The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 13, 1893, Image 2

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    siiCr cnnoirLE, ftudaf, January is, isca.
Elsctaral Totes, ets.
The Kansas Populists Breaking Faith
With the Democracy.
OWar Hah Hotau ItnafthM
Mats If Clevalaa Will YleM
PtB Otha Maw.
Oltmma, Wash., Jan. 9. Wesblng
ton'a legislature convened at noon today
and the aenate confirmed the nominee
of the caucus. Ijeutenan t-Ciorernor
Leughton presided in the annate and
Judge Stiles aduiiuistered the oath of
office to the members of the aenate.
Tueaton waa elected president pro tent.,
and Allen Weir secretary. lie will re
sign, hia present omce oi secretary 01
state. The secretary of state returned
the re toed Pinkertou bill of last session
which waa made a apecial order for
Monday at! o'clock.
Chief Clerk Kitklia called the houe
to order, and Morrison of King waa
elected temporary speaker. Balloting
for permanent speaker is still going on.
17 for Hoole, 23 for M entaer, 18 for J ad
on, the balance scat luring. The oat
come of the deadlock ia expected to be
the election of Ventaer by the demo
crats' and populists' to tea.
The raaalut iMk VaHav.
Topbka, Kan., Jan. B. The populist
leaders, at a secret eaucue last night.
decided in the contest for senator to
support the middle of the road third
party man,. Democrats are very much
pnt oat over tliis action, and it ia under
stood that fire members of the legisla
ture will stand 6rm, baring the balance
of power for a compromise candidate
The populists intend to organise the
house whether the republicans have a
majority or not. The plan ia, if the re
publicans show a clear majority to with
draw and organise a new house, which
Govemor-e lect Llewellyn and the senate
will recognise. Various legal decisions
ia snpport of this action are cited by
populist leaders. These show they
-claim that each house is a law onto it
aell. Goy. Llewellyn and other state
officer, all populists, were duly in
tailed in office. Llewellyn's inaugural
bad special interest, from the fact he is
the first of his party to hold that office.
A Black rUsas.
Haboimbuk6, Ky., Jan. 9. On the
'arms of Messrs. E. P. McFatridge and
Thomas Alexander, two miles from
town, are tens of thousands of crows.
There are so many together that they
are starring. They have killed a large
hog and ravenously deyoared the flesh.
6 beep are now dropping their lambs,
and not only lose their offspring as food
for the crows, bat the old ewe that are
not strong enough to defend themselves
are also deyoared. Not a lamb in this
locality will be eared onlees this im
mense collection of crows can be got rid
A D wnUc Deal.
Naw Toil, Jan. 9.C. R. Tingle, one
of the leading democrats of Montana,
came to New York a few days ago to see
Clereiand about the Montana Sena tor -hip.
The Montana senate," be said,
"stands eeren republicans and nine
democrats ; three populists in toe bouse
seem to hold the balance of power. The
populists bare agreed to support the
democrat proriding bis views on the
silrer question are in accord with theirs.
As a result of this deal a democrat ia al
most certain to be elected."
' Hclbba, Mont-, Jan. 9. The po pu
llets in the IczUUtore bare received in
traction from the leaders of their
party, presumably from Washington,
not to vote for a democrat for United
Plates aenatjr under any cireumatances.
It iasaid the populifts of California and
Wyoming bare received similar instruc
tions. . r
Cmcts.vse, Jan. 9. The people of
Johnson county are sertoosly discussing
tha qeUoa of dropping the perseca
tines "t the catUeaaen. A prosecution to
theend will bankrupt the county. Be
side the people aay they have been
whipped in the Cht, imprisoned, de
feated politically aad lost their time and
money ; beside a conviction ia doubtful.
Km Cfc ).
Cmlvmsm, )., Jan. 9. Members of
lis rtrl elge nvet this morning
ad cart 22 votes for Benjamin Harri
er, aad one by J. P. r tew art, of Mas
tA, for Orover Oveiasd. fetewert is
lie fcrt deawrratse fwudstied eiertor
fa la years.
