zzn dalles 'Prt2Lt car,c:riras, rrjaxY. jAitvxnr 13, " Ths Ucekly Ghroniele. vrtCiAL rArTta OF AXJ COCKTY. COCXTT OFFICIAL. ?" J. . Ctm.in m. MirlMU V Ja. lianiKHla (frank Klnrald Joel M . Knwto K.F Muif tot Public School. . Ttot hally H. M. saanoua Ariaona has come to a conclusion that Dm blue field of the American flag would he were symmetrical and aUrai-tire if Mother star were added. A Portland paper says that "T. F. O hern finds bat little to commend in Uie attest convict tabor scheme ;" the jute lag factory. Thin it Mil. It wa hoped that Tom would applaud the idea, but mw that Tom i "agin it" the pro jart will bare to be abandoned. Mr. shorn ia the brains of Oregon. He kaovtmor a boat everything than all eaher citisens of the state combined. TaTkai he don't know baa never been lot yet; and possibly may never The statement wa put in circulation I Waahingaon yeaterday to the effect mat Carliile, preparatory to entering CRere land's cabinet, had prepared hie awabjnation from the annate, to take ef Jast February 14th. Senator Carliile amid with much emphaaia and no little irritation, that there waa absolutely no rath in the report. He added: "1 have not resigned ; and 1 can't aay whether 1 will or not. As m matter of tact, I have not made np my mind." Senator Carlisle's friends are doing their wtmoat to induce him to accept the presi dent's offer. They go so far as to say that if he were to leave the senate to ac cept a portfolio be might safely count on being returned to the senate at the close ei the administration. Those who know Carlisle best declare that if he were to leave the senate he would not allow bis accessor to be hampered by any such auditions. The Boeeborg Plain dealer favors the bonding of county debts, but does not explain how to get around the constitu tional prohibition of incurring more than $5,000 indebtedness. It says: "It ia ejuite likely that a bill allowing the dif ferent counties to bond their floating Indebtedness will be passed by the legis lature this winter. A petition to that Beet ia being circulated in Klamath sad Lake counties, while several of the Willamette-valley counties are also con sidering thequestion. A general law will aw doubt provide that no bonds shall be sold at lees than par, and will therefore wrere a good thing, inasmuch as it will have a tendency to curb the sharpers who are desirous of making a com saiesion oa the sale of bonds." A mew York dispatch discloses the eafidenee the democracy repose in the saovementa to make the senate demo era tic. It is said that Chairman II a r rity has been in the city for the pest two enure. While there he hss seen a good aaaay gentlemen with whom be was wrought into close relation during the recent campaign. He had a long inter view with Cleveland, and discussed the political situation. Ever since it be came apparent that there would be eon tests in some of the western states over a control of the legislatures and election f senators, Harrity has been giving special attention to the matter, and waa able to report pi egress favorably to the resident-elect and bis friends. All his advices indicate that the senators from Wyoming, Montana and California will awrtsialy be democrats, thus giving the dninucists forty-four senators, which, with the casting vote of the vice-preai-eieot, will enable them to organise that body when it meets in March. Sot much hope ia encouraged for judi ssoos legislation at the present session ea the Oregon assembly. One tones noadent says the young men are an earnest intelligent-appearing art of men, bat they will show more of "that tired iaaling" toward the end of the session. 