The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 13, 1893, Image 3

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"fhe Yeeikly Ghroniele.
, ttum the Dailr iluoni, Toosdas.
2 100 of anJnchof rain fell lest
Wm. M. Plumb and Henry Belgarde,
' Moro, are in the city.
Mr. Nellie John of Coluuibns, It In
.ke city visiting friends.
' Mr. C. II. Brown returned from liil
Ullday visit to Spokane today,
j,- J. D. Pariah the Prlneville stage man,
hu none to Portland on bmunes lor a
f w day.
; Mr. David Foltoa of Sherman, U in
its city today. We acknowledge a very
jileaaaot call.
Mr. P. Brow a ot lower 10-Mile called
a us today. Stock it doing wall, with
plenty ofgraalDg.
' Mr. 8. R. Heyee, eounty elerk of
Sherman, ia in the city en route to
the Willamette on a abort bniineea trip.
Meiara. Keeley and W. J. Davidson
are nt a pleasant call today. Tbey
apeak encouragingly of the outlook for
,3 cropa.
The Ladies (jUte Club will meet with
Sire. J. T. Peter thi evening, and it ia
specially ren.UMted that every member
be present.
! The hilli north of the city are clear of
now, ami a ill. the Chinook today the
now on the the (round in the valllee ia
feat uisaiipcariug.
Mr. Munufee, our affable city recorder,
i a determined to dispatch bnaineta by
i wtririty, having bad an Ediaon burner
tl in bia Institution.
Mr. Del Porter, one of Phertnau conn
' large fanner came into tbe city laat
, on a bnainea trip, and will returi.
' the evening train today.
The day are growing longer. The
' ifrthenlng process ia particularly noted
L t fellow who have foreeworn the roy
I d banished tbe pipe and tbe cigar.
Thi morning, pedeatrian were aur
I 'ed to find that a man unit be up
i t to itand and that tbe weak kneed
aid snrttly (all, fur the light rain laat
,bt froae a it fell covering everything
i ih fleet.
A number of the fun loving portion of
T population find great deal of apurt
coasting on the bill hack of town,
i nntll late each evening large aled,
b aled, atnall aled, and all kind of
ls are numerous.
Work on the steamer Regulator ia
fegreeeiug fine. Tlie steamer will be
rtter In every way when he goe into
water again than whan aha wa new
1 is thought alie will be ready lor busi-
again within two week.
Th ity pound 1 point of ettree
turn again. Tula morning mere wa
ana bora and a eow brute within it
. Id. No doubt Mint will kick, while a
d uanv will be thankful that tha
Jltlng eow will no longer aeek her
lug in our atreet and door yard.
The banker daughter now baa the
wd at Cordray' theater in Portland,
w a nioat ucceaaful run of tha new
lion of "Uncle Tom Cabin." Brou-
i . Howard' great aociety drama, tbe
.ker daughter, will be given trong
; .auction.
The county court adjourned today at
in, to meet on tbe 23d for the purpoee
Making tha tax levy and completing
Imahed bualnea that required poet
lament. Tsa Cnaoaiuui wa con
tinued tbe official ' paper for the
' Bty.
he Dalle ba tbe beat photographer
; U Pacific eoaat. At D. C. Herrin'
I try, over tbe poetoffice may be had
wet in this line which challenge com
parison. Hi Hat of view of the mag
nificent scenery of th Columbia i
treatly admired. He recently took a
picture of the steamer Dalle City aa
nding the rapid above Bonneville,
hich wa to perfect that a lady who
m looking a it declared ah could hear
team exhaust.
Mr. John Fulton of Sherman county
n th city today, and mad n a very
, aant call. He inform nt that the
r ound ha bad a better wetting ao far
an it hut had for aeveral aeaton past.
I i place the moisture ba gone down
' vly three feet. Apprehension have
n that the fall wheat would be ln
j id by the freeaing of late, but on ex
amination it I all right.