VIII Amm The n .
umm.Ui,i. 0. If. Cay Evaa,
ia a private letter, aay aw baa decided
to aecept tLm puritioa of first ass! stent
aatasasRay 'fssMve
I thi vrrRVHi rori.
lajeartlaa ABlnM) AaataaS
Kabl tor th ! Tiaaa.
Washixotok, Jaa. 9 In the ease of
the Union river logging railway compa
ny of Oregon, for a bill of Injunction
against Secretary Noble, of the Interior
department, the United H-tale Supreme
court today affirmed the judgment of the
district supreme court granting the in
junction. The injunction was applied for by F.
I). McKenney, counsel for the company,
to restrain Secretary Noble from revok
ing the approval of his predecessors u
the map location of the company. Sec
retary Nobles action was based on the
ground that the company ia not a gener
al transportation company as eontem
plated by congress when it made the land
grant to the corporation, but Is in fact
private logging concern.
Counsel claimed that by the original
approval map it acquired rested rights
which could be taken away only by judi
cial proceedings. It waa maintained,
therefore, that no discretionary right
lodged in the secretary. The courts up
hold this view. It ia said this ia the
first time in which the court haa affirm'
ed the grant of au injunction against
binet officer. It haa heretofore ac
complished much the same thing, by
way of mandamus, but in the
heretofore the court haa avoided the
grant of an injunction, though never
stating it would not under any circum
stances do so.
la Bw Terk.
Albaxt, N. Y., Jan. 9. New York'
38 presidential electors met and organ
ised, and after endorsing Edward Mur
phy for United Bute senator, cast their
vote for Cleveland and Stevenson.
C Bi;bm4 t7a.
8a Faasciaco, Jan. 9. Creed Hay'
mond, the well-known lawyer, Is Tarj
low thi morning. Be 1 no longer able
to take nourishment of any kind, and
daring the night the end was expected
at any moment. At noon today his
condition is about the same, though hia
remarkable vitality may prolong las life
many hoars.
Halbm, Jan. 9. Representative Keady
of Multnomah, waa chosen speaker of
the house. Officer vera elected aa
follow: For chief clerk, D. C. fiber
man, of Marion ; assistant clerk, Wil-
m II. Turner, of Yamhill; reading
clerk, G. O. Holman, of Multnomah;
for eergeant-et-arme, J. E. Blundell, of
Douglas ; for door-keeper, John 8. Vin
cent, of Umatilla. A resolution that
the speaker appoint two pages and one
mailing clerk waa adopted.
CmimUsi 91' Will.
New Yoke, Jan. 9. Ex-Judge Dillon
and Allan Goodwin appeared in the
surrogate court this morning to oppose
the claim filed by Lawyer Mabea and
Morgan, appointed respectively guar
dians of the infant children of George
Gould and Jay Gould. Both Mabea and
Morgan put in claims for $30,000 for
services. Ex-Judge Dillon said the
claims were excessive, and f-iOO would
be sufficient to compensate and 15,000
would be an overflowing allowance.
Mabea claimed hia aery ice were worth
fully the amount claimed. He believed
it would have been better if the will bad
been rejected, but he bad decided not to
k any con test. Surrogate Ban son
said be believed possibly it would have
been better if the will had been rejected.
He thought Morgan' services were
worth more than Mabea', bat be said
both claim were excessive. He would
take the question of the claims under
Laws Case mt B Aalsaetlew.
There ia no apparent change in the
ease of Clay G. Hopper, the young man
who waa supposed to have died nine
days ago in Toledo, Ohio. The body has
the appearance of one lying asleep. It
is Jimp and retains its natural color.
