The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, January 06, 1893, Image 3

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Prom tbr Dolly I'brniucie, Tucwlii).
A. F. O. T. 15. O. V. What Is It?
Col. Jhh. Fulton of Fnltouville. is in
the city.
frank Fulton of Sherman
a -
j county, in in town today.
J Babe Jolmnou i)!)t his happy new
your wity'ils parents In Oregon City.
flenittor Stelwer is expected hro thin
eyeninir. lie will remain a lHy or two
to Interview Ills eonntitiuincy.
r. KHholinau Is on the street muin,
bavin" recovered (rum tho ttttiuk of
sicknei'rt which hud kept hi m ponflncd to
liii room for several l;iyH.
W. L. Ward, an old-timer In the
riumocrutic hurni'HS in Warieo county, Is
prominently mentioned for tho appoint-
V tuent u Wnrm Spri iik" Indian agent.
Ibndiert, son of J.C. Kebert of 10-Mile,
. u brought to the city for medical
treatment yesterday, having-accidentally
hot hiiurielf through the arm while toy
'rig witli a pistol.
The weekly luoc tiiu; of theC. I.. S. C,
vim bold lant evening at the remdmee of
ire. S. I.. Urooka, a pleasant time wan
pent on the livHim. After tlie literary
imti'Ii.. 1'iik a wan wrved.
, ' The Supreme irt hug decided the po
litical ciim. In t'.n .r f Fierce.. The court
' held thut whiiu '.i. may huvo lcn nn er
ror in ; i i . 1 1 i 1 1 the iimne on the ballot
twice, lii - vole nh'"liM not he Uwt.
'( Tli? Mitchell people want a clicii. of
enuuti" to he done l.y the hr' iriltiturc.
Tliey w unt u ("lire cut o.T from the west
jmrt of irut.t, and come of the northern
part of Crook uul rmlherii part of 'iil
Jliuu put toeiln-r and iuhIiu a county to
lie culled Mitchell, and the county neat
Anil- ie linn put a hall in unit ion and
.'him a petition xiirned hy nh nit 00, bo
.'we am informed, linking tho ler;tMhiture
to cut a Htrip ott' from the northern part
. of Crook, und nil of that portion of
Vaneo lvle(f eift of III'" Chute and
ereuto the county of Antelope, and make
Anleloj.e the county seat.
M""-rM. J. 11. Movirv and J. .1. fdnifler
jf Moro came over lo lliix city la.'l eve
,iiiii. Tliey report the ronda in a hud
coiid'nion. mid that the pround iu Sher
man comity in pretty well r nuked from
the fi'iftn of the snow fall and rain, and
in place in quite inirerv.
If any one prcerit at the Itoiuino
party last evening accidentally carried
the "mitten" uway.or a lur ol tuitions,
will tliwy plena? lenve tliein at TtiK
Ciihonici.k alllce, not to lunch on nn
couut of tlicir intr'uixic value, hut the
vwnur prises them u keepsitkes.
3 New eountiex ui here In the In land
Flmpir ur -ttltig to lie a thick an coy
ten. llcHidea the two movements inen
'.onJ eluewhere today, it ii laid the bill
' l alreudy drawn for Hood county, with
'.ood river a county sent. Thif new
itwty seeks territory to include Cascade
I ickM.
' Frank I'. Taylor of 3-Mile met with a
' ry serious and painful Injury yentor-
y wliich la liuhlo to result in the lose
J one of his feet. lie was riding a horse
hen the animal slipped and fell ou his
g, breaking the bones nt the ankle
jlnt. I'r, Ionne was culled, and will do
-11 he can to save the foot.
A party met at the residence of B. H.
Huntington Saturday evening, and help-
'f '!)' not welcomed the advent of i)3.
a j means of whlht the ereuing pasaod
very pleasantly. After whist delicious
lunch was served. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. flostetler, Mr. and
Mrs. V. H. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. B. H.
llnnl'tntcton, Miss Kowland, Miss Brooks
Mr. L. Ainsworth.andMr.Kdward Hos
teller. Among those who observed the linppy
old custom of making Ke Year calls,
none were more alive to the real jVieas--t
of tho day than the A. F. O. T. B. O.
J. e, Messrs. F. A. French, Jno. Booth,
IZaywnrd Riddell, Fred W. Wilson,
Kdw. French, RolnTt Mays, Jr., Frank
'Oorretson, Harry Kaplnjf, Vivian French
i.nd Kdw'urd l'ntterson, who armed and
ciipied with nmndolin, guitar, r.ilher,
' anjoand enso of cards made the day
'jlodiou wherever they went. Coui
i..eneinK amoni! the F,ast F.nd residences
and working their way westward, the
merry strains of music betokening their
rdvent, they called on their various ac
quaintances and enlivened each resi
dence with the rendition of jolly tunes,
and were in turn enlivened at many
1 Vices by delicate collations, which
IK- rail thetto morn vigorous efforts.
The afternoou and a portion of the eve
n'ui were consumed ere they ceased;
hut they were finally elleotuiilly silenced
by the breaking of a ithor string and
con oclled to rlesiHt and nwalt the coin
ing (another New Year.