The crowd that left town thi after
t -n on a special train, bound on a skat
' expedition to Snipe' lak returned
it a few hour absence. They report
ring a moat excellent time. They
nu plenty of ice, and had the snow
been o soft, there would bare been
Sing to mar the pleasure of the trip
o ine iax in "ralecc ' car
Mwrjmloe, especially to those who
upper Dertn.
Th Chautauqua Literary circle met
n evening at the residence of M r. 8. L.
i rw i
ooas. in evening wa devoted to
idles in Oreek history and the dlplo-
mo relation of tbe Unltd States,
lb foreign countries. The next meet
J will be at the rosidence of Dr.
arkleford. Those present were Mos
me C. J. Crnndall, B. 8. Huntington,
t. Sharkleford, A. Gray, 8. L, Brook,
rrasler, rhirnian and Brook
. If 1 DM l.ll '
t. U. 11. BiddfllL
tuikir Maw CeiMty.
Mr. Van Woodruff of Tygh valley in
form utbat thcitisenof the southern
part of th county are bestirring them
selves and ar preparing a petition for
tha foundation of a new county to b
known a Tygh county, with the county
eat at Tygh Valley city. They propose
to make the De Chute tbe eastern
boundary, 10-Mile, Dufur th northern
and Crook on th south, with th sum
mit of the Cascades for Its other bound
aries. They aay that they see no reason
why they should not have county
government of their own, a well a
other portion of tbe country. Tbey
have a eood material for county offi
cial, and a many Mother asplranta for
new creations.
A demand for th division of counties
comes from aeveral part of th state.
Would it not be well to go a little slow
in such matters T Tbe more countie,
th more official ; and th more officials
the more expense. It eoeta too much
now to govern the state and tbe coun
ties. It lb member of tbe legislature
listen to every rest! person in tbe
state who think there will be chance
for an office for him if a new eouaty is
erected we will bavc a many conn ties
aa thers arc Quarter section In tb
state. Would It not be well to wait un
til population get a little more den
before tbe legislature applies the carving
knife again to the state' Change for
th sake of change 1 deprecated.
Front Um Daily CoiwdwI. W winday.
Mr. Merrill Fish cam up on th noon
train from Portland.
Mr. Ira C. Chapman and Mr. Geo. W.
Moody of Tygh Valley, arc la the city
Mr. Van Woodruff of Tygh valley
called this morning and paid bia re
spect to the attaches of this office.
A case of crim. con. Is attracting th
u ten tion of bystander and taking np
tue time of Justice Schuti this afternoon.
Mr. Griff Williams, a resident of Oils
city, left last night for Colfax, Wash
ington, to remain daring the winter.
Hon. 8. F. Blythe of Hood River, was
in the city yesterday. Tn Cbbomiclb
acknowledge tbe courtesy of a fraternal
Mr. Faun Batty, who baa been on tbe
sick list for a week past, appeared at bis
desk again last evening a night clerk at
The Umatilla.
People east and south of Tbe lHtlles,
should take a day off and go to work for
the dalles portage railway te be built by
the state.
Mr. Frank Brown of Grant, returned
from Portland laat night. lie left Mr.
Brown somewhat improved, and now
ba bop of her speedy recover v.
Rev. J. A. Orchard ot ttoldendal is
In tb city today and made aa a pleas- j
ant call. Tbe revcrned gontleman is
ea rout to Lewiston, Idaho, where b
goe temporarily on work connected
with bia missionary labors.
Mr. and Mr. Peter Fauric, late of
Buda, 111., have located in Foasil. They
will in all probability be able to report
back to other In the sucksr state that
tbe Inland Empire of Oregon it a very
desirable loculitv fur bona fide settlors.
Mr. and Mr. W. H. Meara of Golden
davc, gave us pleasant call today.
From them wa learn that Klickitat
county Is ia good condition, having bad
ber coil soaked thoroughly by tb late
enow. In some places tb farmers are
plowing, bat generally speaking is too
wet. altock arc doing well on the range
and, baa not fallen off in fleeb te apeak
Mr. T. H. Johnston, one of the active
business men of Dufur, is In the city to
day, working up the new Tygh county
scheme. He say Dufur ia aliv to the
project of atat portage Around the
dalle of th Columbia, and stand pre
pared to furnish convincing data as to
the feasibility of the plan proposed and
formerly indorsed by Portland lntiaenee.
