THE DALIS WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 0, 18G3. The Weekly Ghronicle. THE DAII.KH OKir.CiON i.ocai. am rniNJ" Fnim the Dally Chronicle, Krllajr Hon. F. P. Maya. V. Pistriet At torney, I In tlie city tody. A now case of diphtheria is repotted up In lite military Mddltion today. Be curly t tlx pHrioiife sodul to morrow evening at trc M. K. Church to 7 .....n.ii a fr.iwl Boat., t Tlmrei are si-voriil tUM' of m iirlotina of a wild form rortcd in the city by our physicians. The Col'imbla river at this jKjint this forenoon registers thro fet and 6-10tlm above low water, and U verr muddy. Mr. E. Heck receivod bin long looked for pai-kago from Han Fruticisco today, and In now tlie happiest man altout The l.'uiatilla. . A I'icoiums to wed wan granted today, by Col. Crosstm, county tuork, to Mr. Hugh O. Jordan and Miss Funny Hum but of this county. Monday will be obwtrved an the new year holiday, and the imHinos houses will 1)0 closed, to give ull an opportunity of the new year attraction. J. D. Flenner, spoken of In the dis patches today in connection with the of fice of chief clerk of the Idaho senate, waa a former resident of The Dallea. A band of cuttle brought In from the orrounding country, awaiting shipment, waa transferred to Lochhead' feed yards from the Kultumrsh yards today. The merchants and business men of The Dullea have agreed to close their atorea and placoa of business at 7 p. m. during the mouths of January ami Feb ruary. Wasco county is to lose one of its en terprising citiiiena, Mr. C. 1'. Hoald of Hood Uiver, who goes to California this week in the hojwj of restoring the health of Mrs. Ileald, who la an invalid. "The Young Discoverers" ia a toauU ful chromo presented by Snipea A Kln erly, with a weekly calendar attached for the twelve montha liegianlugon Hun day next. Thanks. The Ciihonh i.r will bo glad to pub lish the uamoa of all the ladiea in the city who intond to receive New Year calls, If they will be kind enough to favor ua with them for tomorrow' pa pen The Mississippi river is frown over olid opposite Ht. Louis, and all business long the levee is at a stand stilt. The Columbia ia etill oan from a way up into the ltritish possessions to Astoria Oregon's sea-port. Frank McKarland, of ileppner, known to every rancher and stockman in the Inland Empire, being a member of the firm of Coftin & McFarland, has moved tLo Angolea, California, where he will inuku hia future home. There will lie services of the German Lutheran church at the Chapel on Ninth street, Dec. 31 st at 7 :30 p. in., and on New Years day at 10 :30 a. m., and the following Sunday at the usual time. Sunday school at 2 :'M p. ui. On the aide hills the ground ia so soft that in places a horse will go up to the hock every step, wagon go Into the mud up to the axle in the public road in some planes, and teaming everywhere is bad. Give us a luw for better roads. Several young ladiea have joined lu a request to the city teamsters that they keep ofT Washington street as much as possible for tho present with thoir vehi cles, aa the fair petitioner wiHh to pre serve the snow aa long as they can for the purposes of coasting. Tho fioldondale Kuntinul yesterday states that W. 11. Dtinbur has sent to Vancouver and Walla Walla land offices since Nov. 1st, 18i)2 for entry of hind $10,000: estimated for January mid first two days of February, from proofs ad vertised to lm umdo heforo him fJS.-IOO. Tub CnnoMi sanctum whs most happily surprised this afternoon by a brief call from dipt. John W. Lewis, register of tho United Htatus land office in this city, who has been closely con fined at his house fur sevon weeks past by a serious Illness. He is now improv ing rapidly. Lovers of choice furs would Ih de lighted with the exhibition of pelts from our Inland Empire fur bearing animals, to bo aeeu at 1?. Wolf'a place today. Ho has nearly every kind on hand, from tho bear to tho skunk, including silver gray fox, etc., in all about $2,000 worth, for shipment. Mr. L. Rice of Endersby, In tho city tmluy, says the roads are much tho best if? tho city now. There is plenty of snow for sleighing, but It is soft, and the ground Is soaked with water under the enow. At Ward's mill he says there was a fall of throe fiot. On tho creek, in tho vicinity of Davidson's, it was twenty-two Inches deep. F)oya whose lnc.k of better natures, and generous Instinct, precludes tlie pos