, A long the unique In social matters
the it perleuce social at the M. E. church
Pat dny evening takes the lead. This
was u effort on the part of the ladies to
rakj monev for the organ fund of the
chu :h. The plan was for each ldy to
ar dollar, or so much as she could,
by '.atever meant she should choose to
en- j, and at the social to relate her
s 'once In earning the money. The
:r. Jnces were many and variod, and
included many different ways of earning
money. Some cleanod streets and
shoveled snow from the sidewalks, while
others sold et;irs, nojicorn, pies and lt
tles, medicine Inittles presumably. One
earned a portion of her dollar hy main
taining silence for a day ; but one hard
ened schemer acting on the presumption
that silence gives commit, took advantage-
of her inability to speak and pro
posed lo her and now he wonders If sil
ence does meun consent. Another by
searching the street hi quest of a lost dog ;
some durned socks, and others did wash
ing, mado driws, and in other wavs too
numerous to mention, th ladies earned
their respective minis which amounted
In the aggregate to tlOO.00. After tho
experiences were related refreshments
wore served, which way one of the most
pleasing experiences of the evening.
The Young Men's Dancing Club
closed the day yesterday with a Domino
hop at Wiugate's hall. A largo number
were muskod and the various colors and
costumes made a Tory pleasing effect.
Dancing was indulged in to a late hour.
The music was furnished by MoPsrs.
Benton, Iiirgfeld and Bnrehtorf. A
pleasant divetsion was the rendition of
a few pieces by the mandolin and guitar
clnb. Among those present were Mr.
Mr and Mrs I, K Crowo, Senator and
Mrs Hilton, JmlgA and Mrs Blakeley,
Mr and Mrs II 3 Maier, Mr and Mrs W
H Wilson, Mr and Mrs W F. tiarretson,
Dr and Mrs Snedaker, Copt and Mrs
Hherman, Mr and Mrs H M Bciill, Mr
and Mrs A Houghton, Mrs A Yoriiey,
Minxes Jeannetto, Main and Annie Wil
liams, l.aura Burj.'ei's, Clara, F.tta and
Auburn Hory, Iva Brooks, Mary Fru
itier, Virginia and Uraco Marden, liruee
Campbell, Dora Frcdden, Bmh Cooler,
Florence lewis, Matilda llollisler, Win
ifred Mason, Gosser, Minnie ("iofcscr,
Alma Schanno, Mexsrs F W Wilson, Ed
Williams, J Byrne, F Garretson, Jno
I'-Kith, (unlit, Jidward and Bobert
ys, H, Ci. Cutnphe'l, John Hampshire,
.) French, F Faulkner, Jos Wor.-Oey,
Vie Murden, Wm TdcCruni, M D.Piincll,
I) J Malarky. K K Sewall, ii C Willis,
J A IVoeseii, G C Snowdun, II Lonsdale,
M. James in, II Moutcoiuery.
From tliu liully Chnmlcle, Vi'eduewluT,
Mensr. Guy Willis, Bnssell Sewall
and Dan Malurky returned to Portland
j today.
j The populist membirs from Cms
county are tlio firtt tn put in an appear
j ance at Salem.
Deputy 1T. . Marshal Jameson bus
returned to the city, having sjH-nt tho
holidays in Portland.
Mr. J. F. Millur, a merchant of Prine
villo Las becu in the city for a few days
pust, shipping a heavy stock of good to
his store.
It is said that a scheme is on foot to
create a new county out of a part of
Gilliam, Umatilla, and Morrow counties.
Inspectors Macderuiitt and Edwards
were in the city, came up to inspect the
trading steamer Inland Star, owned by
Mr. Kennedy.
Still another new county it heard from.
Koine of the eople of Gilliam county are
striving to create a new county and make
Arlington a comity seat.
Mr. Wood Oilman, oiitt of the great
caltie men of Eastern Oregon, is in the
city, and is stopping at the Messrs.
Mr. Ed. Hosteller of Concordia, Kan
sas, arrived last Friday evening, and is
vitdling bis brother Mr. Jesse Hosteller
lu this city.
Hon. Polk Mays, a member of the
legislature from Walowa is in the city
visiting bis parents, during the holidays.
The ioe is reported good for skating
today, and every one who can get away
from bushiest is enjoy iug the rare rport.
This is tht first skating of the season.
A floating Ice berg struck the cable of
the Book land ferry with such force yes
terday as to part the cable. It is com
paratively a new cable, hint put in last
Mrs. Covington has disposed of her
fruit farm on the bank of the Columbia
above The Dalles. Winans Bros., are
the purchasers, and the price paid was
A surprise party met last evening at
the home of Miss Liz.U) Farmer. A very
pleasant evening was passed, games and
other recreations kept the time well em
ployed. Hon. T, K. Coon of Hood Kiver, was
in the city yesterday interviewing tax
payers and others on subjects likelv to
come before the assembly w hich is to
meet in naieni next week.
Mr. M. M. Sherr, formerly jeweler for
Mr. K. L. Young of this city, died at
Delaware, Ohio, Dec. 9th. Mr. Sherr
resided here for about two years, and
his many friends and acquaintances will
lie exceedingly grieved to learn of his
The Umatilla county Farmers Alliance
passed a set of resolutions last week in
dorsing Tux Chronicm in its move for
a jutu sack factory in the penitentiary;
and also that the stale should build a
portage railway around the Columbia
river obstruction at the dalles.
