The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 06, 1893, Image 8

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Ecsnlts or tlie MtM Persscntian or
Jews to tail
Conditions Growing Worse Except With
Those Able to Bribe.
Armor plo.loa Baatrta.
mm. lasasiCTeUaa Viewed
IT Ita Alarm.
Nsw Yobk, Dec. 31. A London ii-
patch, recounting the Jewish persecu
tions In Russia, says six more edicts
have been issued, aiming to disperse the
Jewish subjects of Russia, weaken their
position in trading- renter. And crush
out their religion. The Moscow papers
'boast that since the beginning of
20,000 Jews have been converted to or
thodoxy. Tlie unhappy converts, who
have been driven to a preteiided denial
of their relicion in order to escape intol
erable persecution, sre rigorously gov
erned by prieU of the Russian ortho
dox church, who require them to attend
the services of that church and to com
ply with its various rules, watching nar
Towly for any sijrn of evasion or rejient
ance. No mercv is shown any Jews, no
natter how meritorious, who can le
"brought within the scope of the crnel
diets. Thousands of Jewish working
people have been driven from their em
plovtnent to become beggar and wan
derers. The condition of the Jews, ex
cept in Lods and other places, is becom
ing steadily wore, particularly in the
case of those who have no means to
bribe Ruesiun officials. ar a Dlvar.
Ifiw Voux, Iec. 30. Adrian Fuir
cbild, employed nearly 40 years as a
diver by the dock deportment, met his
death today. For some months past the
department has been engaged in deepen
ing the river bed at the foot of Fulton
street, North River. Today at 9 :W a.
m., while under the water in a diving
Anit, Fairchild was ramming a charge of
dynamite in a hole in tlie rock. Tlie
charge exploded prematurely, and
fairchild was killed. His helper was
not aware of what had hpend until
be saw a disturbance of tlie water, which
Tie concluded intimated something
-wrong. He gave the uual signal to the
diver, bat there was no response, and
the diver was then hauled op only to be
found de7t. There was a black mark
Around his neck, but otherwise he bail
bo external signs of injury.
Dt.aralBaa rarmmfe.J'ava.
Pendleton Tribune. R. M. O'Brien,
of Weston precinct, liocght a quarter
ejection of land of 8. Eudicott, of Adams.
The land is situate southeast of WesUm
even miles. Consideration 3,000 cash.
If r. O'Brien lias pnt In his land early
this fall, the grain now being three in
ches high. This coarse brought to him
return ot thirty-two Umbels per acre
the past season. Potatoes yielded one
hundred sAks per Acre. Bine grass is
considered by him a very good crop. It
AtAods more pasturing than any grass
be ases. He stripped some seven bush
els of seed from one half of an acre,
beside the hay, which gave him two
loads. He baa sown five acres for next
eason. Ur. O'Brien is interested in
the raising of hogs. From two sows,
Poland China anil Berkshire mixed,
feeding only from tlie stubble, he sold
$168 worth in seven and one-hal I months.
Mr. O'Brien believe in applying Irasi
ateas principle to farming, and is going
into diversified farming as fast a pos
sible. Tba Qwwkawt Way m Cara a Cald.
Do yon wish to know tlie quickest way
to cure a cold? We will tell yon. To
cure a cold quickly, it tnnst be treated
before the cold baa become settled in the
erystem. The first symptoms of A cold
is a dry, load congh and sneezing. The
eoagb is soon followed by watery ex
pectoration and the sneezing by a pro
lose watery discharge from tltenoee. In
severe case there it a thin white coaling
n the tongne. What to do? It is only
aveceseary to take Chamberlain's Cough
. Remedy in double dor every hour.
That will greatly leen tlie severity of
iheeold and in many cami will effectu
ally counteract It, and cure what wonld
bare been a eevore cold within one or
two days time. Try It and be convinced
25 ami oO cent hotttee for sale by
Blakeley A Houghtm. druggist.
ar ala Clmes Wmw Ceahw
The beet ranch in Gilliam onntv,
Oreaym. Being the E. tj of the K. W.
and S. V.. at the 8. V.., F. K of . W. of
aection 10, . K. of te S. E., N. H of
K. W. of eertion 11., and the JC. W. of
the ?f. V... and the S. K. of the X. W. of
avrfi'm V. tp. (i, H. 21 K. of the W. M.
