imtl woil nhippiti ioitit in
Amnrica, itbout b,V'','h) pouinbi Ix-ing Mliippisl Inst year.
Tlie ulinoii are the f'u.eit on tho Colinnlii.v, yielding
tin' year a revenuo of tliousin ia of ilull'irs, which will lie more iloubled in the nonr future.
The product of the LcAutiful Klickitat valley find market
here, and tlio country anuth and e.iat hna thi yuur filled the
warehouse, and all available, ator.ipe pi i ,-es to overtlowiiig with
their product.
It Li the richest city of its ixn on the const mid it money ia
scattered over and i being used to develop more farming onuntry
titan is tributary to any other city in E.istern On-gon.
It lituntion is unaurptuwod. It climate delightful. IU poa
aihilitie incalcuLtblo. iu resource tinliniited. And on the
nrner stone the stand.
Washingici (
fir.Al) til NAVUiATIO.'.
Dost Selllns Property of
thoSfar.son In the North-
i Frtie & Can
out at gres iUy-reducod rates.
street. The Dalles
no Front St.. The Dalit. Orcgoa.