The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 30, 1892, Image 3

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The Weekly Chroniele.
' omtheDaJlyChronile,ToeJj.
The Columbia to-day at The Dalles is
weuty'len inches
above low water
ill n I
l. r
f The train Vhich left Portland at 7 p.
m. yesterday reached The Dalles at 2:15
p.. m todav. r. .. ' '
Mayor Mays is in the city, but was
rigging up a sleigh to-day with which to
return to the ranch. ( . -,
F. J. and (jus Boon aud Leo Schanno
are home from Mount Angel college for
their holiday vacation.
" Mr. Phil. Brogan is in the city.spend-
Png the nouaays witn nis lauuiy ai uieir
few home on Third street. t
Miss Annie Roberts, teacher of the
Fulton Park school. in Multnomah, is
home for a holiday vacation.
FTMessrs. E. H. and V. H. French, and
'Ed and Robert. Mays, are home from
College for the holiday vacation.
The east portion of the Richmond
stables in the East End collapsed from
the weight of snow upon the roof.
The steamer Regulator will be started
out on the ways to-day and get the
benefit of the rise in the Columbia.
Mr. McCoy of 15-Mile was in the city
yesterday. There is about the same
conditions of snow, etc., out there as
Mrs. P. M. S. Bnggs was delighted to
recieve a Christmas visit from her father
from Chehalis on the first train yester
day. ',
Goods were damaged in several stores
throughout the city Sunday night, by
an overflow of water from snow and rain
on roofs of the buildings.
Mr. N. Whealdon managed to get
onie from the consolidated city yester
day. He may be set down as a pertectly
competent manager after this.
The Congregational Sunday school
will give an invitation party tonight in
The Chhonici.e hall, which is to take
the place of a Christmas tree.' '
According to the weather bureau rec
ords for the month of January for the
past. 20 years, that month in 1893 is likely
to be a .fairly average winter month.
At "the Diamond mills one day laet
week, 'Mr. Winzler informs us there
might have been seen an icicle 10 inches
thick at the eaves, and 50 feet long.
Tfttf-worst'bloekade on the U. P. R.
between this city and Fortland was a
dfrift t Bridal Veil. The melting snow
was packed in almost as hard as a rock.
Thu rtfimmnn -.rtllnnll will meet
Jsay evening 31st ttf finish up the busi
ness of the vear. All bills against the
cUy should be presented before that time.
There will he a meeting of the Ladies
Glee club at the residence of Mrs. W.
E. Garretson this evening at . 8 o'clock.
AH the members are requested to be
present. -. - . '
Capt. Sherman, who is placing the
Regulator on the ways today, says the
ice is more solid and compact along the
edges of the levee than he supposed. It
is pretty hard ice.
The gorge in the Columbia at Hell-
jgate has broken away and the river is
filled with floating icebergs today, but it
is not an obstruction to navigation. It
Ihae caused the river to rise rapidly.
Vancouver is cut off from connection
with Portland because of ice in the river
Iwhich prevents the running of the ferry
fco connect with the east side motor line. '
tin this region running ice has not
impeded navigation at all this season.
The I. O. G. T. will meet this week on
Friday evening instead of Saturday, on
account of the Experience social. All
members are earnestly requested to be
The Fairfield elevator burned on the
E2d. It contained 60,000 bushels of
wheat, aud the loss is estimated at $50,-
WW, which ia thought to be fully covered
py insurance.
The first trains to reach The Dalles
Irom Portland since last Thursday, came
n at 4 :30 yesterday afternoon. A good
ig wagon load ot mail was hauled to
the postoffice.
Mr. Singleton's team of horses, draw
Ing a lizard, near Mosier went down
pver a steep emoansment saturdav, so
Ixippling one of them that it could not
be recovered. "
The administrator sale of the Moore
property which wasljp have occurred on
Eaturday'laat, was postponed until Sat
urday next. This is for a sale of desira
ble residence property in the city.