Thi ra"-h eontains ) aerm; some
f which is grazing. There are fair
bnil'lmy on tii pisre, and gnorl wau-r.
f or forti"-r )nfriiiaiiim llr-i ('. W
P.wrhie, P. O. Uix, Vfi, Wslla Walla
Hash. 10.2!wln
In A km Klatbail'a Daring raal al KM
lac Hafara U.rd f Ktampadlas; I'nitla
to Hmrm m Maa'a UrHU Miliar mum
Uar Claim Thai IHUu'l May 'Muaiaad.
There was heroine uf the cattle truil
whuM name waa At one time, buck in
tho seventies, hoard in every camp from
the Cimarron to the itnuoa. Anna Kim
ball vh was named, aud she wait the
wife of camp inauatfer, on uf those
character who Uxik cure of the touts,
the cooking and the buueof the cow
boys when a great herd waa on its trav
el from the southern range to the
northern feeding gronnda. Ou day.
when a herd of B,(XM) cattle waa camped
near the bnlt Fork of the Arkansas, in
the Indian Territory, site waa left alone
in camp while the rattle wen feeding
neur by. Snddenly, from some cuius
never to be explained in a case like that,
the herd lifted ita - thousands of head
aud following a few excitable leaden
started on a stampede, bucb a rush is
death to any one in ita path, and Mrs.
Kimball anxiously looked over the pnii
rio to the north, whither the herd was
teudin. A few hundred yards ahead
or the bellowing beasts there waa a
white hat showing aguinut the green of
the plain It waa one of the herders
who had dismounted, and his pony had
deserted him. Ue waa directly iti the)
path of the oncoming avalanche of
beet The unimal.i, blinded with their
panic, would tnimple him into the earth j
without a panne. 1
Only a moment remained for action, j
The woman waa the ouly one near the)
front of ttio herd. Lenplng upon a jinny i
she lathed It forward, passing on rank
after ann'.bcr. u-.uil nt won ahead cf tlie
herd, when she dashed directly in their
way.' Should her home stumble she,
too. would le UiKt. Hut the horse did
not stumble and Mrs. Kimball came
nearer, and uenrer the man now racing
at bis test p:u-e toward her. At last,
when the thundering bout was not more
than three rodn behind, she leaned for
from the saddle and lifting with her
stiddeuly strengthened arm the herder
by the waist, she threw him across the
neck or her pony and went racing oa
until they were without the range of the
I. ..... . .1 ... U . ..L. . 1.1'
cave accomp!i.i!ied. uuu the handsome 1
watch presented her by the men At the
end of the drive proved that, hardened
aa they wure. th.v recognixetl a brave
act "
a HK.i!:in iieokine.
Among the heruiues of the prairie
there must not be omitted somo of the i
women who luive taen up claims and
defended their riglita against all coAsers.
Several instancetiof thi kind of bravery
have grimed state wide notoriety, and
jnstly so. They endured hardships and
took chancer which entitled them not
alone to IKo acre of land, but to the '
best wishes of the whole state in which tt-nr any nightmare, took possea
th'eir lot was coat. ; of tie-. I felt paralysed and was
A Miss ilill vrd
took up a claim ncur i
eltraska lun-. far ont
the fvanaos uud :
on the plain. Mie hail tx-en n aehol
tea'ier in Illinois and became weary of
thudrndgeryof her pooition. She select
ed a hanihsotue quarter section and pro
ceeded to make a' bomatteod entry and
to reside on it tli-j reipiired six months.