The only change is in the pinkish spot
about the tody, which are constantly
changing to a light bine and growing
deeper. The temperature of tbe body
remain at seventy-two degree, and
although it has laid in a warm house
for nine days there are no sign of de
composition. The rase baa attracted
tbe attention of the local medical pro
fession, bat the distracted parent will
not permit investigation of tbe body.
It is, If tbe belief of the parent be true,
one of the longest case of suspended
animation on record. Tbe eye remain
bright a in life, and while tbe heart is
not beating the blood vessels are plainly
visible. Death, if it ia death, waa
caused by dropsy of the heart.
tad IMayH'
New Oai.BAM, Jan. . Henry L.
Gregory, of Jordan river, Mia., who
came here November 24th, and baa been
misting ever since, has turned op. He
allrs be was robbed, then kidnaped by
Hicilian brigand and held ever since.
A baiem dispatch say tbe success of
Fulton in the senate is a great point In
favor of Geer for speaker of the bouse.
Tbe acoustics of tle house bars not been
improved by the $10,0rX) worth of re
modelling, and Gear has a good voice for
each a room, ia fact, he make a most
efficient speaker. There la an army of
candidate for clerkship amounting al
ruort to a pestilence. J. 3. Daly pro
posed a bill la the 3d hones to have
tbem) uniformed, along with can di data
for railway erymmiamooer, aad thus do
away witii toe O. . U.
Ret lM of Baiiici Money Far
Ta Tent The Matter af Privilege In
Staying Away Prom The Poll.
a rrM roi eArTAkv rmi-oaas
Mil Thanlv ' Wkn "r.
aa ahrtsae.
6yil toTas CaaoMicu.)
Kansas Crrr, Jan. 10. The first case
to test a law of this city was decided in
favor of the corporation yesterday, and
all Kansaa citv voters who remained
away from the polls In lfMO, and at the
late election, must pay into the treasury
$250 each. The city charter provides
that voters who do not vote at the
general city election every two years
shall be charged with a political tax of
1350 each. The registration books of the
city show that there were several
thousand voters that did not exercise
their right of franchise lost sprinz- At
$350 each these men owe the city a large
amount, and as that sum, or any part of
it, would come very handy just now, the
city counsellor haa taken steps to col
lecting it. The money so collected goes
into the aanitary fund, but it benefits
the city department, aa money that
would . otharwiaa be taken from the
revenue fond for other purposes is ap
propriated for sanitary purposes. Half
of the beat known business men and
manufacturers, professional men and
capitalists, those who have large property
interests, will find their names on the
list of delinquent. The men who are
most directly interested ia a financial
way in the government of the city are
the men who seem to take no part in
politic and neglect to vote. The fact
that a man was out of town or too busy
doe not excuse him, aa the charter
makes no provision for excusing any
one. Ib result of tins suit haa been
watched with interest aa it ia likely to
ttle an interesting question, there
being some doubt in the minds of good
attorneys aa to whether the charter pro
vision ia valid and taxes can be collected
under it. An appeal will be taken of
coarse, bat the city counsellor ia confi
dent of ultimate success in the matter.
a rarriTioft that caxriid.
Appalataaaat mt Mall Laavkas ImIIm
Baas mt IMatrhst Be. 1.
The Hon. County Court of Wasco
county could not resist the following ap
peal. Addressed to them by a long list
of citixens, and baa appointed Mr. Mell
Leavens section Boas of Ko I aa desired.
Tbe petition which waa very .artistically
arranged, reads aa follows:
To the Hon. County Court: Gentlemen :
"We, the undersigned, yonr most hum
ble and respected citixens of United
State and of the county of Waaco, on
the western slope ; cttisen who desire
to aee the bast interest and welfare of
thi great county carried oat; citiaea
who take the Interest of tbe county at
heart, and who love to aee all common
thoroughfare, wagon roads and public
drive kept up, and citisen wbo abhor
the recent eight-boar labor law sys
tem, and are willing to work from
early dawn to the time old Sol
disappears in the western borison:
"We wish to say we would like very
much to have a wagoa road here. We
do not care to have the Tygh hill road
moved down. No, we will not aak it,
but would like to have the present one
here exhumed. Taking all these things
into consideration, we would ask your
Hon. Body that yoa appoint Mell Leav
en, section bos of thi road district No.