Mr. Price, who came in Saturday
light from a point sixty miles beyond
rineyille, says the snow extends that
ar south, and is about eighteen inches
teep on the average level. He left
Prineville Wednesday evening.
The roof of the large livery barn on
fourth street was cleared of snow by a
era per rigged so as to work it by a horse
n the street. It was one of Lute's
iatents, and it worked like a charm.
Mr. Parish, of The Dalles and Prine-
fille stage line, returned from his trip
ver the route Sunday sight. He has
royided for plenty of hay and Brain at
II the stations, and as prompt service
a the weather will admit of. j
The ladies of the Good Intent society
are leaving nothing undone to make the
Experience social a success, Saturday
1 Tha small nnm nf 25 cents
.nnfrihnte.l for the onran fund, admits
one to the social and the lunch.
The rotary snow plow came back to
The "Dalles this morning and is now in
the shops receiving the repairing which
she should have received along in last
August and September, if she had been
in the hands of prudent managers.
The rain fall at The Dalles Sunday
night from 8 p. m. till morning, was the
haviBt ever vet experienced in this
vicinrtv. me iaii was equai to i.oi
.. mi r 11 , a
inches, which, together with the snow,
gives us three inches on the ground.
Mr. A. W. Coffin, of the firm of Coffin
Brothers, Arlington, was in the city
spending . Christmas . with relatives.
Messrs. Coffin Brothers have recently
disposed of 1,500 head of lambs at $2.50
per head. They are wintering 10,000
head of sheep.
The road was so difficult to follow
Saturday, six miles this side of Bake
Oven, because of snow, that the stage
driver was lost for several hours. Snow
is a good thing for the couutry, but it is
not pleasant at all times to drive
Mavor Mays will be thankful if any
one who knows the whereabouts of his
thoroughbred Leghorn rooster, will in
form him. The chicken left the perch
presumably during the snow storm, and
if not perished, may have located in
some neighboring yard.
Mrs. K. F. Miller, managing editor of
Chicago Industrial Magazine, paid us a
fraternal visit yesterday. Mrs. Miller is
out for a vacation, and will write up her
observations for a special edition of
1,000,000 copies. She left The Dalles
well posted with respect to resources of
the Inland Empire.
The air has been full of rumors con
cerning accidents and Balfe Johnson, of
the W. U. T. Co., turned it to profitable
account by hanging out a bulletin with
"an accident" scare head in big 40-line
picas". The details directed travelers to
the advantages of a policy of insurance
in Balfes' company, when an accident
should happen.
Gov. and Mrs. and Miss Moody, anx
ious to return to their Salem home,
made the start today. They bad got as
far as The Umatilla house on their jour-
patiently watching the clock tick the
hours away it should be an act pun
ishable by a severe penalty, for any rail
way company to- suppress information
of the kind, and keep people waiting for
trains that never come.
We had the pleasure yesterday ef tak
ing a short walk with Capt Lewis, regis-'
ter of The Dalles U. S. Land office, at
his residence in this city. He walked
with us from his sick chamber to the
dining room, which is considerably of a
tramp for him, when one considers how
verv near Death's Door the captain was
so recently. If he has no relapse
hopes to get out on the street
with the
advent of fair weather,
Messrs. Will Corson and Fletcher
Faulkner enioved their Christmas by a
fraternal and ' social visit to friends on
15-Mile. They started out at an early
hour in the morning, in an elegant
cutter, behind a pair of spanking read
ers, the sleigh loaded la Santo Clans,
and after dispensing of the gifts iu true
Kris Kringle fashion, returned to the
city, arriving about 11 p. m. They
found the sleighing excellent, and say
they never before enjoyed such a "Merry
The weather the past few days serves
to remind a few old timers of the days
when the Canyon City mail contractor
started out with the mails daily for the
south, for several weeks, but never got
beyond the foot of the hill at East End.