The ladies of The Dalles have recently
organised a Glee Club, which is doing
some good work in musical circles. The
club met last evening at the residence
of Mrs. C. J. Crandall. The Dalles
people may look for some rare treats in
ths near future.
The first 2-eent Cobiiubns stamp to
make Its appearance In Tint Ciibomu-i.k
otlice, came from the Oregon ian oilice
! yesterday, as 1osUg' on a letter to the
editor. This year will ee theCohim-
bian Ideas sprung on th ih tir public as
thick as snow flake in a bliy-znrd. uiorw k if r!:.:r, !;.mncr thiiii ht L:ij-
I ih VJtV.i:: :n. Tins followu from his
Jndge BradMiaw held an n.ljourm-d . i; .,;l;,ou; j., ,. t-l;wl by iaforma
terir of the circuit court yesterday. rvcivea " and too badly to buy
Motions were decided in the cares of H, ho ho U forced to ucpiiro it hy his
Gil'ns, Mncallister Co. vs. A. A. ! ru exertions.
Boriney Bro. and Knapp Bui roil ScVo. j A fivorite method is to auitimu tha
vs W. II. Xeahark et l. Thcuitof A Vf w-kiu;iimii or hawker
J. Moses vs. J. Thomas et nl to op,.,, a lttua ' 1,,,1',1h' ' ;a tho f
, . " i an el.ibo.-nte makeup cxi-.ts now only in
judgment wst argued and submitted. , , Everv zcalouu hand h.os his ovvn
The coiajt adjourned until Thursday.
Among the most notable of the holi-!' The mt eircclual aro
day festivities is the, ball of the Gcsang j ZTv ll i Ttw',
. , .. . , . ,, to common hie. I no Parim;in has two
erein, given at mgate s hall New , iM litrvit nlu.r tlio blouse and the work
Year's eve. The ball was filled to over- nlar,y a'.ron.
flowing with tho society and their j Khn lowinjj" is always done by two
fHends, arid until a late hour the merry j tiien, one some little way helund the
(lancet held them enthralled. All will I oilier, llu.h curries a chamjo of dress
rcuienik-r tho evening as one. of tl10 to wit, blouse wouml sashwise around
most enjoyable of the sea.o... j tt l f sUo
' ! tho shirt. The uiouiont the first man
Mr. iscnlierg of Hood River, was in J fancies himself perceived ho gives place
the city yesterday. That report aliont fo the second, and droipin;r behind
him working for the democratic ticket lips the I.Ioubo over his j.ickU und ct
on election day proves the truthfulness j in-" Ub Mt h.'.t for tin. coquette.
, . ,, , , . ! Thus uiclaniorThd ho riimnes his
of the old saying that a he travels fatter , 1)!iU..e.Limii01, altnrd;iy Review
than the truth. The correction of the (
joke has not yet reached the cast, but, Tii Hna of i:tyHu
the original yarn has pone around the Eypt, rays Herodotus, is a gift of the
globe twice i N'ilo. A truer or more pregnant word
Kr..m Th IhIIv hn.nWc. TlimwUi. J Wiid ticver Kpcdien. Of course it is just
j equally true, ii, a way, that ftnal is a
Tho Firemen of the city are going to j K;tt (,f ti)0 Oiuwwa. utnl thivt Louisiana
eive their amiUiil nias'.jiicrado bail on mv All;;.!! are u fjif I of tlio iu.-.i.s-theOthof
Ftdiruary. jsipi,bat wiJli thU diuoiincto, that iu
,,. , , .. .. I too ci:sa of ti'e Nile th'i d'.-ou;id'ic: is
e were gi. vt see ir. co. y.
Morgan out on the tramp ystrdny ti-
jfiyinjr the bright sunshine.
! Messrs. Chris Hethman and I). A.
j Turner of Hood River arc in the city.
We beg to acknowledge- receipt of a c, Ii.
: Mr. C. R. Ray.'ird s;iecial agent of the
V. S. Ijmd department, left for Ashbit.d
j Hit! it!ier d.iy to l riles-i,t on oti'n-ial
du;Je connected with that s'-ct ion, thri
: week-.
MiH Marguerite Mc ultv nccivi-l a
iiiuch prized renieuibr.ince from acon-iu
in Htiblin, on Ciiristmas day. Il i" a
"piny of a plant growing oer the
I of I'ai iicll.
j "What fools we mortals 1" is well
I illustrated in the Columbian souvenir
half dollars that thousands aro Jwyiiig
a ,l.t!llir f,ir. Tl.ev ,,,.r I. all" m, v
j as tiie regular
There was floating ice iu the Colum
bia lait week so as to stop steam boat
fisvigation between Vancouver and The
I'ailes. Roats ran between Portland
and AsfTjria.
Mr. James Kelly of Wapinitia, is iu
the city
itv. He savs that his neighborhood
gl'eeovvr the recent fall of snow,
.. , . , .
is in
and are all ready la welcome another
similar installment
In the county court this morning
Judge Rlakt-ley heard the final nccoiint
of 11. C. liooper, administrator of the
estate of W. C. Tarletou, deceased.