I. Tbe said Mell Leavens, I about the
only person wbo would be courageous
nough to tackle tbe situation, this your
petitioner aver pray."
Following this waa a list of th uili
sen, under a bold caption: "Oar
Frequently small gold nngget are
found in the gizzard of domestic fowl in
Oregon, but never until last week baa
the mine been successfully traced from
such prospect. A few day sioee B. C.
Houghman, wbo live near Mount Angel,
in Marion county, killed a turkey and
found in It craw a piece of pure gold
worth at least a dollar. In the craw of
two geese be obtained several other
pieces of the precious metal. In looking
around over the place be found a num
ber of diminutive nugget which were
worth about $10. Since then a good
deal of prospecting has been going on,
bat no startling development have been
Capt. Olsen and hia Astoria schooner
Louis, are in the band of the federal au
thorities, charged with smuggling Chi
nese andopiam into California and Mex
ico. Something sensational is expected
when tbe evidence la given before the U.
i. Oosamuskrasr ia ban Fraaeisce.
A Lwal Keafey WaaSs Km mt lha Millar
rr laSlaa Agm.
tnm Ik k'laaMia flat
It has beea some time sine thi great
pasture haa bera heard from, but the
stock look fine and most of them are on
she range, the late rains having cleared
I away about all the snow. Th question
who will he the next sgenl of the Iadiaa
reservation it loud now, aad I answer
W. r. Miller, by Gosh! A petition is
being circulated for W. P. Miller, aad
he'd make a fine agent. Hia
sections of land, which the wise
haa scooped in without tbe fear of the
tard In his bosom, "jlnes" th reserva
tion aad all ha would hava to do is to
step s cross the line and exert the power
with which be hopes th United flutes
will entrust him. ,
The people up here would rather Mr.
Cleveland would appoint Mr. Miller
Minister to Turkey, which is a tatter
and far-away office, but good men eaat
get everything. Sometimes a good man
is stuck up on an Indian agency as ashia
lag sxample of the virtue of tbe appoint
ing power and that's what we want Mr.
Miller raised to the proud bight of
agent for. M r. M tiler haa a w hole valley
full of steers and eow, horse, calve
and mules, and as his little three or
four sections of land sre nut roomy
enough for them all, he could remove
bis fence farther eaat and blend his In
terests with those of the Indian stork
owners. I trust that when Cleveland Is
taking hia asat on the 4th of next March
be will not sit on Mr. Miller. I trust
that be will seat himself with a solemn
conviction of the importance of slicking
good men up aa ahining examples af his
virtue ia tlie matter of appeintmente.
I want to see Mr. Millar fatter, and his
old cows aad steers graaing all over the
Indian reservation. So sign the petition
all ye who love virtue aad tat beef.
Owe Vmmt Oi
Wallowa Chieftain. Eastern Oregon,
justly termed the Inland Empire, haa a
kick, and a justifiable one. Jteeantly
the governmental station at Corral lis
issued a bulletin devoted to tbe soils of
Oregoa. Ths bulletin bad bean pre
pared by Prof. G. W. Shaw, professor of
ahamUtry, aad la .the bulletia ha said
the main growth of Eastern Oregon waa
sage brush and bunchgraaa. Thia bul
letia waa aent broadcast, and now, the
stale board of horticulture embodies
try word of Prof. Hhaw'a bulletin in
their reports. It ia likely that 60,000
copies of each report will be printed for
distribution throughout the state and
at the worlds fair. The press of Eastern
Oregon ia mad, but not without reason,
and ia after Chemist Kbaw with a how
itser. Th Llskl mt Lira ppato.