There the mail was securely packed
away in a safe place, and when travel
became possible it went on its way. By
this little device the contractor was paid,
and there was no fines imposed by the
knowing ones" at headquarters in
Washington city. It was a necessary
Remarking upon the policy pursued
by the managers of the U. P. R. during
a crisis in travel like this, a prominent
man in the citv who has been a close
observer since the imported "pets" of
the company took charge, eays it ap
pears to him that the company is as
heartless as it is soulless. They compel
passengers to remain caged up in cars
twenty-four hours at a time, simply in
order to avoid the payment of bills in
curred for their keeping, and they keep
women and children out of bed all night
in expectation of a start, for no other
purpose than that of selling a ticket to
some other deluded traveler.
The Nez Perce Indians now refuse to
sell their alloted lands in the reserva
tion. Editor Alfred, of the Lewiston
Tribune, who was here yesterday, says
there has been a syndicate at work on'
the Indians to prevent sales. The syn
dicate propose leasing the lands for a
term of years. . The commissioners have
called another council for the 29th, and
will then endeavor to get the poorer
Indiana to consent to the sale. The
council as at present constituted ia com
posed entirely of the wealthy members
of the tribe, . who have big . herds of
cattle and horses themselves, and wish
to retain the pasture lands aa long as
they can and to lease what they do not
require themselves to white men - for
grazing purposes only.
Nine head of thoroughbred Angus cattle
were 'killed bv the train coming in from
Portland yesterday afternoon, as it pass-
I ed through the Snipes pasture near
! Rowena. We understand the cattle be
longed to Mr. Sharp. They were strung
along the track and obstinately refused
to take the snow, so were given the loco
motive snow plow.
A. T. Wheeler and wife of Portland,
who have been on a five months visit
east, were with the "now Iwuud paswen
gere at The . Dalles from Christmas
i morning until yesterday. ine ieii.
! Mishawaka and South Bend on the 20th,
and . had a perfect
picnic across he
country. No delays
until The Dalles
was reached.
Mr. E. .Tacobsen was severely injured
yesterday by falling through the awning
in front of his store. He was engaged
in shoveling snow1 off the roof, which
was pitched on to the awning. After
quite'a pile had accumulated he left the
roof to shovel snow off the awning into
the street. To reach the awning he
jumped from the fire wall above, but
when he struck the awning he didn't
stop, he kept right on through to the
sidewalk a distance in all of about 20
feet, and was badly bruised by the
Mr. B. F. Laughlin, manager of the
Regulator line, did not know, while he
was sitting in The Umatilla office until
12 o'clock last night waiting for the 4:20
p. in. train to come along and take him
to Portland, that bridges were being
washed out at Latourelle; and that an
other blockade, worse than snow, was
upon the company. The train from the
east, due at 4:20 p. in., got in at 11 a. ia.
and remained in the yard. The only
train 8 from Portland since Thursday
were the ones which arrived yesterday
afternoon. If any train has left here
since that hour for Portland, it is safe to
say that it has not yet reached its des
tination, and the passengers are fixed as
those were who went out on Saturday.
It should be the law that railway offi
cials shall furnish truthful bulletins re
specting trains in such times as this, or
be punished by heavy penalties.
From the Daily Chronicle, Wednesday.
Mud is beginning to show up at the
street crossings.
Trains on the U. P. R. are now run
ning nearly on time.
. Medal contest at the Court house to
night. Be sure and attend.
F. H. Prior of Hartford, Conn., is in
the city on a tour o observation.
. ... . ' , n., . .
x lie river hub niuruiug suhju a?2 icei.
above zero level, but is slowly falling.
In the . upper John Day and Mitchell
regions snow is now only about one inch
Train men report the snow all gone
below Hood River, with a prospect for
Mr. Frank French and Miss Gertrude
French are spending the holidays at
The Antelope Herald has an excellent
article on sheep from the pen of Mr.
