The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 06, 1893, Image 6

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The Weekly Chronicle,
orru'iAL rArtK or av coi kty.
7 " ; :7.:
ttnuDtT Judc.... oo. o. iitakf try
j i-,
TwMuVer ... ... .. Wm. Mi'-hvil
. t J. liarmvlt
uunmiauoncra ... ( tTnini kiiu-aid
Aamaor Juri w ILootiu
lkirmiten4.utot fublic KhooU Tn Mi.'l.o;
.. N. X. liutiautd 1
lemocrats in the California assembly
r jubilant over the fuel that Uurke.
non-partisan of San Francisco, wont into
the democratic caucus, as they take that
aa an indication that be will eta ml with
them on the senatorial fijrht. They ulso
claim Curl-on. an indenendent caudi-
. ... . .... 1 . it
date, will vote for t lulu, which trreutly
atrengtnens umi cvnueuiaii pifiuoii
The following sentiment, complimont
ry to The Dalles entertainers, i from
the Portland IHspatch : "The members
of the Oregon lrs8 Association envy the
pmeaenget of the I'uion Pacific w ho were
weather Itound at The IhiHit!. The
treatment accorded the editors las'.
October had left a very warm spot in 1
tlioir hearu and nothing would make
them happier than to 1' snowed in at
that beautiful citv."
A rough estimate ot game now jn ! lied that tliere is nothing to be ex
Yellowstone xirk would li.chide, accord-! l-i''l '"' Portland, unlc.s Portland
in in Urn Helena lndeind,;r.t. 40.0IKI I!"u sl"r,? fro, '-' investment ;
elk, 1,.tOO antelope, 400 buffalo. l.iXW
black tailed deer, oOO mountain stieep,
with plenty of bear, beaver and other
varieties. The pime increases every
year. The troops stationed lit Mam
moth Hut Springs are now dovotins
their time to the protection ot these
animals, which must le more closely
guarded during the winter than in the
Tlie special dispatch to The Ciiuoni- ;
cu from Portland tmlay, which appears
on our lirst pag, cunfiniM us in our ;
opinion regarding Huildiug and Loan !
associations. They are the backbone or
the country. They offer todav to Kith :
investors and borrower unparailed in- I
ducementn. we are personally ac-'
quainted with tne New England Na -
tional Building and Loan Association of
Portland and we are clad to see it has
taken that position that its honest and
atraightforward policy and its solid and
ecure linancial condition entitles it to.
The chief interest in the session ol the
Xorth I'akota
j i I. ;
legislature, ..U'll
ened Tuesday, centeri in the contest
la: a stirceasor to Cnited States Senator i
Casey. The republicans have a clear I
majority, and the result hinges on the
decision of the iKtrty caucus. A caucus ;
for ot1ii.-r of both houses was held, but
the opponents of Senator Casey hope to ;
ecure his defeat by preventing a caucus j
on the senatorshiji. I: is alleged some
of them have maJrt overmres to the
demui raU, and called the attention cf ,
(lil.I.,l t, ilu. mtLr Tt.n Utr it '
" '" - - -
is said, refuses to have anything to do
with it, saying the party could not af
ford to run the risk of being charged
with corruption, and advising the elec
tion of as clean a republican as posibl.
It teems Casev will be elected.
Got. Flower shows in LU message to
the New York assembly, that the Buf
falo strike cost the state $192,f47. Com
menting on the strike, the governor said i
1 1.
peaeefallv persuade others to do
like- !
wise, but any exhibition of physical
force to prevent others from working
most be prevented with the whole
power of the state, if necessary. At the
i time be counseled employer that j
sh desire for increased wage was the ; cation. We recall various such items,
proper aspiration of all employe and I one of which in particular affected the
booid be net in a spirit of fairneea. I standing of one of the most solid insli
Tbe iroTerDor recommends as a remedy I tutions that Oregon ran boast of. We
lor tbe rweat shop system that a registry J refer to the New England National
be kept of all persona taking out work, ! Puilding and Loan and Invetiu?nt A$-
iu, imr iu w win in ua-
hearth y quarters.
lh ilea tl ot Jay Uootd, by wnicb a
fnsd of over lTiX',ij was conTeued to
the New York state treasury, has
directed attention to the advantage of
an itiherilaoee tax, and oar legislators
wiseo they convene at feaiem next week
ai.-ht consider Uie application of a simi
lar law in Oregon with theeSect of bene
fitirg XijK state's Coancial endttion and
lifting a kd from the shoolders of
trnzHug Uxpayert. The income tax
h m".f adv-jcate, but it u on'u,ntr
sawr of eT.forcrnent and tib-
et to is!iiube bariens
ttr-joztj cow-aJiuerit aad false returns.
