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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1893)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1893. j The Weekly Chronicle. OVTU lAl. I AIT.K iK W.S O i oi NTV, Count v Juv,. Clvrfc. Trvurvr AiiMVMir ... Survivor Coroner oi mv or t u iai.h T A. Wl J. U. ('rriwn j Win. lit'h?il . iJHfc. iNtrittflle 1 1 k Kinril ,JH.'l V kitlU K. V. Mri ! N. M. huttl I AT-; II' 17 .1 r i:ve. Wc st.wnl Mt the window on New Year's CV. Ai tin' xim sank tail of the wl, Willi a farewell trimmer upon the hill AuJ it kiwi on tin' river's brcaH. A mist erf t down from the diille.- hIxivi', As the opaline tint irrew pule, Nolle. Iluntinstuii'a Matu. KUlllutll Star. Illlllltnl lll Of tllP ly Onli r nl llll tnmlilnii oiiiwll ii I'hIIh Smth.-,,, IVoillc, h lol,l.yii, in Wash- WX'. inuton In Llll tho Nu'arainni Oanid bill. I riiiimil"iit I. ii'-.-,t ! nl.-i ami main- FLOYD & SHOWN, . ... ... . . . ... ii' iiiiiintviMiivii i I H tali l piiilMxiyuitt ine wmie oi 1110 wnoiu , ,,,.r Bti. , u. r,,.i commercial world. A lttiilili-!". try ing to butt down the limn tliHl ill build iiilt a ditch would look nn nion ridicul ous. The ditch will lx built, and w hile it will drain all the witter out of the And wrapped the bus- of the lofty rangt' i h1(v1s of the Southern l'aoitie, Iliuitiii- ton ran oulv hum. The New York Word ycHi-rihsy chaiyvi, in a thrv? column article. tl;:il the l'.i:um i (Mil tl I'orruptionisli" and thieve? haw -xcudtd over fli.'rtMl.iliXl in t he hriU'ry of A inei k;n h'-i.-iatorsi. It claims to kumv two million live hundred thousand dollars was nMt to this nmniry, und no explanation has leen given f ne was necessary or made oi thi v.i-u num. llriU-ry am! corruption were practiced in the lrnited States iiidt a llajrautlv, althou 'h ! in extent and in tin? amount of money used. It is ad the matter w ill In; fullv exposed. The Iluutiiiptons, and every one opposed loany canal beiiionened to interfere with their preserves, an- sup posed to lie the instigators of these scandals. It has been a n.ounoed that .Vr. Hl.uiie is "dvinsr of axv de ciieratinn of the kidneys and ur emic roisoninir. With these ailments po the attendant pheno mena of faulty action of the heart, watery condition ot the blood and brain, coniotow spells and icy cold ex trend ties.' Mr. lUaiue's close associates and in timate friends understand the nature of his malady. They know that he has driven his wn frame witli an impetuos ity and a pitilessness which he would not have applied to his borne or his servant For half a century he lias been sinking the spur of ambition into his own tor tured flesh, and now both the goad and the victim are thoroughly worn out. The Mobile Kegister boasts of having "in the south 300,000 l'uion soldiers' graves," and says "there is as many more in the north." It grieves over the fact that "-o many are left alive." If the old veterans that defended the flag would all lie down and die it would re lieve democratic newspapers and politi cians wonderfully, from the standpoint of the Register. They would build bon fires and throw up their hats and attend the funerals as the most happy event of tneir lives. The Nashville American remarks: "Our republican friends die hard." Our esteemed contemporary has made a mis take in its diagnosis. Tite republican party after an arduous and very nearly continuous labor for thirty-two years is only taking a short rest. It is unlike the democratic party. It has a ((rand history behind it, and can look to the future with complacency and confidence, tuch a party don't die from a single kick. . )w; c -t In the fold. of its soft grey veil. Far up in the heaven of tw ilight, aliovo The gap where the liver comes thro', A single star like an island of Iv'ht Shorn; out in an oivannf blue. Over th.i rim of the liilU, northeut, An aureola of palest gold Showed where the great round moon would rise, To watch the year grow old. The year that has brought sad lessons I of life And its cures to my lovo and I ; Yet sweeter than all the sweet rears of the fast Is the year that is ready to die. Oraary. THE