7orty days is not very long, but it seems a long time ia a flood or a legislature. And then this body hsa an immense lot of work to do. Tbey have the as sessment and taxation law to fix up, and then there are the road laws, to ssy nothing of tbe individual hobby of each separate member. They all have bob- vies, or tbeir constituents have. Bome f the young and new members glibly walk of passing a new assessment and sanation law. They will find out pretty son that this is a big question. There are more than two sides to it. There awe ninety sidee. The job is to get tbem together. It look like deductions for indebtedness would at least be done way with, but tbe pros pert was as Wight two years ago. And then there is the road law or tbe road laws, for there are many of tbem. Eat this great said ainuoua tangle will probably not be ars relied at this session. There wili be many road bills, no doubt, such as they are, and, of coarse, parts of them will be passed. The conservative body that would "rather bear those ills we have thaa fly to others tbst we know awt of," is here, and M will be t bard satier (or the otber element that woo id like to do euinethiDg to soils ea the im portant question. SaartS!. Bart . . wnnot .... MaarimantWl JTiTr HORTICVLTPKISTS. At the annual meeting of the State Horticultural society, which was held ia Portland this week, many subjects of great interest to trait growers were die coated. Ous of the most important matters which came up for consideration was that pertaining to state legislation. The report of this committee was heard aad a number of recommendations to the legislature submitted to the society lar action. Two bills providing for ths better protection against Infectious traits were read, aud, upon motion, it was derided to submit tbsa to ths leg islature daring the prewat session. There are two bills, one : "ia act to preveut the sals, gift, or distribution, planting and transporta tion of Infected fruits or trees, plants, cuttings, grafts, seeds, scions or other material, and to prescribe penalties therefor." Tbe bill specifies the varie ties of fruits, etc., provides for the pun ishment of any person acting contrary to the law. Section 3 of the bill pro vides that "fruit of any kind, all trees, pleats, cuttings, graft, buds, seeds, pita, scions or other transportable male rial of any klndjgrown in any foreign country, or in any of the Uuited Btatea er territories, or in the stale of Oregon, infested by any insect or insects or their germs, or by any fungi, blight or other diseases known to be injurious to fruit or fruit trees, or to other trees and lia ble to spread contagion, is hereby pro hibited from being offered for sale, gift, distribution, planting or transportation, ntii the same shall be thoroughly dis infected in soch manner as msy be re quired by the state board of horticulture and to the satisfaction of some member thereof or of au inspector of fruit pests." The power vested in the state board to act in such matters is provided for in "An act to define certain powers snd duties of the state board of horticulture, to amend an act entitled 'An act to cre ate a state board of horticulture,' and to appropriate money therefor." The bill provides for ths creation of power in the state board of horticulture to appoint an "inspector of fruit pests," his term of office, salary, duties, etc.; provide for the dinecnination of knowledge con cerning contagions diseases affecting fruit by tbe L'euance of horticultural lit erature at the expense of the state by the society; vesting the society or its authorized agent with power to enforce quarantine aguinot any inierted orchard, nursery, etc. ; and contains a number of provisions for the enforcement of the law, the salaries of the inspector and commissioner, and an tn.Tease of the state appropriations. Interest in tbe subject of road im- j provement shows no. signs of declining-; ( on the contrary, it appears to be ou the j increase everywhere. The work f the! national league of good roads is begin-1 ning to bear fruit. Organisations are being perfected throughout tbe several slates, the interest of prominent men is being enlisted oa ttie subject, and in a variety of ways information bearing on the subject, is being disseminated. In the meantime stats and local organisa tions ere doing their share of the work, and that community which does not catch on will be one of veritable "moes backs" in future. It is sdmitted that Oregon has tbe poorest, most absurd, most unjust aa sessment system in existence. We hope that our present legislature will com pletely knock it out, says tbe tVallowa Chieftaia, and enact a new law that will cause all property to be assessed at its true cash value to pav for the protec tion its owner enjoys. We also hope that the law will be an plain