Tbe press of the etate very generally
1 outspoken in favor of such an appro
priation for the militia a will render
the organisation of our citisen-soldier
complete and effective. The member
of tbe O. N. G. in tbe meantime look on
lib practical unconcern, willing to
serve the state if desired, but also per
fectly willing to be disbanded if no en-
oouragoment i shown th organisation.
Hon. J. II. Mosier of the town of
Mosier, ia in the city today. In conver
sation with him we leara the snow is all
gone ia hi section, also that a petition
was circulated through that place a few
day ago, asking that the legislature
create the county of Cascade by cutting
off th western portion of this county,
and resulted in being refused by nearly
everyone. Mr. Mosier says the scheme
is impracticable and the people so con
sider it.
The wail of wrath from th Astoria
liquor dealers because of receiving cop
ies of a 6 cent testament for (J.60 C. O.
D., is being visited upon the head of an
ex-drummer for a cigar house in Port
land named Trainor. Jim will wish he
hadn't played the joke o often before
he get throngb with it.
When American! find the official
constituting their government uudeeir
able they throw them out and elect new
one. And when Frenchmen find a
similar state ot affair they deem it logi-,
II to throw over the government. The
present Internal condition of France
give strong indication of the need of a
cldlita powder.
From Tbe Daily Cbroniala, Tkunday.
Mr. Robert May returned last even
ing from hi Tygh Valley farm.
Th sound cities are overrun with foot
pads, burglars, highwaymen and mur
derers. Hon. W. R. KUis went below Satur
day, and will probably visit Halein before
Representative Chandler ha intro-
duccd a bill for some mportant amend-
menu to Tbe Dalles city charter.
Aterrihle avalanche swept uown ue
district, laat Wednesday and killed two
men and destroyed a Urge amount of
Mr. Fred W. Wilson, who has been
visiting bis parent in this city during
tbe holidays, started this morning on
bis return to Mitchell, where be is en
gaged ia business.
Wa are having some delightful weather
at present which will probably come to an
abrupt terminus before long ; it 1 too
early in tbe winter to expect thi kind
of weather to last all summer.
Messrs. E. H. aud Y. II. French ra
ta rn to California State University this
afternoon, to resume their stadia in
that institution, after a con pie of weeks
vacation with their parent ia this city.
Th revival service held each even
ing at the Methodist church are quite
well attended, and considerable interest
I manifested. Rsv. Mr. Motor will
soon arriv to aid in carrying on tbe
Mr. Llllie Burford, daughter of Mrs.
Laura Cooley of Centerville, is seriously
ill at ber home in Klickitat county. Mr.
and Mr. Burford were quite recently
married, under very favorable circum
stances. It is earnestly hoped sb may
soon recover.
Tbe small and early dancing club held
its usual Wednesday evening session, at
Sob an no's ball at tbe cloae of Mis
Mason' dancing class and pnt in a very
enjoyable evening. The floor wa in
good condition, tbe music excellent and
for tbe time terpsichore reigned supreme.
Counterfeit silver coins and five and
tea-dollar gold piece arc being passed
to aomc extent ia tbltcity, and all along
the coast at present. The imitation is
pronounced bad, and, with ordinary
care, no losses need occur.
Mr. E. F. Hu mason of Spokane, who
was a short time since made tbe victim
ot a conspiracy and convicted of steal
ing cattle at Spokane, carried the mat
ter to tbe supreme court and the decision
has been reversed. Mr. Humason was
formerly a resident of this city and his
many friends will be gratified to learn
of tbe decision.