Tbe tax on inheritaarsw is mt ira tf
itmrtrr that te ri'nt to transmit prp-
HI i
... , . ;
..... ..
. , . . ?
s7a k.- I'. iJZ, ri r rr, ,
VJ lur ttran. It u to U
i,-fl tA erover, and lfe!
raw UIH trMoa frr sent, apwarq. '
tinrt mr artere eui4a. (rxsweer
ab.r i. Vitu to owe ruale !Ui r-jcsi rm-
mtt, aort avt trmfanm to Ust vsews of '
U t nor twrliiT; hntUtmi law,;
ra ftrtfjm. as strong: y Utlrrmri, .
Mr4 tAssre n as riasnan hv it d w
mtrk m asivasitawsjsiy in Orepsi aa
t'ar,ii sxawrjar" are stn for sai
is) al sVrsmfawtioaai. If m cos Id
mS-'A to ty tut wbrtaW set mmA tsmme
1imtm SM a arsvswir it wsasid Snake a
gsi LsA tml am bograpf', Perbape '
tais-r wi.i
U ei-ss-r art Jn,T. a.
lm tsat (rtmt yt tut live.
ru v rout of Columbia.
i hat seems to l new si-tieme ul
Portland to defeat an cmii Columbia
river, has been mapped out by tin Ore-
: gouian as a plan lor an pn river; but
! ii will t hcvunie a (Kipular plan by miy
' meair. lVrhaps we should call it by
; the nam jfiven to It by the Oregotiiau.
i a 'scheme." It av :
A tii'W Scheme id oil t.MJt to secure the
1 ujuj,,,. n( (he I' piior Columbia to liavt-
i Cun. It IS prooed to apply to the
Itvishuure to create a commission hav
niovin'ts the obstructions at the dalle an
the Port of Portland commission has in
rejrard to improving the Lower Coluiii -
bia and Willamette rivers. The dis-
trict it is proHMfd to tax for the 1111
proveiuent is to include all the counties
alonp the tippi-r river, and prolmblv
tli we also w hich will lie direotlv lene-
oieii cm
lited bv the river beiiiK oiiened. The
is not n.a;ursl vet, but the
above will give an idea of what it urn-
1..U.U.I CI ... a.l t 1 i.f MllllltiuU
ne inciuaeu in tne uistrict to oe mxea
would Uke more kindly to the
-heme if it were co arranireu thut the
citv of Portland should stand the eet of
the improvement, and doubtless un
etfort will lie made to ecnre some such
rntoe'tr"'"1'1 " "' ,'1,U'iSt'Vt'r,'"rr''fll
" -.11
should be reail over ai;.iin. "The citi-
lens ol ttio counties to lie included in
the district to lie taxed, as well aa the
citizens of a!! Oregon ; have Icma ago ro-
and further, that
"taken kind y" to
Portland has never
uf-.- scheme except
the Oregon Transcontinental schoni.
That was a bitter cxp.'rietice. It i-o-t
Portland from .!.t).o.J to j8.IKHt.0K)
"out of pocket,"' a blind pool us it were. ;
: to help rail ways ami iiothinz elt. No, 1
; the Inland I'.oiiiire h:is Ivarned to x
i pect notiiing from Portland rn t tie slui-c ;
; of influence or anything eiM", to udi.-t :
iu ois.-ning n; tiieColutiitda river to fr-e ;
nuvL-ntiou from in to the sea. I
i t'"- above parajrai.h tiie big daily in- j
timalcs n'.uinly tliat l'ortltind is not i
''-.lilt in a way to lend its aid toward the
development of the water's of the
iiiter:.-u-. "The el..:iie. i not uiaturti!
m?s ""r i-ig irouier, ana '(
1 would su.-Kt that lax paying ctta-ns j
'will not "take kindly to the scheme" !
under any circumstances with Portland;
! left out. We have h id a t.iste of that j
j before, mid often; Portland was to t.iko !
til0 t..,P. nu,;: Kn.pire products:
! frtm the f'sit of tiie tnte portaire rail-:
; . t rt, , ,w.t, in 1S, .., ,
- !