that such a senseless budy aa a "board of equalisa tion" will be unnecessary, and that there will be no loop-bole made for tbe. wealthy to escape taxation by "exemp tion for indebtedness." What is being done towards organising a bureau of information in Tbe Dalles? Within a month past Ths Chbokiclb bss answered an average of twenty rails per week for information. We do the best we can, but submit the proposition tbst is unfair to tax any one person or company to such an extent. People east, south, and even in Washington and California are asking about The Dalles. Tbey are interested in knowing what we have herein the way of mineral, agricultural and fruit land, and ask dosens of questions about ths country which show what can be done by properly answering these inquiries for locations. Tbe capital Journal, of Salem, anotine t . front Ths Chbokicis on the subject of corporation influences at work against j an open Columbia river, adds: "Tbe way to secure a portage railway by tbe dale at tbe dalles ia to elect pronounced open river men to the positions of re sponsibility. Tbe presidency of tbe sen ate should go lo a senator who is on rec ord for that enterprise, who voted for it before, and who ia for open rivers on general principles. Wa have often em phasised this fact and the battle for open rivers had better be fought at tbe open- j ing of tbe session." Bo far as the sens to is eooeerned it could have done no bettor 'than it did to elect Hon. C. W. Fulton, j of Clatsop. His record on this subject is j established. He ia a gentleman of honor t and integrity. He baa the courage and ;the ability to propose and carry out j what is rlrht lor the peopls. It Is to . such men to whom we look for able sup- port of tbe measure. Thev are playlat root ball still In sow of the smaller towns. The spirit of edventuie carries some men to extremes. The Capital Journal thinks that the convict contract labor schems is to drop onto ths legislature about the eleventh hour with a bill to secure their services at thirty cento a day. The various gentlemen who are about to get themselves elected to the United Plates senate by state legislatures are rated higher, as a rule, by the commer cial agencies than thoy are by fame. tiov. Pennoyer adopts ths recoiuwen dstlon of Ths Chmohiclb, for a stale in heritance tax law. This was ths only paper in the state to advocate this measure. Cmall pox has broken out among ths natives in Alaska, aad it is feared it will become epidemic. Tbe Puget sound board of health will quarantine against Alaskan porta until all danger of conta gion is past. Wagon roads in Montana seem to be ia aa poor condition as are thoss of this state. In some sections It Is said that trade is seriously affected at present by the bad roads, and tbe question will probably be brought before the legisla ture now in session. Tbe Idaho legislature this winter will hardly be so exciting ss the preceding session, when the Gem of the Moun tains stocksd np with an over supply of United States senators. Nevertheless Gov. McConnell may be relied npon to keep the boys from going to slsep. The Great Northern idea of running a railroad suits the people of Spokane very well. President Hill proposes not only to reduce rates to terminals so as lo meet the rates of carriers by the sea, but to grade down rales to iniermedible points, and give them rates lower thaa terminal schedules provide. The silver men who voted to defeat Harrison will get very little comfort from Cleveland's administration. John (i. Carlisle, who is expected to be sec retary of the treasury, says the country has enough silver now, and be is ia favor of stopping its coinage. The News slates that George McAllis ter, owner of the Mayflower mine, Ocb oco, says that the tunnel has now pene trated over 200 feet into the bedrock and the proepect is better as tbey advance. Mr. McAllister thinks that before another 10O feet of tunnel ia completed thev ill have struck the main ledge if the Ochoco mining district. It is diflirult to believe that an or iranized attempt will be made to defeat au appropriation for an open river at the mming session of the legislature. Hut ae are assured, says tbe Wallows Chieftain, that a powerful lobby witn