This estate has been in the probate
court for nearly three year.
It is with pain we chronicle the death
of Mr. Chas. Bcrget of Trout Lake
fioin lung fever. Rut five weeks since
Mr. Rerget led Miss Mate Rape of Hood
River to the altar. The young w ife is
prostrated by the blow that hits left her
a widow so early in life.
A new industry is developing at Yaki
ma, that of slocx-fotding. During the
month of November aloue 78 cars of
cattle, about 1,700 bead, were shipped
iu there to be held for a month or six
weeks for fattening npou alfalfa. Tbey
are then reshipped to the sound markets.
The I). P. and A. N. company made a
good beginning on the enlargement of
their wharf yesterday. It i to be five
feet higher tbau formerly, making it
eleveu feet, six Inches above low water
murk. When completed it will have a
storage capacity for about 10,000 sacks of
wheat, besides room enough to accom
modate all other freight requiring stor
age room,
Chris Cunningham, who is iu a posi
tion to know what be Is talking about,
says that all the spring lambs in Idaho
have been contracted for at 12.50 per
bead, to be delivered next spring, and
sheep wliich will thon be two-year-old
are under contract for delivery at 3 per
head. These figures do not indicate any
depression in the sheep-growing Indus
try. In Umatilla county the condition
of atrairs is the same. Grown sheep are
worth from 13.50 upwards, and lambs
command a proportionately high price.
Last night the Union Whist club held
Its usual Wednesday eveuing meeting,
being entertained by Judge and Mrs.
Rrudshaw. The evening passed very
pleasantly at whist. The scores ran
high; Mrs. W. II. Wilson carrying off
the first prise with a score of twenty-six
points ahead. Mr. W. Lord captured
the booby after an exciting contest with
a score of twenty-two points below xero.
The house occupied by Frsnk Huot,
on Mr. J. 11. gherar's 8-Mlle ranch, was
destroyed by fire last night. Mr. and
Mrs. Huot were absent, on visit to
Portland, and the place was in charge of
their son Frank, who says he retired
about 9 :30 last night, and was awakened
soon after by the approach of the flames.
The house and contents were wholly
consumed. Mr. Huot's loss is much
more than the loss of the building,
which it is understood Mr. Ehcrar in
tended removing for a sew structure in
the spring.
I .. rrrxa IK tri'ltte.
fc.y (. I del i 'ivi. to ao:ne ev
tent his o vii iny of vn'iin;:, which is
varied, of omr;i. acrjrdir.;: to til" cir
ciiukiv. c!. Y.V t:.y f.iy. tio-eevcr.tluit
. a rulo i!d ! . : v.u ii'iit ha it f Ivor
hnnd ari.l 'a-.i i l a :'o-uenluit holder.
I iiule Wararobe, nud the simpler the bet-
j f;ir i:jor obvioaH. f.:r fiver fcoji l;,,'i'rU
! ia-r or ii-tJiw':r.:.'i d,;.iLt. Tor t!m roa
J son, .vid also V- i :in. o l!i Niu; in so ic.ucb
j more f.ui-t'.:.:r inort Ki:.; np'.-a'iiu;;
I folk tl'.aa tin.' AMi-rie.m ir.da. 1 cboo..'
R'ypt a.i i:ty tyt-i- t,f a v.;ul.;r iiiivil.r.n!.
Unt i: o-.-i'u-1; t;uijcr..'.iin I t fnily y;m
' i:ir..'.ii't :--'ii i.ii your li;.u in Cairo :::i
' tin- i.H.-l;i: yon uuii'! view it oaiy 1.01
! tae tc.Tiu: of jih-Mi-.l's or li.e
j ro;u.y j id" the Jiv...!'yr.-i:u-l at
I Otzeh; yo.i i.-ii..i im'.i up c. ;.y iarly
to Luxor i:u.i 'e r u' t (.V.larucc. it is
up cuu::
?',.-t !:'
t nun;!
iS ll :
! ''-.y Ik ion- Jr 17.
' u-i' ,-!--; ' ' '
... !! t iv r-vy HHic'.t.s
;,.'r-j t!;.:'. l'ie f -.d: iu:
11 11. l:iuJ lil.t
I 1'-. o. fin,
forcen i'
.! opo:i vo-; !r' ivideuiiilile evi-
f dvuca.-'CAr,;;.i: . '
v. he:.t ! Net .mw v.
, Tl.e ei.-:i iK-f of wcn-i U,:- win at 1:1
1 tlnj Wor-t .ISl.-ji'iit l.flUue:! CO!l.irl:l the
evide:i t of il-s; juity mid of its
ciiUiv.iUc!i ia tho mora temperate parts
of Enropo, A.-it irn l Afric.-u From tl.e
evi.b.we ad-.tucod by botanL'ts of lii;;h!ui:i,;, it si-cnia highly improbable
that wiirM lif. never bec;i found otow
iu!r jsy !'t-u!ly in a wild sUito, nlthouh
it t'.:.i IxH'ti asserteu ty poei-i. trav
i tlcrs JiI11 historinc
. Odyy. for extple. we ar
tol-J tiut ft.rnu-rly jrro'.y m hicil
ly jjro'.y iu Sicily
I witliont tho nid of man. Diodoms re
I ye-iu tho lio 'it.ioa lh;;t Oi-jria found
I wheat Hiv.l lirley "ro-.v-inj: promiMUt-
oi:.-.!v w ruWaoe, but ceith r tliu nor
other repnted dweovurics of wheat
(Trowing wild seem at all credible, ste
in;; tht it di.M not ..pptar to bo endow
ed with the power of pcRsit'lency, ex
cept under "o:iiiiiae-l culture. St. LouLi
I'li-keuH us un Art Critta.