F. C. Sexton, R Lidman and M. Lig-
ner, of Dufur, registered at The Umatilla
Mr. Ed. Wingate is in the city from
his business home at Antelope, to spend
the holidays
Archbishop Gross passed through at
noon todav en route to a mission at
A heavy train of freight came through
from Portland today, reaching The
Dalles at noon.
A boom of logs burst away at Bridal
Veil yesterday, and came very near tear
ing out another bridge.
l ne rain down Portland ways on
Monday last was one df the most pour
ing kind witnessed for years.
Several train loads of delaved cattle
are held at Heppner where feed is cheap,
Freight trains began moving today.
The legislature will meet at Salem
under the new dome, on the second
Monday, the 9th day of January, '93
A portion of the shed at the stock
yard scales fell in from the weight of
snow and water on the roof yesterday.
Rain commenced falling in this city
about 12 :30 p. m. and continued as we
go to press, with prospects of increasing.
It is a waste of time to read the papers
delayed by the blockade. They are
truly "back numbers" void of news or
matters of interest. ' .
Cholera is still prevalent in Hamburg.
Four more cases and two' deaths were
reported yesterday. Three cases are re
ported fram Dunkirk, France.
Reports from Morrow county Bay the
snow has nearly all disappeared. In the
region of Antelope there ia only about
an inch of snow left on the ground. ,
At the special election on the 20th .for
a joint representative, for the Grant and
Harney district, the republican candi
date, Gowan, was elected by 200 ma
jority. .
Horace Patterson ia in receipt of the
sad new8 of the death of a brother in
Salt Lake. Hia brother Rufus has just:
left The Dalles on a visit to a married
sister in California.
A section of the old foundry, in the
East End collapsed this morning from
an overload of anow and water on the
roof. The property ia owned by the
Willamette Iron works ia Portland.
Albert Roberts of the Big fiend region
of the Des Chutes, eighteen miles from
The Dalles, reports the snow rapidly dis
appearing. -The ground was frozen, but
the soil is getting a thorough soaking.
Geo. McKinney. the U. P. yard man,
has su! rendered his job, and goes to
Portland tonight. He has filled the bill
here faithfully for two" years. Never
made an error, in the make up, nor got a
wheel off the track. " 'v
The public schools of The Dalles are
enjoying the customary holiday va
cation, which will continue the balance
of the week. Studies will be resumed
on Monday, at the academy, the sisters
school, and the public schools. .
Kennedys steam yacht . went adrift
yesterday when the ice broke away from
the shore below the mouth of Mill creek.
The steam ferryboat- started after the
derelict craft, and towed her to a safe
place where she was again moored.
The sheriff of Baker county finally
landed bis prisoners in the Salem peni
tentiary. They were James Reedy and
J. T. Marcuni. The first will serve six
years for manslaughter, and the latter
one year for larceny. They were four
days making the trip from The Dalles to
The turkey which has escaped the
Scylla of Thanksgiving and the Charyb
dis of Christmas may look forward to
gobbling times of peace. Humanity has
had an abundance of. the white meat
and a surfeit of the black meat, and no
body will take turkey in his for many
and many a week. "
Horace Rice has a letter from Rep.
Herman u which shows that there is
little hope of the'Dolph bill, or any
other measure, passing the democratic
house for the relief of the possessor of a
tract of railway forfeited land. If the
applicant for the land resides upon it,
he has until next fall to prove up.
The children of thex Congregational
Sunday School, to the number of over a
hundred, had a jolly good time at the
party given last nitcht in The Chronicle
hall. They, had a splendid collation,
and plays to their hearts content, en
joying the occasion ever so much better
than they would the prosy Christmas
Three serious accidents occurred to
coasters in- Port Townsend the other
night. One victim had his thigh bone
broken, another suffered from a frac
tured wrist, and the third escaped with
severe and painful bruises. - Every snow
fall in the western towns is attended
with some such accident to careless
; coa8er8
. Eastern colleges, etc., are liberally ; the-- millionaire. John
D. VcockafelljKF has made another big do
nation .to' the.. .University of Chicago.