plenty of money will be at Salem during the session for -such a purpose. Tbe prevs of Eastern Oreguo will now keep esses on the votec of members ea this important question. The Congressional Record of the 11th, gives Henstor Mitchell's discussion in support of his joint resolution proposing aa amendment to the constitution pro viding fur the election of senators by the votes of tbe qualified electors of the statse. This joint resolution is endorsed by tbe committee on privileges and lections and is undoubtedly strong in the senate, but it is hardly to be as sumed that it can be pasasd during tbe limited time of tbe present session. Gov. Peanoyer'e message is not very short, aa proposed ; but it is in some respects "sweet." It is a sample of the bitter irony of fate that Mr. W. C. Whitney, who, so to speak, can have first of tbe pickings, doesn't seem to care a thimble whether be gets soy or not. Missouri is thinking of following in Montana's footstep with a status made of sine. Already there are symptoms of aa outbreak of jealousy among ths prime doone of comic opera. Twenty Astoria saloon keepers, who were presented with bibles at t'2S each, c. o. d. by express, want to send the joker to the penitentiary, alleging that he is altogether too practical. There is a dispute over the conduct of tbe inauguration eeremoniec next March. It will be remembered that there was a similar dispute over these ceremonies on the 8th ef last Xovember. Gen. Ben Butler died at bis home in Washington city yesterday. Ilia death created an immense surprise, as it was not even known be was ailing any more than any man who bad lived and labored so long would. Ths Evening Htar of Washington city tolls about two men being murdered by couple of boys at Bnowhornieh. Tbe editors onght to boy a map or geography of tbe state of Washington, or send for a sopy of Barton's Handbook. A Kew York jury adjudicating breach -of promise suit lias fixed the amount of damages for a maiden's in jured feelings at f 'iS.OOO. Doubtless tbe defendant thinks it would bavs been less disastrous to bare married her. Mar VI Oiarlie B is a board of trads His wife baa hUsa of br own. A few days ago ana told Charlie a dinner: "Reciprocity is a great thing." "When did yon find that outT asked Charlie. "A lady stepped on my dress tadsry aad aevsr offered a word of apology." "Of course not," ohaokksd Ckavtta. "But she smiled. "OuT "Then I smiled. Ton see that snwas produced a mills in return." "A man would have smiled, too, wndor the circuiuataucsa." remarked Ctatrb. "That was reciprocity," said Mrs. Charlie, Ignoring ths remark. "Almost as satisfactory as if yem had slapped each other." And she answered la a dreamy woioat. "Almost. "Detroit Free Press. Mm Ska fraAla a a SUvee Aa tnetrameot has been asseatsd ha Germany by wnk'h the profile of a rfwer bed may be taken aatomattcally wit suf&annt acrarary. A c oread arm ream on the bottom of the nvnr. and by means of a reourdtaa: ruorhaniaru the depth hi easoUMtfioally and preutaely ragistared on a revolvtaia drtuu. New Turk hsva. A new "nick si In the slot" machine was on exhibition at The Umatilla a few evenings since which is quite a curiosity. By expending five reula and turning a crank one is dealt a poker hand by the nischlne, ths cards turning on a cylinder. The plsysr can then discard by touching buttons, and an other turn of the crank complete his band. The machine, of course, "deals on tbe square," and the result Is di rected by pure luck. The apparatus ia designed to provide ainnsement only. tUX SPAMS A DAY. r-v. Xrilmm MUmmt fe. JIM a, Ja. (.wnjur : 1 never Inae aa amwnnny v -jtvnjumud In. stilw Imuiiim henna m u . a aa otmalltirted wiuj iiarmuanaiplalBW f-4 13 uti iha aanmaea uaai u aill cut 1 di-api-ntnl itwa. Whan oor n mm trliSMU sinnihaoid he vwattarkad wllta mutant i,aj.