Washisotob, Jan. 0. Dr. Johnson,
after remaining in Blaine' house all
night, left shortly after 6 o'clock thia
morning. One of the cloaeat friends of
Blaine, who waa admitted to the sick
chamber last sight, said today: "Tbs
light of life of Blaine ia going eat. I do
not think ha will survive th next 34
hoar. Hi present condition is a strug
gle between life and death, which I
likely to terminate at any time. He ia
apparently oblivious of his surroundings,
but frequently rouses from a comatose
state, and, though too weak to manifest
interest in the family, yet gives evidence
of cooacioaanaee."
Wea Ulew.
Kabsas Crrr, Jaa. 9. The district
court of Wyandotte county, Kan., today
decided the lease of tbe famous Cherokee
Strip Land A Live Stock Association
against J. V. Andrews and other, to
collect $50,000 for the use of graaing
lands in th (trip leased from the asso
ciation. The entire strip comprises
6,000,000 acre. Tha court held that
the original lease by the association
from tbe Indian ia Illegal, and there
fore the sublease is likewise illegal.
Congressman Herman is at work with
a will. He presented to congress yes
terday a protest of the Columbia harbor
at Astoria against admitting alien ves
sels without complying with existing
law. lis also secured an order from
tha post master -general establishing an
Increased mail service between Boseburg
and Empire city, to go into effect on the
first of February.
Wa were much Interested a few day
since in a conversation with Dr. Brig
bam, of Dofur, on hia experience at
farming. One year he concluded to
drive bis grain to market in the shape of
fat hogs. He kept accurate accounts,
and the net result were highly profit
able. Tbe lack of supplies has com
pelled 600 men to quit work in on placa
devoted to packing meat since Decem
ber 1st. The grsoerie are full of grain
waiting for an advance) in price.
Portland had quite a jail delivery
from ber old trap of a jail, fiix of the
wont character and desperate fellow
uncaged, sawed out with an old case
knife last night. One of them is the ex
convict Wilson, and another oneBhlolds,
who were held for highway robbery in
the streets of Portland. Itisaahsme
that city jail cannot be better than
mere pretence. Make them secure and
proof against exit other than by the
King Faro has banished tha plebeian
Kano from Spokane. Tha twain are
always at war, and Kano Invariably gat
tha worst of it.
Eut Cauft MM tie Becenl
Decline is Mil
Diacriaiiaalioaa. Against ladaatilal
ertlacatea aa Colls Ural. .
TUB wwcvmTAtw TAIirf roLICT.
Th Whisky Saah Traat ae She Blasvh
Aplls4 She rearaav afe
ela lhar Matt.
ayaaial h Tas catemsia )
KswYosx, Jan. 11. Discussing the
recent flurry on Wall street, a broker
with very keen Insight into tha full
knowledge of tha condition and causea,
says many rather than one causa pre
cipitated the decline In the prloe of
stocks which is th true barometer of all
trade. Tha engagement of nearly $A,
000,000 of gold for export following upon
previous heavy shipment operated to
cast a shadow of apprebeasion. Tbe
possibility of continued exports of ths
basis of oar currency deepened aa al
ready uneasy feeling. Added to thi
waa tha hulure of tha silver conference
tor tha present aad th discouraging oat
look for the future. These two condi
tions suggested, if they did mat aetaally
foreshadow, a aontractioa of tha vol am
of currency.
Thar waa a dawrimiaatioB af
leader against Industrial certificate aa
collateral. Thia waa perhaps due to
the uncertain tariff policy of tha incom
ing dameeretie administration. Thisl ca
dency waa without doubt incraaaad by
tha fact that moaetary conditions
f oread a discrimination against
securities of impaired value, panle
in tha air. Tha immediate precipitating
cause, tha mach applied ta tha powder,
ia not eonsl usively ahowa by anything
that haa developed. Bat indication
wm to point to tha whisky trust toek,
which fell with the first break ia tha la-
scure and already tottering market.