sibility of charity for the beautiful feath ered Bongsters in tho city, and leads them to acts of cruelty by wanton kill ing of the birds; should be roughly handled, and taught lessons of mercy in ome salutary manner j if not by their parents, then by aomobody. else. The worst complaint come from tho East End. Discussing tho jiito suck linni iichm, ami works at the Sulem ponitentkiry where the convicts may he given useful em ployment without detriment to the fioe tailoring chiHNCs; it is suggested that the Inland Empire, being the home of the Hhx plant, where It is Indigenous to the soil, if un an etfort was niBdo might fur nish the factory with nn excellent qual ity of stock forsscks. Tiiie would he pleased to hnve some migge. tions on this topic. Ueports eome in to ns that tlie Jack rubhit is very numerous hi this county south of this city, and that they are do ing a great deal of damago to tho young fruit trees. Tho ground being covered with snow, mid the moonlight nights gives them a tine opportunity for for aging. One onon who has sudered from tho ravages of the rabbit having lost six acres of prune trees, suggests a war of extermination on the basis of a bounty for rabbit aealpa. It ht a matter worthy of the attention of our legislators. A Washington dispatch yesterday says: "Paul F. M.ihr, of Tacoma, is again in Washington. Molir is the man who has opposed, with a great deal of vigor, tho project for a boat railway at The Dalles on the Columbia river. Ho doe liot anticipate that he will have to make any effort during the present session of congress to prevent a bill going through which will interfere with his railroad scheme, because nothing will be done in the matter of rivers and harbor at this session." About midnight last night, as Officer Chris, l'.ills was passing op Second street, be discovered that the lights had boen extinguished in The Dalle Mer cantile company's store. lie soon found that a glass in one of the front doors bad beeu broken in. Ho secured assist ance to watch developments, and went for Officer Gilions. The store was then entered, when it was found that an In dian boy, abo'it lit years old, wus in the tore. He had unlocked the store-room door, and appeared to be waiting for a pal. The gnpposition i that the safe might have beeu broken open, but for the timely apearance of Mr. Bills. The boy had been iu town duriug the day, with other Indians of the Warm Springs agency. He had gone to camp with the older member of the tribe, and return ed to town after nightfall. He was dis covered by hia white sombrero, as he skulked behind some sacks in the ctoro room. He had taken nothing but a plentiful supply of candy. Tlie officers took hiiu to jail, and he will tie given an opportunity to explain the purpose of hia nocturnal explorations. There wus quite a rush at the stage office last night of packages to be sent out this morning. Aa the roads are very bad the stage company ia perplexed how to accommodate evory body and not overload the coaches. Iu order to pre vent this it waa decided to take only such articles aa were indispensably necessary. Then the appeal was made in each case. One man brought lu a package for W. Bolton & Co., Antelojtt. "I don't know whether this can go or not," eaya the affable agent, and the circumstances are related. "Well," ays the would be shipper, "it is very important that that package should go, because it is boots, and the "leople they are intended for are bure-footed, in the snow." "The package is marked O. K., that goes," said the agent, aa he turned to another shipper, with a package for Oaka A Wilson, Mitchell. The same explanations follow, when the Buip'ier repliod that the contents were medi cine for the sick, and of course they had to go. Then comes a package for Tom Burgess, Bake Oven and that had to go, because Tom's horses would aulTbr if he failed to get It. These incidents will serve to show drivers and others how difficult it is to accommodate and not stall the stages, in times like the present. We have beard of absent-minded people, but do not remember having met one, face to face, until quite recently. A gentleman at t he U. 1'. K. ticket office in Tho I'mittilla house, applied for a ticket to Portland. lie appeared to be thinking about something else when tho ticket was handed to him by Mr. Batty, and he proceeded to fold tho ticket double until it was iu tho shape of a atrip about of