The sum is understood to be over $100,
000. Dartmouth college has also just
received a bequest of $200,000 from the
late Ralph Butterfield, M. D., of Kan
sas City, Mo.
Mr. f. a. rtower, who has many
friends in this city, but who has been
resident of Astoria for a number of years.
was married in that city on the 17th to
Miss Mabel, only daughter of P. W.
Parker, editor of the Astorian. The
bride was a compositor in the Astorian,
where she had labored for several years.
Both were well known and very popular
in Astoria society.
A farewell social party was given to
Mips Clara Story by Miss Dasie Folsom,
on leaving Pendleton for her home in
The Dalles. Card-playing was followed
by the ever-pleasant pastime of candy-
pulling, and refreshments were then
served. As a fitting finale to the even
ing'e pleasure, the guests were taken ont
for a merry sleigh -ride.
The government has prepared to issue
in January a complete new set of poet
age stamps, commemorative of the 400th
anniversary of the discovery of America.
They will be called the "Columbus is
sue," and will t the finest ever made
by any government. They will be on
sale at the various postoffices only dur
ing the year of 1893, and then will be
withdrawn from general issue.
A gentleman of considerable influence
in Portland business circles, who was
laid up in The Dailes by the snow block
ade down towards the centre of Wisdom,
was asked to explain why it was that
the U. P. R. Co. didn't send out a boat
to take the passengers to Portland from
Bonneville? The prompt answer was :
"The U. P. R. Co. do not wish to recog
nize the river in any way, shape or
manner." That is about the size of it.
We. are pleased to learn from an As
toria dispatch that Messrs. W H. Rem
ington, of Salt Lake, aud A. B. and W.
W. Corev, of Ogden, Utah, contractors
on the Astoria and Portland railway,
arrived there in time to straighten up
the affairs of the company. They have
resumed work on the road in fulfillment
of the terms of their contract with the
subsidy guaranty company. Nothing
definite could be given to the public as
yet. - ;
Vice-President Houston, of the Pacific
Mail,- says the fight of the Panama rail
road with the Pacific Mail in opposition
to American interests will, , as , much aB
anything else, be the means of building
the Nicaragua canal. He says he is now
in full sympathy with the work of build
ing the canal. It ia announced officially
that the president of the Nicaragua canal
construction company ia carrying on
negotiations with a syndicate of bankers
looking to placing a large amount of the
bonds of the company. j
A cotemporary say a the official figures
show that the portage "railway at the
cascades is a decided success. It was
put in operation in September, 1891, the
nret receipts reported being $917.05 on
November 4th, 1891. During the past
year the total receipts were $7,030.91,
and the total expenses $6,202.29, leav
ing a balance of $837.62. The road has
been a great benefit, giving to the farm
ers a saving of six cents on every bushel
of wheat shipped to Portland.
An Episcopal cathedral, with pews
forever free, is to be built in New York
City at a cost of from five to ten million
dollars. The corner-stone was laid yes
terday. In' its national aspect the
cathedral project -commands attention,
on account of its aim and scope. Al
ready: without any public appeal, and
with very little individual solicitation,
over $1,000 000 has been subscribed on
bequeathed to the cathedral. One of I
the first' and largest subscriptions was
made by a Presbyterian.
Speaking of the disaster between
Bridal Veil and Latourelle, Supt. Bax
ter says the water from the hills had
undermined and washed away about 60
feet of a fill a mile and a half west of
Bridal Veil, leaving the track suspended
in the air. As there was snow on the
ties, the engineer could not see the
washout. A little after 9 p. m. the
train came along. The engine crossed
over the washout, but the mail, baggage
and express cars went down into the
gulch. The coaches stopped just as the
front wheels of the first one went off the
rail, and no one was hurt.