A great effort had basa mad so buoaa
whisky-trust shock. It had been forced
from forty-fiva to seventy-two. ' The
entire distillery product of the country
bad been bought up and sotuered. A
belief that tha tariff would be reduced
and the revenue would be recouped by
aa increase of the tax on whisky was
fanned into a rosy confidence. Tha rise
of the trust stock made fortunes for
those managing tbe deal. To hold on
meant to await legitimate returns anon
the actual investments in whisky. To
ell meant to secure at ones what in the
end might not be secured. It is fortu
nate for tha legitimate holders of stock
that these prices in Wall street do not
signify mach of anything concerning the
real values. Railroad stocks, ana, in
deed, all legitimate stocks, will not be
impaired ia their earning capacity.
The flurry ia a disagreement between
the overbopeful borrower and tbe always
apprehensive lender of money. In du
course of time theea distorbed condi
tion will readjust themselves generally
approximately aa they were before.
Home stocks may have got an airing
that will lower their price materially.
Many other stocks will settle beck to
their former figures or there bouta.
Home gentlemen wbo were on top will
be bumbled, and those who were humble
will he exalted. Tbe ops and downa of
Wall street fortunately do not carry tha
rest of mankind with them.
Aaaah Whaeh at Ml
Review. It ia given out from Wash
ington that Mr. Cleveland will not call
an extra session of the legislature unless
there should be a deficit in tha treasury
after the democracy ha coma into
power. In view of th fact that tha de
mocracy has been giving the country a
great eong and dance a to their purpose
to bring about speedy retrenchment,
thi I an aniasing confession. One
hearkening to their claim the past two
years, would naturally think that even if
they should find a slight deficit the re
form which they intend to put in mo- j
lion would soon convert it into surplus.
No we are told that an extra session of
congress will be required. That is, the
way to retrench is to give the billion
dollar house another whack at ths treas
ury. Bar Wllh Malta !.a.
Walla Walla, Jan. t. This after
noon David Roche, a plumber, waa
severely burned about tha face and neck.
He waa engaged la melting lead from
cartridge which were procured at tha
garrison range, when a cartridge, which
was accidentally gathered op with tha
old bullets, exploded. Hot metal shot
up in the air, Roche' face and neck be
ing literally covered. The burns are not
considered fatal.
Kaahy Sanaa:.
Pendleton Tribnne. If the legislature
will give Kan torn Oregon an open river,
strike out the indebtedness elans in
tha assessment law and repeal tha orary
and mortgage tax laws, we will ay
thank and not aak for anything more
thia time.
Subscribe for Ths CnaoBicn.,
leading paper of Eaatera Oregaa.
e ma,.. h, ... .',
Prn Um Klamath Star.
Crater lake iQ ,,. in.r
rtl.kl. . . " Pert
.., , '7r.r.C.K.S,itMh;.
lb. agency ,.h, .li.n, Bir1 u '
Xadlsn Pedro climbed Up there,
w wmtwmr IFinn aula.
' - - " ' ' H,rn Hn
w-crus !
iney remained oos dsv ai tk. i.L. .. (
doctor returning
,. . "-ae,h
umaiinoihled l . .
peraliar action of
. a i
the light -il.lcB .
reuisi nis camera
from trKl. .
picture of the lake.
wbo arrived yeaterdey from p, " 1
came by wy of the wonderful J.,71,
nowshoea. He describes it M mSJj
la order to m.ka thi. mmtal c
wry gem of sublimity, KstUre most II
H If cleft, and cover all ,
. Then the l.ka, mo IroVi
nowed over, a aeen from iv
slonae nl i . .lua:
'"" enow is narrowed to th,,. i
pearance ot a dark cerulean g, t4 ;
snowy setting 1 rimmed by the W, T i
One would exneel t kl. (
the breast of one of ths Titans ?