an inch wide, lie next seated himself In a chair unobserved, and tore ofV bit after bit of tho paper, until the ticket was consumed, und lay scattered about bis feet on tho floor. When his presence of mind returned to him he aroso, and ap proaching Batty inquired for tho ticket. "I gave it to you," was Batty's reply. "I don't think jou did," was tho res ponse. Batty was certain he did, and a bystander corroborated tho fact. This lead to an investigation ; tho fragments were found ; but as it aoemed impossible., to restore the parts to a shape which would make the ticket presentable, the travoler concluded to pocket the loss, and purchase another ticket. This cir cumstance makes it possible for ua to believe the story from McMinnville, in which it is stated that W. E. Martin wont out to his stable a few evenings since with a lantern and a milk pail, to milk his cow; and while in a tit of ab straction placed the pail on the lamp cord and milked the lantern full of tho lacteal fluid. It is said that Martin' wife discovered tho mistake, when ho returned to tho kitchen with an empty pail, and tho lantern in a fix for tho disbpan. I'min tlie Dully rh.roi.icle taiurdny . No more Adieu old year. "Happy New Year," tomorrow. Mr. 4 i ran t Mays of Antelope, is in thocitv. today at The Dalles. Jno. Wenlierg and A. Pearson of Mosier, are In tho city. Mr. nud Mrs. B. P. Langlilin returned from Portland today. Snow is all oil" at Ileppner. But they had a white Christmas. Walking under some of tho awnings today is damp without an umbrella. The dancing club will hold its Domino party Monday evening at the armory. Thermometer at Tho Dalles today registers 52 deg. alxive xcro, in the shade. One w ho knows says Gov. Pennoyer'a mesHHge on the 9th will be "short and sweet." Professors G. C. T. French and G. W. Shaw, of the State agricultural college, are in the city. The Moore sale of city residence prop erty was again postponed today, until Saturday next. The little busy bee ia out today in The Dalles, airing himself, a if bidding the Old Year good bye. The Chinook wa a high flyer last night but the barren places show the marks of lower flights today. On account of some much-needed re pair upon tho operator the W. U. Tel. office will be closed between the hours of 10 and 4 Monday. The common council meeting this evening, to wind up 1892, may evolve into watching the New Year in, if it calandar is lengthy. Mr. O. K. Butler i in the city today. His father Hon. Polk Butler, is now batching at Nansene, the family having moved in to Dufur.. Mr. J. A. Keely of Dry Hollow, re porta the farm and orchards in hi vicinity in tine condition for the advent end season course in 1893. Mr. Seufert report that considerable ice ha formed iu one of hia ponds, nearly ready to store away in hi ice bouse. He expects a large crop next month. It 1 reported that it rained very lively for a short time this a. m. on 15-Mile and upper 15-Mile. There wa only a trace of rain here. Tli'.t confirms fore casts for today. Skating is reported delightfully de lightful on the elough at East Ead. "If it will only hold till Monday," says Tub Cuko.vici.x lady force, what a splendid holiday we will have. The merchants and business men of the city having decided to keep Monday as a New Year holiday, Tub Chbosicli coincides hence no paper will be issued from this office on that day. The Sandy river is again flooded and the central piers of the bridge are again under water. The contractor were just getting ready to hoist the piers again into position, when the enow came. They must wait now till the rise sub sides. Tlie Bill of Fare at The Umatilla New Year dinner tomorrow, is very inviting to families. It is quite the idea in cities for families to dine out on Sundays. Here, tomorrow they can combine a Sunday and a New Year dinner at The I'matilla. The steamer Regulator waa success fully hauled out on the ways this fore noon, before o'clock. Three teams of horses were employed, at three capstans, and the circus driving was kept up con tinuously for about 5 hours. A Happy Now Year to all our old friends and patrons for tiieir liberal patronage of the old j-ear and inviting a continuance of tho same for the new year wilh best wishes to all, Yours Thaukfully, Printz & Nitschke. The ever welcome cbinook breezes paid this region an official visit last night, mid kept the mercury in the thermometer bobbing up and down