IMMIGRATION QUESTION. The start which has been made in the United States within half a year past to remedy the abuses of foreign immigra tion, is viewed with alarm across the Atlantic, but it i more than probable that the movement will be continued. The question as considered by the sen ate committee on immigration has been accompanied with more than one social and economic factor lending influence in favor of drastic action. The time was when emigration from Europe was prompted by a desire on the part of emigrants to enjoy liberty and to secure a betterment of their social condition. ow the evils of contract labor, the ious Attacks, and all doraniremenU ...1-4. I . I I m .m . - - grrru oi capitalists 10 populate western ot Itio Btomach and bowels, are lands, and, above all, the "increasing i promptly relieved and pormauentlv ..r ..- !.. . ,11 r ciiirin ui r.uropean communities to senu curen. to America their chronic paupers, luna-1 They're the chea)est pill you can tics and criminals, have given to this J buy, because they're guaranteed to question a gravity that has not before I Cive satisfaction, or your ruouer is belonged to H.' Sanitarv exnerts have reiurneu. caujttwrr laso , fler dinner, if you havVJ,sconifort and BtifTor inp, take l'ierce'a 1'leasnnt IVllets, orAntlVIiilious Granules. They're rfiacV A) assist Nature in her own way quietly, but thor ouqhlv. What tho old-fashioned pill Jid forcibly, these do mildly and gently. They do more, too. Their offert are lastine ; they regtdate tao s'yRtem, as well an cleanse aniHrojtovato it. Ouo little Pellet's a crntlo laxative ; three to four act a a ' cathartic. They're tho smallest, clicancst, tho easiest to take. ITnequalcd as a Liver Pill. Sick Headache, Ililious Head ache, Constipation, Indigestion, Iil- ii ft.-itil rl:v. a hfi In u i.ili'll linl.rmt'tiu'ttt will In. lovt. in tin' ilurtN ail'm', nl llii'iv In, m i lit Mnhl (ui.tii, fmi'MI w III In- lil.tili, mil' HtlMit finirti-ii liaii. I i,,ii, llin IIiih ii i Ul li'vt t ! ii nl ItiN nutli-v. On- imiiiTi, f l llilnli m til Iriltlv mlnivul llu-ri'di. iiliiilt llU- llii-lr rv ; itiiiii-trulifH Rviiliml Kiirri iiMniiiriiifiii i(v ctuirtfr .rn hi l. 1'Ih liiiiirni i-ini'iit initl iii)iltiti't Mint mImiiiI tn I b' iiiNlf liu f'lll'in . In m II I Tn tmirty a hliiiltiiii. I nil. n ir il liiiw'lillil ; ullli'l. In ,'IIV. Ill r.llllli'lln a U'il nl ll'llll till' I'llllllllllIM IIVIT Hi llll' llHll j nf inilil V awlil'tjtiiii fctrti't, aiul riiintltiK lln'iu- tuiiith on miitl SV ii..hliitfliiii !ltv't. In Hi jiiiu'tniii I oi will uni't witli tilimi lri I. aim riiiiul nu t llitiire vjT.-rtv a una i!! Kiill"ll hI'v'!. It Hit I JIIIII'llKII nl .iii lllll. HI klli-l llli i.lllltllllil tri4'l. ami ruiiiiliit; Itn nr.' miill'r SI i Milil liiutillli lrH't, to tlualli'v ii'iiliiiilliiil Alvuril !t t --t . imiiiI wr In tM'iif tilw Itn'.i trrra ila 1la from llu, .l lit of hi'Ullilitiiif, atHiM' ini'ii intuit tn Ihi ulii'V l"tvM-ii r'outlli unit 111 1 h tn-,t. ami nl l'ii Inch t4rra-iitia Ih imni all jitacv. to Vxo U'riiitlulUoli tlii'iinl, ft.- hIh u latvil i Ii ! ' I ii . .i i.r nl I el I i . I v'j. Khunk MitNKritK, IUionlT nl liaWifi It r. YOUR ATTENTION Is called to the fact that ftagh Glenn, HtCAl I I.n in DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS Fino Toilet Sonim, UriiMhea, t'ombs, l'.irfu rV( ;t(, ' I'll re Liquors fur Medirliial I'uriNi. Physicians Prescr iptions a Specialty. -j Corner l'uion and Sicund Streets, The Dnllna, Oregm. CHRISMAN & CORSON, iBAi lcn. Dealer in (ilasa, Unie, l'lnster, Omoiit and Bailding Material of all kinds. GROCERIES, Flour, Grain, Fruit and Mill Feed. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR FRODTJC I COU. WASIUNoTtLN AM M'.C'OND s!t.. THE DALLKS. -Carrla. tl, riaaat I.lna mt- predicted the recurrence of cholera in Lurope next spring. As a measure of safety, the surgeon-general recommends to the secretary of the treasury that all ports be closed to immigrants for one year from Jan. 1, h'J3. r rom the sur- geon-frenerars point of view the immi gration problem becomes really serious. A knowledge of the dreadful scourge of cnoiera must Justify very severe meas ures to insure immunity from it. If there be threatening danger from immi gration, let immigration be stopped. You only pay for the good yon get. Can you ask more ? PiGiii ie To tm found in the City. X. B. Larniour has returned from an other visit to his coal discovery between Camas creek and the north fork of the John Day. He brought back some sam ples, and states that there is no doubt that the coal i of good quality and that the deposit is a large one. Mr. Larmonr goes to Portland to report to the com pany formed there, which intends to begin active developments in the spring. United States collector Weidler of Portland has succeeded in inveighing just Chinamen into placing tiieir names on record at the registration bureau and filing tiieir photographs with him. The last tw o Chinamen to register j are laborers, and are the only laborers! registered so far, all merchants. the other being The New York Herald says: "There nit be no Hill-Tammany dictatorship by the election of Murphy to the Senate. Let Mr. Murphy, therefire eatiefy his ambition in some other way." Poor old tiger; turned himself inside out to elect a pre-jiilent, ami then t be kicked one side. Too bud. But the people won't crv about it. In the biennial report of the state board of horticulture, now in the hands of the state printer, space has been given to an article on the soils of Ore gon, in which Prof. G. W . Shaw, of the Corvallis experiment station, says: "The main growth of Eastern Oregon is bunch grass and sage brush." This is the article which has recently been scored so meritoriously by the press of the state, and it seems strange that some suitable matter could not have been substituted. It is simply a libel on the Inland Empire of this region. In his report to the board Dr. J. It. Card ell, president, speaks as follows of the rich Eastern Oregon country: "On the high rolling nplands of Eastern Oregon, which have heretofore been left out of our calculations, it has been dem onstrated that the home-maker may grow his own fruits," "and," he might liave religiously added, "for half the con tinent besides." Commissioner Ilen- dersh-jtt says : "The day is not far dis tant when the fruit interf'st will lie par amount to all others. There is no sec tion of country on the Pacific coast letter adapted for fruit culture than Eastern Oregon." None of these will "count" between lids containing M jaw's libel. E. (iilliam, stock inspector of Uma tilla county, reports that there are now about ZiJti.QOQ head of sheep within the county limits. Tho sheep appear to be in better condition than usual and are nearly fiee from scab. Ono or two bauds are doubtful. A.ABrown, epa full aaaortDMnt at Staple anil Fancy Groceries and Provisions. aliioti b uirera at Low ftguras. SPECIAL :-: PRIGES w to Cash Buyers. Hiitat Cash Prices for 1m anfl ctler Mm. 170 SECOND STREET. UX. H. Young, General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. 72 fJUoshington Street. MIAER & BENTON DEALERS IN' Cord Woon Fik-Pinij' ash GROCERIES, 'MA, HARDWARE TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. Third and Union, or 133 Second i THE DALLES. OR. I JOLES BROS DKALELr IN; A ctibscrii.'er wishes Tiie Chronicle to decide a bet, by answering the follow ing: "Did Harrison carry the electoral vote of Ohio? Mr. A Lets Mr. B that Harrison would cirry the electoral vots of Ohio. Who winh?" Harrison will receive the full electoral vote of Ohio. A win. The Chicago Inter-Ocean suggests that "The Kev. ham Jones should make bis arrangement to spend a month in hunt ing satan at his headquarter in New York, bfirining along a bout the middle of March, or thereabout. Democrats alonsr about then will be in depondent iiiooa. A democratic con temporary says: "Itepnblicans are anxious to see demo crats blow in the tariff gun." Yea, the sooner the better. The country in Its present proprity can stand the shock betti.