Heslod In his Tltengony. A moaajl f
giant wbo could heap up mountA,
scale tha sky would look msgnlk, j
with uch a breastpin glittering It h ?.
moonlight. s
According t Fsrnsworth'seesoasi 1
the travel between rrospsrt wdCrtu
lake It i not exactly tha soantry (or Um
lolly dude or piano tuners. Ilaaytoia.
Is ever planted around there it ooxHt
be tbe adulterated seeds that era era
ing into tha market just now, bat
dude nor earthing healthy could
there. No doubt Mr. Farasa,
thought as hs sal there under IWaV
aad pttilees hear a bow he'd like a
down ia tha warm agricultural sea '
at Corvellia aad tell tha profsssuii
tha trait peat ia unknown around be
lake, eepacially in tha winter Ha
aad that aasaed fruit could b a
there several thousand tact abort ;
Uevei af the sea. . The country us a
ia wrapped ia a mantle of deep east ;
ariM i
Last fall whew wild
abundant ia supply ap ia
county, a farmer hay shot eas wb
waa only disabled by a broksa v
Ha took tha goose home aad doctoral
aad it aaoa becaaae aa lame a to kU
tha boy wherever be went, est h
hi band and evea poke hia bead s
tha hoy pocket for wheat. Boss
thia incident, a bead af wild geess tp
over the premiers aad making tk
nsual clatter attracted th attsanai
tha domestieated gander, whictairvi .
wutlaadiah display of ejnsiekinf isdavC t
yells ia gwaaa language whica He) '
BBost startling affect with theJaWJa
past. A fine goose was esatolssys a
band and shoot down nxiUUIsadsd i '
the yard at tha aide ei thwt, sa -tha
meeting waa demonstrative.,,, :
citing degree. Their sbUwg.qw-i
and amusing antics afforded M sat
fua for tbe boys, who witness1 1
meeting, as they could hava km
a circus. Tow new arrival, sin
probably a mate of the new tan b
refuse to leave, but will fly
fence when tha two are approach
the boy and then fly back to tin i
whan tha bors step aside. Then i
band of wild geese in The Dalles,
by Capt. Jobna, so tame that there
driven through tha streets, ba
Johns raised these from the egg. I
Incidents go to show that our a
Empire wild geesa may be domssU
Ahawt rifH4 Law.
People not residing aw forfeit
way lands they desire to porch
warned aot to delay centeuiplsta1
ing. A dispatch from Waahinrta)
day aay that in both booses of eosf
efforts hava been made to rslier f
sobs wbo have claima npoe kdt t
feited within tha railroad grant.
ator Dolph aaid today that pro '
aetaally residing on thslr lands,
titled to purchase forfeited
lands, should make entry and fv
for their lands at oace, and not
on legislation extending the tia ,
has not succeeded in getting
upon hi bill In tha aenate from y
terior department a yet, and ll"
of eecaring favorable consider"1
tha bill in tha seaste. H ha
from Mr. Ilsrmann that then to
Ibility of passing tha bin in th ' j
He make thi statement to a.
chaser not to permit th time '
ilhout completing their pure ,
"Tha Lone Princess" 1 t
story going the rounds oi
hieh naa nlate matter. TB .
described la the story formerly
Walla Walla, where for
she taught school and penuiso,
was considered one of tbs
teachera on tha Inland Kmpi '
relatives still reslds in Till"01",
will mak an effort to bring '
1 :
; ;,j
i p.
t;adlpala A ! J
The United but Dispnw
that "Onion are a stiwulsnt. .
and expectorant; they 'nCT77"
petite and promote aitrr":- ,
!..!. I.,l ...nn a In t
Onion Hvrup, has a specific seiV
Throat, l.ungs and air 1"TJ
only curwi Coukiis. "u"v,iBi'
Consumption, but it tlmuUU
trenghton and bnllda op wy
afterward. A Joule and r
it ha no equal. Wa eolicit tVt
most chronic and tobborn er,J
60 cents. Hold by Blakaley B
i i
' I