like a jumping jack all night long by its fit ful pud's. The barometer registered 30.48 this morning. Mr. Hugh Glenn, one of the "Best People On Earth," has received an in vitation from his lodge to be present at tho dedication of the Elks new hall in Marquaru building, Portland, January 3d. After the dedication a grand ball willbogiven. The iuvitation 1 a very elaborate one. Pleasant ridgo has had 2t feet of enow. Mayor McCortnick of tlie Ridge, is in tho city today. He says the snow has packed down to twelve or fourteen inches depth, with plenty of water under it, soaking into the ground. Everybody is well, and stock in good condition. t M rs. Isaac Joles is eeriooly ill, and her condition was such last evening that tho noise of gay parties coasting on Washington street was liable to produce a reaction in tho caso with dangerous results. Mr. Joles endeavored to pre vail on the coasters to go to some other street for their amusements, and iu do ing so hia motive was improperly con strued mid he was grossly insulted. It is hoped there will bo no further coasting on Washington street, at least while Mrs. Joles is sick. The ladles who made tho request to the teamsters yes terday were not aware of the existing circumstances. I i .1. . .i - ... . i in mo programme ui me 3W1 annual session of the state Horticultural society, t lie held on the 10th and 1 1th In Port land there appears the name of but one Inland Empire man to lake part in the proceedings. On the morning of tho 11th, Mr. T. A. Seufert of The Dalles is to discuss the subject of the need of legisla tion. An excursion was made by steamer Wenatchee on the Columbia river to the mouth of the Okonogan on Christ mas day. Hew does that sound to St Paul, Chicago, Buffalo and St. Louis ears? Ough ! When we think of It, no amount of money could induce an ac climated Inland Empire person to make tlie exchange. There is a prospect of a lively meat war in San Francisco, as the result of tho establishment of Philin D. Armour's big stockyards and slaughter-house plunt at Baden. The South San Fran Cisco slaughter-house men, who have controlled the San Francisco meat trade for so many years, do not like the idea of competition. Phil will make it lively tor tnem. As none of the charge against Rev. Dr. Briggs have been sustained it may be considered afe to deny that Moea was the author of the Pentateuch ; that Isaiah did not write all the chapters of the book bearing his name, and that sanctification is progressive after death ; at least until after the bearing by the general assembly, on the appeal from yesterday' vote In New York. Mr. J. B. Pietrie of Lake county, who waa called to Lincton lately on account of the foul murder of hia brother, says great injustice was dene him by the re port from Walla Walla about hia "beg ging a meal." He had no money with him at the time, but be did have plenty of collateral securities for anything he might need, and paid his way. On the last trip to Mount Hood of the Alpine club climber, Mr. W. G. Steel, he reported a place near the summit so hot from internal fires that when a hole was cut into the surface with a snow hatchet, only a few inches deep, the men could not bear the heat upon their hands. Today the crest of the hoary monarch is black and barren of snow, covering a large scope of the highest altitudes, an appearance never before noted at this season of the year. Perhaps this is ow ing to the Internal fire indicated by the observations of Mr. Steel and those who accompanied him, as reported early in this month, along about the 4th. Those who were fortunate enough iast night to witnesa tlie beautifully tinted colors surrounding the moon, about 10:30 o'clock; say it was one of the finest exhibition of heavenly phe nomena ever seen. One who saw it says: "In the center the moon was shining with a pale yellow light, in a sea of pale blue-white, around which waa a ring of brown, deep on the outer edge and beautifully blended in with the blue-white. Joining the brown was a rinsr of peacock blue, which shaded into almost imperceptible tinge of green, while around the whole 'was a very dim ring of brown. The whole corona oc cupied a space of perhaps not more than one degree in the heavens." Word come from many sections of the Inland Empire, that the "soft toned re monstrance of the tax payer is being spread abroad" for signature against the proposition of the assembly to do