Tl. Tl.Hes iwonle 1,.kA !,e.,.1.Iv. I..
put the freight on to the portage railway
from this city. Did she do it? No! and
Tl!"talles -eopIe were compelled to
maka another uset-sinent upon them-
selves and complete the line. Tn
Oregonian means what it fays. Portland
believes in the railways ignores the
river don't want it improved ; thinfcii-g
that the railways w ill renter biisine.-s i'i
the consolidated citv for the iienelit of
Portland exclusively. The isopleof this f
great Uilumbta lusin want to see t tie i
: i . . ..:..,.. I
I iivci,i(jr iut;iirr irtriin.
UK understand tnat senator v iuis. 01
Multnomah county, has a plan which
mav 1st lorniulateu anil carried out sii'"-
I cessfullv.
e country a' large as well as our
state and section owes much of its ma
terial prosperity to Huildiug and I ran
Associations. Kvery Pudding and Ljbii
Association honestly conducted is a ben-
We regret to see the disposition of
associations to vilify and abnse
their rivals. Agents of corporations
straggling for business have published
derogatory report affecting companies
seeking to aeenre business. We have
yet failed to see any pMd result to an
agent or bis company from snch publi
m. o 'nft mil. rmn. winch is
1 a corporation whose an paralleled record
J has excited the Litter envy of its rivals.
I It is a fact that the New England is on a
Crm and prosperous fooling. That it is
boneet'.y and skillfully managed. That
during the hut sixty days it baa sold
over three hundred thousand dollars
worth of stock a large proportion of
which was bought for investment. That
the New England has dnring this period
added to its assets over twentv thousand
dollars in first mortgagee. This rorpor- i
at ion publishes the following invitation. I
"IUjk always open to the inspection of j
those interested." This is only one of
the indications of its probity and fair
ne, but is on a line with the openness
of iu r-eord.
lm ,
Jiary at. Amierson, wno was a
1 years ago granted a separation fr'm her
,,hoband. Ixkik C. Anderson, of .Seattle,
b" &fi damages on '
in-:""" m nemr.i ui promise.
(ihe ,
avers that be eoorted ler again a year '
tvt rocaptared her leart and promised
rs-marry iier, bat haa sinoe married 1
"" one
A efjerrr -haired
musician of
repotaUo, U hating Londo ladiea
trow tbemseivea at bia feet not Die La -
fnvaneaJly, bat literally. Koch are tlie
booors of thosw that play t) piano, '
bare anpronooneearit names an don't
toeir bair
Tha-bettJewf Korth Urolir.a, only ,
t' - yrM of age, U the yoornj.
1 . . ... m . . i
iBwaiUrrlict of the new cf.grea..
Hit. BLAISE'S XFiln-noss.
The shadow vf sorrow which bun re
ci'titlv hiing over the. liuuie f es-Secre-tury
Fiaine seems like the culmination
I of the saddening' circumstances which
have surround. I the family since the
I full of 18SH, when they took possession
1 ol their present reshhiuce in Washington,
No. IT Madison Place. Then there
: were 110 breaks In the family circle; now
! the head of the house is lyiim in what
is (cared nay prove to belli lanl illness,
' ! auj but a remnant of the once lar-jo
' w'hAA is left to console him ill th"
1 evciilnn; of his life. Mr. lUfine leased
' his prevent homo earlv in the spring
I ;,..,..:., ,. w;,i,,i,t li,.r.
rison. The dei-orntors at once tons pos-
session of Ihv house, and it was ready
fir the occupancy of the family in the
suweeding fall. Certainly they hail
every reason tvt indulge in tho happiest i
I It nt l,Ut
ot their lesideiice in It,
but soon afterward Mrs. lilamo put on
Ul0urnilllj wlil.h she Uat not since laid
i ,, ,7 ... .,, . ,. ,
i "T Mi"
! during the Christmas holidays at her
home in Augusta, Maine. While she
:w',Tt,t,,rni"t" Washington, after the
funeral, Mr. IUiiino's hmthei. Major
PUine, died in the west. The first New
Year reception in the new home was
given under these depressing circum
stances. As the invitations to the dip
lomatic breakfast were nu Mr. Pdaiuo
would not have them recalled, and he
re-eived with his daughter. Miss (luttie
P.laine, who had in:ub tier formal debut
in society that winter. Within the next
two months the deaths of Walker I'.laine
an.! Mrs. Coppiiijicr, the eldest son and
daughter, w itltin u few weeks of each
other, created a profound feeling of
syin-athy throughout tlie country. An
other terrible blow to Mr. and Mrs.