The Baker city Democrat cays Lfcwii
A Dryden bavc commenced action all
along tb line tb recover on subscrip
tions to their Railway Guide. Ia that
city they bavc banded their list to
tbeir attorneys, and it i expedient that
tba delinquent "walk ap to tb cap
tain' office." A number bavc already
Tba freeaa last night put tb ice on
the sloughs above town ia good condi
tion and all who can arc availing them
selves of the opportunity to enjoy a
good skat. Wc would call the atten
tion of those who survived th Snipes'
lake disaster of day before yesterday to
tbe fact that there is now m chance to
retrieve tbeir reputation a skaters.
The annual maaquerade ball ot Jack
son Engine Co. should receive liberal
patronage, aa this is the pioneer fire
company of Tbe Dalles, having been or
ganised ia lata. During tbe many
devastating conflagration tbat have
visited tbe city, this company has always
done it duty toward saving property.
Nearly all of the original member bav
passed away to the "silent shore," and
among those wbo still remain are Judge
Liebe and MTTIienry Wbitmore. These
are the only one, it 1 aid, who are
alive whose same ar on th charter.
Gov. Ponnoyer ba attempted to place
the responsibility for the defeat of the
proposed portage railway at tbe dalles
upon our delegation in congress. What
ever may bavc happened in the past is
passed. Tbe future is to determine what
shall be done. It matter little to the
people that mistake may have been
made only : Don't let any more mis
take occur. Th people ot the Inland
Empire have done forever with political
filllbustering about the project of an
opca Columbia river. It ba got to
come, and that is all there Is about it.
We understand that a bill was Intro
duced yeeterday appropriating $400,000
for tbe purpoee by a member of tbe sen
ate In Salem. When a copy of tbe bill
reaches us we shall be prepared to dis
cus it provisions.
It is learned from authoritative source
tbat important change will be made in
tbe telephone system of the Pacific
coast. La the spring several patent
will expire on telephone appliance.
After that takes place, it i probable
that all tbe telephone system on tha
coast will be consolidated in one or two
large systems, these being the Rocky
Mountain and tbe Sunset. A long dis
tance telephone line now run from
New York to Chicago, and work to th
entire satisfaction of the stockholder.
Should th change mentioned above
take place, it will be possible to get
connection in Tbe Dalles with Pendle
ton, Baker City, Boise, Walla Walla,
Spokane, San Francisco, Portland,
Seattle, and all other citie on th coast.
Ws!nesday evening is a busy one for
aociety people, aud with the whist club
i and tbe dancing club, the evening is
rendered merry for all. The Union
Whist club )nt evening was well at
tended, it Ix-li.g the evening tor the
monthly banquet. Twenty hands were
' played. Mrs. lx:li heart captured the
j first pi le and Mr. C. E. Bayard the
j journed to lh dint o( Keer
rMUarnti mUtn , ,oroptoou, aqaH
! WM rew, ilw u
went home while others remained and
spent a short while dancing to tbe music
of the uilgonettc clubs' new piano. The
club wa entertained by Mr. and Mr. J.
B. Crossen Mr. and Mrs. L. E.Crowe
will entertain the club next Wednesday.
Tli state military board finished it
labor last evening. They passed a
resolution for the introduction of a bill
removing tbe constitutional objections
to the land providing for the building of
an armory and the paying of rent of
building used for armorie. Also that
th member of tb slat militia shall
htv 11.50 per diem whll in active
service, instead of forty-seven cent
allowed at present.
Mr. Frank Hampton, on of Crook
county's large cattlemen, la in tbe city
today, en route to Eugene city, to meet
hi family, wbo are living there during
th winter. Mr. Hampton report th
stock on tb range in excellent condi
tion, and the snowfall in that section
wa of great benefit to tb farming por
tion of tb country, aa it give tbem as
surance of fine crop tbit year.