something in a financial way for the dalle portage. People should be on guard everywhere, and while positively reusing to lend their names to the scheme, spot the man who asks them to sign the death knell to all further effort in their behalf for an open Columbia river. Tue Chuonici.e fully endorses the sentiment of the East Oregonian in this matter: "The people of the Inland Empire deserve an open river at the hands of the legislature. It is nothing more than right. It is due them. It would show that Oregon is able to help herself. It would relieve us of the em barrassment of kneeling before our pol iticians every year, beseeching for an appropriation to be wasted by a horde of band-box engineers." The Glacier tells a pitiful tale of suf fering in the family of Knut Knutson, living in the White Salmon region. Mr. K. was taken sick with typhoid fever about two months ago. Since that time every memlier of the family, except the mother, twelve in all, have taken ihe disease, two of the girls dying. At pres ent six of the family are in )xd and those convalescent are physiclally unable to care for the sick. The good people of White Salmon are willing to do what they can for them, but fear of taking the disease into their own families prevents their giving that care that they should have. It is a case that strongly appeals to the sympathy and charity of the pub lic for assistance. The family have but one room in their house, which ia dis tant several miles from any neighbors. A collection was taken up in Hood River on Christmas eve for tho Itenefit of this family, amounting to about six dollars, and Wednesday Cush Luckey collected f 21.50 more, which betook over Thurs day, to be used in caring for them. What they need most Is under-clothing, sheets and pillow-cases, that they may bo kept clean, and any of our people who have articles of this kind, no mat ter how badly worn, will contribute to a worthy ranee by giving f' tlwse suffer ing and deserving people. As an indic ation of the growth of The Dalles, our resrter today notes the ar rival at the depot of tix pianos, and two organs. 'e are Informed they are all for Dalles people except one organ, which goes to Bake Oven. There is also a choice lot of furniture at tho depot, a siting new houses for intending resi de!! ts. A New Mecbaale Art. Down in the valley, according to our exchanges, a new art of bridge building has been discovered. It is said that the bridge contractors have discovered the secret of erecting bridges which stand without a foundation. At least they stand while they are being built, and until a warrant can, be drawn from the public treasury to pay the contractor. The bridge is no sooner paid for than a cry h raised that the foundations are in danger of being washed away unless a new contract Is let at once to protect them. A new bridge built in Marion county is said to be losing its piers. It has just been paid for, and it is time its piers were being protected from falling over. There was formerly a belief that the foundation of a bridge waa built to hold up the bridge. But this is a mis take. It always seems to require some thing to hold up a foundation. This building a bridge without a foundation for the piers that will last longer than the warrant is being drawn Is a new art peculiar to this age. Pioneer llakery. Having again reopened this popular oakery ana employed the services ot a first class baker, l am prepared to furn ish the public with the very best of bread, pie and cakes on short notice. Next door to Chrisman 4 Corson, Cor. Washington and Second streets, The Dalles, Or. Geo. Kuch. Columbla, Alliance. Will meet at the usual place (Eight Mile school house) onjthe second Satur day in January 1893 at 11 o'clock, sharp. It is particularly requested that all mem bers be present a there are matter of vast importance to come liefore the meeting. Also election of officers will take place at that time. By order of county secretary. American Cholera. From the Dailt Rtiiixi, Whateom, Wuh. "T. C. Burnett, the democratic candi date for sheriff, waa taken violently ill at Clearbrook. He had all the symp toms of Asiatic cholera, and for an hour or two it was feared he wonld die. They finally gave him a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which revived him until a physlcianjuk rived." That ia precisely what the manufacturers of that medicine recom mend for cholera. Send