I'.l.iii.e was tho death of their second
sun, Kiiiiuons P.laitn:, which ocurtcd
last summer in Chicago. The single
happy incident iu which their
haw shared in any degree since
No. 17 Madison Plu.v Ist ame the home
of (he t'amilv ws the iimrrinw of Miss
Margaret P.laine to Mr. Walter iMm-i
nscii, of New York, w hich event took
iiiace on the lTtii of Mav, IMH). The
iiilv .l.l rl, ..n.irninif ,l:Kt
day, and nil was j' v and happiness, but i Ainfirlnan t'liuiorn.
it was only a riit iu the cloud of sorrow j Fn-t:i Un- I'i;.v Kr.vsinjt, Whutcmi. Wh ) j
which lias shad own I their present liotne i "T. ('. Iturnett, the d'Oiiucral ic catidi
aimiwt troiii tiie time Ihev entered it. j date for sheriff, was taken violently ill
: at Cl'-arhrook. lie had all the svmp-I
.1 uliLKS-'. fil H VAI'TVKK.
len struck
business in 1
A crii-iiing blow has
ugiiinst the "gTeen-g'sKls
New York
A jirinting establishment,
engaged in the. printing of circulars ad
x .Ttiz:ti green gisjds, was raided by
AiiUi io
C'Ollllltl M
. and a vast amount of !
captured. Men were taken inl,,nin t1''" iiiiitrr next summer this
i pr.uiiMgthennUwfulcircuiars. i P"li" " l demand I- j
1 I rmi-e it ran nlwiivs ta (leiteruti'il iiimoi. i
the act
T ie g.eeii goods business is not nnfamil-,
iar to wit tern people. Of lute years it j
has Inch developing rapidly, and like
the g li.l hri .-k sw indle, has caught many
I whose t upi jity and stupidity were on a
I'tilizing various sources of infor
mation the addrt-ses of iniinv thousands
of well-to-do persons ore secured. To
these a ronlidential communication Is
sent conveying tne intimation that the
sender has in his possession sloieu gov
ernment piates, and that, with govern
ment paper (also stolen,) he is enabled
to furnish what are in fact genuine gov
ernment notes. This he will do for
about twenty percent of thuir face value.
The weak-minded bite at this tempting
offer and enter into negotiations that
finally result in their getting a box of old
paper or sawdust. Having been a party
to a proposed crime the victim cannot
make complaint, and silently endures
bis loss. The extent to which the green
goods business has been carried on dis
closes the weakness and susceptibility of
human nature. The desire to get some
thing for nothing, even w ith the chance
of criminality, animates a painfully
large number of people. Many
thousands of citizens of the west who
have received the circulars of these Now
York rarcals, and have chaffed at the
implied doubt as to their Intelligence
and honesty, will rejoice in the present
discomfiture of the iiaic.'.
Kenators Junes and Ctinrion left Liver
pool yesterday returning from the inter
national money conference at Iirtiwls.
About the same hour Mr. Hartcr, of
Ohio, offered in the hotnte, as a substi
tute for the senate resolution of Mr.
alcPheraon, a joint resolution proviiling
that "all further purchases of silver
bullion by the United Mates of Ameiica
shall ceasn from and after the panae
or ad.;pti.,n of this resolution, and said
j purchases shall be resumed only when
an agreement U made that shall at leant
include Great Iiriuin, Gerrnany, l'rance
and the United fcutes of America, urn!
snch agrvement shall fix tho valuation
t which silver bullion will thereafter he
received lor coinage, without limit as fo
quantity, at the mints of all thei.ntions
P'tiea to said Internationa! agirineiit."