A very stubborn fire occurred in
Portland last night. The whole block of
wooden buildings on East Alder and
Union, lOOxfoO, occupied by the owner,
E. J. Bruce as a furniture store, and
others, including the Barker hotel, was
destroyed. Losses $60,000. The fire ap
peared to originate on the second floor
in the rear of the hotel, preceded by a
sort of explosion, as if a lamp had burst.
The flames quickly spread above and in
volved te upper portion of the three
buildings, and the dense smoke poured
upward from every quarter, indicating
the presence of the fire throughout the
Umatilla county stockmen have suf
fered from thieves - considerably this
winter, and the maximum of impu
dence on the part of the robbers was
reached Saturday evening when a
strange cowbov rode into Umatilla and
tied his horse in front of the hotel. For
a time nothing was seen of him until he
was noticed going from hotels to board
ing houses taking orders for dressed
beef. A. R. Jacks engaged a quarter of
beef, but soon missed his valuable
milch cow. His hired man went in
search of it, and upon passing a vacant
house, heard a cow bellowing. Going
inside, he saw the lost animal awaiting
its fate, surrounded by butcher tools of
every description. The commercial
cowboy, smelling a rat, very quickly
mounted his horse and escaped.
: How much better it would be all
round, if the U. P. R. Co. officials had a
standing order for employes to let the
public know about matters which inter
est the pnblic. The narrow escape of
a passenger train from a 40-foot plunge
at Columbus trestle this side of Grant,
a broken rail having been discovered
just in the nick of time and not one in
stant to spare, wae what delaved the
4:20 p. m.- train yesterday. The train
barked up to Grant, sent for a detail of
section men who came and made the re
pairs. But it was a very close call, and
the waiting public had a perfect right to
know the particulars. Just such a cir
cumstance happened at Latourelle
Monday night. A bridge went out un
der the weight of the locomotive, bag
gage and mail and express cars. The
two cars went down with the bridge.
The locomotive fortunately escaped, and
it was providential thst Ithe passenger
coaches kept the track. This accident
delayed the train twenty-four houJs but
not a word could be learned by those
having friends on board, or by waiting
passengers at the stations, when the
facts properly belonged to the public
to know, as the public were interested.
A paragraph Is going the round s o
the press which does the Inland Empire
great injustice, especially just at this
time, on the eve of the convening of the
assembly, which it is expected will pro
vide for a portage railway around the
dalles obstruction. The paragraph in
question reads as follows: "During the
year 1890 the Oregon Railway and Navi
gation company carried to Portland on
its line in Oregon 45,000 tons of wheat
and in 1891,50,000 tons. In 1890,776
carloads of sheep, cattle, hones and
hogs uere Bhipped to Portland, and in
the following year the number of car-J
loads was increased to 793." The above
figures are misleading. Sherman county
alone, has shipped an aggregate equal
to the' above sum, which leaves Baker,
Union, Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam,
Crook and Wasco counties, to be beard
from. Tbb Chboniclb gave the most
reliable and authenticate figures on the
16th, for the period of eight years, show
ing shipments of wheat alone aggregat
ing z,hiu,uuu tons, which would present :
the sum of over $525,000 at the price, 25
cents per ton transportation ; a sum !
more than equal to the coat of construe- j
tion, equipment and operating expenses.
of the road for the entire eight years,
These matters should not be improperly
represented, at thle time especially.
..Blakeley A Houghton, pharmacists,
175 Second street, have secured the ser-
vices of Mr. A. Tilzer, a graduate of the
i Moscow school of pharmacy and a licen-
tiate of Massachusetts and Rhode Isl
and. Mr. T. is a "Deutscher Apoth
eker," and has bad ten years' experience
in the drug business in this country and
' From The Daily Chronicle, Thursday.
Maj. and Mrs. Dr. Ingalls are winter
ing in Phoenix, Arizona.
A fine lot f furniture going very low
at Crandall & Burget's new store.