-M. cumr-tima be woumI bav tv or ai aiaaaiaiaauiiKiadey. Wctn on 'a arrraauT at; Auail our druajpal Fan-moMlidrd a . IT MllM R .raii( har CaU H Lr LJ 'IM Walrlad UUa. and WUniaaf aouid aa ttoal nt'TTti ra m fiaar aoaa. wmi thrva tmOm. and I am aappr ar Mia b.a1 a SSITISICLV CUHCO. Wa bmIbo ii-ar rrmady. aud bia aura Ml aianplata U a HrJB THOUSANDS baalui. Tan ae al llfaenr Is Brf a in la ' HinaiM m aaawsa t vaiic mmeM . a, C Bsasex. Aawat rwuaa banns Oa April sia. latx Dr. Miles Nervine, EliPACHS, lEOaALOIA, JilVUUI FauS TAJ.TI0I, DlZJ.llffla, fff ASKS, fOXErXBaV xtss, DTjiunso, Bxrns, mu onus hikit. oio oa a aoarrrs-g uanairrtg. TOTD&E1U1SPmLS,&0 DOSES 23 cm, BOLD BY BLAKMLatV S tJOCOHTON WM. MICHELL, oartaMEiMr. Orders by dispatch, mail or ia person filled any hour, day or night. Prices as Low as lie M ! Pictures framed in all styles and si sea. Place of business cor. Third and Washington Streeta. TUB PaLl.nS, - m Baton AdMlalatrataVa Hetlaa. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, the administrator of tbe es tate of John Mason, deceased, has filed his final account In said estate, and that Monday, the 6th day of March, 1803, at the hour of 10 o'cloc k a. m. of said day, at ths county court in the courthouse in Dalles City, Waco county, Oregon, is the time and place fixed by an order of the Hon. Geo. C Blakeley, county jndgn of Wasco couaty Oregon, as the time and place for hearing said account, which order bears date me 7tb day of Janosry, iHM. All psrtie intereated in raid estate are hertr iiolilied lo file their objections to mid account, if any, on or before said time. Dated this 7th dny of Jsnnsrv, 1803. 8. V. Masos, Administrator of the Es tate of John Mason, Deceased. Dtrra A Msxsrsr., Attorneys for said Estate. wjisno NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Tlmhar eiillura, final proof.) II. S. land (intra, Th lull. Of., Dae. , ISM. KnUa I beretiy given lliat Jamea W. ,os has fllad notice of IntrnU'Hi lo maaa final prmf ba fra the n-etatar and K-awIT"- at Ihalr tTife In Tba iMllaa, fr., on iiiMriajr. Iha 7th day of Pb ruarr, W.l, on llmbor mllure aillratlon No. nil. f.ir lti K'i HM", nf ortlnu No. 4, In Tp. hn. 8 8. K. Nu 1 raat Ha nam wtlnnan: O II. Rtiaaall, J. W. KnaMll. laaae Haiu-nauu aud M. K. ateLaxjd.all of fWnrbT, iJraaon. U. a i JOIIK W. I.HWIS, RrUler. f1 FWi KacjiSf for fusili fa , tlx to Dm, aad CI USoM Hmiilas, Warns, fa. - n a. I Mat r naO. I . 14 Blakeley & 175 Second Street, A full lint of all iw Staiulard Patent Medicine., Drugs, Chemicals, Ktr. .'.-ARTISTS MATERIALS. ,. ... "afCunutry and Mall Orders will receive prompt attention. ANNA PETER S CO., Kine Millinery! 112 Second St. THE DALLES LUMBERING C0H INOOKPORATBD ) No. 67 Wamhnotok Stkkmt. . The Dallk. Wholesale and Retail Dealers and llanafactnrers of Bai!sg IiUral ud I'mtam Tiato, Doors, Windows, XiM&fji, Bon Ftniiai, ht Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish Boxes and Packing Cases. nnd Tnirnber DRT Pine, Fir, Oak and any part S c? johRMrts anii tttrTsii.au or Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc CORK Kit 8 HOOK D AND FKDKKAI. BTKEKTH. celepratrd neoro ana unarter uik BiUfisO AJlaV AAJIOaUO. Gnus, .taciliou and Sporting Good IROK, OOAL, BLACKSMITH riUPIUKS, WAGON MAKERS' MATERIAL, sewer rire, PVMffJ AWD Tin. PLUMBINO SUrTUKfi. iBnwM'urs to L, A destssni Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. BXPAJSnfO PBOMPTLT JTXLsVTL-r UOXTM. f ialaalfi M Retail Dealer, ii Banea, Bridct, Kin, Hons Biailct; Etc. Full LwMil of Icio Saiilcn Plaii or Standi BE005D ETREKT, .... THE DALLXfl. Of New - Umatilla- House, THE DALLFB, OKKGOJT. SINNOTT &. Tlcact aad RafKse Office ot the U. P. Union Tekwrraph Offlt-s are in the MotH. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety cf ail VaJaablzs. LAROKST : AND : FINEST : HOTKL : IN : OREGOK. Hew Qolumbia .6. otel THE DALLES, OREGOlt. 3est Dollar a Day House on the Coast First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Clasn Uotl in Every Kepect. None hut ttie Best of White Help Employed. T. T. Nicholas, Prop. Th Dalles Mercantile Co., ana nan and General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Clothine, Geuts' Furnishing Goods, Boots, .Shoos, Hats, Caps, Groceries Hardware, Crockery, Hay, Grain, Feed, Etc. 390 to 394 Seoond St., Houghton, The Dalles. Oregon THE DALLES, OR "nTaajrct Sat C31ct Xalls Slab WOOD Delivered to of the city. CROWE, STUDEBAKBR w m and Carria 37LBI JiJ Reapers and Mowers. AliENTS FOR AgricullcraJ IoipIemeDti and Hiclirq wiita. D. Frank, darcasad.) OP -A TT OT FIOH, PROPS. R. R. Company, and oKne W the W paaLaas is- The Dalles, Or. r