HarUrr thinks this resolution would ac-
Cijp!ih the same result and not he,
lOpentothe same objection as the Mc-
ideif'herson resdution. "It would
ver," tj-f( "b- a mile to the world
thai TJB s ftrs rMut ifk Ltin nrlif.s jl ! I ' aa.l
nations in the coinage of sliver upon any
agreed national ratio, and that, in the
tneanlime, declined going on raking
their In , then, at the risk of
cmnercial disaster and national dis- i
UarUtr uiieves the .11-1
... nrehasa h.v. e,Mtlv .r,i,i,t
!,,, durn Ust24or2rniontha,i
w m J w-. w-. - m i
J and that, after counting in the notes is- ;
j sued by the government In payment for 1
df silver, the actual volume of currency
tmlay la probably at least $'.MX.lHX),0l'O j
perhaps L'rO.(XH)10tK or $-J7i"),(KHi,(HH), I
smaller than If we had been out of silver j
speculation entirely. j
The first view of the new Columbian j
souvenir coin inevitably leads to ex-
pression of regret that Columbus Hasn't '
a better looking limn. The souvenir
doesn't strike the eye of all as beiiiK au j
artisticji'UcceMi. (turowii idea, however, j
is that it will puss, j
lt Is is a new fad to build pianos into !
the wall in modern resiliences. Ii they j
can e I'liiu so lar in mai tuey can i e
I walled uy w ith the combination time- i
j lock sale the plan ill find enthusiastic '
. superiors.
t'uvrvnt Ttilc.
1 Probably tho French crisis w ill slow ly
! fritter awsy lu the outbreak of multifa
rious duels.
At the coming session uf the legisla
ture a bill will lie introduced providing
for an additional judge, iu tho Oth dis
trict. This is a large district, and the
two judges are kept "on tho jump" to
dispatch the steiuliiv secuiuulatiiig i
Volume of business. j
A young man was on top of a building j
in Salem shoveling snow during the
recent storm. lie didn't know there i
was a skylight in the root until he in- j
cideutally stepped int- it uud found j
himself in a drvgoodti store 111 teen feet i
lie low .
i ,titicltA Lost.
: Tlie finder of a pair of gold framed eye
I ghti . will te suitably rewarded un
; leaving the same at this oflice.
f A gold watch rhurm with a sumil
j piece of cliuiu attached, Is'twecn J. P.
i Mclnerny and Leslie JSurlers. A re
j ssiiialile reward wilt be paid for return
j of same to Maivr & Pontons.
At the residence of the hridu's purouts.
t Ibsxl Liver, tho 4th insl bv Lev. J.
I W. Lighr. Miss Octavia Johnson to j
SJIIIUel .llctKmilKI. I
i toms of Asiatic cholera, and for an hour
: o,- two it was feared he would dm. Thev
finally gave him a doe of Chamlierhiiii'f
t'olic. Cholera and Nan-hoca,
whicn revived him in t.i a physiciau ar-
rived. Ibst is precisely what the
muuuidi iiiirrs lit mav llietniTiiie rei'iiill-
uieint for i hoiera. t-ond for a physician
but give tlioir medicine until the nhysi-
dim Mn ive. If cholera become prnval-
yT ,y lilakeley A Uougiiton, drug-1
gists. J
CulstnliU AlllanM.
Will meet at the usual place I Eight
Mile school honse) on the second rumr-
l!av in January lVJ;i at II o'clock, sharp.
It is particularly requested Hiatal) ineiii-
liers lie present as there am matters of
vast importance to come Ixtfore the
meeting. Also election of cillicers will
take place at tiiat time. I'y order of
conntv secretary.
Kotle ! hef-Tir flvvn Hint, hr nntliorltv id
Ontllifi N". '.'-iT, wbloh m(l ttir rHinnim
euii-u if l:illr rUj, M'titviniyr -1 v.,,,i.
tlisl ''All it lluiacc tltllll an nriliniiucs to
Iu11m e'.ty," I will, on rwitunlnv next iAr
(or sale si pihtlc ortlon, tn ths hlnhi-pt blri'ler,
all ul t!io lots m.'t isrla ol ou In
!.! AiMltion b IMlIrs (ll W m colllltt,
(iraitoii, nut lirvU(irr old, M pravlooaly Salter
Unl. Ivarh of sild Iota will h- sold upon Hi" lot
repvctlTflT ac1 uonc ul thrra nail kst olrt lor
a los sum tliiui lit valuo tlMrrol as Is,t
iinr loortti of tb' prlc bid on sny of snlil lots
tbsll h wild In Muh at Uit llrnc ol sale, and tti
r.-iiuiiiiilir In two iul ywiyrnrnu on of isrforw
oiMiaiHi unir, inm uie nun 01 siieu mw,
rrsin.--tl.iy, wllb Inlniaton tub drfiftrO pay
Rivnti t tii ml of tn fM-r -rnt. s-r aiiinim,
C-.Mh;'.iiiiU'tll)r. l'nvtMd lhat pnrmrnt msy
ntmi" In lull nt the tuns u' BuCli sslc at Uic
afflon if lh imfrruwr.