Busy Bees are out today, but the
usual bud and blossom have been
- A transom at the academy was broken
yesterday by snow balls. Badly
The experience social will be held in
the lecture room at the M. E. church
Saturday evening,
People wanted to select the shady
sides of the streets today to keep out of
the warm suuainer sun. ,.
Misses Maie Williams and Laura
Burgess came up from Portland today to
spend' the remaining holidays.
Mr. H. A. Pratt of Hood River, one of
the pioneer steamboat engineers of the
Columbia river, is in the city.
Carpets and furniture at reduced rates
at Crandall & Burget's, next door to
Floyd & Shown's drug store.
You can carpet your rooms at about
your own price by calling on Crandall &
Burget, . at the new store on Union
street. v -
Chas. La France, commonly known
as "Stub," has returned from the east,
and resumed his place on the U. P.. R.
Mr. Fred Wilson of Mitchell, is in
the city, combining busiuess with a hol
iday visit to friends and relatives in The
P. P. Underwood of Boyd, who is in
the city today, informs us that the
ground is thoroughly soaked by. the
anow and water.
Mr. and Mrs. Dysart of Centralia, are
spending their holidays with Mrs.
Dysarts parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Butler of this city.
Crandall & Burget are now settled in
their new store in the Michelbach brick
on Union street, next door to Floyd fe
Shown's. Call around.
The little son of Mr. Fred Bronson, a
year and a half old, is very sick. He ap
peared somewhat improved this morning
but was dangerously ill last night.
Mercury today stands at 45 above, zero
in The Dalles. The wind up to noon
wrfs just a gentle east breeze. It has
vied around infe to the west since.
Mud, mud, mud, begins again to peep
up at the crossings from beneath the
beautiful mantle of snow which has
shut it from sight the past week.
Mr. S. Shoemaker of Washington:
City, who has been in The Dalles sev
eral days, the guest of Mrs. C. H.
Brown, ieft for home today via Portland.
Messrs. "Jack" Mays, "Pat? Patter
son and "Tib" French left for a rabbit
hunt this morning. It is thought the
race of rabbits will now be exterminated.
There was a childrens party at the
rectory last evening, composed of St..
Pauls church Sunday school. We learn,
incidentally that the party was a perfect
success. -
Yesterday "Tib." Walter and Pan
French were out hunting jack rabbits.
After a day spent in the snow and slush
they returned with one lone and lank
Preparations for planting a hop field
of 1,000 acres are being made in Gilliam
county. Hop yards would be found to '
be paying investments at The Dalles.
Why not?
- Dr. Siddall is the happiest man in The
Dalles today. He hasn't Been the sun
shine aince entering Egypt (Portland)
before Christmas, until he returned
home this noon.
The death of the Johns boy from dyph-
tberia today was expected. It is not
thought there will be any more cases in
tbe city .and great care has been taken
to prevent its spreading.
F. M. Thompson of 15-Mile, and J. B.
Havely of Boyd, report the snow all go
ing into the ground,- and that, so far,
this winter is the most favorable to
farmers that has been for eight years.
C. J. Bright, the leading attorney of
Sherman county, is in the city. He says
the country has been well snowed nnder,
followed by steady rains, which will be
a mint of wealth to the. farmers next
year. ". '
At the Congregational vestry at 7
o'clock this (Thursday) evening, services
preparatory to holy communion next
Sunday morning. Business meeting of
the church and parish at 8 o'clock this
N. R. Baird of Antelope met Mr. Ben
Snipes and Sullivan at Seattle a week or
so ago. On recognizing Mr. Baird, they
having met rach other over on tbe John
Day recently, the hobo detective hung
his head and looked as sneaking aa a
hyena, and had nothing to say. The
Herald says Mr. Snipes told Mr. Baird
he was satisfied the Zachary boya and
Cal Hale were Innocent men, and be
alto expressed himself emphatically in
condemnation of the fool 8uUlran and
bis hobo gang.