for a physician but give their medicine until the physi cian arrive. If cholera become preval ent in this country next summer this preparation will be in great demand be cause it can always be depended upon. For sale bv Blakeley & Houghton, drug gist. tCRS. ELS. P.. KATCC. HEART DISE&St 20 YESBS. Dr. HTUra Co., t.!lhn,-i, jir.i. Dir fills: Kr -y) wr I v t- ".! i'?: bean diacaue. Woui-I '.n-- ..iu Rn;lli au l!h;rii n- i.ili.i i.' i.,' r g.'t out of bfd tii l,reuile. iliut po a In my mi :c!o and bui li inontof tlm (ip.ii; m ! lH 1 Waiuu dnitviral. I vaa very nervous ".: nearly uit: out. Iho lofcl exaleiaai.1 vouiu ti'iw hh' THOUSANDS $ )m tuui ti r o n b I e it with fliittertnit Kor the last fifteen ycani I rmilil ootl'(J on my leftside or bark until W-nii latin Tour Arw Jl.un Vur. t l.mi imi iHken u very fouft until I felt much better, ami I i-hii now ilwp on either side or hack without the lean dltwoiu fort. I have uo pain, smi.tlierlnx. dmy, no a iint on itomach or other diMmreealilo symptoms. I am able to do all my own housework without any trouble and consider myself rureil. Eikhart, Ind.. IS. Mrs. Hi sir IUtch. It ia dow four yearn since I hava taken an medicine. Am in better health than I have beeu In 40 years. I honestly be- n lieve that lr. M iW n CURED Umart Cwra saved my Ufa . w 1 " and made me a well woman. I am now fli year of age, and am able to do a good day's work. May Wlh, IS J. Ml tl-Mia lUtCH. OLD ON A POSITIVC GUARANTCC. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 23 CTS. S'M.D II V HLAKELKY A IIOl GHTON FARM FOR SALE. I oiler for sale all or a p:irt of my farm of 4.S0 arres in Sec. 1M, Tp. 1 south, ranuv 14 east, 15 mile southeast of The Ihtlles; good improvements, good young five-arre orchard now bearinu, plenty of good water fur house use itml stock ; 175 acres in cultivation, good outlet north, rust, south or west via county roads. I aUo oiler for sale 1 10 acres in section I'll, township 1 south, rantre 14 eat; also live head horse, one double set of harness and a few lui iii implements, etc. l'rices reasonable, terms easy and title good. For particulars come and see me at The Dnllc or J. II. Trout at the farm. janjy-tf 10. W. Tkout. t&d v JfiBIf Vi want title to lloiirtaiilM Mtnt I.aiiaU rail un f. X. TltultNHrnv. T. A. iiriwo., l-iitr Ki. L'. X. Un.l Office. Notary J'uiiUe. TIOPIM&Hllfljl, II. S. Lund Attorneys. Over Sixteen Years Experience. BUY AND SELL- CITY AND COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. 600,000 ACRES OK UuimproTed FARM Property Fori saxju. Hvnd foraPumpliletdeiHTlbliia; this land. Vt E AKE A'iENTS FOR itioD to The Dalles. Thin addition Is hild olTinto one-acre lota, and l dintincd to lie the principal renldenee partot the city. Only twenty iiiinutuea walk from the court bonne. ln not he afraid to commit or write us, we aire advice or information In all branches of our bus iness free of charire. Settlers Located on Government Land. Offlce in f. 8. Iind Office Muilding. THE 1M1XKS .... OHEdON. PACKERS OF Pork and Beef. MANUFACTURERS Or Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. Masonic Building, The Dalles. Or. DIAMOND - ROLLER - HILL A. H. CURTIS, Prop. Flour of the Best Qual ity Always on Hand. THE DALLES. OREGON. s O H M O -3 Id I O mi 3 . o S3 u .2 S c aw 3 a a c od SB S I ol 3 g S V G u o 33 2- 8 J 2- a H B H Wasco Wareipse Co., Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Plates feasonble. MARK GOODS W. "W. Oo. TIIK DALLES, OR. NOTICE. U.iU.and OfFit s, The Dalle. Or., Auif. 6, 1K91. 'omiilnitit having been entered at this ottic by V valt A. Htark Hiniiust the heirs of (.corire E. IjHigillo. for nhttiiiloninir lionicntt'Hd Kntrv No. :i.h J, dutiil July -'nth, ls'.rj, upon the W half of qr and 8 half of qr, section 2.', towiiHhip. J north, riiuire 11 eaat, In Vasco county, Oregon, with a view to tlie cancellation of naid entry, the miid parties are hereby summoned to arnicar afc the I . H. laud olliee, The Dalles, Or., on the Htb day of October, ln'Jj, at 10 o'clock a. m to res pond and furiiUh testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. JOHN' W. LEWIS, Register. Art ca a new principle. reiinlata the lirer, stomach, and bcwela through (At xrr,". Du. Mu ss' Pn.L iprftitlu curt biliousness, torpid liver and coniip tion. hnialleet, mildest, anreatl BO 3 1'. Kanmlt-s free at liriiL'k'istf.'. Br. lues U , aiiaart . 8old by BLAK ELK Y U01GUT0N. 25 ct. J