The sou of & c. icjiliorof Dicke;.s. tlicn
a very yjunjj u; um indeed. jv.ilu a boy
had pi.itjtHl bis lirrt ictnru. tho sub
jrft bv'ii u:: .v;iil k.ii;. ..! iu full armor,
uppureiitly having in i lly returned
from the wirs. r.::d oicrcomo with fa-
tijrnu. i- iiuliiri biuist if nnable to rc:ioh
bia anee ;ral c- : t!v'. be tinks esluustcd
oa ii fallen tree i i .-4 orl of irch;trd, an'
sonic cotta:;i) i tiil lren bnn ; him some
fruit to rit-juit iiii eih uustmi strength.
Dickens took iuU'rest in theyonng
aitist wh , by th. way. U now very
eminent 1 f,'r--iitiy ii .iuirv.1 bi-t pic
ture, c-.'pi:i iliy t!i! liaiv of tho old
ktdht: tut. "My dear fellow." he said,
iliofco i;po! s .-on'i be of e:jy nso that
old genti -luaa iM'oiivti burned brandy
to bring; lii-.o rouud!" Tcmpio Bar.
A Uiu-il Ai.uui su,;, Olulo-jj.
Tho rt of wi itii!-; ;imj1 stage dialogue
is cti;j inch :i.e it foust be natcnU,
and yei when it u ri.'tiral it u liene.ith
tho dignity of the i'.: ;ina. u:.d must be
eh'vated agit-u to tit-. pro cat rv.i-li. Man
ifeiitly tiio Ktje i.-i i.-: to 1,1,i:,ih for this,
but the woi-U of JxKjiety. wliich ia too
loquacicua and frivoioiu, und Ii von with
out regard to the iroinptM-vtliiriu. keep
ing and elimination-; of uvt. Only tho
e4oti?riu essence of our life i now lit for
dramatic rcjiroaeutation, und the dram
atists who can see mid adequately por
tray tltat etuco aro shall we say ho
is? not numerous. -Lippincott's Maga
rine. Thrology w Projfreanlv ScIcdc.
Tlicolo'y ia always as much s pro
gress vs science iv geology. If 1,000 of
tho wisest, purest, most intellectual,
most healthy scholars iu Christendom
today wcro to formulate a creed out of
the New Testament scriptures, aa they
are known today, that theology state
ment could not remain the same to the
date of A. D. 2802. The power, the
thought, the study of a thousand years
would throw it into new forms of ex
pression, while the substance would re
innia tho same. Bcucou.
EztramltlM of Animals.
Ko animal has more than fire toes,
digits or claws to each foot or limb.
The horse is one toed, the ox two toed,
the rhinoceros is three toed, the hippo
potamus is four toed and the elephant
and hundreds of other animals are five
toed. St Louis Republic.
HU Baaaa.rka.bU BtaST.
The principal of a graded school sur
prised his hearers recently by the follow
ing suggestive sentence, ottered In all
"I am teaching at 8 , and have a
(ruse of eht Ushers." Wide Awake.
Tb frourtnm of Volupull
It is a very inter ."'iug fact that tho
world language, Vulapuk. is not ordy
comiii; to bsiK('.;cn conveiwitiona'ly by
its enthusiastic volariee. but l" t lie
linvdoa mixliu.u of in'.eriinru.'il comtr,n
nii ationut the World's Coluriibi iu fair.
A complete record of prn.rr m ;de in
i-pii!twlin:i Vol-pok siucu that delilitful
initio. i d convi ution of its volant
held in Bimtoii. coin.klerahly liiorii thun
a year u ro. vvor;l 1 nstuniidi nil but the
few who ko.-p do it watch nil thaiiiovn
tiicuL A sitriiirii'imt circniiiKtauce it
that recently the Young P(ople's Society
of ChriHtiaii Endeavor of the People's
church. Boston, formally adopted VoIh
puk m u stndy for that orgiuiiation.
and A class of forty members (exacted
to double shortly) w;ia formed, to meet
each Monday evening in the church's
rcadin-r rxini for instruction.
Other noteworthy inistances are ns fol
lows: The people of Newton, quite at
their own request, are to have a lecture
on Volapuk nndcr tho aunpiccs of a
ladies' aivsociation there. 8alem and
Gloucester are to have lectures in Janu
ary, arid tho interest all over the country-
Kimil.irly rnanifcnlod. Newnpaper
loKsons, pnblh-.liRtl simuHanoouidy all
over tho maritime provinces, Conada
and tho United states, havo been given
weekly since Oct. 10. Tin Btudents
write out the exercises of tho lessonn and
Bond them toconvenient pointa. us desig
nated, for annotation, r.nd hnmeime
nnmlicra of younjr and old of both sexes
are following tho lossous. Boston Advertiser.