lu CHioxicL beartily concur in
tb Capital Journal suggestion that
when the proper time arrive a history
of W. 8. Ladd, deceased, should be writ
tea. That a maa should come to tbe
Pacific coast almost penniless, possessed
of no capital but a sound physique, a
clear bead for business, and a good char
act and die worth twenty millions ia
a significant commentary on American
institutions. A life of W. S. Ladd would
be a better history of Oregon than any
now in existence. Tbe clear impres
sions of strong characters upon tbe minds
of crowing generations would be far
more valuable than much that is now
taught in the schools and printed in tbe
newspaper. A well written history of
Mr. Ladd'a life would read almost like a
romance. The example of sterling in
tegrity, bis tireless industry, bis high
courage under all circumstances, bis
patient suffering of physical distress
that would have crushed many a man
into nothingness ; these are trait tbat
should be held before tb youth of our
country, Tbe death of our great banker
and business man of this coast is fresh
in the minds of all. The good thing of
over forty year of activity among bis
fellow men should not be lost in the
speedy oblivion following death.
f, :
altaiiaaa Hear Dallas City.
We learn tbat several parties have
come ap from Portland, having in view
theestablishmentof a sanitarium at The
Dalles, or near here. Tbey have visited
aeveral sections, and hav decided to
make tbe location on Cbenowetb, if tbey
can negotiate a purchase of twenty acres
ot land of Mr. Peter Anderson. We
rwnaider this a nice mov for aa institu
tion of that nature. The climate and
climatic condition of thi section of Or
egon are far superior in health giving
qualities to any other division of tbe
state. The freedom from extreme warm
weather ia the summer, or cold weather
in tbe winter, exemption from fog, and
tb prevalence of pure air make thi
a ' most desirable location for tucb
an institutiou, and iu turn, such aa In
stitution will afford a market for fruitt
and other product which will tend to
the profit of the producer. It 1 mutu
ally advantageous, and wc trutt there
may be no drawback to prevent tbe full
accomplishment of the project.
It wa just one year ago laat night
that tb Telephone wa piled np on the
jetty at the mouth of the Willamette,
says tb Astoria Examiner of the 9th.
Last night w a worse for fog than tbat
of & year ago, and having in mind the
accident tbat cost tbe company $10,000,
Capt. Crang and Pilot Larkin looked at
the fog as a sort of hoodoo. At 7 o'clock
the fog was so thick that the light of
vessel along the dock could not be seen
till one wa within fifty feet of tbem.
The fog lifted a little before ten o'clock.
At 0 :4o tbe Telephone blew her whistle,
and at ten she left for Portland.
Waa. Tarrant of Astoria, baa sued the
Oswego iron company for $40,000. Wil
liam claims tbat tbe company bare I
digged down into the bowels of tbe
earth and tapped an iron mine which
he assume Is bis. He undoubtedly
owns tbe surface, which is not consid
ered very rich soil, but if he wins his
suit will make a good sale of tbe ranch
after all.
lion. 6. M. Oil more, of the north side,
a pioneer of '49, and a very prominent
cltiaen of Oregon in former days, is lying
very sick at his home on the Uoldendale
Smallpox has broken out among the
natives in Alaska, and it 1 feared it will
become epidemic. The Puget sound
board of health will quarantine against
Alaskan ports until all danger of conta
gion is pajjt.
Grandall A Burget arc now settled in
tbeir new store in the Michelbacb brick
on Union street, nest door to Floyd &
Shown'!. Call around.
Baaklaa; Fro fa.
Rankers' Journal. A bank in a small
town derive profit from the following
sources: From interest on lu capital
invented in bonds; from interest on its
circulating note loaned to the public;
from interest derived by lending a por
tion of its dfM)Rit fund ; from profit in
buying and selling drafts or eichange on
New York and other citle. The same
is true, i.f course on a much larger scale,
with the large metropolitan bank, ex
cept that while the relation of small
banks are local, those of the large banks
reach to all parts of the world. In im
ports and export, the office of the
banker is almost aa important aa that
of th ship or tbe railroad. In amount!
involving millions of dollar, not more
than eight per cent is settled bv the
direct shipment of money. Bill of ex
change are used which, in reality, are
nothing more than methods of barter
so much flour, for instance, sent to
Scotland in exchange tor burlap and
bags. The banker is generally regarded
a a dealer in money, but thi in only
incidental. Primarily hedealt in credits
and instrument of exchange. For in
stance, a Chicago bank received in one
day from depositors $3,400,000. Only
five per cent of this was cash; the re
mainder was made up of check, draft,
bill of exchange and clearing house
When the steamer Telephone was
leaving the dock at Eagle Cliff last Tues
day, Max Young, who wa bidding his
boys goodbye, got his fingers in between
two piles that were shoved together,
and they were crushed flat. Fate seem
to follow Max, he baa been mashed up
several time.