Slie hod been on the claim but a few
weoks when one day she noticed two
rrmgb looking men near the little cabin
in which she lived. She watched them
until tbey had withdrawn to some dis
tance, and saw them point to the quarter
section eagerly, a if discussing ite possi
bilities. The next day she was compelled
to ride to the conntr patoftice. five
mile away, anil he took care to take
her shiitgun with her. On her return
she ' found that ber claim bod been
"jumped" that is. the men bitd taken
ponnamion of ber cabin and proponed to
treat ber as on intruder A she came
near tbey motioned her to keep away
but she did not huel them, and sudden
ly bringing ber gun to her Hhotil ler site
dischnrg.l a loml of shot into the mile of
the cabin
The uwa wctu probably anormed. for
they dil not stop to dupute poxseMSion
at that time, and vacating the bonne run
ont to the prairie. The girl took the
niwi. pleaitetl with birr easy vicbiry.
but she reckoned without her hont. for a
few motnenu later she saw smoke earr
ing npfmm the grata a few rods away.
Tui-y boil lirgnn to light the prairie lire
and would barn her ont.
PTlillTl.Nf! two MY.n
OcterminirJ In hive a taste of re
vengi first, the girl drew f mm its biding
place a loaded riliu. which she also kept
by her. and sent a ball so close to the
depredators that one of them hail an
arm shattered. Then she took a wet
bedqnilt. ami rnnning ont to meet the
Ere. pounded it along a strip as wide a
the cabin. Titer was a high wind, and
the flames swept by on eithor side, unit
ing again at a little distance, leaving a
V shaped piece of sod. at the base of
which stood tho cabin The men bad
all tbey could do to care of the wound
ed arm. and when the smoke cleared
away the plucky little ex-school teacher
saw them still out on the prairie.
Now that the danger to herself was
over, pity came to the surface and she
went ont aud helped to bind np tbe
straiigeT's arm. sending him off with ber
own puny to t!e doctor's. Somewhat to
her surprise, as she afterward con few! J
tbe pony was retnrned to her in safety '
and site was never again troubled with
claim j urn pent. Site owns now ber claim
ud cutMiilerrihle stock
11 -r was uot an ecepuitial one
for a aettler Many a limn a:fi wuin.iti
a I In fight for the land they now
es: Imt it was reamriii.i.le m t:;Ht the
f.ti tempertf I her rwv-i y with oiery.
and iiwel lierwdf mre than tin, rqtial
if two men. Kannoa tirr Mt Ui.oa
' i hU-iJemocrat
Tlie wild boy of Hanover, found in
the lost century, ran on aU four, at
nothing bnt root nod nnta
without speech.
A Tlrad Catr Waa Anoka Una Mani
las; la faal a TlanatHia Uauilla
wlnrlua tlta Aaatow. Walla Aaulaer
Maria a IW4 ml I ha Maa'a I'prtgbl Hair.
! Joseph Urunduluiyer, a well known
mining man of .Nevada, .. hiw aed
through many startling experience cltir
itnr a reaidouce of twenty-eight yvura in
the far wt, but porhui's the only
nuin who ran boatit or having hint a
roaud baker's dosun of deadly tarantula
for and surviving the terri
ble experience without material injury.
It buppunel a number of years ago, Iral
even now it can&ee cold skiver to chaao
np Mr. Onuidelmyer spinal column
wbu bis mind revertH to tliut particuhir
ev7 However. surrounded by a cir
cle of 'friends at the Puluce hotel a few
vim ins since, be was induced to relate
the incident
lu ltfti-1 I came to Son Francisco."
! " the itentlewun. and with the bop.