Am of the Cnitllan Iloiulntnn.
In tho last issue of tho Statisti
cal Year Hook of Canada, com
piled by Mr. Sydney C. D. Roper
of tho statistics branch of tho de
partment of ngricnlturo, wo find that
tho total area of the dominion is com
puted to bo SA'iG.WJ square milos. In
this estimate 140,730 rqunre miles aro
iioMi;;:iod to water and 3,1115,(1 7 to land
surface. Tho table which yields thus
total is snid lo l nn entirely new one,
hnviag boeu utieeiaily prepared at the
reqner-.t of the compiler of the Year
Book by the Topo;rraphical Kiuvey
branch of the dep.trtincnt of tho in
terior. "Tho rueasnrcfs have all," we uro toll,
'boon made anew and checked, and
may be depended on, iu so far aa war
ranted by tho present geographical
knowledge of tho country. No change
will be laado in h-jures unless
bailed upon now information." As this
is a question on which thero has been a
good deal of discussion and much differ
ence, of opinion, it w satiofactory to
receive this assurance from what we
may regard as the highest official and
professional authority. Montreal Ga
zette. Dr. Talmage's New Years Maxims.
Mako it the best year of ull your Hfo
the brightest, the happiest and the best.
Imbno your heart with the freshness of
the morning, your soul with the sparkle
of tho dawn. Resolve by good deeds
and thoughts to make this the most tri
umphant year of your life. As a series
of short u.fkhns to carry with you
through this year, let tno give you those:
Mako every day begin and end with
15-3 content with what yon have.
Have a hearty, joyful family altar in
yonr dornetitio circle.
Fill your home with as much good
reading and bright mumc as your means
will allow.
Think ill of uouc, but well of all.
If fortune favors you. flunk of others.
Don't fch.un; bo real.
Keep busy and you will keep healthy.
Respect all sacred things.
Love Ood. Dr. Talmage in Ladies'
Home Journal.
Souietblng; That Uu Iteell Neeiled.
j For some timo past tho public have
I been looking for an -adjustable grille,
with shelf attachment, upon which to
place bric-a-brac, tho wholo to be ar
ranged over windows or doorways to re
lieve this portion of a room, which is
usually dependant upon a curtain pole.
The great trouble has always been that
they had to he mado to order, as win
dgws and doors vary in width. Now,
J however, a device is made narrow enough
to go into the narrowest doorway, it is
in two sections, running upon a sliding
top bar. By drawing these pieces apart
they can bo extended to the width of
the door, and the opou place left in the
center of thorn is furnished with a short
drapery. Philadelphia Upholxtnrer.
111 Iloya Did tit Job.
An Kafet Dover (Mo.) farmer had a
I tnaro something over 20 years old, and
j not thinking it advisablo to winter
I her, spoke to some boys to talro her out,
' shoot her nnd bury her for a money con
sideration. Boys No. 1 and 3 did the
I job all right, but Ko. 3, not knowing the
j maro had been killed, went tho fullow
I iug day to tho farmer's barn, and find
: ing an animal in the stable, look him
t out and lod him down to a piece of
woods, shot and buried him. Imagine
; tho fanner's snrpriw on coming homo to
j find that boy No. :1 had ehot and burled
a nico 5-year-old, worth in the neighbor
1 hood of f "MO. Boston Transcript.
ttlg- Coon. Ills Tree, Small Man.
A purty consisting of D. M. Rawlin9,
! H. O. Drown and others, of Brown's
j Mill, wont out coon hunting tho other
I night and caught the largest coon and
cut down tho largest tree yet on record.
, The coon weighed tweuty-tGven pounds
and the tree was nearly fifteen feet
across the stump. The treo was very
hollow, and Mr. Nathan Singletary, who
is not a very large mail, went into tho
hollow of the treo and came out at a
knot hole. Cor. Atlanta Constitution.
Doing fenaiieo.
An old woman has taken nphcraboibi
in a wood on Lord Annaty's c-u:iio '
Rildysart. K!ij h.-M mado a IwJ of fern
leaves bt-twecu the trunks of Uw.i. sticks
and ferns forming a rudo thuK h. The
only article of furniture is a crucilLx.
Slio subsists ou bread and w.-.f.-r, and
Siiys she has resorted to this wretc.hod
mode of existence as a penance. Ijoii
don Letter.
Wt'liuve an iinliiiiili'il amount
f money lo loan on ap
j roved farm security.
Tho Dalles, Or.
j SlIi;itIM"S SALE.