At Baker city a shipment o'f fifteen
carloads of beef cattle Is being fed on
account of the failure of a Puget sound
beet company to come up with the
purchase price of the cattle, the owners
refusing to allow the shipment to be
made without some guarsntee that their
money will be forthcoming.
The Portland Cracker company which
own the cracker factories of the north
west, and ha recently created consid
erable interest among tbe trade by cut
ting quite a swath in tbe confectionery
businexe, continues its work of absorp
tion, having purchased the candy fac
tories of tbe Bernheim, Alisky Candy
Co.. and J. K. Mathscheck A Co., thus
crushing out competition and becoming
a combination of iormidabie proportions.
A bill will be introduced in the Olym
pia legislature abolishing poll tax ; also
one tbat in incorporated cities there
ball be but one assessment for munici
pal, county and state taxes. Such a law
would no doubt operate well in thi
state. Take it in The Dalle, for in
stance, we have three assessment;
county, city and school. And the poll
tax arrangement a it Is worked is a
fraud of tbe biggeet sort. Waecocounty,
with a population less than one-third a
large aa that of Multnomah, pays more
poll tax than doe the larger county,
bile other with far lea population
than Tbe Dalle have more poll assessed
than doe Wasco county.
Tbe Bys DM the Jo.
Aa East Dover (Me.) farmer had a
mare something over 30 yean old, and
aoi thinking it advisable to winter
ber, spoke to some boy to take her out,
hoot her and bury ber for a money oon
ideration. Boy No. 1 and t did tbe
job all right, but No. g, not knowing the
marc had been killed, went tbe follow
ing day to tbe farmer' barn, and find
lag aa animal in th stable, took him
oat and led him down to a piece of
woods, shot and buried him. Imagine
th fanner' surprise on coming home to
find that boy No. had ahot and buried
a nice 6-year-old, worth ia the neighbor
hood of POO. Boston Transcript
Bif Omw, Bia: Tim, .II Mm.
party consisting of D. M. Rawlins,
H. C. Brown and others, of Brown'
Mill, went out coon hunting the other
night and caught th Urgent oooo and
cut down the largest tree yet on record.
The coon weighed twenty-eeren pound
and the tree wa nearly fifteen feet
across th stamp. The tree wa very
hollow, and Mr. Nathan Singletary, whe
it not a very Urge man, went into tbe
hollow of the tree and came out at
knot bole. Cor. Atlanta Constitution.
Doing Feaanee.
An old woman baa taken up her abode
In a wood on Lord Annaly's estate at
Eildysart She has made a bed of fern
leaves between the trunks of trees, stick
and fern forming a rude thatch. The
only article of furnitnre is a crucifix
She snbsists on bread and water, and
say she baa resorted to thi wretched
mode of existenoe as a penance. Lon
don Letter.
A man customer in a Boston store
would not purchase an electrio belt be
cause it did not have all those needles
sticking out in every direction from it
such aa pictured in the paper. Phar
maceutical Era.
Tbe earliest coinage that can be called
American wa ordered by the Virginia
company, and waa minted in the Ber
muda h 1813- But -then, and for lour
afterward, the standard currency of
Virginia waa tobaooo.
Conch shells, when ground, cuter into
the manufacture of porcelain. The rose
colored pearl of the pink conch are
very valuable, and have a beautild
wavy sheen like that of watered silk.
An English clergyman whose salver
tiaeinent ba more than once appeared
in a London paper net a nice sunt an
nually by th sal of a special bread of
We have an unlimited amount
of money to loan on ap
proved farm security.
Thorjusury Sc Hudson,
The Dalles, Or.