fulness of yonth determined to make my
fort nn. I bad a little money saved up,
hut waa a mw tenderfoot, aud whatever
I pnt my money into failed to pan out
Finally 1 concluded to strikeout for Ne
vada. It was a new section of country
then, that had been explored to a very
hunted extent, anil when 1 made known
iy Intention many nnd nrpeut wore the
request for me to refrain from being so
fooluli as to encounter lUngere in such
a wild and iilnnwt unknown country,
'Nothing daunted, however, and not
nllowing niynolf to tie diwnaded from
"ly purpose, one day m the summer of
I!!. after indnciug thrve acijnuuitancea
' join we. I set one for the land of sage-
1 ornn .My particular object tu going
was to better mv fmnitie hvnnv inethml
I could. Two uf tlie party wen pn
pnetora. and the fjnrth. n I)r. HeNth,
went along In py out a k1''"! hK-atioo
f'r a hog ranch
'Well. nftr cmsKing the Sierra at
Walker's pan, we loiunl onr-lven in
Owen's valley, wlncd i imw in Inyo
eounty. tmsi was apprnachiiiK. Hud
wheu. after ruling a dwtiuiee m tlie
teeth of a cold wind, we uund nnrxelveH
at a denerteil adol lir.t by ihe roadside
we halted. Ulipai i:ed unit H:;kuI'U J our
linimalit. aJid pr.ipanii t camp for the
'There wa Ien for the luirw luanun
dame, ami while .me staked them ont
" titers began pre;iratioriM fur supper
I "t"1 ,"'4, th" ready ily rrnmds
i pwferml sJi-rpitig nndiir a large oak tree
j twar. tint I dm ;ot aiijoining the
j ''Id adobe lnm whore I iqtmtd my
nlaniet i i. to the wall wnere the
wind would not reach me.. After u uauty
meal we ull retired ti.onr respective beds
on the gnuiiid and readily dropped off to
1 presume it was within an hour of
daybreak whon 1 awoke with a sudden
-'a"-! A iiecnlinrty drvoiiful fetding.
au-aul l ;ir. There waa something
unig on my face. It was not a large
lijc:. lint a it moved about tbe trail
;-(t seemed to scorch my face. I felt
ilie thi;:g traverse my face fnnn Uie left
eye div.-u over my oowe nnd month.
Tben it cruaaed to the other side and ex
plored in the region nf n.y ear. Tben it
wax gone.
l knew if waa not a snake gliding
over my face, bnt some animal mncb
smaller, tliough what it was I was utter
ly unable to ruujetrtnre. I was wide
awake, f courwi. hut aucb an anconv
fortable hornn iteid me fast that I wan
una hie to move a i:incle and gsueit help
lessly np at the stars mce I tried to
call nut to my nnnpuuiou. but not a
aonnd could I mnster I lay tliere rigid
as a log. may lie for one minute, maybe
for five, when I again knew that the
ame thing, or something like It, wae on
my baud, which rwtrd outside the blan
xet. and a cold chill ran np my arm and
through my whole body htill I was
absolutely powerless to movea limb, and
involuntarily clone,! my eyes, almost ex
pecting to feel them clomit In death, so
dreadful and innVax-ribahle was the sen
sation. "Next I knew -it' was climbing np
over my throw, tbi-n n my chin' and
abont my uie An irresi.itible impulse
canned me to open n:v nght eye. and I
saw by thttini lighl the liery eyes of a
btg taniiitnl.t K-ouiuix int.. mine, with
its hairy body on my face, not two inches
"Knowing tltat ucatt. or at leant pa in
fill injury might rmull if I moved my
tssly. I irunieilmtel v dropped the eyelid
and bad tbe satHfLrtion of feeling tbe
sjirawltng spider crawl over that eye to
my forehead nnd into my hair, where it
prepared a nest nnd finally settled down,
no doubt as snngly as a bug in a rug.
You may think yon can imagine my
feelings, bnt yon cannot. For a full
half buur. I should judge. I endnred all
the suspense nnd torment that come to
most mortal in a lifetime, and allowed
another spider to slowly crawl np my
leg, not knowing at what time 1 wonld
feel thone black lings sink into my floe h.
"Out. thank Oud. that did uot hap
pen, or I should probably not now be
alive. Age after that, so it seemed,
ir. Heath nnwe, and. after dressing,
came to see If I was awake. I whia
lred to bun tlie particular of my
plight, and In my hair, which had been
landing on end for I don't know bow
1 long, be di;-ivrrt-d and at once killed i
one of the tarantula, an immense fel-1
low. fully three in. hn long Carefully
taming back tbe blankets nnd examin
ing me, he found twelve others that had
nmlonbtedlr soiiuht mv nnurter fin
artnth. The ha inu klv bnt umetlr
dispatched In a m.diin.T not to iilartn the
oilier. When tb. rfr.un wm over I !
fainted and wa iI. Iii-mhii wi'h brain i
fvar for many d.y. Kmce then, yon
may dep.-nd iipr.ti it. I have ill win a 1
taken gixxl caro in tlie st.-lectioii of a I
. camping spot, for of all th bedfollow
' one can encounter one of the most terri-
fying is a tarantula. "-hail FrMichaw
i Chronicle.