Tli uU will biitiii at tlif hrwir of tn opsk
s. in.ul Mid dtv and will bcntilliiuftl Imia Uui
U llm nn'.il all ol Mid lol ili ill Ik wld.
baled lnl l.liu el Novi:j -r, l-r;
11 Will lUx-otdsirol UallraCllI.
every mm
k aU-? wttriwl 6y any on of -ith or in ftnf
wl of tlfcnuntry, wtio willin-r to wtttk hxluw
tr uiy at lit omplorniwiit wdi'-li w funiMli.
Tuf Umtr it ligli dinl piMMunl, Hurl tu run uu
rUk Wf)tITr. Vvettt yu ttn tht
ymt ran trivf l r butntrM n trtfll wilinxit vxptu
to ymtf. K.-f Kr w llil uf in (Jo m hits- work,
triu t tjK- friit (T-T tn Iv. You can work
aJ) or i-i irn rvf nto-f o ili . If ymt art mm
pio"l, liav a fw rr itoiri at your du-p-i, f!iifi, ai;'i u''l lo your In-rorn,
our hu-i f will uot ,iit-rfrr nf alt. V on will
b- ant i-ti on tit iart al im rnpiditr and cs
bv wittrcn rent umih ilolUr ti'on lioilar.ftav Hi a mJ
jt our. Kv-n U'-ninwrt nr u,s))iil from Itta
Artl mir. Ant -mr artiri lis trUiirM nan
fail. mi fmut'l try iiofiitnK rlM uniil you
lor yoriroetr wiut you rtti rlo at ti buinM
whkti wit f-r , No arf'a4 riknl. Woritvn ara
irrainl wottc-r; nowawi.iv tooy tnk a ntuca
an m. 1 oy pIkmiM U t till lm-t , iiitliM
wII afl-ipt! to (Mm. Writ t oiho arut for
oiirai. A4irui U. II 1,1 KIT H
lit a IMKI fartJiujd, M.
(Tlirts.r rnlliirn, fliisl nrisif.
tind 1 lli--. His llallMl, Or., Iw iA, I
l S. lind 1 lli--, lli llallMl, Or., Iw iA, Wtl.
ollrl! Is hfrrliy lv!r llisl Jimn W. ( o has
m-in,ji.u..ii .. i...
,!"- '-(i'-r and r-.-iv-r at iii'-i' ofii.f in
IX, ZrZfcP&d, Z
'", y' "' ""' ' i. In Tu.
U.n.lnnL o ir t., i , w
L - i'Vr'J: ' ' M K. .! J, .11
oi r i iiw a ;. i jtamt jii
u -
Freeborn &
Wall Paper ay
Old X i' until 'r
All the Latest Novjltles for tho Holidays,
I'oNfNriVii op
10ft SKCOXI) STKhTr. - THI. P.W.l.V.S. OPLGON.
TRAZER & WYKDHAM. Proprietors.
Al tbc i.hi stand of K. I.uslai,
ic re f a
in tht affairs
leads on
The poet unquentlonobly
I ill .Ml I!
W ho are selling thoso Roods
p lin
Reasonably Ruinous Rates.
Miss anna peter & co.,
Fine Millinery!
112 Second St.
And the Most Complete and the
T"Pra'tical Painters and Paper llaniters. None but the liest brands of tha
Hlierwin-Williains and J. W. Masury'f Paints nsetl in ah our work, and none but
the moat skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Lh'ilid PainU. o
ciieinical combination or soap mixture. A first clans article in all colon. Ail
orders promptly attended to.
Store, and Paint Shop oorner Third and Wubington BU., Th Dallsi, Or(M
500m mouldings,
l'oiiTi.Ast, OakuoM.
no I'm tit M.. Tin Ii.iliis, Orcgno.
of mrrt -i.'i: U It, taken at its flood.
to fortune.'
had reference to the
out at groatly-reduced ratee.
. . L'XItLN HT.
Luteet Patterns and Deslnns in
Mr k Darnels