V. .tleo t- 't,.i i;lvi"i tliKt tiv virtue ft fn
; cy ciilloii mid i.r.lcr ot -nil, .-iil rmt i,( the
i iri'ini (nun i,l lln' ef (lr kmh, f..r Mie
I'otl'ilynf Wmmco, on tli.' ;Mh iIhv ef lvvrnijtrt
)Mr2, in me ilirwt.-.! Mini rt.llvrrwl, In
ii Milt Ihtimta mi'l thrrt'toinrR iwnilhifr,
when-ln J. A. Ililllll..r! ttua plHinhir imrl
WIIIIhtii a. IIiiiiiiii miiiI Klfiit lliliim were rto
I'iKliuitn, .iininriiMiif; tue to levy uM,n nntl
H'll n-rtiiln rent iHtiite lierelilMlt r ).itrtii ul.irlv
lllelltllHml llllll .llM lllM-1. til Ml!lfl Him .um ,,f
I fl'i V-W, Willi iltletent, tin ii all milt t hi-rute of
I clirlit u-r cent. kt mi ln e tli" l.tli ilnyof
Nciveniber, !, mul the fnrll-.i r niiin nf tlmi ut
tnrnry 1,1-4. toiretlier Willi the ents Hint
hlirvemeills, mmle HMd expeml, tl In milil Hiilt,
mill timeouts, Hl'irp!' mid c-l r,-i--..( mile, 1 did
lew iipii Hiid will on hHturdiiv, the it dny
of jHiilliiry, l!i:l, ut the front it Kir of the county
j eonrt hoteie -,i Imlle I'ltv, Whm-o i-onnty, ortj
i tt'KL nt the hour of 2 o'efoek In the nft-rnoon
I of rhIi drty, M'll Ht pnl.lle uui-;loil to Ihe hlKhwt
! bidder f.,r veli In hii'iil. nil ei the fi,l'i ing.
j U i-ltKil rent mt.ite, e i it:
j north hH'f of the tmiitiiejist in:irter nd
tlmiit half of tin nor:hen-t ou;irter of .-ei-tlon
; thirty-four (-It) in toi n -liin u:..- I) north of
ranitB fourtirn 1 1) en-t of the W lllnm-Ui mp
ridiHii. In VVkm-ii eounvy, On-iron, to MitUfv and
I ih Kidd nuiim iih ive nieiitioiM-it.
i ltl thin i.'d diiv of 1): fel-ther,
j H tl.JO HIilTlIf Of VaMMllUhtV. SlMte of ()reK ill.
I'. S. tjinil Ottli-e, The DiiIIck, dr.. flee. :l, l"hj.
Sotlre Ih lii-.eliy Kivi-n Unit lli follovinn
llnnuvl wttler him illnl tiotie" of Mh l:iteiillon to
timke ri'ml jiriH.f In Fiiunort "f his c-hilni, nil
tliut haUI prirtif v. HI Ix imhiI..' iii lore the iii;i.ilcr
nud r.wu t.-..v .. 'I l,i. H..II.U. i. .... ........ .1....
i Juti. Jl, lw.1, U:
' Ann W. Vhe(lolie.
! lloi.irsti'Hd A j.j! Ir-iii 1. n o. :ML, for the f
XK'j KliU X'j Ol-.', of .-eetioll i-l, I. 1 X. K. II L.
! W. M.
lie niiineN tfie follimlntf u i.tii'Mi to jirovn hts
I r"!i.ii!il.iilr. nhleiiro ii-.on mill eiiltiviiti-ju of
: h'lid Imji-1. I.; lJi-ter "inU'rev, John kyun, An
drew Mel iihe m il Hi-inv 'it Vim, nil of The
ln.II- n. Or,
' 12.w-t.lil JOHN" W. I.KU I.-, UiTister.
. Umi Offick, The llnlliw, lr., Oct. -."1, 1V.'.
i ..otiee is hereliy .'il.n tlmr tin- folioivini;
j IlHineii i t u-- him t'(X iiotif-e of hi intention to
t litiui lsroof in yii?tie,rt ,,f liin etuim, mul
I thnt saifi proof v.111 be iniwie tn-iont tho reirter
unit niviver at .-Tin Halle, Or., on Uuc-uilriir
I ITtrr, '.Mi-i, viz:
Aaron ''- ImIi,
I ltd. No. :ji;;s, for the SW ; .-ec. Tp. 1 X, R U
., ' . M.
Me Humes the fntloi-.lnic itn:sKe to prove
tils eonUimou r.-hideiM-e npon 1.111I c-ulti ution
of w.-tid l:md, H
. Allen, l. It-re, A. !lei.:iU- und K. Huot,
sllof I he llnlles. Or.
lHwl.'.'j JOHN' W. I.KWIH, Register.
V. H. '.and Officii, The iMllin, Or.. .Nov. Xi, 1k92
Xotiee.l-i hcrohy piven that Ihe following
nHitied Nettlur htm liluil notiri; of hin intention to
pinko flmil proof in mipiort of hit ehdm, and
that Hsid proof will be mude liefore the nvinter
Had reeelverut The IJiilles, Ori-jfon, on January
7th, lMrt, viz:
William It. U'lf,
Ho!neteHd npplieHthm No. :tl()l, for the fc1
SK. und lot.- I and Ii of eeo. I, tp. 1 ri. K. la
E. W . M,
He names the folluwiiix vltmMeii to prove his
conlisuous nwideuce Un mid enltlvatiou of
RHirl land, viz:
J. R. Hull, K. A. Obrist. D. I). Xelann mid (i.
B'.'irin, oil uf The Inlle, Or.
lJ.J-iitwl.ii JOHN W. LEWIS, Register.
Al) M I N 1ST MATitl X ' S A LE.