Tbirlaaa IWIU Voaa Ms.
li thirteen young men lawyer and
physicians who have Junt organised a
Thirienu club in this city, can Bud a
bauntod house to meet In they will be
moot happy. The nrj;anlation is nearly
complete, the bylaws and role have
been dniwn np and adopted, and the
ouly thiug husking U the liauuted house.
If this cJMiuot b found it is proponed to
mw the dead house owned by the town.
Among tiie rule are almost everything
lupenititiouii people avoid. The prenl
dent is to sit rjnder an open umbrella
during all meetings and at the quarterly
diuiuirs. A ladder will be rained tu the
room, and every momber eutoring will
puM under iL A rroiweyed Janitor will
be secured, and one of the ineiiibern
whose hair is Hery red will be obliged to
enter the. utcetin nnitu first every time
It is openiJ.
A skuletou will be seated opposite the
pnwiilont at every feiwt, and two block
cats will be pnrchaaed and kept in the
clubroom. Each member takes a solum n
obligation to look at the new moon over
his loft shoulder, pans on each side of a
punt whuu two are walking together,
walk betweon any couples who may be
sotn tilting together ou the stniot. and
do everything contrary to the accepted
custom. The meetings will be held ou
Friday evenings, aud if any member has
to wake a journey he will start on Fri
day or the IHUi of the month. New
Eluveu Cor. New York Sun.
Carinas Tanib at a Kanlueklan.
Several weeks ago Mr. James Uolden
a well known luuibor doaler of Hick
man. Ky., died there and was buried
with a strict conformity with the pro
visions of a remarkable will, lie lunl
while in health a strong fear of being
btiried ulive, fosterel prulaihly by road
mg ai-counts of the few coses of this
kind that are known to have occurred
and ite dotorniiued to t.ike no chances in
tiuit lino that could i.kviibly be avoided
lie cautcd a tomb to be erected, und in
that t nub had un opening loft mi the
eai siilo lurge enough for u man to pass
through. This was covered with gUutii
hi his will ho stipulated Unit a strong
hammer should bo placed j:i tho vut!er
with him, nnd that tlie lid of the colliu
should tint bo screwed down, so that if
by chance he should be consigned to the
tomb before his life was extinct he
might, if ho gained power to move, punh
off tho lid and with the hammer break
out tho glass in the opening loft for the
purpose aud thus encapo a lingering,
horrible death, ftia instructions worn
faithfully olieyed. Friend took it ujkiii
thcm-ivlvea to watch the tomb und be
near in ca.! tiu.' gentleuiuu's feanishould
prove well founded and remler him n
3LU.mce. liut death cuine with an un
erring shot, nnd bo still slumbers peace
fully in his CM-Iict. Columbu Ky.)
Two (Jurar Namaa.
' When a petition for a new postoQice in
tho mountaiuj of Virginia wus received
toi'ie weeks ago it waa found that the
c:.o submitted was nuduuirabla. The
ptitioncrH woTosonotiliedund reqmwtod j
to submit a litd of mimes in order of
preference. The new list contained no '
uameo acceptable, mid the aswhttant
ltmastur generul direcUnl an nnder
ctUi.'iul to select a name himself. The
clerk immediately walked to the map,
and. locating the ofuce, discovered ttait
there w:w a n.omitain hard by named
Ptirg-.ibiry. and the new postoflice was
given tho name of Purgatory. When
the eHtabluhing pnpera were forwanled
to the petitiotiers. and they' were re
quested to submit, a name for postmonter.
they returned tii name or (Jeorge uod
btihere. So that the new postoflice of
Purgatory is presided over by Ueurge
Oodbetliere. Daltimor American.