Xotlrr U hwwbr ttren that by virtue of an
exreuUon and nrtlvr A aale, lasuud nut f the
Ircull iviurt ol Ibe nUte ot Orwon, fur the
ootiiitjrof Waaro, on the Mh ilay of Ittnemt-r,
1WU, to ma llrertl and delivered, in
a tnlt therein and theretofore prndlna
wherein J. A. Uulliford wu plaintiff and
William A. Ilanna and F.UIe Hanua were de
fendants, eoiiinianilliic mm to levy upon and
ell oeruin mil eauia hereinafter particularly
mention! and described, to atify the turn of
IV7A.4M, with inteteat on aaid mirn at the rate of
eight per cent, per annum Hlnoe the lath day of
November, MHZ, and the further .um ol Ilia) t
birney feea, toffvtlier with tha eoeta and dla
bnmenienta, made and expended in mid ault,
and thenoata, ehawe and expeneeaof tale, I did
levy upon and will on Haturdav, the 2lt day
of January, iwtt t th front lar of the county
enurt bouw In Liallea City, Wvwo eounty, Ore
gon, at the hour of 'J o'clock In the afternoon
of aaid day, aril at public auction to the blKheat
bidder for ruin In hand, all of the followina
dexcrlbed real eatate, to-wit:
The north half of tba aoutheaiit quarter and
th cant half of th northeant quarter of Unction
thirty-four (M) In townnhln one !) norm of
rang fourteen (14) eaat of the Willamette me
ridian, in W aero enmity, Omrmi, to aattafy aiut
pay aaid anmi above mention.!.
liatMl thiiild day of Dewmbt-r. ISM.
T. A. WARD, Sheriff of Waeoo Uonntv. 8tate of Oregon.
V. 8. land Office, Th Hallea, Or,, Den. S, WM.
Notice la hereby Riven that the following
named aettler baa tiled noUoe of hie Intention to
mak final proof In UHrt of hia claim, and
that aaid proof will be miule before the retrlatar
and receiver at The belle. Or., on Batuidiy,
Jan. 11, um, vU:
Aaa W. Whet tone,
Hommtead Application No. 346, for tha 8W
N B'j and tii ok'4 of Section , T. 1 N. H. 14 k!
He oamea the following wltnemea to prove his
continuous residence uon and cultivation of
aaid land, via: feter (iodfrey, John Krau, An
drew kfc ab and Henry Kyan, all of Tba
12.V-I.I3 JOHN W. I.KW18, Regiater.
r. 9. I.ajid Omrs, The Dalle. Or., Oct. 2, 1X92,
Notice ia hereby given that tbe followlng
numcd Kttler baa riled notice of hia Intention to
mak final proof In support of hia claim, and
that aaid proof will be made before the register
and receiver at Tbe Dallea, Or., on December
17th, 1MK, via:
Aaron '' Ooak,
lid. No. SWS, for the BWVi Sec. 29 Tp. 1 N, R 14
K, W. af.
He namea th following witnesses to prov
bia eontinuoas residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
W. Allen, il. It. Hyre, A. McCabe and K. Huot,
allot Tbe Dalle. Or.
11 4wU. JOHN W. LEWIS. Register.
V. 8. Lakd Omcs, The Dalles. Or., Nov. 26, lWi
Notice ia hereby given tbat the following-
named settler baa Died notice of his Intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
tbatssid proof will be Biade before the register
ana receiver at iu uauea, Oregon, on January
7U, vis:
Wllllain B. Wolfe,
Homestead application No. 3104, for the 84
NK'i and lots t and 2 of nee. 4, Tp. 1 . R. 12
I. w. M,
He names the following witnesses to prove hia
enntiaaous residence upon and cultivation of
aaid land, via:
J. R. Hall, K. A. Obriat, 1. D. Nelson and Q.
Beirla, all of Tbe Dalles, Or. .
lZ2-6twl. JOHN W. IJSW18, Register.
Notice la hereby given that, In pursuance of an
order from the County Court of tbe state of Ore
gon, for Wasco county, made on the Kith day of
November, 1MM, in the matter of tbe estate of A.