-r than to wait until it is impover ished by democratic experiment and tinkering. The 'ex iteinent is so Kre"t ln Paris ovirr the re sort of thechemiit that Baron Itxinach was not fyjitKined, that experts have rw-ii ordered to finiili the exami nation and satisfy the ex':iU"d public. Ariar:h'ils aro uain at work in Paris. An attempt wa made yesterday to blow nji the o!ic; station. Much damage wss done but nobody was hurt. The American people will patiently foot the bill while congress spends i time waiting lor the 4th of March to find out, "Where am I at?" No lllockad Here. borne of our contemporaries are in nocently spreading reports like this: "The Union Pacific railroad has had a hard time fighting the storm king the past week. The snow was very heavy in the mountains np the Columbia and at one timesiz trains were stalled at The Dalles, waiting for the rotary snow plow to open the road to Portland for them." There has been no blockade at any point in the county of Wasco. Neither at The Dalles, Hood Liver, nor Cascade I-ocks. All the diflicultics of obstruction have occurred in Multnomah county, within from 18 to 40 miles cf Portland. Please make a note of this fact. The Dalles is all sunnhirie roses and chrysanthemums. lMle Installation. At the annual com mimical ion of Wasco kxhe, No. A. F. and A. M., the following oflicen were regularly installed to serve for the ensuing year : I. I. Burget, W. M.; II. dough, 8. W. ; IL Horn, J. W.; Oeo. A. Lick', Treas. ; O. D. Doane, Bee; O. V. Bolton, 8. D. ; J. If. Harper, J. D. ; E. 8chaniio, 8. 8. ; W. E. Oarretson, J. 8. ; P.. i. Cluster, Tyler. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tiiinl Street, ojzositctiic eld licie Stand. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKASSACT AHENKEAI.DAKKINO UViUSKHH Letters of Credit issued available in Eastern States. he Hight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Chicago, Kt. Louis, 8an Francisco, Portland Oregon, Keattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. Tl.:s old, popular and reliable house haj ken entirely refurnished, and every room has been rcpnpered and repainted and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 17U rooms and is supplied with evry modern convenience. Kates reasonable. A goixl restaurant attached to the house. Fror bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs ctecesars to f. 1 Cm.) Muiufacttirrr of lb- flnnst Prvneh sod linma Urniu C-A-IsT DIBS, last ot PorUiuid. DEALERS IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furniah anr uf thae luoli at WhoKaala or KctaU W-FRESH OYSTERS-ie- la ETrjr Htyls. Ics Cream and Soda Water. 104 8econd Ktreet. The Dalles, Or. The Dalles Gigar : Factory EmeST STEEET. FACTORY NO. 105. Old A PQ' tl,B -o1 Hrands VVAVJaxItO manufactured, and orders from ali parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. Staple M Fancy Gire Hay, Grain and Feed. Masonic Block. Corner Third and Court Streets. The Dallesto. WE HAVE THEM!! All the Latest Novelties for the Holidays. CONHIMTIMU l)F NECKWEAR. MUFFLERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, f SUSPENDERS, f GLOVES, ETC.! JOHN C. HERTZ, f 101) HF.COXD KTKF.ET, T1IK DALLKH. OREGOX The reputation of THE DALLF.8 CI OAlt has Ixi-ome firmly established, and the demand for tiie home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULR1CH & SON. W. E. GARRETSON. Jeweler. Leaning SOLD AO KMT Poll Tilt tTm IOC. CHOSS UKAU.U l.N Hay, Grain, Feed & FlourJ HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. ( It bohoovcH everycino, esjH.'cialIy the workingman, to l)Uj vh-ro ho can buy tho choaiofit and can got tho most for lii hard oarncd nionoy. Wo Holioit a fc!iaro of your atnma O L ! J i i. . a ii i . i I i Ldi.ii idu iur t-'s anu pouiiry. aii goons ceiiyerea uee ana crc;;r" t Corner Union and Second streets. The Dalles, Oregon Washington North Dalles, Washingto SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Destined to be the Dest Manufacturing Center In the Inland Emplro. Best Selling Proporty0f the Season In the North- west. i All Watch Work Warrantod. Jewelry Made to Order. ISS SMua St.. Tha liallaa. Or. For Further Information Call at tho Office of Interstate Investment Go., 0. D. TAYLOR. Tie Bah Or 12 WaslimUm St, Md