A Jnrr wllH llarA km,
Frotuatown almost ihw enongb to
Philadelphia to be called a suburb comos
a story of unique dispensation of justice
by a jury from around abont tbe vicin
ity. Tlie c;we was one in which tbe
prosecution was brought by a young
woman;t a young man. Despite
the eloqnent pleailing of the lawyer for
the fair one. tlie jury rendered a verdict
of acqnittnl. and then proceeded to as
ses the defendant a fourth of the oots.
the prixtfcutrix a I'mirth. tlie constable
who urruHted the prisoner a funrth. aud
Uie justice of the s-acr wlni sent the
crwe to court n fourth. The jmlgi re
marked that that x;uiu't much of a jury
for law. but it v.-.w strong in the war of
common seitiu-. l-'hiloileiphia Record.
' Th f liiiitrar5i and tha liuaili,
Rwent tosLi in tile u;e of tiie phuno-
graph In the deaf nnd dumb institnte at
Indianapolis show that it is useful in
concentrating sound npon the dram of
the ear. so that many pupils otherwise
deaf can iiear it It is thought by the
superintendent that he can by this
means toon teach the use of their voices
to many mate whose imbUity to speak
is due to the fact that they have never
beard speech. Exchange.
lani I'adrn's Gartar.
Dom Pedro was a Knight of the Gar
ter, having been invested by the queen
during his visit to Europe in 1471. His
death did not create a vacancy in the
order, as, like other royal personages, he
was an extra knight. It is probable that
the Coiiito d'Eu will como to England In
a few weeks in order that he may person
ally deliver np hi father-in-law's insig
nia to the queen. London World.
Hoarding latnalirs Oat.
An experiment is abont to be tried in
France where 100 lunatics will shortly
bo sent to the Department of the Cher
and placed in the house of fanners and
other people who are willing to take
care of thom. Onlignanl Messenger.
A whale recently enptured In arctic
waters waa fonnd to have imbedded in
ido harpoou that belonged to a
whaling vessel that had boon out of
service nearly half a ontnry.
ti. r.. i..'..i.
1, 7"Tur i-V
j r"ct, m ' arU.T f"r com,,re
! ;o. living IJatnnm as a strongly
"ortilied point fw military pnrrxoTil v.
Blakeley &
175 Second Street, - Tho Dalles, (Wnn
A full lino of all tho StanJanl Patent Medicine
l)ru?3, Chemicals, Etc.
CarCotintry and Mall Order will recolv. prompt attention.
Fine Miliinery!
112 Second St.
No. 07 Washington Street. . . The Dalles.'
Wholesule and ReUil m-alers and Manufacturer of
Building Material ud Wham Timber, Doors, Windows, Mings, Boose Farabhinp, Eti
Spoclal Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish
Boxes and Packing Cases.
XPsmotor-y axct Ziuxubor "ST.x-cl txt Old Vu Xa.llos.
DEY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to
any part of the city,
Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc.
Reorn and Charter Oak
Guns, Ammunition and Sporting Goods.
(Miocesaors to U.
A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
FliQlesale and Ectall Dealers In Harness, Erillcs, Wbijs, Hone Blanicts, Ets.
Full Assortment of ficiican Saddlcri Plain or Stanr!
New - Umatilla- House,
Ticket and RaggnRe Office of the U, P. R. R. Company, and office of the Wester
Union TelcbTnjili Office are tu the Hotel. ,
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safely of all Valuables.
Heu . Qolumbia Jotel,
3est Dollar a Day House on the Coast!
First-Class Meals, 25 Cents.
First Class Uotl in Every Inspect.
Nonu hut tho IJest of Whito Help Employed.
T. T. Nicholas, Ppop.
Th Dalies Mercantile Co.,
General Merchandise,
Dry (Joutls, Clothinc, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Hardware,
Crockery, Hay, Grain, Feed, Etc.
390 to 394 Second St.,
F E I ; K It A I . M" It F. V. 18.
Wagons and Carriages.
Reapers and Mowers.
Kitchen, lewis Sta.3r Co.'s .
AmcuIliirJ Implements and ilacliinoy
irauk, doceasevl.)
- ' '. THE DALLES. O
The Dalles, Or.