Notice ia heri-by Riven that. In piiranunre of an
order from the County t'ourt of the ntnte of Ore
Ron, for Waseo county, mwlc on the liith dy of
.November, lH'.ri, in the mutter of the entate of A.
H. Moore. di-eeaM-d, I will, on the 'Jltn day of
iH't-iolwr, lurj, ut ttie hour of i o'c-loek p. ni. of
aid dny. mdl ul pnblie auction axle, at the door
of the county court iioiiHe. In The linllen, W aio
enmity, on-iron, the follow inir dewritxil real
proierty iMdoimlliv P the eruite of A. 11. i'.oore,
deeeiied, to-wit:
Uit 7. S, 9, 10 and li. and lii'i fivt utr the weft
aide of lot 11, all in I.I.M-k Ii ol l.-oii.-hlln Hlulf
Addition ti lliiilea I'ity, Oreit'ili ; miid proiet ty
to be old to the hiKhivt bidder for rush in hand.
KAKAIi A. MOO..K, Adinlnlstrntrix.
Dateil The Dallei, or.. .Vie:n!ior 1Mb. l.vr.'.
By virtue of an exeeiition and order of mile,
i aiied out of the t:lmiit Court of the Mate of
irea-.iii for the county of Wnscn, to me directed.
In the milt where n Ihe S -lii-ilom' lian and
Trust Co. ia plidntirl, ni.d William K. i.uvton
Mary K. ai.d l). MeKelvey aM ik-'feiid
aiit-i. eoiiiinaiidlnir n.o t levy mam and D-ake
sate of tho e, rudii pieeei and i nn-t-la id land
ill W asco eountv. htafn of On-a-on. known miiiI
deseriUI aa the weM half of the aonthejiM ir
ter and tho eaxt half of the aouthneat iiiarter of
Wertion four ) in township o-ie (1) aouth et
ranire ihirbvn (U, t ist of the W llinii.ette inuri
ian, cnntniuliiK on hundred and i.;ty acres, (
have this day levied Uain aaid land and on Kit
day, February ;kl. Ism, at the hour of II n clock
a.m. of aaid day. In front of the court house
door, In aabl eoimly and suite, I will ae I aaid
land at public auction to the highest bidder
then-ror. T. A. WAkb,
tberill'of V aci Couuty, State of Oregon.
(Timber Land, Art June 3, 17K.
l !. Ijind Ofltue, The Dalles, Oi., r'eli. !, ls(r.
Notice it hereby given thnt In e mipliance
with the provWona of the act of coiiKiess of
Jime.1, IsTs, t-ntitled "An act (or tin- sale of tlm-l-r
bimla In the stnteit of iiliforniu, Oregon,
N-iv .iia and Aushiuuni Territory,"
Thniiiua C. l-ai-Kiicr,
Of Hufiir untv of Wiiseo, s'iiU- of DivRon, h
this (lay in this ollicc Ills mvoih Muteiuelit
for the plirciiase of tho of NK1 M-;' , of
NK'4.n,l Nl-:1., of nKij of i t'c. No. Is, In town
lup No. '2 8., ruiiK'H No 11 K. W. M., nnd will
oiler pns.f to show that the laud soiorht is moro
valuiible for its liinlmr or alone than fur a rrleut
tun.l inirjH.scii, Mini to establirli his clulm to
suid liiml ls-lore tlio nyller and tis-clver f ttiia
nil':ce ut The liult-n, dr., on the :id day ol H-bru-ary,
Ho limnca as wltiio...sos : Unbert Hiirrisoli, of
Nansene, Or., Mitrdoi-h Mcl.eiai, of Klnu-sk-y,
Or., John Ad.-ima, of Xiihache. or., and Joha
Murriiy, of iNanscne. Or.
Any Hiid al) prison elalniiinr adveisely ths
utsive ile-crilasl binds are riiiicsteil to tile tlu-ir
elaima in tihs olhee on or before said ud day ut
l'-brui.rv. 1su8.
11262.3 Vi JOHN V.". I.KW IS, Register.
I1. H. lJind Oltlee, The llallen. Or., Nov. 21, 1H02.
Notice la hereby Riven that the folioHinR
nained aetUer has litis! notice of hia Intention tn
make tlnal prisd la mipsirt of his claim and that
aniil proof will lie made before th register and
nfflvi-r at Tho Dullex, Oregou, on January 11.
lftw, vii:
It. D. Pitcher,
Homestead Application No. '.'.Yd for the BE'l at
Sec. .ii, i p. iH.H. 14 oaat.
He name the followinir witnesses to prove hit
coniliiuous residence lisjn and cultivation of
said laud, vii:
!, I,. .Morris, Van Woodruff, Charlea Haywert
and K.I. Win, all of Tyah Valley, Or.
Any iorwiii whodeairea tn proteat affaliiRt the
alhmaiico of Ktieh proof, ur who knows of
any auhstautlal reatnn, under the law and tha
rcKulatlon of the Interior Department, why
auch priaif hoiild not be allowed, will be given
an opportunity at theabove-nientioned time and
pla.u to cruaa-axaniine tha witueaaea of aaid
elniina'it. and to otter evidence ill rebuttal of
ttiat submitted by claimant.
lwll.U-U.jtt JOHN W. LKWIB, Seslater.