B. Moore, deceased, I will, on th 24th day of
December, Iftri, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of
said day, sell at public auction sale, at the door
of the eounty court house, in The Dalles, Wasco
county, Oregon, the following-described real
Sroperty belonging to the eatate of A. 14. Moore,
eceased, to-wtt:
lxts 7, , !, 10 and 12, and ltia feet off the west 11, ail in block of iAughlln's Bliift"
Addition to Dallea City, Oregou: aaid property
to ba sold to the highest bidder for cash In hand.
BAKAU A. alOOKK, Administratrix.
Dated Th Dallus.Or.. November lhth, n.
By virtu of an execution and order of sale,
l-aued outof the Circuit Court of tbe State of
Oregon for tbe eounty of Wasco, to ine directed,
in tbe suit where n th Solicitors' Loan and
Trust Co. is plaliitlir, and William P. Ouyton.
Mary K. Gu ton and D. McKelvey are delend
anta, commanding me to levy upon and mak
sale of thow e rtain pieces and arcela of land
In Waseo county, Htato of Oregon, known and
described aa the wast half of tbe southeast quar
ter and tb east half of the southwest quarter of
Section tour .4) in township one (1) south of
range thirteen (13 east of the Willamette merid
ian, containing one hundred and sixty acres, 1
hav this day levied uuon aaid land and on Krl
day, February Sd, Irtel, at the hour o( II o clock
a.m. of euid day. In front of the court houae
door, tn aaid county and state, I will s I said
lano at pubiia auction to th highest bidder
therefor. T. A. W ARD,
Hlierio of Waaoo County, Slate uf Oregon.
Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.
II. S. fsind Ofllc. Th Dallea, Or., Feb. 23, 1W1.
Notice is hereby given thul In roinnlianea
with the provMoiis of the aut of congress of
June 3, IH7S, entitlod "An act for the sale of tim
ber lands In the stalea of California, Oregon,
Nevada and eahingtou Territory,'
Thomas C. r argher.
Of Dufur, county of Wasco, slate ol Oregon, has
tbiaduy Hied in this otlice bis sworn statement
for the purchase of the N'j of Sir.'., hK'. of
NK' NK' of SK'; of See. No. 18, In town
ship No. 2 S., range No 14 K. W. Al.. and will
orTVr pnsif to show that the land sought is mora
vsluable for its timber or stone than lur agricul
tural purposes, and to estublli-h bis claim to
said land before the reglnler and receiver of this
office si The Dallea, Or., ou the Hd day of Febru
ary, 1M43.
lie names us witnesses: Robert Harrison, of
Nausene. Or., Murdoch XIcIaihI. of Kingsley,
Or., John Adams, of Nauseue, or., aiid John
Murray, of isnnsenc, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tha
above-dertlMd lands are reouesbd to lile their
rU ins lit tins ollloe on or before sai l Hd day of
nary, It
JOHN W. J Jilt IS, RagUter.
V. . lauid Office, The Dalles, Or, Nov. 21,
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named K ttler has Hied notice ol bis InteuUon b
make flual proof in support of his claim and that
said pnaf will be msde Ik-tore the register and
receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Jauuary II.
imi, via:
R. I. ritcbsr,
Homestead Application No. 2&.'3 for lb K of
Sen. M, Tp. 4 S. K. 14 east.
He names the following wltioxsc to prov his
continuous residence upon and culUvaUon of
said laud.vli:
C. Ia Morris, Vsn Woodruff, Charles Haywart
and Kd. W ing, ail of Tygh Valley, Or.
Any person who desires tn proJest against tb
allowance of auch proof, or who know of
any substantial reason, under th law and th
regulsUons of the Interior Department, wby
such proof should not b allowed, will ba given
an o"ortuntty at the above-mentioned timaand
plane to cross-examine th witness of said
claimant, and to oftVr tvldeno in rebuttal of
thai submitted by alalmant.
wU.U.m JOHN W. LEWIS, Baanjtar.